What to visit in Singapore in 2 days. What to see in Singapore in a day, two, three or four days

Denken Sie eine Weile darüber nach, was Ihnen Spaß macht, und genießen Sie es nicht, wenn es um Bewegung geht. Sie haben wahrscheinlich eine lange Liste von Dingen, die Sie tun oder erreichen möchten. Die meisten von uns tun es. Geht auf dieser Liste? Vielleicht ist Bewegung angesagt, aber Sie haben vielleicht das Gehen als nützliche Option übersehen. Denk darüber nach; Laufen ist einfach in Ihren Arbeitsalltag zu integrieren. Sie könnten die Treppe nehmen, anstatt mit dem Aufzug zu fahren, oder den Bus ein paar Häuserblocks weiter verlassen, um zu Fuß zur Arbeit zu gelangen. Viele Menschen lehnen es schnell als produktive Form körperlicher Aktivität ab.

Wandern ist ein großartiger Ort, um zu beginnen...

Laufen ist einfach. Das Beste am Laufen ist, dass es einfach ist. Sie können es jederzeit und überall tun, und oft sind alles, was Sie daran hindert, Ausreden. Und warum gehst du nicht mehr?

Ist es ein Zeitmangel? Die meisten von uns sind beschäftigt, aber wir können uns alle ein wenig Zeit nehmen, um das Laufen in unseren Tag einzubeziehen. Sobald Sie anfangen, werden Sie süchtig: Sie werden begonnen haben, Übung in ihrer grundlegendsten Form zur Gewohnheit zu machen.

Wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass Bewegung Ihr Leben durch Krankheitsvorbeugung um Jahre verlängern kann, sollten Sie sich nicht die Zeit nehmen. Machen Sie gute Musik oder hören Sie sich einen Podcast an und gehen Sie raus.

Gehen ist vielleicht nicht der beste Weg, um Kalorien zu verbrennen, aber ... Ein Problem, das viele Menschen beim Gehen haben, ist, dass es nicht der beste Weg ist, Kalorien zu verbrennen: Es ist viel effizienter, Joggen zu gehen oder einen Cardio-Kurs zu besuchen.

Wenn Sie sich nur für das Verbrennen von Kalorien interessieren, ist Wandern vielleicht nicht das Beste für Sie. Aber wenn das Verbrennen von Kalorien ein sekundäres Ziel ist und Ihre Gesundheit an erster Stelle steht, ist es von Vorteil, wenn Sie als primäre Trainingsmethode das Gehen wählen.

Laufen ist nachhaltig. Ein weiterer Grund ist das Gehen ist nachhaltig. Laufen zum Beispiel ist zwar eine bedeutende Aktivität, um Kalorien zu verbrennen, aber keine praktikable Aktivität. Viele Menschen können jahrelang laufen, ohne ernsthafte Probleme zu sehen. Aber früher oder später beginnen sich Probleme zu entwickeln, die den Körper sehr belasten.

Gehen hingegen ist eine Übung mit geringen Auswirkungen, die die Knochenmasse erhöht und die Knochendichte nachhaltig beeinflusst. Das Gehen ist weniger schmerzhaft als ein Training mit hoher Belastung. Wenn es vor dem Essen ausgeführt wird, schützt es Ihr Herz vor Schäden, die durch fetthaltige Lebensmittel verursacht werden. Und wenn Sie nach dem Essen spazieren gehen, können Sie Ihren Blutzuckerspiegel senken.

Beginnen Sie mit dem Gehen: Die meisten Menschen empfinden das Gehen als die einfachste und angenehmste Art, ihrem Leben mehr Bewegung zu verleihen.

Obwohl der Umgang mit Typ-2-Diabetes eine große Herausforderung sein kann, müssen Sie nicht nur damit leben. Nehmen Sie einfache Änderungen an Ihrem Tagesablauf vor - einschließlich Bewegung, um sowohl Ihren Blutzuckerspiegel als auch Ihr Gewicht zu senken.

6. Vermeiden Sie Stress. Viele Frauen neigen zu viel Stress. Stress ist als Ursache für viele Krankheiten bekannt. So viel wie möglich nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um sich zu entspannen. Lesen Sie ein gutes Buch, hängen Sie mit Freunden ab und engagieren Sie sich für den Sport. Verwöhnen Sie sich, indem Sie in die Salons gehen oder Sie können einkaufen. Und vergessen Sie nicht, genug Schlaf zu bekommen, um Ihre Energie wiederzubeleben.

7. Verwenden Sie Sonnencreme, um Ihre Haut vor den schädlichen Sonnenstrahlen zu schützen. Tragen Sie Hüte, wenn unter der Sonne, um Ihre Haut zu schützen. Zu viel Sonne ist schlecht für die Haut. Die Haut ist anfällig für Krebs, wenn sie zu viel Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist. Es beschleunigt auch die Alterung der Hautzellen, die Falten bei Frauen verursacht.

8. Achten Sie darauf, Ihren Zahnarzt zu besuchen, um dieses schöne Lächeln zu halten. Lassen Sie es immer reinigen, um Hohlräume und Mundgeruch zu verhindern.

9. Besuchen Sie Ihren Gynäkologen. Frauen, die 18 Jahre und älter sind, sollten ihre körperliche Untersuchung jährlich speziell für den Pap Smear Test haben. Frauen, die vierzig und mehr sind, sollten ihre Mammogramme haben und die Brust-Selbstprüfung wird ermutigt, sobald die Pubertät erreicht ist und sollte eine Gewohnheit sein, wie sie reifen

10. Sicherer Sex wird dringend empfohlen. Verwenden Sie Kondome, um sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten zu verhindern.

Aber Schönheit ist nicht nur über Muskeln, die das ist, was die Menschen sehen können. Es geht auch darum, die Schönheit im Inneren zu verbessern.

Hier sind einige Dinge, die man jeden Tag tun kann, um schön und gesund zu bleiben;

·Lesen von Büchern und anderem Lesematerial hält den Geist eher scharf, genau wie das Training den Körper in Form hält.

·Arbeit, egal welche Art es ist produziert Stress. Man kann dies reduzieren, indem man sich die Zeit nimmt, etwas Besonderes zu tun, wie in einem Whirlpool zu liegen, einzukaufen oder einen Film anzuschauen. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es entlastend ist und einem hilft, haggardly zu schauen.

·Umweltverschmutzung ist etwas, das die Menschen angesichts des Ausmaßes des Problems nicht kontrollieren können. Wenn man ausgeht, ist es am besten, irgendeine Form von Schutz wie Schönheitsprodukte, die Antioxidantien enthalten, die Haut vor Schäden zu schützen. Es gibt auch andere Schönheitsprodukte zur Verfügung und die Wahl der richtigen mit Hilfe eines Dermatologen kann der Person helfen.

