Digor Gorge village. Upper Digoria in one day

The trip to the Digor Gorge had been planned for a long time, but on this particular day we weren’t going to go, we had completely different plans... But, probably, the stars aligned that way, and in the morning, over a cup of coffee, we decide - we’re going!
The weather was pleasant, a sunny autumn day + good mood and we were on our way.
I want to say right away that I didn’t like it - there are no signs to attractions, it was difficult to find where to eat (there are practically no cafes), and the lack of gas stations (you must take gasoline with you).
In the meantime, we are passing through Kabardino-Balkaria

Let's go to Ossetia

We drive to Figator as our final destination, the village of Dzinaga. We have some little information along the route, but we didn’t think that the objects were not marked anywhere for tourists and we would have to look for them at random... and this is a waste of time (((.
We reach the tunnel, a little before reaching it, there is a turn to the right - this path leads to the Devil's Bridge, which spans the Urukh River.

The place is called Akhsinta Canyon, and if you drive across the bridge, the road will lead to the Didinag (flower) tract, to hay meadows. The height of the canyon is about 70 meters

We drive past the bronze monument to Uastrji. Its weight is 13 tons, height 6 meters + cliff 30 meters.

Not far from the monument there is a men's sanctuary, there is a legend about how it appeared -
Hundreds of years ago, a lone traveler was traveling along a narrow road. Suddenly the cart almost fell into a cliff, but miraculously the man remained alive, as if some unknown force prevented him from falling to the bottom of the ravine. In gratitude to Saint Uastirdzhi, this sanctuary was erected, which has already been renewed several times

And all around are mountains, sun and clean air!

The place where the great prayer festival takes place

On the opposite bank, high in the mountains, we see the remains of towers and decide to turn off. The turnoff is approximately five km away. from the tunnel and leads to the remains of the villages of Lezgir, Donifars, to the Satayi Obao crypt and to the necropolis.

Climbing upward, we come across an archaeological expedition that has been traveling to these places for about 20 years and is excavating the settlement of Saouar. On a plot of only 70 sq.m. A powerful production center has been discovered, including 5 pottery workshops, 2 metallurgical complexes for smelting ferrous metal and bronze, a bone-carving complex and a charcoal burner's workshop! The age of the village is 2-4 centuries. BC!
The guys had already preserved the excavations until next year and the most interesting things were already covered and packed, but we still clicked the camera as a souvenir

We rise even higher to the ruins of the village of Donifars

A little to the side is the village of Lezgor

Donifarsko-Lezgorsky necropolis

A little history. The village of Lezgor is one of the most ancient villages in mountainous Digoria; in 1886 there were 58 households in it. Residents abandoned it in 1927 after a mudflow, which brought many casualties and destruction. The village was part of Donifar society and an important strategic point. From here the attacks of the Digor feudal lords were repelled. Residents of Lezgor and other Donifar villages never submitted to the local nobility.
The village of Donifars is the only completely Muslim village in Ossetia.
Donifarsko-Lezgorsky necropolis - a large number of stone crypts and stone steles. It is not as famous as the city of the Dead in Dargavs, but is much larger in area and includes tombs of various types. Presumably, burials were made from the 5th to the 18th centuries.

Above the village of Zadalessk, on the edge of the cliff, the Sedanovs’ tower is visible

Along the road Tsyrt is a roadside stone in memory of a deceased person

In front of the Dzinaga camp site, on a stone, is a rather tattered portrait of Stalin.

We pass the tourist center and enter the village of Dzinaga

In general, we have completed our plan, it is already three o’clock in the afternoon, and we are terribly hungry))). Unfortunately, there are no cafes; at the camp site we were told that vacationers cook for themselves, because... the season is closed...
And only after returning to the village of Matsuta, right before entering the reserve, we found a shop where we were fed delicious Ossetian pies of enormous size. A master class on making them was held for me, so I hope that on winter evenings we will eat Ossetian pies at home and remember sunny Ossetia)))

We didn’t see much, so there will be a goal to return...

Looking at the Digor Gorge on the map, you can immediately notice its distinctive feature. It lies in the altitude of its location above sea level - about 2000 meters. Ossetians call the Digor Gorge “Country” because people with ancient history and original traditions passed on from generation to generation.

