10 dangerous places in the world. The most dangerous places on the planet

There are many amazing and beautiful places on our planet where many people would love to spend their holidays: excellent weather, charming nature, warm sea, flowering plants, stunning architectural monuments attract many tourists.

But there are also those who are attracted not by delightful landscapes and a comfortable climate, but by real extreme sports and dangerous mysteries.

For such originals, as well as for those who would not like to accidentally find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, we offer a rating of the 10 most dangerous places in the world.

It includes mountains, islands, and areas where weather or biological factors make staying very unpleasant and even threatening.

10 Summit of Mount Washington

This mountain peak in the USA in the White Mountains system it is famous among amateurs extreme species sport like a mountain with the strongest winds and completely unpredictable weather.

At this most beautiful point in the mountain system, the most amazing wind speed was recorded in the 30s of the last century - 103.3 m/s. If we convert the indicator into the usual system of measures, it will be 372 km/h. For comparison, the speed of a tornado is about 480 km/h.

Everything located on Mount Washington has to be firmly attached to the surface, and the meteorological instruments that are installed there require the constant supervision of a specialist. So there are always people at the extreme peak.

Extreme sports enthusiasts visit this scary place with great pleasure: competitions for runners, cyclists and even climbers with disabilities are held here annually, as well as a rally for cars with alternative energy sources.

9 Mountain of the Dead

Our planet is rich in places that evoke delight and admiration for anyone who finds themselves there. But is it safe to visit these natural attractions? Let's take a closer look at them and start our journey with Bolivia.

Salar de Uyuni

This is one of the most famous Bolivian attractions. It's very beautiful here. When the blue sky is reflected in the absolutely smooth surface of the water, covering an even thin layer of salt, you get the feeling of walking on the clouds. Mighty volcanoes, a chain surrounding an almost dry lake on all sides called the Uyuni salt marsh, complete the magical picture, evoking thoughts of fairy-tale worlds.

So where does danger await us in this seemingly paradise? It's very simple. During the rainy season, the crust of salt becomes very thin, and underneath it turns out to be hidden deep holes where both a lone traveler and an entire excursion bus with all the passengers can disappear without a trace. So you need to walk here with caution, and it’s better to leave cars on the shore, even if you want to ride “on the clouds.”

Madidi National Park

If you managed to admire the beauty of the Uyuni salt marsh without falling under a thin crust of salt, then the next place you should go for beauty and adrenaline is national park Madidi, located in the same Bolivia. At first glance, everything here is very simple and consistent: it’s cold on the snowy peaks, the real tropics are below, and in the middle is the most suitable climate for lovers of temperate latitudes. And everywhere there is its own unique nature, rare plants and unimaginably rich fauna, for which, in fact, the park was created.

These are the representatives of the animal world that you should be wary of when traveling through national park Madidi. Because all these living creatures, breeding uncontrollably in the protected areas of the park, are far from friendly to travelers. Not only are there a lot of very poisonous snakes here, but you can also easily meet a far from tame bear or jaguar. And one of the most dangerous creatures living in the park is considered to be a small but unusually harmful gadfly, whose favorite pastime is to lay larvae under the skin of unwary tourists.

Death Road

And again Bolivia, which we already loved so much. This time we will talk about the road of death - one of the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous roads in the world. Every year up to 200 people die here. At first glance, this is not so much - the number of fatal accidents on busy highways amounts to thousands and even tens of thousands. But the fact is that this road is by no means an autobahn with cars scurrying back and forth. Quite the contrary - due to its danger, the highway is completely closed to public transport, and only tourists visit it privately in order to do beautiful photos. For some of the most inattentive tourists, this trip turns out to be the last in their lives.

The road runs high in the mountains, is extremely steep and very narrow - on one side there is a cliff hanging over it, on the other there is a bottomless abyss. In some places, in order for two cars to pass each other, one of them needs to press closely against the rock, and the second is even worse - its wheels literally end up over the abyss. During rainstorms, some sections of the road are washed out, and then it becomes completely impassable. But who stops?

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Now let’s leave the humid tropics and look into the desert, and in order not to waste time on trifles, let’s go to the driest and hottest place on Earth - the Atacama Desert, where at most 1 mm of precipitation falls per year. In addition, it is located not far from Bolivia, which is very convenient if you still decide to visit the maximum number of dangerous places located in this part of the planet.

