Alexandria Lighthouse: photo, description, history and interesting facts. Foundation "Russian Lighthouse Society" Faros lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt, drawing

The sixth wonder of the world is Alexandria Lighthouse (aka Faros Lighthouse). It was built in the 3rd century BC on.

In Egypt, on the small island of Pharos, not far from Alexandria, there was a bay that was of great importance for merchant ships. It was for this reason that the need arose for the construction of the Faros lighthouse.

Hardly anyone imagined that the outstanding structure would be included in. IN dark time days, the flames reflected by the water surface were visible at a distance of more than 60 kilometers, allowing the ships to safely pass the reefs. During the day, instead of light, a column of smoke was used, which was also visible extremely far away.

Having stood for almost 1000 years, the Alexandria Lighthouse was seriously damaged by what happened in 796 AD. When the Arabs came to Egypt (XIV century), they decided to restore the grandiose building, reaching only 30 meters from the original height.

However, the reconstruction was not destined to be completed, and by the end of the 15th century, Qait Bey, the famous sultan, founded a fortress on the foundations of the lighthouse. By the way, it still exists.

Interesting facts about the wonder of the world Lighthouse of Alexandria

During the reign of Ptolemy II in Egypt, it was decided to build the famous lighthouse. According to the plan, the implementation of the idea should have taken 20 years, but all residents saw the masterpiece much earlier. The main architect and builder of this structure is Sostratus of Cnidus.

He carved his name on the marble wall of the lighthouse, and then, applying thin plaster, wrote words glorifying Ptolemy. Naturally, after a short period of time the plaster crumbled, and the name of the outstanding master entered the centuries. So, Sostratus completed the construction of the Pharos lighthouse in 5 years, which by the standards of antiquity was generally an instant!

The Alexandria lighthouse consisted of three towers. The first, lowest, rectangular part of the monument served technical purposes. Workers and soldiers lived there, and the tools and equipment necessary to maintain the lighthouse were stored there. A second, octagonal tower rose above the first part.

A ramp wound around it to lift fuel for the fire. The third tier was a majestic cylindrical building equipped with a complex system of mirrors. It was here that the vital fire burned, spreading its light for many kilometers around.

The height of the sixth wonder of the world, the Faros lighthouse, ranged from 120 to 140 meters. At the very top there was a statue of the god of the seas, Poseidon.

Some travelers, describing the miracle that amazed them, mentioned unusually constructed statues. The first one pointed with her hand at , throughout the day, and when the sun set, her hand dropped.

The second statue chimed every hour day and night. The third constantly indicated the direction of the wind, playing the role of a weather vane.

In the 12th century AD, ships stopped using the Alexandria Bay because it became extremely muddy. This is what caused the outstanding building to fall into complete disrepair. Even later, in the 14th century, due to an earthquake wonder of the world Alexandria lighthouse completely collapsed.

In its place a fortress was erected, which changed its appearance more than once. Now this historical site is the base of the Egyptian fleet and, despite various proposals, the authorities are not considering the idea of ​​restoring the lighthouse.

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The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of the most famous attractions of the ancient world. The Lighthouse of Alexandria is rightly called one of them - it is the last of the classical wonders of antiquity. Basic information and interesting facts about this structure, its creation, functions and sad fate can be found on the Internet (as well as photos of the recreated lighthouse), but impressions of historical place seen with your own eyes cannot be compared with anything.

The history of the lighthouse on the island of Pharos is firmly connected with the foundation in 332 AD of one of the most beautiful cities the ancient world - Alexandria, named after the great conqueror Alexander the Great. Over the course of his campaigns, he managed to found about 17 cities with the same name, but only Alexandria in Egypt managed to survive to this day.

Founding of Alexandria

Alexander the Great took an extremely responsible approach to choosing the location for the future city. He did not want to locate it in the Nile Delta, so he decided to start construction a little further south, near Lake Mareotis. It was planned that Alexandria would have two ports - one for merchant ships coming from Mediterranean Sea, the other is for ships sailing from the Nile River.