The Otkritie travel club offers exciting adventure tours to the world of ancient towers and sanctuaries, stormy mountain rivers and glaciers, alpine meadows and the hot southern sun. Our trips include:

  • active recreation in nature;
  • acquaintance with rituals, architecture and national cuisine Ossetian.

We select unique author's routes for each traveler, based on his preferences and individual preparedness.

Geographical characteristics of the Digor Gorge

Digoria is located in the southwest of North Ossetia, in its farthest corner. From the capital Vladikavkaz to the gorge you need to drive three hours to cover a distance of 120 km. The Urukh River flows along the bottom of the Digor Gorge.

Conventionally, the entire area is divided into parts:

  • Stur-Digora (Ustur-Digoræ - “big Digoria”);
  • Tapan-Digora (Tæpæn-Digoræ - “planar Digoria”);
  • Donifars (literally - “side of the river”);
  • Uallagkom (Uællagkom - “upper gorge”).

At first, the asphalt highway runs along flat terrain before and for some time after the village of Chikola. And only after a while you realize that you are already in the mountains. Cool serpentine It spirals ever higher around grandiose rocks. Renting a holiday home in the Digor Gorge is not difficult. The people here have always been famous for their hospitality and respect for the traveler.

Around every turn, a new discovery awaits the traveler. The first to meet the traveler at the entrance to the Digor Gorge is the Devil's Bridge. The height from its level to the bottom of the abyss is equal to the height of a 25-story building. In this place in 1919, near the bridge, Red detachments defeated the disunited White Guard of General Denikin.

It is from this transition that one can contemplate the whole perspective deep canyon Akhsinta, whose length is 5 km. In some places, bubbling springs and mountain streams burst out from the mass of rocks. By tourist reviews waterfalls are the pearl of the Digor Gorge, irrigating barren stones.
Soon the mountainous terrain partes somewhat and reveals sunny valley. Above its banks one can see stone security structures and ancient settlements of the highlanders:

  • Donifars;
  • Lezgor;
  • Zadalesk;
  • Khanaz.

On the flat pastures you can still see large herds of horses. You can see such photos of the Digor Gorge on our website, and then photograph these beauties yourself during the hike.

Sights of the Digor Gorge

Zadalesk is now a residential village. Several families live here, and some stay in the gorge for the winter. The deserted streets of the village make you think that the inhabitants have abandoned them. But in fact, everyone is busy with their own business, some tending flocks of sheep, some making cheese. No gourmet restaurant food can compare with the taste of these natural products grown in the cleanest air of the highlands. The weather in the Digor Gorge is favorable for cultivating grain and keeping small livestock.

Our adventure tours allow you to get a powerful boost of energy, improve your health and expand your horizons during active recreation in North Ossetia.

Mountain Digoria is divided into Eastern and Western parts. The conventional border between them is considered to be the bed of the main water artery of Digoria - Urukh (Irafa in Digor style), which in the upper reaches is formed from the confluence of the Karaugomdon and Khares rivers. After merging with the Karaugomdon River (absolute height 1490 m), flowing out from under the Karaugom glacier, Urukh immediately becomes high-water, increasing in water volume by 2.5-3 times. Flowing further along the bottom of the wide Urukh gorge, the Urukh River receives its two largest tributaries: on the left - Bilyagidon, on the right - Aigamugidon. The Urukh plain comes out near the village of Kalukh (absolute height 750 m). Thus, over a relatively short distance - 20 km, the drop in height is almost 750 m. You can imagine the speed of the water flow.

The road to the upper reaches of the Digor Gorge is laid along the Urukh River and passes the “gate” national park"Alania" in the village of Matsuta.

Almost all the natural attractions of Western Digoria are located on the territory of the Alania Park, access to which is still free (2016).
After Matsuta, the road turns to the left bank of the Urukh. The valley gradually narrows, the slopes become steeper, and a forest appears. The outlines of the surrounding mountains become sharp, the peaks are sharp and rocky, and the slopes become steep and steep.

