What to do if you have lost your air ticket? Ticket lost or damaged: what to do? What to do if you lost your plane ticket.

Many people buy plane tickets in advance and keep them in their bags, wallets, etc. until the day of departure. This increases the risk of losing the ticket. What to do if shortly before departure you discover that you have lost your ticket? We'll talk about this today.

Now all airlines are increasingly issuing electronic tickets. It is almost impossible to lose them. It is stored not on paper, but in an electronic system.

But an old traditional paper ticket can be lost. To reinstate your ticket, you will need to write an application to the airline. In this application, indicate the direction of the flight, the flight number, the date and place of purchase. Indicate your request for ticket reinstatement.

According to paragraphs. 69-70 of the Rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82, if the ticket was declared lost by the passenger or incorrectly issued, or damaged, then the carrier is obliged to immediately accept all measures within his power to establish the fact of concluding an agreement for the carriage of passengers by air.

If it is established that the contract for air carriage of the passenger has not been concluded, the ticket is invalidated and the passenger is not allowed to be transported. A ticket declared invalid is canceled by the carrier with the drawing up of a report indicating the reasons for declaring the ticket invalid.

If it is established that the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger has actually been concluded, then the carrier accepts the passenger for transportation in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement for the air carriage of the passenger with the corresponding issuance of the ticket.

The absence, incorrectness or loss of a travel ticket does not affect either the existence or validity of the contract for air carriage of passengers or the contract for air carriage of cargo.

If your ticket was stolen, it is advisable to also attach a certificate stating that an investigation is being carried out on your application regarding the theft of property. This document can be obtained from the police department where you filed a crime report.

If you still have a copy of the ticket, this will make the restoration process easier for you, so when submitting your application, please attach an existing copy of the ticket.

For the ticket restoration service, you may, in accordance with the airline's transportation rules, have to pay a certain amount in the form of a fee. The exact amount of the fee depends on the airline.

Also, you may, in accordance with the airline's rules of carriage, need to fill out a guarantee under which you must, in the event that someone finds your old ticket, pay that person all the costs associated with finding your ticket.

The application must be submitted before check-in begins. The airline may set another deadline after which an application for ticket reinstatement will not be accepted.

If you missed this deadline or did not fill out the guarantee form, the airline may refuse to reinstate your ticket.

In all other cases you must be given new ticket. If the ticket is lost halfway through the journey, then a new ticket will be issued to you only for the remaining part of the journey.

If you have lost your ticket abroad, you should contact the representative office of your carrier at the airport, they will assist in issuing you a new ticket. If you have charter flight, then a travel agency should help you restore your ticket.

A few important notes. An issued duplicate air ticket is non-refundable if you want to get your money back. The fee you paid for issuing a duplicate is also non-refundable. If, after completing your flight, your missing ticket is found, do not try to return it, because the airline always clearly records the data on lost tickets, and this will look incorrect in relation to the carrier.

When you restore your ticket, you cannot change the departure date.

Traveling by plane is becoming more profitable and more relevant every year. With the help of an aircraft you can get to any point in the world with significant savings in money, effort and time. At the same time, as when traveling using any other type of transport, unforeseen circumstances often arise, including the loss of a ticket.

Before boarding the plane, each passenger is required to present a boarding pass and identification documents. Without this, no one will let you on board, so a loss promises you a lot of trouble and threatens to turn into a ruined vacation. Therefore, you need to know how to act in a given situation and how to behave if, due to personal sluggishness or due to unforeseen circumstances, you have lost this document.

If any controversial or unforeseen situation arises, you should first of all contact a representative of the company whose services you decide to use. Only he can help you resolve the issue of restoring a lost coupon on the plane and help you avoid additional financial expenses.

Finding a company representative will not be difficult, even if this is your first flight. As a rule, you can ask for help at a special ticket sales window or at a pre-registration point. There you will have to explain the absurd situation and tell in detail how you could have allowed the loss of a precious document.

A number of companies that value each of their clients and their own reputation in such cases willingly meet the unfortunate client halfway and offer to issue a duplicate, having first verified that the potential passenger was indeed its holder. Airport staff will ask you in detail about the time and place of purchasing your plane pass, your final destination and other important points. If the reasons you provide are accepted as a logical explanation and are considered valid, you will certainly be issued a new ticket and you will be able to board the plane.

At the same time, there are also airlines that are ready to replace a lost document free of charge or issue a new one to those customers who planned to fly in first or business class. Other passengers will have to pay additionally for the re-issue service. Of course, the amount will be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of the lost pass on board, but still the additional costs will be an unpleasant surprise for any tourist.

Having a copy of the document for the flight will greatly facilitate the process of obtaining a duplicate. After all, when filling out the form provided by airport employees for issuing a duplicate, you will still have to indicate the date of purchase, the place of purchase and the final destination of the trip. The company will charge a fee of $20-$70 for issuing a duplicate. The amount of the amount is fixed and is set at the discretion of the carrier company. And one more important point: you will not receive a duplicate right away. You will have to wait for the application to be reviewed and approved by the company management, so this option is unlikely to suit those who were planning to fly out in the near future. Such passengers will most likely have to purchase a ticket again.

