What interesting things can you see in Forio? Forio: a vast commune in the western part of the Italian island of Ischia - Which distant countries have you been able to fly to?

The island of Ischia is famous for its thermal springs, some of which are used in hotels and parks. Healing hot springs with temperatures of +80° and above are also found in Sorgeto Bay - there is a wild spring with free access. To prevent tourists from getting scalded by hot water, baths made of boulders are specially built for them. The hot springs of Sorgeto Bay flow into the sea, so tourists can swim not only in summer, but also in winter.

The source contains phosphates, sulfates, bromine, mineral salts and other substances that have a therapeutic effect on rheumatism, arthritis, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders, skin and other diseases. Tuff stones located on the beach and in the water itself release thermal mud during friction, which can be used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body.

Torrione Tower

Torrione is the main fortress tower, which was built to protect the city from Saracen raids in the 9th century. Several centuries later, the fortress was equipped with cannons and firearms.

The tower consists of two levels: the first, which contained a warehouse for food, military supplies and water, and the second, which housed a garrison of 10 people with a commander. The round shape of the tower allowed observation full review. There was an observer here who, seeing enemy ships, gave a signal to the garrison.

Now the lower floor of Torrione is equipped as a city museum, and on the upper floor of the building there is a collection of paintings by the famous artist Giovanni Maltese.

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Thermal park "Gardens of Poseidon"

The thermal park "Gardens of Poseidon" is located in a picturesque bay with a beautiful sandy beach and mountain landscapes overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Also near the park is the Epomeo volcano.

“Gardens of Poseidon” are truly unique and fragrant gardens with eucalyptus, pine, olive, citrus trees, in the shade of which a person connects with nature, the sun and the sea. Flowers also grow here, among which there are 18 pools with thermal water different temperatures. For children, the park has small pools with plain water, and for adults, a huge pool with sea ​​water.

Thermal waters consist of sulfates, mineral salts, phosphates, bromine, which are useful for the treatment of various diseases. The grotto contains a sauna built on a hyperthermal spring in the style of ancient Roman baths.

The most popular attractions of Forio with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places of Forio on our website.

Palaces, alleys, neighborhoods, fortress towers and architectural angles make the “flower” - city ​​of Forio(Forio) - indescribably original.
You can get to Forio by direct ferry from Naples.

Place of attraction large quantity artists and intellectuals from all over the world (from W. H. Auden to Visconti, from Moravia to Capote, from Walton to many others). For many decades, this largest commune of the island was considered a multilingual “living room”, the “fatal center of gravity” of which was located between the tables of the legendary “Vag Intemazionale” Maria.

Geographically, the commune of Forio is located “on the other side” of the island of Ischia from mainland Italy, it descends from Mount Epomeo to the sandy seashore and wedges itself into the interweaving of neighborhoods with their places of worship.

A few meters from a small Piazza Luca Balsofiore with the Church of St. Gaetano, which has a façade and dome typical of local churches, there is a real art gallery: Papal Basilica of the Madonna of Loreto with an attached ancient hospital and chapel; she belongs to the Confraternity of the Madonna of Loreto. Considered a center of spirituality, the basilica was built in the 14th century. There has been extensive charitable activity here for centuries, through various forms of aid provision and through the management of a hospital founded in 1596. Particular veneration is addressed to the Madonna of Loreto, whose icon is located in the depths of the apse on a marble throne.

Along the street shopping and evening walks we reach Cape Soccorso. On the Municipal Square there are two churches: St. Francis of Assisi with an ancient monastery (now it houses the municipal authorities) and the Church of the Fraternity of Santa Maria Visitapoveri. In the courtyard of the monastery there are remains of images with scenes from the life of St. Francis and his first followers by the Neapolitan artist Filippo Baldi.
The brotherhood and church were founded around 1614 and were the center of active spiritual life and the cult of the Merciful Virgin Mary (Madonna delle Grazie). The unique architecture is distinguished by a double facade: the facade of the church and the facade that covers the courtyard. The church displays works by the artist Alfonso Di Spigna.