After 6 km from Matsuta we find ourselves in the village of Akhsau, beyond which the Digora gorge becomes wider. From here you can clearly see the entire Urukh Gorge - a grandiose trough with a flat, wide bottom and steep steep slopes. To the right of the road rise the spurs of the Sugansky ridge, to the left - the Kazatykhokh massif - two huge links of the Side Range, separated by the transverse valley of the Urukh River. The river flows along a wide bottom, winding and dividing into numerous branches.

The peculiar trough-like (trough-shaped) shape indicates that it was created not only by the river, but also by an ancient glacier that descended 20-25 thousand years ago from northern slope Main Dividing Range.

Another 4 km of the way, and at the foot of the Chirkh ridge, where the Karaugomdon and Khares rivers - the two main sources of the Urukh River - merge, the road forks. To the left, across the bridge along the Karaugomdon River, the road goes to the Dzinaga tourist center and further to the village of Dzinaga.

We will continue our journey along another road along the Khares River to the Khares, or Upper Digor, gorge. Here it would be appropriate to talk about the origin of the name of the gorge Digorsky. It comes from the name of the Ossetian ethnic group - Digorians (in Ossetian - “Digoron” or “Dyguron”), who have long inhabited the Urukha Gorge.

The Verkhne-Digorskoe gorge is very beautiful. From the south, above the greenery of the forests, the peaks of the Main Dividing Range, exceeding 4000 m, sparkle with white snow; from the north, no less high granite massifs of the Sugansky Range rise.

The road passes through the villages of Moska, Odola and Stur-Digora, which is located 6 km from the fork in the road. At the end of the 19th century. it was the largest village in mountainous Digoria. In 1884, there were 588 residents (67 households).

Nowadays, like all mountain villages, Stur-Digora (Ustur-Digora, Big Digoria - Ossetian) is not experiencing better times. The number of households, and accordingly, the number of residents, decreased sharply. But many new brick houses under tiles and slates also appeared. In Stur-Digor, old buildings (Khadzars) are well preserved. The lower floor of such a house had a commercial purpose, and the upper one served as housing.

In the village in 2007, a chapel was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.” This is one of the highest mountains (2300 meters above sea level) in Europe and Russian Federation chapel. A landmark of sorts.

The blue (the color of the Virgin Mary) pyramidal dome of the chapel seems even bluer against the backdrop of snow-white peaks, because from the village of Stur-Digora there is a wonderful view of the mountains. The cone-shaped green Mount Kubus, sacred to the Digorians, is clearly visible, which separates the valleys of the Hares and Tanadon rivers.

The last village in the gorge is Kussu, which is located near Stor Digora - 3 km. When you are at the top of Kubus, you notice that the villages of the Verkhne-Digorsky gorge are located on the left bank of the Khares almost nearby. Between them are holiday villages and new recreation centers, so it seems that the houses of the villages stretch along the road in a single street.

Another 1 km from Kussu, and we approach the Rostselmash recreation center.

From here begins the resort area of ​​the Digor Gorge with recreation centers of various sizes and comfort - for every taste and budget. On a section of the gorge 3 km from the Rostselmash recreation center, among pine forests there are such comfortable shelters as “Eagle’s Nest”, “Sky Threshold”, “Tana-Park”, “Koma-Art”.

Tour route: Mineralnye Vody- Digora gorge - Matsuta - Karaugom gorge - Uazakhokh massif - medieval settlements Zadalesk and Khanaz - river gorge. Tana-don - Tana-tsete glaciers - Taymazinsky waterfalls - Mineralnye Vody

In mountainous Digoria you will be greeted by clean soft air, silence broken only by the eternal splash of the waters of the Hares River, the blessed sun that becomes closer to you by as much as 2000 meters, the endless blue ocean of the sky, icy cliffs, indescribable beauty and grandeur of mountain peaks and, of course , an indescribable feeling of the infinity of the universe and a living connection with it. Active walks to glaciers and waterfalls are the main part of the program, and a visit will enhance it local residents, a touch of the history of this ancient land.

Suitable for active tourists who have no contraindications to active physical activity.
The tour does not require special physical training, but normal health.
Recommended age up to 65 years.
According to the number of seats, one group can consist of 6-10 people.

