Sights of Oahu - what to see. A complete guide to iconic places

Hawaii– one of the most remote island groups on the planet. In the past, many species of plants and animals could not get there by water or air. Therefore, Hawaii has developed its own natural habitat. Like many islands far from the great landmass, Hawaii is home to amazing and one-of-a-kind species of fish, flowers and insects.

Having been in Hawaii for just a few days, I got the impression that there had been no previous trips at all. The amazing nature and relaxed atmosphere of the islands made it possible to quickly forget the stuffy Caribbean Islands and difficult movements. Taking 8 flights in 2 weeks and changing time zones several times can be overwhelming.

Hawaii is a place that you will not find anywhere else on Earth. There is magnificent nature here, everything around breathes moisture and greenery, a smooth mountain landscape and an amazing ocean bottom. Although I am already far away, I still cannot forget these amazingly beautiful green mountains along the route, waterfalls and the smell of greenery. Even the sunlight in Hawaii is somehow special and intense.

Oahu - Gathering Place

Oahu- the first island where everyone flies from different parts of the planet. Translated from Polynesian it means "gathering place". To get to Oahu, easiest way fly to San Francisco first any in a convenient way. Within the USA, flights are inexpensive, and the road from the very to California can do without only 150 dollars, which is almost a third of the globe in distance! From San Francisco Airlines Hawaiian Airlines,Island Air for 200 dollars will deliver to Oahu.

Oahu is a very small island, just 1,545 sq. km, but more than two-thirds of all island people live here - more 950 thousand Human. Most of them live in the capital Honolulu. This is a huge city, simply incredible. It’s amazing how skyscrapers of unreal sizes fit on such an island, and how people don’t feel cramped here.

Honolulu and surrounding areas

The higher you go north, the more humid the air becomes, and the mountains surround the route more and more closely. There is a place in the town of Laie where everyone comes to jump off a cliff into the ocean. There are quite a few such places in the Hawaiian Islands. Cliff jumping– one of the favorite activities of tourists. The very north of the island has some great beaches for those who love the sunset.

And also the whole northern peak of the island is a green jungle area where the Waimea Falls. Further around the island the road stops. Return to Honolulu You can go through the center of the island and the town of Wahiawa, where mainly local Hawaiians live.

Where to meet Hawaiians?

In general, Hawaiians are not so easy to meet on the island of Oahu. They somehow get lost against the background of Asians and various mixtures of nationalities. They say that true Hawaiians live on the small island of Niihau. This is a Hawaiian island closed to visitors, where you can only get by invitation from the locals. There the way of life is maintained as it was in the past for many centuries: people fish, live in wooden houses, do manual labor, weave jewelry, etc.

This the island is strictly guarded from the introduction of anything modern - there is no electricity, sewerage, cars, or asphalt roads. Real Hawaiians are like this large, tanned people with slightly slanted eyes. They themselves can leave the island for a while (which is quite strange, because how can they return to a world without electricity if they have already tasted the benefits of civilization?). However, if one of them decides to stay on other Hawaiian islands, then there is no way back home to Niihau...

What else to see on Oahu?

In addition to the magnificent north, you can go west, where scorched wastelands give way to wild green reserves where you can only walk. I don’t know this area well, the only thing that caught my attention was the concentration of smooth valleys Makua, Makaha, Lualualei.

At all, the island of Oahu was formed by two parallel mountain ranges – Koolau and Waianae (an older ridge aged 4-5 million years).

And of course, don’t forget about the uniquely shaped bay, which has attracted various nations throughout history. There is also a museum right on the half-sunken ships Arizona and Oklahoma.

Literally 10 minutes drive from Waikiki located Manoa area. It is a pure cool place with huge ancient trees in tangled jungle forests. Landscapes from Jurassic Park, sounds of the jungle and the feeling that a dinosaur is about to appear around the corner.

How to live on Oahu?

In general, the Hawaiian Islands are an expensive place. However, having gathered, at the very least you can live on 15-20 dollars per day, if you eat at home or in fast foods, ride the bus or walk and don’t book excursions, don’t buy anything from clothes and gifts.

Transport system It is well developed here, so buses can take you anywhere on the islands. Safety on good level. Of course, sometimes on the street you might meet a couple of strange passers-by, beggars, or some guy might get attached with questions. There are many more people here than on the other islands of Hawaii, so the percentage of strange people is higher.

