What happens after a plane crash: a video was taken of rescuers entering a plane that fell into the water. Latest Plane Crash: Horrible plane crashes in recent years Birthday gift

IN Krasnodar region An L-39 training aircraft crashed near the village of Dolzhanskaya. He was conducting a planned flight and fell into the water; the pilots, according to preliminary data, managed to eject.

The incident occurred on October 18 at about 17:00, reports with reference to the Ministry of Armor of the Russian Federation. The search for pilots continues for the second day. According to the agency's law enforcement source, the crew included a pilot and a navigator.

The Ministry of Armor of the Russian Federation reports that the flight was carried out without ammunition, and the cause of the fall could probably have been a technical malfunction. According to a TASS source, the L-39 aircraft took off from the airfield in Yeisk, where the Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel is located. naval aviation Navy Russia.

Rescuers have determined the approximate area in which the L-39 plane crashed; all vessels in the water area are oriented to search for the missing plane and its crew. Sea of ​​Azov not far from the supposed crash site, reports.

TASS, citing a source in the operational services of the region, reports that the plane fell into the water near the Dolzhanskaya Spit in the Sea of ​​Azov, and the pilots also ejected into the sea. As another source clarified to TASS, the plane fell 1.5 km from the coast.

RIA Novosti, citing a source in law enforcement agencies, notes that up to 200 people are involved in the search for the missing pilots. The agency's interlocutor clarified that searches are nevertheless being conducted both in water and on land. The wreckage of the plane was found, the aircraft is partially under water and plunged into silt. Military divers are involved in the search, TASS notes.

"On at the moment We are looking for two people. Searches are conducted at sea and on land. We know that the plane is in the water, and it is not yet clear whether they are alive or not,” a source in the emergency services told TASS.

“Military divers have arrived and are now working at the crash site. The crash site and the wreckage have already been found,” a source in the operational services later told the agency. A law enforcement source, in turn, clarified that the pilots have not yet been found.

According to preliminary data, the pilots of the emergency L-39 of the Russian Ministry of Defense were killed, a source in the commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense for the investigation of the emergency, working at the crash site of the car, told TAS.

“There is no official confirmation of the death of the pilots yet; the pilots or their bodies have not yet been found, but miracles do not happen. The place where the plane crashed has been established precisely; wreckage of the car and one parachute on which one of the pilots ejected were found. The parachute turned out to be empty, the pilot in it there wasn’t,” the agency’s interlocutor explained, noting that many hours had passed since the crash of the L-39 and the pilots could not have stayed afloat for so long.

The Ministry of Defense officially reports that the whereabouts of the crew have not yet been established, TASS reports.

The L-39 Albatross training jet aircraft was developed in Czechoslovakia. It made its first flight in 1968, and in 1972 it was chosen as the main training aircraft of the Warsaw Pact countries. Now it is still the main machine for training cadets at Russian flight schools.

Let us note that on October 5, a MiG-29 fighter belonging to the M.M. Flight Research Institute crashed in the Moscow region. Gromova. The pilots ejected and survived.

Today a tragedy occurred: a Saratov Airlines passenger plane crashed in the Moscow region. An-148 was flying from the capital to Orsk. 71 people were on board: 65 passengers and 6 crew members. There are no survivors.

The President expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. Vladimir Putin changed his schedule in connection with this tragedy: his working trip to Sochi was postponed. As the Kremlin press service reported, in order for the president to have the opportunity to directly coordinate the work of a special commission to determine the causes of the tragedy. The commission was created on behalf of the head of state.

These images were taken by eyewitnesses a few minutes after the disaster. The wreckage of the plane is scattered in a snow-covered field; around, at least at first glance, there are no signs of fire or explosion. It was as if he had simply fallen to the ground from a height. At the same time, the picture at the crash site - the wreckage is scattered over a radius of an entire kilometer - allows us to make the assumption that the airliner collapsed while still in the air. And eyewitnesses say that before the fall the plane seemed to be engulfed in flames.