A few steps towards the sea, and in front of us is the Church of Soccorso, dedicated to the Virgin Mary of the Snows. This is one of the most beautiful churches in Italy, famous for its characteristic façade.
The church courtyard and part of the side walls are decorated with 18th-century majolica tiles depicting the passion of Christ and scenes from the lives of various saints.

The hillside offers breathtaking scenery and views of other temples of great historical and cultural value. This also applies to Forio Cathedral, dedicated to the patron saint of the commune, Saint Vito, erected under the name Papal Basilica. The cathedral has long roots: a document dated 1306 states that the inhabitants of Forio are given the right to patronage over the church, which they owned even earlier. The most important work in the cathedral is the statue of St. Vito in silver and gilded copper, made in 1787 by the Neapolitan goldsmiths Del Giudice according to a sketch by the sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino.

On Via Gaetano Morgera (formerly Via Chierco) there is Church of Saint Carlo Borromeoarchitectural masterpiece, built by the Sportiello brothers in 1620. The single-nave church with a plan in the form of a Latin cross is unique in that such local material as green tuff, common for the construction of residential premises, was used here to build the portal, arches, and crowning cornice. The columns, column bases and the covering of some half-shell chapels are made from a single tuff block. Amazing. All the paintings in the church are by the Forian artist Cesare Calise. Without underestimating the beauty of the Monterone area and the panoramic view in the San Francesco area (on the other slope), one cannot miss the steep climb that leads almost to the slopes of Epomeo.

Here, at an altitude of more than 400 meters above sea level, rises Church of St Mary on the Mountain, founded by the Sportiello family in 1596. It is located right at the top of the route, the surroundings of which are ideal for trekking fans.

At this starting point you can choose between a tour to the Frasitelli area(white wine edge) and route to the Bianchetto area to reach the Phalanx forest, an oasis of greenery and chestnut groves, a mysterious and charming place with its stone houses, distilleries and ancient buildings of the first inhabitants of the area.
Among them are the so-called “nevieres” (snow cellar) - pits and wells for storing snow, recognizable by the tropical ferns that grow along the boundary walls of dry masonry. The landscape is truly unique.

The road leading from here to top of Epomeo, is simply a dream trail. The bays are visible from above: Citara Bay with a string of sandy deposits stretching to the beach of Cava del Isola and further - from Chiaia Bay to San Francesco.

And, of course, the surrounding settlements are visible, for example, Panza- starting point of excursions in the direction of Cape Chiarito, Sorgeto (a small sea bay with thermal springs that bubble up among the rocks; the water of the springs mixes with the sea water of the bay) and in the direction Sant'Angelo. In the center settlement, at the top of a wide staircase with a courtyard, is the parish church of St. Leonardo the Abbot. Its existence is confirmed by documents from 1536.

Another important stop is Villa La Mortella in the forest of Zaro, known as Walton's Villa. It is surrounded by a magnificent garden, at one time considered the most beautiful park in Italy.
In 1956, the great English composer Sir William Walton settled with his wife in Ischia and decided to build himself a house with an excellent park in the volcanic region of Mount Zaro, rich in magnetism and charm.

The garden, designed by landscape architect Russell Page, features over 3,000 rare plants.
Sir Walton's wife Lady Suzanne moved from Argentina to Europe in 1948. That same year she married William. The Waltons, together with the Sitwell brothers, are representatives of one of the most vibrant eras of cultural life in England in the 20th century. For this group of people, the exotic garden became the personification of aesthetic thinking, later interpreted by the genius of Page. The garden is distinguished by its progressiveness, and the microclimate is its secret, in the triumph of biology and technology. The large tropical greenhouse houses the largest water lily in the world - Victoria Amazonica.

