The Australian city of Perth is located on the coast. Forums

Perth(English) Perth) — The largest city and the state capital of Western Australia, located in southwestern Australia on the coast indian ocean. The population of the city is 1.658 million people (2010). Perth is the fourth most populated city in Australia after Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. About 75% of the population of the entire state of Western Australia lives in Perth.

The city was founded on June 12, 1829 by Captain James Stirling shortly after the formation of the port community of Fremantle. Perth is showing solid growth, faster than the national average.

Perth became known as the "City of Lights" when all the residents turned on the lights as the Space Shuttle Friendship 7 flew over them in 1962.

As of 2012, Perth was ranked the 9th most livable city in the world, according to The Economist magazine.


A country Australia
Status state capital of Western Australia
State Western Australia
Coordinates 31°57′11″ S sh. 115°51′32″ E (G) (O) (I) Coordinates: 31°57′11″ S sh. 115°51′32″ E d. (G) (O) (I)
Show geographical map
Based 1829
Population 1,832,114 people (2011)
Timezone UTC+8, summer UTC+9



Before the arrival of Europeans, this territory was inhabited by Noongars (English) Russian. for 40,000 years, which has been proven by excavations in the Swan River area. The Aborigines occupied the southwestern corner of Western Australia and lived off hunting and gathering. When Europeans first met the natives here, they called this land Burlu. Several tribes living on the banks of the Swan River formed the Whadjuk. People).

First sightings by Europeans

The first Europeans in the region were men from the command of the Dutch captain Willem de Vlamming on January 10, 1697. Subsequent observations by Europeans confirmed D'Vlamming's conclusions that the land was inhospitable and not suitable for the agriculture that would be necessary in the event of a settlement.

Swan River Colony

"Foundation of Perth". Artist George Pitt Morison (George Pitt Morison), 1929

The first recorded sighting of Europeans at the mouth of the Swan River dates from July 19, 1619, by the crew of Frederick de Houtmann, however, due to bad weather conditions, the landing was not made. In the future, the territory was repeatedly visited by European sailors, but the settlements founded were not permanent.

The Swan River Colony was founded in 1829 by Captain James Sterling. One of the first buildings, the Round House, has survived to this day and is now located on the territory of the city of Fremantle. By 1832, the population of the colony reached 1.5 thousand settlers, and it was given the official name "Western Australia" in honor of the colony of the same name, founded in 1826 in the Albany region. However, the name swan river for a long time it was used to designate the entire territory. Later, Western Australia was expanded to the east and north of the Australian continent, becoming the second largest administrative unit in the world. Today, the state occupies about a third of the country.

Joining a federation


The city is located in the southwest of the continent between the Indian Ocean and the lower coastal escarpment known as the Darling Range. The CBD and the outskirts of the city are located on the Swan River. The nearest city of a million people to Perth is Adelaide in South Australia, 2,104 kilometers (1,307 miles) away. Perth is geographically closer to East Timor and Jakarta than to Sydney and Melbourne.

Business center of the city

The downtown area of ​​the city is bounded by the Swan River to the south and east, Kings Park to the west, and the railway line to the north. Australia's Christmas Island is located 2,360 kilometers northwest of Perth.


Perth experiences moderate and seasonal rainfall. Summers are mostly hot and dry, lasting from December to March. February is the hottest month. In turn, winter is quite wet and cool. Such weather makes Perth a classic example of a Mediterranean climate. Summers are not entirely rainless, with occasional short thunderstorms. The highest temperature of 46.2°C was recorded on February 23, 1991. Often on summer afternoons, a sea breeze, also known as the Fremantle Doctor, blows in from the southwest, replacing the hot northeasterly winds. On such days, temperatures drop below 30 degrees a few hours after the change in wind. Perth is a very sunny city for a Mediterranean climate with 2,800 to 3,000 hours of sunshine a year.

Winters are relatively cool and wet. The highest amount of precipitation falls between May and September. The lowest temperature of -0.7°C was recorded on June 17, 2006.

Although most of the rain falls in winter, the record was recorded on February 9, 1992, when 120.6 mm of rain fell. Rain patterns in Perth and southern western Australia changed dramatically in the mid-1970s. There has been a significant decrease in winter precipitation and an increase in the number of thunderstorms in the summer months.

Climate of Perth
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 45,8 46,2 42,4 37,6 34,3 28,1 26,3 27,8 32,7 37,3 40,3 44,2 46,2
Average maximum, °C 30,5 31,3 29,5 25,5 22,4 19,3 18,4 18,8 20,1 22,8 26,2 28,7 24,5
Average temperature, °C 24,2 24,7 23,0 19,5 16,6 13,9 13,1 13,4 14,8 17,0 20,2 22,4 18,6
Average minimum, °C 17,8 18,0 16,4 13,5 10,7 8,5 7,8 8,0 9,5 11,2 14,1 16,1 12,6
Absolute minimum, °C 8,9 8,7 6,3 4,1 1,3 −0,7 0,0 1,3 1,0 2,2 5,0 7,9 −0,7
Precipitation rate, mm 16,5 9,1 19,8 38,8 89,5 134,7 153,1 128,2 89,2 43,1 22,1 6,4 745,7
Water temperature, °C 23 23 22 22 20 20 19 19 19 19 21 21 21
Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Travel Portal


Population growth by year (ABS)
1854 4001
1859 6293
1870 8220
1881 9955
1891 16 694
1901 67 431
1911 116 181
1921 170 213
1933 230 340
1947 302 968
1954 395 049
1961 475 398
1966 559 298
1971 703 199
1976 805 747
1981 898 918
1986 994 472
1991 1 143 249
1996 1 244 320
2001 1 339 993
2006 1 445 079
2008 1 546 617
2011 1 832 114
Population size,
not born in Australia
Country of birth population
Great Britain 168 483
New Zealand 33 751
Malaysia 18 939
Italy 18 701
South Africa 18 683
India 14 007
Singapore 11 199
Vietnam 10 081
Ireland 7706
PRC 7681
Germany 7617
Netherlands 7570
Indonesia 7392
USA 5524

Perth is the fourth largest city in Australia. In the early 1980s, he overtook Adelaide in this indicator. According to the 2011 census, there were 1,832,114 people in the city.