Where does trouble await us in the Atacama Desert? Yes everywhere! Suppose that, while crossing the sands, you discovered a source of water and joyfully rushed to it to fill your almost empty flasks. So, under no circumstances should you do this! And all because drinking local water is deadly due to the high arsenic content in it.

And we will finish our far from complete enumeration of all the dangers of the Atacama Desert with the possibility of being blown up by one of the very old, but still active mines that Chilean and Bolivian troops generously placed along their common border when they tried to resolve various kinds of border disputes. The disputes were never finally resolved, and therefore no one began to remove the mines.

Tsingy du Bemaraha, Madagascar

But let’s finally leave Bolivia alone and move to the island of Madagascar. More precisely - in Tsingy du Bemaraha, better known as the Stone Forest.

This amazing place. Imagine limestone pillars up to a hundred meters high, standing closely together and covering a huge area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. It was the contemplation of Tsingy du Bemaraha that gave director James Cameron the idea of ​​​​what the planet Pandora would look like in the film Avatar. And in general, the overwhelming majority of “alien” film landscapes are just a copy of earthly beauties.

You can admire the Stone Forest from a special suspension bridge. More precisely, you need to admire it from this bridge, because going down there is deadly dangerous. Firstly, the surface of the limestone that makes up the stone pillars is made up of many tiny sharp crystals, and even touching it lightly will scratch the skin and cause bleeding. And any scratch in the tropics, as is known, is fraught with serious consequences, including blood poisoning. Secondly, it is very easy to get lost in the Stone Forest, and besides, it is difficult to move there - there are no roads or even paths. Well, thirdly, quite aggressive animals and insects live under its canopy. You can also add here the almost complete absence of cellular communications and the disgusting performance of the satellite navigation system - all thanks to the high pillars that muffle any signals.

Kjoragbolten, Norway

Do you think that dangers await you only in the wild and hot tropics? No, on Far North There are also beautiful and at the same time dangerous places. For example, in Norway there is a giant stone, Kjoragbolten, which is extremely popular among tourists, hanging over the abyss, on which everyone is photographed. But when climbing on this rock, you must take into account that its surface is unusually slippery, and the wind in these parts is unpredictable. A sudden gust can throw a traveler down, and only the one with a parachute will survive.

Atlantic Road

Here in Norway, you have the chance to ride around Atlantic Road- an unusually picturesque route that stretches, as the name implies, along the Atlantic coast. The most favorite part of this route among extreme sports enthusiasts is a small piece consisting of eight bridges that successively connect several islands to the mainland. Both the bridges and the islands are undoubtedly picturesque, but in themselves they do not pose any danger. What kind of trouble awaits us here? It turns out that these are high waves that can easily throw a car off one of the bridges and drown it in the sea. Such waves usually form from late autumn to early spring, and Norwegian authorities specifically warn of the danger to all adrenaline junkies who decide to ride on bridges at this time of year.

Namaskard, Iceland

But in Iceland, in addition to capes, lagoons and several waterfalls (which do not pose any danger if you behave carefully), you can visit one unique place, which is located at the foot of the mountain with the unpronounceable name Naumafjall. This attraction is called Namaskard, or Gateway to Valhalla, and is a system of geothermal springs. But, unlike lagoons and waterfalls, you should not expect any aesthetic pleasure from visiting Namaskarda. Quite the contrary - here you can inhale toxic sulfur fumes and have a chance to fall into a pit of boiling water and be boiled alive so quickly that there will be no point in pulling you back out. So, if you decide to take a walk at the foot of Naumafjall, watch your step carefully and under no circumstances stray from the paths specially laid out for tourists by the local authorities.

Boiling Lake, Dominican Republic

Another natural “pot”, near which you need to be extremely careful, is a very small lake located in Dominican Republic. Swimming in it is prohibited, and no one would even think of such a thing, since the water temperature in the lake is 80-90 degrees Celsius. However local residents Quite often you have to catch the boiled corpses of unlucky travelers from the water who came too close to the water and could not keep their balance on the unusually slippery stones.

Our planet really has quite a lot beautiful places. There would be enough energy, time and money to visit them. But in contrast, there are also places where most people would prefer never to go. Nevertheless, tickets to these unpleasant corners and objects are officially sold by some travel companies. So, when choosing exotic vacation options, you should be careful. And the terrible places mentioned in this article should be avoided at all costs, without being fooled by tour operator discounts.

Each person has his own dark corners, not only in his biography, but also in his home. Every culture on every continent has its own terrible and cursed places. The scariest places on the planet seem to compete with themselves in the intensity of their quiet horror, like brands or sports leagues. But without such places on the planet, life would probably be much more boring.