In the evening it becomes less safe, you can meet a few unobtrusive hippies. Evening Waikiki The noise from people is no worse than in the morning. Bars and restaurants open in hotels along the beach.

Local cuisine

I have not traced the so-called purely Hawaiian cuisine. They sell it on all corners of supermarkets Japanese sushi, spam musubi(this is such a harmful thing, like a big piece of sushi, but instead of fish there is ham). The most delicious raw fish dish in Hawaii is poke. I noticed that raw fish is seasoned differently on different islands. And sometimes they eat it just like that.

For example, like fish, water it with lemon juice and salt. Coconut milk is added to the fish. Hawaiian poke- These are square pieces of red raw fish with sesame seeds, soy sauce and lettuce. Hot rice is served separately, which then needs to be mixed with fish.

Located on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, Mount Waialeale is one of the wettest places on Earth. It is here that the picturesque Honokohau Falls, which became famous thanks to the filming of the film Jurassic Park, is located.

Like other islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, ancient island Kauai is of volcanic origin. Its area is 1456 sq/km, and most high point is Mount Kawaikini with a height of 1598 meters. The second place in height is occupied by Mount Vaialeale located in the center of the island - 1569 meters.

Mount Waialeale is ancient an extinct volcano. It is famous for its record level of precipitation - in 1982, 16,916 mm was recorded here. Although heavy rainfall is infrequent in this area, light rain falls almost constantly throughout the year. Due to the high humidity, the top of Waialeale is always hidden by rather thick fog.

For local tribes, Waialeale has always been a sacred place. On the top of the mountain, which is a flat plateau, there is a small lake of the same name. Translated from Hawaiian, Waialeale means “overflowing water.” Water flows down the steep green slopes of the mountain in numerous streams. Because of large quantity Due to water flows, one of the slopes of Waialeale was named “Wall of Tears”.

The rainiest place on the island of Kauai is the eastern slopes of Mount Waialeale. Thanks to waterfalls and water erosion, deep canyons. The Waimea River flowing into the ocean has carved into the slopes one of the most beautiful canyons in the world, 16 km long, 3.2 km wide and 1067 meters deep.

Located on Waialeale, Honokohau Falls is 341 meters high and is the highest in the Hawaiian Islands. Honokohau has two levels - first the water flows into a small natural pool, and from there it flows to the lower level. The Honokohau Falls area is a difficult to reach area; to admire its beauty, tourists will need to take a helicopter ride. It is not surprising that this wonderful, untouched corner of nature was chosen as the location for filming some scenes for the film Jurassic Park.

The picturesque island of Oahu is the most densely populated of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. The capital is here Hawaiian Islands– the city of Honolulu, as well as the most famous attractions and cultural centers of the archipelago. Oahu has a developed tourism infrastructure, thanks to which adherents of a variety of types of recreation will be able to organize their leisure time. The capital of the archipelago is the starting point of many excursion programs; here is the legendary historical monument– Iolani Palace. It is the only one surviving in the United States royal palace, the construction of the architectural complex took place at the end of the 19th century. The palace has recently undergone a complete reconstruction; a huge number of tourists visit it every day.

In close proximity to the beautiful palace is the main religious attraction of the island - Kavaiahao Church. Its construction was completed in 1842. The church is the oldest on the island and has been perfectly preserved to this day. Honolulu's Chinatown, which is usually considered as a single attraction, deserves special attention. This is one of the best places on the island for hiking, at every turn in Chinatown you can find interesting shops and restaurants decorated in national style, as well as colorful markets and temples.

The capital also has interesting natural attractions, including the Fosters Botanical Garden. The park was founded in 1850 and today bears the name of its founder, a famous German botanist. In the southern part of the island of Oahu there is a world famous landmark that is known to literally everyone. It's about naval base Pearl Harbor, a unique historical monument reminiscent of local residents and guests of the island about the tragic events of 1941. In honor of the sailors who died during the battle with the Japanese troops, a beautiful memorial was opened. Visitors to the historical complex can see ancient warships and get acquainted with the collection of historical exhibits presented in the local gallery.

The Waterfront area is rich in interesting excursion sites; among the local attractions, beautiful skyscrapers are of particular importance. Once upon a time, the most tall buildings archipelago, many of them have retained their former grandeur to the present day. After admiring the monuments modern architecture, it's worth checking out the Hawaiian Maritime Center. It is one of the largest maritime museums in the country; many of the exhibits displayed within its walls are unique. Near the museum, the beautiful Kapiolani Park begins, it is considered one of the outstanding natural objects countries.