Not far from the Villa, in the same Zaro forest, you can visit the charming Villa Colombaya with a large garden, the owner of which was the outstanding theater and film director Luchino Visconti, who was buried, according to his will, here in the garden.

Ischia is the island of eternal youth and beauty. Known for its healing thermal waters. It will win the hearts of even seasoned tourists.

Ischia is a rocky volcanic island in the Gulf of Naples, Campania region. Climatic resort with many active thermal springs and lush, varied vegetation. Ancient land with priceless historical heritage, cultural artifacts, picturesque gorges and gardens.

There are 3 volcanoes on the island: Epomeo (789 m), Trabotti (512 m) and Monte Vezzi (395 m). Last eruption it was in 1301. Today, only water vapor and hot temperatures remind us of their vigorous activity. thermal springs, thanks to which rest and treatment are possible all year round. There are also earthquakes on the island, the last one was recorded in 2017.

Ischia Porto

Ischia Ponte

Casamicciola Terme

Lacco Ameno

Serrara Fontana

Barano d'Ischia

5 things to do in Ischia

  • Spend the day swimming in the luxurious pools of the Poseidon Gardens;
  • spend an unforgettable evening in Forio - at the Terra del Fuoco tavern, see a Neapolitan folk performance;
  • climb along a narrow path to the top of the “mountain that attracts clouds” - Epomeo volcano;
  • appreciate the culinary symbol of the island - the famous Iskitan rabbit;
  • buy local cosmetics made from island mud and thermal water.


There is a beautiful legend about the origin of the island. Jupiter, during the battle with the Giants, tore off a huge piece of tuff from Mount Etna and threw it at the hated Typhon. But Venus managed to change the direction of the rock's flight. She fell into the waters of the Bay of Naples. This is how the island appeared. The goddess landscaped it and populated it with animals. But the vengeful Typhon continued to express his anger through volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Now the giant is mostly in a state of sleep: its breath comes out through underwater craters in the form of thermal springs.

When is the best time to go to Ischia?

The island is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Geographically, it is part of the Neapolitan Riviera zone. The climate of Ischia is subtropical Mediterranean, with an abundance of sunny days– more than 250 per year. Average temperature+17°C (from +10°C in winter to +28°C in summer). By June the water warms up to +22°C. Ends in October velvet season, towards the end of the month the rains come.

From the beginning of April to the end of October is the best time to visit the island. But thanks to the thermal springs, it is comfortable here all year round.

Main resorts of Ischia


Aragonese Castle (Castello Aragonese), photo Bernhard Chudy

The oldest part of the island is its unofficial capital, the commune of Ischia. It is divided into the administrative center - Ischia Porto, and the cozy suburb - Ischia Ponte. The main historical attraction of the commune is the Aragonese Castle (Castello Aragonese). An ancient citadel founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC. and reached its modern size by 1441. It stands on a small piece of land covered with rock pine trees. In 1301, the inhabitants of the city of Geronda, destroyed by the eruption of Epomea, took refuge on this tiny island. Today, Castello Aragonese from Ischia can be reached along a narrow causeway.

On the territory of Ischia Porto there is a multifunctional thermal center Ischia (Terme di Ischia), with a pleasant, relaxing environment that enhances the therapeutic effect of the thermal springs. Water with a high content of mineral salts, sodium chloride sulfate, is recommended for the treatment of chronic joint diseases and rheumatism, obesity, muscle pain, neuralgia, and gynecological diseases. Therm website www.termeischia.eu.

In Ischia Ponte there is a park called Il Giardino Eden - “The Gardens of Eden”, a separate coastal area behind the Aragonese Castle. Warm springs flow right off the shore, creating natural saunas. There are four swimming pools, two of which are filled with sea water. From "Eden" there are views of the castle and the island of Capri.


Forio is a commune in the west of Ischia. In the 7th century BC. The Greeks settled here. They built the temple of Venus of Chitarskaya. The fortress tower of Torrione (15th century) recalls the raids of the pirate Ariardeno Barbarossa. Today, celebrities willingly vacation in the city.

