What is Elbrus. The seven highest mountain peaks of the six continents of the earth

The two peaks crowning the cone-shaped volcano are separated by a saddle, the height of which is 5300 m. The peaks of Elbrus are two independent volcanoes formed on an ancient volcanic base. The height of the young cone, located in the east, is 5621 m. This volcano has retained its classic cone-shaped shape with a clearly defined crater. The height of the maximum point of Elbrus - the western peak - reaches 5642 m. This volcano has enough ancient history, which was reflected in the condition of its upper part - it was partially destroyed by a vertical fault.

Elbrus is a saddle-shaped cone of a volcano that was last active in 50 AD. e. It was most active around 225 thousand, then 110-70 thousand and less than 30 thousand years ago. The mountain, formed about a million years ago, consists of alternating layers of lava, ash and tuff.
The slopes of Elbrus are mostly gentle, but starting from a height of 4000 meters, the average angle of inclination reaches 35 degrees. The northern and western slopes are strewn with steep rocky areas up to 700 meters high. The eastern and southern ones are more gentle and even.

Flowers on the southern slope of Elbrus:

At an altitude of more than 3,500 meters, the volcano is covered with stone placers, rocks and glaciers. The number of the latter is about 70 pieces, and there are total area equal to 134.5 km². The most famous glaciers of Elbrus: Terskop, Big and Small Azau. The streams erupting from them, connecting, create the three main rivers of the region - Baksanu, Kuban and Malka. The glacier-free surface is covered with moraines. A huge cap of ice and snow retains the picturesque shape of the Kazakhstan volcano all year round. It is because of this snow cap that Elbrus is called Little Antarctica.

The first written mention of the double-peaked volcano can be found in the “Book of Victories,” written by the Persian historian and poet, Sharaf ad-Din Yazdi. It tells about the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane, who during his military campaigns climbed to the top of Elbrus to pray.

The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East made up their minds about Elbrus large number songs and legends. One of the legends tells that the mountain used to have one hump. At its top lived the magical bird Simurg, who bestowed happiness and prosperity on the mountain people who inhabited the valleys of the mountain gorges. This idyll lasted for many centuries, until the desire to seize the bird’s heavenly throne led to its possession by two greedy people. Their fierce struggle was stopped by higher powers: blinding lightning cut the sky, terrible thunder erupted and Elbrus split in two, spewing out streams of fire that incinerated everything in its path. After such a terrible fight, the magical bird Simurgh hid deep underground, upset by the ingratitude and greed of people.
According to research by scientists, Elbrus has not been visible for quite a long time, but despite this, the current level of activity does not give experts a reason to classify it as an extinct volcano; now it has the status of “dormant”. The volcano is indeed quite active in external and internal activities. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local “Hot Narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52°C and +60ºC. The life of many famous springs begins in the depths of the volcano health resorts Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters region.
The climate on Elbrus is characterized by severity, making it similar to the Arctic regions. Average temperature at the most warm month year does not rise above -1.4°C. There is quite a lot of precipitation here, but it is mainly represented only in the form of snow.
Around the two-headed giant are located the most beautiful peaks of the Caucasus: Nakra-Tau, Ushba, Donguz-Orun.
The first time a person managed to reach the eastern (lower) peak of the volcano was on July 22, 1829. This was done by the conductor of the Russian scientific expedition, a Kabardian by nationality, Kilar Khashirov. The highest peak of Elbrus (western) was conquered by a team of climbers led by Florence Grove in 1874. The first to reach both peaks was the Balkar hunter and shepherd Ahiya Sottaev. During the period of his long life, he conquered Elbrus nine times: he made the first ascent at the age of over forty, and the last in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

At the top of Elbrus:

View from the top of Elbrus:

The study of Elbrus by Russian scientists began actively in the 19th century. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1913 was the first to determine the height and location of the volcano. In addition to its status as a unique natural attraction, the famous Caucasian peak is also an important scientific base. Even before the war, the first experiments with cosmic rays in the Soviet Union were conducted here, and today it houses the highest geophysical laboratory.
Territory of the Elbrus region - major center tourism and skiing. The bulk of the guests are fans of winter sports, including extreme sports, which are very popular in these mountains. In addition to the usual snowboards, sleds and freeride, a new entertainment was organized for thrill seekers, which was an ascent to the top of Elbrus by helicopter and subsequent descent from the mountain on skis. For more conservative skiers, there are cable cars with an average capacity of 2,400 people per hour.

