Black Sea coast where there is no rain. Beach with sewer

The rains have disrupted transport links in Krasnodar region. About 30 settlements were in the flood zone. The highway along the Black Sea coast and the railway were damaged. As reported by Russian Railways, 31 trains heading towards Sochi have already been delayed because of this. Passengers sit for hours on trains, some are accommodated at train stations. 460 residents were evacuated from the flood zone. According to the latest data, two people were killed, two more were injured, and one was missing.

In some settlements x no electricity, gas and water. A state of emergency has been introduced in the Tuapse and Absheron regions. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations went to the disaster area. The city of Tuapse, which was hit by particularly heavy rains the day before, was flooded extremely quickly, local resident Yulia told Kommersant FM: “I got out of there at a very good time. I left the premises at 13:10 and got into the car at 13:30. During these 15-20 minutes, the water level rose from 10-15 cm to 30. It was up to the middle of my shin, that is, it was already starting to wear out a little. When I got to the car, I tried to leave the city. Traffic was difficult, the road was not visible, my car was completely hidden, probably along the wheel arch. As it turned out later, this was only the beginning, because then everything was demolished, cars floated, the flow increased very quickly. Many locals tried to park their cars on higher places where there are no traffic. Because in Tuapse there is such a problem: very poor drainage facilities under the roads, and the entire flow from the mountains with leaves and stones goes along the road.”

In some areas of Tuapse, there were malfunctions in cellular communications, local resident Anton Kuchin shared with Kommersant FM: “I work in housing and communal services, we work in emergency mode, we fix leaks in houses where we can. In the lowlands of the city, the first floors were flooded in two places. We drove around and tried to clean the storm drains, but there was no point, because the water was rising so much that the cars were floating.

One bridge towards Sochi and one bridge towards the region were washed away.

People cannot get home either from here or from here. And the saddest thing is that in one area there is no connection, they can’t get through, everyone is worried about their relatives. In one place in the central region, the water is standing because the storm drain has not been cleaned. But the situation has stabilized, the rivers have subsided. Everyone is working slowly. Schools, kindergartens - classes have been canceled, everyone is sitting at home, prepared documents, batteries, flashlights, some kind of diet. The fact that there is no water is a problem, but they distribute it around the city in barrels, indicate in which areas the barrels will be placed, people come and collect water.”

Due to damage to one of the bridges, communication with Sochi along the federal highway has been disrupted. The bridge on the Tuapse-Maikop road was also destroyed. Some settlements were cut off from nearby cities. On many highways, the water has washed away the asphalt, and it is impossible to cross the bridges, Marat Agasaryan, a resident of the village of Agoy, told Kommersant FM: “The river, which usually barely flows, has risen, is going along its full bed, and has risen very, very strongly. I don't know how long this will last. On the other hand, in the village, the bridges that go to Kuban are not as strong as our federal highway, and ordinary roads there were washed away. It’s terrible what’s happening there: the asphalt was washed away and the road was blocked.”

The Sochi mayor's office stated that there are no problems with vital products in the city, and the existing reserves of food and fuel will be completely sufficient until the roads are restored. The rains in the region will not subside for at least another day, so flooding may affect new areas, Nikita Gavrilyak, head of the press service of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnodar Territory, told Kommersant FM: “27 settlements and 1,662 households were partially flooded. In the Tuapse region, railway communications and electricity supply in 9 settlements have been disrupted. During the day, 460 people were evacuated. An emergency warning continues to be in force, which states that from the 24th to the end of the day on the 26th of October there will be a complex of unfavorable weather phenomena in mountainous and foothill areas Krasnodar region, as well as on the Black Sea and Azov coasts. There are a large number of risks on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, and information was organized among the population.”

Russian Railways reported that restoring the infrastructure for train traffic may take three days. The company is considering alternative methods of transporting passengers - 35 buses have already been prepared.

Sergey Gusev, Albina Khazeeva

The popularity of holidays on the native shores of the Black Sea is growing, especially among families with children. The reason is not only financial. Vacationing in your home country is easier from an organizational point of view. At the same time, I want the water in the sea to be clean, and the beaches to be well-maintained, and preferably sandy... Is it possible to find such an ideal combination on the Russian Black Sea coast in 2018?