In Forio there is a unique landscape park “Gardens of La Mortella” (Giardini La Mortella), translated from Neapolitan as “divine myrtle”, created on a former lava flow. Exotic plants have been collected on two hectares, natural areas with different microclimates have been developed, and chamber concerts are held in the tea house.

The architecture of Forio is a mixture of Moorish and Greek styles. 12 medieval ones have survived watchtowers, elegant temple of San Gaetano (XVII century), late medieval Basilica of Santa Maria Loreto. The symbol of the city is the Church of Madonna del Soccorso, patroness of sailors (XVIII century). At Villa La Colombaia there is a museum dedicated to the work of the famous director Luchino Visconti (Museo-Fondazione La Colombaia di Luchino Visconti).

On the territory of Forio, the largest thermal park has been opened, a UNESCO site - “Poseidon Gardens” (Giardini Poseidon Terme). The health complex, built at the foot of Epomeo, unites 22 cascading reservoirs (water temperature varies from +15° to +40°), including “Kneipp pools”, a cave with a Roman sauna, and a “Japanese bath” made of volcanic stone. Salt water is bromine-iodide, sodium sulfate-chloride-alkali containing compounds of magnesium, iron and radon. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic respiratory diseases, dermatitis. Eucalyptus, olive and citrus trees grow on the terraces of the complex. The Grotto wine bar is open.

I wrote in detail about the thermal springs of the Gardens of Poseidon.


Casamicciola Terme, photo by JustGlowing

Casamicciola Terme is a resort near the extinct volcano Rotaro in the north of Ischia. There is an old ceramics factory here - Menella. An archaeological park dating from the Late Bronze Age has been opened on the Castiglione hill.

In Casamicciola there is a thermal park of Castiglione (Parco Termale Castiglione) with hot mineral springs, ten swimming pools of different capacities and temperatures. The local treatment center provides comprehensive treatments. Castiglione Park has its own rocky beach, natural sauna, bar, and panoramic restaurant.

Lacco Ameno

Bizarre tuff rock Fungo – stone mushroom, photo Paolo

Lacco Ameno is a resort town in the northeast of Ischia. On the main square of Lacco stands the magnificent Church of the Holy Restituta (Basilica di Santa Restituta), rebuilt in 1036 from an early Christian temple. Below it is an archaeological park of the same name - the Pithecusa Museum (Museo archeologico di Pithecusae), where objects made of terracotta, bronze, and painted vessels are presented. Nearby is the famous Villa Arbusto Museum with a collection of fossil ceramics of world importance. From the Lacco Ameno embankment you can see the bizarre tuff rock Fungo - a stone “mushroom”.

In Lacco Ameno there are thermal “Gardens of Negombo” (Parco Termale Negombo) with a botanical park, a sandy beach, twelve swimming pools equipped with hydromassage; with a labyrinth and a grotto. There are three bars, a restaurant open concert hall. Thermal water is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis and pharyngitis, and gynecological diseases.

Serrara Fontana

Island of Sant’Angelo, photo Mario Migliaccio

Serrara Fontana is a commune in the south of the island. This is the most beautiful, most respectable corner of Ischia with an authentic fishing village on the coast. The Serrara area offers the best panoramic views of Capri and the Pontine Islands. Along the stone isthmus you can go to the lava island of Sant'Angelo: there are the ruins of a monastery watchtower.

The Serrara-Fontana thermal complex unites the Tropical parks (with 10 pools and a spa) and Aphrodite-Apollo (with 12 pools, private beach, sauna, restaurant).


Maronti beach, photo toatec

In the commune of Barano d'Ischia there is the largest island beach, Maronti, 2 km long. In one of the coastal grottoes there flows the warm alkaline spring Nitrodi, discovered by the Romans. On the main square of Barano there are two ancient temples: San Rocco and San Sebastiano.

