Blogs and ratings are maintained here. Independent rating of the best Russian blogs

I think that they are of particular interest to journalists, television people, everyone who is chasing sensations, as well as fans and admirers of the talent of famous personalities.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a public person who does not have his own blog. It is not a fact that the author of the blog edits it himself; often, blogs are written by professional journalists or writers on behalf of a famous person, but readers have no idea about this. Of course, the author of the blog says what to write about, the main thoughts and theses, but experts in their field add a beautiful veil.

If you have a favorite actor, musician or politician, enter his last name and phrase into the search, for example “Andrei Makarevich’s blog” and enjoy communicating with your idol.

The most interesting blogs I read

I want to say right away that it’s time to read large quantity I don’t have blogs and I limited their number for myself.

When I created this blog and chose a rather competitive topic (making money on the Internet, creating a blog, information business), I more than once wanted to change the topic or create a second website.

The thought of creating another diary on a different topic constantly sits in my mind and, from time to time, reminds me of myself. 🙂

But over the course of a year of editing the blog, I noticed that I was most interested in reading posts on topics similar to mine. Here are the most interesting:

  1. Mikhail Shakin's blog -

The most interesting blog in my opinion, a lot of fascinating material, versatile posts, everything is clear, practical, a lot of valuable advice on maintaining, optimizing and promoting websites.

It is rare to find in the blogosphere those who do not know Mikhail’s blog. If you are one of them, I recommend becoming a regular reader and studying this resource from cover to cover. If Mikhail reviews various services or programs, he does it in great detail, always gives several options and reveals their advantages and disadvantages.

It’s a pity that notes on Mikhail Shakin’s blog are published quite rarely, but each of them contains a lot of useful information.

2. Website of Evgeny Popov -

This is a classic and the basis of all knowledge for those who create websites and engage in information business. Evgeniy Popov’s materials are the most up-to-date, have a lot of practical use, are clearly presented, and are supplemented by wonderful video podcasts.

Often his courses cost a lot of money, but in order to develop, you need to invest money in your development.

I recently interviewed Evgeniy, by the way, I spent 2 years trying to get him)) Read it, you’ll like it:

For me, this is like the ABCs for a first grader, it is necessary to learn from the very beginning. I recommend everyone to study this resource and read new articles regularly, you will find a lot of useful things, I guarantee.

3. Personal SEO blog of Sergei Koksharov

The blog is dedicated to SEO, analytics, SEM and many other issues. All materials have been personally verified by the author on other sites, all analytical calculations, observations, analysis of various algorithms and innovations of search engines are revealed in an easy and accessible language.

At first I thought that it was simply impossible for beginners to understand everything Sergei was talking about, but gradually studying the articles I realized that it was possible to figure it all out. Firstly, you need desire and desire, and when experience also appears in these SEO issues, then it will become easier to digest such terms))

4. Lemur Blog -

Dmitry’s diary covers quite a wide range of topics, from creating an online store to various technical innovations and services.

The presentation of the material is very interesting, not like everyone else, and this attracts. I can’t say specifically what exactly is unusual about Dmitry, but maybe you can determine it))

The traffic indicators on the blog are very significant, despite the fact that the TIC and PR are quite modest, that’s what I like :)

This is proof that you shouldn’t chase baby bumps, but that you need to work on content and communicate correctly with your readers.

5. Blog of Sergei Sosnovsky -

Also quite a well-known blog with a huge amount of valuable information, practical advice and various competitions.

I like the way Sergei presents information, responds to comments or advice, and conducts a dialogue with readers. It has constant movement, new products, competitions, prizes, a lot of positive things, in general, it’s light and comfortable.

He is a very sociable and pleasant conversationalist; if you are interested, you can read mine.

In addition to notes on creating and optimizing websites, I like to read about travel, answers to reader questions, and various experiments based on personal experience author. Come in, you won't regret it.

6. Blog of Maxim Dovzhenko -

Maxim has the youngest diary compared to those presented above, but the information and manner of presenting the material are very detailed and voluminous, or something. I have never seen such large posts before, with so many pictures, tables and explanations.
It is noticeable that Maxim works very seriously on his project, communicates and helps his readers on various issues.