Numerous photographs of Mount Elbrus can be found on most websites that provide travel services related to the organization of mountaineering tours to the mountains and the conquest of new world-famous peaks. Elbrus is included in the list of 7 highest mountain peaks.

According to its geological structure, the mountain is a stratovolcano, so there is always a risk of a magma eruption. Elbrus glaciers are an irreplaceable source fresh water for most rivers of the Caucasus and the south of the European part of Russia.

Elbrus is a mountain with a rich history, the existence of which was known to many peoples of the globe living far beyond the Caucasus region. Tales about this mountain peak can be found in Greek epics, as well as legends of ancient Rome.

It is not possible to establish the exact nature of the origin of the name of the mountain. There are only theoretical assumptions that are supported or refuted by stratovolcano researchers.

Most scientists adhere to the version that the name of the mountain comes from a word of Persian origin – “Elburz”.

Its literal translation is “high mountain.” Indigenous people Caucasus region calls the mountain peak Mingi-Tau, which translated from the Karachay-Balkar dialect means “eternal mountain”. Among the peoples of the Turkic-speaking group, the mountain is called Jin-Padishah, which translates as “lord of spirits.”

The mountain peak is located on the side of the Greater Caucasus Range. If we look at the mountain system on the map, we can see that The stratovolcano is located 10 km from the central line of the Caucasus ridge. Elbrus is a natural border separating such republics of the Russian Federation as Karachay-Cherkessia, as well as Kabardino-Balkaria.

Elbrus is located at an altitude of 5642 meters above sea level and is the most high mountain in Russia and Europe

Myself mountain range has a volcanic nature. The height diameter of its base is 15 km.

The formation of Elbrus began in the Pliocene era. This is about 3 million years ago. From this point on, the mountain peak continued to rise until the Holocene period. All this time, there was increased volcanic activity with frequent magma eruptions and seismic activity.

Based on the calculations of researchers, Elbrus has been an active volcano for 250 thousand years.

Height of Mount Elbrus

The photo is not able to fully convey the entire height of Mount Elbrus. To experience the greatness of this mountain peak, you must be part of a tourist group to conquer it and undergo psychological and physical tests in rarefied air conditions.

The height of Elbrus is not uniform, so the following peak elevations are distinguished depending on their location:

  • 5642 m above sea level- this is the most high part mountains located on its Western side (similar geological formations with a similar height are absent on the territory of the Russian Federation and Europe).
  • 5621 m– The eastern peak of the mountain, to which a separate tourist route with built infrastructure.
  • 5416 m– The saddle of the hill, which divides Elbrus into its Eastern and Western parts (visually resembles mountain pass).

For physically unprepared people or those with chronic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, conquering these peaks is almost impossible: in conditions of lack of oxygen, the climber’s body begins to malfunction, Acute pulmonary failure, oxygen starvation, and changes in consciousness develop.

Climate on the mountain

Elbrus is a mountain (a photo of the hill cannot fully convey its weather), the main influence on the formation climatic conditions which is exerted by air masses circulating in a circle depending on the time of year. The area located at the top of the mountain is characterized by frequent and sudden changes in weather.

There are heavy rains with increased cloudiness, the duration of which is from 5 to 7 days.

The summer season is always cool with high humidity levels. At an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, the temperature reaches +35 degrees, and when rising to 3000 m it is already +25, but there may be lower temperatures depending on the movement of cyclones and anticyclones. At the end of August, calendar autumn already begins, which is accompanied by a sharp drop in daily temperatures.

At an altitude of 3000 m, the average January temperature is -13 degrees Celsius.

The absolute minimum drop in air temperature is -27 degrees. The main cooling occurs at the end of January - beginning of February. Spring season on Elbrus originates from the 1st to the 10th of May. During this period, the snow is filled with excess moisture and avalanches occur at a level of 3000 m, which make the mountain dangerous for tourist visits.

At an altitude of 3000 - 5000 m, snow massifs and firn fields are preserved year-round, due to the presence of which glaciers increase their total mass. On high altitudes The process of loss of glacial and snow mass is completely absent.