Data on how long the plane remained in the air still vary. At first it was reported that the flight lasted about seven minutes. Later, information was received that it crashed just two minutes after takeoff. One way or another, the crash site is the vicinity of the village of Argunovo in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region - located just over 30 kilometers from Domodedovo airport.

“After a very strong bang, we went to look for the place where this cotton was found. The entire field is roughly the size of two football fields,” said the eyewitness.

The Moscow-Orsk flight took off from Domodedovo airport at 14:21. And soon disappeared from the radar screens. Online publications publish the words of an air traffic controller, allegedly the same one who monitored the air situation in the area of ​​the crash - the plane took off as normal, then began to descend, but no longer made contact and did not respond to requests. Even an audio recording of the negotiations has appeared on the Internet, although it is not yet possible to guarantee its authenticity.

One thing is certain: the crew did not report any malfunctions on board, although the breakdown of the aircraft, along with pilot error and unfavorable weather conditions, are now the three main versions of the disaster.

As reported official representative Investigative Committee Svetlana Petrenko, operational documentation from the Saratov Airlines company is being confiscated and its employees are being interrogated. In addition, investigators began interrogating workers at Domodedovo airport who were preparing the aircraft for flight.

So far, too little is known about the last flight of the crashed plane, but experts have already noticed its strange trajectory. According to the Flytradar service, after takeoff from Domodedovo it began to rise to a level of 1800 meters, then dropped to one and a half thousand, then rose again, and after that the plane sharply descended. Because of these contradictory data, at first there was even a version that the An-148 could collide with a helicopter in the air. But later these rumors were denied.

Aviation experts now suggest that the cause could be icing of the airliner - in the event that a piece of ice got into the engine.

“Sometimes, because of the weather, because of icing, something can happen. The plane was poorly treated or got into sudden, severe icing. The weather here could only play a negative role if there was an engine failure and the crew did not see the site and could not pick up and land,” says Honored Russian Pilot Yuri Sytnik.

The crashed An-148 belonged to Saratov Airlines. Until that day, its fleet had four aircraft of this type. A short-haul aircraft designed to carry 80 passengers. The plane that crashed was produced less than eight years ago. At first it belonged to Rossiya Airlines and flew, among other things, on foreign routes. Later it was sold to Saratov. And the airline assures that they have no doubts about the serviceability of the aircraft or the qualifications of the crew.

“There was an experienced crew on board. The aircraft commander is Valery Ivanovich Gubanov, who has more than 5 thousand flight hours, and on this type Valery Ivanovich had 2147 flight hours,” said Elena Voronova, head of the press service of Saratov Airlines.

“8 years is, of course, not a long time for an airplane. Moreover, Antonovskaya is a reliable company. Our airworthiness standards are the most stringent in the world. Not only for new production aircraft, but for aircraft that are being submitted for testing,” said Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Vitaly Zhiltsov.

Meanwhile, the authorities are already publishing a list of those killed in the disaster. There were 71 people on board the plane - 65 passengers and six crew members. No one had a chance to survive.

The head of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Maxim Sokolov, said that “in accordance with federal legislation, all relatives of the victims are paid insurance in the amount of more than 2 million rubles, and the necessary additional decisions in this direction will be made through the subject.”

To identify the bodies in the An-148 crash, DNA samples from relatives of the victims will be delivered to Moscow from Orsk by a special plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The bodies will be identified at the Moscow Bureau of Expertise.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has opened a hotline. Phone: 8-800-775-17-17.

The hotline also operates in the Orenburg region: 8-3532-308-999.

At the crash site passenger plane An-148 in the Moscow region there are almost 600 rescuers. The wreckage is scattered across large area, the search operation will be carried out around the clock, one of the black boxes has already been discovered.

“We have formed operational groups that work here and in Orsk, in the Orenburg region. The operational group works in Domodedovo and, where necessary, in the Moscow region. I will ask to provide support for all relatives and friends, taking into account vital indications, to organize the duty of medical teams of social workers and all specialists who are needed according to vital indications,” instructed the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov.