·Eine andere Möglichkeit, gesund zu bleiben, ist, einige Laster aufzugeben. Die meisten Menschen rauchen und trinken. Rauchen hat sich als Lungenkrebs und andere Krankheiten sowie Komplikationen für Frauen, die geburt verursachen. Übermäßiges Trinken hat auch gezeigt, dasselbe zu tun.

·Für Menschen, die nicht rauchen, ist es am besten, sich von Menschen fernzuhalten, die dies tun, da Studien gezeigt haben, dass Nichtraucher auch durch sekundäre Rauchinhalation an Krebs erkranken.

·Schließlich ist es am besten, den Tag immer mit einem positiven Ausblick zu beginnen. So wie Studien gezeigt haben, dass Bewegung einen Menschen glücklicher macht, erzeugt Lächeln den gleichen Effekt. Ein Lächeln kann viel bewältigen und ist im positiven Sinne ansteckend. Es erhellt nicht nur den Tag eines, sondern auch anderer.

Das Twenty Four Hour Fitnesscenter ist wie Ihr One-Stop-Shop für alles rund um Fitness und Ihr Wohlbefinden. Stellen Sie sich das als Walmart der Fitnessbranche vor. Twenty Four Hour Fitness Center befinden sich in einer Reihe von Bereichen im Staat. Alle verfügen über Geräte, die sowohl Gewichtstraining als auch Herz-Kreislauf-Geräte bedienen. Eine Vielzahl von Fitnessgeräten ist ebenfalls vorhanden. Vierundzwanzig StundenFitness-Zentren haben alle Umkleideräume und – glauben Sie es oder nicht – Baby-Sitzgelegenheiten. Insgesamt ist das Twenty Four Hour Fitnesscenter eine komplette, saubere und extrem gepflegte Anlage, die vor allem alle Ihre Fitness-Wünsche, Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben erfüllt.

Treten Sie uns bei

Es ist sehr einfach, auf dem Weg zur Fitness zu beginnen. Twenty Four Hour Fitness-Center haben mehr als dreihundert Clubs in der ganzen Nation und ist für 24 Stunden geöffnet. Es gibt keinen langfristigen Vertrag, um sich anzumelden. Sie Haben Die Möglichkeit, Monatlich Zu Zahlen, Aber Ihnen Wird Ein Komplettes Persönliches Traningspaket Angeboten, Das ZU Ihrem Körpertyp, Körpergewicht Und GeBaut, SO Dass Sie Mit Einem Service, Der Wirklich Personalisiert, Gewährleistet Sind.

In welchem ​​Club gehören Sie an?

Twenty Four Hour Fitness Center gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die spezifische Art von Club zu wählen, die Sie wünschen. Der aktive Club beinhaltet eine Gruppenübung sowie freie Gewichte und Cardio-Maschinen, um dieses Fett abzuarbeiten. Der Sportverein umfasst auch alles im aktiven Verein, aber mit Ergänzungen wie Basketball, beheizte Pools und Whirlpool. Der Super-Sport-Club umfasst auch die Annehmlichkeiten, die im aktiven Club und im Sportverein gefunden werden, aber mit weiteren Ergänzungen wie Massagen, eine Sauna sowie ein Dampfbad. Der Ultra-Sportverein ist das Werk. Es umfasst die meisten Annehmlichkeiten im Aktiv-, Sport- und Supersportverein sowie ein Day Spa, Plätze für Schlägerball sowie eine Executive Umkleidekabine.

Der Weg zur Leistung

Es hängt alles davon ab, was Sie erreichen wollen. In Twenty Four Hour Fitness Centern steht jedem ein einzigartig spezialisiertes Fitnessprogramm zur Verfügung, das einfach nur seine Leistung in einer bestimmten Sportart verbessern möchte oder ernsthaft für den Wettkampf trainiert. Das Programm wird von Sportlern entworfen.

Das Performance-Programm enthält einen Menüplan, der speziell für diese intensiven Workouts angepasst wurde. Ein Widerstandstraining sowie ein komplettes Cardio-Training sind ebenfalls möglich. Nach dem Training wird ein Stoffwechseltest durchgeführt.

Dieses Programm ist für diejenigen gedacht, die so schnell wie möglich loslegen möchten, aber keine klare und spezifische Idee haben, wie. Dies ist eindeutig die beste Option für sie, weil alle Informationen über Ernährung, Widerstandstraining durch dieses Programm gelernt werden. Dies ist die Grundlage, die man braucht, um Ergebnisse zu haben, die Ihren Körper ein Leben lang halten würden.
Die Komponenten der Fitness

Eine regelmäßige Übung, ein intensives Training ist nur ein fester Bestandteil Ihres Weges zu Gesundheit, Fitness und Wohlbefinden. Es gibt andere Faktoren, die genauso gut eine Rolle spielen sollten und die Twenty Four Hour Fitness Center lehrt Sie.

Die Nahrungsaufnahme gehört dazu. Ein Menü wird denjenigen zur Verfügung gestellt, die dem Leistungspfad folgen. Dies beschreibt, was Sie essen sollten oder nicht, oder zumindest weniger von essen, wenn nicht vollständig vermeiden. Cardio ist auch eine, da dies Ihre Ausdauer zu Stress und Bewegung verbessert. Vitamine und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind eine Notwendigkeit, es sei denn, Sie sind sicher, dass Sie in der Lage sind, die richtigen Mengen an Eisen, Kalzium, Vitamin C oder D oder E an einem Tag zu erhalten. Wenn nicht, ist es am besten, sie aufzunehmen. Widerstandstraining ist eine Feder in Ihrer Fitnesskappe und ist ein notwendiges Werkzeug, um gesund, wohlhabend und weise zu sein.

Einer der vielen Faktoren, die Sie berücksichtigen möchten, bei der Suche nach einem Gewichtsverlust Zentrum zu verbinden, ist der Ort. Angesichts der hohen Gaspreise fällt es vielen Menschen schwer, weite Strecken zurückzulegen. Sie müssen Geld zahlen, um Mitglied in einem Abnehmzentrum zu werden; Daher sollten Sie vorsichtig sein, wenn Sie zusätzliche Kosten, wie die Kosten für Benzin, zu Ihrer Mitgliedschaft hinzufügen. Wenn, überhaupt möglich, sollten Sie nach Gewichtsverlust Zentren suchen, die bequem entweder in der Nähe Ihres Hauses oder Ihres Geschäftsortes sind.