It turns out that in tropical forest tropical rain can be very, very wet...

Hiking: Manoa Falls Trail, 3.2 km, easy

Early this morning we returned from the Big Island of Hawaii back to Honolulu on the island of Oahu. We booked the same hotel in the Waikiki area as before our trip to Big Island. One BUT: you could check into the hotel starting at 2 pm and not earlier.

We had almost 6 hours at our disposal. We got up in the middle of the night today, which is why our little eyes became somewhat cramped. But we are in Hawaii, and there are so many interesting things all around that we have not yet explored, so there was no time to ruminate despite the lack of sleep.

Therefore, we quickly left our things in the trunk of the Mustang we rented, went for breakfast and, invigorated by aromatic strong coffee from Starbucks, set off to look for Manoa Valley and with it the same name waterfall (Manoa Falls).

While the Waikiki area was flooded with warm rays of the sun, basking in which was a real pleasure, the Manoa Valley was generously watered by tropical rain. In one of our previous posts about a vacation here on Oahu, we already mentioned the fact that the island runs mountain range. Clouds coming from the east rest against these low mountains, accumulate, turn into heavy gray whiny clouds, and all this “joy” pours out of a bucket onto the surrounding area.

From a distance these mountains look shaggy and green. There are real thick tropical forests there, it is always wet and very humid.

And from sunny beach Waikiki to the beginning of the trail leading to Manoa Falls is nothing at all - about 9 kilometers by car, and the difference in weather is significant.

And the closer we got to the parking lot, which is almost at the end of Manoa Road, the heavier the rain began to fall. Well, yes, but “we rock them like that” on a Mustang drop-top... Well, that’s not the point.

The point is that when we finally found parking, paid $5, parked the car and before we even had time to get out of it, it started pouring rain. It poured like buckets. Warm tropical rain.

Where to go, we decided to wait it out. After half an hour we realized that we could wait here for days on end. The rain subsided and then increased again. And still he walked.

“Come on, not sugar ones!...” - we thought, took out raincoats, took with us only an iPhone and walked along the walking track leading to Manoa Falls.

For the first hundred meters we jumped like goats, trying to get around, step over, and jump over the puddles that came across at every step.

Then the path somehow imperceptibly turned into one continuous long puddle, it was useless to jump along it, and my sneakers were already squelching with all their might (Temik had sandals on his bare feet, he was generally deeply purple).

The views in the rainforest were magnificent. And of course, I would like to look at them in more detail in dry weather, but this tropical rain, no matter how you look at it, added a special zest to our trip. And even though we ended up getting wet to the very last thread, still this walking route we really liked it.

The walking track itself is not that long - the round trip is about 3-odd kilometers. But it is not easy in the sense that the path is mostly undeveloped. Heavy rains regularly wash it away, and along the way there were many areas in the form of the most ordinary soggy clay.

Imagine, you also had to crawl up and down on this slippery mess. After some time, our legs were just like grimy piglets. I was already a little upset, whatever one may say, I could forget about my white sneakers.

But on the trail several times there were streams that were impossible to jump over; they were quite wide. I just had to walk through the water, and sometimes it was ankle-deep, so the sneakers washed themselves “naturally” and I returned to the car with almost clean shoes. True, the sneakers could be squeezed out; they were completely damp and full of water.

Along the way we tried to take pictures of the nature around us with our iPhone. But the rain poured so much that they began to worry not only that the iPhone would get wet in the rain, but that there was even nowhere to hide it; all clothes (even with a raincoat) right down to their panties were soaked through.

Quietly we crawled (and in some places we had to really crawl so as not to fall off the slippery stones and clay path and roots sticking out of the ground) to the waterfall.

Manoa Falls impressed with its stormy, very noisy stream. Its height is 46 meters, the water falls into a small lake, but you cannot approach it. Due to constant heavy rains, landslides often occur here, which is unsafe for people.

The feeling at the waterfall was very original. Imagine a powerful cascade of water falling from above, all this violence creates a large cloud of moisture, and add to this the pouring rain. It felt something like stepping into the shower with your clothes on and turning it on at almost full power.

In general, there at the waterfall I could no longer see anything even through my glasses, which significantly complicated my orientation on the ground, because... Without glasses I can't see anything at all.

What was pleasing was that we weren’t the only weirdos who trooped here, people kept coming and coming to meet us, all just as damp and wet and incredibly happy with this “attraction” of local nature.

