How dangerous is the ocean for swimmers? Is it possible to swim in Los Angeles? And the Pacific Ocean is not a sea! Why go to the Canaries

It’s easier to breathe by the river, more freely by the sea, by the ocean it takes your breath away because the ocean is nearby, and you begin to suffocate.

Marina Zavyalova

Atlantic Ocean

I have already written that the main factor in choosing Morocco as a destination honeymoon It turned out to be the ocean for us. But when we were already flying on the plane, I thought: we will fly there for the sake of the ocean, and it is the sea like the sea... If you can’t tell the ocean from the sea from the shore, what’s the difference? It’s huge on the map, but when you stand by the water, can you feel it?

I doubted it in vain. The above quote reflects this perfectly. But first things first.

Since we actually checked into the hotel at night, we were not able to see the ocean on the day of arrival. More precisely, we wandered around the hotel grounds (on the first line), but did not find access to the ocean (either we did not notice it and passed by, or it was closed), and it was not yet possible to walk around the streets at night in an unfamiliar city Knowing the surrounding area, we didn't take any chances. We decided to settle for a balcony in a room overlooking the ocean...

In the morning, after breakfast, the first thing we did was rush to the shore. After low tide, the sand on the beach was so tightly compacted that there were not even any traces left on it.

The width of the beach in Agadir is simply enormous, as is its length - about 10 km. We, accustomed to narrow sea beaches, divided into separate sections, were slightly stunned by such space.

And finally we washed our feet in the Atlantic Ocean!

Ebb and flow

The first difference from the sea is the height of the tides. At sea you don’t notice them very much (although, of course, it depends on the sea), but on the ocean shore you can see it very well. You come to the beach, throw a towel near the water, take a dip and lie down to sunbathe on the sand... After a while you raise your head - and you have to walk about five minutes to the water, the water has left you.

During high tide, water rolls over a hill of sand washed up by the waves and begins to flow in thin streams to the other side, collecting there into a wider and very warm stream, the sand is hot!

Some tourists and locals make mounds of sand in front of their belongings so that they don’t accidentally get flooded and have time to calmly pack up and move away. It’s also very interesting to watch how the water begins to burst into small springs through the sand as the wave approaches; I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere.

Ebbs and flows occur every day, their intensity depends on many factors. The biggest low tide we saw was at night. The water had gone so far that floats and buoys for scooters and boats lay on the sand.

Then we came across the remains of some sea creature, already battered either by the ocean or by seagulls.

So different

The ocean at night is mesmerizing. We bought freshly squeezed juice from seasonal fruits to take away, came ashore with it late in the evening and looked at the waves and the night sky. For us it even became a kind of ritual.

At night on the shore it is very fresh, if not cold. Since the city is warm, the first time we went there in T-shirts and froze within 2 minutes. Therefore, we made all subsequent trips to the night ocean in jeans and warm sweatshirts.

In Agadir, the ocean is always calm, there are no very big waves, so swimming is quite comfortable. How comfortable can swimming in the waves be? The beach is so large that it appears empty in photographs, although in reality there were always quite a lot of people there.

The ocean is very salty, much saltier than the sea, so we had to buy diving glasses, otherwise the salt would simply corrode our eyes when diving. There is absolutely nothing to see underwater, however. Maybe schools of silver fish frolic in the waves, but it’s just more interesting to look at them not from under the water, but above it. The fish look especially funny when they rush in the wave approaching you - sort of little surfers with bulging eyes and open mouths. And then, when the wave splashes onto the shore, they, raising fountains, rush back in zigzags, deftly and quickly avoiding obstacles.

When you drive around the country by car (I mean the coast, after all), the ocean seems to be invisible, but by some elusive signs you understand that it is there. Like that gopher.* And suddenly some kind of bend mountain road brings you to a place where you can clearly see - yes, he is there!

We went to Legzira beach, among other things, to see the unrestrained ocean in all its glory. And they saw it! True, in the fog...

The waves here are so high that the horizon line where the ocean meets the sky is simply not visible.

Here we more closely felt the full power of the water element, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, more on this in the post about Legzira, but for now let’s return to the Agadir beach.

Swimming in the ocean

When you look at the ocean waves from the shore, you don’t really realize that they are actually quite high. The scale becomes noticeable only when a person is nearby.

