The daughter of the head of Korean Air was sent to prison for a year. Korean Air is in crisis due to the "nut scandal" Daughter of the head of Korean

Cho Chung Hoon was born in 1920 and founded Hanjin Transportation with the desire to “serve the development of the Korean nation.” The result of his aspiration was more than half a century of his own innovations in the field of logistics.

Mr. Cho founded Hanjin Group while doing business in Vietnam and used his international business experience to revive the national economy.

The subsidiaries founded by Cho Chung Hoon include Korean Air (founded in 1969), Hanjin Shipping and Jungseok Enterprise (founded in 1977). They enabled the creation of a specialized, fully functional logistics company providing services on land, sea and air.

Korean Air embodied his promise to serve the national interest and ushered in an era of "rebirth of the nation." As a result of his passion for purpose, creativity in executing strategy and sense of duty, Korean Air is today ranked among the top 10 best airlines peace.

Mr. Cho chose to be a leader and forge his own path without copying those around him. His firm belief in exhibiting "patriotism in transportation services" has become the basis for the growth of Hanjin Group. Today, his focus and focus on the industry has allowed the companies he founded to make a name for the Korean people in the global market.

Mr. Cho understood that finding and developing talent was the cornerstone of a company's success, and he gave it an important role. This resulted in the founding of the Inha Institute in 1968 and the Heoseka Institute in 1979. To cultivate talented employees, he founded the first national industrial college - Hanjin Industrial College (currently Heoseka College), which provided the opportunity to obtain higher education to those who previously had no access to it.

Privatization of Korean Air put national interests above profits and allowed for network expansion international routes. Despite difficult conditions, Cho Chung Hong contributed to the development of the economy and foreign diplomatic relations by taking on the role of people's diplomat. His achievements were recognized by Korea with the highest level medal of honor and recognized by other countries, including France, Belgium, Mongolia, Holland and Germany.

Young Ho Cho, Chairman and CEO

Cho Chung Hoon is the Chairman, CEO and major shareholder of Hanjin Group, an international group of companies in the aviation, maritime and land transportation industries. The Hanjin Group includes Korean Air, Hanjin Transportation, as well as educational institutions and non-profit organizations.

Mr. Cho became chairman and CEO of Korean Air in 1999. He previously served as the company's President and CEO. He began working as a manager at Korean Air's regional headquarters in North and South America in 1974 and worked his way up to leadership positions.

In addition to his corporate positions, Mr. Cho is Vice President of the Federation of Korean Industries and Co-Chair of the U.S.-Korea Business Council. He is also co-chairman of the Korea-France Senior Business Club and served as co-president of l'Année France-Corée 2015-2016' in celebration of the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and France. He participates in the Political Strategy Committee and the Board of Governors of the International Association of air transport(IATA).

Mr. Cho led the delegation to bid for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, which was successful by the International Olympic Committee. He then served as President and CEO of the 2018 PyeongChang Games Organizing Committee.

After receiving a bachelor's degree in industrial management from Inha University (Incheon, Korea), Mr. Cho received an MBA from the University of Southern California (USC) and a PhD from Inha University. He received honorary doctorates from Embry-Riddle Aerospace University (Florida) and the National Aviation University of Ukraine. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Inha-Heosek Foundation, which includes Inha and Hankuk Aeronautical Universities, and as a member of the USC Board of Trustees.

The results of Mr. Cho's many years of work have been widely recognized. He received the title "Grand Commander" of the Legion of Honor of France, the Order of the Polar Star of Mongolia and the Order of Civil Merit of Korea - the highest awards for civil merit of these countries.

The reputation of Korea's largest airline, Korean Air, is under attack again. Emily Cho, the youngest daughter of Cho Yan Cho, the head of the airline, threw water on a representative of an advertising firm collaborating with Korean Air during a corporate party.

Until that moment, Emily Cho was (her father immediately fired her) the deputy head of the airline, and now the police are searching her office in Seoul. This is not the first case of scandals caused by the behavior of family members of the chairman of the board at work.

Almost four years ago, Emily Cho's older sister, Heather, became famous for the scandal caused to her at the airport. John Kennedy (JFK) in New York. Outraged by the fact that the nuts were served to her in a bag rather than on a heated saucer (with a blue border?), Ms. Cho ordered the captain of the aircraft (already ready to take off) to return to the terminal and disembark the 1st class steward, who, according to her, I think I served the nuts incorrectly. Before arriving at the terminal, she forced the head of the onboard staff to beg her forgiveness on his knees.

The plane with 240 passengers took off 20 minutes late, which in truth is not much at the overloaded JFK. But first class passengers, where the daughter of the head of the Korean airline was, received calendars and models of the aircraft they were flying as compensation.