Apropos Kosten, wie bereits erwähnt, müssen Sie zahlen, um ein Mitglied eines Gewichtsverlust-Center zu werden. Diese Kosten variieren je nach dem betreffenden Abnehmzentrum. Im Durchschnitt, die meisten Gewichtsverlust Zentrum Mitgliedschaften sind etwa zwanzig oder dreißig Dollar pro Monat. In diesem Sinne ist es möglich, Gewichtsverlust Zentren zu finden, die mehr Geld kosten. Wenn Sie auf einem Budget sind, kann ein Gewichtsverlust Center Mitgliedsgebühr einen Einfluss auf das Abnehmzentrum haben, das Sie gewählt haben, um Mitglied zu werden.

Obwohl es wichtig ist, ein Abnehmzentrum zu finden, das Sie sich leisten können, möchten Sie nicht, dass Ihre Entscheidung ausschließlich auf Kosten basiert. Sie sollten sich die Zeit nehmen, jedes Abnehmzentrum zu untersuchen, auf das Sie stoßen. Zum Beispiel sollten Sie in der Lage sein, einige Gewichtsverlust-Zentren zu finden, die nur wöchentliche oder monatliche Treffen oder Wiege-Ins für Mitglieder zu besuchen haben. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es Gewichtsverlust Zentren, die Übungskurse oder ein Fitness-Studio haben können, die Sie als Mitglied zugang erhalten sollten. Wenn Sie in der Lage sind, eine Qualität Gewichtsverlust Zentrum oder eine, die hoch bewertet kommt und empfehlen, höhere Mitgliedsbeiträge können es wert sein.

Bei der Suche nach dem perfekten Gewichtsverlust Zentrum für Sie und Ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden, kann es eine gute Idee sein, ein wenig Forschung zu tun. Mit dem Internet ist es einfach, ein Unternehmen oder ein Programm zu überprüfen, wie ein Gewichtsverlust-Programm. Mit einer Standard-Internetsuche, vorzugsweise mit dem Namen des betreffenden Abnehmzentrums, sollten Sie in der Lage sein, über Programmbewertungen oder Online-Diskussionen zu kommen. Forschung ist nur eine gute Möglichkeit, Gewichtsverlust Zentren zu finden, die große Bewertungen haben, aber es ist auch eine gute Möglichkeit, von jedem Gewichtsverlust Zentren zu lernen, die Sie vermeiden sollten oder die dafür bekannt sind, nicht die Kos ten wert.

Die oben genannten Faktoren sind nur einige der vielen, die Sie berücksichtigen wollen, wenn Sie ein Gewichtsverlust Zentrum zu finden, um zu verbinden. Obwohl viele Gewichtsverlust Zentren kommen hoch bewertet und empfohlen, Es ist wichtig, das Gewichtsverlust Zentrum zu finden, die am besten zu Ihnen und Ihren Bedürfnissen passen kann.

No matter how much time you spend in Singapore, it will always find something to surprise you with. A fabulous city-state, where there is no crime, where every corner shines with cleanliness, and the faces of the local residents are filled with cordiality. If you stay here for the entire vacation, it won’t seem like much! But it is especially important to properly plan your vacation program if you come to the city for a few days. So, what to see in Singapore in 3 days?

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Sands SkyPark Observation Deck

Not everyone can get here, but the lucky ones who climb to the very top of the Marina Bay Sands hotel complex will have an unforgettable experience. The observation deck resembles a ship sailing on the “waves” of three buildings of the complex, each of which is 200 m high. You have to pay to enter here, but guests of Singapore agree to such an expense. Many come here for a few hours to take pictures of the city from above, then watch the sunset, and finally enjoy the countless scattering of night lights.

There is also a swimming pool, but to swim in it, you need to live in this hotel complex, the number of rooms of which exceeds 2000. In this case, the pictures will be even more expressive. The pool is designed in such a way that it appears as if the water is falling from a skyscraper. Of course, for an additional fee, tourists can swim in the pool without having to book a room.

Marina Barrage - Singapore dam

The most convenient way to get here is by walking along Gardens by the bay. The dam plays a big role in the life of Singapore. It protects low-lying areas from flooding during high tides and diverts water that spills onto the city during heavy rainfall. Those tourists who are interested in “how everything is done there” can look through the glass walls into the building of the pumping station. There are small fountains in front of the dam, which are especially popular with children. Parents can relax on elegant benches and enjoy ice cream and soft drinks.

Fountain of Wealth

The entire East is literally obsessed with Feng Shui, and this fountain is no exception. It is one of the largest fountains on our planet. Its area reaches almost 1700 sq.m. Just like with the Merlions - there are large and small fountains. Water flows through a large ring supported by columns. It is believed that this attracts money to the city. There are only 4 columns - this is a symbol of 4 peoples and 4 religions. The city-state of Singapore may be getting richer, but tourists are no less attracted by the small fountain. It is believed that you need to put your hand in it and go around the bowl clockwise three times - then the money will come to you in the very near future. In the evening the fountain “sings” - its jets are illuminated and music sounds. A grandiose spectacle! You get wonderful photos here.

Gardens by the Bay and Garden Rhapsody light show

Gardens by the Bay is also located near the Marina Bay Sands hotel complex. There are two of them - South and East. In the Southern Garden you can see huge greenhouses created using the latest technologies. One of them is the largest greenhouse in the world, and this fact is reflected in the Guinness Book of Records. More than 30 thousand plant species grow here.

Among them there are rare species, which are almost impossible to find in nature... When you enter another greenhouse, you will definitely be transported to the tropical highlands, you will see a peak on the slopes of which orchids of all colors and various types of ferns grow. You will also admire the artificial waterfall. Those guests who wish to go to the top can do so using an elevator.

It’s nice to go back on foot, enjoying the spectacle of artificial fog that appears here every few hours, creating the necessary humidity and an impressive visual effect. And of course, supertrees, which have already been mentioned. One of them has a small restaurant where you can try local as well as European cuisine.

In the evenings you can watch a light and music show - the so-called “Garden Rhapsody”. The guests’ imagination is also amazed by the sculptures, some of which seem to float in the air. For example, a huge baby, whose height is about 10 m. The supports are almost invisible, and it seems that only the child’s hand is touching the green lawn. Even the photographs turn out amazing, so what can we say about the feelings you experience when standing next to such a sculpture?

The most convenient way is to purchase a special map to move in the indicated directions and examine all the amazing sculptures located here. The Eastern Garden is a great place for walking with children. It seems that you are in a state designed specifically for little tourists. Here you can play fun games, including water games, have a picnic on the grass, admire the views of the city and take great pictures.

Swissotel Merchant Court Singapore


5 minutes' walk from nightlife and Clark Quay MRT station


3575 reviews

Booked 59 times today


Parkroyal on Pickering


At an altitude of 300 m above sea level


4429 reviews

Booked 59 times today



Features a 25-metre swimming pool


4640 reviews

Booked 59 times today


Day 2

You can start your second day by visiting a place that both adults and children will enjoy. This:

Russians often argue whether it is humane to keep animals in zoos. In Singapore, this question simply does not arise. The zoo has existed here for 40 years. It is huge - it is a real city, and everything has been done in it to make the animals feel the same as in their natural environment. But there is no hunger and no hunters here, so the animals are safely born, grow up, reproduce and live to old age. At the zoo, tourists can see hundreds of species of the planet's inhabitants.