This phenomenon is not affected weather conditions mountain peak and air temperature, which remains close to minus levels all year round.

Volcanic activity

Elbrus is a mountain (the photo shows its shape) with a conical peak. This is due to the fact that the geological hill belongs to the category of stratovolcanoes, therefore its structure is formed from several magmatic layers. There are also rock alloys that have been destroyed by high temperatures.

Currently, Elbrus does not show volcanic activity, but despite this, there is always a risk of an eruption. Periodic emissions of molten rock mass are a typical manifestation for volcanoes of this type.

Scientists studying the volcanic activity of Elbrus have not yet noted the seismic danger of the formation of faults or the layering of tectonic plates that could cause an eruption of the mountain peak. It is believed that the last emission of magma from the Elbrus crater occurred no later than 250 thousand years BC.

Therefore, the likelihood that the mountain peak will again acquire its previous volcanic activity is minimal. In addition, given the height of Elbrus peak, hot magma will cool almost immediately after being released into the earth's atmosphere.


Elbrus is a mountain (a photo of the Eastern and Western peaks of the summit shows that they are separated by the Elbrus Saddle), which has a kind of pass that can be used to communicate between the two hills. The distance between the mountain peaks is 1500 m.

The relief of Elbrus is distinguished by relatively gentle slopes, the average steepness of which is within 35 degrees. The maximum elevation of the base is 3800 m. The relief of Elbrus was first explored in 1813 and described in detail by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.K. Vishnevsky.

Flora and fauna

The flora and fauna of the mountain peak is concentrated at its base, which is called the Elbrus region. In order to preserve the flora and fauna of this part of the Caucasus region, on September 22, 1986, it was created national park, the territory of which is protected by law.

This part of Elbrus, which is actually the beginning of a large mountain, is intended for the free development of local animal species, as well as the growth of trees, herbs and shrubs. Mountaineering and hiking are allowed here hiking trips and outdoor recreation.

The fauna of the lowland part of Elbrus includes over 63 species of mammals, at least 112 species of birds, 11 species of reptiles (mostly reptiles), 8 species representing the amphibian family, 6 species of fish and countless varieties of insects, 15% of which have not yet been studied by science .

The most common wild animals and birds are the following types:

  • marten;
  • wild cat;
  • brown bear;
  • steppe ferret;
  • partridge;
  • mole rat;
  • roe;
  • hamster;
  • otter;
  • black grouse;
  • Ular.

Thanks to human conservation activities in the Elbrus region, tur species have been preserved and multiplied. The population of these animals already numbers 4,600 individuals. The mountain rivers of Elbrus, which originate from melted glaciers, are inhabited by brook trout, which prefer exceptionally clean waters.

The flora of Elbrus is diverse flora and is represented by coniferous trees such as spruce, pine, and fir. At altitudes above 1500 m, alpine and subalpine meadows predominate. At lower altitudes, the flora of the mountain peak is formed by a mountain-type forest-steppe zone.

Occasionally there are small areas of shrubby woodland.

The following varieties of Elbrus flora are protected by the Red Book:

  • all types of angiosperms;
  • Radde birch;
  • small chickpeas;
  • columnar quarry;
  • baksan wolf wolf;
  • dolomite bell.

In spring, more than 3,000 wild herbs bloom in the subalpine and alpine meadows of Elbrus. Their numerical population exceeds 50% of the total number of field plants growing in the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The mountain peak of the Caucasus region is witness to many exciting adventures and is fraught with many mysteries.

Here are some real life stories in which Elbrus played a key role:

  • unlike other stratovolcanoes, this mountain simultaneously has 2 peaks, the difference in elevation does not exceed 21 m;
  • Elbrus was first conquered in 1829, when there was no such modern equipment for mountaineering;
  • each nationality of the Caucasus has its own name of mountain peak and legend of origin;
  • was first built on the slopes of this mountain cable car, capable of delivering tourists to an altitude of 3750 m, which at the time of construction had no analogues in the world;
  • Elbrus has almost a name - Elburs(a high-mountain ridge in Iran, with which it is regularly confused);
  • the most high mountain hotel in the world;
  • despite the fact that the volcano is active, its last eruption was in ancient times, which is already considered a geological phenomenon;
  • in some areas of the mountain peak, the thickness of glaciers located in permafrost conditions reaches 400 m or more;
  • on the Eastern and Western peaks of Elbrus, the atmosphere is so transparent that looking at the horizon line, you can see 2 seas at once - the Black and the Caspian;
  • the mountain is officially recognized as one of the 7 wonders Russian Federation ;
  • in 1997, Russian traveler Alexander Abramov converted his SUV and conquered the mountain peak of Elbrus with it.

