Atlantis has been found! Atlantis found: giant sphinxes, crystal pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle Crete - Atlantis.

The attention of the world media is once again focused on the mystery of the legendary Atlantis. This time, a sensational version of the Italian nuclear engineer Marco Buloni caused a storm in the scientific world.

The researcher recently published his findings in the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire (which means “future”). Boulogne not only does not doubt the existence of Atlantis, but also indicates the place where it was located on the globe. After numerous expeditions and many years of studying the Solovetsky Archipelago, the Kola Peninsula and Karelia, Marco Francesco Buloni came to the conclusion that this place is the north of Russia, namely the White Sea.

The mystery of the Solovetsky archipelago

Boulogne is convinced that Atlantis should be looked for not somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, as most researchers who are searching for a mysterious continent (or island) believe, but on the surface of the earth. The Italian archaeologist spent three whole years conducting thorough research of the Solovetsky archipelago and discovered here the remains of temples, palaces and concentric walls. Exactly as Plato described Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias. According to Boulogne, the remains he found date back to the 13th century. BC e.

At the same time, the Italian scientist agrees with Plato, who spoke in his manuscripts about the strongest cataclysms that completely destroyed ancient civilization. The mythical island went under water, but surfaced again, and Bolshoi Solovetsky Island, Marco is sure, is exactly what remains of it. As Plato says, on the day of the destruction of Atlantis, heavy rains fell, there were earthquakes, landslides, and a flood occurred. Marco thinks it was most likely a tsunami. According to his version, it arose as a result of a large meteorite falling into the sea, which raised a huge wave that swallowed the island. The strong difference in the depths of the White Sea bottom - more than 300 m in the northwest and less than 16 m in the southeast, where the Solovetsky archipelago is located, could serve as a real springboard for waves from the Atlantic. And the meteorite itself, Boulogne suggests, still lies at the bottom of the White Sea to this day. It is no coincidence that significant magnetic anomalies are recorded here, which usually indicate a large presence of iron. Over time, the water receded, the island rose to the surface again, but was already completely different, writes Plato.

If we take the geography of the area, Boulogne notes, it also coincides with Plato’s descriptions: there are many other islands near Atlantis and Atlantis dominates them.

The area of ​​the Big Solovetsky Island is 246.9 square meters. km. And its size and proportions surprisingly fit Plato’s description of the capital of Atlantis, including the central part on which the palace and acropolis stood. According to this description, the capital of Atlantis was located on a small island surrounded ... “alternately by water and earth rings (there were two earth rings and three water rings) of greater or lesser size, drawn at an equal distance from the center of the island, as if by a compass.” The island was connected to the sea by a canal 50 stadia in length (stadia - about 193 m), i.e., a little less than 10 km, which is quite consistent with the distance that the ship would travel while moving through the labyrinth of Solovetsky Island from the entrance to the center. In Plato’s “Dialogues,” it is true that 50 stadia is the distance from the sea to the first ring of water, but this is probably one of the possible contradictions, of which there are enough found in Plato’s texts.

The size of the island (5 stages) on which the palace was located approximately corresponds to the central part of Solovetsky Island. In addition, it is located on the quiet, shallow White Sea. It is surrounded by a continent, and a long canal-like entrance connects it to the stormy real sea, the Atlantic. This is how the White Sea flows into the Barents Sea.

Boulogne also found the famous Pillars of Hercules, without which there is no Atlantis, on the Kola Peninsula. He is sure that these are the Khibiny Mountains and the Lovozero Tundra Mountains; against the background of the horizon they are surprisingly similar to the reclining Atlas.

According to Plato, Atlantis had a lot of greenery, hills, and in the middle there was a small mountain. The Big Solovetsky Island, Marco proves, is rich in water, and in its center there is a hill, 70 m high. It stands less than 10 km from the coast - exactly as reported in the manuscripts.
But Plato’s description of a large plain 350 km long, in Marco’s opinion, misled Atlantean researchers. Everyone is looking for a huge island. But Boulogne recognized this plain... in Karelia. That is, not on the island itself, but on the contrary, to the south of it, as Plato himself clarifies.