The summit of Mount Washington. In fact, this place is very beautiful, but it is extremely dangerous to be here. Mount Washington is located in the northeastern United States. Don’t let tourists be scared by the fact that the height of the peak here is only 1917 meters. In fact, visiting this place is as risky as Everest. The fact is that Mount Washington is the world leader in wind speed on the surface of the Earth. The highest figure was reached in April 1934, when the air moved here at a speed of 372 km/h. If it's winter, the wind turns into snow storms. The complex of buildings of the local observatory is instantly swept away, save only by tightly sealed windows and doors. The station is truly extreme, its instruments and buildings can withstand wind speeds of up to 500 km/h, which is quite possible in this area. In winter, Mount Washington turns into winter's tale, but very dangerous. So a casual companion or a professional photographer should be extremely careful in these places. No one wants to become suicidal by being blown into a snowdrift by a hurricane.

The poisonous beauty of the Danakil Desert. What do people look for in the Ethiopian deserts? An opportunity to relax and new experiences. But in everything you need to know when to stop. In the north of this African country is the Danakil Desert. Those who returned from there call it nothing less than hell on Earth. It only attracts fans of horror and risk, who are not afraid of eloquent photographs. As a result, traveling there can become extremely dangerous, because it is a rather strange and scary place. It seems that one visit to Danakil is enough to lose the desire to visit Mars. There is virtually no breathable oxygen above the volcanic wasteland, and the local air is stinking with foul gases. The ground under your feet is literally boiling, and even the stones are melting.

Traveling through this desert is fraught with loss of health. Not only is there fifty-degree heat all around, but a volcano might be about to wake up under your feet. Scarlet lava will quickly cook a person. And you can breathe in sulfur vapor for the rest of your life, which isn’t long then. And the Afar region itself is criminal. Here, semi-wild Ethiopian tribes constantly fight for food. No one here is surprised by ten-year-olds with weapons in their hands. But for a tourist, such an encounter in the African Danakil Desert can be an unpleasant surprise.

The capital of the descendants of cannibals. In the east of New Guinea is located main city of this country, he is also the sea gate of the state. Port Moresby, or locally known as Nyujini, is the most dangerous capital in the world. Looking at this city from the sky, it does not seem scary - high-rise buildings surrounded by greenery, a hospitable sea. But up close, a completely different picture appears - slums and mountains of garbage. Although the president and the government of New Guinea live in the capital, in reality life is subordinated to gangster associations. A white man has nothing to do here - it’s the same as an intellectual ending up in a cell with embittered youngsters.

A stranger can be killed by Papuans simply for food. After all, this region traditionally lacks protein. In the city, the natives kill either out of laziness or due to lack of work. The country is spoiled by humanitarian handouts from Australia. As a result, residents of New Guinea simply do not want to work, and even if such a desire appears, there are simply no jobs. Therefore, there is only one way out - to join a gang and get money for alcohol, women and drugs through criminal means. All that remains is to find a gullible victim. People are killed in Port Moresby three times more often than in Moscow. But the thugs are not afraid of the police, because the authorities have either been bought or intimidated.

Forest of Polite Suicides. At the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji there is an unusual old forest. People don’t come to Aokigahara to find mushrooms or fry meat. Recently, these places have been chosen by Japanese suicides. They began counting the number of people who committed suicide in these places about 60 years ago. During this time, Aukigahara received the souls of more than 500 suicides. It is believed that this fashion appeared after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto’s book “Black Sea of ​​Trees.” So the main characters join hands and go to hang themselves in this old forest. After all, there is a special atmosphere here. It is completely filled with shadows; even at noon it will not be difficult to find the terrible place where the darkness of the grave lives.

It is not surprising that in Aokigahara you can meet not only dead people in nooses and skulls with nooses. The authorities are concerned about the bad reputation of the area. So numerous billboards appeared everywhere with the inscriptions “Please think again!”, “Life is a priceless gift” or “Remember your family.” The problem was identified in the 70s, causing close attention throughout the country. Since then, every year special units are sent to clear the forest of fresh bodies of suicides. The area of ​​the entire forest occupies 35 square kilometers. This is enough for 70-100 new dead people to be found there every year.

And not so long ago, looters also appeared in Aokigahara. They clean the pockets of the hanged men, tearing off their gold and silver chains. Well, such work requires courage, and you also need to be able not to get lost.

