Czech Republic island and Kampa park. Kampa island in Prague

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The shores of Kampa Island are washed by the waves of the Vltava on one side and the Certovka, a stream that separates the island from Malaya Strana, on the other. The devil was created in the 12th century in order to drive the mill wheel. Therefore, Kampa Island can be considered artificial. But its beauty is as real as one can imagine.

The devil got its name thanks to the “nice” (note the quotation marks) lady who lives next door in the house of the Seven Devils. The woman had such an evil tongue and character that it was thanks to this that the house received its name, and this nickname gradually became associated with the innocent tributary of the Vltava.

The use of Chertovka to move the mill wheel suggests that the first structures that arose in that territory were mills. Currently, there are three mills there and two that still have mill wheels. The most famous is the Grand Prior's mill with its completely restored wheel with an impressive height of 8 meters. It is depicted in many of the paintings that you admire in art galleries. In case you want to compare the paintings with reality, you can take a look at the view of the mill with an artistic eye from the Charles Bridge.

You may have heard a lot about Prague Venice. Your search for gondolas will be in vain, but the atmosphere is still delightful and unforgettable.

Campa then and now

If you lived in the Middle Ages, you would only admire the gardens throughout the island. An English-style park has survived to this day in the southern part of Campa, while in the northern part you can find Renaissance buildings and a Baroque palace.

The first buildings that appeared here were the houses of masons and carpenters. This gave them a convenient opportunity to observe the Charles Bridge and keep it in excellent condition. The area surrounded by these houses was previously regularly used as a pottery market. It can be said that pottery markets have traditionally been located throughout the island of Kampa for centuries.

Kampa Island (photo).

Kampa Island, Prague,

be in the very center historical places. On one side this island is washed by the Vltava River, on the other by Chertovka. Despite the fact that there are always a lot of tourists around the island, the island itself is always deserted. Even during the day, having descended from the Charles Bridge onto the camp, breaking away from the flow of people, you find yourself in an almost deserted place.

In the photo - the descent to Kampa from Charles Bridge . I've always liked this island. I don't know why.

You can also get to Kampa from the Bridge of Legions, which is on the opposite side of the island. You can also go to Kampa through a small bridge from the Maltese Square. The railings of this bridge are decorated with a large number of closed locks. Near this bridge there is a mill wheel.

On the part of Kampa Island, which is closer to the Charles Bridge, there are houses, several hotels, and restaurants. It's fabulously beautiful there.

By the way, on Kampa there is a restaurant where Putin drank beer with the President of the Czech Republic. The restaurant where Putin drank beer in Prague is called "At Charles Bridge" address Na kampe 15. Putin drank beer in the restaurant, ate sausages, shook hands with everyone and left an autograph.

If you have children with you, then this is a must.

If you wish, go boating.

On the other side Kampa Islands - Chertovka river very picturesque. The banks of the river are the walls of houses.

This place is also called the Venice of Prague, but Venice is very small.

There are several restaurants whose verandas go directly to the river.

On Kampa there are several museums and restaurants. We will dwell on one of the restaurants in detail. This is a fish restaurant. We like it for its interiors, quite tolerable kitchen, if we make allowances for tourist place- not bad. Reasonable prices. You can read more Here...

Not long ago Kampa Island appeared David Černý's babies from the Žižkova television tower.

I don’t know where they got them from, maybe they are spares? In an article about

I noticed its bizarre sloping roof.

At the top, miniature attic houses, similar to Karlsson’s homes, are piled up almost in random order. In any case, this is how I imagined the shelter of my favorite hero.

You don't know what Kampa is? Almost in the center of Prague, next to the Charles Bridge, a thin vein of water separates from the Vltava - a little wider than a stream, but not like a full-fledged river.

They call her Devil. The devil takes a small piece of land from Prague, forming Kampa Island.

It is perhaps even smaller than the Island in Moscow, bounded by the Moscow River and the Vodootvodny Canal. Kampa Island is much less touristy than Malostranska Square and Charles Bridge adjacent to Kampa.

Government institutions are located here - the Ministry of Culture, the American Center, the French Embassy, ​​and something else important. The lion's share of Kampa is occupied by a public park.
If you need a break from the crowds of Prague, welcome to Kampa. Here you will find privacy and stunning views of the Charles Bridge and the opposite bank of the Vlatva.
That’s what we’re doing – admiring the panoramas of our beloved Prague!

Then we wander around the alleys near Kampa for about half an hour. Each of us finds something interesting here. Petya is an old car on Saska Street. (Saska).

And an unusual house sign.

I like benches with snakes. It's good that they are not green. 🙂

And again, as if spellbound, I watch the bubble blower.