Boulogne also offers his version for dating the death ancient civilization. According to Plato, Atlantis sank 9000 BC. e. But Marco interprets the philosopher’s words differently, recalling that Plato is just relaying the story of an Egyptian priest. He first spoke about Atlantis in 570 BC. e., in Egypt. But in Egypt, time was measured not by years, but by lunar cycles, which last about a month, Boulogne clarifies. Therefore, the first narrator could have meant 9,000 lunar cycles. From here, if you count the dates from the moment of the story, you get about 1300 BC. e.

Russian Atlantis

It must be said that Boulogne is far from the first to search for Atlantis in northern Russia. Over many centuries in the history of research into this mystery, a whole direction has already developed, called Russian Atlantis.

At the same time, Russian researchers find initial information about the mysterious ancient civilization, except for Plato, in the folk epic. In Russia, Atlantis is Belovodye, a sacred Russian concept found among Old Believers, wanderers, a sacred country in the East, a place of fulfillment of cherished human desires, where holy sages and righteous people live, who have preserved spiritual knowledge and true faith in purity. Finding Belovodye means finding the White Water of Eternal Life and spirituality, finding inner harmony, the source of health, happiness and wisdom in your soul. It is Slavic legends that tell about the lost once great land of Veles-Svyatogor-Dazhbog.

According to some atlantologists, northern civilization existed 15-20 thousand years ago. It was first discovered by the French astronomer Jean Sylvain Bailly back in the 18th century. Having studied the ancient manuscripts, Bailly concluded that all the information collected in them is based on even earlier evidence of some unknown (“lost”) people who had a highly developed system of knowledge. After Bailly studied the astronomical calculations of antiquity, he found confirmation that this unknown people lived in the polar latitudes. Without thinking twice, the scientist called them Atlanteans, and their homeland - Atlantis.

Starting with Mikhail Lomonosov, many Russian scientists tried to find the legendary northern island. However, only later, with the development of science, Russian researchers acquired new information in favor of this version. And the first attempt at a scientific expedition to the Kola Peninsula and the North of Karelia was made back in 1920-1921, it was led by Alexander Barchenko. True, the purpose of this expedition was to search for traces of ancient Hyperborea (in ancient Greek mythology and the tradition that follows it, this is the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans). At the same time, some atlantologists consider Hyperborea to be Northern Atlantis.

They say that Barchenko allegedly found what he was looking for. But the records and diaries of that expedition disappeared in the archives of the NKVD after the arrest of the scientist in 1937. Later, Barchenko himself was shot 15 minutes later. after the death sentence was imposed.

The famous Russian atlantologist Valery Demin in his book “Atlantis and Hyperborea” also proves that Atlantis is located in the Russian North. And, perhaps, even further north - near the pole. Before conducting 9 expeditions, Demin and his associates carefully studied the texts of ancient manuscripts. And they found out that in all of them - in the Indian "Rig Veda", the Iranian "Avesta", in Chinese and Tibetan historical chronicles, in the German epic and ancient Russian epics - a certain northern ancestral home modern humanity.

The version that this is Atlantis is also supported by the fact that previously the climate above the Arctic Circle was much more favorable for living. According to the findings of Russian oceanographers, in the period between 30-15 thousand BC. e. The climate of the Arctic was mild, and the Arctic Ocean was quite warm.

Did the Atlanteans come from the north?

The version about northern Atlantis - and precisely on the Big Solovetsky Island - is also defended by another famous atlantologist - Zdenek Kukal. In search history ancient island this scientist stood out by systematizing all Atlantological literature, dividing it into several groups - according to the scientific value of the material contained in it. It is worth noting here that over the past 2500 years, about 25,000 works have been written on Atlantis. Moreover, more than 95% of such literature refers to modern times, of which 85% - to the twentieth century.