In order to look around and decide what interests you most, you can start your tour of the zoo with a ride on the local mode of transport - a tram, painted in natural colors. Such a trip will be convenient even in rainy weather. It is more difficult to escape the heat, but it is also possible: the zoo has rooms where air conditioning works. It's nice to sit there in silence and coolness. In addition, there are vending machines everywhere that sell soft drinks.

Animals in the zoo are distributed according to the principle of ecosystems. For example, you can see those that live in the tropics, in another place the inhabitants of the savannah will be waiting for you, and so on. Rare animals listed in the Red Book are also presented to tourists. Here they also prosper and bear offspring. Where else, for example, will you see white rhinoceroses or Komodo dragons?

There is also a “Bird Park” and a “Butterfly Park”, where winged beauties trustingly sit on people’s arms. "Gibbon Island" is dedicated to these amazing monkeys. Even the world's first polar bear, which was born almost in the tropics, lives in the zoo. Every day he catches his own fish from an artificial pond and is friendly to visitors who come to admire him.

Of course, among the inhabitants of the zoo there are also predators. At the same time, here you will not see cages and enclosures in the usual sense. Many animals are separated from people only by ditches with water or natural barriers in the form of windbreaks. There are glass walls between people and the most dangerous animals. You can celebrate special occasions at the Singapore Zoo, such as a wedding or anniversary. You can also take part in animal shows. And, of course, there are also features of a “petting zoo” here. Some pets are allowed to be petted or you will be allowed to feed them. There is also an “Orchid Garden” and a “Fragile Forest”, where it is not animals, but plants that fascinate people with their beauty.

The most convenient way to get to the zoo is by taxi, especially if you come to the city with family or friends. Buses No. 138 and 927 also go here. Take plenty of money with you, because, in addition to souvenirs, the zoo offers its visitors many temptations that are difficult to resist, especially if you have children with you. By the way, children under 3 years old are admitted free of charge. For example, how do you like the offer to ride elephants? Or try “Breakfast in the Jungle”? The zoo is open from 8.30 to 18 hours.

Clarke Quay

You can’t be in Singapore without visiting Clarke Quay, which got its name in honor of the second governor of Singapore. Once upon a time, back in the 19th century. there was an industrial and commercial zone here, but since then there have been big changes, and now it is a fashionable area, where your eyes will run away from a huge number of shops, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, attractions and shows. It can be crowded at any time of the day, but especially in the evenings. And what’s especially nice is that even in the hottest season there is fresh, cool air on Clark Quay, thanks to special cooling units.

You can come here to buy unusual gifts for loved ones - for example, handmade souvenirs. Here you can sit in a cafe - and you will find anything to suit your taste. Irish? Japanese? Chinese? English? Or maybe you want to feel like you’re back in Russia and “Rasputin” beckons you? Each cafe has its own small area on the embankment, decorated in the style of the country whose cuisine is offered here.

You can even sit in a “floating” cafe or bar - that is, in an old ship, now converted to suit the tastes of tourists. Or go on a short trip along the river on a yacht or river bus - such a service will be constantly offered to you here. Another decoration of Clar Key is the numerous and unusual sculptures that you will find only here.

Some of them are so reminiscent of living people, especially in the evening, when they are illuminated with multi-colored lights, that it is not surprising to make a mistake and start talking to such a statue. And, of course, tourists take dozens of photographs here. It is impossible not to mention the famous attractions located on Clarke Quay. For example, there is a fountain that can unexpectedly shower vacationers with jets that hit directly from the ground. How can one not recall the “crackers” of Peter the Great in Peterhof?

Or you will be offered to climb into a capsule – open, mind you, which “shoots” at a height of 60m at great speed. Munchausen's flight on a cannonball will seem like child's play. It is not surprising that few people dare to climb into the capsule. But just watching it is breathtaking. There is also some semblance of our “Tree of Happiness.” Lovers hang locks on a special net, lock them with a key, and then throw it into the water.

This is done so that fate cannot separate a couple in love. Fans of more serious entertainment will also find something to their liking at Clarke Key. For example, you can visit the Museum of Asian Civilizations, or take a photo at the place where a European first set foot on Singapore soil. Getting to Clark Quay is easy. There is a station of the same name on the purple metro line. City buses also go here. And many tourists come here through Fort Canning Park - very unusual and picturesque.

Day 3

The third day in Singapore will be devoted to a trip to an amazing island.

Sentosa Island

In fact, it just sounds so impressive - “island”. It is located about 500 m from Singapore and getting here is not difficult at all. You can even walk, such a walk will take 15-20 minutes. The most convenient way to get to the bridge is from the VivoCity shopping center, and you can get to it, in turn, using the lilac metro line. On the way to the island you will see beautiful tropical trees and original statues. The only downside is that you have to pay a dollar to enter Sentosa.

Visiting the island will be free if you take the train, which departs from the same shopping center. Ticket costs 4 dollars. And if you don't mind the money ($24), go to the magical island using the cable car. It is truly luxurious; Swarovski took part in its decoration. To take the cable car, you need to go up to the 15th floor of the Harbor Front Tower Two building.

To better navigate and see the main attractions of the island in a few hours, it makes sense to use a map. Many stores and entertainment centers give it out for free, and you can also download the map from the Internet. To save energy, you can travel around the island on one of the free buses. The roads they travel on are indicated on the map. There are also numerous cafes on the island, so neither adults nor children will go hungry.

Tourists enjoy even just walking around Sentosa; the island resembles a beautiful garden - with bridges, fountains, flower beds. Here you will be met by the third Merlion - half lion, half fish. This good-natured creature, with which guests of the island love to take pictures, reaches 37 m in height. If you pay a few dollars, you can go up to the observation deck and see Sentosa, so to speak, “from the head of the beast.”

Another attraction of the island is the giant oceanarium. To get into it, you need to go underground. Several thousand species of marine animals live here, including the rarest of them. You can just admire it, or you can watch a show with dolphins, take pictures and even swim with them. And the bravest tourists swim next to small sharks. No one will miss the “Amusement Park” with its numerous attractions, and their sizes are impressive.

There is a huge Shrek's castle, a tall roller coaster, several water attractions. Since children want to come here most of all, discounts on tickets are provided for them. Guests also like the large ball at the entrance to the park, it sparkles and rotates slowly. As a rule, everyone tries to take a photo with him as a souvenir.