Transport: Bus/minibus.


1-, 2-seater:
"Tana Park Hotel" 3* comfortably located in the farthest picturesque corner of the Digor Gorge on the left bank of the Khares River in the “horseshoe” of natural attractions: Metelaska Falls, Mount Kubus, spurs of Laboda and Sugansky ridge. In the protected area of ​​the complex there is a hotel building and a bar-restaurant “Hares”. The lobby features a small library and a chess table. The hotel's water supply system supplies the purest glacial water, so you can drink from the tap. There is a swimming pool on site open air and a Russian bathhouse.
The Standard number requires one or double occupancy(22 sq.m). The room has a hairdryer, refrigerator, TV, internet (wi fi), bathrobes, slippers.
Bar-restaurant "Hares" will be glad to offer you dishes of Caucasian and European cuisine, prepared with soul by a team of chefs from products of local farmers and gifts of nature. In the cozy halls of the restaurant, designed in the original style, you will be served by attentive staff and guided through the menu.
Breakfast according to the " buffet» from 08.30 to 10.00.
Check-in from 14.00.
Check-out is until 12.00.

Tour program

1st day

Arrival. Meet Digoria.
Arrival in the morning at the airport (train station) of Mineralnye Vody.
Group transfer at 11.30 to the Digor Gorge of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania(the journey to the border is 3 hours).
Lunch on your own. In the national cafe in the village of Chikola you will be offered dishes of Ossetian cuisine.
In the company of a guide, you will drive to the main gate of mountain Digoria - the Akhsinta canyon. It is in this place that the canyon narrows so much that it turns into a stone trench, and it becomes visible how the Urukh River beats at a depth of seventy meters among the rocks. The canyon amazes with its grandeur. Its steep walls are formed by cliffs of gray layered Jurassic limestone. Some karst springs spectacularly fall into the abyss.
Along the way, you will be met and escorted on a good journey by a sculpture of the most revered saint in Ossetia - St. George (Ossetian: Uastirdzhi). You will also visit the village of Matsuta, located at the confluence of the Aygomugidon and Urukh rivers. “There is no further way” - this is how its name is translated.
Arrival at the Tana Park hotel, which is comfortably located in the farthest picturesque corner of the Digora gorge on the left bank of the Khares River in the “horseshoe” of natural attractions: Metelaska Falls, Mount Kubus, spurs of Laboda and Sugansky ridge. In the evening, introduction of the group, discussion of the tour program.

Cities: Mineralnye Vody, Matsuta

Attractions: Akhsinta Canyon, Sugansky Range

Reservoirs: Hares River

2nd day

Walk along the Karaugomsky gorge.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Meeting with a guide, leaving by SUV for the auto-walking route to the Karaugom Gorge (the length of the round-trip walk is 10-12 km).
Behind the village of Dzinaga you will get a pass to the border zone and go towards the glacier. The trail goes along the Karaugom-Don River among deciduous and coniferous forests, in which there are many strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Once upon a time, the Karaugom glacier was the only glacier in the Caucasus that cut deeply into the forest zone, but its ice has retreated and it is now dangerous to get close to it due to rockfalls. The route ends at the crossing of the Karaugom-Don River, which offers a magnificent view of the glacier and picturesque mountain peaks. The length of the Karaugom glacier is now just over 13 kilometers, it has two magnificent icefalls and is considered one of the largest in the North Caucasus.
Lunch on the way (packed rations).
Return to the hotel, rest. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Nutrition: Breakfast, lunch (packed rations).

Cities: Dzinaga

Attractions: Karaugom Gorge

3rd day

Mount Kubus and Taymazinsky waterfalls.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Today you will climb to the top of Mount Qubus. This low mountain is covered in legends and traditions. The ascent will delight you with beautiful panoramas and virgin forests covering the slopes of Kubus. Having descended from the mountain, you will continue your walk around its foot to the Taymazinsky waterfalls, which look especially spectacular from afar. Three snow-white streams fall at a distance of 150-200 meters from each other. The waterfalls originate on the Taymazi glacier and fall picturesquely from steep cliffs.
Lunch (packed rations) and herbal tea await you on the banks of the crystal clear Tana-don River.
On the way to the hotel, the guide will invite you to get acquainted with the Bayradi waterfall, which falls from the rocks and breaks into thousands of splashes. If you are not afraid of the ice shower, then you can get very close to this waterfall.
Return to the hotel, rest. Free time at the resort.
Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Nutrition: Breakfast, lunch (packed rations).

