Sights of Donetsk: overview and photos of interesting places. Donbass

November 24 2014 11:00


Slavyansk: mud baths, salt and former fortress
The history of the city begins with the small fortress Tor, founded in 1645 on the salt lakes. The city was a center for salt mining and a stronghold for protecting the state from Tatar raids.
Slavyansk is one of the oldest mud resorts in Ukraine. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastritis, and nervous system are treated in local sanatoriums. The bulk of visitors to sanatoriums are miners after work-related injuries, but there are also representatives of other professions. The conditions here are not 5-star, but not bad. Mud really has healing properties, and massage therapists have golden hands.
Slavyansk's sister city is Magdeburg.
Here, as in many cities in the region, there are waste heaps - artificial mountains formed from a mound of waste rock. They can be adapted for sporting purposes.

Svyatogorsk: monumentArtema and cool chalk caves
A visit to the Svyatogorsk Lavra is a common weekend route for vacationers in Slavyansk sanatoriums. The most beautiful place here is a chalk mountain with internal tunnels, monastic cells and the St. Nicholas Monastery at the top.
It’s a special pleasure to travel inside the mountain in the summer: you come out of the heat into a cool chalk tunnel, which centuries ago monks cut along the width of a wine barrel, you climb up for a long time (a pleasant strain on your muscles) in order to have time to miss the sun, and eventually meet it at the top near Nicholas Cathedral- romance.
The main attractions of Svyatogorsk: the Lavra, the monument to Artem by the sculptor Kavaleridze, the old Kamyshev oak.
In general, the city (or rather the village from which it grew) was founded in the 16th century. Cossacks and fugitive peasants from central Russia and Right Bank Ukraine.
Later, the village was ruled by Grigory Potemkin, then by the communists - in general, the history of the city is long, complex (you can’t tell it at once), filled with interesting details. For example, before the revolution there was a horse-drawn trolleybus.

A young developing city. Until 1923, it was called Yuzovka - on behalf of the English entrepreneur John Hughes (Hughes), who in the 60s of the last century founded a metallurgical plant on these lands, known throughout the empire and even beyond its borders). The name Donetsk (since 1961) is associated with the Seversky Donets River. Hughes's dilapidated house remains in Donetsk to this day.

The city has a pleasant Shcherbakova recreation park with a bridge over the river, Pushkin Avenue, where local artists display their creations, the Gandzhubas club, and the Liverpool art hotel. By the way, active young people here are pleasantly pleased: for example, there are volunteers who organize master classes, educational programs, create information centers, and mini-libraries of a progressive format.

Also in Donetsk region is the village of Krasnoye, where composer Sergei Prokofiev was born. There is a museum named after him in the village. There is a river flowing nearby where you can relax with tents.
Nikolai Leontovich, the author of the world famous Shchedrik, lived and worked in the Donetsk region from 1904 to 1909.

The Khomutovskaya steppe is also a very protected place in the Novoazovsky district of the Donetsk region.

And a little about waste heaps. Once, the waste heap, which is located almost in the center of Donetsk, was used to prepare athletes for the Ukrainian Cup in mountain tourism.

Lugansk region: Donetsk Ridge, forests, steppes, Cossack architecture
According to travelers, in the Lugansk region there are many untouched steppe zones with a beautiful horizon where you can pitch a tent. Tents can also be set up near forest beams in which wild pears and other wild trees grow. Now many of these places are undergoing military exercises before being deployed to hot spots, but in times of peace it is truly beautiful here.
The author of the Insider resource is also advised to visit the village of Nagolno-Tarasovtsy with the ancient wooden Holy Assumption Church. There is very attractive rural architecture here. In general, the tourist attractiveness of the Lugansk region is described concisely and well in this Insider material - beautiful, informative, and a little sad.

Ukraine is a diverse, beautiful and complex country. This eclecticism of territories and customs has a special appeal and potential. We hope we can keep the country united.

In the south of the Donetsk region there is the Azov crystalline massif. Once upon a time, mountains 3-5 kilometers high rose in these places.