Another thing I really like about a blog author is how he plans his articles. He outlines a whole topic, breaks it down into auxiliary ones, and gradually reveals it in detail. After that, he moves on to another topic, I’m catastrophically lacking in this, I can’t get used to making outlines of notes.

I understand that advertising your direct competitors is not entirely good, but, on the other hand, where are they and where am I. I understand perfectly well that we are separated by long distances, but every soldier should dream of becoming a general, otherwise he is worthless.

When I was looking for popular blogs, I was surprised by the number of requests on the topic of knitting, needlework, and crocheting:

Here’s another niche for a website or information product :)

I wanted to find popular personal diaries on the topics of sports, travel, healthy lifestyle, literature, and start reading them regularly, but it didn’t work out. They don’t grab me, I read a little, and I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to. Many resources about sports are maintained by a whole team of like-minded people and calling them a blog is somehow not logical in my opinion.

These are the popular blogs I read, this is my subjective opinion, of course. Are there any webmasters listed that you haven’t heard of yet?

Which popular bloggers do you know who write on a topic other than information business and creating and promoting websites and making money on the Internet?

That's all for today, see you!

Blogging platforms have long been one of the most popular means of disseminating information on the Internet, and blogs compete quite successfully with established information channels such as the media. Many Internet users who bear the title of “bloggers” have gained very wide popularity and managed to earn good money from this “craft”. IN this review Dear Reader, you will receive answers to the following questions: what is a blog platform in principle, what popular blog platforms exist, and which blogging service is preferable to choose. Who knows, maybe soon, thanks to the Internet browser, a “new star” will shine in the blogosphere :) So let's begin.

Blogs. Background

The prerequisites for the creation of the term “blog” appeared in the Internet environment in 1997, at the suggestion of Jorn Barger, an American programmer, one of those who stood at the origins of “web logging” (from the English “web” - network, “logging” - journaling). By publishing his daily entries under the name "Robot Wisdom," Barger's goal was to "gain an audience that could see the connections between his interests." Being, apparently, a creative person, he did not want to call his activity the already established concept of “Web publishing”, and gave this process the name “Weblog”. 2 years later, in 1999, a humorous use of this term appeared on the website: Peter Merholz introduced the spelling “we blog”. This humorous “game with letters” was very popular with a number of advanced people in the IT field, for example, programmer and IT entrepreneur E. Williams (who was directly involved in the creation of and Twitter), and quite quickly the word “Blog” came into circulation. Now, 17 years later, the concept of “Blog” and the process of blogging have become so firmly woven into Internet life and Internet culture that many people use it as a matter of course, without burdening themselves with the question “Where did this word even come from” :)
The main distinguishing characteristics of a blog are the chronological order of entries and publicity. The second aspect is especially important, since blogging is usually very closely related to the “audience”: responses and comments are perhaps the main indicator that the reader is interested in the activities of the author-blogger.


Blog placement options depend on the preferences of the author. If you want to give your blog an individual look, have an interface that can be transformed in any way and functionality that can be customized to the author’s taste, then the blog is created in the form of a personal website. If the author is interested in the convenience of posting and managing his publications, then the choice falls on specialized sites that provide all the tools necessary for convenient and easy blogging. Such sites are called “ blogging platforms", or, in other words, blogging services.
The blog platform has the following properties that are beneficial from the user’s point of view:

  • ease of “deployment”: since blogging services are tools for “mass distribution”, the main component on which the blog will work - the so-called “engine” - is made on what is called a “turnkey” basis. Those. it is the same for all users of a certain blog platform and does not require modifications;
  • because no modifications are required, then the user does not need to understand programming and modify the “engine”;
  • The main labor costs come down to mastering the use of a blogging service, which is obviously much simpler than developing and setting up your own platform.

However, of course, blogging services have their disadvantages:

  • lack of “flexibility”: setting up the service is possible only within the framework of its functionality;
  • Some blogging services sometimes have problems with regard to user-generated content: in some cases, information posted by a blogger on a particular blogging platform legally belongs to the owners of the resource, and not the author of the content.

These nuances are usually reflected in the “User Agreement,” so when choosing a blog platform, it is important to read this document and not mindlessly “agree with everything.” Typically, such “ownership issues” result in the editing or deletion of information posted by the user if this is contrary to the “Rules” of the blogging service.