Another entertainment for daredevils: you are offered to go down a mountain path, the height of which reaches 650 meters - on a sled. The pleasure is not too expensive, but the emotions are off the charts. And finally, a tropical park. If you are a fan of exotic butterflies and insects, this is definitely the place for you. Tickets cost $16. Guests of Sentosa are also entertained with various illumination shows. One more tip. When going to Sentosa, don't forget your swimwear. There are some lovely little beaches here and you'll be sorry if you don't take advantage of the opportunity for a swim.

I’m telling you about the route around Singapore, what to see in Singapore in a day, two, three or four days. Most tourists visit the city-state of Singapore as part of visa-free transit, i.e. for up to 96 hours, and some even fly into the city for a day or two, and fly further, for example, during the route from Russia to Indonesia.

In the previous article I talked about, and now I’ll tell you how to optimally combine these attractions in a route around the city.

Walking around Singapore: against the backdrop of the Marina Bay Sands hotel-ship

I would like to immediately note a few points:

1. Even a clearly planned route around Singapore is not always possible to implement :) For example, in our case, due to rain, we had to reschedule the plan for two days, and due to fatigue, we did not visit two places that I really wanted to go to: the LeVel 33 pub.

2. Despite the fact that when we travel we get up early and leave the hotel at 8-9 am, do not dine in cafes and restaurants, but snack on some fast food along the way, it still somehow turns out that we have time to see less than many other tourists! Even from our travels, I noticed that we, following a clearly planned route based on reviews, only manage to visit 70% of what we planned... And I also don’t like to visit attractions for show, but try to fully enjoy the vacation :)

What to see in Singapore in 4 days. Singapore route

Day 1. Around the bay - Marina Bay - gardens by the bay - greenhouses

We start our day either near the fountain of wealth or near it, depending on what part of the city the hotel is located. We slowly go out to the embankment near the bay, pass by the Esplanade Theater, the floating stadium and cross the DNA bridge to the famous one. We go inside the building into a pleasant coolness. Here you can relax, have a snack at the food court, drink coffee at Starbucks or look into a couple of shops.

We walk from our hotel along Boat Quay and out to the park near the Merlion
It’s hard to take a photo with the Merlion in the background without strangers in the frame :)
Walking across the bridge from the Merlion to the Esplanade Theater
We went to the Marina Bay embankment
On weekends the embankment is quite crowded
I admire the unofficial symbol of Singapore - the hotel-ship
Statues on the embankment
There is a floating stadium near the embankment. Europeans playing football
We walk along the embankment, in the distance we can see a huge Ferris wheel and the DNA bridge
We go to the DNA bridge to approach Marina Bay Sands
View of downtown Singapore from the DNA Bridge
We're walking across the bridge
Museum of Science and Art in the Shape of a Lotus
And next to it is a lake with real lotuses
Louis Vuitton store
The area in front of the main entrance to the MBS shopping center
Fountain at MBS shopping center
One of the restaurants in the shopping center

Walk around the bay. Video

From the saving coolness, following the signs to “Garden by the bay” we go out onto the street to. By the way, please note that to do this you need to go from the MBS shopping mall building to the Marina Bay Sands hotel building, the transition is on the second (or third) floor! We tried to walk across the street, but we ended up on a road with no pedestrian crossing! But I didn’t want to break the rules in Singapore, I had to go around for a long time...

We walk through the gardens by the bay, past the lake and huge Super trees and gradually approach two greenhouses - . A visit to two greenhouses will take about three hours; it is best to visit them in the midday heat (or, like us, wait out the rain in them). It’s cold in the greenhouses, so it’s advisable to stock up on a jacket and a scarf - stole.

Sculpture in the park at Gardens by the Bay
Huge Super Trees
One of the greenhouses - greenhouses under a glass dome
Inside the Cloud Forest greenhouse
Inside the Flower Dome greenhouse

Are you frozen? We leave the greenhouses on the street and again find ourselves in the tropical heat :) We go to the central Super trees, climb the skyway - a bridge between two trees, take a walk, photograph the gardens by the bay from above.

Bridge (sky wi) between two trees

After the walk, we return to Marina Bay Sands and visit the observation deck or rooftop bar SE LA VI. It is best to visit the observation deck at sunset to admire the city in daylight and at night.

Crowd of visitors in the bar CE LA VI
Quite by chance we got a table with a good view of the gardens by the bay. I'm drinking a cocktail. To be honest, it’s better to order beer, the cocktails are tasteless...
View of evening Singapore from the bar

We go down to Gardens by the Bay and watch the show “Garden Rhapsody”. There are two shows per evening at 19:45 and 20:45. The best way to watch the show is while lying on the green lawn between the trees :)

Show "Garden Rhapsody"


If you watch “Garden Rhapsody” at 19:45, you can catch the Spectra laser-water-music show at 21:00, which is usually watched from the platform in front of the entrance to the MBS shopping mall. The show takes place every day at 20:00, 21:00, and on weekends also at 22:00.

Well, then, if you have any energy left, you can go to the LeVel 33 bar for a glass of beer or the Long Bar of the Raffles Hotel for the legendary Singapore Sling cocktail, or take the metro/taxi and return to the hotel. The route around Singapore for the first day is completed :)

Day 2. Sentosa Island

I advise you to dedicate one day out of four completely. Take the metro to Harbor Front station, and then take cable car, take the monorail or walk across the bridge to the island. About how to get to Sentosa in.

Cable car to Sentosa
On the way to Snetosa Island

On the island everyone will find something to do for the whole day, just choose what interests you: park, aquarium, water park, observation tower, museums or other entertainment, which I have already described in detail in the article about Setoza. You can go to the beach and check in at the southernmost point of mainland Asia :)

Near the entrance to Universal Park
Walking through Universal Studios Park
Universal Studios Singapore

Day 3. Animals – birds – flowers

The route for this day depends on how much you love flora and fauna :) For me, the ideal route for this day is as follows:

  • . I advise you to arrive early, before opening or at least at 9 o’clock. Allow at least four hours to explore the zoo.
  • River Safari Park. There is also something to do here for 2-3 hours. And I can hang out near the pavilion with pandas for an hour or two :)
  • Rest, lunch and dinner and visits to the Night Safari park.
  • Take a taxi home to the hotel :)
  • Zoo 4-5 hours
  • By taxi to the bird park and there it also takes 3-4 hours.
  • Zoo
  • By taxi to the botanical garden, or rather to its best part - to :)

Unfortunately, we walked around the Singapore Zoo in the rain. But I still really liked the zoo
At the Singapore Zoo
This tree kangaroo impressed me! I've never seen such an animal
In the orchid garden
Gorgeous collection of orchids

In the evening of the same day, with the option without the Night Safari park, you can have time to walk around Chinatown, buy souvenirs there and have dinner. Or visit the bar on the 63rd floor of 1-Altitude.