Speaking about the Great Solovetsky Island, Zdenek Kukal admits that there are some differences in the description of the plain, surrounded on all sides by mountains and which was also located on Atlantis: the dimensions of the plain according to Plato are 2000x3000 stadia (579x386 km). At the same time, Plato writes that the plain of Atlantis was facing the south wind, and was closed from the north by mountains. Such a description, it would seem, does not fit what can be observed in the White Sea region. However, if we look at the mainland from the point of view of an observer located on the Solovetsky Islands, we will see in front of us the vast valley of the Northern Dvina, very similar to the plain that Zdenek Kukal indicates in his reconstruction drawings. The area of ​​this valley is approximately equal to the area of ​​Plato's Atlantis, and the configuration practically coincides with it, only in a mirror image in relation to the cardinal points.
In addition, supporters of the Russian Atlantis draw attention to the fact that Plato in his story places Atlantis the island and Atlantis the capital to the west of the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), which, in general, is also not far from the truth if we consider the sea route. After all, in order to get from Greece to the White Sea, you first have to swim a long time to the west. And even after passing through the Strait of Gibraltar, hundreds of miles must be traveled westward in order to go around the Iberian Peninsula before it is possible to turn north.

If, moreover, we take into account that in the entire lake-swamp North-West of Russia, any land suitable for habitation is still called an island, then the geography of Plato’s Atlantis and its capital will turn out to coincide in basic details with the geography of the north of the Russian Platform and the Solovetsky Islands. From all this, Russian scientists draw a well-founded conclusion: Plato’s story about Atlantis corresponds to real events that took place in the north of the Russian Plain and the south of Europe 32.5 thousand years ago.

Statements about the existence of Atlantis in the northern part of our planet are also found in esoteric literature. According to one of the ancient teachings preserved by secret mystical orders medieval Europe, the legendary Atlantis was located almost at the North Pole itself. The mild, almost tropical climate contributed to the prosperity of the inhabitants of the ancient continent and the fertility of its lands. However, then processes related to climate change began to occur on the planet - they were mainly predetermined by changes in the activity of the Sun. Which ultimately led to a sharp cooling in the Northern Hemisphere. Then Atlantis was completely attacked by a glacier. This was one of the first ice ages on our planet. Later, the cooled, almost lifeless continent began to drift south into the North Atlantic. And today it is known to us as the island of Greenland - a real icy desert.

However, the Atlanteans, according to the ancient teaching, possessed a huge store of knowledge, long before the tragic development of events began to leave the cooling continent and move to the more fertile lands of the polar North of present-day Eurasia. As the climate changed, they were subsequently forced to move deeper into the continent, closer to the equator. Later efforts were made here unsuccessful attempts to recreate the society of ancient civilization.
Modern science is finding more and more evidence in favor of such a development of events. However, even this does not bring humanity any closer to answering the questions about who the Atlanteans really were, what made them leave the promised land, and where did the representatives of the ancient civilization disappear?

Prepared by Oleg Lobanov
based on materials

As stated by two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky, using robotic submarines in the found part of the city, they were able to discover several sphinxes, 4 pyramids and other buildings.

Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba using a deep-sea robot have confirmed that at the very bottom Bermuda Triangle there is a city of gigantic proportions.

The ruins of an ancient city discovered underwater off the coast of Cuba are 600 feet below ocean level, researchers say. Scientists suggest that Atlantis is more than 10,000 years old.

In the very center of the flooded city are several sculptures of sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids. Scientists also found sculptures and buildings of unknown purpose at the very bottom of the ocean under a huge layer of silt and plants.

According to journalist Luis Fernandez Marian, the city was discovered several decades ago, but access to it was blocked due to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

“The US government obtained evidence of the existence of an underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. The nuclear submarine was then moving along the Gulf Stream deep in the sea, where they discovered the structure of the pyramids. They immediately took control of the place so that it would not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union."

Based on a report on underwater diving and studying the bottom in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle - Terra Formation of the Cuban underwater pyramids, indicate that this place was once a huge metropolis, which was destroyed as a result of rising sea levels and a catastrophic earthquake. Which fully correlates with the legend of Atlantis.

Evidence that the island of Cuba could have been part of a once powerful culture is provided by scientist Paulina Zalitsky.

Using deep-sea equipment, scientists discovered pyramids similar in shape but larger in size than Giza in Egypt. They estimated that the underwater pyramid was also made of very heavy stones, weighing several hundred tons. Incredible, but ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and “stones that are arranged like Stonehenge,” with writing in an unknown language engraved on the stones,” Fernandez reports.