Resorts of the Krasnodar region

On Black Sea coast Almost the entire coastal strip of the Caucasus is resort area. The only difference is the number of vacationers. Starting from Vityazevo and ending at Adler, there are continuous beaches - in bays and on the open sea, wild and equipped, sandy and pebble.

At all resorts the situation is approximately the same. The most popular beaches have developed infrastructure, but not very clean water near the shore. It is better to look for clear seas in the Krasnodar Territory on wild beaches in small resort villages.

Anapa - Vityazevo

The village of Vityazevo is located 11 km north Anapa and is administratively part of it. The main advantage of the resort is the wide sandy beaches and shallow coastal waters.

Central Beach very busy, but the private sections of the coast belonging to hotels and boarding houses are better equipped and there are not very many people on them.

Private beaches are fenced, but some can be accessed by paying 100-200 rubles for entry.

The sea in Vityazevo is free of algae, the bottom is flat, the depth begins about a hundred meters from the shore.

20 km from Novorossiysk there is a resort village, which is famous clear sea. It is conveniently located near transport hubs, besides, it’s good to go here by car and you can stay with a tent. The length of the clean, well-groomed pebble beach is 2 km. It's never crowded here.

Beaches Kabardinka start from Novorossiysk- wild and rocky, they are more suitable for adults; children will not be very comfortable on them. The paths to them are densely trodden right from the highway "Don". But the coastline and water are clean, despite the proximity of the port city.

On the approach to the village, the beaches become crowded; according to reviews, they are simply incredibly crowded and uncomfortable. It is clear that with so many vacationers, the water off the coast leaves much to be desired. For those who are more concerned about cleanliness than amenities, we can recommend uncrowded places far from the center of the village:

On Cape Doob There is a beach, the passage to which is now closed by a fence. There used to be a tourist center here, but now an elite village has grown up "Lighthouse". But enterprising tourists found access to the shore and were rewarded with the clearest sea and 2 km of picturesque coastline stretching to the side Blue Bay.

Right after Gelendzhik 12 km away is one of the most popular resort villages - Divnomorskoe. Its advantage as a place for beach holiday due to the fact that it is located not in the bay, but on the shore open sea. The waves here are higher and the water is much cleaner, which attracts those who want to feel its true breadth and power.

According to sanitary standards, Divnomorsk has the cleanest sea on the Black Sea coast. True, there are always a lot of vacationers on the central beach; tourists from nearby resorts come here. But this is compensated by a large number of rather deserted wild corners of the coast.

Praskoveevka - ecology at its best

Praskoveevka was awarded a great honor for its environmental friendliness and extraordinary beauty of nature - it is located here Presidential Palace . The village is remote from the main cities, it is surrounded by relict pine forest.

The healing aroma of Pitsunda pine, the clean open sea and the moderately humid Mediterranean climate make the resort more and more popular every year.

The central beach of Praskoveevka has a developed infrastructure, including a variety of water activities. There are usually quite a lot of vacationers here. More more tourists strives to get to the rock "Sail". The shore here is not very convenient, the seabed is stony and rocky, but this does not stop those who like to swim in the clear water. During peak season there is no free space here.

The most ecologically clean place on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory is considered wild beach "Molokanova gap". It is located 2 km east of the village. Overhanging the rocky shore and clear water like a tear are rocks overgrown with Pitsunda pine.

Sea at Crimean resorts

After the return of Crimea to Russia, a stream of tourists poured here. The most popular holiday destination is where the “star” resorts are located.

But this is not the most best option In terms of sanitary conditions, treatment facilities cannot cope with the load. You need to look for a clean sea in the eastern and west bank peninsula.

TOP most clean places Crimea is headed Cape Tarkhankut, where turquoise waters wash over white cliffs. Tarkhankut is not just a place to relax, it is a natural attraction of Crimea. There are no resorts here, but there are campsites where surfers and divers go. The local sea is considered the cleanest in Crimea.

The shore of Karadzhinskaya Bay in the Olenevka area is a real find for families with children.

Fine quartz sand and shallow, clear sea are all you need for a complete beach holiday.

A village follows Tarkhankut Balaclava, or rather its surroundings. They are famous for their cleanliness Gold And Silver beaches. IN Chersonese And Cossack Bay there are places that are considered the best for relaxation on the peninsula.