On the way back we were already deeply purple - we were wet to the last thread. We returned to the car, and at first we didn’t even know how to get into it, because... the water just flowed off us. And there was no place to change clothes in the parking lot. We covered ourselves with bags and went to check into the hotel, laughing heartily at the same time, because... At the reception we had to explain where we came from so damp.

Overall, lovely! Experienced real tropical rain in a real tropical forest. We liked it.

And after a hot shower at the hotel and a hearty lunch in a cozy restaurant, we were waiting for surfing on the world famous Hawaiian beach of Waikiki and riding a Mustang in the evening in Honolulu.

In addition to the beautiful beaches and surroundings of Honolulu, the island of Oahu offers a magnificent collection of interesting places: museums, oceanic and mountain parks, hiking trails for “wild tourists” and a variety of extreme entertainment. You will find all the best, most interesting places you can go/climb/dive in in this article.

1. Polynesian Cultural Center

Un ical theme park entertainment and museum open air at the same time, it is located on the northern coast of the island of Oahu. Polynesian cultural center is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Hawaii.

The park has a showroom (IMAX theater), a lagoon, and visitors can go canoeing.

On the territory of the Polynesian Cultural Center, villages of the peoples of Polynesia were built, including traditional houses of Hawaii, Samoa, Aotearoa (now New Zealand), Fiji, Tahiti, Tonga, and the Marquesas Islands.

In addition to the villages, the Polynesian Cultural Center has a special exhibit on Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

Each village puts on a show at certain times of the day.

Try to plan your day so that you can attend every show. All shows are interesting and introduce the characteristics of each Polynesian culture.

Visitors are also offered participation in luau - traditional Hawaiian party

2. Sea Life Park Hawaii

One of the main attractions of the island of Oahu. Opened in 1964, the park allows visitors to interact with marine animals, swim with dolphins, sea lions and stingrays, and feed turtles. The park also houses a bird sanctuary and an aquarium.

The most interesting attractions of the park:

Sea Lion Discovery - allows visitors to swim in the water with sea lions.

Sea Trek Adventure - an underwater walk in a reef pond inhabited by eels, stingrays, sea turtles, and a wide variety of tropical fish.

Hawaiian Reef Aquarium is a huge body of water that is home to more than 2,000 marine reef creatures, including sharks, rays, turtles and schools of tropical fish.

Hawaiian Ocean Theater is home to the main show featuring dolphins, penguins and sea lions. The show will highlight the latest teaching methods and the park's conservation efforts underwater world.

Penguin Habitat is the habitat of the park's penguins.

Dolphin Show Cove – open theater, which features dolphin shows twice a day.

The Bird Sanctuary - This bird sanctuary is home to many wild seabirds, including frigate birds, gannets, petrels, albatrosses, most of which arrived here sick or injured.

Hawaiian Monk Seal Habitat - a habitat for Hawaiian monk seals, a show featuring these animals.

Dolphin Royal Swim, Dolphin Adventure Swim, Dolphin Encounter and Dolphin Aloha programs allow visitors to interact with dolphins in the water.

However, in the process of collecting information, I came across disappointed reviews that much of what was promised is closed - so find out in advance what you would like to see there works. From the pictures on Google you get the feeling that there is only one dolphinarium there :))

Location: Makapuu Point, 24 km from downtown Honolulu. How to get there: Bus number 22 or 23 from Waikiki. Website

3. Buddhist temple Byodo-In Temple in the Valley of the Temples

is a replica of a 900-year-old temple in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Inside is a 3m gold-plated wooden Buddha figure.

With the Ko'olau Mountains as a backdrop, the temple is surrounded by ponds and Japanese gardens. Byodo-In Temple is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world. People of all faiths take part in his services.

In addition to services, the temple grounds are often used for weddings and official events.

4. Stairway to Heaven (Haiku Staircase)

The famous Haiku Staircase, or as it is often called the Stairway to Heaven, is located on the island of Oahu. The famous staircase originates from the Haiku Stairs, which is famous not only in Hawaii, but also far beyond its borders. This path was dubbed the stairway to heaven, because on a very steep climb the steps literally go up into the clouds and disappear from view.

The trail begins as a simple wooden ladder attached to a cliff on the south side of Haiku Valley. The original wooden structure was built back in 1942 by the military, who expected an attack from Japan and decided to use this natural formation for their needs. The military decided to lay a communications cable here to connect the Haiku Valley and Wahiavi. And since the cable needed to be maintained, a staircase was erected in place of the path.