But in order not to find yourself in such an awkward situation, it is worth considering the advantages of electronic tickets. They have long come into use and are no less popular than their paper counterparts. Such a document is almost impossible to lose and does not have to be restored. You can complete it within a few minutes. Information about the passenger is entered into the carrier company’s computer and you do not have to worry about the safety of paper copies of important information.

Everything you need to board a plane like this electronic ticket- this is a passport and a memory of the flight number you planned to fly on. Also, when purchasing this pass option, you will definitely be given an itinerary receipt, which will contain important information about the route, form and details of payment for the flight, as well as other important details of the transaction. However, it is not at all necessary to have such a receipt when checking in at the airport. It only facilitates faster processing during check-in and is an additional guarantee that you will not forget either the flight number or the time of departure from the airport.

By the way, it is worth noting that if it is necessary to go through passport or customs control, the passenger will still need such a receipt. And if no one returns the lost ticket to you, then the receipt can be reprinted on the same airline website where you bought the electronic ticket.

Electronic ticket (e-ticket) is an air ticket in electronic form, which replaced the traditional paper ticket. The booking procedure proceeds as usual, but all ticket information is not printed, but is stored electronically in the airline's database. An electronic air ticket is a full-fledged document certifying the air carriage agreement between the passenger and the airline.

M Itinerary Receipt is a confirmation of payment and issuance of your electronic ticket and contains information about: route; departure date and flight numbers; ticket number; ticket price; form of payment.

Electronic ticket– this is a guarantee of your peace of mind and safety. An electronic ticket cannot be lost, it cannot be stolen, and there is no need to worry about forgetting the ticket, because airlines charge a fine of 30 to 150 euros for issuing a duplicate of a lost paper ticket. The ticket is stored in the airline's electronic database, and you only have a printout with its details (itinerary receipt).

Electronic tickets cheaper than paper ones, because The cost of a paper air ticket includes the costs of producing the form, its distribution, accounting, etc., which adds about +10 euros per ticket. And lastly, check-in when using electronic air ticket passes faster, adults need to present a passport, for children a birth certificate. It is not necessary to present an itinerary receipt. But still, we ask you to have it with you until the end of your trip, due to the fact that it may be required during the passport control procedure at some destinations.

Where can I get information about how many hours before departure I need to arrive at the airport, what is the allowed baggage allowance, etc.?

The baggage allowance for most airlines is 20 kg for economy class passengers, 30 kg for business class passengers and 40 kg for first class passengers. It should be kept in mind that sometimes it is not calculated total weight luggage, and the number of seats - such a system is common in many domestic flights. Quantity and weight vary depending on the airline and fare type. hand luggage. Payment for excess baggage is different for all airlines - please check with the representative office of the selected airline for any questions regarding this matter. As a rule, check-in for a flight begins 2 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. You can ask all other questions related to check-in and other departure and arrival procedures by calling the airport help desk or airline representative.

What should I do if I lost my plane ticket?

You need to contact our company's call center. Our company employees will contact the airline and, if possible, you will be issued a new form.

I am currently 5 months pregnant and planning to go on vacation soon. Will I be able to travel smoothly on any flight?

In this case, each airline puts forward its own requirements, which should be clarified with its representative office. Flights are usually prohibited after the 33rd week of pregnancy, but before that they are permitted with a certificate from the attending physician authorizing the flight.

I missed the plane. Can I get my money back for the ticket?

Yes you can. In general, the conditions for refunding air tickets depend on the selected airline. When purchasing a “non-refundable” ticket, a refund of the full cost of the ticket is possible only in the case of the so-called. forced return, namely:

  • Cancellation, postponement, or delay of a flight by the carrier;
  • Cancellation of boarding at the point indicated on the passenger’s ticket;
  • Failure of the carrier to provide flight connections;
  • Changing service class or aircraft type;
  • Death of a passenger or family member.

Please be aware that most discounted fares have time restrictions on refunds, for example no more than 7 days before departure.
Some fares are non-refundable, but the non-refundable fare amount can be applied to another ticket, usually at a higher (more expensive) fare (often even on a different route). In this case, the original ticket is the equivalent of a certain amount (this amount is always non-refundable), which can be used to pay for a new ticket, subject to certain conditions.
If you purchase a ticket at a regular fare, not a last-minute tour or a charter, the full cost of the ticket will be refunded minus a small fee.

I booked a ticket for a flight with a transfer from Ekaterinburg - Moscow - Krasnodar. Due to bad weather conditions, the plane took off later than scheduled, and I missed the second plane. Can I get some kind of compensation, where should I go?

First of all, you need to contact the administrator at the airport to indicate the actual departure time, then the return of the ticket will be considered forced, and for any type of fare you will be refunded the full cost of the ticket. This rule will not apply if parts of your flight are operated by different airlines.

What documents do I need to travel abroad?

In any case, you will need foreign passport with a valid visa. To travel to some CIS countries you will only need an internal civil passport. You can check the details in consular section the country where you are going.

Can I book a ticket with a fixed seat?

No, you can't. A seat is directly assigned upon check-in at the airport counter or via online check-in on the airline's website.

How to read an airline ticket?

There are many airline ticket booking systems. Below are examples of itinerary receipts from the reservation systems used in our company.

Ticket issued in the Amadeus system

Sample Itinerary Receipt



Table No. 1 - decoding of values.


Document type – passenger itinerary receipt


Name and address of the Agency where the air ticket was issued

Date of issuance of the electronic ticket.