The list above includes those interesting facts, which are in the public domain and at one time made Elbrus famous throughout the Russian Federation and other countries of the world. Ordinary climbers and people visiting the mountain for tourism purposes can tell no less interesting and exciting facts about this mountain peak in a conversation.

Sights of the area

Elbrus is a mountain (the photo shows that the territories surrounded by it are mountainous areas, the attractions of which are directly related to

Elbrus, which includes the following places of interest to tourists:

Location Sight
Tereskol A village in the Elbrus region, whose population is distinguished by its ethnic color and hospitality
Baksan Gorge More than 200 thousand tourists visit it annually
Mount Cheget Center active tourism in the summer and ski resort in winter (altitude 3769 m above sea level)
Baksan River Forms the freshwater basin of the Terek
Cafe Ai A catering establishment located at the foot of the mountain
Cable car Capable of transporting 750 people simultaneously
Seven A glacier on the mountain slope of Elbrus, which got its name due to its similarity with this figure
Narzanov A picturesque valley that consists of a mountain river and alpine meadows

At the foot of Elbrus you can see the monument to the first pioneers and conquerors of the mountain peak. Some tourists note that monumental sculptures inspire them and add vitality and self-confidence.

First summit ascent

The expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences included the following scientists and travelers:

  • George Emmanuel (general of the tsarist army and leader of the campaign);
  • Joseph Bernardia;
  • Edouard Minetrier;
  • Carl Meyer;
  • Adolf Kupfer.
  • Janos Besse.

For the first time, the expedition participants conducted research on the mountain at an altitude of over 3000 m. In addition, Joseph Bernardiy, once on the peak of Elbrus, made several drawings of the mountain to capture all the landscapes of its slopes that open from the top.

Brief history of ascents

After the first successful trip to the mountain peak, the following domestic and foreign climbers managed to climb Elbrus:

  • in 1890 and 1896 — Andrey Pastukhov was able to conquer the mountain twice;
  • in 1891 - Germans Ludwig Purscheller, two local residents as guides and Gottfried Merzbacher;
  • in 1910, the Swiss de Ramy and Gugi were able to climb the Eastern and Western parts of the mountain;
  • in 1925 - Elbrus was first conquered by a female climber, who became A. Japaridze;
  • in 1934 - climbers from the USSR Gusev and Korzunov first climbed the peak of the mountain in winter time year.

Climbing a mountain peak 80-100 years ago was a more difficult task than the challenges faced by modern climbers. The pioneers of the mountain did not have such modern equipment, maps, satellite navigation, or radio communications in case of worsening weather conditions or emergency situations.

Danger of Elbrus

Any mountain peak whose height is 3000 m or more poses a potential threat to people, flora and fauna located in the surrounding area.

Today, the following dangers of Elbrus are identified:

  • the possibility of an eruption;
  • occurrence of seismic activity;
  • avalanches;
  • rapid destruction of glaciers;
  • stone rubble.

The indigenous population never built their houses too close to the foot of the mountain, so as not to endanger your life and loved ones. Tourists who travel to hiking If you travel through mountainous terrain or decide to conquer its peak, you must always remember these threats.

How the climb goes, routes

The best option for climbing Elbrus is to be part of a climbing expedition, which is led by a guide who acts as a guide, safety instructor and guide. The most popular tourist destinations are:

Classic route

Originates from the Barrel shelter, located at an altitude of 3720 m, and then along an almost straight path goes to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. Along the route there will be other stops and shelters created for the safety and recreation of climbers.

You can learn which route to choose for beginners planning to conquer Elbrus from this story:

Average duration ascents take from 7 to 10 days. Weather conditions and the tourist’s body’s reaction to thin air play a big role. Athletes with excellent physical fitness and practical mountaineering experience overcome this route 3-4 times faster.