When the incident hit the media, the daughter, father and the entire Korean Air airline were subjected to a barrage of criticism for the feudal relations prevailing in the company. As the case progressed, it became clear that this was not the first such prank of the manager’s capricious daughter. Previously, she caused a scandal over incorrectly served Korean noodles. Heather Cho paid for her whims with the loss of her position and a five-month prison sentence. The head of the onboard staff was reinstated in his position and job.
Now the head of the airline has also fired his youngest daughter and said that there is no other way out of this situation than to replace his daughters with professional managers. At the same time, he also fired his middle daughter, who was the director of Kal Hotel Networks, a chain of hotels owned by Korean Airlines.

Occupying high positions by family members of executives is a common practice in South Korea. This continues at Hyundai and Lotte Group, and it was the same at Samsung. This state of affairs has been criticized by investors who believe that such companies lack transparency.

Andrey Bochkarev

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The daughter of the head of a Korean airline was imprisoned for 1 year due to a scandal with nuts: South Korean travel news.

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Family ties did not help the daughter of the head of the national airline of South Korea: the vice president of Korean Air and the daughter of the owner of the airline, Cho Hyun Ah, was found in violation of the country's aviation legislation and sentenced to 1 year in prison.

Let us remember that in December 2014, Cho Hyun Ah caused a scandal on board the plane because the flight attendant brought her nuts that she did not order. Another complaint from the daughter of the airline owner was that the nuts were brought in a package and not on a plate, as required by the rules.

By order of a high-ranking passenger, who at that time was the vice president of Korean Air, the plane's departure from Seoul to New York was delayed, and the senior flight attendant was removed from the flight. The court ruled that Cho Hyun Ah violated the dignity of an airline employee.

Before the trial began, Cho Hyun Ah apologized for her behavior and resigned from the company, but the court considered her repentance insufficient and found her guilty of violating aviation safety regulations and interfering with an investigation. In addition, one of the witnesses stated that the woman hit a crew member.

Prosecutors demanded a 3-year sentence for the rowdy woman, but the defense insisted that no safety rules were violated. In court, Cho Hyun Ah cried while reading out her appeal, in which she asked for forgiveness for what happened, but the judge considered her repentance to be fake and sentenced the Korean woman to 1 year in prison.

A South Korean court has rendered a verdict in the “nut scandal” case. The daughter of Korean Air CEO Cho Hyun Ah was sentenced to a year in prison for an incident that occurred on board a plane in early December 2014, Reuters reports.

December 5 at international airport John F. Kennedy in New York, one of the flight attendants, before flying to Incheon, served Cho nuts in a bag, and not on a plate, as instructed. At that time, the accused held the position of vice president of the airline and flew first class. Outraged by such service, Cho demanded that the flight attendant be removed from the flight. The aircraft commander, who was heading to the runway, had to return to the airport building. In addition, during the scandal, Cho shouted and insulted the flight attendants, forcing them to beg for forgiveness on their knees, notes The Telegraph. “This is an example of a violation of human dignity,” said the judge who delivered the verdict.

This behavior of the former vice president of Korean Air caused public outrage. As the scandal gained momentum, Cho resigned and was placed in custody on December 30. Cho was accused of violating aviation safety regulations and obstructing justice by using his position. According to media reports, her company tried to force crew members to lie about the incident, allegedly the flight attendant left the board of her own free will.

[, 02/12/2015, “The culprit of the “nut scandal” in a South Korean airline was sentenced to a year in prison”: According to Yonhap, the prosecution noted that the culprit of the scandal tried to influence the experts of the South Korean Ministry of Transport who carried out the inspection incident. - Insert]

The prosecutor's office demanded that she be sentenced to three years in prison, but the court found her not guilty on the second count. Another airline executive was convicted of obstruction of justice and received an eight-month prison sentence.

[Kommersant.Ru, 02/03/2015, “Three years in prison for the “nut scandal” at Korean Air”: During yesterday’s court hearing, Korean Air senior flight attendant Park Chang-jin said that Ms. Chae Hyun-ah treated him and his colleague to a flight attendant "like slaves" as she forced them to kneel before her in the first class cabin. Cho Hyun Ah said she regrets her action, which she said was due to her dedication to her work. […]
The case of Cho Hyun Ah is perceived in South Korea as a symbol of nepotism reigning in business. The large family-owned conglomerates, called chobols, that dominate business in South Korea have traditionally been seen as a source of wealth for elites with little regard for the rule of law. Private Korean Air is part of the Hanjin Chobol, owned by the Cho family, but also has special status as the country's national airline. Therefore, a blow to the company’s image is perceived in Korea as a blow to the image of the state. - Insert]

Cho's lawyers insisted that her behavior did not affect the plane's change of course. The judge categorically disagreed with them. “It makes sense to understand the course as not only the route in the air, but also the ground movement during the flight,” he said. Cho herself claimed that she did not know that the plane had started moving. But the judge rejected this claim too, noting that the staff informed her about this, to which she demanded to stop the plane. According to him, the actions of the accused led to a delay of 24 minutes, interfered with other airport operations and created a threat of collision with other flights.