Last name and first name of the passenger
(Latin spelling)


Validating carrier

ETKT 724 3369250194

Electronic ticket number 724 3369250194


Booking number
(in the Amadeus booking system)

Airline reservation number

From / To

Flight number - There

Flight number - Return

Booking class
(Denoted by a Latin letter)

Departure / Arrival date

Departure time from departure point (Local)

06 h. 45 min. Departure time from Moscow to Zurich

20 hours 45 minutes Departure time from Zurich to Moscow

Arrival time at destination (Local)

08:30 Arrival time to Zurich

01 h. 55 min. Arrival time to Moscow

Tariff type
(Alphanumeric designation of tariff code)

Not valid until the stated date

Not valid after the specified date

Acceptable free rate baggage allowance (in kilograms)

Ticket status

Fare restrictions

Currency conversion rate in the reservation system

Form of payment - cash.

*Note: forms of payment are also possible

CC - Payment by plastic card
INV - Payment by plastic card

Airfare (in Euros or US Dollars)


Tariff equivalent in Russian rubles

1800YR 406RI 1350XT

Airline taxes and fees

Total payment amount for the ticket
(No commission)

Ticket issued through the Sirena-Travel system

1. Passenger information

2. Transportation section

3. Code of the airline performing transportation on the site

4. Flight number and class in which the passenger is booked

5. Flight departure date

6. Flight departure time

7. Seat number (or OK code indicating that the seat will be assigned upon check-in)

8. Tariff code

9. Norm free transportation luggage

10. Form of payment for the ticket

11. Ticket sale date

12. Ticket sales point

13. Ticket number

16. Total cost of the ticket

17. Full route following

18. Order number (PNR)

19. Additional information regarding the specifics of using a ticket

Ticket issued in the Galileo system

1.Ticket price. TOTAL/TOTAL. The full cost of the ticket (fare plus airport taxes) in the currency of the point where the ticket was issued. In Russia, for different airlines this can be either Russian rubles, Euros or US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare, the amount may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

2.Airport taxes. COLLECTION/TAX/FEE/CHARGE. Two-letter designation and amount of the airport tax in the currency of the checkout point. If all airport taxes do not fit into column 2, then the “combined” tax (the sum of all remaining) is indicated in the last column.

3. Rate. TOTAL/FARE. Tariff in the currency of the start of transportation. For example, if a ticket is issued on the route London - Moscow, then the fare will be indicated in pounds (GBP). Countries with “soft” currencies (including Russia) have tariffs in Euros and US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare, the fare may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” icon).

EQUIV PAID. TARIFA/EQUIV. FARE PD(equivalent to tariff). The equivalent of the fare in the currency of the check-out point (if the currency of the check-out point differs from the currency of the point of origin of transportation).

4. Flight route. FROM/TO. The highlighted field indicates the departure point for this flight coupon (English spelling). Below is the point of arrival (departure city - DEPART, and destination city - ARRIVE). If there are several airports in a given city, the name is followed by the three-letter airport code.

5. Passenger's name. PASSENGER NAME. Indicated only in Latin transcription (as in a foreign passport). The surname is followed by the full name, as well as the gender (MR - Mr., MRS/MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to international standards, this field allows up to 3 errors without sound distortion.

6. Endorsement/restrictions. ENDORSEMENTS/RESTRICTIONS. This column indicates various restrictions on transportation on this ticket, as well as the possibility of “transferring” (endorsement) of the passenger to another carrier. For example, if the column indicates “SU/KL ONLY”, this means that this ticket is valid on Aeroflot (SU) and “KLM” (KL) flights, and if the fare conditions allow changes to the ticket, then even to the one already issued ticket, you can “change” from one company to another. If the fare at which the ticket was issued allows any changes, then this possibility should be reflected in this column. For example, "RES CHG USD50" or "ONE INBOUND REB FREE" means: "CHANGE OF BOOKING WITH A FINE OF 50 USD" or "ONE CHANGE OF REVERSE DATE FOR FREE". Typically, for the most preferential (“hard”) fares, the following template is common: “XX ONLY/ NON REF/ NO CHG/ NO REROUT” - “THE TICKET IS VALID ONLY ON CARRIER XX/ THE TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE/ CHANGES OF DATES ON THE TICKET IS NOT POSSIBLE/ CHANGES OF THE ROUTE FORBIDDEN". This column can also display service information.

7.Carrier. CARRIER. Airline name on English and the carrier's two-letter airline code.

8. Flight. FLIGHT. Flight number.

9. Booking class. CLASS/CLASS. A Latin letter indicating a certain quota of seats on an airplane. Usually: F, P, A - first class. J, C, D, I, Z - business class. W, S, Y, B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, X - economy class.

10. Date. DATE. Departure date for this coupon: two digits of the date and three letters of the month (JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AVG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC) and four digits of the year, for example, 04 APR 2010.

11.Departure/arrival time. TIME. Always local time departure/arrival point.

12.Booking status. STATUS. Typically, a ticket is issued with a confirmed status - "CONFIRMED" (seat confirmed). The ticket for infants (up to 2 years old) flying without a seat indicates the status "NS".

13. For airline marks. AIRLINE DATA. Alphanumeric booking number (PNR CODE).

14. Validator field. A unique "stamp" of the agency. Must contain the name of the agency, its short address, unique office number (in Russia, IATA numbers of accredited agencies must begin with 922).

