Aviation transport. Elements of technology and transport technology

Before a long trip, every person often faces the choice of which vehicle to use to get to their final destination. The geography of travel is constantly expanding, providing opportunities to get to know different countries and their attractions. This is largely facilitated by the development of air transport. The majority of international travel is by air.

Air transport has its own undeniable advantages. First of all, it's speed. Today airplanes are the fastest transport in the world. If you need to quickly get to the place you need, when a train or car needs to go there for several days, then air transport will come to the rescue. In addition, unlike train tickets, which may simply not be available at the right time, Svit Aero air tickets will always be on sale and at any time you can order them online by going to the official website http://svit.aero/ deshevie-aviability/.

This becomes especially important when the final destination of the trip is one of the most popular destinations among passengers. You have the opportunity to buy air tickets online without leaving your apartment or office.

The advantages of air transport include increased comfort. For many passengers, this comes first. All modern aircraft have ergonomic requirements taken into account in their equipment. And an experienced crew will carry out your flight in the most favorable conditions.

Passengers traveling by air can use one of three classes of service (business, first and economy class). This circumstance also has its own significance for some people, due to the inherent different levels of well-being for everyone. Each class also includes a specific set of services.

Another advantage that can be attributed to air transport is safety. As statistics show, despite the fact that many passengers have fears of flying, air transport, nevertheless, is one of the safest means of transportation.

The only drawback of air travel is the high price of the flight. But, given the above advantages, it pays for itself. In addition, many airlines practice offering special prices to passengers, while applying a flexible pricing policy. This makes it possible to purchase inexpensive travel tickets in any direction.

Air transport is practically the only type of existing transport that can reach any point on the planet, which cannot be provided by other types of transport due to their attachment to land routes.

Air transport is quite rightly called the most comfortable, fastest and safe transport, which will take passengers where they need to go. All that remains is to buy air tickets in the direction you need.

Details Updated 07/27/2017 14:03 Author: Andrey Yarmolinsky

Air transport is one of the most developed branches of transport, but it should only be chosen in certain circumstances.

Every day we choose different vehicles. Why is this happening? When does air transport seem to be the best solution, and when should it be abandoned?

On television, we often hear about plane crashes. Due to the publicity of cases of this type in the media, there is a common belief that air travel is not in a safe way for transporting people or goods. In reality, however, it turns out that air transport is much safer than, for example, road transport! Security is not the only advantage of this transport area. Another undoubted advantage is its ability to quickly reach even the most remote places. The fact is that air transport can reach significant speeds, and at the same time not be limited to creating traffic jams; airplanes can travel even very long distances within a few hours. For this reason, air transport is often chosen for transporting goods. It is very important that using air transport in many cases, you can get to places that are inaccessible to other vehicles. Where it is impossible to reach by land or sea, you can reach by plane. Due to the fact that today the issue of protection environment Most importantly, it is worth noting that air travel is characterized by relatively low levels of environmental emissions.

Unfortunately, despite so many advantages, air transport also has many disadvantages. The first and perhaps the most important disadvantage of this type of transport is the high dependence of timely delivery on weather conditions. Bad weather can significantly delay or even delay a flight. Fog, blizzard, rain showers and other unfavorable weather conditions may significantly delay the delivery of goods to their destination. Also, to transport goods to and from the aircraft, it is necessary to use other modes of transport. This additional service and increases transportation costs. Air transport remains one of the most expensive modes of movement and transfer of goods and this is because the same development of this mode of transport requires significant financial efforts and highly qualified personnel. Thus, air transport becomes completely uneconomical for relatively short distances.

To sum it up: air transport is good option, if you need to transport moderately heavy loads over long distances in as soon as possible when you cannot afford any delays and when the means to transport goods is significantly limited.

The modern world cannot exist without aviation. Air transport is recognized as universal. It occupies an extremely important place both as a convenient means of transportation and in the transportation of goods for a wide variety of purposes. Although a large percentage of passengers and cargo are transported by air, in some cases it is simply not possible to use any other mode of transport.