One dot represents 100 people born in the UK (dark blue), China (red), Italy (light green), Malaysia (dark green), South Africa (brown), Singapore (pink) and Vietnam (yellow), (according to 2006 census)

Ethnic composition

In 2006, the largest ethnic groups in the city were: English (534,555 or 28.6%), Australians (479,174 or 25.6%), Irish (115,384 or 6.2%), Scots (113,846 or 6 .1%), Italians (84,331 or 4.5%) and Chinese (53,390 or 2.9%). Also, 3101 indigenous people (0.2%) lived in the city.

Perth is distinguished by a large number of English people in the population. According to the 2006 census, there were 142,424 residents born in the UK, while in Sydney there were 145,261, and the total population of Perth was only 35% of Sydney's total.

The ethnic composition of the city changed in the middle of the last century, when a large number of immigrants from Europe arrived in the city. Since Fremantle was the first Australian city on the route of ships from Europe, Perth saw an influx of Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Germans, Croats, Bosnians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Macedonians, Turks and other ethnic groups.


Perth is a major port west coast Australia. Railway junction. international Airport. Refinery. Shipbuilding. Enterprises of the chemical, textile and food industries. Large cement plant.


Perth has two airports.

In 1968, a railway line from the city of Kalgoorlie was laid to the city. Currently, this line, owned by the Indian Pacific road, is electrified in the Perth area, using a gauge of 1435 mm.

The road system consists of 3 freeways and 9 highways, all roads are free.

Public transport includes trains, buses and ferries. Within the city there are three lines, including 200 bus and 60 railway stations:

  • Frimantle-Perth-Midland Terminal;
  • Joondalup - Perth - Armadale;
  • Mandurah-Kwinana.


Perth is the hometown of Heathcliff actor Andrew Ledger, better known as Heath Ledger, as well as Karnivool, Tame Impala, Pendulum and Knife Party founders and members Rob Swire, Gareth McGrillen and Paul Harding.

Parks and recreation areas

On the eastern outskirts of the city is Kounu Koala Park, a zoo-reserve that hosts tourist and school groups and allows tourists to take pictures with koalas and hold them in their arms.


Museum of Fire History

twin cities

Note to the tourist

Perth is a young modern city, the capital of Western Australia. The city was founded by the English lieutenant James Stirling in 1829. Bringing new settlers here on his ship Parmelia, he protected these lands from French colonization. Perth has long been a small town and its population was in danger of extinction. Due to the significant remoteness from the entire steel world, the influx of labor to Perth was very weak, so in the first half of the 17th century, convicts often had to be brought into this area.

However, life in the city changed dramatically when gold deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Perth in the 1890s. The city boomed, and in just a decade its population grew sixfold. Global changes have also taken place in the appearance of Perth. Numerous skyscrapers were built, which to this day are the offices of the country's largest mining companies. There are also many old colonial-style houses left, giving the city its charm. The city is the main operating center of the mining industry, which owns the world's largest discovered deposits of nickel and gold. The world's largest diamond-bearing region, Kimberly, is the main competitor of the Yakutian diamond deposit.

Perth has a very extraordinary nature - the preserved centuries-old giant trees "Karri" amaze with their majesty. North of the city, in the Nambang National Park (Nambung national park), is the petrified forest Pinnacles, which gives the impression of an alien settlement. The origin of this forest remains a mystery. It is generally accepted that these blocks were formed from sea shells at the bottom of the ocean that once splashed here. According to the same version, these blocks periodically hide in the sand and are exposed again, which explains why this miracle was discovered only in 1960.

Speaking of Pinnacle, one cannot fail to mention another grandiose creation of Australian nature - 340 km from the city there is a truly wonderful sculpture, carved by the forces of nature in the rock of red sandstone "Stone Wave" (Wave Rock). The wave reaches 15 meters in height and 110 meters in length and changes its color during the day depending on the lighting.

One of the main attractions of Perth is a relatively young tower - Swan Bell Tower. This tallest glass bell tower in the world was built in 2000. It is surrounded by copper sails and has a very majestic appearance. The tower has 18 bells, 12 of which were donated to the city by the English Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields on the day of the Australian Bicentennial. The bells date back to the 14th century. In the tower there is a museum exposition dedicated to bells, you can also watch the bell ringers at work through the glass floor of the second level of the tower. Near the tower is the Swan River boardwalk with restaurants, marinas and pleasure boats.

Perth has a mild maritime climate with long hot summers and cool winters. It rarely rains here, and the sun shines, on average, 8 hours a day. In summer, dry, very hot days are softened by evening breezes from the Indian Ocean. The sea winds, here called the "healer of Fremantle", bring coolness and freshness to Perth. The water in the ocean does not warm up as well as on the east coast, the average summer temperature of the ocean is 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, despite a noticeable cooling (up to 18 degrees Celsius) and possible showers, there is still a lot of sun in the city.