Many locals play here with children who are not at all afraid of this huge water. But mostly the natives either walk along the shore, usually with a girl, or go jogging or play football. In general, we noticed that people in Morocco love this game.

When locals come to the beach, they put up an umbrella and attach a blanket to it on three sides with pins. It turns out to be a tent overlooking the sea, in which they sit. They rarely swim, men do it in T-shirts and shorts or in cotton clothes, women are covered from head to toe with something national. This is how a girl bathes:

Hassan Saudi told us that it is better to face an oncoming wave with your back. If she knocks you off your feet, she will simply swim you to the shore or put you on your butt in the sand, which, by the way, is very funny. Since swimming in the waves is quite difficult, we mostly swam like that.

Although, when you see how this thickness of water is approaching, you kind of understand with your mind that it will reach you and will already subside halfway, but the sensations are still eerie. It's breathtaking.

Ocean views and overall impressions

On September mornings, the ocean here is completely covered in fog, which dissipates towards lunchtime. We were lucky, during our stay the sun shone more often in the morning, blinding us already at 8 am, so we even wore sunglasses to breakfast.

However, we did see a few foggy “mornings”. The fishing boats seem to be hanging in milk and it is unclear whether they are in the air or on the water...

Since the port is very close, we periodically admired various courts- walking, fishing and others...

– Do you see the gopher?
- No.
- And I don’t see. And he is.

(Movie "DMB")

After I talked about it, according to established tradition, I present 10 reasons to hate this city.

  • Weather. If you think that in Los Angeles good weather, you are wrong. If you live in the San Fernando Valley, your summer temperatures will be +40, and your teeth will chatter at +10 in the winter. If you, like me, live by the ocean, then you will always be cold. The thermometer shows +25, but this is not the usual resort weather we are used to. The cool breeze from the ocean - sometimes pleasant, and most often piercing, almost never subsides here. In the sun you will instantly burn, and in the shade at +25 you will die. At the same time, the constant sun makes people a little inadequate (*see about crazy people). The eternal cold is my main complaint about Los Angeles. Never in Moscow have I been frozen to the bone as I am in this heavenly place. If you used to think that people here wear Ugg boots all year round because it’s “fashionable,” then in fact they wear them so as not to get freckled. What about dry air? When the wind blows from the desert, the air humidity drops to 10% (it’s like on an airplane) and this can last for several days - “You’ll be tired of swallowing dust”, - it's really about Los Angeles!

We buy new ugg boots regularly)))

You can't criticize the weather— I’ll make it a separate point. Because everyone who lives in LA has a tattoo on their gyrus, saying that the weather here is always good - they will definitely ask you about this as soon as they catch your accent. And don’t even think about complaining, because the weather is the main advantage of Los Angeles and they won’t let you forget about it, even if you stand in a hat and gloves and order hot tea or udon to somehow warm up.

  • Dirty beaches. Well, yes, the beaches here are very beautiful, but most of the beaches within the city are disgustingly dirty. Since Americans work a lot, it is mainly residents of neighboring Mexico with their huge families who relax on the beaches, and they are not at all concerned about culture. Instead of keeping the beaches clean, they are making an effort (and succeeding) to make our beaches and cities look like Ensenada, a border city in Mexico - eat chips, drink cola - throw trash into the ocean!
  • But even on clean beaches(almost) you can't swim. First, cold water. Even if +18 C doesn’t seem cold, it’s difficult to force yourself to get into the water, because you might get chilled by the wind when you get out. And secondly, the waves. The height of the waves is always excellent for surfers, but going “swimming” in such a storm is unrealistic - the water is muddy, and I psychologically cannot go into muddy water.

10 Reasons to Hate Los Angeles

Hugs. Do you kiss when meeting friends? What about friends of friends whom you have never met? Hardly? So, you don’t live in Los Angeles - get used to the fact that when you meet everyone, even those you don’t know (for example, at a party) will not just kiss, but also warmly hug! I, like most Russians, am a rather cold person, but these constant hugs broke me too - now even in Moscow I catch myself trying to hug everyone in a row, for which I have earned a reputation “it’s immediately obvious that you’re not from here”. The hugs are accompanied by the usual compliments of “you look divine” and “God you look amazing,” which make me think I have the wrong mirrors at home.