For air transport, we will consider the pros and cons below. In a very short period of time, it has won a significant share of the market for transporting people and goods. It has significantly replaced such standard delivery methods as by land ( railway transport, cars) and by sea (ships).

Until recently, it was impossible to fly long distances without stopping and refueling. Today the situation has changed radically. Non-stop transatlantic flights became possible. It is expected that very soon flights will be possible over even longer distances. What are the pros and cons of air transport?

Advantages inherent in air transport

Air transportation has a lot of important advantages. First of all, it is worth noting the following:

  • absence of geographical obstacles;
  • reliability;
  • high speed.

Transportation by air transport is very fast. There is simply no other option when you need to transport goods or arrive in a particular city in a matter of hours or even minutes. Perhaps you need to deliver perishable goods or medicines.

In terms of reliability, air transport gives a significant head start to any other transport. It is much more difficult to spoil cargo or steal goods at heights than in other conditions. Of course, there is risk in any business. Air transportation is no exception here. However, in this case, the damage is associated only with “ground” difficulties (for example, loading was carried out carelessly).

The monitoring system has been implemented in air transportation for a very long time. It provides the opportunity to analyze everything that happens to the cargo. This system also guarantees the safety of the goods.

Here it is worth mentioning separately about the features of customs control. When moving by air, cargo is checked twice. The first time is upon departure, the second time upon receipt. Checks are not carried out at each of the borders crossed. Largely due to this, reliable transportation speed is ensured and the risk of damage is minimized.

Geographical barriers for air transport are not terrible. There are no seas, roads, mountains or other similar obstacles in the air. All this remains on the ground. In the air you can only encounter air pockets. However, they only cause minor inconvenience. No other type of transport can boast such versatility.

As for the volume of cargo and the number of passengers that can be transported using air transport, the figures here are very impressive. Modern aircraft provide the ability to transport tons of cargo and hundreds of people. At the same time, the distance can be quite impressive.

What are the disadvantages of air transport?

Like any other type of transport, aviation has its drawbacks. The main ones include the following:

  • high cost;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • there is a need to use another type of transport to bring the goods to a certain place.

Air transportation costs a decent amount. Reliability and speed are required to be paid at increased rates. However, there is no reasonable alternative to such a transportation scheme on at the moment does not exist. When you need to carry out transportation over a significant distance, quickly and efficiently, you cannot do without an aircraft. However, there is a risk of delay. Adverse weather conditions are the most common reason for this. Lightning, rain, powerful wind - all this does not allow the plane to take off on time. As a result, the carrier is simply forced to cancel the flight until the weather returns to normal.

Air transportation very often involves additional costs. It is not possible to deliver goods strictly to a specific address. It is delivered to the nearest airport. This means that you need to worry about the availability of a vehicle that will bring the cargo from the unloading point to a certain location.

The above disadvantages of air transport can hardly be considered significant, especially if the emphasis is on high speed and quality. For this reason, most businesses and even many individuals prefer to order air transport for delivery of goods from one city to another.

Air Transport Safety

It is important not only to know the pros and cons of air transport, but also to understand how safety is ensured in the case of such transportation. Here, the aviation security service is responsible for everything. She is responsible for passengers, cargo, aircraft, crew, and the airport as a whole. Also, security must be ensured by the persons who dispatch, receive or service the aircraft.

In the case of air transport, safety is ensured through the following procedures:

  • prohibition of access of strangers and cars to the controlled area of ​​the airfield or airport;
  • security of aircraft during parking, which helps prevent intruders from entering;
  • prohibition of transportation by plane of flammable, radioactive, explosive substances, ammunition, weapons, etc.;
  • pre-flight and post-flight inspection;
  • implementation of countermeasures against illegal interference in aviation activities.

Now you have a clear idea of ​​what the pros and cons of air transport are. Thanks to this, you can understand how suitable this transportation scheme is for you.

More detailed information The Internet will tell you about the features of air transport. For example, on this page you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with information about how air transportation is carried out http://aviacargomarket.ru/ or on another resource at your discretion.

Avis – (from Latin) bird.