Another huge pyramid, which looks like a crystal, was originally discovered in 1960 by a French doctor who led an expedition of divers from France and America. This pyramid is larger than Great Pyramid Cheops in Egypt.

“This new evidence for the discovery of the lost sunken Atlantis could change everything human history", the journalist believes.

Experts believe that the catastrophe that led to the death of a superintelligent civilization may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. At that time, sea level was almost 400 feet lower than it is today.

Scientists suggest that the technology of the ancient Atlantean civilization was significantly superior to ours. One can only guess why such high technology and unique knowledge could not save a great civilization from destruction.

Research into Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, will continue to better understand the secrets of the ancient mega-city.

In 1940, the outstanding American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce expressed one of his strangest prophecies. He predicted that Atlantis would rise from the bottom of the ocean, and this would happen between 1966 and 1970...

This prediction, made by Cayce shortly before his death, seemed so incredible that almost no one believed him. However, another clairvoyant, the Rosicrucian master Raymond Bernard, in his book “The Invisible Empire,” which was published in 1961, confirmed this prophecy. And then in 1968, an amazing event occurred. French diver Dmitry Rebikoff noticed geometrically regular stone slabs underwater near the island of North Bimini, which belongs to the group of Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean!

The sensational news quickly spread around the world. It seemed that real traces of Atlantis, the legendary country that sank into the ocean, according to Plato, 12 thousand years ago, had finally been found. Immediately after Rebicoff, the bottom of North Bimini was examined by Dr. J. Wallentine, curator emeritus of the Miami Natural Science Museum. He described the object as “a wide pavement of rectangular flat stones of various sizes, the edges of which were rounded by many years of water erosion” and expressed confidence in its artificial origin. In the same year, Rebicoff, together with a group of specialists from the University of Massachusetts, took aerial photographs of the oceanic area near North Bimini and drew up a rough diagram of the location of mysterious objects.

Everything suggested that the remains of some ancient road or the foundations of buildings and walls, and possibly the tops of buildings protruding from centuries-old bottom sediments, had been discovered. The expeditions were not successful. Over the next 40 years, dozens of expeditions visited North Bimini. Thousands of scuba divers, captivated by the dream of finding the legendary Atlantis, dived to a depth of seven meters to strange stone “roads”. Overgrown with shells and underwater vegetation, they protrude about 20 centimeters above the surface of the oceanic soil and stretch, turning in some places at an obtuse angle. The length of the “roads” is 100-150 meters. Similar objects were also discovered near another island from the Bahamas group - Andros.

Most of the expeditions that explored the “Bimini roads” were unsuccessful. Underwater archaeologists have tried to excavate to determine how deep the blocks lie, but no one has been able to get to their base. This was hampered by strong undercurrents and whirlpools. In addition, the local waters are full of white sharks - the most dangerous to humans, and the bottom is teeming with moray eels.

It is not for nothing that the area of ​​the Bahamas enjoys a bad reputation among submariners. By the way, the Bahamas are part of the Bermuda Triangle. Therefore, it should not be surprising that two expeditions to North Bimini went missing, and the participants of the others encountered very unusual phenomena.

Glow of the seabed On March 24, 1979, Americans Jim Ventana and Harold H. Wilson, while diving off North Bimini at six o'clock in the afternoon, saw a luminous triangular object in the water with a “wingspan” of about twelve meters. The triangle, rapidly moving above the very bottom, made several sharp turns, and then emerged from the water, soared into the sky and disappeared. This object was also seen by people on the boat who were waiting for the divers.

In June 1998, a French expedition led by D. Vallot late in the evening observed a bluish glow of the ocean floor in the area of ​​​​North Bimini. The luminous territory was a wide straight strip with clearly defined edges; Moreover, the strip did not stand still, but moved. The source of the strange glow was not found. The phenomenon lasted for about forty minutes. As it turned out later, the luminous stripe was noticed from a fishing schooner located nearby; The American space satellite also spotted it.

Three-meter stranger An incredible story was told by diver John March, who dived to the “Bimini Road” in 2000. In clear weather at sunset with good visibility, he noticed a dark human figure walking along the ancient slabs (that is, walking, not swimming). March was especially struck by the fact that the man was not wearing a spacesuit. A very tall, about three meters tall, stranger was moving towards the diver.

