I'm afraid to fly on an airplane what to do. How not to be afraid to fly on an airplane: advice from those who won aerophobia

The fear of flying on an airplane is present in many travelers, and they are forced to seek psychological help to treat aerophobia.

There is nothing unnatural in the feeling of fear itself. It is normal, healthy fear that is often the very “lifeline” in a difficult situation. But when the fear of flying on an airplane turns into a phobia that interferes with life, it is necessary to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cope with such a complex obsession as aerophobia on your own. Specialists in the field of:

  1. Neurology.
  2. Psychotherapy.
  3. Psychology.

It is believed that the symptoms of aerophobia occur by the age of 25-30. Often, a person who is unprepared for the onset of painful symptoms has no idea what he should do.

What are the Russians afraid of?

The greatest fear among Russian travelers is the recent increase in air crashes.

  • Fear of a plane crash is experienced by about 40 percent of Russians.
  • Many people (about 25 percent) are alarmed by the lack of parachutes and other personal rescue equipment on board.
  • About 11 percent of Russians are afraid of an airplane just because they don’t understand how such a colossus stays in the air and at the same time flies.
  • 10 percent of travelers do not have confidence in the ship's crew.

The Russians, whose activities are connected with frequent flights, understand that it is necessary to fight the phobia.

About 50 percent of travelers try to turn their attention to music, videos or games. 28 percent of passengers drown out the fear of flying with alcoholic beverages. 2 percent of Russians take strong sedatives and sleeping pills.

The main causes of aerophobia

Statistics say that 55 percent of Russians experience panic before flying on an airplane. Russians are afraid to fly and refuse not only to take a vacation abroad, but also from a well-paid job.

For people who have never flown an airplane and are not going to do so, this fear is irrational. It arises due to the fact that after each plane crash, journalists often savor the tragedy, publish scary photos and interviews with heartbroken loved ones. dead people.

But there are also people who are lucky enough to survive after a plane crash. If their activities are associated with frequent flights, aerophobia can bring them a lot of trouble.

Recent studies show that only 20 percent of Russians have never experienced a fear of flying.

About 30 percent of travelers begin to get very nervous and panic when they are in the cabin. The fair sex is afraid of a panic that could engulf passengers and themselves, and men are afraid that the situation will get out of their control. Some representatives of the stronger sex admit to acrophobia - fear of heights.

In addition, people suffering from claustrophobia experience a serious fear of air transport. In this case, there is a "superimposition" of one phobia on another.

The first signs of a phobia

For many people, the primary symptomatology does not appear in the aircraft cabin, but long before the flight. A person begins to scrupulously collect information about the airline, carefully study the "cases" of employees and try to calculate the likelihood of a disaster. A person preparing for a journey through the air becomes nervous, tense.

Often against this background, he develops insomnia. Dreams become fragmentary and disturbing.

Sometimes a person has painful symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In less anxious people, nervousness only manifests itself at the airport. The person becomes irritable, withdrawn and distracted.

Mechanisms of the occurrence of aerophobia

A person suffering from aerophobia experiences the strongest fear during takeoff, as well as when landing an airplane. It is at this moment that air transport and travelers in its cabin experience extreme stress. As soon as the plane creaks, shakes or tilts slightly, a person develops painful symptoms.

It all starts with anxiety. Then a person who is afraid to fly on an airplane tries to calm himself and get the frightening thought out of his head.

But, like all obsessions, the thought “what if?” only takes root and grows brighter. Imagination immediately looks for bright pictures. Previously watched films, news footage, read books are recalled.

After this, as in any other neurotic condition, symptoms such as increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, tremors of the limbs and darkening of the eyes appear. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by nausea. Some people are in a semi-conscious or unconscious state.

Symptoms do not disappear even after the aircraft is gaining altitude. A person suffering from aerophobia will always find something to be afraid of in the air. Some passengers think that the plane's wings will fall off, many smell burning smells.

Sedatives usually do not help, and alcoholic beverages only contribute to the deterioration of the condition.

How to deal with a fear of flying

In order to decide on a treatment strategy, you need to observe yourself and determine what nature fear has. If what a person took for a phobia is ordinary anxiety, then you can overcome fear on your own.

What do the facts say

A person who wants to overcome aerophobia, which prevents him from living, must understand that the most safe transport is the plane. This is an axiom. The largest number of all accidents and terrible deaths occur in motor vehicles. Statistics claim that for 16 million km of the distance traveled, the mortality rate is:

  • 1.5 drivers of cars and trucks;
  • 42 motorcyclists;
  • 150 passengers.