Route along the eastern edge

If we consider this direction on the complexity scale, then it has the designation 2B. The hike begins near the base camp-village of Elbrus and passes along the bottom of the Irikchat depression. It will be necessary to go through a mountain pass and overcome a glacier that stretches along the entire length of the eastern ridge.

After reaching the Achkeryakol lava flow, the group takes a vertical direction and moves straight to the mountain peak.

Other routes

An alternative route is to climb both peaks of the mountain at the same time. It is called the Elbrus Cross. Refers to more complex tourist destinations, since within the framework of one trip the expedition actually conquers the stratovolcano twice.

Only experienced athletes can go to other routes that do not go through standard mountaineering paths.


The territory around Elbrus, as well as sections of climbing trails, are equipped with shelters, parking lots, cafes and other conditions that allow organizing active recreation in high altitude conditions.

High mountain shelters

The first shelter of this type was built in 1909. at the level of 3200 m by members of the Caucasian Society. It resembled a dugout, which was covered with stones on top. No more than 5 people could be in it at the same time. Today, there are modern and comfortable shelters on the mountain, where the climber feels safe.


  • Shelter of Eleven;
  • Saddle;
  • weather station Shelter of Nine;
  • Barrels;
  • Station EG

In addition, along the climbing routes, you periodically come across insulated trailers, in which you can also warm up, wait out a snowstorm, or provide first aid to the victim in case of injury.

Cable cars

The development of the cable car of Elbrus and the territory at its foot dates back to 1969. At that time, the first cable car was built, which transported tourists along the route Azau - Krugozor. Maximum height, which the lifts could reach - 3000 m.

With the development of the climbing movement and mountain tourism, the following cable cars were built:

  • Krugozor - Mir station - the final point of the line was at an altitude of 3500 m, and the completion date of construction was 1976;
  • Mir station - Gara-Bashi - improved and more safe type chairlift cable car, which was put into operation in 1979 and could take people to an altitude of 3780 m.

In 2015, on Mount Elbrus, all of these lines underwent a comprehensive modernization, during which the components of the lifts, node connections and units, and cabins were replaced. Photos of the updated line were circulated in the media and on tourism websites.

The cable car has received new technical capabilities, allowing transportation by 3-4 times more people than it was in the late 70s.

At one time, each line can deliver 750 tourists to their final destination. In the future, it is planned to carry out additional technical measures that will make it possible to install the final arrival station on the Eastern peak of Elbrus.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about Elbrus

Video about what clothes you should wear when climbing Elbrus:

Last week I was in the Elbrus region testing the new Ford Ranger. At the same time, we took a cable car to the Barrels shelter, located at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level.

Meanwhile, Elbrus itself is considered the highest point in Russia and Europe. It has two peaks (this is extinct volcano) with a height of 5621 and 5642 meters. To get to the top there are three lines of cable cars; then the ascent is possible either on foot or by snowcat.

2. The cable car starts at Azau station, located at an altitude of 2350 meters above sea level. There was heavy rain at night, resulting in a mudflow. This Niva was captured by the elements, but when we went downstairs it had already been dug up and it left.

3. On the first stage there are two lifts. An old pendulum cable car with two cabins with a capacity of 20 people each. And a new gondola-type cable car with detachable cabins (58 in total) with a capacity of 8 people each. They arrive at the Stary Kruzor station (altitude 3000 meters).

4. The next line of cable cars goes from the Stary Krugozor station (3000 meters) to the Mir station (3500 meters). There is exactly the same traffic pattern with two cable cars: the old one (pendulum type) and the new one (gondola type). The cost of an excursion ride on the gondola cable car is 600 rubles, on the pendulum cable car - 300.

6. If in Mineralnye Vody that day the temperature was +30 °C, then here, at an altitude of more than 3500 meters, it became cold.

7. Tourists go down to the cable car.

8. The peaks of Elbrus are tightly covered with clouds. In the foreground you can see numerous snowcats and snowmobiles, which offer to take you a little higher for 1000 rubles. Further, there is “Shelter 11” (height 4130 meters), where the highest mountain hotel in Russia was built in 1938, which burned down in 1998.