The Olympus Thermal Park (Parco Termale Olympus) is located above the beach. This complex includes hydromassage pools, a mud bath, and a garden with a sun terrace. Thermal water with a high content of mineral salts is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis and pharyngitis, gynecological and nervous diseases.

History paragraph

Ischia was a Mediterranean outpost of the ancient Greeks from the 8th century BC. After several centuries, Greek settlers abandoned the island due to frequent volcanic eruptions. From the 3rd century BC. The Romans founded the trading port of Aenaria here, and the island soon became a thermal resort. In the 15th century it was captured by the army of Aragon. For a long time, Ischia, which belonged to the Spaniards, suffered from pirate raids. Since 1729, it has gone to the Neapolitan crown. The heyday of mass tourism began after World War II.


In addition to thermal parks, Ischia has natural saunas and springs. The most popular are Nitrodi and Olmitello. Near the village of Panza, in Sorgeto Bay, warm fumaroles extend off the coast into the sea. Near the Aphrodite-Apollo Park there is a natural sauna called Kavaskura.

If you get bored with swimming, go to the adventure park of the Barano commune - Indiana Park Ischia. During the day you can explore museums: the art gallery of the Torrione Tower, the weapons exhibition of the Aragonese Castle, the archaeological collections of Villa Arbusto. At night in Ischia Porto and Forio the lights are on, discos are noisy, clubs, taverns and pubs are open.


Feast of St. Anne, photo Enzo Rando

The folklore festival “Ndrezzata” takes place on June 24 in the village of Buonopano. Men in folk costumes dance, crossing replicas of swords, depicting a battle.

At the end of June the International Film Festival of Ischia is held.

The end of July is marked by a holiday dedicated to the patroness of pregnant women, Saint Anne (Festa a Mare agli scogli di Sant’Anna). In the bay near the Aragonese castle there are elegantly decorated ships, competitions between boats are held, a performance and an enchanting fire show are held.

On August 26, a costume procession moves from the Castello Aragonese bridge in honor of the patron saint of Ischia Porto, Saint Alexander.

On September 29–30, the town of Sant’Angelo celebrates the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (Festa di San Michele Arcangelo), patron saint of sailors. One festive procession goes through the streets of the town with a statue of St. Michael at its head. The second is by boat along the beaches of Maronti.

Rabbit in Iskitan style, photo by Barbara_coniglio

The cuisine of Ischia, according to the Mediterranean tradition, is replete with seafood and herbs. Here they prepare assorted fisherman's soup, grilled mussels, clams, octopus, and squid. The main island dish is Iskitan-style rabbit (coniglio all’ischitana); rabbit of a special breed, prepared according to an authentic recipe. The animals are raised in earthen pits and fed only grass; the meat is stewed in a ceramic bowl in olive oil. Bucatini pasta is made with rabbit sauce. The local pappardelle, a pasta, is made from porcini mushrooms collected on the slopes of Monte Epomeo.

Popular sweet dishes: baba soaked in limoncello, Sanguinaccio chocolate cream, potato rings with cherry filling - Zeppole San Giuseppe, taralli cookies.

Wine has been produced on the island since ancient Greek times. Famous island brands: white - Biancolella and Forastera, red - Piedirosso. Lemon liqueur Limoncello is popular.

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    It is not for nothing that the island of Ischia is called the “Island of Eternal Youth” and the “Italian Health Resort”: an incredible number of thermal springs are concentrated here, the waters of which help treat a wide variety of diseases. However, a holiday in the resorts of Ischia is not only useful, but also extremely pleasant: the thermal centers have own beaches, restaurants, well-kept gardens and dance floors. In addition, the island has a lot interesting places worthy of visiting in your free time from procedures.

    Business card

    Ischia is the largest island in the Gulf of Naples. It is divided into 6 municipal zones: Ischia, Casamiciollo, Lacco Ameno, Forio, Serrara Fontana and Barano.