To the southwest of Perth, you can see many endless flowering fields, attracting travelers not only from Australia, but from all over the world with their diversity. IN Margaret river valley is one of the largest wine-growing regions of the country. White wine "Sauvignon Blanc" (Sauvignon Blanc) has become famous all over the world for its exquisite taste and alluring aroma.

The Australian city of Perth is called the brainchild of the gold rush. In 1829, not far from the small settlement that this city was at that time, large deposits of gold and nickel ores, as well as the Kimberley diamond mines, were discovered.

After that, Perth became a solid economic center of Australia, and most of the locals became real millionaires. In this regard, many restaurants, casinos and concert halls have appeared in the city. At the same time, various galleries and theaters were erected in Perth.

Thus, modern Perth has become a real city of dreams, which is able to satisfy any request. IN this moment it has taken a leading position in Australia in terms of the number of various festivals, conferences and exhibitions.

Climate and weather

Perth has a maritime climate that balances between subtropical and temperate, with rather hot summers and cool winters. Moreover, all seasons are expressed quite clearly. In summer, from December to March, the average temperature is +35 ° C and the weather is very dry, although in the evenings the dryness is softened by the breeze of the Indian Ocean. In winter, the temperature is around +18 ° C and there are showers. The average water temperature is +20 °C in summer and +17 °C in winter.

The best time to visit Perth is during the Australian spring, autumn and summer (September to May).


Perth is located in the southwest of the mainland, between the Indian Ocean and the coastal cliff. Darling Range. The central (business) part of the city and its outskirts lie on a bend Swan River which is calm. Perth is separated from the main territories of the Australian continent by vast deserts. The largest nearby city is Adelaide (2104 km). To the south-west of Perth are endless flowering fields.


In Perth interesting places are considered to be visited New Maritime Museum, Western Australia Museum And city ​​art gallery. However, the main symbol of the city is its Bell tower. This unique attraction is rated by tourists as one the most beautiful places peace. The bell tower looks like a high glass tower, at the base of which there is a metal structure resembling two large sails. There are many bells in the tower and some of them are centuries old. Also, the building is equipped with a modern lighting system, so that at night the tower sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow.

But the greatest excitement among tourists in Perth is AQWA (western australian aquarium), located 20 minutes from the city. There you can see unique species of marine animals, watch the feeding of sharks and watch documentaries about the country's marine fauna.

Connoisseurs of the beauties of nature will be delighted with virgin forests and unusual national parks Yanchep And Kohunu Koala. Close to the city are swan valley parks(here you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of winemaking in the country) and Rotnest Island(marine entertainment). And three hundred kilometers from Perth there is a unique creation of nature - carved by the wind from red sandstone stone wave.


For gourmets, Perth has a wide range of pizzerias, bistros and restaurants, which are characterized by a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from Australian to American, Japanese, Thai and Mexican. Most establishments for every budget and taste are concentrated in the area Northbridge. There are also numerous pubs and bars.

Among traditional dishes, it is recommended to try fragrant grilled steaks and, of course, seafood, for which there are hundreds of recipes. In general, Perth is famous for its excellent lobsters, which are exported to the USA and Europe.

The valley of the local Swan River has long established itself as the oldest wine region in Australia. Therefore, almost any institution in Perth has the opportunity to try this fragrant and invigorating drink. Lovers of authentic Italian cuisine can head to the nearby borough of Fremantle, where thousands of immigrants from Italy immigrated in the 1950s and 1960s.


For several decades, Perth has been one of the most popular cities in Australia, where a huge number of tourists and travelers go every year. Thanks to this, in the city, along with luxury hotels, there are many inexpensive hostels, hotels and pensions. Most of these establishments are concentrated in the area Northbridge. This, for example, Underground Backpackers hostels And Hay Street Backpackers as well as hotels Billabong Backpackers Resort And The New Esplanade Hotel. In them you can always find an inexpensive and quite comfortable room costing from $ 30 per day.

Luxury hotels are located directly in the city center, of which it is worth highlighting Duxton Hotel Perth And Hyatt Regency Hotel Perth that amaze with their luxury and perfect service. However, their prices are above average.

Entertainment and recreation

Not far from Perth are well-equipped sandy beaches where you can swim, sunbathe and play sports almost all year round. In the center of the city there is a beautiful park king where you can walk, have a picnic and admire the unique plants of the state. And when a tropical night falls in the city, numerous restaurants and clubs open their doors to guests. Also in Perth, there are many art bars and underground clubs. The trendy district is considered the center of nightlife Northbridge where you can dance or spend the evening with a glass of champagne with oysters.

An unforgettable adventure can be a visit to a colorful show of natives. Ritual dances, unusual ceremonies and playing traditional instruments will allow you to join the national Australian culture and understand it deeper. And an exotic buffet of crocodile meat and wild fruits will be a great addition to this unique show.


Perth's main department stores are located in the heart of the city - Murray Street Mall And Hay Street Mall, where there are many different clothing and accessories stores, as well as several boutiques of Australian designers. Another popular place for shopping is the street king street: here you will find many interesting shops, boutiques and souvenir shops. You can also go shopping at shopping centers Carillon City Arcade And Carousel Shopping Center. And the largest is the shopping center Karrinyup Shopping Center, where brand boutiques are interspersed with small shops offering all sorts of cute trinkets: neckerchiefs, jewelry and other accessories.