After the death of the great Alexander, the city came under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter, the pharaoh of Egypt who ruled at that time. This was a time of prosperity for Alexandria - it became the largest shipping port. In 290 BC, Ptolemy ordered the construction of a huge lighthouse on the island of Pharos, which would make it easier for sailors at night and in bad weather.

Construction of the Faros lighthouse

Construction of the Alexandria Lighthouse began in the 4th century BC. It is believed that this masterpiece of architectural thought was built by Sostratos, a native of Cnidia. Construction work continued for more than 20 years. The Lighthouse of Alexandria is the first building of its kind in the world and the tallest structure ancient world. This is the answer to the question why the Faros Lighthouse is one of the seven wonders of the world. This magnificent skyscraper was a symbol of power and might, prosperity and greatness, like a light in the darkness.

The height of the Alexandria Lighthouse is about 600 feet, or 135 meters. At the same time, it looked somewhat different than most architectural monuments of that time. It was a three-tiered building with a square base, the walls of which were built from slabs of marble connected to each other by mortar with the addition of lead.

We bring to your attention interesting facts about the Alexandria Lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

  • At the top of the lighthouse there was a fire, the reflections of which were directed into the sea using specially polished metal plates.
  • The light from the lights of the Alexandria Lighthouse was visible at a distance of more than 60 km.
  • The Faros lighthouse also served as an outpost and observation tower - its height made it possible to see enemy ships long before they approached the city.
  • At the top of the structure, in addition to metal reflective plates, there were also interesting technical devices of that time - clock mechanisms, weather vanes and much more.
  • After the construction was completed, Sostratus of Knidos carved his name into one of the walls, and then covered it with plaster and wrote the name of Ptolemy I Soter on it. The architect understood perfectly well that the plaster would wear off over time, but the stone would preserve the name of the real creator of the lighthouse for centuries.

The lighthouse of Alexandria was most fully described many years later - already in 1161 AD - by the Arab traveler Abu el-Andalussi. He noted the most significant facts and mentioned that in addition to its main function, the lighthouse also served as a very visible and popular attraction.

The fate of the Alexandria lighthouse

The lighthouse on the island of Faros illuminated the path of sailors for one and a half millennia. But, unfortunately, he was powerless against the forces of nature. Quite strong tremors in 356, 956 and 1303 AD caused severe damage to it, and the earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed the seventh wonder of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria. His remains were dismantled by the Muslims to build their fortress. They were discovered many centuries later - in 1994, and later the image of the structure was restored using computer modeling. But such photos are still not able to convey the greatness and power that the Faros lighthouse possessed.

A hundred years after the destruction, a powerful fort was erected on the site of the Alexandria lighthouse, protecting Alexandria from the sea. It has been preserved and exists in our time - now the Alexandria Historical Museum is located inside it.

The Faros Lighthouse, also known as the Alexandria Lighthouse - one of the seven wonders of the world - was located on the eastern shore of the island of Pharos within the boundaries of Alexandria. It was the first and only lighthouse of such gigantic size at that time. The builder of this structure was Sostratus of Cnidus. Now the Alexandria Lighthouse has not survived, but the remains of this structure have been found, confirming the reality of its existence.

It has long been known that there are remains of a lighthouse underwater in the Pharos area. But the presence of Egyptian naval base prevented any research from being carried out. It was only in 1961 that Kemal Abu el-Sadat discovered statues, blocks and marble boxes in the water.

On his initiative, a statue of the goddess Isis was removed from the water. In 1968, the Egyptian government approached UNESCO with a request for an examination. An archaeologist from Great Britain was invited, who presented a report on the work done in 1975. It contained a list of all finds. Thus, the significance of this site for archaeologists was confirmed.