    What to see, where to visit

    The capital of the island is the city of Ischia, consisting of two parts: Ischia Ponte and Ischia Porto. Its main attractions are Royal Palace, built in the 18th century, where today there is a thermal hospital for the military, the Aragonese castle, rising on an inaccessible island off the coast, Michelangelo's tower and the city port, founded in 1853.

    Casamiciollo is famous for its wonderful landscapes. In its lower part, along the sea, there is a cozy pedestrian zone, and in the upper part, where the hills and cedar forests begin, you can find a lot of scenic routes, leading to the extinct volcano Epomeo.

    Lacco Ameno is a miniature but very interesting town. Here you can see the Necropolis of St. Montana, the Church of Santa Restituita - one of the first Christian buildings on the island, the Archaeological Museum, the Aragonese Tower (XV century), Villa Arbusto, surrounded by a magnificent garden. Nearby is the luxurious La Mortella botanical garden. But the most recognizable symbol of the resort is the bizarre mushroom-shaped rock.

    Largest municipality of Ischia - Forio, which half a century ago was a favorite holiday destination for creative intellectuals from all over the world. There are aristocratic mansions, beautiful alleys and artists' studios, as well as a lot historical monuments: ancient churches, the monastery of St. Francesco (7th century), observation tower of Torrione, etc.

    Serrara Fontana lies on the most high point islands, among hills, vineyards and orchards. A lot of interesting excursions start from here: a mule ride to Epomeo, a visit to the monastery of St. Nicholas, walking tour to the rocky dwellings of Phalanx, acquaintance with the village of Sant'Angelo, etc.

    In the central square of Barano there are two churches - San Sebastiano and San Rocco, as well as several ancient mansions of the 18th-19th centuries, and in its surroundings there are several idyllic villages, pine forests and observation platforms, from the heights of which wonderful views open up.


    Most of the beaches in Ischia are sandy, with surprisingly soft and light-colored sand. The most popular are Maronti beach in Barano (the longest of the island’s beaches), where hot steam breaks through the sand, the picturesque Citara beach near Forio, the beach in the bay of St. Montana (Lacco Ameno), the small beaches of Casamicciollo, hidden among the rocks, the English beach in Ischier et al.

    Springs and healing

    Ischia is the main health resort of Italy. The healing power of its hot springs was known in ancient times. And now every local resort has large thermal centers offering a comprehensive range of wellness treatments based on mineral waters and mud. Thus, in Casamiciollo (the oldest thermal resort of the island) there is a thermal park "Castiglione", in Lacco Ameno - the famous "Gardens of Negombo", in Forio - "Gardens of Poseidon", in Serraro Fontana - thermal pools of Apollo, Aphrodite and Tropical, in Barano - Olympus Park. Ischia is also interesting because here, in one of the few places in Europe, thermal springs flow directly into the sea off the coast, forming healing baths in which you can swim even in winter. There are such hot springs in the bays of Cartaromana and Cafiero.

    Most hotels on the shores of Ischia have their own thermal pools; many hotels are built specifically on the springs and offer not only relaxation, but also treatment for many diseases.

    Today, about 300 springs are known in Ischia. The most famous of them are Nitrodi, Buceto and Olmitello. All local springs are divided into warm thermomineral and hot (80-100 ° C) hyperthermal. Mineral waters Ischia contains phosphates, sulfates, bromine, mineral salts, alkali and bicarbonates, and is used for bathing, drinking, aerosols and other procedures.

    Medical specialization
    Main treatment profile thermal resorts Ischia - pathologies and diseases of the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system:

    • osteoarthritis (degenerative changes in joints),
    • chronic rheumatism, polyarthritis,
    • radiculitis, osteochondrosis,
    • gout,
    • neuralgia,
    • conditions after injuries and orthopedic operations,
    • myositis, fibrositis,
    • chronic rhinitis,
    • chronic laryngitis and pharyngitis,
    • adenoiditis and tonsillitis,
    • sinusitis,
    • bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis,

    Secondary indications for treatment in the resorts of Ischia are

    • ear diseases,
    • gynecological, skin diseases,
    • diseases of the vascular system, incl. varicose veins.