March thought he was wearing a tight-fitting jumpsuit. However, it was impossible to see either clothes or faces in the bluish fog; the approaching figure appeared as a solid dark silhouette. March later said that at that moment he had no idea of ​​​​swimming up to the strange figure; on the contrary, his whole being longed for only one thing: to escape from here as quickly as possible. Suddenly a severe headache appeared. Without waiting for the stranger to approach, March surfaced to the yacht that was waiting for him. He felt so defeated that he barely managed to cling to the ladder hanging over the side. The pain went away after ten minutes. And then it turned out that the entire crew of the yacht had headaches, and the pain began for everyone at the same time, coinciding with the time of its appearance at March.

Is the metal colonnade still there? Immediately after the opening of the “Bimini roads,” there were skeptics who tried to prove their natural origin. Geologist Eugene Shinn suggested that the “roads” could have been formed under the influence of tides. Later, a version was put forward that the “roads” are sea shells and sand, compressed into rectangular formations over hundreds of years.

Dr. Greg Little of the University of Georgia, a professional submariner and archaeologist, wrote about it this way: “Such crazy theories are invented by those who have never dived to the “roads”, have not seen them with their own eyes, have not touched their amazing stones with their hands.” By the way, Dr. Little’s expeditions to North Bimini in 2003 and 2004 probably provided more information about these objects than all previous ones combined. Little and his team discovered a second similar one under a layer of stone blocks, and even lower - a third. Get to the bottom ancient building Little was unsuccessful, and therefore concluded that these were not roads, but most likely the tops of walls buried under bottom sediments.

When examining a very small part of the second layer of slabs, which was uncovered, it was found that it was less affected by water erosion; the slabs were carefully polished and fitted to each other quite tightly. Instruments showed the presence of voids and also metal under the bottom in the “road” area. This is unusual for the entire region, since neither Bahamas, nor in the adjacent territory of the Atlantic there are no metal deposits.

The underground metal objects that the device recorded are located mostly to the north and north-west of the “roads”, and they are located as if pointwise, interspersed, and form a wide semicircle. Little believes that this may be an ancient metal colonnade that once supported (and perhaps still supports) the vaults of some kind of building. In 2004, one of the expedition members was killed by a shark, and the work had to be stopped ahead of schedule. But Dr. Little intends to return here in the future.

Traces of a legendary country Researchers tried three times to determine the age of the “roads”. In 1968, having studied the bottom topography and geological layers, scientists suggested that they were 2-2.5 thousand years old. However, in the 80s, new research pushed back the time of their creation until the 10th-9th millennia BC.

Research in the 2000s “aged” the underwater object by another thousand years. It is now assumed that “roads” appeared in the 11th-10th millennia BC. Analysis of the stones showed that they were originally located on land. The most striking thing is that if we focus on the above dates, the age of the “Bimini roads” generally corresponds to the age of Atlantis, indicated by Plato in his famous dialogues “Critias” and “Timaeus”. According to Plato, who, in turn, refers to Egyptian sources, Atlantis perished in the 10th millennium BC. But, among other things, there is also a prophecy by Cayce, who directly said that Atlantis should rise from the bottom of the ocean.

Now almost no one doubts that the clairvoyant meant the “Bimini roads.” Was Casey really right this time too, and we received tangible traces of the existence of the legendary country? Be that as it may, in connection with the discovery of underwater ruins off North Bimini, the question of the time and place of the appearance of the first ancient civilizations again arose on the agenda of historical science.

Now it is quite obvious that already at the end of the fourth ice age the human race consisted not only of primitive hunters with stone axes in their hands.

Create a demotivator

As stated by two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky, using robotic submarines in the found part of the city, they were able to discover several sphinxes, 4 pyramids and other buildings.

Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba using a deep-sea robot have confirmed that at the very bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a city of gigantic proportions.

The ruins of an ancient city discovered underwater off the coast of Cuba are 600 feet below ocean level, researchers say. Scientists suggest that Atlantis is more than 10,000 years old.