Only in Moscow accidents about 30 thousand people die every year. The proportion of deaths per railway is 0.9 passengers per 16 million km.

For 12 months, about 5 billion passengers manage to use the services of air carriers. Statistics say that only 1 person out of 10,000,000 can die. Only one who will board a random flight every day can become a participant in an air disaster.

Perhaps the following facts will help overcome aerophobia for people who are afraid of flying:

  1. Each of the systems is equipped with 2 - 4 duplicates.
  2. The aircraft has numerous modern systems.
  3. The aircraft has 2 engines (simultaneous failure is almost impossible).
  4. If one of the engines fails, a modern aircraft is able to fly for 120 minutes and land softly.
  5. Before taking to the skies, each machine is carefully inspected by a team of highly qualified specialists.

For some people, it helps to cope with aerophobia, knowing that airborne accidents are reduced by 15 percent each year, and passenger traffic is increasing by 10 percent.

Interesting video. Psychologist's advice on how to stop being afraid to fly.

Aircraft crashes are usually caused not by one, but by a whole “bouquet” of reasons. Each reason is carefully analyzed in order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy.

How to help yourself

A person who realizes that his “phobia” turned out to be ordinary anxiety always wonders how to stop being afraid to fly without going to a psychotherapist and taking strong sedatives. It is recommended to do the following:

  • arrive on time for check-in and boarding;
  • ask for a place where turbulence is least felt;
  • drink tomato or pumpkin juice during the flight;
  • get carried away with an interesting book or solving a crossword puzzle.

For some people, being in a sterile area helps to calm down. In the huge window of the airport, you can always see how the "iron birds" take off and land safely. A person who does not know what to do with his fear should think of air transport as a chore. After that, aerophobia usually loses ground.

You don't have to keep fear to yourself. Some people find it helpful to talk to a neighbor. If you complain to a fellow traveler about painful symptoms, he will find words of consolation or captivate a person suffering from aerophobia with an interesting conversation. After that, the symptoms may also recede.

If neither being in the sterile zone, nor communicating with a neighbor contributed to the improvement of the condition, then it is necessary to start doing light breathing exercises.

Breathing should be slow and deep.

What Not to Do

A person interested in the question of how to stop being afraid to fly should know what not to do during a flight.

It is not recommended to “drown out” fear by drinking alcohol. Alcohol exacerbates feelings and the condition of a person suffering from fear of air transport can only get worse. Some doctors believe that a drop of alcohol will not bring harm. But in practice, a drop, unfortunately, is not enough.

"Airplane is the most safe way movement. The death rate on airplanes is much lower than on a train or car.” You can repeat to yourself these phrases read in magazines or on Internet resources as much as you like, but for some reason this does not reduce the fear of flying.

How not to be afraid to fly on an airplane and what to do to reduce fear? Read about it below.

So, here is a small list of arguments against the fear of flying:

  1. Remember that the aircraft is designed in such a way that even in the event of some kind of malfunction or breakdown, it has every chance of successfully and safely landing.
  2. Almost all systems in the aircraft are duplicated, and some have 2-3 duplicates in case the first one fails.
  3. The crew of any liner is well trained and knows perfectly well what to do in case of any emergency.
  4. Any aircraft is perfectly equipped with the latest technology.
  5. Believe me, any airline is also interested in ensuring that all its planes fly properly and without failures. After all, the plane costs many millions of dollars, and you also have to pay compensation to the families of the dead passengers. Not to mention the fact that few people will want to fly with these airlines later. Therefore, each aircraft is carefully monitored.
  6. Before each flight, the aircraft is carefully checked by mechanics, and then by the first pilot himself.
  7. The plane has at least two engines. Even if one of them fails, he will be able to land safely. You can learn about how an airplane takes off and flies
  8. The cost of one engine is about 10 million dollars, so they take care of it, almost like a small child. The chance of it breaking is negligible. Engine failure can occur at 2 million flying hours.
  9. 1 person in 12 million does not return from flights, and tens of thousands of such flights are made per year.

Even with some kind of malfunction, the plane can land successfully.

You are not convinced by these arguments, and you still think: “I'm afraid to fly on an airplane. What to do?" Then we read on.


Almost all passengers experience discomfort and discomfort before and during the flight. But this is not yet aerophobia.

