Cesar palace 5 tunisia. Sentido Cesar Thalasso – Reviews

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Read the law on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation

From September 22, 2017 for 12 days. Hotel Sentido Cesar Thalasso 4+, but not 5*. Hotel 16+, i.e. without children, so in the restaurant, in the two swimming pools and from the rooms you can’t hear children’s crying and squealing.

Territory merged with the San Conect Hotel, whose guests cannot use our two bars and two swimming pools (one with sea ​​water), and our hotel guests can use their two swimming pools and bars. There is one large 3-storey building and several 1-2 storey buildings. Between the small bungalows there are cute little courtyards and passages in which everyone gets lost at first. Nearby is the building of the neighboring San Conect hotel with thalassotherapy, which many are disappointed with.

Numbers not all are the same, but all are not very clean and have poor lighting (expensive electricity). Towels and linen are not bleached. The safe is free, come up with a code with your attendant and enter it right away, otherwise you will have to call it again later. The refrigerator runs quietly. TV in some rooms with one Russian channel, and in some with three.

Food everyone likes it. There are no queues. Wine is poured at the table by waiters at lunch and dinner. You can take a bottle of water from the table to your room. Bars by the restaurant and by the pool. The ala carte restaurant sucks.

Beach sandy 3 minutes from the gate, passage between a paid water park and sports grounds. A beach towel must be taken from the reception as a deposit, but not everyone gets it, and therefore some vacationers bring their own from home. Sellers walk along the edge of the sea, they are not allowed to approach the sun loungers, security guards. Bar with all kinds of drinks, but only alcohol is paid. By the sea in front of the beach there are always camels standing and sometimes horses join them. The emptying of these animals on the shore is confusing, the wave will wash it away, sprinkle it with sand... The sea is warm and always different: sometimes there are waves, sometimes it’s smooth, sometimes it’s all covered in algae, sometimes it’s clean, sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s turquoise. There is always algae near the shore. A tractor removes them, sometimes moves them into the sea, sometimes collects them in heaps. On the island of Djerba, it’s normal to put all the garbage in large piles, then maybe they’ll fill it with sand and plant cacti.

Purchases can be purchased in stores ~400 m to the right of the hotel. The third market at the bend in the road is in great demand among compatriots, because... There is a larger assortment and Russian-speaking sellers.

Entertainment by the sea: boats, boards, parachutes, bananas, camels, horses; by the pool of a nearby hotel: dancing during the day and evening. In the evening, until 22 o'clock, the animators light up with the children, until 23 o'clock. - with adults. At 10 p.m. There are performances on stage by a fakir or a magician.

Minus- on the right side there is some kind of crazy hotel, where a disco rattles until late at night. But I fell asleep because... I always take earplugs with me.