WITH West Coast Let's move to the southeast to the village New World . Two bays attract tourists here with their picturesque nature and clear waters - Blue And Green. There are more Blue Bay, but it is too dangerous for swimming. Healing air Green Bay saturated with the aroma of juniper, the shores are sandy, and the water is completely clear. Best place You won't find anything suitable for families with children here.

“In Anapa, traditionally, the water will be clean until mid-July, then algae will bloom: where there is sand and shallow, the vegetation begins to rot, where the shore is high and pebble beach“The sea will remain clean,” Irina Stashevskaya, executive director of the Union of Krasnodar Regional Housing Self-Government Corporation, told — In Gelendzhik Bay (since it is quite closed), during the influx of vacationers (July-August), the water can be dirty. On other beaches of the Krasnodar Territory, where the open sea is, the water is cleaner. Local services of Rospotrebnadzor take water samples everywhere for E. coli.”

“Last year in Anapa, the sewer pipes leading to the discharge of treated wastewater into the sea were extended by another 200 meters,” says Irina Stashevskaya. — According to local residents, the most unfavorable situation with sewerage remains in Gelendzhik. Today we must not forget about the risk of flooding of street toilets and cesspools due to heavy rains.”

The main problem is that in resort villages, not all private households and private mini-hotels are connected to the central sewerage system. Until the season has started, and 2-3 people live in the house, there is enough cesspool. When every free corner is occupied by crowds of vacationers, the “system” cannot cope. As a result, the contents of the toilets flow into the ground and then end up in nearby rivers.

Water will be turned off for violators

To combat violators, interdepartmental commissions have been created in the region, with the participation of representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, operating organizations, local governments and others. Inspectors go door to door and find out whether they are connected to a central sewer system or have their own mini-treatment systems. Violators who do not correct themselves within the prescribed period and ignore warnings face the risk of having their water supply turned off.

This is what was told by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Public Utilities of the Krasnodar Territory: “In total, more than 110 thousand addresses were examined throughout the region, waste water discharge onto the terrain was detected at 8.6 thousand objects (in the city of Sochi 5600), including illegal tappings into storm sewers (1694 units). Based on the results of the inspections, 7.5 thousand protocols were drawn up and more than 18 thousand orders were issued (including 8625 in Sochi). Until the identified violations are eliminated, water supply restrictions have been introduced for 14.5 thousand subscribers. More than 14.8 thousand notifications were issued to citizens about the need to obtain technical conditions for wastewater disposal, for which 9,850 applications were submitted and more than 8,000 technical specifications were issued. conditions for connecting houses to public sewerage networks (including 5,626 objects in Sochi). As part of the work carried out over the past two years, 4,270 subscribers have been connected to the centralized sewerage system, of which 3,172 subscribers are in Sochi.”

It follows that thousands more homes and private hotels will continue to dump untreated waste onto the ground this year.

But to correct the situation in Gelendzhik, according to the Kuban authorities, 6 billion rubles are needed. This is the cost of the project for the construction of modern treatment facilities and sewerage. In general, to improve the environment on the Azov-Black Sea coast and modernize sewerage in the territories of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi, Yeisk, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Primorsko-Aktarsky and Temryuk regions, 19 billion rubles are required.

The best Crimean resort is Yalta?

Last year Head of the NP Housing and Public Utilities Control in Crimea Anatoly Petrov honestly admitted to that he does not risk swimming in the Black Sea. What is the situation this season?

“During the winter, some measures were completed,” said Anatoly Petrov. — In the villages of Malorechenskoye, Rybachye and others to the left of Alushta, treatment facilities were installed, the situation there is improving. In the Yalta region you can swim anywhere without fear. Personally, as a Crimean, I love Tarkhankut - there are very clean beaches and water. In Koktebel the problem has not yet been completely resolved. Of course, we are still far from ideal. But there are work plans for the construction of modern treatment facilities - this Federal target program is designed for three years.”

By the way, Russia has been waiting for toilets and sewerage for almost a century. More Sergey Yesenin in 1929 he wrote: “... because I want to go to the restroom, but there are no restrooms in Russia.” So waiting a couple of years is not a problem at all!