  • Los Angeles Lakers. Really tired of it! From every water tap flows eternal conversations about our basketball team - Kobe and Gasol, Gasol and Kobe...
  • Traffic. Traffic jams. Oh, they are famous all over the world! Of course, Muscovites who come to visit me say that “if you stood, mother, on Sadovoy, you would be ashamed to complain,” since the flow of cars in Los Angeles, although slowly, is moving, but I am obliged to talk about this say.
  • Palm trees. No comments. There are a lot of them.
  • Air pollution I dedicated.
  • Public transport. In fact public transport Los Angeles is more than extensive and the transport network here is the largest in the country after New York, but the fact that the city is incredibly branched makes your chances of surviving without a car close to zero. Although I survive, I work at home and my husband takes me everywhere. Sometimes I go by bus, but all this was not even close to what I was used to in Moscow - the nearest bus stop is a 20-minute walk for me - do you understand what a trip to fitness costs me?

Wildlife. Raccoons walk the streets, cougars run through parks and yards (one of the news these days is that a cougar tore apart a dog in a yard near Glendale), coyotes are also not uncommon in some areas. In the high-rise building where I lived, an eagle carried away a small Yorkshire terrier from the balcony. We found a lizard in the trunk of the car. A spider bit me. The fox stole our sandwiches when once in my life I went golfing with my husband. There are snakes in the desert.

Earthquakes. It’s not that it shakes every day - maybe I feel something once a year, but after I survived a 5.5 magnitude earthquake on the 20th floor, when the house was thrown up several times, I began to be afraid - then I For a long time it seemed that it had begun again, especially at night! I woke up and covered myself with a blanket (as per the instructions)... Recently I was sitting on the balcony and it also shook a couple of times - in general, we all live in anticipation of the “Big Push” - the question is not whether it will happen, but when it will happen. In principle, it is not clear why the city was built here. Moreover, when it hits us here, all of America will be happy, because Americans hate Los Angeles.

Remember, I complained about Russian crazy kids compared to crazy in Los Angeles! Many people note that there are a lot of hippies in LA and this is true. These people froze in the 70s of the last century and since then have never emerged from a semi-narcotic state. They are not dangerous, but there are a lot of them and they are talkative. Sometimes it seems to me that at least half of the population here uses medical (and not only) marijuana and I envy them, their numbers are growing.

Well, one last thing. Actors. Everyone in Los Angeles is an actor.

Thousands of people drown in the oceans every year. Moreover, many of them are not
somewhere far away on deserted beaches, and in the most crowded and
popular places. Literally 50 meters from the shore. If you are planning
It is imperative to include a stay on ocean beaches in your vacation
We recommend that you read this article.

So why do people, most of whom are quite good at
swim, die on busy beaches, close to the shore, literally on
in front of other vacationers? And they drown regardless of age, gender and
physical condition - even good athletes sometimes cannot
swim out. Because they behave incorrectly in the ocean, they don’t know the basics
safety precautions and panic at a critical moment.

The author of this material has been swimming professionally for more than 10 years.
and has the rank of master of sports in swimming. In this note he will talk about
the most common accidents in the ocean. About reverse currents,
about the so-called channels, once in which a person is instantly carried away into
open ocean. In English this phenomenon is called rip current.

Let's start with the theory.

The ocean is not a sea or a river, and certainly not a lake with a calm
water. The ocean is a much more complex and dangerous thing. Ebbs and flows
are created by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth and its oceans, having a direct effect on the nature of the waves.

At low tide you may encounter exposed rocks or
reefs that were not there six hours ago. As a rule, in
In this case, the waves become steeper and break further away from

During high tides, softer, slower tides are usually created.
crashing waves. Tides can also cause rip currents,
which are formed when waves hit rocks or sandbanks on
coast and ricochet back to the sea.

Imagine ocean waves rolling in over and over again.
ashore and bring more and more water. But this water mass is not
remains on the shore and returns back to the ocean. How? Through the channels
which are formed as a result of waves breaking on the shore. That's how it is
looks schematically:

That is, the wave breaks on the coastal shallows, and then, accumulating in a certain place, goes back into the ocean, forming reverse current . It looks like a river in the ocean. And this is the most dangerous place all over the beach!
The current speed in the channel reaches 2-3 meters per second and once in
it, you will instantly be carried away from the shore. At this moment most people
panic seizes them, they begin to frantically fight against the current and that
I have the strength to row towards the shore. And the waves cover and cover and
Having lost all strength, the person drowns.