In the very center of the flooded city are several sculptures of sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids. Scientists also found sculptures and buildings of unknown purpose at the very bottom of the ocean, under a huge layer of silt and plants.

According to journalist Luis Fernandez Marian, the city was discovered several decades ago, but access to it was blocked due to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"The US government received evidence of the existence of an underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60s of the last century. A nuclear submarine was then moving along the Gulf Stream deep in the sea, where they discovered the structure of the pyramids. They immediately took control of the place so that it would not turn out to be in the hands of the Soviet Union,” the journalist quotes.

Based on a report on underwater diving and studying the bottom in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle - Terra Formation of the Cuban underwater pyramids, indicate that this place was once a huge metropolis, which was destroyed as a result of rising sea levels and a catastrophic earthquake. Which fully correlates with the legend of Atlantis.

Evidence that the island of Cuba could have been part of a once powerful culture is provided by scientist Paulina Zalitsky (pictured).

She shows engraved symbols and pictograms on the pyramid, and they bear similarities to the oldest designs found on the Cuban island itself.

Using deep-sea equipment, scientists discovered pyramids similar in shape but larger in size than Giza in Egypt. They estimated that the underwater pyramid was also made of very heavy stones, weighing several hundred tons. Incredibly, the ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and "stones that are arranged like Stonehenge," with writing in an unknown language engraved on the stones, Fernandez reports.

Another huge pyramid, which looks like a crystal, was originally discovered in 1960 by a French doctor who led an expedition of divers from France and America. This pyramid is larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

"This new evidence for the discovery of the lost sunken Atlantis could change the entire human history," the journalist said.

Experts believe that the catastrophe that led to the death of a superintelligent civilization may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. At that time, sea level was almost 400 feet lower than it is today.

Scientists suggest that the technology of the ancient Atlantean civilization was significantly superior to ours. One can only guess why such high technology and unique knowledge could not save a great civilization from destruction.

Research into Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, will continue to better understand the secrets of the ancient mega-city.

We have all heard about Atlantis, the legendary island that sank under water in one day. Who was the first to know about this? Did Atlantis really exist? What else don't we know about her? The story of Atlantis came to us in a retelling by the Greek philosopher Plato. Or rather, from two of his works, Timaeus and Critias. It is believed that these books were written in 360 BC. e.

In them, Plato wrote that the Greek sage Solon became aware of this story when he served as a priest in Egypt. Upon his return, Solon told it to his relative Dropid. Then Dropidas passed it on to his son Critias, who told it to his grandson, also Critias, who shared it with Socrates and his associates.

This list should not be taken as historical or scientific fact, but as a true retelling of Plato. Whether we believe in the legend is everyone's personal choice. Science does not yet provide accurate data about Atlantis, but lost cities have been found and will continue to be found. One day this may become a legendary island.

Many books and documentaries have been created on the topic of the possible location of Atlantis. A quick Google search will show that some point to Santorini as Atlantis in the past; others believe that the waters of Bimini hide the road to the lost city. If we take Plato’s text as a basis, he will tell us where the city that is now submerged under water once was.

The text says that Atlantis "emerged from the Atlantic Ocean." It goes on to say that “there was an island in front of the Pillars of Hercules.” Today these pillars should be located on the site of the Strait of Gibraltar, where Spain and Africa are separated by a narrow strip of sea. While these are certainly not GPS coordinates, the location of the island is narrowed down.

In 2011, University of Hartford archaeologist Richard Freund and his team discovered “memorial cities,” or cities built in the image of Atlantis. A number of cities were found buried in bolts national park Donana, north of Cadiz, Spain.

It turned out that Cadiz is located right in front of the pillars. This made Freund think that the real Atlantis was buried in the mud swamps of the Atlantic. His results coincide with the plot text that “the sea in these parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is fine mud in the way; and this happened due to the subsidence of the island.”

Cadiz is also considered one of oldest cities, which are still in Western Europe. It is believed to have been built by the Phoenicians around 700 BC. BC, but some records claim that the city was already standing in 1100 BC. e. Greek myths say there is even more to this city.