Attractions: Taymazi glacier, Tana-dona gorge

Reservoirs: Taymazinskie waterfalls, Bayradi waterfall

4th day

Ancient Ossetian villages of Khanaz and Zadalesk.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Today you will go on a journey through medieval Ossetian villages and get acquainted with the life, culture and architectural traditions of medieval Ossetia. Taking an off-road vehicle to the village of Khanaz, you will see unique monuments medieval architecture - the Frigate castle, which looks like a ship, Ossetian circuses and crypts, the Sedanov tower, located on an impregnable rock. Next you will go to the village of Zadalesk. Near the village there is the main active sanctuary of this place, Dzuar Digori-Izad (Angel of Digoria), which has been revered by the Digorians since time immemorial. Digori-Izad is a large cave in which there are tables for sacred meals, the ceiling is made of deer antlers, and the walls are decorated with the skulls of sacrificial animals. In the village of Zadalesk you will visit the museum of the mother-savior of Alanian children - Nana Zadaleskaya.
Lunch awaits you in the Uallagkom gorge, in a hospitable Ossetian family, where you will be treated to homemade Ossetian pies and tea made with herbs collected in the mountains. During the meeting you will learn about the lifestyle and customs of modern local residents.
Leaving Uallagkom you will go up to the Abisalovs’ battle tower, located in the village of Makhchesk. The tower is built on a mountain ledge and seems to float above the gorge.

Nutrition: Breakfast, lunch.

Attractions: Uazakhokh massif, medieval settlement of Zadalesk, medieval settlement of Khanaz (North Ossetia-Alania Republic)

5th day

Glaciers of Tana-cete.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Exit to the route. Today you will hike along the Tana-dona gorge to the Tana-tsete glaciers. The length of the round trip route is 10-12 km. During your walk, you will find yourself captivated by unique, intricate vegetation: juniper, dwarf perennial deciduous trees. mountain trail will take you to the amphitheater of mountains: Western Taymazi, Chashura, Tsiteli, Digoria Peak, the peaks of Western and Main Laboda. On the slopes of these peaks there are glaciers, among which the largest is the Tanacete glacier.
Lunch on the way (packed rations).
Return to the hotel. Dinner on your own in the hotel restaurant.

Nutrition: Breakfast, lunch (packed rations).

Attractions: Tana-dona gorge, Tana-tsete glacier

6th day

Trekking to the upper reaches of the Hares River.
Breakfast at the hotel.
It’s not for nothing that Digoria is often called “the valley of a thousand waterfalls and rainbows.” There are really a lot of waterfalls here. Today, under the guidance of a guide, you will go on a hike along the Hares River gorge (the length of the walking part in both directions is 11-12 km). During the walk you will see the deep and narrow canyon of the Kharese River, many waterfalls and the rocky peaks of the Sugansky ridge.
Lunch (packed rations). Return to the hotel.
In the evening, there will be a festive group dinner, during which you will share your impressions of meeting Digoria.

Nutrition: Breakfast, lunch (packed rations), dinner.

Attractions: Sugansky ridge

Reservoirs: Hares River

7th day

Breakfast at the hotel. Check out from the hotel until 12.00. Free time at the resort.
If you wish, you can take an excursion to the village of Galiat (additional fee).
The village of Galiat is located in the Uallagkom Gorge. This is a unique medieval architectural complex. Houses here were previously built in tiers. The roof of one house served as a yard for another, so the Galianians could easily visit each other without leaving their own yard. Typical Ossetian towers, consisting of four floors, have also been preserved in Galiat.
Lunch on your own.
At 14.00 departure from the gorge to Mineralnye Vody airport (5 hours travel time) for evening flights after 19.00.

Nutrition: Breakfast.