15.Free baggage allowance. For "weight" system 20, 23, 30 or 40 kg for different service classes. For the "place" system - "PC".

16. Void before / Void after. NOT VALID BEFORE/NOT VALID AFTER. The date before which and after which, respectively, it is impossible to fly using a given flight coupon (if the fare rules allow date changes). For most "hard" preferential fares, both dates coincide with the departure date for this coupon. If the columns are empty, this means that this ticket is valid for at least a year.

17. Type of tariff. FARE BASIS. Alphanumeric designation of the tariff for this coupon.

18.Form of payment. FORM OF PAYMENT. The form of payment used to pay for the ticket. The most common: CASH (cash), INVOICE or INV (non-cash payment), CC------------ (credit card).

19. Tariff calculation. FARE CALCULATION. This column provides a detailed calculation of the fare for the entire ticket. The billing consists of three-letter city codes, two-character carrier codes, and fare components in NUC (neutral unit of account). The column may contain service information: conversion rates for neutral units, currencies, various restrictive inscriptions.

20.Additional ticket. CONJUNCTION TICKETS. If the ticket route includes more flights than the number of flight coupons in the form, then such a ticket is issued on several forms and in column 22 of each the number of the additional ticket is indicated. It should be borne in mind that these several forms represent ONE ticket, and even if you have completely flown the route on one of them, under no circumstances throw it away until the end of the entire trip.
Another common case where additional ticket number(s) is listed is for companion fares (but not group fares) (several people must travel together). In this case, in each ticket, column 22 contains a “link” to the ticket numbers of all other participants in the “company”.

How to report for a business trip?

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2007 No. 03-03-06 /1/649, to confirm the costs of air travel made using an electronic ticket, your accounting department will need the following papers:

  • itinerary receipt (required)
  • original boarding passes (required)

Please note that duplicate boarding passes are not issued, so be sure to keep the boarding passes you receive upon check-in. In case boarding passes are still lost, many airlines provide services for issuing a copy of an air ticket after departure of a flight or a certificate confirming the flight. The cost of these services depends on the airline and can range from $50 for a copy of an air ticket and from 300 rubles for a certificate confirming the flight.

List of documents accepted for issuing air tickets.

A complete list of documents accepted when issuing air tickets and which are required to be included in the air ticket when booking and selling air travel:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (14, 20, 45 years old)
Foreign passport of the Russian Federation: General civil foreign passport (OFP), Diplomatic passport (DP), service passport
National passport of a foreign citizen
Residence permit in the Russian Federation for stateless persons
Identity card for stateless persons (LSP)
Birth certificate (for children of Russian citizens under 14 years old)
Seafarer's passport (seafarer's identity card) - when traveling on duty
Identity card of a foreign citizen
Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Certificate of return to the country of which the passenger is a citizen, issued by the consulate of that country - only for travel to the country of citizenship
A certificate with a photo issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to foreign citizens in case of loss of national documents on the territory of the Russian Federation - only for going to the consular offices of the Embassies of foreign states to obtain a certificate of return
Identity card of an officer of the Russian Federation, CIS (except Georgia)
Military ID of a Russian Army serviceman under conscription, contract with a mark of service
Ticket stateless persons, refugees
UN international pass - for business trips.

The passenger is responsible for the proper execution of documents and compliance with all laws, regulations, rules and regulations of government authorities of the country from the territory to / through the territory of which transportation is carried out, related to the implementation of passport, customs, currency, sanitary, quarantine and other formalities, as well as all relevant rules and instructions of the carrier airline.
The airline reserves the right to not allow a passenger to fly if the documents are not properly completed.
Passengers who are not allowed to fly by the airline or by passport and/or customs control officers are refunded the unused ticket on a general basis according to the refund rules established by the airlines for passengers voluntarily refusing to fly and they are subject to all restrictions and penalties established by the airline rules for their categories of air tickets.

Transportation of children

One adult passenger can travel with a 90% discount (on international flights) -100% (on domestic flights) for one child under two years of age (without provision of a separate seat). The free baggage allowance for a baby is 0-10 kg. If desired, the passenger can book a separate seat for him, but in this case the ticket is issued for a child under 12 years of age. For second, third and other children under two years of age flying with one adult, air tickets are issued as for children under 12 years of age.
A child under 12 years old, as a rule, is issued an air ticket for 50% (for some types of fares - 67%) of the cost of an adult ticket. The percentage of discount on special rates is regulated by special rules. The ticket entitles you to a seat and free baggage allowance in accordance with the class of service.

Children with parents

When traveling abroad with one of the parents, or even with both, if in doubt, border guards may require proof of the relationship between the child and the accompanying persons. The only legal document confirming relationship in the Russian Federation is currently a birth certificate. The presence of the same surnames of parents and children, and the child entered in the foreign passport, are not proof of relationship.
In this regard, it is necessary to have with you originals or notarized copies of documents confirming relationship (guardianship, adoption, trusteeship):
1. Birth certificate if you have the same last name.
2. Birth certificate and certificates of new marriages with a change of surnames if there are different surnames.
3. Document on guardianship, adoption, trusteeship in the case of deceased, missing parents or deprived of parental rights.
In the absence of documents confirming the relationship, even if the parents and the minor child have the same surname, the minor child may be denied leave from Russian Federation.