Now I see that he came to work at lunchtime. Maybe he replaced another bubbler? To bait, I threw a few coins into the mug. And he busily began to perform his official duties.

Where to eat on Kampe. Cafe bar Nad Čertovkou

We pass the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary under the chain - we were there, and we were here. Finally, we go to the cafe bar Nad Čertovkou. How long can you walk past?

I won’t praise the establishment to the skies. Cafe and café. We found few shortcomings in it:
– Poor choice of beer.
But the advantages are obvious:
– Quiet place (Charles Bridge is a stone’s throw away. It was lunch time and literally 100 meters from here, in the eateries the smoke stood like a rocker, and “Nad Chertovka” was quiet);
– Picturesque surroundings above the Chertovka River, greenery all around;
– The menu is not rich, but everyone can choose something;
– The food is delicious;

– Service is fast;
– The prices are quite reasonable, if not cheap.
– There is a Russian menu.

In cool weather, you can take refuge in the spacious cafe with a simple interior. Facilities are also inside the building.

We liked it.

Prague. Smichów

Now our path lay in Smichów. Smichów is a district of Prague, located on the western bank of the Vltava, the same as Grad. You can get to Smichów from Kampa Island. There are two bridges leading to this area - Jirasikov and Palatsky Bridge.
We began to get acquainted with architecture west bank The Vltava is not yet reaching Smichuv.

From Kampa Island we headed strictly south, along the embankment. At the Legii Bridge they violated traffic rules by running across a wide, busy street. Because in the observable space they have not found where these rules can be followed.
In addition to architecture, we are interested in retro cars. Especially, especially. True, the photo shows a Citroen 2CV, but that doesn’t matter. 🙂

South of the Legia Bridge, on the Janachkovo embankment, we slowed down. Prague Art Nouveau looked down on us again.




But without exclamation marks.
But in describing the development of the street in front of the Jiraskuv Bridge, I am no longer so restrained in my assessments.
The Chief was responsible for the photographs on this trip, but he did not immediately share my enthusiasm.
- Petya, click on this house.

Look at the sgraffito here!

And this one, please.

And here is the center with a balcony.

And here is a bay window.

Please take another photo of this one,

– I gnaw at every frame and am angry that my Canon is left at home and I have to beg every time for an extra photo. The boss takes photographs without much enthusiasm, saying:
- They were given to you. What will you do with them? Here, hold it, shoot it yourself - he finally hands me the camera.
Now I shoot from the heart. It is clear that again all the photographic material will hang unpublished in albums. What if? Maybe it will be useful? Look how beautiful it is!

And this one, with a bracket under the balcony in the shape of an owl.

Birds also live here.

Like? I really like it!

Here is another panorama of the river bank.

We reach the Palacky Bridge. There is still time before meeting your family. The boss, probably infected by my enthusiasm, suddenly turns right onto Ledicka Street, and then right again, onto Zborovska.

– We still have time, we can go a little deeper into Smichów. Give me the camera.
And the Chief generously and methodically photographs various details.

Perhaps Smichów is not inferior to the vaunted and.
We reach Lesnicka Street. (Do you hear the sound of a dense forest in the names of the streets?). Along it we go a little deeper into the quarter, we are attracted by a white building with a sign “Knigovnya”.

- Look, this building was clearly intended for the market. Do you see the galleries? Now, of course, it is used for other needs, but there was clearly a market here.
- And here, apparently, is a theater. Interesting.
- Look, a barrel of drinking water. They probably brought it in case of a blackout. This happened to us before too.

Along Lesnitskaya we return to Janatskova embankment. Here we are shown an attraction - a car drives through a narrow gate opening into the courtyard of a house.

The boss is impressed. To this day he cannot forget the underground parking in the Zizkov district of Prague and the arch of the house. Yes, and in our memory there was a garbage truck in . Aerobatics, and nothing more!

Now you can pay attention to the opposite Vltava embankment. Can you see the famous modern Prague house “Ginger and Fred” in the two bottom pictures?

Didn't find it? Yes, there it is, to the right of the bridge!

On way back We already run through Janatskova Street almost without stopping. I look for nuts on the hazel trees that are abundantly overgrown with the banks of the Vltava.

I even manage to find a few fruits.

But long before me, the sweet flesh of the new harvest hazelnuts was devoured by worms. I stick to my interests.
We are adding more steps, because the hour X is approaching, and we still have to walk and walk. It's inconvenient to be late.
- And the boats? Look, from here ours is in full view!
– Okay, here are the boats from Vysehrad.