Many passengers are afraid to fly. Fear is a natural reaction of our body!

Do not rush to diagnose it in yourself without objective evidence. Aerophobia is already a mental disorder, which is characterized by the presence of the following features:

  • on an airplane, you grip the armrests tightly and your hands sweat;
  • during the flight, you peer into the faces of flight attendants;
  • you listen to the noise of the engines and other sounds made by the aircraft;
  • you experience fear, panic, internal discomfort before and during the flight;
  • you can't bring yourself to look out the window;
  • you are afraid of the isolation of space in the plane;
  • rapid, confused breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • during turbulence, you experience an acute panic attack that you have difficulty controlling;
  • before the flight, you should definitely drink alcohol or sedative pills;
  • you have completely abandoned the movement on airplanes.

It can be combined with other phobias - claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and acrophobia (fear of heights).

In this case, you need to comprehensively and gradually get rid of such fears. From 15% to 30% of the total population of the Earth suffer from this disorder.

The main thing! In the acute stage of aerophobia, be sure to consult a specialist. Don't be shy or afraid of being judged by other people. Do you go to the doctor if you have a stomach ache or a sore throat? So here. You need to pay as much attention to your mental health as you do to your physical health. Otherwise, without proper treatment, your disease will only progress.

Below are some simple tips to improve your emotional state before and during your flight.

Don't read about plane crashes before flying.

Remember that, as with any other disease, it takes time and patience, as well as faith in one's own strength and the success of treatment. You need to start with small steps, gradually increasing them.

What to do before flying

Before flight:

Try to keep yourself occupied with something during the flight.

If you are flying on an airplane for the first time, then a few useful tips you can find

What to do during the flight

During the flight itself:

  • If your fear of flying is combined with claustrophobia, then you do not need to sit at the porthole. If you still got such a place, then close it and do not look there. Not sure which seat to choose on the plane? Then read ;
  • Divide the entire flight time into different intervals– Takeoff, serving drinks, lunch/dinner/breakfast, landing. And so move on the list. So it will be easier for you to transfer the flight time, and it will not drag on slowly;
  • Keep yourself busy. Ideally, try to sleep. If that doesn't work, then read a book, watch a movie on your laptop/tablet, listen to music, play some stupid game on your phone. Everything will do;
  • Drive away negative thoughts! Try to think about what you will do when you arrive. If you are going on vacation, then think about the sea, the beach, delicious food on buffet how you spend your time there. If you went to work, then work out in your head the stages of your speech at a conference or negotiations with a partner;
  • Be confident, and as if you are not afraid to fly at all. Gradually, the instilled confidence will become real;
  • Think about other passengers. Watch them, imagine why they fly and what they are. This will not only help kill time, but also help you realize that you are not alone, but are among the same people;
  • Bring candy or chewing gum with you. Fear causes muscle stiffness, sometimes numbness of the arms or legs. When you chew chewing gum or a lollipop, then your body, absorbed in one action and pleasant emotions, will no longer respond to another, negative one;
  • Drink more fluids, but not alcohol! Fear causes dehydration, so be sure to drink more juice or water;
  • Never drink coffee! It will only overexcite your nervous system, which is already on the verge, even more;
  • Unfasten your seat belt, recline the seat a little. In general, take the most comfortable position. Let your body relax. Then it will be easier for your nervous system to return to normal.

During turbulence

Many passengers do not endure the flight itself as hard as turbulence. Although, when you are driving and the road starts to be rough, you don't start to worry that you will get into a fatal accident.

You are trying to redouble your vigilance. It's the same with an airplane. He just gets into the air pockets that he could not get around. By itself, the plane will not fly into the zone of thunderclouds, but will try to skip it.

The aircraft is not afraid of turbulence due to its perfect design.

Any aircraft is thoroughly tested before being put into service, so that it is able to withstand very heavy loads. What can we say about some thunderclouds or wind?

Sometimes the turbulence can be very strong. In this case, things fall from the shelves above, and the plane may even shake. This is no reason to panic!

What to do with turbulence

When the turbulence zone begins, you need to do the following:

  • follow the instructions of the flight attendants and fasten your seat belt;
  • don't get up from your chair until the aircraft has left the turbulence zone;
  • follow the directions on the scoreboard;
  • you can do any breathing exercises - it can calm down;
  • in case of falling things from the shelves, cover your head first;
  • if some thing fell, even yours, do not get up from your seat;
  • repeat to yourself that everything will be fine and you will land safely. Self-hypnosis is a great opportunity to calm your overwrought nerves.