So until they build it everywhere in the country (and not just in major cities) sewerage, and people will learn to visit specially designated places when needed (it is no secret that even if there are toilets nearby, many prefer to do this in nature), it is worth remembering some rules:

  • do not swim in estuaries (where the river flows into the sea)
  • do not swim if you see that there is a pipe nearby from which something is flowing into the sea
  • try to swallow as little water as possible while swimming near the shore. And if you want to take a sip of sea water for medicinal purposes (sometimes doctors recommend rinsing the nasopharynx sea ​​water), then blow away from the shore.
July 8th, 2012

Original taken from rusistka in The tragedy in the Krasnodar region - an accident or a pattern?

Yesterday a terrible tragedy occurred in Kuban Krymsk - a flood. Thousands of tons of water fell on the city at night, when all the residents were sleeping; according to official data alone, about 150 people have already died, and unofficial sources already say about 784 people...
Whether it was a natural disaster or, as the “politically correct” people say now, a “human factor” - honestly, I don’t know.
The worst thing is that tragedies on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory occur regularly.
Here's one example. In August 2002, I was “lucky” to vacation in Lazarevskoye. I arrived there just on August 6, on the Moscow-Adler train with a shaggy number of four hundred. They scolded me then - why did I buy a ticket for the “additional” train - wouldn’t it be better to leave a day later on the “branded” one. As it turned out later, it was no better. This was the last train to reach Adler safely...
It was on this rainy day that, due to incessant rains, a landslide occurred on the coast, which blocked railway.

I witnessed how people kept arriving and arriving at the small train station of the Lazarevskoye station, which was by no means designed for a huge crowd of people. In the station cafe there was a fourteen-inch TV, on which the news was broadcast - it was broadcast throughout the country that the situation was under control, the rubble was being cleared, that a field kitchen had been organized in Lazarevskoye, and warm blankets had been given to children (in fact, nothing like that happened - people just buses were provided). I saw with my own eyes how people blocked the highway - which, naturally, there was not a word about either on television or in the newspapers - after all, 10 years ago there was neither a developed network of blogs, nor electronic cameras, not to mention all sorts of iPhones and iPads, from which photos from the scene of events can be immediately posted online. Then even simple mobile phones were luxury items for most of our fellow citizens.
There were rumors that the cause of the mudslide that blocked the railway was the construction of a mansion on the mountain of some large boss who wanted to have a house with beautiful view at sea. It was there, in this station cafe, that I learned about the terrible tragedy near Novorossiysk, where houses were washed away by streams of water and, according to official data, dozens of people died.