Why is this important? Because a long time ago this city was called Hades. This is appropriate because the text speaks of an Atlantean prince who was called Gadeir by the prehistoric citizens of Hades. He owned the Far Eastern part of Atlantis.

This part of the island was supposed to look towards modern Cadiz. Therefore the story goes that Cadiz, or Hades, was named after the prince. Of course, Plato wrote all this at least 340 years after the discovery of the city, so he could take liberties in naming the Atlantean princes.

Atlantis is named after a demigod

Most people believe that Atlantis got its name in honor of the Atlantic Ocean, but in reality it was exactly the opposite. Legend has it that Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas, fathered five twins with a mortal Atlantean woman named Clito.

God gave each of his 10 sons a different part of the island to rule over. Gadeir was the second oldest. And although a city in Spain was named after him, it was his older brother Atlas who got the honor of naming the city after himself. As the firstborn, Atlas acquired an entire island, and even the surrounding ocean was named after him. His children were also to rule Atlantis forever.

Half the story is missing

We know that Plato wrote at least two books about Atlantis. Today we have the complete version of the Timaeus, but full version There is no "Critias".

Critias ends with Zeus, the head of the Greek gods, “gathering all the gods into their most sacred abode, which, being placed in the center of the world, contemplates all created things. And when he called them together, he said the following.” That's all.

It is unknown whether Plato deliberately left the book unfinished or whether the completed version was long lost. Not only do we miss the ending of Critias, but it is also believed that Plato wrote, or at least planned to write, a third book about Atlantis, Hermocrates.

There are several facts to support this theory. The line in Critias reads: “Critias, we will grant your request and provide, as necessary, to Hermocrates the same as you and Timaeus.” Therefore, the third part of the story must be devoted to Hermocrates.

Additionally, the titles of the three books may contain a hidden message, especially if one looks at the order in which Plato wrote or was supposed to write them. Timaeus comes from the Greek thio, which means “to honor.” Critias comes from the Greek "krima", which means "judgment". Hermocrates comes from "Hermes", the messenger of the Greek gods. Timaeus reveres prehistoric Athens for its heroism. Critias supposedly ends with Zeus' judgment on Atlantis. But what message could Hermocrates convey?

The answer may lie in what we know about Hermocrates himself. He was a true military leader who helped lead the successful defense of Syracuse against Athens during the Peloponnesian War. It's like the story of Atlantis. In this story, the Athenian state from prehistoric times repels an attack from the superior forces of Atlantis.

Perhaps Hermocrates' message concerned why Athens' attack on Syracuse failed and how Syracuse was able to fight off conquest. Unless someone finds a copy of this book, we may never know the full history of Atlantis.

Atlantis must have been at least 11,500 years old

Solon was considered the wisest of all the Greek sages. The texts say that the story of Atlantis was retold to Solon in Egypt when he wanted to “pull out” their most ancient tales from the priests.

To do this, Solon decided to tell the priests about the most ancient Greek stories that he could remember. He spoke to them about the great flood and the first man. After listening to Solon, one priest replied: “Oh, Solon, Solon... There are no old people among you... You are all young in consciousness; There is no old opinion among you carried over by tradition.”

Then the priest said that Athens, Solon’s hometown, was much older than he thought. The records of the Egyptians at Sais (where they were located) stated that Sais was founded 8,000 years earlier. And it was also recorded that Athens was founded 1000 years before Sais and that the Athenians of that time were at war with the Atlanteans.

Solon lived from about 630 BC. e. before 560 BC e. If this story is true, the fall of Atlantis happened around 9500 BC. e. This means that Atlantis must be as old as Gobekli Tepe, which appeared 10,000 BC. e. and is considered the oldest temple in the world.

History is starting to take shape. But for now everything is in the fog.

The story is true... according to Plato

We said that this list cannot be considered a historical summary. In the text, however, Critias claims that his story is true. “Listen to a story which, although strange, is certainly true and confirmed by Solon.” It is very important for Plato to distinguish fact from history. Plato frankly says that some myths are symbolic in nature. However, in his book he claims that Atlantis was real and not mythical. If Atlantis was Plato's fantasy, why would he claim that the story of Atlantis is true without saying that the Greek myth was created to represent something else?