Donetsk City Dolphinarium "Nemo" If you want to make your child a real holiday, visit this amazing place with him. Donetsk city dolphinarium "Nemo" is part of the national complex "Nemo".

Hiking "Geological past of Donbass" On Saturday, September 17, 2011, the first weekend hike dedicated to the geological heritage of Donbass took place. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo report of this event.

Donbass Arena Stadium in Donetsk Donbass Arena is the first stadium in Ukraine built for the 2012 European Football Championship in accordance with UEFA Elite (five star) standards. This stadium can certainly be called one of the calling cards of Donetsk.

Not far from the town of Druzhkovka (Donetsk region) there is a natural monument “Druzhkovka Stone Trees”. This natural phenomenon is very rare for our planet, since a similar place exists only in the USA in the state of Arizona.

Reserve "Stone Graves" On the territory of the reserve there are mounds in which ancient peoples buried noble people. The crystalline rocks that are located on the territory of the reserve have in some aspects no analogues in the world.

The workforce of OJSC "Dokuchaevsky Flux-Dolomite Plant" at the site of an abandoned facility children's recreation created the Dokuchaevsky Zoo.

Private zoo in the village of Pridorozhnoye The private zoo is located in the village of Pridorozhnoye, Starobeshevsky district, Donetsk region. The menagerie is home to about 10,000 animals and birds.

Landscape Park "Zuevsky" Amateurs can find an excellent holiday in the Zuevsky Landscape Park active recreation, and just friendly groups who came to barbecue away from the bustle of the city. There are also many mysterious legends associated with this place.

Zuevsky climbing wall "Zuevka" The climbing wall "Zuevka" is the largest natural climbing wall in Donbass. About 20 trails of varying difficulty have been created at the Zuevka climbing wall. Many famous climbers of the Donetsk region started from this Zuevsky climbing wall.

Salt lakes Rapnoe and Slepnoe The Slavic salt lakes Rapnoe (Repnoe) and Slepnoe are hydrological natural monuments of national importance. The bottom of the lakes is covered with deposits of mud, which is used by the sanatoriums of the Slavyansky resort.

In the city of Slavyansk not far from railway station there is Mount Karachun. There is a legend about it, written down from the words of the local kobzar Ivan Bogdan, about the robber Karachun and the treasures he buried on the mountain...

I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only about mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. In fact, there are stunningly beautiful places there, comparable to the Crimea, Ternopil region, Poltava region, Cherkasy region.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique monuments nature.
Below we briefly describe four such places located in the vicinity of Kramatorsk.
1) Seversky Donets River
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional landscape park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk cliffs in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov region Russia, as well as the Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes it is also called the Northern Donets, in the 17th-18th centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque banks, a lot of egg pods, and white lilies in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is close major cities all banks are occupied by recreation centers and private estates.

Seversky Donets

White wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist sites on the banks

A typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. Currently, similar trees have been preserved in South America, in Australia and the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree, the rest were smaller pieces, local residents they were stolen for souvenirs and to decorate fireplaces.

The fairly flat terrain in this area is cut by several gullies - former clay quarries

The slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown

All around are steppe and meadows that have not yet been scorched at this time of year.

Stone outcrops on the slopes

Actually, that's why it's worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged away with the help of a crane, which is why it remained on the slope of the quarry

Sandy-clayey slopes

A great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surrounding area is quite clean, I’m glad there is no garbage

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

Surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The meadows of these cornflowers look very beautiful, at the top they are already in full bloom, and just below there are still buds

Speedwell (Veronica spicata) and Thuringian hutma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Echium vulgare) and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Tansy fields

Mullein (Verbascum) and sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa and Mylabris variabilis eating yellow Senecio flowers

Field Consolidum (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and Prickly Zopnik (Zheleznyak) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

Zopnik thickets

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)
Among the interesting creatures I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban the Bull