The most dangerous thing is that you can find yourself in such a channel, even
standing waist-deep or chest-deep in water. That is, feeling confident under oneself
bottom. But suddenly one day, and you suddenly begin to be sucked into the ocean! So what
what to do if you end up in a rip current and, despite all your
effort, you are carried into the ocean?

There are several basic rules that you need to remember and always keep in mind:

1. Don't panic!

Panic is the enemy in any extreme situation. When a person
panics, instead of soberly assessing the situation and making the right decisions,
he is guided by his instincts and most often does something completely different
what is needed.

2. Save energy!

There is no need to fight the current and row with all your might back to the shore.
It's no use. It is unlikely that you will have enough strength to overcome the force of the current in
channel. You need to row not towards the shore, but sideways, that is, parallel to the shore!

3. Don't swim in the ocean alone!

The golden rule is: if you’re not sure, don’t interfere! Try to swim on
busy beaches, where besides you there are other people and preferably lifeguards.

Here is a schematic diagram of the correct actions in case of getting caught in a reverse current:

There are a number of other important points that you need to know and remember:

the channel will never drag you to the bottom! Reverse
the flow occurs on the surface and does not form funnels or whirlpools.
The channel will drag you along the surface from the shore, but not to the depths.

The channel is not wide! Typically the channel width does not exceed
50 meters. And most often it is limited to 10-20 meters in total. That is, by swimming
literally 20-30 meters along the shore, you will feel like you have swum out of

channel length is limited! The current is quite fast
weakens, the channel ends its “work” where the waves reach
their peak and begin to break. In surfer parlance this is the place
called “line up”. In this place all the surfers usually
dangling and trying to ride the incoming waves. Usually this is no further than
100 meters from the shore.

This is what the channel looks like in real life:

That is, you see that the canal, even in the color of the water, differs from
the rest of the water mass. In this case, it is raised by waves from the shore
shallow sand that the canal carried into the ocean. That there is sand on the surface
water just shows that the reverse flow is surface and
forms only on the surface.

How to “see” a channel?

All channels have their own distinct attributes.

1. A visible channel of rushing water perpendicular to the shore.

2. A gap in the general structure of tidal waves (a continuous strip of waves, and a 5-10-meter gap in the middle).

3. Coastal zone with changed water color (say, everything around is blue or green, and some area is white).

4. An area of ​​foam, some kind of marine vegetation, bubbles, which is steadily moving from the shore into the open sea.

If you see any of the things described, consider yourself lucky and just
don't go swimming in this place. What if you don't see any of them?
four signs? So you're out of luck, because 80 percent
dangerous spontaneously occurring “channels” (flash rips) in no way visually
do not show themselves. That is, these places are professional rescuers after all.
They will be able to determine it, but ordinary tourists are unlikely to.

Most tourist beaches in the world have
professional rescuers. In most cases, on the beaches there are
flags that can change their location throughout the day.

The color of the flags is the same all over the world and is very easy to remember.

The red and yellow flag means that there are lifeguards on the beach and that it is safe to swim between these flags.

Red flag - swimming in this area (between the red flags) is strictly prohibited!

Sometimes you look at the ocean
— the waves seem to be small, but there is a red flag on the beach. And if this
moment you still want to climb into the ocean for a swim - remember about
currents and about what is written here.

“The first time it happened was right opposite the most popular beach club in Bali,
where we rested with friends. There was a red flag on the beach, there were waves
about 2 meters high and there was no one on the water. Confidently walking
“ride the waves”, I easily swam about 30 meters from the shore and calmly
“caught waves”, dived, etc. However, when I bought myself and decided
go ashore, I found myself in a “channel”, but not a strong one. I'll be honest,
after 5-7 minutes of desperate struggle with the current, I really wasn’t sure anymore.
that this time I will be able to go ashore. I rowed with all my might and
dived towards the shore, but in fact simply floundered in place. And the most
interesting thing is that it was literally 30-35 meters from the shore, right
opposite the beach club which at that time had several hundred
man and everyone who watched me (including my friends) were sure
that everything is absolutely fine and I’m just splashing around in the ocean. As a result, in
between waves, I began to simply dive and, clinging to the bottom with my hands,
struggle to “climb” to the shore. 10 minutes in total for me
it took to finally stand confidently on your feet at a depth of
belt" and go ashore. There was absolutely no strength! I barely made it to mine
a sun lounger, on which I still came to my senses for about 30 minutes.