Active Research

In 1980, a group of archaeologists from different countries began excavations on the seabed in the Faros area. This group of scientists, in addition to archaeologists, included architects, topographers, Egyptologists, artists and restorers, as well as photographers.

As a result, hundreds of fragments of the lighthouse were discovered at a depth of 6–8 meters, occupying an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. In addition, studies have shown that on the seabed there are objects more ancient than the lighthouse. Many columns and capitals made of granite, marble, and limestone belonging to different eras were recovered from the water.

Of particular interest to scientists was the discovery of the famous obelisks, called “Cleopatra’s needles” and brought to Alexandria by order of Octavian Augustus in 13 BC. e. Subsequently, many of the finds were restored and exhibited in museums in different countries.

About Alexandria

Alexandria, the capital of Hellenistic Egypt, was founded in the Nile River delta by Alexander the Great in 332–331 BC. e. The city was built according to a single plan developed by the architect Dinohar, and was divided into blocks with wide streets. The two widest of them (30 meters wide) intersected at right angles.

Alexandria was home to many magnificent palaces and royal tombs. Alexander the Great was also buried here, whose body was brought from Babylon and buried in a golden sarcophagus in a magnificent tomb by order of King Ptolemy Soter, who thereby wanted to emphasize the continuity of the traditions of the great conqueror.

At a time when other military leaders were fighting among themselves and dividing Alexander's huge power, Ptolemy settled in Egypt and made Alexandria one of the richest and most beautiful capitals Ancient world.

Abode of the Muses

The glory of the city was greatly facilitated by the creation by Ptolemy of the Museion (“abode of the Muses”), where the king invited prominent scientists and poets of his time. Here they could live and engage in scientific research entirely at the expense of the state. Thus, Museion became something of an academy of sciences. Attracted favorable conditions, scientists flocked here from different parts of the Hellenistic world. Funds were generously allocated from the royal treasury for various experiments and scientific expeditions.

Scientists were also attracted to the Museion by the magnificent Library of Alexandria, which collected about 500 thousand scrolls, including works by the outstanding playwrights of Greece Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. King Ptolemy II allegedly asked the Athenians to borrow these manuscripts so that the scribes could make copies of them. The Athenians asked for a huge deposit. The king paid without complaint. But he refused to return the manuscripts.

A famous scientist or poet was usually appointed as the keeper of the library. For a long time, this post was occupied by the outstanding poet of his time, Callimachus. Then he was replaced by the famous geographer and mathematician Eratosthenes. He was able to calculate the diameter and radius of the Earth and made only a minor error of 75 kilometers, which, given the capabilities available at that time, does not detract from his merits.

Of course, the king, providing hospitality and financial support to scientists and poets, pursued his goals: to increase the glory of his country in the world as a scientific and cultural center and, thereby, your own. In addition, poets and philosophers were expected to praise his virtues (real or imaginary) in their works.

Natural sciences, mathematics and mechanics were widely developed. The famous mathematician Euclid, the founder of geometry, lived in Alexandria, as well as the outstanding inventor Heron of Alexandria, whose work was long ahead of its time. For example, he created a device that was actually the first steam engine.

In addition, he invented many different machines driven by steam or hot air. But in the era of the general spread of slave labor, these inventions could not find application and were used only for the entertainment of the royal court.

The most brilliant astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, long before Copernicus, stated that the Earth is a ball that rotates around its axis and around the Sun. His ideas only caused a smile among his contemporaries, but he remained unconvinced.

Creation of the Alexandria Lighthouse

The developments of Alexandrian scientists found application in real life. Example outstanding achievements science and became the Lighthouse of Alexandria, considered in that era one of the wonders of the world. In 285 BC. e. The island was connected to the shore by a dam - an artificially formed isthmus. And five years later, by 280 BC. e., the construction of the lighthouse was completed.

The Alexandria lighthouse was a three-story tower about 120 meters high.