Unaccompanied children

Children from 8 to 12 years old can fly unaccompanied by an adult. In this case, the discounts provided for by the child rate do not apply in all cases. Caring for such children is the responsibility of airline maintenance personnel. In addition to having a mandatory birth certificate/passport with a visa for all children, those accompanying you at the airport must have a notarized power of attorney for the airline and a completed special application for the transportation of an unaccompanied child.
If the child leaves for a period of more than 3 months, this consent must also be certified by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the manner established by the government of the Russian Federation.
Carriage of unaccompanied children aged 2 to 8 years (for some airlines - up to 12 years old) is paid at the full adult fare, and the note “child care required” is indicated on the ticket. In this case, the airline bears full responsibility for the child until he is handed over to the greeters.
According to the Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” children under 18 years of age flying abroad unaccompanied by their parents must have a notarized (or consular) consent to leave from their parents, guardians, adoptive parents or trustees. In case of flying with one of the parents, notarized consent of the other parent is required.
An unaccompanied child is accepted for transportation if:
accompanying persons remain with the child at the airport of departure until boarding the plane;
the child will be met at the airport of arrival;
the child travels either one way or back and forth along a direct route (without transfers to other flights along the way).

Transportation of special categories of passengers:

Passengers of special categories are passengers with disabilities, recognized as sick for medical reasons, as well as those unable to move independently and in need of assistance during their stay at the airport, boarding the aircraft and disembarking from the aircraft.

Passengers who are visually impaired with a guide dog;
passengers who are deaf;
passengers in a wheelchair;
stretcher patients.

Passengers of special categories are allowed for transportation by air(according to the Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo of carrier airlines) subject to:
the passenger must not have a dangerous, contagious disease, his appearance and mental state do not pose a threat to other passengers;
availability of permission (medical certificate, declaration) for air transportation, confirmed by the signature of the attending physician, accompanying physician and the signature of the passenger;
confirmed written consent of the airline for transportation based on medical documents and the technical capabilities of the airline.

Medicines, folding wheelchairs, and crutches carried in the cabin are carried free of charge and are not included in the free baggage allowance.
A passenger with no vision (hearing) is transported with an accompanying person or (for passengers with no vision) accompanied by a guide dog, for which there must be a certificate of special training. The dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a seat at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

Transportation of animals and plants

If you decide to take your pet on a trip, be sure to inform the operator when booking a seat or purchasing a ticket.
Transportation of animals and birds is carried out. as a rule, in the luggage compartment of the aircraft in special containers (cages).
As a rule, only one pet in a cage (cat, dog, bird) is allowed for transportation in the aircraft cabin. Dogs transported in the cabin must be muzzled and on a leash. If the weight of an animal with a cage exceeds 5 kg, then travel for it is provided only in the luggage compartment.
The passenger must provide his own container (cage) of sufficient size with access to air. The bottom of the container (cage) must be waterproof and covered with absorbent material. As an exception, transportation of animals and birds in tightly closed baskets, etc. is allowed. The size of the dog crate should allow the animal to stand up to its full height and turn 360 degrees. Don't forget to take with you a veterinary first aid kit, canned food and dry food to feed your animal on the way.
The weight of the animal and the container for its transportation is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid only as excess baggage. Only guide dogs accompanying their owners during the flight are transported free of charge.
You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for transporting exotic animals when booking your air ticket.

Transportation of birds

Transportation of animals and birds is possible only with correctly executed documents (the list of documents can be changed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance):
1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, pets are transported under a veterinary certificate of the established form, issued by a veterinarian no later than 3 days before departure. The animal must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before departure (with a note on the date of vaccination in veterinary documents). Transportation conditions (availability of a cage, prices for transportation, etc.) are specified when purchasing tickets.
2. The procedure for transporting pets when crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.
a) IMPORTATION. Animal owners can transport 1-2 dogs or cats belonging to them if they have international passports issued by the state veterinary authorities of the countries where the animals are exported or with an international veterinary certificate, which must indicate that the animals are clinically healthy and vaccinated against rabies. Vaccination must be carried out no earlier than 30 days and no later than 12 months before the departure date. International documents are exchanged for a veterinary certificate of the Russian Federation.
b) EXPORT. When crossing the state border of the Russian Federation you must present:
Veterinary passport
Health certificate. Issued by any state veterinary clinic. The certificate contains information about vaccinations by age. The last rabies vaccination must be done no earlier than one year and no later than two months before departure. The veterinary certificate of health of the animal, which is issued at the state veterinary clinic within 3 days before departure, is changed to an international veterinary certificate.
At customs you must also present a permit to export the animal from the Russian Canine Association - a certificate from the club stating that the dog is not of breeding value.

Transportation of plants

Carrying is prohibited:

Soil, living rooted plants, tubers, bulbs and other planting material;
seed material, fresh fruits and vegetables in parcels, hand luggage and passenger luggage in quantities exceeding 5 kg.