Regional landscape park "Kleban-Byk" is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region, total area park - 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byk reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoi Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Army and its state - the glorious Zaporozhye Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal charters issued to the Zaporozhian Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Bychok River Tract” has been found, since 1600 – “Klebina”, and since 1720 – “Kleban-Byk”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls that were allegedly bred in this area is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as “bottom of the pit.” The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Permian Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

Very picturesque place, campsites with tents on the other side are visible

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument of local significance. Located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 hectares.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain consists of sediments from the last period of the Mesozoic era, which were formed in clean warm sea ​​waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock; the eastern edge of the mountain ends with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are numerous niches, potholes, large and small caves. Flint is often found among chalk rubble.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Sword stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is found only on the edge of the scree; buttercups, clover, and meadow geranium grow here. Swift nests are found in crevices and niches at the tops of rocks.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of a primitive man was discovered with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain.
Since 2004, the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the regional landscape park"Kramatorsk".

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills

The official sign and a slightly less official one

Flowering meadows, cows and generally an idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe dark brown (N.pulla DC) some believe that this is the same thing) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatarian fireweed (Goniolimon tataricum)

Chalk block and more rocks

There are many inclusions of silicon in the rocks

Everything around is strewn with these silicon fragments.

In the east of Ukraine is located beautiful city with developed infrastructure - Donetsk. The territory of this city was already inhabited by Zaporozhye and Don Cossacks in the 17th century. Donetsk for a long period of time was called Yuzovka, and then Stalino. Only in 1961 the city was renamed Donetsk. Modern Donetsk is the leader in the rate of growth of industrial production in the country. The city is also rich in unique attractions, numerous museums and archaeological monuments.

Donbass Arena

In 2009, the modern football stadium of FC Shakhtar, Donbass Arena, was opened, which can accommodate about 52,100 fans of this sport. This attraction was designed and constructed using innovative technologies. The appearance of the stadium is associated with a “flying saucer”, the roof of which is slightly inclined. Thanks to this detail, the football field is better ventilated and illuminated. In addition, the facade of the stadium is completely glass, which meets European standards. The stadium's football field was created using advanced technologies and is considered one of the best in the world.

Botanical Garden

A striking landmark of Donetsk is the Botanical Garden, which has the status of a national treasure of Ukraine. The famous Botanical Garden was founded in 1964 on the initiative of the talented scientist E.N. Kondratyuk. On the territory of this picturesque corner, about 5,000 species of exotic plants grow, and there are also five unique greenhouses in which climatic conditions subtropics and tropics. The garden's collection includes more than 300 species of plants protected at the international and regional level. The structure of the Botanical Garden includes four departments in which research groups work. Thanks to this attraction, the industrial Donetsk region is a well-greened region of Ukraine.


An ultra-modern digital Planetarium was opened in the center of Donetsk in 2008, thanks to which you can see the stars and planets in a new way, as well as take an exciting journey to any point in the Galaxy. The Digital Planetarium is equipped with innovative equipment. Its progressive systems provide a unique opportunity for visitors to achieve the effect of space-time movement. Within the walls of this attraction there is a studio for creating thematic films and interesting show programs.

Park of forged figures

The most original park in Donetsk is the Park of Forged Figures, founded by the Honored Artist of Ukraine V. Burduk in 2001. Initially there were 10 in the park sculptural compositions made of metal. Today, on the territory of this attraction there are more than 140 exhibits, the number of which is growing every year. Every year, the park hosts the Blacksmith Art Festival. The best works of the masters remain in the park.

Mertsalov's Palm

The symbol of Donetsk is the magnificent Mertsalov palm, which is depicted on the region’s coat of arms. This landmark is a copy of the famous element of the coat of arms. The original sculpture is presented in the St. Petersburg Museum. Mertsalov's palm is forged from rail, without the use of welding or joints. The height of the forged product is 3.5 meters, and the weight is 325 kg. The palm tree has 10 leaves, the diameter of which is 2.5 meters. For this original attraction, a tub was made from rail posts.