9. Melting glacier.

10. General view of the “Bochki” shelter.

11. Disassembled snowcat.

12. The Barrels shelter consists of 9 six-person residential barrel containers, where tourists undergo acclimatization before climbing to the top of Elbrus. Also, pay attention to how the concrete slabs in front of them moved.

13. Beer shop at an altitude of 3800 meters. That's right, what else to do during the acclimatization period.

14. Because There is no time for acclimatization and climbing Elbrus, and we have to fly to Moscow on the same day - we go down.

15. Finally, a picture of an excellent high-altitude toilet such as a toilet, located at the Mir station (altitude 3500 meters above sea level). And I almost forgot to say - I was extremely surprised by the presence of free Wi-Fi Internet at this altitude. I won’t even write about the amount of garbage, but it’s all clear...

Height (meters): 5642

It is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the side ridge of the Greater Caucasus. The highest point in Europe. Height 5642 m, possible routes 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A.

Elbrus is the highest point in Russia and Europe, included in the list highest peaks peace. It is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Mount Elbrus is an extinct stratovolcano. In the Elbrus area there are still hot springs, heated by the depths of the mountain to 60°C. Recent eruptions were approximately 50 AD. Elbrus consists of layers of ash, lava and tuff, alternating with each other. There are more than 80 glaciers on the slopes of Elbrus, the most significant of them: Terskol, Bolshoi Azau, Irik. Elbrus glaciers feed the largest rivers of the Caucasus - Baksan, Kuban, Malka. The Elbrus area has a well-developed infrastructure, so every year thousands of tourists, climbers, skiers, backpackers, and just vacationers and “adventurers” come here, attracted by the wording " highest point Europe." Elbrus has two peaks: Eastern, 5621 meters high, and Western, 5642 meters high. The saddle between the peaks is about 5300 meters high, now there is a small rescue hut on it.

Climbing routes

These days, thousands of tourists, both Russian and foreigners, climb Elbrus. There are many routes to Elbrus, from relatively simple ones, accessible for an averagely trained person with little climbing experience (1B), to intermediate-level routes (3A). The easiest route to the mountain is from , its category is 1B; during the season there is a path to the top, carefully marked with poles. The markers remain from the annual Red Fox Elbrus Race.
Infrastructure is well developed from the south; you can climb to a height of 3750 meters (Gara-Bashi station) by cable car. Most climbers start from here, or from the former shelter of the Eleven (altitude 4050 meters). You can climb to a height of 4800 meters by snowcat. Then on a snowmobile you can get almost to the beginning of the slanting shelf (5000 meters), depending on the condition of the route and the courage of the driver. The next most popular route is from. One of the experienced climbers, who has now become a good guide, said: “When I got to the northern slope Elbrus - it felt like I was on the Moon. And on its reverse side. And now there are a lot of people there. Such is life..." Indeed, climbing Elbrus from the north leaves completely different impressions. It’s not just the much smaller number of people on the route compared to the south. The nature and atmosphere there are completely different. Volcanic landscapes will not leave even experienced traveler. You can only get to an altitude of just over 2000 meters. Further ascent is carried out on your own. Along the way, at an altitude of 3800 - 3900 meters, you will meet huts of various companies. There are other routes to Elbrus that are technically more interesting and less populated: , . On these routes, as a rule, there are no crowds of tourists, there are not so many shelters, much less lifts and snowcats, there is only you and the mountain! This is an ideal option to enjoy nature, overcome yourself, find out what you are capable of and truly climb to the highest point in Europe.

How to get there

From the south

The nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody. By train you can get to the cities of Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nalchik or Cherkessk. Then by road to the villages in the Elbrus region: Baksan, Elbrus, Cheget, or directly to the Azau clearing.

From the north

There is a new good road from the north under the slope of Elbrus; you can get there by any car. From Kislovodsk through the village of Kichbalyk, then we pass the Narzan Valley and the Kharbaz River. The road goes to the Jilisu springs, then to the base camp in the Emmanuel clearing there is a walking trail of about 2 km. Or you can get to the Emmanuel clearing itself by all-terrain vehicle.

From the west

The road to the western slope ends in the village of Khurzuk, followed by a dirt road accessible only to off-road vehicles. It leads to the Djilisu springs (not to be confused with the northern Djilisu, these are different springs, but have the same name), from where the walking part of the route begins.