For fresh products, go to the markets of the city: Fremantle Markets, Canning Vale(works only on Sundays) and E-Shed Markets. And local souvenirs and handicrafts are sold at street bazaars. Wanneroo Market And Scarborough Fair Markets.


All public transport in Perth is operated by a municipal company. Transperth. To the services of citizens and guests of the city - buses and a ferry that connects the banks of the city's Swan River.

There are many bus routes in Perth, and they are divided into three independent lines: Blue CAT, Yellow CAT And red cat. These lines divide the city into nine zones. The fare is paid according to the number of zones crossed. The cost of a trip within one zone is $ 2.5, two - $ 3.7, and a daily ticket will cost $ 8.7. The city center and its surrounding areas are located in the same zone. In addition to tickets in Perth, it is possible to purchase an electronic card, which is preliminarily “charged” in cash at offices Transperth.

On the city ferry, you can quickly and comfortably cross to the southern regions of Perth, for example, to the zoo. This type of transport runs every 20-30 minutes until 21:00. And for those who prefer physical activity, in Perth there is an opportunity to rent a bicycle. There is a well-developed network of cycle paths, which are maintained in perfect order.


In Perth, as in other Australian cities, modern telephone communications are well developed. All Australian mobile operators operate here. You can use roaming or purchase a local SIM card. Internet access is available in city Internet cafes and libraries, and Wi-Fi is available in hotels, restaurants and cafes.

The minimum cost of a call from a payphone within the city is $0.40. You can also call abroad from street payphones. All of them accept coins and phone cards (from $5).


Perth is considered a fairly safe city, although we advise you not to walk alone at night. Local police officers are always friendly and ready to provide any help or advice. The main danger that awaits tourists in Perth is the risk of sunburn.

Business climate

Perth's rapid economic growth began with the development of the mining industry. In the mid-60s, large gold deposits were discovered here, after which there was an economic leap, which now provides excellent conditions for doing business. By the end of the 20th century, Perth became a confident leader among Australian cities in terms of the number of successful business people and millionaires, which creates a fertile ground for cooperation and partnership. At the moment, the city is developing dynamically, so any cash investments in industry and opening your own business provide a stable and high income. In addition, salaries in this state are the highest in all of Australia, and the average annual income of residents exceeds the national average.

Real estate

After Sydney, Perth leads the way in terms of rising property prices. So, an ordinary two-story house here will cost about $470,000, and the cost of apartments varies from $1,600 per 1 m².

Moreover, according to the forecasts of the Australian Real Estate Institute, housing prices will soon begin to increase by about 5-6% per year.

Many eateries and restaurants in Perth have a system Bring Your Own(“bring your own”). It allows you to bring your own drinks into the establishments if lunch or dinner is ordered. This is indicated by the inscription BYO in the window or on the doors of the restaurant. There are restrictions on the sale of alcohol in the city (from Monday to Saturday from 17:00 to 24:00).

Perth is the capital of the Western Australia region, one of the most isolated administrative centers of the world from a wide civilization. The position "on the outskirts" has earned Perth the fame of a hidden pearl in the Australian crown: not everyone can find it, but a stubborn seeker will be rewarded in full - kilometers of virgin beaches, a huge number of national parks within walking distance, beautiful nature, and all this, coupled with the lifestyle hospitality and infectious carelessness of the locals, more than compensate for the possible inconvenience.

How to get to Perth

The journey from Russia to Australia is long and there are no non-stop flights, so get ready to spend at least 20 hours in the air, excluding connections. There are a lot of flight options: Emirates via Dubai, Singapore Airlines via Singapore, not counting the opportunity to fly to Sydney and from there get to Perth on a domestic flight of the national carrier Qantas or low-cost Virgin Blue.

Perth International Airport is located 15 km from the city and consists of three terminals. Flights from abroad are served in terminal 1, domestic flights - in the 2nd or 3rd. To get from the airport to the city center, you can use the shuttle service. Connect shuttle buses link the international and local terminals to Perth city centre; departures from the airport from 6:20 am to 1 am. In Perth, the shuttle makes 5 stops in different parts of the city. The travel time to the first stop is about 20 minutes, the fare is 18 USD one way and 30 USD round trip. Another option (best value if you are traveling with a group) is to take a taxi. The trip will cost approximately 40 USD.

Search for flights to Sydney (nearest airport to Perth)

Transport in the city

The municipal company Transperth runs Perth's public transport. At the service of local residents and guests - city buses, suburban trains and a ferry connecting the banks of the Swan River, on which the city is located.

Perth has a large number of bus routes, the most popular of which are CAT buses. There are three lines within the city: Red CAT and Yellow CAT connect the eastern and western parts of the city (from 6 am to half-8 pm with an interval of 5/10 minutes), Blue CAT - northern and southern (from 7:00 to 19:30 , interval 8 minutes). In addition, circular routes No. 98 (clockwise) and 99 (in the opposite direction) are popular.

The fare is charged according to the number of crossed zones, there are nine of them in the city. The fare within one zone - 2.50 USD, two - 3.70 USD, etc. The city center and the areas closest to it are within the same zone. A ticket for 24 hours will cost 9 USD. Movement within the Perth Free Transit Zone (FTZ - Free Transit Zone) is free. Bus stops in this zone have a red FTZ sign.

In addition to fare tickets, you can purchase SmartRider - an electronic card that must first be “charged” with money at Transperth offices. Apply the SmartRider to the validator in public transport at the entrance and exit, and the required amount will be automatically withdrawn from the card balance.

Gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere at Scitech, the largest planetarium on the continent.