Day 4. What we didn’t manage to do in the previous three days

What to see in Singapore on the last, fourth day depends on your preferences. Are you interested in ethnic neighborhoods? Or National Museum Singapore? Or a boat trip? Or shopping? The choice is yours.

You can walk through the Arab, Indian or Chinese quarters, go to the Temple of the Tooth Relic, and there it’s just a stone’s throw away with an observation deck on the roof.

And then take the metro and get to Orchard road, where great shopping awaits you :) Or go to Promenade station and take a ride on the Ferris wheel at sunset. And in the evening have dinner on the Clar Quay embankment.

On the roof of The Pinnacle@Duxton skyscraper

Chinatown in Singapore. Video

What to see in Singapore in 2 - 3 days

If I had only 2–3 days in Singapore, I would do this:

  • The route around Singapore for the first day described above remained unchanged.
  • On the second day, I would visit the zoo in the morning, and in the afternoon the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Chinatown, then The Pinnacle@Duxton observation deck, dinner, and then either the Ferris wheel or the 1-Altitude bar.
  • The third day I would spend on Sentosa, or rather on the Universal Studios Park, I would try to keep it to 4-5 hours, so that in the evening I would still have time to walk along the Clar Quay embankment or take a boat ride.

What to see in Singapore in 1 day

What to see in Singapore in 1 day? Personally, I would choose the route of the first day described above. Perhaps with minor adjustments, for example, I would visit one of the two greenhouses in order to free up time for the Ferris wheel or other places of interest to me.

Let's sum it up

It’s always useful to plan a route, but you need to understand that force majeure is possible: for example, because of the rain you’ll have to sit somewhere indoors for two hours, or you’ll be so tired of the heat that you only want one thing – to go to an air-conditioned room :)

I advise you not to combine such energy-intensive and far-from-each other places as Universal Park in Sentosa and the zoo in one day.

Personally, four days in Singapore didn’t seem enough to me, we didn’t have time to do a lot, we’ll come again :) But for my friend, who was also in Singapore for four days, this time was enough for everything she had planned and she doesn’t plan to return to Singapore anymore :)

What to see in Singapore in 1-2-3 days on your own (My route with excursions)

Keep in mind that in Singapore all the attractions, shops and even many cafes and restaurants close early, already around 6-7 pm, so you won’t get around much here, and if you’re too lazy, you may end up completely hungry, or you’ll have to go to expensive restaurants that are sometimes open around the clock.

Urgently I recommend visiting the main mass entertainment attractions in Singapore on weekdays, When local residents will be at work, and not go for a walk with their children where you want to go for a walk. The fewer queues and crowds of people, the more pleasant it is to walk around any city, and Singapore is no exception. Well, that's what I think.

Weather in March It was quite hot, but we hardly suffered from the heat here, largely due to the fact that air conditioning rules the roost everywhere in the premises and in transport. And the metro actually has a natural freezer, so I won’t go to Singapore without warm clothes again.

And now I will proceed to the detailed schedule of our trip to Singapore, where we spent a total of almost 90 hours or 3.5 days. Well, let's fly?...

1 day in Singapore (arrival)

12.30 So, we flew to Singapore from Phuket by low-cost airline Air Asia around lunchtime, the flight here is very short, about 1.5 hours, so I didn’t even have time to sleep on the plane, as I usually do.

13.30 We received our visa on arrival and luggage very quickly, literally 15-20 minutes after arrival - we received a visa, after which we immediately received our luggage.

We immediately bought a local SIM card and even had time to drink Asian Dolce Latte coffee at a Singapore Starbucks; I have a tradition of drinking coffee at airport Starbucks.

14.00 A taxi in Singapore is something you can use without any restrictions, because unlike everything else, it is relatively inexpensive here.

14.35 So we took a taxi from Changi Airport.

To the hotel VHotelLavender it took about 20 minutes and 21 singodollars on the meter. I'll tell you about it separately.

In general, by the time we got the visa, we arrived, checked into the hotel, took a breath - it was already about four in the afternoon.

Gardens by the Bay, Merlion and Clark Quay (1 day)

These attractions are the real highlight of Singapore and when getting to know the city, I think it’s best to start right there.

16.40 The first attraction that I initially wanted to visit was, I was so impressed by their photographs, even more than all the other attractions of Singapore. You can say that I came here for them. For their sake and for the sake of the famous Singapore Zoo. But that's where we went first.

Right where the Gardens are, another landmark of Singapore is located - the Dome 1 and Dome 2 greenhouses; on the day of our visit, only the second greenhouse was open. Respectively, .

20.00 While it was light, we looked at the gardens and admired the wonderful trees, and when it got dark, and it gets dark very early and quickly around the equator, we went to the music and light show “Gardens by the Bay” and even climbed a suspended ladder stretched between artificial trees decorated fresh flowers.

We liked the show so much that we watched it a couple of times before moving on.

21.30 The next point of attraction was Chinatown, with shops already closed and Clarke Quay embankment, where a huge number of bars and restaurants are located, as well as the departure point for water buses Bumboat River Tour.

So our first day in Singapore ended with a romantic boat ride for 23 Singapore dollars and eating disgusting plastic ice cream.

Little did we know then that the statue of the famous symbol of Singapore, the lion-mermaid - Merlion on this trip we will only see here, from a tourist boat. Then we never found time to get closer to him.

But at least no one blocked our views of it, and from the water you can see it perfectly.

23.40 We returned to the hotel around midnight and immediately fell asleep, because tomorrow we had an even more adventurous day in Singapore.

Singapore Zoo and Marina Bay Sands (2 day)

Regardless of the format and any combination of entertainment attractions that you plan to watch, it is worth staying here for the laser light show, after which all events here on Sentosa are winding down and after which you can, driven from the island by Sentosa security guards, calmly go either to your hotel, or take a walk in the city center.

21.30 Despite the fact that after Sentosa we were very tired, we still went from there to the city center, take a walk and look at the falling asleep city. After all, this was our last evening in Singapore during our visit.

I really wanted to make a ritual walk around the Fountain of Wealth, but during our trip it was closed for reconstruction. But we unexpectedly saw Chinatown at night, with shops and benches closed due to the late hour.

23.30 We were already back at our metro station and, like pensioners, we went to bed, because we definitely didn’t have the strength to party all night, our legs simply fell off again.

Orchad Road and Changi Airport (day 4, final)

9.00 After the last evening, the last day in Singapore came, but we no longer planned anything major for this day. Before lunch we wandered around our area.

V 11.00 after the long-awaited checkout from the hotel, where we were physically unable to stay because of the suffocating aroma of chemical lavender (Lavender, yeah), although we only came to this hotel to sleep, but during all these 3 days we were pretty tired of it.