The following are allowed to be imported into Russia from other countries without import quarantine permits and phytosanitary certificates of sending countries:

Products for food purposes: starch, hops, ground coffee, tea, packaged refined sugar;
spices and herbs;
processed rice straw intended for industrial products, nap cones, finishing wood, balsa wood, wool, hides, henna and basma;
medicinal raw materials;
products of plant origin, free from quarantine organisms, located on vehicles and intended for food purposes for the teams and crews of these vehicles without the right to be taken outside their boundaries;
deep minerals and soils, river and sea sand, bottom soils of seas, rivers, lakes;
regulated materials (flour, cereals, dried and fresh fruits and vegetables, raisins, spices, nuts), free from quarantine organisms, weighing up to 5 kg in the hand luggage of passengers, crew members of ships and aircraft, and postal items.

Features of issuing air tickets to/from CIS countries

Please note that this information is subject to regulation by the relevant authorities and may be changed at any time.

Features when issuing air tickets to/from CIS countries for citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.* When flying to CIS countries, an increasing number of countries require a foreign passport. Currently, a foreign passport is required for flights to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
For citizens of Russia and Georgia, mutual travel requires not only a passport, but also a visa.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
2. Service passport.
3. Diplomatic passport.

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan for yes, departure, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. General passport.
2. Service passport.
3. Diplomatic passport.
4. Seafarer's book (identity document of the seaman, if there is a ship's role or an extract from it).
5. Certificate of return to the Republic of Azerbaijan (only for return to the Republic of Azerbaijan).

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Uzbek Republic:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Service passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
4. Seaman’s passport (sailor’s identity card) – if there is a ship’s role or an extract from it.
5. Certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation (only for returning to the Russian Federation).

List of documents for citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. Certificate of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who has not reached 16 years of age.
4. Certificate of return to the Republic of Uzbekistan (only for return to the Republic of Uzbekistan).

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
2. Birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age), indicating Russian citizenship.

List of documents for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Identity card of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic, model 2004 (plastic card).
2. Passport of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic, sample 1994. without a completed foreign page.
3. Birth certificate (for children under 16 years of age) indicating citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
2. Birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age) indicating Russian citizenship.

List of documents for citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan.
2. Birth certificate (for children under 16 years of age) indicating citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan.

List of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Republic of Moldova:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Service passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.
4. Seafarer's passport (if there is a ship's role or an extract from it).
5. Certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation (only for returning to the Russian Federation).

List of documents of citizens of the Republic of Moldova for entry, exit, transit, stay and movement within the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. Diplomatic passport.
2. Service passport.
3. Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova (for traveling abroad).
4. Seafarer's passport (if there is a ship's role or an extract from it).
5. Certificate of return to the Republic of Moldova (for return only).

Carriage of baggage: norms and restrictions

The passenger has the right to transport free of charge things with a weight not exceeding the norm established by the carrier.
The dimensions of each piece of luggage must be no more than 50x50x100 cm.
The maximum weight of an individual piece of baggage must not exceed 30 kg.
The weight of one piece of unchecked baggage (hand luggage) transported in the aircraft cabin must not exceed 5 kg, the maximum dimensions must be no more than 45x35x15 cm.
The passenger must carry jewelry, money and documents with him. Checking them in as luggage is not allowed.

In excess of the established free baggage allowance, a passenger has the right to carry the following items free of charge:
coat, raincoat or blanket
umbrella or cane
handbag, folder for papers
food for baby
baby travel cradle
wheelchair for a disabled person
printed materials for in-flight reading

Norms free transportation baggage does not apply to:
things whose dimensions exceed 50x50x100 cm.
things weighing more than 30 kg per piece.
televisions, tape recorders, office equipment (computers, printers, copying machines, etc.), audio, video, and household appliances weighing more than 10 kg per piece.
domestic animals and birds, with the exception of guide dogs accompanying the blind
flowers, plant seedlings, edible greens, dried plants, branches of trees and shrubs weighing more than 5 kg

Transportation of these items is paid according to the actual weight, regardless of the amount of luggage of the passenger.

Dear passengers!

On August 27, 2007, the “Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of July 25, 2007 N 104, came into force.

List of the main dangerous substances and items prohibited for transportation on board an aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and hand luggage:

It is prohibited to carry the following dangerous substances and objects on board the aircraft in checked baggage and hand luggage:

1. explosives, means of blasting and objects stuffed with them:
all kinds of gunpowder, in any packaging and in any quantity;
live ammunition (including small-caliber);
cartridges for gas weapons;
hunting caps (pistons);
pyrotechnics: signal and lighting flares, signal cartridges, landing bombs, smoke cartridges (checkers), demolition matches, sparklers, railway firecrackers;
TNT, dynamite, tol, ammonal and other explosives;
blasting caps, electric detonators, electric igniters, detonating and fire cord, etc.;

2. compressed and liquefied gases:
gases for household use (butane-propane) and other gases;
gas cartridges filled with nerve-paralytic and tear effects, etc.;

3. flammable liquids:
samples of flammable petroleum products;
methyl acetate (methyl ester);
carbon disulfide;

4. Flammable solids:
substances subject to spontaneous combustion;
substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water;
potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc.;
white, yellow and red phosphorus and all other substances classified as flammable solids;

5. oxidizing substances and organic peroxides:
colloidal nitrocellulose, in granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;
colloidal nitrocellulose, in pieces, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;
nitrocellulose, dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water, etc.;

6. toxic substances;
7. radioactive materials;
8. caustic and corrosive substances:
strong inorganic acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and others;
hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids and corrosives;

9. poisonous and poisonous substances:
any toxic, potent and poisonous substances in liquid or solid state, packaged in any container;
tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol;
brake fluid;
ethylene glycol;
all hydrocyanic acid salts and cyanide preparations;
cyclone, cyanide, arsenic anhydride, etc.;
other dangerous substances, objects and cargo that can be used as a weapon of attack against passengers, the crew of an aircraft, as well as posing a threat to the flight of the aircraft;

10. weapons:
pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electroshock devices, daggers, stilettos, airborne bayonets, except in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
To transport weapons and walkie-talkies, you must obtain a special permit in advance. The presence of these items should be declared at customs (for international flights) or at a special control point (for domestic flights) and handed over to security personnel for transfer on board the aircraft. During the flight, they will be kept by the senior flight attendant or crew commander.