Cities: Mineralnye Vody

Tour conditions

Venue Meeting on the day of arrival at the airport or at the Mineralnye Vody railway station with a sign “Legends of Mountain Digoria”.
Meeting at the Mineralnye Vody airport in the parking lot opposite the arrivals hall, bus/guide with a sign “Legends of Mountain Digoria”. A group transfer from the airport departs at 11.30 (the number and brand of the bus and the driver’s phone number are communicated in advance).
It is possible to meet at the Mineralnye Vody railway station with trains arriving before 11.00; meeting contacts will be provided before arrival. At the Mineralnye Vody railway station, meet in front of the main entrance to the railway station.
Seeing off- on the day of departure (from the gorge) at 14:00 there is a group transfer (the journey takes about 5 hours) to the airport (train station) Mineralnye Vody for trains/flights departing after 19:00.
Moscow time. Transport Bus/minibus. The price includes Transport services according to the program, including group transfers airport (railway) Mineralnye Vody - hotel - airport (railway) Mineralnye Vody, accommodation at the Tana Park hotel, meals according to the program (breakfasts at the hotel, lunches in the form of dry rations on days 2, 3, 5, 6, family lunch on day 4, gala dinner on day 6), mountain guide services, eco-fees of the national park. Possible additional payments Meals not included in the program (lunches on days 1 and 7, dinners), additional. on-site services, alcoholic beverages, individual transfers, luggage carrying, insurance.
Individual transfer - extra. fee 6000 rub/car. Discounts According to the price table. Meals According to the program. Complex. Breakfast at the hotel, lunch in the form of packed rations on days 2, 3, 5, 6, lunch in the family on day 4, gala dinner on day 6. Important In case of deterioration weather conditions we reserve the right to change the tour program or route.
We recommend that citizens of the Russian Federation take a compulsory health insurance card for each trip participant when traveling.
The travel agency reserves the right to change the order of excursions, as well as replace them with equivalent ones while maintaining the total volume of the excursion program.
The travel agency reserves the right to replace the hotel with an equivalent one.
If tourists do not show up at the appointed time, no refunds will be made for unused excursions.
It is necessary to arrive at the meeting point at the appointed time, otherwise the responsibility for joining the group falls entirely on the tourist.
Accommodation in a double room (i.e., booking one bed in a double room) is possible by agreement with the Dolphin tour operator. Children Accepted from 12 years old Attention The route passes through the border area. For citizens of CIS countries, it is necessary to obtain a border pass and submit documents 45 days in advance. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the pass will be issued during the tour. Useful tips Recommended items: sunscreen and glasses, sun hat, comfortable walking shoes (sneakers with non-slip soles or boots for light trekking), comfortable clothes for the season (insulated jacket, sweater, light hat, gloves), waterproof windproof jacket (raincoat), swimwear, a towel, individual medications for chronic diseases, a polyurethane foam seat, trekking poles, a headlamp with spare batteries, a flask or plastic bottle for drinking water. Documents for the trip: Tourist voucher, REMINDER according to the tour, passport (general civil), for children under 14 years old - birth certificate. Cancellation conditions According to the agreement.

This article will talk about amazingly beautiful mountainous places, famous for its numerous historical monuments and magnificent natural landscapes.

This one is unique natural monument located in What is the Digori Gorge? The relief, attractions and many interesting things will be discussed in this article.

North Ossetia: general information

Alania (North Ossetia), part of the Russian Federation, is located in the north Caucasus Mountains. The entire territory has an area of ​​approximately 8 thousand square meters. km, and it is inhabited by more than 670 thousand people. The overwhelming majority of people living here are Ossetians (approximately 53%) and Russians (30%). There are also Ingush and Armenians in the Republic. The administrative center of the Republic is the city of Vladikavkaz.

The largest cities in the region are Beslan, Mozdok and Alagir. Since 1991, North Ossetia has had the status of a Republic, part of the Russian

Forests occupy a fifth of the territory, and they are predominantly broad-leaved (hornbeam, beech, linden, ash, alder, oak, maple).

Mountain range of the region

Let's take a quick look mountain range these places before we find out what it is like - the Digor Gorge.

North Ossetia has a border with Kabardino-Balkaria in the west, the Stavropol Territory in the north, and the Chechen Republic and Ingushetia in the east. Its southern territory borders on Georgia.