“Although she had the right to remove a crew member from his duties as an employee of the company, such right should have been exercised in accordance with due process before the flight,” the judge said, noting that the return of the aircraft was beyond her scope. powers. The court said the pilot's decision to return to the airport was made on Cho's orders and was not his own. “This incident might not have happened if she did not consider the employees her slaves and controlled her temper,” the presiding officer said. “This is a serious incident that has put the safety of passengers at risk.”

The judge explained that he took into account the fact that the accused had 20-month-old twins, the absence of other criminal records and the fact that the accident did not happen after all, but added that it caused serious harm to the victims.

“As far as I understand, she repents,” said the defendant’s lawyer, noting that he has not yet discussed with his client the possibility of appealing the verdict. She also stated her repentance in a letter sent to the court. During sentencing, the judge read her letter of apology. At that moment, Cho, dressed in a green prison uniform, lowered her head, hiding her face under her long dark hair, and began to cry. According to the Korea Times, Cho sent six letters to the court apologizing and asking for leniency. In one of them, the accused told how she was adapting to prison life, where she was given only the bare necessities at a minimum. She said she was humbled by the generosity of other prisoners who shared lotion, shampoo and other toiletries with her, The New York Times noted. The judge admitted that he doubted the sincerity of her words. “I hope she really understands that she was wrong,” he said.

Korean Air declined to comment. Earlier, the president of the airline, Cho's father, publicly apologized for his daughter's behavior. As noted by the media, Cho is the eldest of his three children, who also hold senior positions in the company.

The “salt nuts scandal” surrounding Korean Air Vice President Cho Hyun Ah's outrageous behavior on board the plane continues to grow. Now the reputation of the entire company as a whole is under attack, which, as it turns out, until the last moment tried to shield its superiors, and also tried to silence possible witnesses and participants in the incident. According to people on the plane, Cho insulted, hit and pushed the flight attendant and flight attendant several times. Belated apologies from the main culprit of the incident and the head of the holding cannot yet change the extremely negative public attitude.

Let us remind you that the incident occurred on December 5 on board the South Korean company Korean Air, which was flying along the route KE086 New York - Incheon. The plane, which began to depart from the terminal, unexpectedly returned to the “sleeve”, after which the senior flight attendant got off the plane. As it turned out, the initiator of such zigzags on the plane was the vice president of Korean Air, 40-year-old Cho Hyun Ah, who was also among the passengers. eldest daughter Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding. Cho, who was sitting in the first class cabin, did not like the way she was treated by the flight attendant. A bag of salted nuts was placed in front of Cho, when according to the rules they should have been placed on a plate. The vice president, according to eyewitnesses, threw a scandal, started shouting and eventually ordered the plane to be returned to the terminal and the senior flight attendant removed. As a result of the incident, the flight was delayed by 20 minutes, and the plane arrived at its destination 11 minutes late. This incident immediately became one of the main news in Korea, being called the “salty nut scandal.”

Cho Hyun Ah's resignation from all positions in the company under the pressure of public criticism, an apology from her, as well as from the head of the Hanjin holding, who called her daughter's behavior "stupid", cannot reassure the Koreans. A new reason for indignation was provided by the results of a survey conducted by the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Transport of witnesses and participants in the incident. Despite fears that people will be afraid to go against the leadership large company, they started talking. Chief flight attendant Park Chang-jin, who was dropped off the plane by Cho Hyun-ah, stated that the situation was as follows. When the vice president began to scold the flight attendant, Park came up and apologized. Cho forced both the senior flight attendant and the flight attendant to look up the rules for serving passengers. However, when Cho was handed the file with documents, she continued to swear loudly, picked up the flight attendant who was sitting on her lap and began to push her and the senior flight attendant towards the cockpit. In the process, the vice president hit Park Chan-jin's arm several times, pushed the flight attendant on the shoulder again, and threw a document file at the wall next to her. According to Park, the vice president said from outside the cockpit: "Contact the pilot immediately and stop the plane. I will not let the plane take off." At first, Cho wanted to disembark the flight attendant, but then she said the following, turning to the senior flight attendant: “In general, it’s your fault too, so get out.” After this, the plane was returned to the sleeve, and the flight attendant exited the aircraft.