Commuter trains are a great way to quickly get to the outskirts of Perth and its suburbs. To the number popular destinations includes the northern district of Clarkson, as well as the towns of Fremantle and Midland. Trains depart from the city's central station on Wellington Street. The traffic schedule is from half past six in the morning to midnight on weekdays and until two in the morning on weekends. Trains are also subject to the FTZ rule - free travel within the city.

By ferry, you can quickly and comfortably get to the southern regions of Perth, for example, to visit the zoo. Vessels run every 20-30 minutes from 7 am to half past eight in the evening on weekdays and from 8:00 to 21:00 during the weekend; travel time - 7 minutes.

For lovers of physical activity in Perth, there is the opportunity to rent a bicycle. There is an extensive network of cycle paths, and all of them are maintained in almost perfect condition.

Popular hotels in Perth

Cuisine and restaurants in Perth

Perth has a huge number of bistros, pizzerias and restaurants of a wide variety of gastronomic traditions - from native Australian to American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Thai. The largest selection of establishments for every taste and budget in the Northbridge area. Bars, pubs and nightclubs are also located here, and after dark you can “continue the banquet” in them. Other restaurant areas are around Barrack Street and Mend Street on the south bank of the Swan River (lunch can be combined with a short, but romantic ferry trip).

Among the local dishes, it is recommended to try grilled steaks (Australian specialty) and a variety of seafood, from shark meat to freshwater oysters. Perth is famous for lobsters, it is a whole industry with an impressive share of exports to the USA.

The Swan River Valley is one of Australia's oldest wine regions, don't miss the chance to have a glass or two of the local invigorating drink.

Italian cuisine flourishes in Fremantle, a town 20 minutes from Perth. In the 50s and 60s, thousands of pasta and lasagna adepts immigrated here, and since then it has not been difficult to find an institution with excellent dishes here.

Shopping and shops

Perth's main department stores - Hay Street Mall and Murray Street Mall - are located in the heart of the city. There are many shops of international mass brands of clothing, shoes and accessories and several boutiques of local designers. King Street is another popular shopping artery in the city. It also makes sense to visit the Carillon City Arcade malls, the Carousel Shopping Center in the Kenington area, the Harbor Town outlet in western Perth and the colorful Karrinyup Shopping Center - luxury boutiques here are interspersed with nooks and crannies with all sorts of things - bracelets, neckerchiefs and other accessories.

Soak up the local flavor and stock up on food at Perth markets: Fremantle Markets (more than 150 trading places in a historic building from 1897), Canning Vale (fruits, vegetables, flowers, second-hand items; open on Sundays), Gosnells Railway and E-Shed Markets . Large selection of souvenirs and handicrafts at Scarborough Fair Markets and Wanneroo Market (Saturdays and Sundays from 8 am to 5 pm).

The best photos of Perth

Guides in Perth

Entertainment and attractions in Perth

One of the main attractions of Perth is the ocean and the beach in all their diversity: from simply lying on the sand to flying in a two-seater plane over the surf line. The most comfortable and safest beaches include North Beach, Sorrento Beach and City Beach. Cottesloe beach is also suitable for swimming, but here you need to beware of underwater currents near the breakwaters. Scarborough and Trigg are ideal for surfers.

You can enjoy the charm of uninhabited beaches and watch short-tailed wallabies on Rottnest Island, located 19 km from Perth (about two hours by ferry). Private transport is prohibited here; the island has one bus route and several bike rentals. In the vicinity of Rottnest, divers can dive to the wrecks of sunken ships.

The out-of-the-way position has earned Perth the reputation of being the hidden gem in the Australian crown.

The Perth Zoo has more than 2,000 animals of 280 species, mostly native to the continent. Kangaroos and wombats can be seen at Caversham Wildlife Park, and numerous koalas inhabit Cohunu Wildlife Park. Fans of cold-blooded animals are advised to visit the Armadale Reptile Center and the huge Aquarium.

In the center of Perth, there are also several noteworthy architectural monuments - the Governor's House surrounded by beautiful gardens, the Houses of Parliament and City Hall, St. George's Cathedral, as well as the Perth Mint, where precious metals are processed today.

You can breathe fresh air within the city in one of the four parks in Perth: Allen Green Conservatory with a collection of tropical plants, Burswood Park, 400-hectare Kings Park or Botanical Gardens.

To gaze at the fantastic starry sky of the Southern Hemisphere, head to Scitech, the largest planetarium on the continent. You can fly over Perth and its environs in a hot air balloon, helicopter and two-seater plane. And of course, do not forget that the coast of Australia is one of the best places in the diving world.

In the past, people went on a journey to a distant Perth

, the capital of Western Australia, perhaps more for curiosity than recreation. Indeed, it was very interesting to find out what life is like in one of the most isolated major cities in the world. Western Australia, in general, is often positioned as the "last frontier" of the Australian continent. The Perth area has been home to the Noongar Aboriginal people for at least 40,000 years.

British settlers established a free colony in 1829 as part of the Swan River Colony (a colony on the Swan River). The village was named after the Scottish city of Perth, the hometown of Sir George Murray, the British Prime Minister of the colonies at that time. Since 1850, the colony has increased due to the influx of convicts who worked on the construction and created the original appearance of the city. The discovery of gold in the 1890s caused a real boom. Subsequently, mineral deposits were discovered. As the capital of Western Australia, Perth joined the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. Modern Perth popularized by the "Mediterranean way of life" based on superb beaches, luxurious restaurants, luxury hotels - an incredibly attractive destination. The river flowing through the city center provides excellent opportunities for yachting.