Please note that when transporting weapons, ammunition and cartridges must be packaged separately from the weapon. When registering a weapon, you will have to go through additional procedures provided for by aviation security rules and the requirements of internal affairs bodies. When transporting weapons, ammunition, cartridges and special equipment, the general norms free transportation and payment for excess baggage.

At airports located on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are restrictions on the transportation of liquids, gels and aerosols in the carry-on luggage of air passengers. The restriction applies to:
water and other drinks, soups, syrups;
creams, lotions and oils;
gels, including hair and shower gels;
contents of cans, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants;
pastes, including toothpastes;
mixtures of liquid and solid substances;
any other similar substances.

Passengers are permitted to bring small quantities of the substances listed above on board the aircraft, provided they are packaged in containers not exceeding 100 ml. In this case, the containers must be placed in a transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter. Each passenger is allowed to carry only one such bag as hand luggage. You can bring bags with you from home, but they must be equipped with a special zipper.

Items allowed for transportation in checked baggage:
crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm;
alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger; liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;

Items allowed for transportation in hand luggage:
medical thermometer - one per passenger;
mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
disposable lighters - one per passenger;
dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled.

In larger quantities than indicated, you are allowed to carry in hand luggage only:
baby food necessary during the flight;
medications necessary during the flight.

Dear passengers, be prepared for the fact that during security screening you may be asked to prove the necessity of these items and substances during the flight.
Liquids purchased from duty free shops
Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows for identification of access to the contents of the bag during the flight on which there is reliable evidence that the purchase was made at the airport. duty free shops or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel.
Excess and oversized/non-standard baggage
Fragile and breakable items that require special precautions during transportation (small portable tape recorders, computers, radios, televisions, crystal products, etc.), upon agreement with the carrier, can be transported by the passenger in the aircraft cabin.
If the weight and dimensions of your luggage exceed the free transportation allowance, then the luggage must be pre-booked. If you have not done this, excess baggage will be transported only if technically possible.
Payment for excess baggage is made in accordance with baggage rates valid on the day the receipt is issued paid luggage, which is issued to the passenger upon receipt of payment from him at the ticket office.
Oversized baggage is accepted for transportation only with the consent of the airline. You must familiarize yourself with the conditions for the carriage of such baggage when booking a ticket. Having accepted your baggage for transportation, the airline assumes all additional costs for loading and unloading it.
Oversized or unusual baggage in the hold of an aircraft (as checked baggage) is baggage that, in size and weight (taking into account the type of aircraft on which it is carried), differs significantly from the usual baggage carried. Such luggage, for example, includes: a chair for the disabled, a non-folding baby stroller, large musical instruments, bicycle, etc.
If you wish to transport large, fragile or valuable luggage (including musical instruments) on a separate seat(s) in the aircraft cabin, with a total weight of up to 75 kg per seat, then you need to purchase a separate ticket(s).

Rules applied when transporting large and non-standard baggage in the aircraft cabin:
if the weight and dimensions exceed the cabin baggage allowance of the operating carrier, and with a total weight of up to 75 kg, this baggage is transported in a separate seat;
if the total weight exceeds 75 kg, such baggage is transported on two or more seats, in accordance with this, the required number of air tickets is purchased; For each individual seat, the passenger is charged a fee corresponding to the fare of the passenger carrying this baggage. There are no discounts on this tariff. Transportation is issued on the form of a passenger air ticket with the same taxes charged to the passenger who owns the baggage. However, it should be borne in mind that when transporting baggage in a seat(s), tariffs based on discounts from full tariffs (tariffs for children, for crew members) are not applied. sea ​​vessels, student tariffs and others). In this case, the passenger fare corresponding to the conditions of transportation is applied to the transportation of large or non-standard baggage in the aircraft cabin;
The air ticket(s) that cover the carriage of baggage in the aircraft cabin on a separate seat(s) does not apply. established norm free baggage allowance.

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

If you have problems with departure, you should pay special attention to the time:
after 2 hours, you can make two calls or send two emails, and passengers should also be provided with free soft drinks;
after 4 hours you have the right to free hot meals (further every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night).
after 8 hours of waiting during the day or 6 at night, you are required to be accommodated in a hotel free of charge (while your luggage remains at the airport under supervision). Transportation from the airport and back must also be provided.

If you did not refuse the flight, then in accordance with Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation you have the right to receive compensation from the airline. The fine is 25% of the legal minimum wage for each hour of delay in delivering a passenger to his destination. But the total amount of the fine should not exceed 50% of the cost of the flight ticket.
But in order to collect a fine from the air carrier, you need to comply with a number of mandatory requirements. You must obtain a certificate from the airport administration about the reason for the flight delay, and air carrier employees are required to stamp your ticket with the actual departure time.