Types of blogging platforms

  • professional blogging platforms: When choosing such a blogging service, the blog engine will be individual, modified and customized according to the requirements of the blogger user. Usually, the bonus is the provision of hosting for files + the ability to run scripts required by the user (although this function is often provided in a very reduced form). Usually such services are paid;
  • semi-professional blogging platforms: when choosing such a service for blogging, the user rents an engine (or several engines). Such a service excludes the possibility of customization. Files, as in the first case, can be “uploaded” to the provided hosting. Usually paid, like professional blogging platforms;
  • massive blogging platforms: Here the user only gets an account and uses the server resources of the selected platform. The blogger does not have direct access to either the posted data or the “internals” of the engine - all interaction is carried out strictly within the framework of the functionality provided by the blogging platform.

That’s enough “theory”; let’s move on to the actual consideration of blogging platforms.
The most popular services in the Internet environment are the following:
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Let's start with them detailed review blog services (Reader, get ready - there is a lot of text ahead).

Without a doubt, almost all more or less active Internet users have heard about this resource. Many artists, politicians, organizations and communities are registered and maintain their blogs on LiveJournal. Many bloggers have become famous and very popular thanks to their publications on
This blogging service belongs to the mass blogging platforms: the user creates an account and can use the tools provided by the service. Another very significant feature of Livejournal is the possibility of multiple social connections between accounts and blogs: that is, like in social networks, you can “add as friends,” follow updates from other users, leave comments, etc. Thanks to these features, LiveJournal is often classified as a social network, although the primary activity on this resource, of course, is blogging.
This massive blogging platform was founded in 1999, like many successful Internet projects, and has American roots; The founding father is an American by nationality and a programmer by life, Brad Fitzpatrick. LiveJournal was originally created to entertain Brad's friends, but it turned out that such entertainment could be interesting not only to Fitzpatrick's friends, but also to friends of his friends, and so on. In general, the project, as they say, “got viral” and became mega-popular. Over the course of its history, LiveJournal managed to change its owner, but not its “jurisdiction.” It’s paradoxical, but true: although the owner of the blog platform is the Russian company Rambler-Afisha-SUP, the resource’s servers are located in the USA and LJ is subject to American laws.
Let's return to the question of popularity. boasts 150 million monthly visits and is the 25th most popular site on the Russian Internet. The global positions of the LiveJournal website are also quite good: getting to the 241st position among all the projects, all the Internet giants is worth a lot.

The main flow of visitors, as usual, falls on the CIS countries, with Russia having an overwhelming “preponderance” over the rest:

And this can be called one of the most important aspects in favor of choosing LiveJournal as a blog platform.
Livejournal functionality is divided into free and paid. Free features are assigned to a basic account, which, according to the Support Service itself, is fully functional. Those. a blogger user can create his own blog page, which will be called “”, post your posts on this page, comment on other people’s posts, add other users as “friends”, in general, be active in LJ as you please. Among the inconveniences: the basic account has such limitations as the inability to upload more than 6 user pictures and the inability to subscribe to more than 25 notifications about activity of interest to the blogger on LiveJournal.
Paid accounts also have their own gradation. Accordingly, the more expensive the account, the more “upgraded” it is - in terms of advanced design capabilities, statistics analysis, filtering options, the amount of available space for uploading your own content, etc.
And, importantly, there is no forced advertising in paid accounts. Alas, in 2012, the owners of developed a “thirst for money” and, following the example of many competitors, began to insert advertising into freely hosted blogs.
The last thing worth noting is the radical changes in the interface of the 2016 model. “LiveJournal” has acquired a “tiled look”, like many of its foreign counterparts (Tumblr, Pinterest). Whether this will benefit the blogging platform is unclear.
Be that as it may, it is the blogging service that has been and remains the “haven” for most of the top Runet bloggers and a “reading room” for millions of Internet users. It is very good friends with search engines (they consider LJ an “authoritative resource” and are happy to index it). Therefore, beginning bloggers with ambitions and far-reaching plans should pay close attention to this blogging service.