On August 8, Novorossiysk became a disaster area. From 2.30 to 18.05 on August 8, 362 mm of precipitation poured into the territory of Novorossiysk and its environs four times, at intervals of about three hours, which was the six-month norm. Simultaneously with the showers in Shirokaya Balka and Abrau-Dyurso, the occurrence of tornadoes in the coastal sea zone, their emergence onto land, disintegration and the formation of water shafts were noted. Water and mudflows that came down from the mountains created an extremely difficult situation in the city and a critical one in Shirokaya Balka and the village of Abrau-Durso.
The Novorossiysk railway station was closed. The Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, in connection with the critical situation caused by rainfall and restoration work, introduced a ban on the transportation of goods towards the Novorossiysk port.
The fate of tourists vacationing in tent cities scattered along the coast was unknown. In the Shirokaya Balka area, entire campsites were washed away into the sea and tent camps. Heavy rains in this area coincided with a unique natural phenomenon- a giant waterspout. Its width was more than 200 m, height about 3 kilometers. In a minute and a half, the tornado reached the shore, where 18 thousand people were vacationing at 40 camp sites. To escape the rain, tourists climbed into cars, but the water rose so quickly that after a while the cars with people were carried into the sea.
25 minutes) two and a half million cubic meters of water poured out. The epicenter of the anomalous phenomenon was in Shirokaya Balka.
A tornado usually originates at an altitude of up to 1,000 m above the surface. Some of them never reach the ground, others may touch it and rise again. Tornadoes are usually associated with thunderclouds that drop hail onto the ground, and can occur in groups of two or more. In this case, a more powerful tornado is formed first, and then one or more weaker vortices. For a tornado to form in air masses, a sharp contrast in temperature, humidity, density and air flow parameters is necessary. Cool, dry air from the west or northwest moves toward the warm, moist air at the surface. This is accompanied by strong winds in a narrow transition zone, where complex energy transformations occur that can cause the formation of a vortex. Probably, a tornado is formed only under a strictly defined combination of several fairly ordinary factors that vary over a wide range. The Russian word "smerch" comes from the word "dusk", as tornadoes emerge from black thunderclouds that obscure the sky. A tornado usually has a diameter of several meters to one and a half kilometers. The air in it rotates at enormous speed, measure maximum speed air flow has never been possible: the devices cannot withstand the onslaught of the elements. Apparently, in some cases the speed of the vortex reaches 300-400 kilometers per hour. At such colossal rotation speeds, enormous centrifugal forces arise, which create a strong vacuum inside the vortex. That is why a tornado, like a pump, draws sand, soil, water, and various objects into itself. When a tornado passes over buildings, due to the pressure difference, they seem to explode from the inside. The width of the destruction strip can reach several kilometers, and the length - tens and hundreds.
As a result of heavy rainfall in the area of ​​Novorossiysk, Anapa and Krymsk regions, the water level in Lake Abrau-Durso, the rivers Durso, Tsemes and Bakanka increased, which led to flooding of the cities of Novorossiysk, Anapa, Krymsk and 15 populated areas points (Abrau-Durso, Durso, Shirokaya Balka, Yuzhnaya Ozereevka, Glebovskoye, Vasilyevka, Tsemdolina, Gorny, Tarusino, Myskhako, Nizhnebakansky, Verkhnebakansky, Raevskaya, Neberdzhaevskaya, Anapa).
The first information about the victims of the sea came at 21.35, when one of the boats reported that two corpses had been found on the shore, in the Shirokaya Balka area. As darkness fell, the search had to be stopped until dawn. But all search forces remained in the “alarming” areas with the deck lights turned on.
More than 7,000 residential buildings and administrative buildings were in the flood zone. 4,968 residential buildings were damaged and 447 were destroyed. Damaged 55 housing and communal services facilities, 20 bridges, 5.5 km highways, 5 water intakes, 19 transformer substations are disconnected. 2,000 were evacuated and 32 people were rescued. 59 people died. The most difficult situation has developed in the present day. the villages of Shirokaya Balka, Abrau-Durso and Durso, where more than 12 thousand people vacationing in sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers and children's holiday camps fell into the disaster zone.
At approximately 13.00, another mudflow passed through Shirokaya Balka, which was weaker than the previous one and lasted about 50 minutes.
Rescuers collected information about vacationers on the Black Sea coast, many of whom were located near the coast in numerous tent camps at the time of the flooding and mudflows.
Information was confirmed that water rushing into the sea, released from the reservoir, washed away a tent city in the village of Abrau-Durso in a matter of minutes.
More than 15 settlements in the Krasnodar Territory were flooded, the city of Anapa was also flooded, the water level in the village of Nizhnebakansky reached a three-meter mark, the village was completely cut off. The Abrau-Durso sparkling wine factory was under threat of flooding.
From Novorossiysk to Shirokaya Balka - 15 kilometers. This tract on the shores of the open sea was famous for its beach and was included in the register climatic resorts back in 1908. Numerous recreation centers located among the dense greenery of trees reliably protected the high mountains hanging over the gorge from the winds. Paradise place. These days, Shirokaya Balka became a gorge of death.
Trouble was already knocking at the gates of Shirokaya Balka, but no one heard it. The first “bell” sounded on August 5, when a thundercloud swept over Novorossiysk, dumping two months’ worth of precipitation on the ground. No one paid much attention to the stream that had swollen to the point of a mountain stream. It rained for two more days - a “water shell” accumulated in the mountains, ready to fall into the lowlands. On that fateful day, a river 6 meters deep and 50 meters wide came down from the mountains. She swept away everything in her path at once. The water was rising catastrophically quickly, filling Wide Balka with every second with a muddy stream in which cars were carried along like matchboxes. There were practically no people visible in this mess of water, clay and trees. The village was cut exactly in half by the flood.
A new tornado hit Novorossiysk. The evacuation of the population began from the city. The streets of Novorossiysk turned into continuous raging rivers. In urban areas of Novorossiysk, the water level rose from 40 centimeters to two meters. Due to the destruction of power lines, almost the entire city was left without electricity. The water in the rivers of Novorossiysk overflowed its banks. In the suburbs of Novorossiysk, the following villages were in the flood zone: Abrau-Dyurso, Glebovskoye, Vasilyevka, Yuzhnaya Ozereevka, Tsemdolina, Verkhnebakansky.
In the Novorossiysk area, five bridges were washed away by water and mud flows. In city five-story buildings, water reached the second floor. By the way, it was noticed that on the eve of the disaster, cats were dragging their kittens
to the upper floors of buildings, but people did not pay attention to it then. But animals sense trouble in advance and try to save themselves and their offspring.
In the Tsemdolina area, a wave of 2.5 meters high hit private houses of old construction, which completely destroyed 65 houses. Many houses were simply swept away by strong flows of water.
The showers stopped by 19:00. The road to Abrau-Durso is completely flooded, power poles are demolished and telephone communications are interrupted.
In the Crimean region of the Krasnodar Territory, two settlements were completely washed away by the flood - Upper Adagum and Nizhnebakansky, and three more were flooded. In Krymsk itself, about 7,000 houses were damaged, 55 of them were completely destroyed.