The antennas stood at an altitude of 2,000 feet, and the Haiku Staircase itself rises to a height of 850 meters and consists of 3,922 steps. At the very top there is a unique view on both sides of the hill.

An unforgettable journey on foot along the steps through the haze of clouds fascinates and attracts tourists here. And although the trail is officially closed to tourists, this does not stop lovers of extreme recreation, although if discovered, they may be fined for unauthorized ascent. The flow of visitors here continues unabated, despite the fact that getting up and down the stairs is physically not that easy.

The Haiku Trail is of exceptional beauty and a unique location that can delight and make you nervous. This is one of the most impressive hiking trails in the world. You won't find anything like this anywhere else in the world!

5. Sacred Falls State Park

located on the north coast of Oahu. The park encompasses the Kaluanui Canyon and the waterfall at its very end, after which it is named. The falls have been closed to the public indefinitely since a fatal rock collapse occurred on May 9, 1999, in the canyon. Eight tourists were killed and many were injured. The only way to see this beautiful natural creation is by helicopter.

The Nuʻuanu Pali State Wayside overlook offers panoramic views of the Nuʻuanu Valley and the northeast side of Oahu. Nuʻuanu Pali was the site of one of the bloodiest battles in Hawaiian history, during which Kamehameha captured the island of Oahu and united it under his rule.


1. Swimming with dolphins in the ocean

From Waianae Bay, tour participants depart along west coast Oahu islands in search of dolphins (in winter you will have the opportunity to see humpback whales). After spotting dolphins, snorkel tour participants dive into the water and watch the dolphins swim past them. Then a short cruise to the sea turtle habitat, snorkeling with tropical fish and sea turtles. At the end of the tour, lunch. The photographer will take your photos underwater along with dolphins and turtles, and send them on CD anywhere in the world. Address: Waianae, Oahu, HI, website

2. Horseback riding through the rainforest

Horseback riding along the north coast of Oahu through forest, fern-lined valleys and tropical orchards. Tours are focused on family vacation. The only ranch on Oahu that allows children as young as 6 years old to ride their own horses. Address: 59-231 Pupukea Road, Haleiwa, Oahu, HI, website

3. Visit Macadamia Nut Farm.

Educational and very interesting tour on a farm specializing in growing Macadamia nuts. Macadamia is a very tasty Australian nut with a hard-to-separate kernel from the shell; their harvest is very difficult to harvest, which is why macadamia nuts are the most expensive nuts in the world. The tour lasts about an hour. First, a bus ride to the tea plantations, learning about how the ancient Hawaiians used tea leaves, made a fire, and collected coconuts. Then a boat ride in a small lake, during which the guide will point out the filming locations of famous Hollywood films.

The farm has a nice store where you can buy various types of macadamia nuts, souvenirs, jewelry, arts and crafts, creams, aromatic oils, coffee, even fresh coconut. Interestingly, in the store you can eat macadamia nuts and enjoy the famous Kona coffee for free. Tours are available 7 days a week, from 10:45 am to 6:00 pm (except on Tuesdays when there is only one tour at 10:45 am). Address: 49-227A Kamehameha Hwy., Kaneohe, Oahu, HI 96744, website

4. Swimming with sharks

The two-hour tour departs from Haleiwa Pier. Having sailed 4 - 6 km from the coast, a metal cage is placed in the water and held at the level of the water surface. Armed with snorkels and masks, tour participants watch the whales swim centimeters from the cage from the cage. Water in an area with visibility of 70 meters or more. During this tour you will have the opportunity to see Hawaiian green sea turtles, dolphins and even humpback whales during the migration season. Be sure to bring underwater cameras with you to take photos of sharks. Tour departure times: 6:00, 7:00 am, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 (6 am tour available from May 1st to August 15). Address: slip 35 of the Haleiwa Small Boat Harbor, Haleiwa, Oahu, HI, website