Speaking to reporters, Park said that the flight attendant was extremely frightened, and the passengers on the plane were stunned, including those who were sitting in the regular cabin, but because of the vice president’s loud voice, everyone could hear. After the incident in the first class cabin, Cho casually said, “I’m sorry for the noise.”

For her part, after interrogation, ex-Vice President Cho Hyun Ah denied everything said, telling reporters that this was the first time she had heard about insults and the use of physical force on her part.

However, the flight attendant and flight attendant provided investigators with approximately the same picture. Their words were at least partially confirmed by a 32-year-old passenger named Park, who was sitting directly in front of Cho. She said Cho screamed very loudly, frightening the passengers, pushed the flight attendant and threw a file with documents against the wall of the plane.

Further details of the incident, which became known to the media, further angered the public. Despite all the denials from Korean Air, it now turns out that the company tried to shield the vice president by shifting all the blame to the flight attendant and flight attendant. Company employees claim that the entire crew was confiscated after the incident. mobile phones to find out who leaked information about the scandal to the media. As senior flight attendant Park Chang-jin said, 5-6 company employees then came to him, saying that he should confirm the company’s version and lie, admitting his guilt. “The person in charge at the Ministry of Transport comes from our company, so if there is a problem, he will help us,” Paku was told. He, however, decided not to remain silent.

Passenger Park also stated that Korean Air also came to her, asking her to take Cho Hyun Ah's side and say that she had apologized enough. “I was outraged by this approach. She didn’t apologize properly at all,” Park told reporters, presenting investigators with a picture of the incident that confirms the words of Park Chang-jin and the flight attendant.

In addition, during searches at the Korean Air headquarters, materials were obtained that prove the company's desire to completely “cover up” the vice president and shift all responsibility to ordinary employees.

The main question now is who actually gave the order to turn the plane around. The fact is that only the commander of the aircraft can command on board, and everyone else, including the company’s management, are ordinary passengers. An attempt to interfere with management can be punished up to a prison term. The return of the liner to the sleeve can only be justified for safety reasons or an emergency situation. The issue of placing nuts in front of passengers is difficult to classify as such a category of cases. Korean Air and Cho Hyun Ah, well aware of the threat to the vice president, unanimously stated that the decision to return the airliner “was made after consultations with the commander, and the order itself was given by the commander of the airliner.” However, now everything is going to the point that the commander was simply afraid to disobey Cho Hyun Ah, who had made a scandal on board, who was very influential and who was predicted to become the president of the company in the near future.

As a result, when ordinary passengers of the airliner began to speak out against the version of the company and management, today Korean Air went into “dead defense”, saying that “it cannot comment on the incident, since the investigation is still ongoing.”

Now it is obvious that the “salted nuts scandal” has reached a qualitatively new level and does not concern only the behavior of one of the managers. The reputation of the country's main air carrier as a whole, which is Korean Air, has been severely damaged. Ordinary Koreans, the media and experts are outraged by the company's desire to hush up the scandal and make ordinary employees guilty. A sarcastic video called “Air Nuts” appeared on the Internet and gained great popularity, which plays on the consonance of the Korean words “salted nuts” and “Korean.” In the recording, in the voice of a regular Korean Air advertisement, they promise to “feed nuts in at its best", clearly hinting at a scandal.

One after another, other unpleasant facts about the company began to emerge. It is noted that the rights of employees in the company are regularly violated, and Cho Hyun Ah always caused scandals on board. “When she flies, the whole crew is on pins and needles. She constantly found fault with something and threw hysterics,” noted one of the former employees of the company. In addition, all the apologies and resignations for Cho Hyun Ah and her father, the head of the Hanjin holding Cho Yang Ho, clearly look forced. They wanted to keep Cho in management until the last minute, noting that “although she made some noise, she should have pointed out the improper service.”

Koreans say that Cho should have apologized from the very beginning, and not now, when all the ugly ins and outs of the scandal began to emerge. In addition, Cho remained stubbornly silent for several days and did not react to the noise that had begun. According to South Korean media, on Sunday, December 14, Cho Hyun Ah and company employees tried to visit the homes of the flight attendant and flight attendant to make a personal apology. Those, as stated, "were not at home, and therefore former Vice President Cho left a personal letter of apology." It is noted that Cho will once again try to personally apologize. Prior to this, Cho’s father apologized for him, admitting that he “raised his children poorly,” and called his daughter’s behavior “stupid.”

But for ordinary Koreans this seems too late. As the media and experts note, “the main air carrier of South Korea is in crisis, once again due to the actions of the management and the approach of the company as a whole.” It is possible that major changes are coming to Korean Air in an attempt to somehow restore public trust and eliminate a serious blow to its reputation.