So lowering the reservoir sluice as a “lesser evil” was practiced ten years ago. I don’t understand why this should be made a state secret - after all, now the level of technology is such that you can’t hide an sew in a bag.

Original taken from turkish_ghost V

VKontakte shot with horror as an eyewitness to today's tragedy. I almost didn’t change the spelling and so on.

Krymsk took the full blow!

What happened tonight is something unimaginable. Krymsk was washed off the face of the earth.
The worst thing is that it happened at night; entire families drowned in their sleep without waking up. At three in the morning I went outside there was still no water, but at 3.30 everything was already flooded.

Where has it been seen and imagined that the water has risen to 2 floors of apartment buildings!!! It is strange to see how the first floors of apartments (which are on a fairly high foundation) have completely sunk under water. On the wall of the winery the water mark reached more than 7 meters!!! Everything... all the shopping centers, the market, the shops - there is nothing. Cars are sticking out of the windows of houses, logs are sticking out of the windows of 2 floors of apartments!!! On the Soviet street, houses were completely washed away, as if they had never been there! On Lunacharsky the houses were in ruins, on Novorossiyskaya you could only see the roofs of houses and people who were sitting on the roof and asking for help, on my street the Ministry of Emergency Situations was driving around motor boat no problem, water allowed. And how many victims, corpses on trucks, just in a heap, an incomprehensible heap, from where arms and legs stick out in different directions, are taken to the morgue, but there is no room in the morgue! There are still corpses floating in the streets... I don’t believe Krymsk is no more...

Krymsk took the entire blow on itself in order to save Novorossiysk! Now everyone is silent about this, but my father was on duty that night and says that At night, a commission urgently met to decide whether to open the floodgates of the Neberdzhaevsky reservoir or not. The question was that if they didn’t open it, it would break through and the water would flood Novorossiysk, and if it was opened, Krymsk would be washed away. And what do you think?! Of course they opened the floodgates!!! But in the end, neither Novoross was saved and Krymsk was drowned! Well done. But at least in this case people would have been warned that the reservoir would be lowered onto them, but no! Why weren't the police sent to warn?? Why didn't they turn on the sirens so people would wake up?! Our shops are closed now, there is no food, there is no electricity, Krymsk is cordoned off, although what kind of Krymsk is there, now it’s ruins.

A lot of old people drowned, my friend’s parents went missing, they weren’t in the house when the emergency services came and they weren’t in the morgue, which means they were carried away or somewhere in the ruins. It's scary. I don’t know by what miracle I remained alive. Damn, I still can't believe this cute little town is no more.