We left our things in the lobby and walked around Singapore a little more, or rather went to Orchad Road for shopping. Well, how about shopping? 8)

I didn’t have any big plans for shopping here, but I still really wanted to look at the windows and maybe buy something. So I didn’t leave Singapore without shopping at all.

Orchard Road – real paradise for people with money. All the most famous brands Louis Vuitton, Dolce&Gabbana, Armani and other large and small shops are located right here, on this street with street air conditioning and shopping centers, which you can’t get around in two weeks.

There are both individual boutiques and multi-storey shopping centers with less luxury brands.

What surprised me most here was the presence in these shopping centers ordinary Chinese rags and most definitely fake Herve Leger dresses, and all this despite all the severity of Singaporean laws that prohibit and punish sellers of fakes, but it turns out that even here they manage to break the laws.

You could spend at least a week on Orchad Road if you had the money. We had enough money for a couple of hours, so immediately after shopping, having grabbed our numerous bags at the hotel, we again took a taxi and went straight to Changi Airport, which is the stuff of legends and which is also worth spending a few hours before further on your flight. Because this is also a real attraction.

Already at the Singapore Airport, we finally checked in our luggage and plunged into the abyss of Duty Free, for which we left some money and the numerous entertainments of this very airport in the world, where there is even a swimming pool, a SPA elephant and a tropical park with butterflies.

And we already bought our Singapore souvenirs here, at the airport; during our walks, I have never seen anything like this anywhere. Perhaps it was just worth spending more time on shopping and visiting Chinatown during the day, for sure it all has it and is much cheaper (as is usually the case).

And finally, we could not rush anywhere and at the airport we finally went to an authentic restaurant, tried local food and once again became convinced that we don’t like local food at all and that’s the only reason why we would hardly be able to live here longer than 4 days or die with hunger.

16.55 Well, that’s it, our trip to Singapore is now definitely over and we flew to Beijing on a Singapore Airlines plane, eating sugary ice cream and enjoying the no less sugary Indian film “Son of Sardar”...

All attractions on the map of Singapore

For convenience, I am attaching a map with all the attractions of Singapore, which I divided into categories (Main Attractions, Parks and Zoos, Entertainment (With the best cafes, bars and restaurants) and Hotels.

Just uncheck the category you DO NOT want to see on the map.

What we did NOT see in Singapore in 96 hours

Indian and Chinatown (during the day), Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari at the Zoo and the second half of Sentosa with the new Oceanarium and Universal Studio, but we physically could not have covered all of this in such a short time and did not even plan it in our schedule, well or is it necessary to have a spare pair of legs in order to get around all this and be alive and full of strength the next morning.

Although, there are cyborg travelers who can get up early and get around the sights faster. Here is an example of such a schedule that I found on some website.

Perhaps, with a clearer schedule and without wasting time moving in unknown directions, it would be possible to walk everywhere faster, but how they were able to explore the Sentosa Aquarium in half an hour is beyond me. For us, as can be seen from my travel diary to Singapore, each attraction took at least half a day, and many of them we wanted to see both in daylight and at night big city. What joy is there in symbolically visiting some sights, I don’t know?

I also regret that we never saw the fountain of wealth, because when we got there, it was closed for reconstruction. That’s why things aren’t going well with my wealth these days. So on my next visit to Singapore I will start with it 8) And I will live exclusively in, well, this economy. Economy travel is definitely not about Singapore.

And I would really like to know what he is like beach holiday in Singapore and go to the local islands, because I have never been on the other side of the equator, and visiting the island of Bintan or Batam could fix that. It’s interesting to see if there is a beach holiday in banana-lemon Singapore, because the beaches that I saw on Sentosa, after the Thai ones, did not impress me too much. Perhaps, if you are also interested in islands, you will find the recommendations of experienced travelers in Asia useful:

The closest islands to Singapore are Sibu, Tinggi and the largest, Tioman. You can get to them from Mersing. You can get to Tioman directly from Singapore (Tanah Merah Ferry terminal) in 4.5 hours. There is a beautiful coastline of Desaru. Also from Singapore, take a ferry to Tanjung Belungkor (from Changi Point) and then take a taxi to Desaru.

It would also be possible to combine a trip to Singapore with a visit to Malaysia (many people do this), but for some reason I didn’t want to go there this time. You also get tired from constantly moving and getting ready.

So look and think for yourself, if you are planning your route around Singapore, rely on my travel diary or similar travel plans of other travelers, perhaps you will fit it into 96 hours, or perhaps you will decide to see Singapore in more detail and without haste and stay here longer ( in advance, of course, o).

Our route was quite intense and at the same time quite tiring, because... Most of the daytime excursions were on foot and there was practically no time for rest or even food. But we got a general idea of ​​the city and we saw all the most interesting things for ourselves. Next time coming here will be doubly interesting.

And the fact that something else suddenly remained unseen is good! This is a reason to come back here to once again marvel at this wonderful city, which has probably become even better, even more beautiful, even more amazing. Who knows, maybe some new laws have been invented there and a couple of points have also appeared, which is absolutely forbidden to do in Singapore. 8)

I would be glad if my recommendations for an independent trip to Singapore were useful to you or at least simply interesting. Sorry for the large number of phone photos, but somehow it turned out that way, and without any pictures the post seemed boring to me. 8)

General information on Singapore and features of tourism in this country

Singapore is a country not as popular among Russians as Thailand or Vietnam, largely due to its high cost and lack of charters with all that that implies. This is probably the very first feature that catches your eye in Singapore.

Everything is expensive here - hotels, food, water... And a trip here through a travel agency is generally a pleasure for super-rich people. I once tried to do the math at an agency, I got scared and for a long time I didn’t even dream about Singapore.

Singapore is much more accessible if you choose to visit it yourself. Stock up English and make a plan for your trip, I hope my practical advice will also be useful to you.

After all, this city-state is certainly worth seeing, because Singapore is a real city of the future, which gives the impression that this is not a city, but the scenery for some kind of science fiction film, everything here is so unreal, technological and even a little ...artificial.

Russian citizens have the right to stay in Singapore without a visa for 96 hours and this is a good reason to visit this city-state, passing through, traveling through Asian countries.

If there is a need to stay here longer, I will tell you about that in a separate post. It's quite simple and very fast.

The main thing is to spend these transit hours, for which the state is ready to let tourists in, as efficiently as possible, without going too crazy, but also without driving yourself like a horse in a cheap western, trying to visit the main attractions of the miracle country and not miss the most interesting things.

Find cheap flights to Singapore

Book a hotel in Singapore using Booking.com

What to see in Singapore in 2 days on your own? This question is relevant for many Russian tourists. Let us remind you that if you are traveling through Singapore in transit to a third country, you can stay there without a visa for 96 hours. That is four days. The first day is for arrival and check-in, the last is for departure, so two days remain to explore the city. We have put together a great itinerary for you that will allow you to see the main attractions of Singapore in two days.