  • The lower floor was built in the form of a square with four sides, each of which was 30.5 meters in length. The edges of the square were facing the four cardinal directions: north, south, east, west - and were made of limestone.
  • The second floor was made in the form of an octagonal tower, lined with marble slabs. Its edges were oriented in the direction of the eight winds.
  • The third floor, the lantern itself, was crowned with a dome with a bronze statue of Poseidon, the height of which reached 7 meters. The dome of the lighthouse rested on marble columns. The spiral staircase leading up was so convenient that all the necessary materials, including fuel for the fire, were carried up on donkeys.

A complex system of metal mirrors reflected and amplified the light of the lighthouse, and it was clearly visible to sailors from afar. In addition, the same system made it possible to monitor the sea and detect enemy ships long before they appeared within sight.

Special signs

Bronze statues were placed on the octagonal tower that forms the second floor. Some of them were equipped with special mechanisms that allowed them to serve as weather vanes indicating the direction of the wind.

Travelers talked about the miraculous properties of the statues. One of them allegedly always pointed her hand at the sun, tracing its path across the sky, and lowered her hand when the sun set. The other chimed every hour throughout the day.

They said that there was even a statue that, when enemy ships appeared, pointed to the sea and uttered a warning cry. All these stories do not seem so fantastic if we remember the steam automata of Heron of Alexandria.

It is quite possible that the scientist’s achievements were used in the construction of the lighthouse, and the statues could produce some mechanical movements and sounds when a certain signal was received.

Among other things, the lighthouse was also impregnable fortress with a powerful garrison. In the underground part, in case of a siege, there was a huge tank with drinking water.

The Faros lighthouse had no analogues in the Ancient world, either in size or technical data. Before this, ordinary fires were usually used as beacons. It is not surprising that the Lighthouse of Alexandria, with its complex system of mirrors, colossal dimensions and fantastic statues, seemed to all people a real miracle.

Who created the Lighthouse of Alexandria

The builder of this miracle, Sostratus of Cnidus, carved the inscription on the marble wall: “Sostratus, son of Dexiphanes of Cnidus, dedicated to the savior gods for the sake of sailors.” He covered this inscription with a thin layer of plaster, on which he placed the praise of King Ptolemy Soter. When, over time, the plaster fell off, the name of the master who created the magnificent lighthouse appeared to the eyes of those around him.

Although the lighthouse was located on the eastern shore of the island of Pharos, it is more often called the Alexandrian lighthouse rather than the Faros lighthouse. This island is mentioned in Homer's poem "Odyssey". In Homer's time it was located in the Nile Delta, opposite the small Egyptian settlement of Rakotis.

But by the time the lighthouse was built, according to the Greek geographer Strabon, it had moved significantly closer to the shores of Egypt and was one day’s journey from Alexandria. With the start of construction, the island was connected to the coast, essentially turning it from an island into a peninsula. For this purpose, a dam was artificially built, which was called Heptastadion, since its length was 7 stages (a stage is an ancient Greek measure of length, which is equal to 177.6 meters).

That is, translated into our usual measurement system, the length of the dam was approximately 750 meters. The main harbor, the Great Harbor of Alexandria, was located on the Pharos side. This harbor was so deep that a large ship could anchor off the shore.

Nothing lasts forever

The tower is an assistant to sailors who have lost their way.
Here at night I light the bright fire of Poseidon.
The muffled wind was about to collapse,
But Ammonius strengthened me again with his labors.
After the ferocious waves they stretch out their hands to me
All sailors, honoring you, O shaker of the earth.

Nevertheless, the lighthouse stood until the 14th century and even in a dilapidated state reached a height of 30 meters, continuing to amaze with its beauty and grandeur. To date, only the pedestal, which is built into the medieval fortress, has survived from this famous wonder of the world. Therefore, there are practically no opportunities for archaeologists or architects to study the remains of this grandiose structure. Now there is an Egyptian military port on Pharos. And on the western side of the island there is another lighthouse, which in no way resembles its great predecessor, but also continues to show the way for ships.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the tallest man-made structures for almost 1000 years and has survived almost 22 earthquakes! Interesting, isn't it?