Civilized ossuary. Who can call the civilized and cozy Czech Republic a scary country? Tourists really like it here - the beer is very tasty, the houses and girls are beautiful, it’s not hard to find cheap drugs. But it is in the Czech Republic that one of the most scary places throughout Western Europe. Having visited the ossuary in the city of Kutna Hora, you will retain those memories for a long time.

In the Kutná Hora Suburb there was the Sedlec Abbey. His cemetery was very fashionable in medieval Europe. The fact is that in 1278, one monk brought earth from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered it in small clusters throughout the churchyard. Therefore, thousands of people sought to be buried in a cemetery with sacred soil. It is not surprising that this churchyard has grown greatly. People began to be buried in 2-3 tiers, which completely violated ethical standards. In 1400, an unusual tomb was created in the abbey. In fact, it was an ordinary warehouse for bones, the graves of which were not cared for by anyone.

In 1870, the new land owners decided to restore order to the lands and the old monastery. Local carver Rint was invited to arrange the ossuary. With taste and some strange humor, he created an unusual room from the remains of 40 thousand people. Rint not only organized the chaotic deposits of bones and skulls, but also made interior items from them, including the coat of arms of his owner, as well as a magnificent chandelier with garlands. In a room like this you really start to think about death. And the entrance here is open to visitors 7 days a week.

Museum for maniacs. This place is the real pride of doctors, but even some maniac would want to get here. The Museum of the History of Medicine is located in Philadelphia. For a long time, the most terrible specimens of the human body were selected here. This museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. Entrance ticket here it costs 14 dollars. The museum's exhibition is dedicated to various pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, as well as creepy biological samples. The museum also houses the most substantial collection of American skulls.

The most popular exhibits in the Mütter Museum are a wax sculpture of a female unicorn, a three-meter-long human intestine with 16 kilograms of excrement inside, a “soap lady” whose corpse turned into wax in the ground, a tumor removed from US President Cleveland, a fused liver of Siamese twins, part of the brain of Charles Guiteau, who killed President Garfield. Rumor has it that something strange happens in the museum at night. It’s not clear whether it’s funny or scary.

A prison for the enlightened. This establishment is located in Tibet and is called Drapchi. The prison lies directly on the road from the city of Lhasa to the airport of the same name. Many believe that Drapchi is the most terrible correctional institution in the world. It is here that the soulless Chinese have kept rebellious enlightened Tibetan lamas captive since 1965. It is said that there are more monks behind bars than in any Buddhist monastery. Themselves Chinese authorities, considered occupiers in Tibet, cynically declare these institutions not prisons, but rehabilitation centers.

Just by casting the wrong glance in the direction of the warden, you can get a bullet from him. Any protest by the imprisoned monks results in their beating. There is such a prisoner that, after a long stay in solitary confinement, he completely forgot how to speak. Another prisoner has been in prison for 20 years simply for distributing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To re-educate Buddhists, they are forced to attend classes on scientific communism. Ignorance of the subject leads to beatings. Bamboo blows go to those who did not come to class at all.

Terrible Africa. What could be more terrible than a civil war? The most terrible, bloody and senseless massacre of this kind took place in Rwanda. The country's population was more than 10 million people, and the density was quite high - 421 people per square kilometer. During a military coup in 1994, a provisional government came to power and carried out the genocide of national minorities. As a result, about a million people were killed in the country in just 100 days. The murder rate was 5 times higher than in German concentration camps. The country was drenched in blood and strewn with corpses. Having learned from neighbors' reports about the chaos that was happening, the UN slowly decided to intervene. Those scoundrels who were most involved in the murders were sent to Gitarama prison. It became the most crowded and unsanitary on the planet.

The barracks there are designed to accommodate 500 prisoners, and there are about 6 thousand criminals there. They are forced to wait 8-10 years for their trial. Hunger reigns here, so it is not uncommon for prisoners to try to eat their neighbor. There is nowhere to even lie down, so the prisoners' feet begin to rot. And doctors perform amputations without anesthesia. The earth is constantly wet and polluted with human waste. The stench from the prison spreads half a kilometer away, disgracing the capital in the eyes of civilized people. According to statistics, every eighth prisoner does not live to see the court verdict. This is due to illness or violence. And if an educated white man gets caught in the Guitarama, it means his immediate death.