Take a cue from flight attendants - they remain calm in any flight conditions.

And, finally, think They fly almost every day. Even with turbulence, they continue to do their job and smile at passengers. Perhaps their example will give you courage.

Good luck with your flights!

Flying is an unpleasant change of scenery. From familiar conditions, a person finds himself in a new environment, over which he has almost no control. But thoughtful preparation and moving forward on a personal plan creates a useful feeling that you are in control, at least in part, of the situation. It helps to dispel unnecessary worries.

A couple of days before your flight, for example, make a list of all the things you plan to take with you and the things that need to be completed before and during the flight. As you complete items, cross them off your list.

2. Learn more about aircraft

People often experience fear of the unknown and obscure things for them. Perhaps you are afraid of flying precisely because your knowledge of airplanes is shaped mainly by tragic news and Hollywood blockbusters.

Understand how aircraft technology works, at least in general terms. Take a look at the same Wikipedia. Knowing, for example, that airplanes are statistically the safest form of transportation and that a little turbulence is normal will help you calm your worries. Remember, informed is armed.

3. Arrive at the airport early

Rush is a stress factor. In order not to worry also because of a possible delay, it is better to calculate the time so that you can do everything. Ideally, always arrive at the airport early. Thus, you will insure yourself from unnecessary worries and save strength for the flight.

4. Pamper yourself

While waiting for your flight at the airport, seize the moment and indulge yourself before boarding the aircraft. Buy a drink or food that you would not otherwise allow yourself. Deviate from those frameworks and rules that you strictly adhere to in everyday life. Relaxing (only without alcohol!) in such a situation is always useful.

5. Take a break from the source of fear

The fear of flying makes us fixate on one thought like: “Oh my God, I’m miles above the ground!”. By endlessly frightening yourself with such a mantra, you risk having a nervous breakdown even before the plane has covered half of the way.

Try listening to music, a book, a podcast, or a mobile game to help stop the panic coming. Before boarding the plane, you can call friends or family. If you are flying with relatives or acquaintances, start a conversation with them on an abstract topic.

6. Think positively

Focus on the purpose of the flight. Remember why you are flying, to whom and what awaits you when you get off the plane. After all, you are probably heading to a resort, to a new country for you, to relatives or friends, for a coveted internship or to study at the university where you have always dreamed of getting.

7. Think about the people around you

Dozens, hundreds, yes there - millions of people - fly somewhere every day, although they do not always like it. Look around in an airplane or airport: there are so many of them nearby. The realization that you are not alone and that others share your fear and overcome it is very reassuring.

8. Pray or Meditate

If you are a believer, try to mentally turn to God for support. Surely this will give you the strength to deal with fear. If prayers are not for you, meditate: drown out all thoughts and try not to think about anything as much as you can. This practice helps to relax.

9. Act confidently, even if you are scared.

Smile at the neighbor in the chair, even if you yourself are shaking with fear. Who knows, maybe a conversation with your fellow traveler will be a lifeline and help to distract. In all your actions, proceed from the message: “What would I do if I were not afraid of flying?”. And act as if you really are not afraid, try it: at first it will be difficult, but you will get used to it and understand that 99% of your fears were completely in vain.

Perhaps you are flying with children or a spouse, who also have a hard time. Find the strength in yourself for them and help them cope with fear.

10. Manage your body chemistry

Do not drink coffee, strong tea and energy drinks for at least 24 hours before departure. In this way, you will minimize the presence of caffeine in the body, and therefore reduce your predisposition to anxiety.

In moments of excitement, breathe deeply. Remember that intensive oxygen exchange is one of the best remedies for anxiety.

If you are so afraid of flying that you start to panic, take a few drops of valerian tincture or other sedative. You can also try mild sleeping pills. But check with your doctor first about this.

27.12.2018, 15:00 22205

The number of phobias that a person has to deal with is amazing, and if you are not afraid of spiders or can easily stay in a stopped elevator, it is not a fact that you will not experience fear during the flight. Despite the fact that most passengers experience a semblance of fear before boarding a plane, there is still no need to talk about a serious mental illness. If, before takeoff and during the flight, severe anxiety appears, hands sweat, heart rate increases, and death seems inevitable, it is necessary to take emergency measures and begin treatment for aerophobia.