In 1994, French archaeologists discovered several ruins in the waters off the coast of Alexandria. Large blocks and artifacts were discovered. These blocks belonged to the Alexandria Lighthouse. Built by the first Ptolemy, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also called the Pharos Lighthouse, was the only ancient wonder with the actual purpose of helping sailors and ships enter the harbor. It was located on the island of Pharos in Egypt and was an excellent example ancient architecture. The lighthouse was a source of income and important milestone for the city.


◈ Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in 332 BC.

◈ After his death, Ptolemy I Soter declared himself as pharaoh. He built a city and commissioned a lighthouse.

◈ Pharos was a small island connected to Alexandria by a causeway called Heptastadion.

◈ Alexander named 17 cities after himself, but Alexandria is the only city that has survived and flourished.

◈ Unfortunately, Alexander was not able to see this beautiful structure in his city since he died in 323 BC.


◈ The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built between 280 and 247 BC. This is about 12 - 20 years for construction. Ptolemy I died before its completion, so it was opened by his son Ptolemy of Philadelphia.

◈ The construction cost was about 800 talents, which is currently equivalent to 3 million dollars.

◈ The lighthouse was approximately 135 meters high. The lowest part was square, the middle was octagonal, and the top was round.

◈ Limestone blocks were used to build the lighthouse. They were sealed with molten lead to withstand strong waves.

◈ Spiral staircases led to the top.

◈ The huge, crooked mirror reflected light during the day, and at night there was a fire burning at the very top.

◈ The light of the lighthouse could be seen, according to various sources, at a distance of 60 to 100 km.

◈ Unconfirmed sources say that the mirror was also used to identify and burn enemy ships.

◈ 4 statues of the god Triton stood at the four corners on top and a statue of Zeus or Poseidon in the center.

◈ The designer of the lighthouse was Sostratus of Cnidus. Some sources also credit him with sponsorship.

◈ Legend says that Ptolemy did not allow Sostratus to write his name on the walls of the lighthouse. Even then, Sostratus wrote "Sostratus, son of Dectiphon, dedicated to the savior gods for the sake of the seas" on the wall, and then put plaster on top and wrote the name of Ptolemy.


◈ The lighthouse was heavily damaged during an earthquake in 956, and again in 1303 and 1323.

◈ Although the Lighthouse survived almost 22 earthquakes, it finally collapsed in 1375.

◈ In 1349, the famous Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited Alexandria, but was unable to climb the lighthouse.

◈ In 1480 the remaining stone was used to create the fort of Qite Bay on the same site.

◈ Now there is an Egyptian military fortress on the site of the lighthouse, so researchers cannot get there.


◈ The monument has become an ideal model of a lighthouse and has important architectural significance.

◈ The word "Pharos" - lighthouse comes from the Greek word φάρος in many languages ​​such as French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian.

◈ The lighthouse of Alexandria is mentioned by Julius Caesar in his works.

◈ The lighthouse remains a civic symbol of the city of Alexandria. His image is used on the flag and seal of the province, as well as on the flag of the University of Alexandria.

One of the most outstanding monuments of the ancient world now lies underwater in ruins. But everyone can swim around the ruins with equipment.

Alexandria Lighthouse

In 285 BC. e. The island was connected to the shore by an artificial dam about 750 meters long. The construction of the lighthouse was entrusted to the famous architect Sostratus of Knidos. He set to work with enthusiasm, and five years later the three-story tower, about 120 meters high, was completed. The first floor in the form of a square was made of large slabs. Its walls, about 30.5 meters long, faced the four cardinal directions - north, east, south and west. The second floor was an octagonal tower, lined with marble slabs and oriented in the direction of the eight main winds. The round lantern of the third floor was crowned with a dome on which stood a seven-meter bronze statue of the god of the seas, Poseidon.