Home of a slum millionaire. For many of us, India is an enlightened country, smelling of incense, cremations and sweet marijuana. Meanwhile, real India smells much worse - industrial waste, sewage and slop. Almost all of these flavors are available to residents of ordinary areas of Dharavi, where for $4 you can rent a room for a month. This thicket structure is located in the heart of the multi-million metropolis of Mumbai.

I'm from Dharavi main character Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire. The area spreads over 75 hectares, and in total more than a million Muslims and Hindus live here. They feed themselves by recycling garbage brought here from all over the city. Tens of tons of it arrive daily. Residents of Dharavi recycle plastic, waste paper, glass and cans. Women and children crawl barefoot through garbage containers, looking for what else they can recycle. The authorities of the Indian metropolis plan to completely get rid of Dharavi by 2013. But where should its inhabitants go? After all, few of them managed to become millionaires. Some will return to the village, but I don’t even want to think about the fate of the rest.

The capital of the country of violence. If in India people wake up and go to collect and then return bottles, the people of Somalia still dream while hugging a Kalashnikov assault rifle. This is a favorite toy, a means of protection and a working tool. Somalis need to be on their guard, because pirates are also rampaging on the shore, threatening to take away everything valuable. Today, fear and violence are commonplace in the country's capital, Mogadishu.

It is interesting that people of the Somali anthropological type are beautiful and tall. But all this goes to the graves, because here it is customary to die young. However, more and more future robbers and pirates are being born. They are ready to do anything to appear strong and grab their piece of the spoils. The war is forcing people to flee Mogadishu. But this is not a solution either. Last year, 100 thousand people left the capital; the risk of death from a bullet was replaced by the risk of dying from thirst. And even the UN can’t do anything. After all, no one can give any guarantee of the safety of the cargo and envoys.

There are thousands of magnificent natural sites in the world, and in this selection you will find only a few of them, but believe me, they deserve special attention! These enchanting abysses, heights and coastlines are special in that they are also the most dangerous and sometimes even deadly. Such places are very rare and often almost inaccessible to mere mortals.

1. Saltstraumen, Norway

Saltstraumen is a small Norwegian bay that can only be navigated by the most experienced sailors. The local tides here are very powerful and form wide and deep whirlpools, posing a serious danger to the lives of unprepared travelers and yachtsmen. From the outside, this place looks simply mesmerizing, as if a vibrant life is boiling somewhere under the water, and a huge prehistoric creature is about to appear above its surface.

2. Gouffre Berger Cave, France

This abyss goes 1200 meters underground, and although it looks simply breathtaking, and there is even a huge lake at the bottom of the cave, you can die here in a matter of seconds. When it rains, the cavity is completely filled with water, and everyone who finds themselves inside the Gouffre Berger at that moment falls into a death trap. Many people have already died here, but this place still continues to attract researchers and connoisseurs of fatal beauty from all over the world. True, only the most experienced speleologists can get to the bottom of the dungeon, because the descent is technically very difficult and requires certain skills, as well as professional equipment.

3. Preikestolen Rock, Norway (Preikestolen)

There is one very high and steep rock in Norway, which appeared here somewhere at the end of the last ice age - about 10,000 years ago. That's when a huge glacier broke off, removing some of the rock, revealing this impressive cliff. The square and almost flat site is located at an altitude of 604 meters above Norwegian fjord Lyse, and in the future the rock will certainly continue to collapse, but in its place it will remain long enough to receive millions of tourists who want to tickle their nerves, standing at the very edge observation deck. Preikestolen is a famous landmark and favorite place for selfies. However, its high slope poses a great danger to unwary travelers, because if you stumble, you will face certain death. The most experienced base jumpers who come here from all over the world often jump from the cliff.

4. The Great Blue Hole

This huge underwater cavity is located off the coast of the Belize Barrier Reef (Belize). The cave has an almost perfect circular shape, and its bottom is located at a depth of almost 108 meters. This is the deepest sea hole on the planet and one of the best places for scuba diving. At one time, Jacques Cousteau himself visited here and glorified the Great Blue Hole throughout the world. Diving here is quite safe, but anyone diving deeper than 40 meters risks suffering from decompression sickness.

5. Antelope Canyon, USA

This amazing place is located in the southwestern United States and is recognized as one of the most beautiful rock formations on Earth. The slot canyon got its name from the rusty-red walls, reminiscent of the coat color of antelopes. However, it was not by chance that this place was on our list - you can die here too. When it rains, the enchanting crevices fill with water at incredible speeds, and the turbulent streams are capable of killing any living creature in their path.