The second time this happened was after I learned about the features
reverse flow. The waves were small, about a meter high, and we
A friend went for a swim in the ocean. At a certain moment I felt
that I was “dragged” from the shore. And quite strongly - in a couple of seconds I
turned out to be 10 meters further. This time I already knew what to do.
Calmly, breaststroke swam along the shore. The channel turned out to be quite small
and literally after 5 meters I swam out of it and quickly returned to the shore with the incoming waves.”

Theory is a great power. Sometimes basic knowledge of some basics can save your life.

Therefore, if you are flying to relax on the ocean, always remember
basic safety precautions. Tell your friends about it and
relatives. This information will obviously not be superfluous in your luggage.

A person is designed in such a way that when he hears the word “resort,” his imagination automatically brings to mind beautiful beaches and the opportunity to swim once or twice in the clearest water. But the fact is that although Los Angeles is year-round resort, still not located on the shore of the gentle and warm sea, and is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, considered the deepest and largest in the world. And this fact dictates its own rules, which should not be ignored.

5 reasons not to swim in Los Angeles

● Considering huge size ocean, the water in it does not warm up to a temperature suitable for swimming, even on hot summer days.

● The ocean is characterized by large waves that disturb the sand from the bottom. Some waves reach such heights that they are shown on TV with the label “urgent release”. But the main danger is their width. Leaving the shore, the wave pulls the sand with it, as a result of which, even standing in water up to your ankles, you get the feeling of the earth disappearing from under your feet. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can easily be carried away by a wave into the ocean, this is especially dangerous for children.

● During low tide, you can notice an abundance of algae and dead seagulls on the shore. Despite the fact that they try to remove them as quickly as possible, the picture that appears before the eyes of vacationers can hardly be called pleasant.

● The most popular beaches, located within the city, do not have clean water. And it’s not even a matter of the abundance of garbage, but the opacity of the water itself, which is a consequence of smog, dust and the proximity of the port.

● In winter and mid-summer, fogs often fall on the beaches, coming from overseas.

Where do you go swimming?

It must be said that local residents completely refuse to swim in the ocean. For them, the beach is more of a relaxing place where they can play volleyball, sunbathe, ride a bike or just relax from a busy day. The only ones who agree to go into the water are surfers, for whom the ocean waves are real paradise, as well as those who like to ride jet skis, banana boats, etc.

If local residents want to swim, they prefer pools that meet safety standards. Another option is a trip to southern countries, where the water is really warm and the beaches are suitable for swimming.

Of course, there will always be those who are not afraid of difficulties and consider it their duty to conquer the ocean. Usually these are visiting tourists. If you are one of those, then choose the cleanest and most comfortable beaches in the city, which include Malibu, Venice Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, etc.

Vacations on the ocean are considered “adult”. People usually try to go with children to the seas, which are both warmer and calmer. But, firstly, a child is an elastic concept. Children are not only infants and preschoolers, but also teenagers. And, secondly, why not visit some new, beautiful and interesting place with your children, even if you have to swim in the pool. But if you wish, you can also find beaches on the ocean where you can swim with the whole family.

Majority popular resorts located on the seas, and only a few offer vacations on the ocean coast. It would seem that the difference is small; all seas are an integral part of the ocean. At first glance, an ocean beach is no different from a sea beach, but all the charm lies in the details - on the ocean shore the sand is a little different, the water and air itself are fresher, and the waves are longer and most often higher, not to mention the open spaces. Beach lovers should definitely try a vacation on the ocean.

Today we will talk about holidays on the Atlantic Ocean. Its coastline is very diverse. Atlantic beaches are located in Europe, Africa, South and North America, as well as on the islands. You can choose a vacation spot to suit every taste.

European resorts on the shores of the Atlantic

Most European countries, as well as traditional ones Russian tourists– Egypt and Turkey offer sea beaches to their visitors. However, countries such as Portugal, as well as Spain and France, also have resorts on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.