Blogging platform

The service, along with LiveJournal, has become the “powerhouse of popularization” of such Internet activities as blogging. Launched in March 1999, this massive blogging platform quickly became very popular: the reasons lay in the simplicity, convenience and, most importantly, the free blogging platform for its users. By the time this blogging service was purchased by the Internet giant Google (yes, Google now owns Blogger) in 2003, the number of monthly visits reached an impressive 300 million. Now, in order to use the described blogging platform, it is advisable to have a Google account. But since many who are at least somewhat familiar with the Internet have it (for example, use Google mail), or are users of Android technology, then all such users have the opportunity to become a blogger on :) Although you can not be a “Google follower”, but use the blogging platform, however, in this case, “threatens” with cutting functions:

The only disadvantage of this blog platform is that it is a BLOG PLATFORM, without the touch of “sociality”, like in the same LiveJournal. Here the blogger creates and develops a personal project, rather than “friending” and “commenting” to attract attention, as in LiveJournal. And the advantages are, of course, much more advanced and convenient functionality. The years “under the wing” of Google did not just pass - the blogging service, like many other Google products, is an example of high technology.
By the way, no matter what, there is still a connection to social networks - publications created on your blog can be easily “reposted” on Google Plus - a social network that is not very popular, especially in Russia (perhaps the only striking example of Google’s failures).
And now it’s time for statistics from SimilarWeb: the blogging service, as expected, has high rankings. 148th place among the largest Internet resources in the world, 69th in the “niche” ranking.

The number of monthly visits to the blogging platform in question is quite impressive and ranges from 191.5 to 242.5 million. Although the graph reflects a decline in's popularity, it is likely a "seasonal" variation. One way or another, even if we assume that this trend continues, Google’s blogging service will still be a top Internet resource for a long time.

The distribution by country reveals the “producing country” of the blog platform – the USA – as the leader. However, in many other regions the service is in great demand. For Russia, statistics on the domain (this is where Russian-language blogs are started) will be more accurate and correct. Well, 39.4 million monthly is also a very serious figure!

This means that the blogging platform can be recommended to Runet users due to the obvious technological advantages of the service, and also because there is an opinion that the Google search engine loves its “ward” very much, indexes and ranks it well :)

Blogging platform

The next blog platform, which certainly deserves the attention of Internet users who are planning to start their own blog, is

This blogging service was created due to the desire of the creators of the engine of the same name (WordPress) to make their development even more accessible and easy to use. Those. If, when working with the WordPress CMS, the user needs to independently figure out its deployment and configuration, then on he is free from such, even small, difficulties. Among the additional advantages of its platform, the development team includes optimization for “search engines” (for the development and promotion of a blog, this is a very important aspect), constant updates, improvements and improvements to the blog platform, etc.

As proof that is one of the most convenient and effective tools for creating websites and blogging, the following “inconspicuous” statistics say: 26% of sites IN THE WORLD runs on CMS WordPress.
Almost all functionality of the blog platform is free. By purchasing paid “Premium”, a blogger expands his ability to design his own blog, receives increased storage for downloaded files, gets rid of mandatory advertising, etc.

Let's analyze the position of the blogging platform in the Internet world. Based on statistics provided by SimilarWeb, we get the following picture:

45th position in the global ranking, 31st place in the “profile” ranking. Solid position, right? This once again proves both the applicability of the blogging platform and its “convenience” for Internet users. User bloggers, webmasters and others vote for all this with their feet, visiting almost a billion times every month.

The most active, of course, are those who belong to the English-speaking segment of the Internet. But even in Russia, the address is visited more than 190 thousand times monthly. This means that more than one thousand Russian-speaking bloggers and webmasters have appreciated the advantages of this blog platform and are actively using it.

Blogging platform

Next in the queue for review is another service, which is more often classified as a social network than a blogging service. The name of this service is – a large mass blogging platform that has made its slogan “The easiest way to blog”, i.e. "The easiest way to blog." This may be the easiest way, but it won’t suit everyone. The fact is that lovers of “long narratives”, i.e. large, detailed texts, it’s simply impossible to expand on Tumblr... This blog platform is designed specifically for short, colorful and concise publications in text content, divided into the categories “Text”, “Photo”, “Gif”, “Quotes”, “Links” , “Chats”, “Audio”, “Video”, “Questions”.

On the other hand, remembering that now is the era of “fast information”, and people have stopped absorbing large amounts of text data, giving preference to video content, pictures or short texts, you can try to “reformat” and start creating content in accordance with user requests - bright, colorful, short :)
A little about the project itself: the year of creation of the Tumblr blogging service is considered to be 2007. The creators are 2 Americans: David Karl and Marco Arment. It quickly gained popularity on the Internet thanks to the proposed format and implemented versions for mobile devices. In 2015, was acquired by Yahoo for $1.1 billion. In general, another success story of an Internet project on a global scale. And how do these Americans manage to do this over and over again?!