Atlantis was an empire

Most of us probably imagine curvy green island, surrounded by deep blue ocean waters when thinking of Atlantis. Although the story takes place on an island, most of us probably assume that Atlantis was limited to this island. But Plato says that Atlantis was an empire that was ruled from this island.

“On this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire, which ruled over the whole island and several others, as well as over parts of the continent, and, moreover, the people of Atlantis conquered Libya as far as the pillars of Hercules, as far as Egypt, and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia.”

Tirrenia is another name for Etruria, now known as central Italy. This means that Atlantis would have extended to modern Tuscany in Europe and to Egypt in Africa. Would we like to know how the Athenians defeated such a large empire? Maybe Plato himself didn’t know, so he decided not to write the ending.

Ancient Mediterraneans may have known about the Americas

While it may well be that Plato created Atlantis for the sake of philosophy, there is one part of the story that would be difficult to fabricate. In the story, the Egyptian priest tells Solon: “This island opened the way to other islands, and from them you could go to the opposite continent, which was surrounded by a real ocean. The adjacent land can be called a truly endless continent.”

What kind of continent was on the other side of the Atlantic, so large that it seemed as if it surrounded an entire ocean? Could this mean that the ancient Greeks and perhaps the ancient Egyptians knew about the Americas and even visited them?

In 1970, the famous navigator Thor Heyerdahl set sail with a crew of six in a reed ship called Ra II. They sailed from Safi to Morocco, across the Atlantic, to Barbados in 57 days.

This voyage proved that reed boats could survive ocean travel and that ancient people could actually cross the Atlantic Ocean in them. This feat was once considered impossible.

But this does not prove that the Egyptians or Greeks made their way to the Americas. Heyerdahl proved only that this is possible.

In ancient Athens, women were allowed to serve

The issue of women in the armed forces is often raised in developed countries. Should we allow women to serve in combat forces? Should women sign a service contract?

2500 years ago, the Greeks would have laughed when they heard about our questions. In fact, Plato’s student Aristotle once said: “Silence is the glory of a woman.”

And what would the Spartans do if a woman tried to join their ranks? They wouldn't like it. This is Sparta-ah-ah!

But in Athens 9500 BC. e. everything was different. According to Plato, “military service was common to men and women; men and women, in full armor and under the protection of the goddess Athena, could practice the same martial arts practices, without any gender differences."

Perhaps Plato simply dreamed of an ideal state, or maybe not. Perhaps the Athenians 9500 BC. e. did everything possible to hold back the enemy.

Plato wanted to keep people away from the ocean

If the Greeks really knew what lay beyond Mediterranean Sea, would they want other people to know too? Maybe not. Perhaps this is why Plato wrote that no one should sail into the Atlantic Ocean.

“But then there were major earthquakes and floods; and in one day and one night of misfortune all the men capable of fighting went underground, and the island of Atlantis in the same way went into the depths of the sea.” According to Plato, as a result of this, impassable deposits of mud appeared near the Strait of Gibraltar.

This could stop the curious from crossing the strait. Plato insisted that it was impossible to sail into the Atlantic during his lifetime, “for in those days the Atlantic was navigable.”

Was Plato trying to keep people from going to the Atlantic? Did he really think shallow mud was blocking ocean travel? Or was the Atlantic too dirty for boats to navigate back then? If it was too shallow for boats, why not just walk?

Humanity has been and will be destroyed many times

The Egyptian priest told Solon that none of his stories were “truly ancient” compared to his own. According to the priest, the reason that Solon lacked the "truly ancient" knowledge is that humanity was destroyed again and again.

“There have been and will again be destructions of humanity for various reasons; the greatest of them brought manifestations of fire and water, the lesser - countless other causes.”

If the only people who survive cataclysms are mountain dwellers with no knowledge of their distant past, it is easy to see how the entire history of civilization is lost over time. The priest believed that Egypt experienced these cataclysms while others did not, because it hardly rained at all in Egypt. Instead, there were annual floods from the Nile, which rose enough to feed the crops but not destroy their world. Somewhere too wet, somewhere too dry. And in Egypt everything is as it should be (but in fact it is very, very dry there).