Portugal, which until recently was a little-known country for Russians, is gaining popularity every year. The entire coast of Portugal is the Atlantic.
Most Popular beach resorts are Lagos, Albufeira and Tavira.


The beaches here have breathtaking views. You can find coves protected from the waves. The main thing is not to run into a nudist beach with your children. There are quite a lot of them in the vicinity of Lagos. And the water here is ocean water, which means it’s not very warm. It will definitely be difficult for kids to swim, but it’s so nice to play around in the sand.

Lagos has one of the best zoos in Portugal, which is worth visiting with your children in between sunbathing on the beaches and swimming in the waters of the Atlantic. There are also many other attractive places in Lagos: both water parks and architectural monuments, starting with ancient fortifications cities and ending with medieval monasteries. By the way, unlike them, the zoo in Lagos has a small number of visitors, so you can look at strange animals without unnecessary queues and crowds.


The beaches of Albufeira are famous for their cleanliness and pleasant soft sand. The water warms up to 22 degrees in July-August, which makes swimming comfortable. The resort can please tourists not only with the endless expanses of the ocean, sunny beaches, but also active recreation. There are sports centers on the shores, as well as diving schools, where experienced instructors can teach not only adults, but also children. Paragliding is also very popular at this resort.


Beautiful beaches are located on sand island Ilha de Tavira, located in Portugal near the city of Tavira. The most popular is Praia de Tavira. A ferry runs regularly from the city to the beach. The ocean here is calm, which is quite suitable for families with children. There are several cozy cafes on the island.

In general, the resorts of Portugal are able to please their visitors not only with beautiful scenery, but also with a variety of recreational activities.


The Atlantic coast of France is associated with famous respectable resorts: Deauville, Arcachon, Biarritz. But here you can also find beaches suitable for family vacation. Most often they are located in cozy bays. But the water in the ocean will still be quite cool, about 20-21 degrees in August. And be sure to remember about the tides. In these places they are very high. But ocean water is not only cleaner than sea water, but also healthier.

La Baule

A beautiful corner of the Loire Lands with a wide, long sandy beach. There is the cleanest air with the scent of pine trees, a well-groomed embankment, and a beautiful bay. And there is everything necessary for children. Children's playgrounds appear on the beach in summer.
Adults will also find something to do for themselves. You can pamper yourself with thalassotherapy sessions, see one of the wonders of France - the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, or take a horseback ride along the ocean coast. Young mothers should pay attention to special recovery programs after childbirth.

La Rochelle

There are also wide sandy beaches, and the temperature of both air and ocean is usually higher than in La Baule. La Rochelle, a city associated with the adventures of the musketeers. You can arrange a whole adventure for children. The city is home to a famous aquarium. The Futuroscope amusement park is also located nearby.

Ile de Ré

The island is located near La Rochelle. It is perfectly suited for families with children, even very young ones. The island has beautiful shallow beaches. And rental homes are equipped with low sinks, small toilets and even changing tables.

Atlantic coast of Spain

Spain has two sections of the Atlantic coast: south and north of Portugal.


It is naturally warmer in the south, in Andalusia. A number of resorts are aimed directly at married couples with children, for example the resorts of the Costa de la Luz, but most others resort places more suitable for active youth recreation. The resort town of Sanlúcar de Barrameda regularly hosts exciting races of purebred Spanish stallions, and nearby there is natural park Doñana. Besides, what would a holiday in Spain be without bullfights? However, it is worth considering that although the Spaniards themselves take children to bullfights from a young age, such an event can be shocking for a child from another country. If you are going to a bullfight, you should either prepare it for the event or leave it at the hotel.

Northern Spain

This is where the Spaniards themselves prefer to relax. There are fewer people here, lower prices, almost no heat, but at the same time incredibly beautiful. Relaxation on white sand beaches can be combined with exploring a part of Spain that is almost unknown to us: a visit to the amazing Basque State, a visit to the austere Santiago de Compostela, or a look at completely Galician dances, completely different from flamenco. And you definitely need to pamper yourself and the younger generation with various gastronomic delights. You won't have to look for them here for long.