First scientific approach we find the problem of flight in Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance era).

An outstanding contribution was made in 1876 by Captain navy Mozhaisky. In 1893, the Wright brothers built a gasoline-powered airplane. He flew 800 meters. In 1913, the Russian designer Sikorsky built the world's largest aircraft (4.3 tons), the Vityaz. ANT was built in 1924. By the beginning of the war, the USSR had 62 world records in the field of aviation. TU-104 set 26 world records in 2 years.

Technical and economic features of air transport

Advantages of air transport:

Air lines are 25% shorter in the direction of highways, river transport by 40%

High speed

Requires 10-20 times less capital investment to establish new lines

Traffic safety is 2 times higher than that of a car.

Flaws :

Strong dependence on weather

High cost of freight transportation (100 times higher than by rail)

Aviation significantly pollutes the atmosphere (an airplane emits 386 grams of dirt per 1 passenger kilometer, a car - 12 grams, railway– 0.6 g. During one transatlantic flight, the plane burns from 35 to 50 tons of oxygen - this is as much as a city with a population of 15-20 thousand people consumes during the year).

Mission Control

For control, the country is divided into control service areas. In the airport area, traffic control is carried out by the ADC (airport traffic control service).

The system used is a radar and computer complex. This complex provides automatic collection, processing and provides the dispatcher with the following information:

Aircraft coordinates

Their hull numbers

Set and current altitude


Amount of fuel.

The transfer of aircraft control between adjacent sectors occurs automatically. Each aircraft is assigned a flight altitude at which it must perform a horizontal flight along the route. The height of the lower echelon must be at least 600 meters from the lowest point of the earth's landscape in a strip of 25 kilometers on both sides of the track.


1. The highest speed and mobility of all types of transport. 2. Simpler packaging than required for any other mode of transport.

3. Long range of non-stop flights.

4. Lower insurance costs compared to other modes of transport.


1. High cost of cargo transportation.

2. Dependence on weather conditions.

3. Restrictions on the transportation of goods related to their size and weight.

4. Savings due to high transportation speeds can be negated by the distance of the airport from the recipient.

5. Possibility of damage during transshipment (overloading) of cargo.

6. The need to create expensive infrastructure and maintain it in working order.

Air transport is a concept that includes both aircraft themselves and the infrastructure necessary for their operation: airports, dispatch and technical services.

Air transport is the fastest mode of transport. The main area of ​​application of air transport is passenger transportation at distances of over a thousand kilometers. Air transport is the most expensive, which limits its cargo use. Mostly perishable products and especially valuable cargo, as well as mail, are transported by air. In such cases, when there is no airfield at the landing site (for example, the delivery of scientific groups to hard-to-reach areas), they use not airplanes, but helicopters that do not need a landing strip.

In the areas Far North Helicopters play an important role: they transport cargo and passengers to production facilities and provide emergency medical care. The main centers of air traffic are Moscow, St. Petersburg, resorts North Caucasus, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Tomsk, Simferopol. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of passenger air transportation is confined to the Moscow air hub: about 80% of air transportation is carried out from Moscow or to Moscow. At the beginning of 2015, there were 282 airports in Russia.

Due to the specific method of movement, air transport has both a number of advantages and significant disadvantages, which limits its use as freight transport.

Benefits include:

1. High speed.

2. Possibility of delivering goods to isolated areas (mainly by helicopter).

The disadvantages of air transport include:

1. High price transportation

2. Dependence on weather.

3. Requires airports (except helicopter).

4. Low load capacity.

In Russia, the work of air transport is controlled by the Ministry of Transport, the Interstate Aviation Committee and Rostransnadzor.

Air traffic management is mainly aimed at ensuring that aircraft take off and depart on time on schedule, use the most preferred flight routes, and comply with established levels of flight safety and use of airspace.

The structure and management of airspace is established in accordance with the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

Intercity and international transportation by air are regulated by a number of regulatory documents, which can be divided into several groups. The first of them is documents of state regulation of aviation, including relevant laws, certification standards and licensing rules. The second category is aviation regulations operating at the federal level. The third group of regulatory documents is the internal Russian rules for the carriage of passengers and cargo transportation using aircraft.