From the east

The route starts from the village of Elbrus. Move along the Irikchat gorge to the eastern edge, along which you reach the Eastern peak.


In the south, in the area of ​​the Baksan Gorge, the infrastructure is relatively well developed. There are many hotels and hotels in the Azau, Cheget, Terskol meadow area. There is no shortage of cafes, canteens, and restaurants. Good distance to Azau clearing highway, a cable car leads from Azau to an altitude of 3750 meters. On the mountain itself, not far from the Gara-Bashi station (3750 meters), there is the Bochki shelter. Currently, this is one of the main starting places for climbers. In 2001, the restoration of the Shelter of Eleven (4050 meters) that burned down in 1996 began. Not far from it there is a row of residential 12-seater trailers and a kitchen. In the evenings, a generator runs to supply electricity to the trailers. The duty workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are located at the same height. At an altitude of 3900 meters, the highest mountain hotel in Europe, LeapRus, was built, which accommodates up to 40 people.

Seasonality and weather conditions

The Elbrus region has a fairly mild climate and low humidity. But on the mountain itself the climate is harsh, arctic. In winter, the average temperature in the area of ​​the peak can reach -40°C, at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters up to -25°C, at the foot of the mountain - 10°C. In addition to this, there may be hurricane-force winds (you are at the highest point in the area!). Above 4000 meters, even in summer, the average daily temperature can drop below -10°C, but you need to understand that there is a significant difference between day and night temperatures. In addition, conditions can vary greatly throughout the day. You can feel comfortable on the saddle in only thermal underwear in sunny, windless weather, and literally half an hour later, when the weather turns bad, you can struggle intensely for life, hiding in all your puffers and masks. At the foot, the average daily air temperature in summer is +10°C. In winter, in addition to extremely low temperatures and winds, a significant part of the slope above four thousand meters can be covered with hard winter ice, which makes the climb even more difficult and dangerous.

Climbing history

The first successful ascent to the eastern peak of Elbrus was made during a military-scientific expedition led by General George Emmanuel, it was attended by outstanding scientists of the 19th century: Professor Adolf Kupfer - founder of the Main Geophysical Observatory of St. Petersburg, physicist Emilius Lenz, (author of the subject studied at school " Lenz's law"), zoologist Eduard Minetrier - founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer (who later became an academician and director of the botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences), artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe Marco) Bernardazzi (who made the first image of Elbrus), Hungarian traveler Janos Besse. The ascent was carried out from the northern side of Elbrus from the upper reaches of the Malka River. On July 22, 1829, one of the expedition guides, Killar Khashirov, climbed to the Eastern peak; as proof of his visit to the peak, he brought a piece of basalt with greenish veins. Emilius Lenz was able to reach only a height of approximately 5300 meters, and remained at the rocks, later called the Lenz rocks, from where he saw a Balkar guide in the area of ​​the peak. The first ascent to the western peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by Florence Grove and guide A. Sottaev, a member of General Emmanuel’s expedition.

Sights of the area

Alpine skiing

There are two ski resorts on the slopes of Elbrus: Elbrus-Azau and Cheget. They operate from November to May, and only some trails are open year-round. The difficulty of the trails varies: from the simplest to complex long trails for professional athletes. Training is provided for those interested. In addition to the cableways, you can use the services of snow groomers; they will take you to a height of up to 4800 meters, to the Shelter of the Eleven or to the Pastukhov Rocks to admire amazing views of the Caucasus Range.

Ski complex Elbrus Azau

The cable cars of the complex begin in the Azau clearing. Currently, there are two stations: the old pendulum and the new gondola. The cable cars run parallel to each other in two lines. The third stage of the gondola car is under construction, and sometimes a single-chair cable car operates there.

Ski resort Cheget

The Cheget ski complex is known for its most difficult slopes. Cheget also attracts many skiers and snowboarders with its black slopes; there are truly limitless opportunities for freeride and backcountry. There are no snowcats on Cheget; the slope of the trails is from 20° to 45°. The height of Mount Cheget is 3700 meters, the cable car reaches a height of 3050 meters, the elevation difference on the routes is 1140 meters.

Lift tariffs

Day pass - 800 rubles, One-time excursion lift - 500 rubles.

More detailed information O ski resorts can be found on the website