American Atlantic resorts

Florida is one of the most popular places winter holiday. The eastern ocean coast is traditionally preferred by surfers. The most famous beach is Miami Beach. But it is aimed more at adults than children. But there is a beach in Miami that is considered one of the best in the world for families with children. This is Crandon Park Beach. The three-kilometer beach occupies the quietest stretch of coastline in the vicinity of Miami. It's so nice to relax on the snow-white sand. But young restless people will also have something to do. Beach huts are very convenient, where you can hide from the sun for a while. There are also picnic areas, attractions and playgrounds. But on weekends and holidays there are a lot of people on the beach, so you need to come here early.

IN South America The most popular are the Atlantic beaches of Brazil, coastline which is the longest in the South Atlantic - 7.5 thousand kilometers. The best beaches are located in the northeastern part of the coast. These are the resort areas of Fortaleza, Recife, and El Salvador. The climate of the northeastern region is such that the beach season continues almost all year round. Local beaches in contrast to the same Rio de Janeiro, they are few in number and there are significantly fewer problems with crime. In general, this beach is perfect for a relaxing family holiday.

African resorts of the Atlantic

There are a number of resorts on the most turbulent continent on Earth. At the same time, the same beaches of South Africa are in many ways reminiscent of the beaches southern France, however, the water here is much cleaner, and the coastal area is practically untouched by civilization. Most of the comfortable resorts are located near Cape Town. The resorts are notable for the opportunity to watch penguins in natural natural conditions. Combine beach holiday and this is impossible anywhere else in the world.

Another African country suitable for families with children on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean is Morocco. The resort area of ​​Agadir has the most suitable conditions for such a holiday. The shore itself is quite shallow, the entrance to the water is very smooth. Nearby there is both a regular zoo and a wild bird sanctuary.

Atlantic Islands

And, of course, you can truly feel the ocean on the islands. The islands of the Atlantic Ocean are mostly located in a pleasant climate and can delight visitors with their warmth at almost any time of the year. The resort islands of the Atlantic Ocean are the Canary Islands, Bermuda, the Azores and many others.

Rest on Canary Islands- a kind of standard of solidity. The most popular resorts on the island of Tenerife, but in reality there are too many tourists there and it is too crowded for families with children. For a family holiday on the ocean, the resorts on the island of La Gomera are more suitable, while the coast of the island is amazing - the beaches are covered with black sand.

Bermuda famous for their pink beaches, the color of which is created by a mixture of ordinary sand with crushed corals. Popularized as a recreation area for noisy groups, Bermuda is also quite suitable for families with children. In addition to amazing beaches, the islands have a number of attractions and entertainment for children, and most hotels have a childcare program - that is, they can be left under supervision for a while and go about their business.

The Bahamas enjoy a well-deserved reputation as a wonderful resort for family holidays. Many hotels have groups of animators who keep restless children occupied. And at this time their parents can relax in sun loungers. There are swimming courses for children. And the beaches here are some of the cleanest in the world. For families with children, it is best to choose large islands such as New Providence or Andros. It will be easy to entertain children with them if they get bored on the hotel grounds.

The Azores are a kind of standard resort island. Their territory has practically not changed since the development of the island, the nature is pristine and clean, almost the entire population works in the tourism sector. Among the distinctive features, it should be noted that in addition to numerous beaches, the islands have many hills - most of them extinct volcanoes. Tourists are regularly offered sightseeing walks and mountain biking. On the beaches themselves you can often see whales and dolphins a short distance from the coast.

North Atlantic

Children prefer to relax, practically without getting out of the water. However, children can also be impressed by the oceanic views of the Icelandic coast. This small northern country is famous primarily for its geysers and numerous warm springs. However, in a certain sense, the “Black Beach” of Reynisfijar is a miracle of nature. According to Icelandic legends, the large black boulders of the beach used to be trolls who did not have time to hide in their caves before sunrise. The legend also explains the appearance of basalt columns nearby - “troll fingers”. Black Beach has been repeatedly recognized by various publications best beach in the world.

The coast of Ireland is magnificent and even fabulous. It’s not for nothing that one of the Harry Potter episodes was filmed here. Young fans of the fairy tale will be very interested to see the rock where Harry and Professor Dumbledore stood.

If visiting the Atlantic Ocean, plunging into its waters, feeling this uncontrollable, indestructible element is a dream, then you don’t need to wait until your children grow up. On the Atlantic you can find many corners where both adults and children will be interested.