Sculpture Park "Ukrainian Steppe"

In 2006, the magnificent Ukrainian Steppe sculpture park was opened in Donetsk. This attraction consists of 11 original monuments that were donated to the city by famous sculptors of Germany and Ukraine. All monuments are created on the basis of Crimean limestone and are united by a single theme - the mythology of the Slavic peoples and the peculiarities of their life.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral

This landmark is considered not only the main decoration of Donetsk, but also the main religious building of the Donetsk diocese. The cathedral was founded in 1883. However, in 1931 the cathedral building was blown up. Only in 2006 did restoration work begin. Today the cathedral is a majestic structure where the style of Russian classicism is organically intertwined with elements of Ukrainian architecture. Marble and granite blocks, as well as textured plaster, were used to decorate the cathedral. The entrance to the cathedral is decorated with strict bas-relief images of crosses, and in the niches you can see mosaic figures of saints. The main decoration of the cathedral are gilded carved iconostases.


On the territory of the Donetsk coal basin you can see unusual pyramids - waste heaps, formed from black-brown rock raised to the surface of the earth during the process of coal mining. During the day, the tops of the rock mountains smoke, and at night you can observe a dim fire formed as a result of gas combustion. In the Donetsk and Lugansk regions there are about 1,250 waste heaps, which are undergoing further reclamation. This attraction attracts the attention of tourists, photographers and city guests.

Donbass Arena is a modern football stadium in Donetsk. This is the first sports ground in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, designed and created in accordance with UEFA standards in the “Elite” category.

The stadium was built in 2009 by the Turkish company Enka for the Shakhtar football club and is designed for 52,187 spectators. The design of the structure as a whole resembles a “flying saucer”, with the roof sloping from north to south, which improves natural light and promotes ventilation of the football field. Also, the Donbass Arena is distinguished from other famous European stadiums by its oval shape and completely glass façade.

The Arena's football field was created using the most modern technologies; the lawn was grown in Slovakia and is one of the best in the world. The chairs are designed and manufactured by the famous "Camatic" (Australia).

The stadium has 53 fast food cafes, a fan cafe, 4 bars, 3 restaurants, a media cafe and a lounge bar. These establishments can together accommodate 1,830 visitors. There are more than 1,000 parking spaces near the stadium (of which 245 are in underground parking).

Glade of fairy tales

In the 80s, a fairy-tale town called “Glade of Fairy Tales” was opened in the Lenin Komsomol park. It is a small area hidden in the treetops, on which there are figures of fairy-tale heroes cast from concrete. Individual figures were decorated with mosaic tiles.

Over time, due to lack of proper care, the clearing turned into an overgrown area with gray monsters. And so on August 22, 2012, the updated, restored “Glade of Fairy Tales” opened. The reconstruction of the clearing was carried out by the management railway Donbass. A huge number of architects, builders, and designers worked on the appearance of the site.

On the opening day of the clearing, the park was completely filled with children who were entertained by fairy-tale characters: wizards, fairies, Indians, pirates and even clowns. The fountain is of particular interest to both children and adults. He dances merrily, releases cool steam and envelops those around him with a bluish cloud.

At the "Glade of Fairy Tales" you can meet such fairy-tale characters as: the Frog Princess, the Bear, the Old Man and the Goldfish. The updated mosaics, preserved from Soviet times, are pleasing to the eye.

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On May 8, 2012, on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9, a museum of the Great Patriotic War was opened in Donetsk in the Lenin Komsomol Park at the memorial “To Your Liberators, Donbass”. The exhibition area of ​​the museum is 927 square meters.

The museum consists of two levels. In the lower level of the museum there are exhibition halls, a newsreel hall, as well as a weapons hall and a military uniform hall. The weapons in the museum are presented from a private collection. The upper level rooms are decorated with thematic panels and dioramas. The museum presents an audio tour in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

A large number of war photographs, posters, newspapers, just things from the Great Patriotic War - all this can be seen in the museum’s exhibitions. Some of the museum's exhibitions offer sound design to enhance the experience for visitors.