At the Orsk airport, the relatives of the victims are provided with all the necessary assistance. Airport director Sergei Sukharev said that psychologists and doctors work at the first-aid post.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' performed a prayer service for those killed in this crash. Condolences were offered to Russian citizens in connection with the crash of the An-148 plane by the Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy, the foreign ministers of Turkey, France and Belgium and other countries.

In connection with this tragedy, Channel One is changing its broadcast schedule. Immediately after our program, instead of the club game “What? Where? When?" - broadcast from the Olympic Pyeongchang


Why was the Boeing missing over the Indian Ocean first searched in the wrong place, and when the wreckage was found, they searched for only a few days, and then abandoned the search altogether? And no one is bothered by the fact that new plane wreckage continues to be found, but let’s talk about everything in order.

Appeared new information Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines, the 63-meter plane has not been found until today.
Even after a year and a half, the search did not yield much results, only mysterious white objects were periodically found, which, it is assumed, could be fragments of the missing plane.

The last hope for continuing the search was fueled by the found radio signal of the black box, but soon it too disappeared. Whether this was a signal from the missing plane is still unknown.

July 29, 2015 on Reunion Island in Indian Ocean managed to find a fragment of a wing and a door of the plane.

After the Malaysian authorities confirmed that the found fragments belonged to the missing airliner, relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing staged a real protest in Beijing. After all, the search was initially conducted in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The enormous resources of the 26 states that took part in the search were, in fact, wasted, because, according to the relatives of the dead passengers, Kuala Lumpur had long known about the deviation of the plane’s course, but continued to conduct searches in the areas indicated above.

Why was society misinformed?

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of the French airlines Proteus Airlines, Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the American military. This was done due to US Security Service suspicions that the airliner had been hijacked by terrorists and, In order to prevent terrorist attacks similar to those of September 11, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.

Ground controllers lost contact with the plane as it was over the South China Sea and entering Chinese airspace.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, according to military radar, heading in the opposite direction from its original route. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after contact was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they are officially searching in another place, distant from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near military base USA, located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be held responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been washed ashore on Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area have been suspended, and they lasted only 10 days.
This raises a completely logical question: If the search for the plane took months in the South China Sea, then why in this case was the search completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

The found debris was sent for examination to Australia. A number on one of the recovered aircraft pieces indicates that it belonged to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything comes together.
The wreckage of the plane was carried away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique Current.

It doesn’t take several years to come to this conclusion. It’s just that over time, the secret still becomes clear and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI has revealed the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI has released one version of the plane crash of a Malaysian Boeing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014, TASS reports citing the American magazine New York.

From all this we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of camouflage technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their ownership or, conversely, to steal scientists along with the technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone is slowing down the investigation and leading on the wrong trail.

06 01 18 The Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370. The Ocean Infinity campaign will do this. The costs of searching for the missing aircraft will only be paid if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters over an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), it was the largest aviation search in history. At the same time, satellite images were studied and ocean drifts were studied. The ATSB report said the chances of finding the plane were now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Airbus A321 flight 9268 of Kogalymavia Airlines (Metrojet brand) crashed and disappeared from radar on the morning of Saturday, October 31. There were 224 people on board the plane - passengers, children, 7 crew members, all of them were Russians. The airliner was operating a “tourist” flight between Sharm El-Sheikh and St. Petersburg.

The latest information about the disaster can also be read on Twitter using the hashtag #KogalymAvia And #7k9268 .

The Egyptian authorities officially confirmed the plane crash and began searching for the wreckage with the army, while the Turkish aviation authorities reported that the airliner had entered their airspace. At the same time, the media previously stated that the airliner continued its flight, but the official press of Cairo states that the plane crash did occur, and the wreckage of the airliner is in Sinai.

The most eloquent illustration is the Flightradar system, which allows you to track any civilian aircraft in the world that have special transponders. According to Flightradar visible that the plane "descended at approximately 6,000 feet per minute (110 km/h) before the signal was lost" 23 minutes after takeoff.

The press also reports that the airliner’s crew reported malfunctions; some journalists say that the PIC and co-pilot requested emergency landing- however, this information has not yet been confirmed.