Peculiarities in the operation of pipeline transport

Pipeline transport - transportation through pipes of raw materials (liquids or gases) and products (any chemically stable substances that can be transported through pipelines).

The development of pipeline transport in Russia began in the late 50s. XX century. The most important transported cargoes are crude oil, natural and associated gas. Transportation of petroleum products, liquid and gaseous chemicals is promising, but at present product pipelines are not widely used. In Russia, pipelines of large diameter (1220 and 1420 mm) and long lengths in the latitudinal direction predominate.

Large oil pipelines:

· The Druzhba oil pipeline is the largest export route in Russia (Almetyevsk - Samara - Unecha - Mozyr - Brest and further to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe);

Almetyevsk - Nizhny Novgorod- Ryazan - Moscow;

· Nizhny Novgorod - Yaroslavl - Kirishi;

· Samara - Lisichansk - Kremenchug - Kherson, Snegirevka - Odessa;

· Surgut - Tyumen - Ufa - Almetyevsk;

· Nizhnevartovsk - Samara;

· Surgut - Polotsk;

· Aleksandrovskoe - Anzhero-Sudzhensk;

· Krasnoyarsk - Angarsk;

· Surgut - Omsk - Pavlodar - Chimkent - Chardzhou.

Largest gas pipelines:

· gas pipeline Saratov - Moscow - the first gas pipeline in Russia (840 km);

· Stavropol - Moscow;

· Krasnodar region- Rostov-on-Don - Serpukhov - St. Petersburg;

· Central Asia - Urals;

· Medvezhye - Nadym - Tyumen - Ufa - Torzhok;

· Nadym - Punga - Perm;

· Urengoy - Surgut - Tobolsk - Tyumen - Chelyabinsk;

· Nord Stream;

· The world's largest gas pipeline system Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod - countries of Eastern and Western Europe (4451 km), a gas pipeline running from Orenburg through Ukraine to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

Large product pipelines:

· Ufa - Brest with a branch to Uzhgorod;

· Ufa - Omsk - Novosibirsk;

· Nizhnekamsk - Odessa.

Gas pipelines are being built: Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta, Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok.

The gas pipelines South Stream, Altai, Yakutia-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok and the Caspian gas pipeline, the oil pipelines Baltic Pipeline System-II, the Murmansk Oil Pipeline and the Polar Region-Purpe-Samotlor are being designed.

Oil and gas pipelines have the following advantages:

· pumping oil, gas and oil and gas products over long distances;

· high delivery rate and varying throughput;

· continuous operation all year round (with short-term stops in case of repairs or accidents);

· losses along the route are minimized due to the design features of the pipelines and their preventive maintenance;

· it is possible to transport oil and petroleum products, the viscosity of which varies significantly;

· effective operation in various climatic zones, including in the Far North and Siberia (for this purpose, pipes with appropriate characteristics are selected);

· high degree of mechanization and automation of construction and installation activities when creating pipelines;

· comprehensive monitoring and management of all processes.

All of the above advantages have caused the worldwide development of this method of transport. This was also facilitated by the development of new oil and gas fields, which were often located at a considerable distance from the areas of processing and consumption of these fuel products.

With the improvement of technology, not only the volume of pumped oil and gas has increased, but also the length and capacity of oil pipelines. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality and reliability of the pipes used have increased. Therefore, most high-pressure pipelines use large-diameter welded pipes that fully satisfy all requirements (due to the quality characteristics of the products).

Pipeline transport has certain disadvantages:

· high cost of initial capital investments in the construction of an oil and gas pipeline network;

· danger of environmental damage (especially when transporting underwater pipelines);

· the difficulty of laying a route in certain areas.

All the noted advantages of pipeline delivery of oil, gas and refined products are difficult to underestimate. Existing shortcomings in the use of pipelines are eliminated by improving the quality of both pipes and other pipeline elements, and by a set of measures for their prevention and maintenance.