The entire republic is located in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus and on its northern slope. The northern territories are located on the Stavropol Plain, the southern ones - on the Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges. In the southern part of the region there are Bokovoy and Main ridges Greater Caucasus. Highest point is Jimara Peak (height 4780 m). The Ossetian Plain extends in the central part of the North Caucasus. The low-mountain ridges mentioned above rise from it, and behind them is the Mozdok Plain.

There are eternal glaciers in the Ossetian mountains, the largest of which are Tseysky and Karaug. The highlands are intersected by numerous Kasarsky, Dargavsky, Kurtatinsky, Alagirsky, Kobansky, Tseysky. These include the Digor Gorge. Along them and their side branches pass the beds of mountain rivers of glacial-snow origin and connecting at the exit from the mountains with the large, full-flowing Ardon, Urukh, and Kambileevka.

Features of climatic conditions

The climate in these places is temperate continental. On average, temperatures in January reach -4 °C, and in mid-summer - up to +22 °C. In total, about 800 mm of precipitation falls per year.

The North Ossetian zone is marked by increased seismicity. Also in the mountains there are quite frequent occurrences of powerful snow avalanches, and numerous mudflows and rockfalls occur. Heavy hail is often observed on the foothill plain. He causes great harm to the republic.

In any case, North Ossetia (Alania) is widely popular among tourists and vacationers.

The most beautiful and farthest from the city of Vladikavkaz (120 km) is the Digorskoye gorge, located in the west of North Ossetia.

It is located in the basin of the Urukh (Iraf) River, whose tributaries originate in the kingdom of huge centuries-old glaciers and ancient snows. The rocky ridge in which the gorge formed is located parallel to the main ridge.

In Digoria there is a wonderful national natural park"Alania". Depending on the altitude above sea level, you can find here either wet or magnificent forests. There is also a forest-steppe zone, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, and streams.

Like everyone else North Caucasus The Digor Gorge also abounds in amazing historical and cultural monuments.

Facts from history

The narrowest point of the gorge is Akhsinta, which is a natural fortress. It should be noted that its walls saved local highlanders from enemies more than once.

There is another interesting point. In the area of ​​​​the villages of Lezgor, Donifars, Nar and Zadalesk there was the 2nd defensive line (Matsute center). On watchtowers, on the hills, in case of any danger, damp straw was lit. Thanks to the resulting smoke, news of the threat quickly spread throughout Digoria.

Watchtowers and family towers have been preserved in many areas of Digoria. Some ancient dwellings also remain here, especially in the villages of Dzinaga, Kamunta, Mosca, Dunta and Odola.

Holidays in the Digor Gorge: attractions

As a rule, a trip to Digoria usually begins from the village of Chikola. Due to the large distance from major settlements and due to the lack of a good road, people do not come to these places to relax for 1-2 days.

In general, you can relax in these places only in the summer months, and in winter time It is better not to go there, as heavy snowfalls prevail during this period. However, it is worth noting that the scenery in the gorge is beautiful at any time of the year.

Let's carry out small excursion on the way to the gorge. After the first village, the road along the plain leads through the village. Ahsarisar. Its name translates as “the height of military valor.” It is named after the fact that in ancient times in these places the Alans heroically fought the Tatar-Mongols (Timur’s troops), who tried to penetrate deep into the gorge.

Further the road passes by the village of Kalukh and stretches to the very foot of the Skalisty ridge. In these places, not far from the tunnel, lies the Akhsinta canyon, across which a concrete bridge was built, nicknamed “Devil’s” by tourists. From this bridge there is a magnificent view of the Urukh River, the forest in the western part of the gorge and the streams flowing from karst springs descending from the steep walls.

Many not only historical monuments, but North Ossetia also has natural attractions. The Digor Gorge is famous for one of the most magnificent and largest glaciers - Karaugomsky, which is the second largest in the entire North Caucasus.

A little about the origin of the name of the gorge

It comes from the name of the Ossetian ethnic group - Digors (in Ossetian - “Digoron” or “Dyguron”).

They are native speakers of the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language and represent the bulk of the population of this republic.
