Let's figure out what is taller - the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower? What's taller: the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty? Which of the two monuments is higher - French or American?

Perhaps, if you conduct a survey among travelers about which attraction is the most recognizable in the world, the winner, without a doubt, will be main symbol Paris - Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower of Paris - world famous landmark of France

Like many unusual attractions, the construction Eiffel Tower in Paris was assessed by residents extremely ambiguously. During the period of its construction (late 19th century: 1887-1889), many residents, and especially the intelligentsia of Paris, objected to its construction, arguing that a metal tower towering over the capital of France would disrupt its appearance and would not fit into architectural ensemble Paris. Among those who opposed the construction of the Eiffel Tower were Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas fils (in particular, calling it a “factory chimney”).

It is noteworthy that it was originally planned that the tower would last only twenty years and then be dismantled (there were objections to the construction of the tower even with the authorities promising to dismantle it in 20 years).

However, after the metal monument was built and opened to visitors, it was an incredible success among residents and visitors of Paris. In just the first six months, more than 2 million people visited it. Top hotels Paris began to be located near the Eiffel Tower. This trend in the tourism business of Paris continues in our time - many consider it a great success to book a hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower.

In less than two years, profits from tourists compensated for all costs associated with construction (money was invested in construction by Parisian banks, as well as by the architect Eiffel himself, the designer and creator of this majestic structure).

Therefore, it is not surprising that the life of the tower was extended for seventy years, after which no one would dare to raise the question of dismantling the tower.

The square in front of the Palais de Chaillot with the Eiffel Tower, every Parisian tourist must see this!

The cost of entry to the Eiffel Tower depends on several points. If you want to take the elevator to the very top, then you will have to part with the amount of 15 euros, and if you are content with traveling only to the second floor - 9 euros. If you strain yourself and walk up the stairs, the ticket price will become completely unburdensome - only 5 euros. Entrance to the tower floor is every thirty minutes.

Eiffel Tower photo

The Republic of France is one of the most popular and visited countries in the world. In the information article of the "Business Tourism" section we present an overview of the Republic of France: attractions. ★★★★★

Tower in Paris

At the end of the 19th century, it was an unheard of courage for Gustave Alexandre Eiffel to conceive the creation of a 300-meter tower made of metal. At that time it was the most tall building. Many of his contemporaries were against this, as they believed that the “monstrous and useless” iron structure would disfigure the exquisite appearance of the capital. But the country's leadership and authorities wanted to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great French Revolution and the World Exhibition in 1889 dedicated to this event.

Winter. Metal. Class!

Construction has begun. The pits were dug five meters below the level of the Seine, blocks ten meters thick were laid in them, and hydraulic presses were installed into these foundations to precisely adjust the vertical position of the tower. The estimated mass of the tower was 5 thousand tons. At first, Eiffel wanted to decorate his creation with sculptures and decorations installed on platforms, but in the end, all that remained was openwork arches. And at the beginning of the century, the fate of the tower was again under threat, everything was moving towards dismantling. But with the advent of radio, the tower began to perform practical functions, then it “worked” for television, then it began to perform radar functions.

The structure has three different platforms, they are at an altitude of 60, 140 and 275 meters, and can be reached by five elevators, which were once hydraulic, but are now electrified. In each “leg” of the tower, elevators will take you to the second platform, and the fifth of them can lift you to a height of all 275 m. Mysterious fact: Eiffel himself designed these elevators, and for fifty years they worked properly until the Nazis entered Paris in 1940. They broke unexpectedly and exactly for the period while the German occupation continued. The entrance to the tower was closed. The enemies never had to look down on the city. No Berlin engineers could fix the mechanisms, but the French technician managed it in half an hour. The tricolor flag once again rose over the city on the Eiffel Tower.

The first platform at the base is more than 4 thousand meters, the second - 1.4 thousand, the third is a small two-story square platform 18x18 meters, one of the floors is open. At the very top there is a small laboratory where Eiffel worked, and above it there is a gallery where the lantern is turned on. After all, the tower's beacon spotlights are a guide for air and sea ​​vessels, it also houses a special weather station that studies atmospheric electricity, pollution and radiation.