On my second visit to Prague, the city seemed much more logical to me than at first glance. It was probably not in vain that I sat over the cards. Although I didn’t repeat the lesson, apparently, my exercises were deposited in the subconscious and gave results!

We arrived at the meeting a little earlier. Hooray! Now we have to get to the City. Vera invited the entire honest company to a classical music concert in the Church of St. George (St. George) in.

Kampa Island(Czech: Kampa) - located in the very center of the historical places of the Czech capital and one of the three most interesting islands in the world, located within the city. Kampa Island is one of the most romantic places for walks in Prague, located in the Mala Strana region. This island is located between two rivers: Vltava and Chertovka. The last river is narrow; a bridge leads across it to Kampa. You can also get to the island from the opposite side - through the Bridge of Legions. A small bridge is also located on the side of Maltese Square, near which there is a mill wheel.

The island began to be called Kampa back in 1770, but mention of it appeared long before that. Some chronicles mention him as early as 1169. There are several versions of the origin of this name, but none is officially recognized by historians. It received its official name only in 1977. It is believed that this name is related to the Spanish word “campa”, which translates as “camp”. Once upon a time there was indeed a Spanish military camp here, which settled after the defeat of the Czech people in the Battle of the White Mountain.

The Chertovka River, which washes Kampa on the southern side, was not originally called that way. Before that, it changed several names. Initially, the branch of the Vltava separating Kampa from the shore was called Strouga. Over different periods of time, this name changed depending on the owners of the mills that were installed on it. In addition, the river was also a laundry, and women from different parts of the island came to it. So, Aloisia Nemtsova lived in house number 476 on Maltezskaya Square. She was a scandalous woman, known for her sharp tongue. She was very different from the others in this way. Her house was called “At the Three Devils”. And later the river began to be called Chertovka.

Once upon a time, three water mills were installed on Chertovka. Only the wheels of two of them have survived to this day. One of them was founded in 1400 by the Knights of the Order of Malta. The facades of several houses overlook the banks of Chertovka, thereby creating the effect of “Prague Venice”. By the way, the Chertovka River itself flows out of the Vltava, and then itself flows into it. The river itself was created artificially to install mills. Therefore, we can say that the island is also artificial. There are always a lot of tourists around Kampa, but on the island itself, inside, it is almost always deserted.

The main attractions of the island are the Liechtenstein Palace, the John Lennon Wall, and the Kampa Museum. There are also several mills on the Chertovka River. The wheel from the ancient mill, which was mentioned earlier, is the Hut mill wheel (mlýn Huť). The John Lennon Wall appeared on Kampa in the early 80s. After his death, fans near the French Embassy began writing quotes from The Beatles songs, and even drew his portraits. There is a rumor that it was thanks to the request of the then French ambassador to the Czech government that these inscriptions and drawings were not painted over on the wall, because he was a fan of this group.

Kampa Island

Tourists take pictures of a narrow street

Franz Kafka Museum

Kampa Island

The island of Kampa was once the property of the archbishops, and their palace was located near the Charles Bridge in Mala Strana. In the 15th century, beautiful gardens and vineyards were laid out on the island. In 1541, when almost all of Prague burned down as a result of a fire, the remains of burning buildings were brought to the island. Wealthy people did not dare invest in construction on this island, fearing that it would completely go under water. Therefore it was given to artisans. In the 17th century, the island became a center of pottery. Here artisans organized fairs of their products.

In addition to artisans, intelligent people also lived here. For example, the largest architects of Prague Kilian Dinzinghofer and Josef Zitek, linguist Josef Dobrovsky, poet Vladimir Golan, Czech animator Jiri Trnka. In honor of many such people, monuments have been erected on the island in the park.

The narrowest street, two people can't pass each other

Chertovka River

Pissing man

Another main attraction of the island is the narrowest street in Prague. It is so narrow that two people cannot pass each other on it. Therefore, a traffic light is installed here, which determines the direction of movement of people. As a landmark, there is one balcony on the top floor of the house, which is called “Anna's House”. It gained fame after the major flood that occurred in 1892. The island was completely flooded and the water rose up to this balcony. A woman who was on this balcony caught a floating picture of the Virgin Mary. She began to pray for salvation, and the water began to subside. In gratitude, the woman hung an icon over her balcony and lit a lamp, which is still burning. The oil that gives light has now been replaced by the light bulb.

Today on the island there are expensive hotels and mansions, a beautiful park. The Liechtenstein Palace is used to accommodate persons of high society, for example, persons from the dynasty of kings. Also, the babies of the architect David Černý from the Žižkov TV tower were recently installed on the island. Due to a flood in 2002, most of the island went under water, so many buildings are still under reconstruction.