If you believe SimilarWeb statistics (and you can trust them), the blog platform is one of the world's most successful Internet projects (27th place in the global Internet ranking).

The statistics of visits to the resource should also please investors and owners of Tumblr: almost a billion visits every month is an impressive result.

If you look at the “demand map”, you can see that is dearly loved by the American continent and a couple of European countries, but in Russia it is not very popular yet. But it was not completely ignored: in the Russian segment of Social Networks, this blogging service was placed in 25th position.
Overall, can be recommended for bloggers targeting a young, active Internet audience that is not going to waste time on long “canvases” of articles.

Perhaps, this could be the end of the review of popular blogging platforms, because... those that were reviewed are not in vain the most popular, visited and in demand. All other Internet services for blogging, to put it mildly, simply do not reach the level of LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr.
But we will still provide the Reader with a list of blogging platforms that, if desired, one could pay attention to.
Blogging platform Website Builder is a semi-professional blogging platform, or, in other words, a website builder. This service is not designed exclusively for activities as a blogger - with the help of the proposed tools you can create not only a blog, but also a business card website, the so-called landing-page, an online store and websites of other formats. In any case, this platform is quite suitable for creating your own blog. It no longer refers to “mass” - an individual approach to the Customer’s requirements prevails here. And, as usual, you have to pay for this.'s tariffs are suitable for any wallet: from 8 to 25 dollars per month. There is even a free plan, but it is greatly “cut down” in terms of options and functionality.

In 2007, the blogging service (and not only was included in the “50 Best Websites” rating, which already speaks volumes about the quality of this platform.
On at the moment The positions of this blog platform in the global Internet rankings are as follows:

5th place in the world ranking of web hosting services (and therefore blog hosting services as well) is very serious!
In terms of incoming traffic, also has quite “top” indicators - 122.5 million visits every month. Those. the resource is in great demand on a global scale.

The greatest interest in the platform is in the USA, much less in other countries. In Russia, it seems that they are generally poorly aware of this resource.
Should bloggers take a closer look at this service? Perhaps yes: firstly, this is world-class blog hosting, secondly, it has support for the Russian language, thirdly, it allows you to “build” a truly individual blog, and fourthly, all this is not that expensive .

Blogging platform

This service is popular abroad, but the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet somehow ignores it. Just like Typepad itself ignores Russian speakers: if you want to work with this blog service, then learn English. Also, this blogging platform is not suitable for those who would like not to pay for hosting their blog: on Typepad, creating it is only for money (4 tariff plans: Plus, Unlimited, Premium, Enterprise). The minimum plan costs $8.95 per month.
But the money and service are different: the blogger is guaranteed personal technical support, a unique design and many other bonuses.
Otherwise, this is a paid semi-professional platform that does not require the intervention of the blogger himself in the code, but allows you to customize the interface, design and everything else in accordance with the requirements of the “Customer”.

The blogging service is most in demand in the United States, whose users create almost half of the resource’s traffic (the total number is almost 21 million visits monthly).
In general, if the Reader speaks English well, and even more so if he is going to blog in English, while being willing to pay for the support and development of his blog, then blog hosting can be recommended to him.
Of the proven, truly convenient platforms that make sense to “cover,” perhaps everything. Of course, there are many more projects, both foreign and Runet, that allow you to keep diaries and blogs, but they have no obvious advantages over the blogging platforms already discussed - rather, on the contrary, they are all less popular, less convenient and less functional.
Who was left behind:

  • a very young (but very ambitious 🙂) blogging platform that does not have a Russian version.

Not very popular (about 700 thousand monthly visits). Judging by the reviews, it’s still quite “raw”. Although it already has its adherents. May be interesting topics, who have already tried other blogging platforms and are looking for something new.

  •– another alternative mass blogging service.

Pros: free; you can set up broadcast/import from more popular platforms, such as Livejournal or WordPress. The downside is that it is not very popular. About 300,000 monthly visits, the positions in the ranking of Runet resources are far from top (13,009 place among Runet sites), and with a limited number of styles you can’t really play enough. Although, maybe someone will like it.