Interesting facts about the Eiffel Tower in Paris

In what year was the Eiffel Tower built, the height of the Eiffel Tower and other background information

  • How long did it take to build the Eiffel Tower?: Construction of the Eiffel Tower begins: January 28, 1887. Construction lasted a little over 2 years and 2 months. Date: completion of construction is considered March 31, 1889.
  • How old is the Eiffel Tower: in 2014, the symbol of Paris celebrated 125 years. Over the years, any inhabitant of the Earth can no longer imagine France without a light lace tower rushing upward.
  • How many meters is the Eiffel Tower: tower height 324 m to the tip of the antenna spire. The height of the Eiffel Tower in meters without antenna is 300.64 m.
  • Which is taller: Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty: The height of the Statue of Liberty from the ground to the tip of the torch is 93 meters, including the base and pedestal. The height of the statue itself, from the top of the pedestal to the torch, is 46 meters.
  • How much does the Eiffel Tower weigh?: Metal structure weight - 7,300 tons (total weight approximately 10,100 tons). The tower is completely made of 18,038 metal parts, for the fastening of which 2.5 million rivets were used
  • Who built the Eiffel Tower: Gustave Eiffel is the head of the engineering office that won the patent for the design and construction of the tower. The developers and architects of the project were: Maurice Kechelin, Emile Nouguier, Stéphane Sauvestre.

The most famous attractions of France and the USA - Eiffel Tower in Paris and statue of liberty in New York are equally spectacular. For their residents, these are objects of national pride; for us, they are symbols of two cities, two countries.

Both attractions were created more than a century ago and are still experiencing a boom in tourist popularity. Smaller copies of buildings can be found in different cities world at exhibitions, in parks.

Let's figure out what is taller - the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower?

Famous landmarks are often recreated by sculptors and artists; recently, the World Sculpture Championship “Cities of the World” was held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve in Moscow, and both structures grew out of sand.

The Eiffel Tower opened in Paris in 1889 and has easily become a recognizable landmark in France. Images of the tower were circulated everywhere, but Gustave Eiffel’s construction did not immediately receive public recognition. Moreover, in 1909 they wanted to demolish the tower, they thought it was destroying the landscape.

It's nice that this didn't happen. We got used to the look of the tower, and today it seems to us that the “iron lady” fits very organically into the landscape and is absolutely in its place.

The Eiffel Tower consists of connected metal structures. Has three intermediate support platforms. Actually upper level(247 meters) there is an observation deck with a capacity of up to 800 people. A bust of the design engineer Eiffel was installed next to the tower.

Eiffel also participated in the project to develop a metal frame for famous sculpture- Statue of Liberty in America.

It is interesting that at first the statue was called “The Light of Asia” and they wanted to install it in Egypt, but the project was too expensive, then France proposed the project to America for the 100th anniversary of independence and the construction of the sculpture was moved to the USA.

People and organizations from several countries participated in the implementation of the “Statue of Liberty” project, France and America in financing, Russia (Bashkortostan) and Germany in supplying materials: copper and cement.

From the inside, the frame of the Statue of Liberty is similar to the structure of the Eiffel Tower; monolithic frame technology connects together the copper figure of “Lady Liberty” and the concrete pedestal. On observation deck, in the crown of the Statue of Liberty, are ascended by elevator or steps, as in the Eiffel Tower.

Historically, the main attraction of the United States of America takes its roots from France. In Paris you can find three such monuments of different sizes. The most famous is located on Swan Island, near the Eiffel Tower.

The most famous landmarks of France and the USA: the “iron ladies”

Paris Statue of Liberty on Swan Island

The eastern part of Swan Island became home to a smaller Statue of Liberty. Rising on a concrete pedestal, the copper lady, 11.5 meters high, peers into the distant shores of the American continent. Initially, the monument looked east, and only at the end of the 1930s did its gaze turn to the west.

The monument is entirely made of copper fragments, which are attached to a durable metal frame in a special way, where the seams are practically invisible. Copper ore for casting was specially imported from Russia, and the frame underwent many tests with strong winds and water before installation.
Despite the fact that the statues are almost identical, as was originally intended, they still differ in two ways. The first is the size; as you know, the Paris Statue of Liberty has been reduced by 4 times. But the second difference is not so noticeable, but still, if you look at the code of laws that the lady is holding in her left hand, you can see a different number of dates. The French one has two dates, while the American one has one.

Other copies of the Statue of Liberty

Another similar exhibit is on display at the Museum of Arts and Crafts. The size of the statue allows everyone to come up and examine Miss Liberty down to the smallest detail. It is she who is the first model, according to which the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi later created the famous “Freedom Illuminating the World”, known to many.

The second statue is located at the entrance to the Orsay Museum. It has been here since 2012, before that it was located on the territory of the Luxembourg Gardens.
The third bronze Statue of Liberty is located in the Luxembourg Gardens. It was installed immediately after the previous version was moved to the Orsay Museum.