Another asset of Donetsk Park named after. Lenin Komsomol is a museum of the Great Patriotic War. The museum is quite young, it opened in 2012. The museum is located in the memorial complex to the Liberators of Donbass. The museum has two entrances: one is made of glass and is located near the “eternal flame”, and the second leads to the exhibition hall where exhibitions are held. The museum is adjacent to an administrative block and a cafe.

The museum's exhibition is located on two levels, connected by a spiral staircase. The banners of the divisions that liberated Donbass are also placed there. The lower level includes a common room, a newsreel room, and a room with a collection of military uniforms and weapons of participants. The main, final element is the “Victory Hall”.

IN upper level There are inclined galleries with photographic materials and panels. The museum's collections include more than 300 exhibits, arranged in chronological order: from the beginning of the war to its victorious conclusion. The museum shows documentaries about the beginning of the war, occupation, and liberation.

Special emotions are evoked by the exhibitions, which are accompanied by musical accompaniment. This moment significantly enhances the impression. Visiting and foreign guests are provided with audio accompaniment in English.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Donetsk was opened on May 8, 2012. It was built with money provided by the city and local entrepreneurs.

The area of ​​the museum is nine hundred twenty-seven square meters. Its exhibition is located on two levels. On the lower floor there is the main exhibition hall, the “Victory Hall”, and the war newsreel hall. There is also an exhibition of collectible weapons from the Great Patriotic War and military uniforms. There are several galleries on the second floor. In this place you can see thematic photo panels, exhibitions and dioramas.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War contains more than two hundred documentary photographs, over one hundred and fifty posters, newspapers and wartime leaflets. There are other items with a military past. By the way, so that foreign tourists can also absorb information about the exhibitions, the museum has a special audio accompaniment for excursions in English.

Museum of Nature

Museum of Nature – located in small town Konstantinovka, Donetsk region. This is one of the most interesting and most educational museums in the entire region. The museum was opened in 2003, with the direct participation of local authorities, residents, educational institutions district, enterprise managers, as well as with the help of the Toretsk Regional Environmental Inspectorate.

Nowadays, the museum has about 1000 exhibits dedicated to living and inanimate nature. Here you can look at a variety of carcasses and stuffed animals of the region, remains and fossils, eggs of various birds, samples of minerals and rocks, a small collection of meteorites, various casts and dummies.

The museum is a real treasure trove and natural heritage the entire Donetsk region,

City Garden

The city garden of Donetsk began its existence at the end of the 19th century, when the city administration decided to lay out a park near a former industrial pond in the Yuzovka district.

Once upon a time there was a park main fountain, around which all local entertainment was concentrated: a restaurant, a dance floor, concert hall outdoors.

The city garden was especially popular during the Soviet years. In those days, the park was surrounded by a massive artistic forged lattice. True, the fence was soon removed for unknown reasons. In spring and summer, a huge flower exhibition was held in the park.

Today the square has almost lost its popularity, but even now you can find young mothers with strollers peacefully walking along paths in the shade of trees or playing with children on playgrounds.

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Museum of Electric Transport

The Museum of Electric Transport is a new ideological development of the team of trolleybus depot No. 2 in Donetsk. The museum consists of two parts, the first is the so-called museum on wheels, which was put into operation in 2010 and during this time has gathered a wide audience of interested people.

The old, already decommissioned, trolleybus was restored, the chassis was completely repaired, the seats were replaced and the lighting was redone. Reminiscent of a retro tram inside, decorated with bright posters with history and beautiful views city, a festively decorated trolleybus runs along a pre-selected route and tells people the history of the emergence of electric transport.

The second part is a permanent exhibition, where Soviet books about trolleybuses, photographs and uniforms of drivers from different periods are located. Considering that today the staff of trolleybus depot No. 2 in the city of Donetsk is 180 drivers and 160 conductors, we can assume that the founding of such a museum is a pattern for those people who are proud of their profession

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