Sometimes it happens that everything is ready, it’s time to hit the road, but you can’t find tickets. Don't despair; it is almost always possible to restore lost or damaged tickets. It all depends on the method of purchase and type of transport. With modern technology, having a paper ticket is not always necessary. For example, on railway it's not needed at all.

What to do if you lost your train ticket

If you bought a ticket online, you didn’t have to print it at all. If you are not sure that you will be allowed on the train without a ticket, then at any station you can print out the purchased ticket. Often it is enough to simply show the screen of your smartphone to the conductor.

But if you bought a ticket the old fashioned way through a ticket office, then everything is much more complicated. Remember that the ticket restoration procedure will take from half an hour to two hours. You need:

  1. Find the station duty officer or his assistant. If you don’t know your way around the station, you can ask the security guard or any other employee to take you to the boss’s office.
  2. Write a statement about the loss or damage of a travel document. Recovery will be faster if you indicate the train number, your carriage number and seat. If the ticket is damaged, the document that has become unusable must be attached to the application.
  3. Present an identification document. If your ticket was stolen along with your passport, you must first contact the police. There you will be given the appropriate certificate.
  4. After completing all procedures, you need to get a new ticket at the station ticket office. It will look just like yours, only marked “Duplicate”.

The restoration procedure costs about 200-250 rubles. Remember that you can only restore your ticket. It will not be possible to come in place of a spouse or parent. Only for underage children can their parents reinstate the ticket. A restored ticket cannot be returned or exchanged. Even if you found the original. You can only use it to go on a trip or lose money.

What to do if you lost your plane ticket

In general, the advice on actions that need to be taken in the event of a lost ticket does not differ much from the previous point. Aircraft travel documents are increasingly being purchased electronically. This means that its paper version is not needed at all. But we will still discuss the procedure for restoring a simple paper ticket.

To begin the procedure for reinstating a ticket, you must write a corresponding application addressed to the airline that is to carry out the transportation. The application must indicate the flight number, flight direction, date and place of purchase of the ticket. According to the law of the Russian Federation, the airline must immediately establish the fact of concluding an air transportation agreement.

If such an agreement has not been concluded, the ticket is immediately invalidated, the passenger is removed from the flight and receives an appropriate certificate stating the reason for the invalidation of the ticket. If it becomes known that an air carriage agreement has been concluded, then the passenger is allowed to fly.

You can speed up the procedure for checking the conclusion of the contract using a copy of the ticket. If you have it, be sure to attach it to your application. If the ticket was lost abroad, then you need to contact the information desk at the airport and explain the current situation. Airport staff will advise you on further actions.

Please remember that a reinstated ticket cannot be returned or exchanged.

When some kind of misfortune happens to you while traveling, the main rule is not to panic. Taking into account the development of the Internet, the global unification of all databases, it is not difficult to prove that you purchased a train or plane ticket. Don't be afraid to ask questions, ask people at the train station or airport to help you. And most in a simple way The solution to the problem of losing tickets is to switch to electronic copies.

No one is insured against damage or loss of a train ticket. In this case, there is no need to worry - most often the situation is fixable. When can a ticket be reinstated, and where should the passenger contact?

A train ticket can be restored in the following cases:

  1. The ticket was issued for travel exclusively to and from Russian railway stations. So, for example, you can restore a ticket on the Moscow-Volgograd route, but travel document Moscow-Kyiv cannot be restored.
  2. The ticket was issued for the carriage and train of the Russian Railways formation. For example, if the train belongs to the Kyiv Railway, then the travel document will not be restored, but tickets for trains traveling on the Moscow-Kaluga route or even Moscow-Kyiv if the train belongs to the Russian Railway can be restored.
  3. The ticket can be identified. This means that the passenger must give his last name, date, time of travel, route, seat number, carriage and train. Even if you only partially remember the information, it's still worth a try. By the way, in this case it is mandatory to present a damaged ticket.
  4. No refunds were issued on the ticket. That is, if a passenger’s ticket was stolen and immediately handed over to the station ticket office, then it can no longer be restored. Otherwise, if the fraudster has not yet had time to hand over the travel document, the latter must be restored.
  5. The passenger is at the point of departure or cannot visit the ticket sales point. For example, it will not be possible to restore a Moscow-Kyiv ticket purchased in Moscow if the passenger is in St. Petersburg. However, if the purchase of the travel document was made here, then such a ticket can be restored.

Ticket recovery process

  1. So, to restore your ticket, contact the station duty officer and fill out an application for reinstatement of your travel document. By the way, this needs to be done only in person - it is impossible to restore someone else’s ticket, even if we are talking about a travel document belonging to a close relative. In this case, you will need to present a passport or other document proving your identity.
  2. The procedure for restoring a lost or damaged ticket may take approximately 1-2 hours.
  3. A lost ticket is not returned or reissued - it is subject to restoration.
  4. A restored lost travel document will also not be reissued or returned.
  5. The return of damaged train tickets is possible if they have a mark from the railway station indicating the time during which the passenger contacted the ticket office.

We wish you never to lose your tickets! However, in case of trouble, now you will know exactly what to do.