For all the time, the Statue of Liberty on Swan Island left its place only once. This happened in 1998, when Japan officially declared the Year of French Culture. Among the many exhibits from various museums, the country Rising Sun The Paris Statue of Liberty also went. Her temporary place of residence was the island of Odaiba in Tokyo Bay. It is worth noting that for many Japanese residents this was a discovery. Few of them knew about the origin of America's "Liberty Enlightening the World"

Gifted as a sign of mutual cooperation between the two peoples, the monument quickly lost its original purpose. Over time, this statue of the sculptor Bartholdi turned into a symbol of human freedom and independence, not of an individual people, but of all humanity.

If you ask several completely different people what, in their opinion, is the symbol of France, most will answer: “The Eiffel Tower.” And to the question “what building symbolizes the USA?” you will probably hear: “Statue of Liberty.” So different, they have something in common. At the same time, many are interested in various details about these legendary buildings. So, which is taller: the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty? What are some other features of these ladies?

What is the Eiffel Tower

Today, the Eiffel Tower is perhaps the most popular, most photographed landmark in France. Since its construction in 1889, more than 200 million people have visited this Parisian beauty.

But the Eiffel Tower was not always so popular. The idea of ​​its creator, Gustav Eiffel, was initially received with great criticism, both from the city authorities and from its population. The tower project seemed ugly and unartistic to almost everyone.

For this and other reasons, the erected structure was still planned to be demolished after 20 years. The tower was saved only by the fact that it became known throughout the world as the tallest building. At that time its height was 300 meters. And after installing the television center tower it reached 320 meters. So which is taller: the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower? Find out more about this below.

Another interesting fact about this symbol of Paris is that it is quite resilient. The designers carried out a lot of careful research, as they realized that such a tall structure could easily be damaged by the force of the wind. As a result, even with very powerful winds, the tower deviates only by 15 cm, no more.

Now let's look at some interesting facts about the Statue of Liberty.

About the Statue of Liberty

Before we find out which is taller: the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty, let's see what the history of the construction of this American lady is. Although the Statue is located in the United States, it is also of French origin. In fact, it is a gift from France to the United States as a sign of friendly support. But the Americans also made their contribution to the construction: it was in the USA that the pedestal was created.

The creators of the Statue can be called two great people: the architect Frederic Bartholdi and the same Gustave Eiffel. While Bartholdi was occupied with the appearance of the statue, Eiffel was responsible for its frame and metal shell. The finished structure was disassembled into 350 separate parts and sent to New York on a frigate.

It is clear that this task was not easy, because the sculpture weighs more than 150 tons. What is the height of Freedom? From the bottom to the very high point torch 93 meters. Now the answer to the question “what is bigger: the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty?” is clear. In this regard, the French lady wins.

Replicas of the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty

Both buildings are considered masterpieces in our time, as they leave no one indifferent. As already mentioned, tourists love them very much. Yes and local residents are proud of their unspoken national symbols. And for many it doesn’t matter at all what is bigger: the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower.

However, these designs are not the only ones of their kind. Thus, there are smaller copies of the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas (USA), Shenzhen (China), Slobozia (Romania), Copenhagen (Denmark), Varna (Bulgaria) and other places. As you can see, the Parisian tower is no less popular.

The Statue of Liberty is not far behind in terms of the number of copies. It can be found in Tokyo (Japan), Las Vegas (USA) and in three cities of Ukraine: Uzhgorod, Lviv and Dnepropetrovsk.

But whether it's the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower, there are still other buildings taller than them. However, these ladies are known throughout the world and are very loved.

Recently, unique ratings of the scale of famous structures have begun to gain popularity. Surely each of us has at least once come across an infographic where the sizes of various architectural structures were marked relative to. It’s really interesting what the dimensions of modern colossi are. For example, what is higher - or the Eiffel Tower? Let's try to figure this out.

Eiffel, or How it all began

"Daughters" of Eiffel

What could Americans and French have in common? It turns out that national symbols, the Statue of Liberty, were also created according to the drawings of the famous Eiffel. Probably not everyone knows how tall she is: 93 meters, but her French sister is much taller - as much as 324 meters. It still remains a mystery how one person managed to create such beautiful structures that have become symbols of countries. Moreover, this should be done not from noble marble or gold, but from simple metal. It doesn’t matter what is higher - the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower, the important thing is that Gustave Eiffel created not just structures, he created symbols of the era.