Alexandria Lighthouse.

Alexandria Lighthouse

In 332-331. BC King Alexander the Great founded Alexandria in the Nile Delta, which became the capital of Hellenistic Egypt. The city was remarkable because it was built according to a single plan. The richest quarter was Brucheyon - a quarter of palaces, gardens, parks and royal tombs. Here was also the tomb of Alexander the Great, whose body was brought from Babylon, where he died in 323 BC. The fame of Alexandria was greatly contributed by the world-famous Museion (temple of the muses), a place for scientific studies and an educational refuge for scientists working in various branches of science. Museion became the center of scientific life in the brilliant Egyptian capital, something like an academy of sciences.

Alexandria Lighthouse on Faros Island

Mathematics and mechanics developed especially successfully in Alexandria. Such outstanding scientists as the mathematician Euclid, who outlined the foundations of geometry in his work “Elements,” and the inventor Heron of Alexandria, who was far ahead of his time, lived and worked here. He created a variety of machines and built a device that was, in fact, a real steam engine.

Sometimes the creations of scientists captured the imagination of their contemporaries. One of these miracles was Alexandria Lighthouse. It was built on a rock rising on the eastern shore of the island of Pharos. Due to shoals, underwater rocks, sediments and sediments on the seabed, ships approached the harbors of Alexandria very carefully.

Height of Alexandria Lighthouse

In 285 BC. e. The island was connected to the shore by an artificial dam about 750 meters long. The construction of the lighthouse was entrusted to the famous architect Sostratus of Knidos. He set to work with enthusiasm, and five years later the three-story tower, about 120 meters high, was completed.

  • The first floor in the form of a square was made of large slabs. Its walls, about 30.5 meters long, faced the four cardinal directions - north, east, south and west.
  • The second floor was an octagonal tower, lined with marble slabs and oriented in the direction of the eight main winds.
  • The round lantern of the third floor was crowned with a dome on which stood a seven-meter bronze statue of the god of the seas, Poseidon.

The dome rested on eight polished granite columns. The lighthouse fire burned here. Its light intensified, reflecting in a system of metal mirrors. Sailors saw him from afar, 60 kilometers away. Fuel for the fire was carried upstairs on donkeys along a gentle spiral staircase.

Some researchers believe that there was an elevator inside the building that lifted firewood and people serving Alexandria Lighthouse.

The lighthouse was also a fortress. There was a large garrison here. In the underground part of the tower, in case of a siege, there was a huge tank for drinking water. Alexandria Lighthouse it also served as an observation post - an ingenious system of mirrors made it possible to observe the sea from the top of the tower and detect enemy ships long before they sailed to the city.

The octagonal tower was decorated with numerous bronze statues that served as weather vanes or were equipped with various mechanisms. Travelers talked about the statues and miracles.

One of them seemed to always point her hand at the Sun along the entire path of its movement across the sky and lowered her hand when it set. The other chimed every hour day and night. There was also a statue that pointed its hand to the sea if an enemy fleet appeared on the horizon, and uttered a warning cry when enemy ships approached the harbor.

Lighthouse of Alexandria - wonder of the world

The Faros lighthouse stood until the 14th century. By 1326, when it was finally destroyed by an earthquake, the height of the lighthouse was no more than 30 meters, that is, a quarter of its original height. But even in this form, this monument of ancient architecture aroused the admiration of Arab authors (in 640, Alexandria was conquered by the Arabs).

The remains of the high pedestal of the tower have survived to this day, but for architects and archaeologists they are completely unacceptable, since they turned out to be built into a medieval Arab fortress.

In ancient times, the word “faros” began to be used to refer to all lighthouses. The memory of the miracle of construction technology has reached us in the word “headlight”.