Is the flight so scary

The reason why many people are afraid to fly is often media coverage of the aftermath of a terrible plane crash. In fact, the risk of dying in a plane crash is much lower than the risk of being a victim of a car accident. Meanwhile, the crash of a plane, and this does not happen as often as it seems, is discussed by journalists of all stripes. Such news, as a rule, does not leave the screen for weeks, and this is deposited under the cerebral cortex. By the way, in our material, the pilots themselves gave answers to a number of the most common questions about flights.

Chances of being in a plane crash

Going on an air trip, if you have not yet felt the signs of a complication of the disease, which are mentioned above, try to conduct an analysis. Just imagine that the risk of dying in a car accident is 1:8,000,000, if we are talking about prosperous areas of the globe, of course. Think about how unlucky you have to be to join the ranks of the victims of the crash of an airliner and become one of 8 million “lucky ones”. If you think about it, then, by and large, you should not go out into the street, because a brick can overtake you anywhere.

Modern airliners are safe

Even in the last century, when only heroes from fantasy films talked about computers, a plane crash was a rarity. Now imagine how much electronics modern airliners are crammed with. Before buying a plane ticket, some passengers check information about the low-cost airline, and from open sources you can find out how many accidents were seen on aircraft of a particular airline. The average age of the fleet is also easily checked, which means that passengers will choose a modern airliner rather than an outdated aircraft model, which is more likely to crash.

To get rid of the feeling of fear, think about what serious air carriers are doing everything to increase the level of flight safety. They constantly update the fleet of aircraft, acquiring safe models that have passed through all possible checks. Many of them have a redundant system, which means that if one engine fails, the plane can easily fly on the other without the passengers even noticing. In addition, pilots undergo serious training, including psychological, and therefore are always balanced and collected, with rare exceptions, of course.

A few simple flight preparation rules

If you bought a ticket from the most prestigious airline, for the most modern liner, but the feeling of fear does not go away, and you are almost sure that the plane will crash, you need to prepare for the flight. There are many options to overcome the fear of flying, including the use of a special computer application.

Before you go to the airport, you need to get a good night's sleep, and a good breakfast will help you recover, so experts do not recommend flying on an empty stomach. It is also important to exclude a moment of haste, so you need to pack your things in advance, put your ticket, passport, credit card and phone in a conspicuous place. Most carriers offer online check-in - this is also a good remedy for aerophobia, as you save yourself from tedious waiting in line and possible communication with aerophobes. It is better to arrive at the airport in advance, admiring the views of the city along the way, and before the main part of the passengers you need to go through customs and border control.

About the benefits of flight simulators

Flight simulators deserve special attention. They are identical to those on which aircraft pilots are trained, which means that any passenger can temporarily be in the cockpit of the aircraft and take control. During a virtual flight, the movable platform of the simulator imitates rolls, and you can even get acquainted with the effect of turbulence on the ground. This is a good way to get rid of aerophobia, and the simulator is equally suitable for adults and children.

Sit down "correctly" and get distracted

If you are sure that all this will not help you and you are still afraid to fly, take care in advance about choosing a suitable seat on the plane, and even economy class passengers have had this opportunity for some time now. Aerophobes feel lighter close to emergency exit, and this must be taken into account when buying a ticket.

Even if the flight does not take much time, a simple crossword puzzle or a game on the phone will help to distract from thoughts about death and a possible fall, so you need to think about entertainment on the plane in advance. Even simple communication with a positive-minded neighbor can help, if he does not suffer from aerophobia, of course. Remember also how many of your friends flew to their destination, and from the experience of others, you will understand that flying is not scary. It's like the first parachute jump - only scary at first, and then nice.

By the way, you can find out if the pilots themselves are afraid to fly in our

Periodic media reports about plane crashes lead to the fact that many people become terrified of flying. Because of this, they deny themselves travel abroad, spend extra time on the train. If the flight is unavoidable, all the time that it passes, they are severely tormented. Such people need to figure out how to overcome the fear of flying, and strictly follow all the useful recommendations.