6. Peak K2, Himalayas

You may have even seen a movie about this mountain. K2 (or Chogori) is the second highest peak in the world, and after Anapurna, it is known among climbers as the most dangerous mountain to climb. Many experienced climbers have died on its slopes, but it continues to attract lovers of the most extreme conditions and incredible beauty of the Himalayas. In winter, no one has yet managed to climb to its top, and in the most favorable months up to 25% of daredevils die here. In total, since the discovery of K2, the mountain has succumbed to approximately 290 climbers (66 of whom died), while the famous Everest will soon exceed the 4,000 climbers mark.

7. Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan

Darvaza, or popularly the “Gate of Hell”, is a gas crater in the creation of which Soviet geologists were involved. During exploratory drilling of a well, a collapse occurred here, and a huge amount of methane began to be released from the cavern (emptiness) to the surface. In 1980, researchers decided to ignite the gas to prevent the spread of the toxic substance, but no one expected that the crater would burn for much longer than a few days. The Gates of Hell have been burning for almost 40 years, and it is absolutely unknown when exactly they will go out.

Earth is an amazing planet covering a vast area. We are talking about the only celestial body in the solar system where there is life. At the same time, the animal world amazes with its diversity and majesty. How many amazing individuals live in the seas? How many dangerous predators live in forests and jungles? At the same time, a small scorpion may turn out to be a more dangerous enemy than a huge reptile. But in addition to representatives of the animal world, there are many unexplored and strange locations on Earth. We invite you to consider the most dangerous places on the planet.

TOP 10 Most Dangerous Places on Our Planet

The Top 10 most dangerous places on the planet include Chernobyl. It's about small town in Ukraine, which experienced a terrible disaster in 1986. To this day, there is an excess of radiation here. The fact is that a nuclear reactor exploded here. As a result of the emergency, about several tons of radiation dust covered the Zhytomyr region. Thousands of people died. Millions were displaced and left their cities. However, this city attracts the attention of many tourists who want to experience the thrill.


In the Atlantic Ocean there is a unique Snake Island, which is annually in demand among the most adventurous travelers. Based on the name, you can guess that snakes live on this island. Moreover, only snakes live in this place. It’s hard to believe, but there are 5-6 snakes per square meter of the island’s territory. Thus, Snake Island is the largest natural serpentarium on our planet.

The most dangerous place in Russia is considered to be the Mountain of the Dead. We're talking about anomalous place, which is located in the north of the Urals. So many explorers and tourists have given up their lives trying to explore this unique phenomenon. By no means, no one has managed to understand the nature of the origin of the pass. To this day, history remembers the mysterious death of all members of the Dyatlov expedition, after which this mystical city was named.

California is also included in the list of the most dangerous places on Earth. This is due to the fact that the waters of this city are the most favorite place for white sharks. Predators swim almost to the shore. At the same time, a huge number of victims are registered every year. Many cases end in death. Despite the danger, a colossal number of surfers are always concentrated here, wanting to have fun and get a dose of adrenaline.

Despite the wonderful landscape, Ethiopia is very dangerous. The desert is truly colorful and interesting climate. In summer the temperature here reaches +50 degrees. Therefore, it is dangerous to be in the desert for more than a few minutes. Burning oxygen is not the only problem. The fact is that the desert atmosphere contains a huge amount of gases that can kill a person. And this is not the end. Powerful earthquakes are regularly observed here. Many believe that hell is located in this place.

The Top 10 most dangerous places on our planet also includes the Russian Death Valley. This amazing place is located in Kamchatka. Namely, in a small reserve, not far from the Kikhpinych volcano. An interesting corner attracts not only beautiful scenery, but also dangerous. Although this pleasure is not for everyone. Only desperate tourists are able to approach the Valley of Death. A huge number of people died here due to the poisonous gas. However, every year there are many brave souls who try their luck.


Fire Mountain must be considered one of the most dangerous places on the planet. The name of the location is due to the presence active volcano, which during its existence produced more than a hundred eruptions. The last disaster was registered in 2014. The column of smoke from the eruption rose 3,000 meters in height. In this case, nearly 200 people died. It’s hard to guess how many deaths were observed.

The most dangerous place on the planet is the road of death. We are talking about a path that includes mass sharp turns, dangerous terrain, terrible road surface. Despite this, there are many cyclists who want to try their luck. Every year dozens of athletes and hundreds of motorists die. It is worth noting that they tried to restore the road, but in the 70s an event occurred due to which the work was suspended. At the 20th kilometer the cars fell off and crashed.