Excellent climatic conditions - Perth has more sunny days than any other Australian city, which is why it is known as the City of Light. Perth offers a range of attractions and recreational activities in and around the city center.

Some interesting sights are about an hour away by car or bus. Outside the giant city - National parks stunning coastline.

In the Central Business District (CBD) you can use the services of free buses CATS (central area transport service). Well-equipped, air-conditioned buses in various colors with a distinctive cat emblem arrive and depart every five to ten minutes depending on the route, time of day and day of the week. Key Experiences in and around Perth:

"King's Park and Botanic Garden" along Fraser Avenue, which includes parklands and gardens, the city's most popular attractions for both locals and tourists.

Located near the city center, the park, covering an area of ​​4.06 square kilometers, is located on Mount Eliza, offering breathtaking views of the city and the Swan River. A significant part of the park is occupied by native bushlands with hundreds of species of fauna and about 80 species of birds.

Combining bushland, topiary lawns, botanical gardens, war memorials, sculptures, King's Park Tennis Club, named after King Edward VII, the largest park in the world and the glory of Perth.

In the spring and summer months, many events are organized in the park - concerts, moonlight movies, festivals. Along Fraser Avenue is the Aboriginal Art Gallery, which exhibits work by Aboriginal artists from Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Swimming, snorkeling, surfing Perth is literally "obsessed" with beaches. Nineteen beaches to choose from depending on preferences, among them the most popular Cottesloe, Scarborough (surfing and windsurfing), City Beach, Trigg (hardcore surfing), Mettams Pool, Rockingham Beach.

Swan Valley, one of Western Australia's most important wine regions, is just a 25-minute drive from Perth. Many connoisseurs of good wine will find here familiar wine brands, Houghton, Sandalford, Jarrah Ridge. Amazing cheeses, chocolate, olive oil, craft beer are produced in the region to the delight of gourmets. The Swan Bell Tower features 18 bells in a purpose-built 82.5 meter high copper/glass bell tower. They form a chime of sixteen bells with two additional chromatic notes. One of the largest chimes in the world was given to Perth for Australia's bicentennial by St Martin's in the Fields (St Martin-in-the-Fields), London's famous parish church.

sunset watching Western Australia is famous for its stunning sunsets over the Indian Ocean. Sunsets like those in Perth are rare to see anywhere else. Among the beaches, the most popular choice is Cottesloe Beach, in the evenings, the Sunset Watch show is tripled, accompanied by a decent portion of local beer or a glass of wonderful local wine and delicious food. Maritime Museum, which has six galleries, tells about the history of navigation, diving in the European era. Exhibits include the yacht Australia II, a submarine, a replica of the Endeavor, a ship commanded by Captain James Cook. Fremantle A bustling nineteenth-century port city nineteen kilometers from Perth City. It is easily accessible by road, rail and ferry. Fremantle is interesting for its remarkably well-preserved Victorian-era buildings, the Round House, the first permanent building in the Swan River Colony, built in 1830 and intended to serve as a prison. The prison functioned until 1991. Today, excursions are organized in it, including through an underground tunnel.

Housed in a magnificent 1897 Victorian building beautifully restored, open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9am, it offers a fantastic selection of fresh goods and produce. It is a great pleasure to immerse yourself in a special atmosphere. Watch an eclectic mix of tourists, artisans, musicians, artists and many other local icons. Crafts, antiques, jewellery, ceramics, unique souvenirs and accessories... Perth's portfolio of cultural and art attractions is quite extensive. Many museums, galleries, the city hosts festivals of international importance, such as the Perth International Arts Festival, throughout the year in theaters and concert halls you can enjoy different forms of art. Cultural Center Perth, the collective name for the main cultural institutions located in the central region. Art Gallery of Western Australia, Museum of Western Australia, Perth Jail, Western Australia State Library, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Theater Centre, Western Australia State Records Office (the government agency responsible for managing, preserving and providing access to public records).

William Street, Beaufort Street, Rho Street and Francis Street form the boundaries of the Cultural Center (sometimes it is assumed that the Cultural Center is located in the Northbridge area, in fact the entire area is within the boundaries of the Central Business District).

the main objective art gallery to preserve and explain visual art past and present, with a primary focus on Western Australian art and local art. The Bodleian collections preserve 17,000 works. National art - the highlight of the collection - works from the Central Desert, Western Australia, from the peninsula of Arnhem Land. Painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, engraving, photography, graphics, design from the 19th to the 21st century.

Museum of Western Australia

The museum showcases the historical and cultural treasures as well as the natural features of this magnificent region. Visitors get a great impression from getting to know not only the city, but also the western region of Australia.

St. Mary's Cathedral

This Catholic cathedral was built in the Gothic style in the central part of Perth. It was originally conceived as an Anglican church. West Side the building was erected in 1865, and the rest in 1930. Visitors to the cathedral can see the bishop's mansion, the first section of which was opened by a Catholic priest in 1860. When the Pope, John Paul, visited Perth, he stayed in this mansion.

Administrative building of the municipality

The administrative building of the Perth Municipality was built in the period 1859-1864. At first, the building functioned as a seat of Parliament and as the residence of the ruler of Western Australia. The style in which the building was built resembles a tower located in the center of London. The building is surrounded by beautiful gardens.


The Deanery is one of the few surviving buildings erected in the 1850s. It was intended for the permanent residence of the first Provost (rector cathedral) Perth. Today it serves as the office of the Anglican Church.

St. George's Cathedral

This beautiful Anglican cathedral was built in neo-gothic style between 1880-1888. Now it is the largest Anglican church in the city.