  • Blog platform– straight from Kazakhstan.

As stated on the site itself, Yvision is the “communication center of the Kazakh Internet,” which means that the blog created on this resource has at least 17.5 million readers (let’s assume that everyone in Kazakhstan uses the Internet 🙂). In fact, this blogging platform receives an average of 1.7 million visits per month. Which is very good for a regional platform.

  •– service-successor of the ancient “Lirushechka”.

Wikipedia describes it as “one of the largest blogging platforms on the Russian Internet.” Visit statistics partially confirm this: about 44.5 million people visit LiveInternet every month. In terms of “ideological” concept and technical implementation, it is a competitor to Livejournal. Only here blogs are called canonical “diaries”. This service was not included in the extended review for subjective rather than objective reasons. Despite its fairly serious popularity, the LiveInternet service leaves a double impression: its interface looks complicated, and along with it, user blogs and diaries. In addition, all this is generously “seasoned” with advertising, a myriad of menus and counters.

Maybe one of the readers will master this interface and start a successful blog here. If this happens, you simply must notify about your “Success Story” in the comments to this review!

Probably, either the most patient ones, or those who are writing some kind of report on the topic of blogs and everything connected with them, read to the end. Thanks to both! I hope that each of you, dear readers, found at least something useful in the review. Best wishes, Vadim (aka Netobserver).

Article Blogging platforms: analysis of the most popular services for creating and maintaining blogs was modified: December 22nd, 2016 by Netobserver

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I haven’t talked about free methods of promotion for a long time, namely getting backlinks. I’ve recently become fixated on Gogetlinks and Miralinks (especially on the latter exchange, because I add to it those free articles from that I receive for bonuses from Profit Partner - I’ll probably only calm down when the bonuses run out).

At the beginning of my journey as a webmaster, I didn’t even know these nuances, so I made mistakes. You can determine whether a backlink is blocked from indexing or not quite simply using SEO extensions for popular browsers. For convenient use, and for the new Google Chrome or Firefox browser - a plugin.

True, you can block the entire page from indexing in the file, but this will be unlikely and is more likely to be relevant when receiving free bold links from profiles (mine lives here).

But even if the traffic to your resource is not yet too high, I still recommend installing several trust rating counters. They most likely will not slow down page loading, but bold backlinks will not bother you, even from pages with zero PR (trust, as far as I understand, refers not to individual pages, but to the entire site). This helped me at the initial stage of blog development (the most difficult thing is when there is no money, but there is a lot of work, and the prospects for this labor feat are not clear).

Well, if your project can be classified as a blog (it is enough to have a Feedburner counter for this), then be sure to add it to all imaginable and inconceivable blog ratings that you can find. In any case, this is a freebie, and even if the links from them go through a redirect or are closed from indexing, don’t despair.

Okay, now let's talk about site ratings. In my opinion, there are only three or four worthy ones. Naturally, they are the fattest and most trusted, and also have the habit of not blocking backlinks to participants’ resources from indexing. You all know them very well, but nevertheless I will repeat:

    - the most trusted rating of sites of all those available in RuNet (PR=9 Tits=170000). It is clear that not all of its pages have a PR value other than zero, but in the section “All / Internet, communications / Website creation” PR = 5. It is in the Top of this section that my blog is located:

    What’s noteworthy is that after relatively recent changes in the interface and functionality of the rating, in addition to a backlink to the main page of your site, you can get another one for any article (underlined in the screenshot). Two free links are not one. You can add this additional hyperlink by clicking on “My Sites” and entering “Change Settings” of the resource you need:

    — select a counter for your resource and in its settings put a checkmark indicating your intentions to participate in the ranking of sites. Which section you will choose is up to you to decide, but “Personal Pages” seemed the most promising to me:

    PR, as you can see, is very decent. I can’t even imagine how much such a link from an equally trusted resource could cost. And the LI counter itself is perhaps one of the most convenient for you and me (mere mortals, with brains not turned to an analytical way). I have already described working with LiveInternet statistics, and also described in the article about all this terminology (hits, hosts, sessions).

    As a result, funds were invested in the development of technical resources and I now have no complaints about the stability of work and the loading speed of their informer (which could not be said when it was a spylog).