Let us note that many pilots and aviation experts, speaking about plane crashes, recalled that an engine failure (without destroying the engine or the aircraft) does not lead to the crash of airliners - they can glide even with all engines turned off to the nearest airfield (this has also happened in the history of aviation - media they remember both the emergency landing of the Tu-204 and the “Gimli glider”).

“The plane crashed in a closed military zone. Counter-terrorism operations are being carried out there,” reports VGTRK.

State of emergency declared in North Sinai in Egypt due to crash Russian plane, the Prime Minister of Egypt, rescuers and military personnel went to the crash site.

Reuters reports that "the screams of surviving passengers may be heard at the crash site."


"Egyptian emergency services have begun removing the bodies of those killed in the crash of the Russian A-321 in the Sinai Peninsula," - reports AFP. The disaster site is cordoned off and protected from looters.

"The bodies of five children have been found; the Russian plane that crashed in Sinai has broken into two parts," AFP said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his deepest condolences to the relatives of those killed in the Kogalymavia plane crash, ordering rescuers to be sent to the scene of the tragedy.

“The total flight time of the 48-year-old commander of the plane that crashed in Egypt was 3,682 hours. Of these, Valery Nemov flew 1,100 hours as an aircraft commander,” Lifenews.ru said.

“As it became known, before flying on an A-321 type aircraft, Valery Nemov flew a TU-154. The pilot was retrained at the AmurAir training center located in Turkey,” the press adds, calling the PIC a professional pilot.

It became known that at least one of the passengers on the flight posted a photo of the plane and her husband and daughter before takeoff, writing " we're flying home ".

“According to the Egyptian side, the plane was trying to land at El-Arish airfield,” the Russian Embassy reported.

“As it became known, about a hundred bodies of passengers were pulled out from under the wreckage of a Russian airliner that crashed 100 kilometers from El-Arish in the north of the Sinai Peninsula,” reports Egypt Independet.

“Eyewitnesses say that the plane that crashed in Egypt was burning in the air,” Kommersant FM reported.

The media reported that rescuers found one of the flight recorders - black boxes - at the scene of the tragedy.

President Vladimir Putin declared mourning on November 1 in connection with the crash of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

The bodies of all 17 children were found at the A-321 crash site in Egypt. RIA Novosti reports with reference to a civil aviation representative.

As Gazeta.Ru found out, travel company Brisco, whose clients were flying on the crashed plane, and Kogalymavia airline are owned by the same people.

“Either a fire in the central/tail section, or an engine fire spreading throughout the entire nacelle with subsequent thermal destruction of the wing,” they write on a professional pilot forum.

The local Bedouin tribe Al Tayaha saw a Russian Kogalymavia airliner crash on the Sinai Peninsula. According to the nomads, the Airbus A321 burst into flames in the air, in particular, they saw one of the plane’s engines burning.

"Many died in seats wearing seat belts," Egyptian intelligence official/Reuters

The office of the owner of the Kogalymavia airline on Stoleshnikov Lane in Moscow is being searched. Law enforcement officers are seizing documents and electronic media from the office, media reports.

Egyptian aviation authorities do not rule out that the crash with the Russian airline Kogalymavia in Egypt was due to a terrorist attack, CBS Extra reports. “This version is unlikely, since terrorists in the region do not have appropriate weapons - anti-aircraft missile systems, because the plane was at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters,” experts say.

“A couple of months ago, rockets were fired at Israeli territory from Sinai. In Syria and Libya, Islamists captured dozens of C125 and C200 complexes. In Yemen, firefights are taking place using Point U, and the Saudis have deployed Patriots along the entire border,” they write on social networks.

"According to a representative of the Egyptian investigation committee aviation incidents Ayman al-Mugadem, the pilot warned ground controllers that the plane had a “technical problem” and he needed to land as soon as possible,” Izvestia reported.

Egyptian authorities said no one survived the Russian plane crash, Reuters reported.

Before taking off from Sharm el-Sheikh, the crashed plane underwent the necessary technical checks and no faults were identified, said the head of the Egyptian airport company Adel Mahgoub. “A technical inspection of the aircraft was carried out and its airworthiness was confirmed,” he emphasized.