Town Hall

Town Hall in Perth is one of the oldest and most important public buildings in the city. It was built by prisoners in the period 1867-1870s. The 38-meter bell tower is the main attraction of Perth.

His Majesty's Theater

His Majesty's Theater was built in the extravagant Edwardian style in 1904. Here, in addition to the opera and ballet theater, there is a museum of classical art.

The Cloisters

The Cloisters is an inconspicuous brick building that is lost between modern skyscrapers. It was built in 1859 and served as a school for boys at that time.

old school for boys

The Old School for Boys is the second of the oldest buildings in Australia (in Perth - the first). Built in 1854 and restored in 1977. Today, the building houses an information center.

Allan Green Conservatory

The building of the conservatory was built in honor of the 150th anniversary of the state of Western Australia. All kinds of tropical and subtropical plants are planted around the conservatory.

Supreme Court & Gardens

Supreme Court was built in 1897 in a classical style. The garden with tall trees and original plants surrounding the building resembles a fragrant oasis in the midst of a bustling city.

royal park

Huge royal park is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Perth. It was broken up in 1872. From the observation decks of the park, the size of which is 400 hectares, there is a beautiful, bewitching view of the Swan River. In addition to hiking and walking paths, the Lotterywest Federation Walkway is very popular, laid at a height of 16 meters above ground level.

southern caves

The caves, located in the southwestern part of Australia, are considered among the most beautiful in the world. Margaret River Lake Cave is located near a large crater. Stalactites and mineral deposits sparkle in the sun like gems. This spectacle makes an unforgettable impression. Jewel Cave is located in the north of Augusta. Inside the cave, visitors can walk along an underground stream that fascinates with its splendor.

Swan Valley

Swan Valley is a major wine growing area. Grapes began to be grown here in the 19th century, when settlers sailed here along the Swan River and found excellent fertile soil here for growing various crops. Since the sun always shines in Western Australia, there are no problems with winemaking. This region is suitable for viticulture in the best way. On the territory of the valley fit more than 30 vineyards, which lead group and individual excursions. When visiting the vineyards, tourists can learn about the process of making high-quality first-class wine, as well as taste some varieties.

Swan Valley is also a recreation area. There are a large number of historical buildings here. You can visit interesting galleries, museums, as well as a chocolate factory.

The island is popular for having some of the best beaches and dive sites. The water in many bays around the island is warm and invigorating at the same time. The depth of coastal waters is small, so everyone can try their hand at scuba diving. During boat trips you can see dolphins or whales.

The name of the island is unusual, translated from Danish as "rat's nest". The island was named so by a Danish navigator in the 17th century, he simply confused small kangaroos with rats and considered that these rodents live in large numbers on the island.


Rockingham is an enchanting place known for its beaches as well as its beautiful nature and underwater life. Visitors can take boat trips, fish and surf.

Rockingham is also known for having a large number of dolphins that tourists can swim with during special organized tours. Of course, you can admire these cute, intelligent animals from a boat if diving in the water intimidates you.


Shoalwater Marine Park is a large area that includes islands, reefs and wrecks. Several species of interesting and unique animals live here. These are penguin colonies on Penguin Island (Penguin Island), seals on Seal Island (Seal Island), as well as various bird species on Bird Island (Bird Island). At certain times, such as the breeding season, tourists are not allowed to visit these islands and disturb the animals.

New Norcia

It is the only monastic city in Australia. It was founded in 1846 by a group of Benedictine monks. The ensemble of historical buildings in the Spanish architectural style makes an unforgettable impression. With just 27 historic buildings set against the backdrop of the majestic Australian landscape, New Norsia is a popular tourist destination in Western Australia.


York - Old city Western Australia. It was founded on fertile land near the River Avon in 1830. The city is considered a supplier of agricultural products to Perth. Visiting York, you seem to return to the time of the colonization of Australia in the 19th century. A large number of low rise buildings make York one of the region's most charming towns. Here you can visit several museums that show in detail the life of the people of the 19th century, especially many exhibits are dedicated to the period of the gold rush of 1899.

Indian Pacific Railroad

One of the largest Indian Pacific railroads starts in Perth. Its route passes through the great Australian desert, the city of Adelaide on the South Coast and ends in Sydney: a length of 2,352 kilometers.

 Located on the western coast of the Indian Ocean, the city of Perth was founded on August 12, 1829, largely due to the fears of the British, caused by the intention of the French to settle in these places first. However, this colony was not planned for the exile of convicts. Instead, the government sold land cheaply to private individuals, ignoring the interests of Indigenous Australians.

Now it is a beautiful, clean, friendly and lively city with a developed infrastructure. It is available both by land and air, and by sea. It is the sunniest of all Australian state capitals. The city successfully combines urban landscapes with the natural beauty of nature. What is worth one view of stunning sunsets over the ocean, and combined with an abundance of bars, restaurants offering products from the local wine industry, shops, cultural sites, city parks and stunning beaches where you can swim with dolphins, the city becomes a real gem of the region.

History of European settlement of Perth

The first ship to arrive at the mouth of the Swan River was the steam-sailing Corvette Challenger, captained by Captain Charles Fremantle in May 1829. With his light hand, the territories of Western Australia were assigned to Great Britain. In June of the same year, James Stirling arrived in Perth, who considered these lands to be the best on the continent for human habitation and persuaded the British government to create a colony there, independent of the colony in New South Wales. He ruled over the new colony founded on the Swan River from 1829 to 1832 and from 1834 to 1838. The new colony developed in two regions: Fremantle and Perth. Conflict soon arose between European settlers and Indigenous Australians. Indigenous peoples were driven from their historical lands. The apogee of the confrontation was the fateful battle of Pinjarra.