The photos were taken during the day, the water had already subsided, but still:

There is evidence that fundamental mistakes were made during the design and construction of the Neberdzhaevsky reservoir: if the dam breaks, the flow will simply demolish the village of Neberdzhaevsky and the city of Krymsk, which will be in its path, as they are sandwiched on both sides by mountain folds. Tens or even hundreds of people could die. The Neberdzhaevskoye reservoir cannot be drained according to the usual scheme, because the lower drain gate, on someone’s “smart” initiative, is filled with concrete, and the emergency spillway simply cannot cope with the huge amount of melt water, and may even be clogged with ice, which is now covering the reservoir. Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, where Valery Nikolaevich Nesterenko applied with his proposal for draining the water, refused to even listen: “We have a lot of work to do.”
In 2014, the Olympic Games are going to be held near Sochi. The construction of facilities, as far as I know, is being carried out in violation of all norms and rules. The Olympics will take place, Barsik will be launched into the sky, another champion will be shown close-up on television with tears in his eyes, and then? One can only guess what tragedies the Olympic ambitions of the rulers of GORF will bring.

The return of Crimea to Russia has significantly increased the opportunities for affordable recreation in southern Russia. Tourist destination every year it is gaining momentum, the flow of vacationers is increasing. And even the absence of a bridge connecting the peninsula with the mainland does not stop those who want to see the beauty and relax on the Black Sea coast. At the same time, the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory do not lose their popularity. They personify traditional holidays on the domestic coast and are a real place of attraction for those who want to relax at sea. The presence of these two directions often raises questions: “Where is it better to go on vacation - to the Crimea or to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?”, “Where better climate, more sun and warmth?”, “Which places are more suitable for relaxing with children?”. All these questions are fair because, despite the predominantly hot weather at the height of holiday season, the climate of each region has its own characteristics, which should definitely be taken into account when planning a vacation.

Fundamental differences between the climates of Crimea and Sochi

There are differences in average annual temperature, number sunny days per year, air humidity. The main determining factor shaping the climate of the Russian Black Sea coast is the presence of two mountain ranges: Crimean mountains, located on the southern coast of the peninsula and Caucasus Mountains- on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. They act as a kind of natural obstacle that protects the coast from cold weather. northern winds and at the same time retaining the flow of moist air from the sea. Moreover, the higher the mountains, the greater the obstacle they pose and the more precipitation falls on their slopes.

So, from Anapa to Tuapse the height of the mountains is low, so moisture condensation does not occur, which in turn is the reason for a rather dry, hot summer with little precipitation. The same applies to resorts south coast Crimea.

Dry heat is well tolerated by the body. If we look at the numbers, then, according to doctors, heat is best tolerated at an air humidity of 50%. For example, in Yalta this figure during the season does not exceed 58%, in Anapa - 60%, Tuapse - 65% - ideal places to relax.

In summer, Anapa and Tuapse are warm and very sunny. Clouds are rare during this period. However, the winds blowing from the sea bring pleasant coolness. During the day the breeze blows from the sea, and at night from the land. This is due to the temperature difference. That is why, no matter how high the air temperature, it is comfortable here at any time of the day. Rare rains occur only at night, which maximizes your time on the beach.

This region can be compared with Evpatoria. It's also sunny, hot and breezey. At the same time, both in Anapa and Vityazevo, and in Evpatoria, the beaches are sandy. That's why many families choose these particular places to relax with children.

Sochi is a completely different matter. These are typical subtropics with humid and hot summers. Starting from Tuapse towards Sochi and further to Adler, the Caucasus Mountains gain height. Humid air from the sea cannot cross the mountain range, as a result of which the moisture condenses and falls out in the form large quantity precipitation. There are a lot of them here. The average air humidity during the season reaches 78%. According to statistics, the amount of precipitation in Sochi is almost three times higher than the amount of precipitation in the Anapa region.

Why then does Sochi break all records of popularity and be called a resort capital?

It's simple. Sochi showers contribute to a real riot of nature. People come here to enjoy the beauty of subtropical plants, inhale the moisture of the forest filled with pine needles, and admire the wonderful waterfalls and mountain streams. No trip to Sochi can be complete without visiting the Arboretum, the Yew-Boxwood Grove, Eagle Rocks, "33 waterfalls". All these wonders of nature evoke many vivid impressions and remain in the memory of the wonderful time spent in the Russian subtropics for a long time.

The Black Sea coast of Russia, all the way from Evpatoria to Adler, is one of the most scenic spots on a planet where you can relax with health benefits and enjoy natural beauty. Trip to Black Sea resorts– it’s always a lot of fun and vivid impressions, unforgettable emotions and adventures. Choose a region for yourself and organize your vacation effectively.