    With my current traffic, you can only count on getting to pages with PR=5, but with twice the number on the Openstat informer, you could already aim at PR=6:

  1. — I personally left this ranked catalog for two reasons. Firstly, his confidence has dropped somewhat lately, and secondly, he has become mercilessly stupid. In general, I leave the use of it to strengthen the authority of your resource in the eyes of search engines at your discretion. It is quite possible that over the last year that I have abandoned the hotlog, it has become more stable.
  2. is a rather interesting project, which after the next update acquired additional features (often even unique ones, such as a widget for the most popular pages of your site, which can be inserted into a template and shown to users).

The best ratings of popular Runet blogs

In fact, the word “best” is not entirely appropriate here, because almost all blog ratings are at the same level of development and do not stand out as anything special. Although, some of them have a larger trust and allow you to get an open backlink, and some are practically zero and the backlink in them will be closed. But in both cases, the Tops of the best Runet blogs can attract users to your resource, albeit in small numbers, but still.

Out of competition worth mentioning Yandex blog rating. This is a separate song, although now it seems like a swan song. You can see the position of your resource in this Top by simply entering its url in the “place” field instead of the word “name”:

If your young blog is not there yet, then you can add it using the appropriate form. Personally, I use this rating to find out who wrote what about me on other blogs and forums that are indexed by the great and terrible Yandex. It’s not difficult to do this by simply replacing my URL in this line with yours and pasting it into the address bar of the browser:


These unique social signals are obtained. It also displays entries from , which will contain a link to your resource (possibly passed through abbreviations).

By the way, if you suddenly have the idea of ​​​​promoting to the Top of the best blogs of the Runet, then a very good way would be to buy tweets from microblogs, which occupy quite a lot of space in it. high places. I discovered this by accident when I decided to try shopping with links from Twitter. I don’t know how much of an impact this had on blog promotion, but my position in the Yandex rankings has improved significantly.

True, I intuitively got the impression that the periodic appearance of links to my blog on Twitter would not be superfluous. Doing this manually in Rotapost is quite time consuming, but in automatic mode, and even at a ruble apiece, in my opinion, it is quite possible.

Therefore, I contracted the exchange for these purposes Prospero. I entered a list of several hundred requests and links to landing pages (separating them with a space), after which the service automatically (my URLs are very long for a Twitter) and in accordance with my wishes puts in several links per day (they are evenly distributed over the number of days , which remains until the company's end date):

Well, I again managed to get away from the topic of the article. It's time to return to ratings of the best blogs on the RuNet and list them all, or at least those that are known to me and which I have not forgotten about:

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will be useful to you (the author of the most popular blog on SEO in the bourgeoisie speaks):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Nowadays, keeping a public diary is considered a very interesting and profitable profession. develop into commercial ones, and successful popular bloggers become an example for others.

One cannot but agree with the statement that the authority of blogs with a large number of subscribers is increasing every day, turning into a real tool of influence on the readership.

Blogs on the latest gadgets, tourism, cooking, cosmetics and beauty make good money on the Internet. A personal online magazine, reflecting the hobby of its owner, becomes an online continuation of the extraordinary personality who promoted the project.

Types of blogs

So, of our country - who are they? Before getting acquainted with the top projects that attract new subscribers and advertisers, it is worth talking about what online magazines exist.

A resource with interesting content

A beginner, just making his way to fame, grabs literally everything and fills his blog with content of various contents. Some diaries resemble a huge dump of irrelevant news and photos copied from other sources. However, there are talented bloggers who skillfully look for what is interesting to their subscribers. Resonant content collected on the Internet allows it to remain in the top of the most read and cited projects.

Author's magazine

The opposite of the first project is the so-called blog magazine, specializing in a specific topic. The author expresses his point of view and captivates readers with what is closest to him as the creator.

There are often cases when professional magazines with an entire army of subscribers are bought out by large publishing houses, and further development occurs through investments. Such mutually beneficial commercial deals are practiced by famous bloggers both in Russia and abroad.

The resource described above includes personal diaries of photographers who post original photographs, or celebrity blogs, the fame of whose owners allows them to quickly gain subscribers interested in the personal and professional lives of their idols.

Blogs on women's topics

Separate projects include magazines on purely women's topics: handicrafts, cooking, fortune telling and others. Popular bloggers post useful master classes that attract an audience of millions.