In the 19th century, the city actively developed. The British government agreed to send prisoners to the colony to ramp up construction. In 1855, the Royal Hospital was opened, and in 1856, Perth received the status of a city. This event was marked by street lighting. The gardens at the high court were laid out in 1845. The park was founded in 1872, and in 1901 it was renamed Kings Park, which is famous today. The Queen's Gardens were founded in 1899. The Perth Zoo opened in 1898. The mint was founded in 1899.

The main buildings of the nineteenth century of construction include:

  • Old mill (1835);
  • House of Court (1836);
  • City Hall (1870);
  • Cathedral of St. George (1888);
  • Mint (1899);
  • University of Western Australia (1911).

At the end of the 19th century, the city acquired electricity, and in 1899 electric trams ran through the streets of the city, which transported residents until 1958. In the 1930s, Perth, like the rest of the world, suffered from an economic depression. Every fourth resident was unemployed. The situation improved during the Second World War.

Today, the population of Perth is 1 million 300 thousand people, and the city is still the capital of Western Australia.

Attractions Perth

Along the long coast lies light sand and clear turquoise water - a paradise for lovers of water sports. Within the city there are 16 main park areas and many smaller parks. The docks at Barack Square are the starting point for river cruises to Fremantle, the wine regions and Rottnest Island.

Perth Zoo

Just five minutes from the city center is the Perth Zoo, home to over 1,200 animals from around the world. For more than 120 years, on its vast territory, you can learn about the local fauna, visit the corners of the Asian rainforest to see elephants, tigers, bears and a colony of Sumatran orangutans or go on a safari through the African savanna in search of rhinos, lions and giraffes.

The Perth Zoo has been a center of entertainment since its opening. It hosted parades, a beautiful baby contest, croquet matches, car shows, tennis matches and live music. The zoo was home to the Australian Open in 1909.

Today, the tradition started by the founder of the zoo, Ernest Le Souf, continues. The territory is replete with playgrounds, barbecue areas, attractions that delight tens of thousands of families every year.

city ​​hall

Built in 1868, Perth City Hall is a prime example of buildings of unique historical heritage built during a period when the city flourished and developed.

In early 1867, Governor John Hampton announced that he intended to build a town hall and present it to the city. A vacant elevated site was chosen and the three-year construction began. The building was erected by the efforts of the prisoners. The Tudor-style building consisted of a traditional four-sided clock tower and an open crypt. Over the years, the crypt has served as a food bazaar and meeting place.

When examining the watch, you can see with the naked eye the additional design details introduced by the convicts, among which the ornament in the form of a rope on the dial and several small arrow-shaped windows are especially noticeable. According to local legend, these touches were added by prisoners to commemorate their contribution to the construction of the facility. As the city grew, the old town hall ceased to play a large public role. A statue of Captain James Stirling stands next to her.

Swan Bell Tower

One of the most interesting sights in the city of Perth is undoubtedly the bell tower with twelve bells of St. Martin, whose history dates back to the 14th century and is associated with the name of Queen Elizabeth I in the 16th century and with the Prince of Wales in the 18th. These are the only bells belonging to the crown that left the UK . The Anglican Church donated the bells to the city as part of Australia's bicentennial celebrations. Six bells were added to the London Dozen and a tower was specially erected. The tip of its glass spire rises to a height of 82.5 meters above the Swan River.

Occupying a place of honor in one of London's most famous churches in Trafalgar Square, St. Martin's Bells have witnessed many historical events, including such as the country's victory over the Spaniards in 1588, the success in El Alamein in 1942. They rang on New Year's Eve for 275 consecutive years, celebrated the coronations of British monarchs starting with King George II in 1727, and announced the return of Captain Cook after his voyage in 1771.

The tower is located on the pier, overlooks the Swan and is equipped with an observation deck.

old mill

The Old Mill is actually the second mill built by William Shenton, on the Cape in South Perth. The first attempt to build a building was made in 1833, but it was destroyed the following year by the local indigenous people. In 1835 a second mill was built. In order not to be attacked, it was fortified with thick stone walls and resembled a fortress. Due to its convenient location near waterways, located between Fremantle and Guildford, the windmill produced 680 kilograms of flour every day. Production ceased in 1859 as other mills were now being built closer to farms, roads were being improved, and finally in 1881 a Railway Fremantle - Guildford. In 1880, an architect named Mr. Thomas Brown rented the mill and converted the grounds into a hotel with a picnic area. He added a veranda and changed the roof, but was forced to close the project as it became unprofitable. In the future, the old mill served as a sawmill, a printing house, a wine salon, a poultry farm, a mansion and a museum. Today, the Old Mill represents Perth's heritage and is a notable tourist attraction.

Stirling Gardens

Stirling Gardens is the oldest garden in Perth. The gardens, named after Governor James Stirling, were originally used as an acclimatization garden where plants were grown from seed. In 1845 it was opened as a botanical garden and some of the trees planted in ancient times still grow here today. The reconstruction of the Stirling Gardens was carried out in 1965.

Park Kings

This is one of the largest urban parks in the world. It is larger than the central park in New York, and is located right in the heart of Perth. The park overlooks the Swan and Canning rivers, the skyscrapers located on their banks. Surprisingly tall trees, a bridge, hiking trails are conducive to relaxation.