What to see in Singapore in 2 days: contents of the article

Additional information:

Day 1: hello Marina!

Everyone knows that Marina Bay Sands is the most... beautiful hotel Singapore. But not everyone knows that Marina Bay is a picturesque bay, on the shores of which there is not only a famous hotel, but also many other attractions. Therefore, you and I have no choice: in the morning of our first full day in Singapore, we must definitely go here. Moreover, there are so many interesting things to do on the shores of Marina Bay that you can easily spend the whole day here. To get to Marina Bay, you need to go to Raffles Place, Esplanade, Promenade or Bayfront MRT station.

Here is a map of Singapore's attractions located in Marina Bay and which you can leisurely explore on foot in a day:

The map shows not only Russian, but also English names of Singapore attractions. This is to make it easier for you to ask passers-by for directions - almost all Singaporeans speak excellent English. But not everyone is Russian, to put it mildly))

Now let’s take a closer look at the attractions indicated on this map.

Merlion statue. Symbol of Singapore, a mythical animal with the body of a fish and the head of a lion.

Esplanade Theater. The main theater of the country is also a very beautiful building. Popularly known as “Durian”, since the shape of the building resembles this fragrant tropical fruit.

What to do and what to see in Singapore in 2 days on your own? One of the days should definitely be spent sightseeing in the heart of the city - Marina Bay. It is home to the famous Merlion statue, the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and many other interesting places.

Gardens by the Bay. A great place where you can spend a few hours and have lunch there. This is a large and very beautiful complex of gardens, divided into thematic areas (Chinese garden, Indian garden, palm world, etc.). Under two huge domes there are two tropical paradises - the Cloud Forest and the Flower Dome, the world's largest greenhouse. But unlike other areas of Gardens by the Bay, there is an entrance fee. Ticket prices for both greenhouses for foreigners are S$28 (adult) and S$15 (child).

Another hallmark of Gardens by the Bay is the huge futuristic flowers that glow beautifully in the evenings.

Singapore Ferris wheel Singapore Flyer. The second tallest Ferris wheel in the world (165 meters), offering stunning views of the city. Ticket price is SGD 33 (adult) and SGD 24 (child).

What to see in Singapore in two days? First of all - Singapore itself from a bird's eye view! To do this, go up to the observation deck of the Marina Bay Sands hotel or take a ride on the Singapore Flyer Ferris wheel. Or you can combine one and the other. By the way, the two round things at the bottom are two halves of Durian, that is, the Esplanade Theater.

Clarke Quay. It is not exactly located in Marina Bay, but a few hundred meters away on the banks of the Singapore River. In the evenings, Clarke Quay turns into a busy, sparkling street where tourists from all over the world gather. This is the most party place in Singapore with many bars and nightclubs. Here you can just take a walk, buy souvenirs and dine in one of dozens of restaurants. You can also take a boat cruise; tickets are sold at the local piers.

Day 2: birds, animals and national color

Where to go and what to see in Singapore in 2 days, when you have already seen the main architectural sights? Apart from its architectural wonders, Singapore is known for its ethnic districts. The most striking of them is Chinatown. Singapore is also famous for its zoos. Therefore, we will spend the second day exploring these places.

Map of Singapore attractions that you can visit on day 2 of your trip to this city:

Singapore Zoo. It is considered one of the largest and most interesting in the world: in it you can meet more than 2.5 thousand animals of 315 different species! Therefore, you should budget at least three to four hours to visit it.

How to get to Singapore Zoo? There are no metro stations within walking distance, so the easiest way is to take a taxi from your hotel. You can also get there by public transport. To do this you can go to:

  • Choa Chu Kang metro station, then take bus No. 927 to the zoo;
  • Ang Mo Kio MRT station, then take bus No. 138 to the zoo.

Ticket prices for the Singapore Zoo are $33 (adult) and $22 (child under 12 years old).

Singapore Bird Park (Jurong Bird Park). One of the largest such parks on the planet, 5 thousand birds of 380 species live here, from parrots and birds of paradise to penguins, raptors and night hunters.
To get to the Singapore Bird Park, you need to go to Boon Lay MRT Station and take bus No. 194. Ticket prices for the Singapore Bird Park are $29 for adults and $19 for children.

Chinatown. A very colorful area, a must-see for all tourists. Singapore's Chinatown is home to cheap souvenirs, beautiful streets with Buddhist and Hindu temples, and is also a real paradise for lovers of inexpensive (by Singaporean standards) Chinese street food. Located at Chinatown MRT Station.

Singapore's Chinatown is not only a corner of old China in an ultra-modern metropolis. This is also a place where you can have an inexpensive and very tasty snack.

What to see in Singapore in 3 days: Sentosa Island

Where in the article “What to see in Singapore in 2 days?” took another day, you ask? As we have already written, when traveling in transit, Russians can stay in Singapore for up to 96 hours, that is, 4 days. This is the day of arrival, two full days and the day of departure. But if on the fourth day you leave not in the morning, but in the late afternoon, then you can spend another half a day or more in Singapore. We recommend spending it on Sentosa Island.

Sentosa Island - a favorite vacation spot for Singaporeans themselves. But there is one problem: there is no metro station in Sentosa. How to get to Sentosa Island from Singapore? It’s very simple: you need to get to the Harbor Front station, from where you can get to Sentosa on foot (for free), by monorail railway($4) or by cable car ($26). Entrance fee to Sentosa is $1.

Sentosa has a huge number interesting places. But you and I have little time. Therefore, here is a list of the 5 main attractions of Sentosa Island, from which you need to choose the most interesting for yourself:

  • beaches Sentosa Islands (Tanjong Beach, Palawan Beach and Siloso Beach),
  • huge amusement park Universal Studios (adult - $74, child - $56),
  • aquarium S.E.A. Aquarium (adult - $34, child - $24).
  • water park Adventure Cove Waterpark (adult - $36, child - $28)
  • Merlion Plaza with a giant statue of Merlion, which has two observation decks(in the mouth and on the head of a lion).

Here are all these attractions of Sentosa Island on the map:

Where to stay in Singapore for 2-3 nights

There are many hotels in Singapore where you can stay during your “transit” visit. On the Booking.com website they are even divided by area:

But we recommend looking for hotels not only on Booking, but also using the Hotellook service. It compares prices in different booking systems (Booking.com, Agoda.com, Ostrovok.ru, etc.) and gives you the best options. Having chosen the most suitable hotel, you go to the reservation system website (the same Booking or Agoda), where the booking takes place. Here is the link:

Happy travels!

Dear readers, do you personally recommend what to see in Singapore in 2 days? We are waiting for your feedback! And don’t forget - we know everything about traveling in Asia! And not only in Asia 😉