Good afternoon My husband and I vacationed at the Cesar Thalasso hotel from 06/01/19 to 06/12/19. I’ve never written a review before, but this time it’s a matter of principle and I hope my review will help other people who are planning their vacation at this hotel. I’ll start with the most important thing, namely the theft of money from the SAFE in the room! Two days before departure, at lunch, vacationers from the next room (two women) tell us that 6,000 rubles and 20 dollars were stolen from their safe....More ▾ Good afternoon My husband and I vacationed at the Cesar Thalasso hotel from 06/01/19 to 06/12/19. I’ve never written a review before, but this time it’s a matter of principle and I hope my review will help other people who are planning their vacation at this hotel. I’ll start with the most important thing, namely the theft of money from the SAFE in the room! Two days before departure, at lunch, vacationers from the next room (two women) tell us that 6,000 rubles and 20 dollars were stolen from their safe. Immediately after lunch we went to the room to count our money - everything was in place. My husband took a photo of all the bills we had, closed the safe, closed the door, hung a “Do Not Disturb” sign and went to the beach. When they closed the door, the sign got stuck between the door and the trap, and it was impossible to pull it out. After the beach, upon arriving at the room, I immediately noticed that the sign was hanging straight on the handle, dangling from the wind - it became clear that someone came to us and not for cleaning, as cleaning is not carried out at this time. We counted the money and voila - $100 is missing. On the first day of rest, our hotel guide Hatem ( local resident ) told us that the money should be kept strictly in a safe - so we did! Together with the neighbors, our guide was called to discuss with the hotel management. The hotel manager, a young guy who has been working not so long, who has no experience in solving such issues, told us with honest eyes that this was the first time something like this was happening, that our issue would definitely be resolved, because we didn’t leave the money on the table, but kept it exactly in the safe, as ordered. He promised that in the evening he would call the police, the head of security and the room cleaner for investigations. As a result, in the evening it was just him and the head of security, they staged a circus in the room - they tried to find traces of breaking into the safe, shined a flashlight, rubbed it, sniffed it, although even a fool could understand that the safe had not been broken into! Later we found out that a panel on the safe opens, where the buttons are and under it there is a lock for a key that can be used to open the safe - it’s simple! To my question “Where are the police?”, he said that the police would arrive in the morning, made an appointment for us at 10-00 in the morning at the reception, and shook everyone’s hands! In the morning at 09-50 we were already at the reception, no one came up to us, after about 2 hours of waiting at the reception and several of my attempts to finally find out how long we had to sit here (the woman at the reception told us to wait and not to leave, they say the manager is waiting for the police), they told us that call your Guide and at 14-00 you will go with him to the police. And then I was completely stunned - we were robbed, we waited for 2 hours, instead of relaxing at sea on our last day, if I had not approached, no one would have come to us, just a disgusting attitude towards Russian vacationers!!! Naturally, there was no point in going to the beach, I called the guide and he told me that he would arrive only at 16-00! Just a madhouse, they played with us like children, they just took us for fools and wasted time! As a result, the guide arrived at 17-00, the manager announced that the hotel was not going to return the money and that only he had the key to the safe. On the day when our money was stolen, we learned from another couple from room 4570 that they had been stolen $50 from their jeans pocket at the beginning of their vacation, that is, a few days before our incident, and they also contacted the manager. That is, someone purposefully walks around and rummages through things, looking for money, has a key to the rooms, has a key to the safe, and the manager knows this very well, or is it he who steals!!! They steal on the eve of departure, so that there is no time to sort it out, I’m sure that no one called the police. This is the norm in this hotel and everyone, starting with the manager, knows about it - it’s just chaos! At the nearby Sun Connect hotel, they even steal equipment, a Pegasa representative told us this (Tatiana, if I’m not mistaken, we flew through Coral), she said that even those people who went all the way and wrote a statement to the police did not receive anything back, so it's useless. She also said that theft is the norm here, that even the gardener can enter the room and rummage through other people’s things (there was such a case, according to her). Despite the theft, the hotel has a lot of fat disadvantages, which we tried not to notice, because we are not picky, my husband and I get the main relaxation from the sea. There is no cleaning, they make the bed and, at best, change the towels if you throw them on the floor, the floors are not washed, there was garbage on the floor even when we entered the room, and it stayed there until we left, there are cobwebs everywhere, the dust was not wiped off even once, They don’t provide shower gel, there are huge gaps in the doors through which cockroaches crawl and fly - it’s just creepy! I'm attaching a photo! The furniture and plumbing are all old; after taking a shower, the bathroom floor is completely covered in water. For those who expect animation, it simply isn’t here; it’s mostly French people aged 55+ who are vacationing. Very friendly guys in the hotel bar, bartender Ramsay and another young man with glasses, never ignored me, always attentive. Food for three, the same thing is served for lunch and dinner, what is not eaten in its pure form is processed into salads, etc., shrimp were given once in 12 days, for breakfast it is always the same. The waiters will be attentive to you, if only you leave dinars and more than once! And still, you will not receive the same service as for foreigners, for them the table is set with flower petals and candles, for Russians there is no such thing. To summarize, I strongly do not recommend this hotel, save yourself from having your hard earned money stolen! Your vacation is simply ruined! We will never come back here again!(

Tunisia is Africa in a European way, a combination of French elegance and African exoticism. For lovers summer holiday there are white sandy ones here beautiful beaches, and for history buffs - the ruins of the great Carthage. However, the main attraction of Tunisia is for tourists, or rather the fair sex from different countries, consists of thalassotherapy - treatment by the sea. At the same time, the prices for the procedures are low and the quality is quite high. Further in the article we will tell you about the benefits of relaxing on the island. Djerba is one of the most beautiful islands, belonging to Tunisia, at the Centido Caesar Thalasso Hotel. It's worth a visit. By the way, Djerba is mentioned in the ancient Greek legend about Odysseus.

Lotus Island

O. Djerba is the largest Mediterranean island off the coast of Africa. Today it is connected to the mainland by a bridge (in the southeast). You can also get here by ferry. The journey will take only 15 minutes. But in this short time tourists feel like Odysseans. According to legend, on Djerba, the king of Ithaca met with lotus eaters - “lotus eaters”, who treated him and his companions to the fruits of this beautiful flower. After that, they completely forgot where they came from and where they were going, they wanted to stay on the island. Then Odysseus forcibly dragged them onto the ship and continued the journey. The staff tells this story to all tourists who cross the threshold of the Sentido Cesar Thalasso Hotel at the first opportunity. As a rule, many hotels on the island are often decorated with wonderful lotus flowers.


Of course, those who want to go to Djerba at the Sentido Cesar Thalasso 4 * hotel are interested in the climate and the upcoming weather. Here you can have a great rest in winter. By the way, it is during this season that the shores of the island are populated by flocks of pink flamingos that have arrived for the winter. This is truly a fabulous sight that is worth seeing. From January to March it is moderately warm, sunny, dry, and rainfall is extremely rare. However, the sea water temperature is not warm enough for comfortable swimming. The season starts in mid-spring. Already in April you can go to Tunisia for a beach holiday. It is better to book a room at the Sentido Cesar Thalasso hotel several months in advance, since four-star hotels are the most popular segment of the room market in this country.