This also includes channels that are gaining popularity, the owners of which are well versed in the beauty industry and have dedicated their lives to beauty. Famous bloggers who talk about new cosmetics and share detailed makeup tutorials express independent opinions about products by testing them on themselves.

We've looked at the main types of blogs that are popular and loved by loyal readers, and now we'll talk about famous creators of personal resources who turned their hobby into a business.

I. Varlamov

Perhaps the most popular blogger in Russia is the well-known Ilya Varlamov, who founded an advertising and development agency and writes fascinatingly on LiveJournal. He accompanies educational or social posts with photographs, skillfully using his blog to advertise new projects.

Varlamov loves his readers and for their sake “travels through garbage dumps, runs to rallies and writes something new every day.” On a personal blog, which is visited by about two million people every month, it is possible to buy advertising, providing it with photographs of the customer. The author also suggests organizing a photo shoot, supplementing it with selling posts about products or stores. A businessman and human rights activist, one of the top bloggers on LiveJournal, criticizes local authorities, entering into polemics with the administration of the cities he visited. He boldly covers the most resonant political events, such as the protests in Kyiv in 2014.

E. Krygina

Speaking about the most popular media personalities, we cannot ignore the person of Elena Krygina, who burst onto the fashion Olympus with her video tutorials on makeup.

M. Wei

Masha Wei, one of the top bloggers who is incredibly popular among schoolgirls, began recording beauty video tutorials while still at school. In them, she talks about all the intricacies of applying makeup and transforms into famous pop culture divas. Recently, Masha, who has more than three million subscribers, has been invited to work on television.

K. Matoyan

The very first beauty blogger in Russia with the nickname Blondycandy shares with her Livejournal subscribers everything that happens in her life. The cosmetics lover always talks about new products and reviews popular face and body skin care products. Katya is known to everyone who is even slightly interested in the beauty industry. Successful Matoyan has been collaborating with the most famous beauty brands for a long time.

N. Belotserkovskaya

Russian bloggers rarely spoil their readers with culinary art and surprise them with their special skills. Nika, who found herself in France by the will of fate, fell in love with the cuisine of Provence and began generously sharing recipes for delicious and unusual dishes.

Author of books about secrets haute cuisine became the most popular food blogger in Russia. Now Belotserkovskaya has her own online store where you can buy unusual spices, syrups, cereals and even branded Belonika oil. Having promoted her own brand, she also opened three culinary schools abroad.


Well-known bloggers on YouTube, whose videos are watched by millions of viewers, receive decent compensation from the channel. A girl named Veronica is called the main “sniffer” of the country. She writes original reviews about selective perfume brands and the so-called mass market. Not afraid to offend anyone, a popular blogger with a huge army of subscribers speaks out quite harshly, for which many people criticize her, but Veronica is full of positivity and shares it with everyone.

D. Borisov

The leading bodybuilder in terms of views on Youtube, Denis Borisov, has long earned the reputation of a true professional. His programs were appreciated by athletes and ordinary people. In an accessible form, he explains how muscle building occurs, talks about all the nuances of training, making differences in the programs of men and women.

Borisov, whose videos have received more than 50 million views, is not for nothing considered the most popular and successful fitness blogger in Russia.


Voronezh girl Katya Orleans quickly achieved fame. She doesn't try to be boring and doesn't mince words. Now her online magazine “about clothes” is gaining popularity in the Russian blogosphere. A non-standard approach to fashion without custom advertising sets Orleans apart from thousands of other girls. She harshly criticizes her colleagues, pointing out their obvious mistakes.

Sophie Avenue

Perhaps, the top ten bloggers are rounded off by Sofia Alekseeva, who received recognition for her amazing beauty and unique taste. Using the most unusual combinations of clothes, Sophie creates original images that her subscribers love. Each of her “looks” catches and inspires readers who admire Alekseeva’s style.

The girl who has become famous stars in television programs and participates in commercial projects that bring in good profits.

As you can see, the best bloggers in Russia, gaining popularity, receive good dividends by doing what they love. Do not delude yourself that this is easy money, because without a creative approach it is impossible to interest a multimillion-dollar audience. Running a popular blog requires maximum effort and time, but those who are confident in themselves can be recommended to try their hand at this field.