Help Information

To get rid of aerophobia (as well as from any fear), it is first of all recommended to consult a psychologist. However, it is difficult to find a really good specialist, and not everyone has the money for these services, so you need to learn how to cope with your phobias on your own. Most often, people are afraid to fly because of the danger of getting into a plane crash. To get rid of this fear, you need to read the crash statistics. Further, it is recommended to compare it with the flight schedule and understand that accidents still occur much less frequently than successful flights. In general, according to statistics, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1:11,000,000. In addition, any transport is a risk zone, including the one we use every day. Accidents with cars, for example, happen much more often than with aircraft. Also, fear in flight arises due to a lack of understanding of the specifics of the operation of the aircraft. To overcome it, you should read how air travel works. For example, many people are frightened that during take-off it is strongly pressed to the chair, laying their ears (and during landing too). This is fine. The plane can take off from the ground only at a sufficiently high speed (because of it it presses), and the ears can be blocked due to pressure drops, then everything passes. The zone of turbulence is often very frightening: it seems to a person that he falls into a hole several times in a row, but in fact there is no danger. The plane just crosses the boundaries of high and low atmospheric pressure. In order not to get injured during such shaking, you need to buckle up for this time, do not get up from your seat and close the luggage compartment so that nothing falls out of it. Facts about airplanes that should help overcome fear:

in any airliner, almost all systems are duplicated (many even more than once), including engines, all cannot fail at the same time;

before the flight, each aircraft undergoes a technical inspection;

during the flight, strong pressure is created under the wings, the air holds the car, it can fly even if one engine fails;

the aircraft is operated by a crew that is constantly trained;

catastrophes happen only when many unfavorable circumstances come together, and airlines try to take this negative experience into account when arranging the next flights.

How to set yourself up for the best

To really overcome the fear of flying that has arisen, you should not watch disaster films or read in detail about plane crashes before flying. This will make it even scarier. It is better to try to relax: read a book or watch a movie with a positive content, listen to calm music. Another life hack: read Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Enjoy Air Travel" a few days before your flight. This book has already helped thousands of people around the world overcome their aerophobia - this is evidenced by high ratings and reader reviews, which means that the author's method works. It is based on the methodical analysis of fears associated with flying and overcoming them. By the end of the book, you will feel that the inner tension at the thought of airplanes has let go of you. What should not be done? No need to go to any forum dedicated to air travel. Those who have flown by plane like to talk about their difficulties, and this, again, will increase fears. It is better to simply study in advance the information about the airline and, if possible, about the pilots leading this flight. They increase stress and packing on the last day in a hurry, so it’s better to prepare for the trip in advance. On the eve of departure, you need to properly relax and unwind. Here are some tips to help you deal with your fear:

it is necessary to choose, if possible, direct and shortest flights in order to be in the air as little as possible;

it is better to fly during the day - when it is light, it becomes not so scary;

with fear of heights, you do not need to take a seat next to the porthole;

in case of claustrophobia, it is better to sit next to the emergency exit;

in general, it is better to take places between the wings - they are the safest;

during the flight, you need to try to be distracted: an action-packed book or a movie, calm music (only you can’t use headphones when your ears are blocked, you should wait), some kind of needlework, talking with a neighbor (but in no case should you discuss possible accidents);

you can console yourself with something tasty (fruits, berries), but in reasonable quantities;

it is worth trying to close your eyes and imagine that you are riding a bus or train;

you always need to repeat to yourself that everything will be fine, that the pilots are also interested in the flight to end successfully;

How to overcome the fear of flying forever

Many aerophobes take alcohol for courage, but again, this should not be done: it can become physically ill, and fears will only strengthen. In addition, it is terribly harmful and can lead to conflict with flight attendants. Calming pills are also not recommended, it is better to take jars of essential oils and breathe them. You should also not drink coffee, because it will excite the nervous system, which is already on edge. You need to get rid of fear with the help of self-hypnosis, but it is also important to monitor physical health.

Dealing with bad health

The reluctance to fly can also arise due to fear of stuffy ears or nausea. To help the ears, you need to make swallowing movements, for example, drink water. It is also recommended to yawn more often or just open your mouth, or you can take a deep breath, holding your nose, and then exhale sharply. It will click in the ears, and they will be put aside - the eardrum will fall into place. If you feel sick on the plane, you don’t need to eat heavily before the flight, and during it it is recommended to eat a little lemon or orange, pickles, drink lemon or orange juice or still water, inhale the essential oils of mint, lemon or ginger. If there is no turbulence, you can get up and walk around the cabin a little. And if you can’t climb, you should choose an immovable object next to you and concentrate your attention on it. Always remember that only the one who fights wins. Aerophobes do not need to give up traveling, but look for how to get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane. Choosing the right flight and place, convincing yourself that everything will be fine, and distracting yourself with interesting activities will help make the flight quite bearable, and in the future, overcome the phobia completely.