Tourists who are going to the country in the summer months are naturally interested in whether it will be too hot, Africa after all! Of course, summer here is real: hot, sunny, not rainy, but there is none of that sticky and suffocating humidity that occurs in equatorial or tropical climates. The proximity to the Sahara Desert makes the local climate dry and makes the heat easier to bear. September and October are the most comfortable, velvet months for beach holiday. Keep this in mind when planning a trip to the Sentido Cesar Thalasso 4* hotel (Tunisia/Djerba).

How to get there?

The island has its own air gate. Djerba-Zarsis is the name of the local airport, but between it and Russian cities There are no direct scheduled flights. But this is not a problem, because you can get here with a transfer, for example, in Munich (the most cheap option) or Paris. The cost of such a ticket from Moscow to Djerba costs approximately 500 dollars, and from St. Petersburg - 580. Recently, in the high season, both Russian capitals are being implemented charter flights. Such a flight will cost a little less - 460 US dollars, and the time will be spent an order of magnitude less - only 4.5 hours.

The Sentido Cesar Thalasso is not located in Djerba's capital, Houmt Souk, where the airport is located, but in Midoun, the second largest city on the island. The journey to it is about half an hour. So you can easily get there by taxi. However, most tour operators offering tours to this hotel include a transfer fee to the hotel as part of the overall tour package.

Hotel Sentido Cesar Thalasso (Djerba/Medun): general description

This hotel is a four-star hotel. This is exactly the class of hotels that are most in demand in this country. It is here that you can find relatively high quality service along with a reasonable price. Unlike five-star luxury hotels that look like palaces from the Arabian Nights, hotels with 4-star signs on their signs have a more modernist look. There is less pathos and stiffness here.

As already noted, it is located within the resort city of Midoun. By our standards, it is very difficult to call it a city; rather, it is a village with a central part - a medina, where a market and other trade facilities are concentrated, as well as a mosque with a minaret, with residential areas for the local population and a strip of hotels for guests.

Sentido Cesar Thalasso until May 2015 was called differently - Miramar Cesar Palace. It was once founded as one of hotel complexes, belonging to the hotel chain Miramar Hotels Djerba. He's not on first beach line. By the way, in the country, a 30-meter strip of beach belongs to the state, and hotel beaches are located behind them.

This hotel is actually considered one of the best not only in Midoun, but on the entire island. Those who have visited here say that they found it a combination of elegance and luxury. The building is made in the Arab-Moorish style. A magnificent garden with subtropical vegetation is laid out on a vast territory of 10 hectares. Here you can truly enjoy the peace, breathe in the oxygen and aromas of flowers in the evening. Here you can not only relax comfortably, but also undergo a course of restorative thalassotherapy.

Sentido Cesar Thalasso: room descriptions

The hotel has 129 comfortable rooms of several categories:

  • Standard rooms.
  • Suites.
  • Villas.

Standard rooms have individual air conditioning. This means that tourists can control the microclimate of their room themselves. For those who cannot imagine their life without TV series and news programs, the rooms have a TV with satellite channels. There is also a direct dial telephone, a minibar, and a bathroom with toiletries and a hair dryer.

The suites are distinguished by their marble finishes and giant beds. They have all of the above. However, the most attractive part of the rooms of this category is the large terrace overlooking the sea or the incredibly beautiful garden, where you can have a wonderful morning and evening.

Villas are apartments that are designed for a small company or a large family. They can accommodate up to 6 people. They have two bedrooms (each with individual air conditioning and a private bathroom), a well-equipped kitchen and a living room with exclusive furniture and a minibar. The villas, like the suites, have a spacious terrace.

Hotel infrastructure

At Sentido Cesar Thalasso the service is at the highest level. It is perfect for holding various public events, such as conferences, symposia, seminars, presentations, and, of course, celebrating various celebrations, including weddings. For this purpose, there is a well-equipped and spacious conference room, which, if necessary, turns into a banquet hall.

The hotel has a parking lot where you can park your rental car. There is also a currency exchange office, an individual safe in a storage room, dry cleaning and laundry services. For those who like to take a steam bath, the hotel has a Turkish hammam. You can always get yourself in order and look beautiful using the services of a beauty salon operating at the hotel. And any little things can be bought in the shop and souvenir kiosk.


The hotel operates on the BB system. This means that the package price only includes breakfast. It consists mainly of various snacks, salads, hot and cold dishes, baked goods, dairy products and fruits. There are several restaurants and bars on site. There is also a tea room, a piano bar, a beach bar with barbecue, an American bar with all kinds of drinks, an la carte buffet and a coffee shop.

Entertainment and sports

The Sentido Cesar Thalasso offers a disco in the evening and an animation program for both adults and children throughout the day. On the territory of the complex there are two outdoor swimming pools and one indoor with Jacuzzi. Throughout the day you can work out in the fitness center, you can play tennis (there are 4 courts), mini golf and ping pong, and ride horses. For little tourists there is a games room and a mini club.


The hotel has its own private beach with free sun loungers and umbrellas for guests. Other water activities are available for a fee.