5. Hiking routes from Kualoa Ranch

Movie Sites & Ranch Tour. Visit the famous Kaʻaʻawa Valley, often called the film set of Hawaii. Famous Hollywood films and television shows were filmed here (Jurassic Park, 50 First Dates, Windtalkers, Hawaii Five-0 and others), the duration of the tour is 1 hour.
Jungle Expedition Tour. Adventure tour to the beautiful Kaaawa Valley. The 4x4 tour takes you through the jungle along the east coast of Oahu. Tour duration 1 hour
Ancient Fishing Grounds & Tropical Gardens Tour. A trip to an ancient Hawaiian fish pond, a visit to a tropical garden of fruit trees and flowers.
Hakipu'u Hike. Hiking along the Hakipuʻu Valley, the length of the trail is just over 2 km. Two tours per day: from 09:00 to 11:00 and from 12:00 to 14:00.
ATV tour(ATV Tour). Visit the famous Ka'aawa Valley by ATV, filming location for many Hollywood films and television shows. During the tour, observation from observation deck behind a beautiful panorama of the Pacific coast. Tours last one and two hours.
Horse riding tour(Horseback Tour), during the tour see Mokolii island and an 800-year-old Hawaiian fishing pond. The ranch is located at 49-560 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe, Oahu, HI,

6. Diving.

Many tourists visit the island of Oahu solely for the opportunity to plunge into Pacific Ocean and look at the richness of the underwater world. Hawaii is one of the top ten diving destinations in the world. Home to over 100 endemic species (not found anywhere else on the planet), explore sea ​​caves, swim with sea turtles and monk seals. Trade winds often cause high waves in the afternoon, so most operators schedule their dives early in the morning and end their tours at midday. Oahu Dive Sites:

7. Hiking.

Hiking to Coco Crater (Koko Head Crater Trail Hike). Coco Crater is one of the most popular places hiking on the island of Oahu. A path leads to its top along railway sleepers. The trail is about 1 km long and rises to an altitude of 366 m. The top observation deck of Coco Crater offers panoramic views of eastern Oahu and the coast. Rise early in the morning to avoid the heat and bring plenty of water. If you have climbed to the top of Diamond Head, this hike is many times more difficult.

Bike is a popular way to explore the island of Oahu. For information on bike trails, participation in bike tours, contact Bike Hawaii (; this company offers a variety of group tours, including Rainforest to Reef. The tour includes a 8 km drive down a paved road with panoramic views of Waikiki, Honolulu and the Manoa Valley. During the tour you will learn more about the flora and geology of the Hawaiian Islands. Afterwards, leave the bikes for a 3km round trip hike to the 80m high waterfall, followed by a sailing catamaran cruise.

8. Hawaii's Plantation Village.

A one-hour tour of this restored village takes you back to the era when sugar plantations made up Hawaii's economy. From the arrival of the first workers in 1852 until 1947, when the era of sugar cane farming ended, more than 400,000 men, women and children from China, Japan, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Korea, the Philippines and other countries migrated to work the sugar cane fields. On the territory of the village, each ethnic group is represented by a house, decorated in accordance with the traditions and customs of that time. The houses contain period clothing, linens, ceramics, toys and games, photographs, books and other memorabilia. Open: Mon-Sat from 10:00 to 14:00. Address Waipahu Cultural Garden Park, at Waipahu Depot Rd, Waipahu, website:

9. Extreme flights

Flying a light aircraft Paradise Air over the north shore of Oahu. Each tour participant receives a flight certificate. Address: Dillingham Airfield, Hwy 930 (Farrington Hwy), Haleiwa, Oahu, HI 96791, website

Jumping from an airplane offered by SkyDive Hawaii ( Jumping in tandem with an experienced instructor will keep you thrilled for a lifetime. Website

10. Surf lessons

Sunset Suratt Surf Academy's teaches surfing lessons from beginner surfers to pros, and also provides equipment for rent. Sunset Suratt Surf Academy's lessons are held on the beach in the village of Haleiwa. Classes last two hours. Tour participants are provided with videos and photographs of the learning process. Address: North Shore, Sunset Beach, Haleiwa, Oahu, HI 96712, website www.surfnorthshore. com

North Shore Surf Girls surf school only women work. All female instructors are former professional surfers. Private or group surf lessons at 9am, 12pm and 3pm daily near Haleiwa. Two popular types of tours:

North Shore surf lesson and Turtle Tour includes a 2-hour surf lesson, the opportunity to see live sea turtles, a visit to the famous surfing beaches Pipeline and Sunset Beach, and a seafood dinner prepared by the girls. The end of the tour is watching the sunset.
Surf Lesson and Sunset Barbecue includes a 2-hour surf lesson and a girl-cooked BBQ on the beach. The end of the tour is watching the sunset. Address: 66-031 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, Oahu, HI 96712 website