    • hypertension,
    • epilepsy,
    • pregnancy,
    • malignant tumors,
    • hemophilia,
    • heart disease,
    • tuberculosis,
    • cerebral atherosclerosis,
    • all diseases during exacerbation.

    Entertainment and active recreation

    The island offers excellent conditions for active recreation: here you can do surfing, snorkeling, diving, rowing, sailing, as well as tennis, horse riding, running, yoga, etc.

    The resorts regularly host exhibitions, concerts, and fairs. Ischia and Forio are considered centers of shopping and nightlife: for example, in Ischia there is an entire quarter with nightclubs and discos - Rive Droite, located to the right of the port.

    Excursions to Forio from private guides and travel agencies.
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    Luxurious resort in Italy, large city, which is located on the shores of a picturesque bay, with a perfectly preserved ancient city center and excellent conditions for a complete beach holiday.

    It has long attracted creative bohemia and other celebrities. It is interesting, for example, that the famous director Luciano Visconti captured the ancient villa of Colomba in his films.

    The architecture and nature of the resort are beautiful: here you can see beautiful Mediterranean-style houses with pretty turrets and domes, and stroll in the shade of fragrant gardens. In addition, the resort is famous for its thermal springs.

    Another interesting fact: the Forio resort is located near the Epomeo volcano, whose height is about 800 meters. This volcano is extinct, so tourists have nothing to fear. But the landscapes here are simply breathtaking!

    The tourist infrastructure of the Forio resort is well developed: there are many cafes, bars, and restaurants. The nightlife of the resort is in full swing: here you can always have a great rest and dance to high-quality music!

    The resort is designed for wealthy tourists.

    Video from Forio

    The attractions of Forio are, first of all, its magnificent architectural sites and beautiful villas. We recommend that tourists pay attention to such attractions of Forio as Villa Colombaia, famous by Visconti, as well as the resort’s beautiful (each in its own way!) residential buildings, built in a traditional Mediterranean style. Interesting...

    Forio: tours and activities

    These are trips to unique interesting attractions, namely: a visit to the Aragonese Castle, which is the symbol of Ischia, an excursion to the botanical garden, a visit to historical museum, located in Lacco Ameno.

    Also interesting are such excursions from Forio as trips to Naples and Pompeii, boat trip to the island of Capri, excursion from Forio to Sorrento, visiting the small but pretty resorts of Amalfi and Positano.

    Note that tourists who love shopping will be interested in visiting Cis Nola - this is a huge shopping center where you can buy quality items with decent links.

    History of Forio

    The history of Forio began in ancient times: it is known that the Greeks and Romans visited here and loved to relax here. You can learn the history of Forio by walking around historical center resort, explore the ancient towers. For example, pay attention to the Torrione Tower, built in the 15th century (today...

    Climate in Forio

    Mild Mediterranean subtropical. It is pleasant to relax in Forio throughout the year, but the most pleasant time to travel to Forio is from April to October. In summer, Forio is dry and hot, but in winter it is not at all cold.

    Forio: fun and active holidays

    These are, of course, water sports: snorkeling and diving, riding a catamaran, yacht, boat. On the sandy beaches of Forio it is nice to play beach volleyball or just soak up the rays of the gentle sun.

    You can rent a scooter or bicycle and go on a tour of Forio.

    Forio hotels have luxurious swimming pools and spa rooms.

    In the evenings in Forio you can go for a walk to the bars or clubs - fortunately, there is no shortage of them here!

    Transport features of Forio

    Forio is a port city, so the most popular mode of transport here is water.

    Note that the best way to navigate the historical center of Forio is on foot - this way you can carefully examine all the sights of Forio.

    If desired, you can use a taxi service.
