Sights of Poland - description and photo. What to see in Poland? What to visit in Poland

This year I visited for the first time Poland- I spent five days in the country, but it was not enough for me. When planning a trip, I consulted with local residents. To the question what see in Poland, they called me major cities countries: Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw. And, according to friends living in Poland, all these settlements with very different personalities.

What to see in Poland

Choice directions depends on your expectations - the only true response No. I wanted to feel the old spirit Polish cities, so Krakow was a priority. A couple of tips optionally:

  • need old atmosphere? Visit Wroclaw or Krakow;
  • modern rhythm can be caught in Warsaw, Katowice or Krakow;
  • behind comfort– in Rzeszow or Przemysl.

Must visit Krakow. I liked him vintage atmosphere th. Old city(historic center) with one of the largest European market squares, Wawel Castle, Barbican All of this is worth appreciating. You can look at the city from the height of the Town Hall, but be careful - the steps here are very steep! And the clatter of horses on the paving stones adds to the atmosphere - here you can ride in a carriage. And for "dessert" - "Pit Michalika", one of the oldest and most famous local restaurants.

Journey to Krakow worth joining with a visit to the surroundings. You can go to Zakopane to be enchanted by the mountain scenery. nearby Auschwitz- if you are not too impressionable, and you are interested in history, it is worth visiting. From Krakow, an electric train and, of course, buses go here. Another place - Wieliczka. This is an unusual salt mine, a whole underground city.

Wroclaw I liked it, because I really like to walk near the water. There are countless bridges, you can ride a boat and walk around the islands. The center is also interesting - the houses are like gingerbread. Tourists come here to count gnomes" - This the symbol of the city, their figures are found at every step. I found, for example, a gnome-journalist and a gnome-programmer. And in Wroclaw there is Japanese garden, a huge zoo with a tunnel in the oceanarium and multimedia fountain.

What else surprises Poland

If you appreciate cosiness, look into Rzeszow. The city is small but charming. There is also an old square with a well, churches, and a town hall. I looked with interest at the local lock(however, you can’t get inside - there is now a court). A similar atmosphere can also be seen in Przemysl.

I also recommend visiting Gdansk. This northern city, therefore, the character here is appropriate - there is almost no heat. Well, if you are looking for what to see in Poland in a modern style, you Warsaw. The city was rebuilt after the war, so there are almost no ancient sights here. But there are many bright events - you can visit one of them.

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Did you know that half of all Polish land is devoted to agriculture? 30% of the country's territory is covered with dense forests and also in Poland about 10 thousand lakes with the purest water. Having learned about this, my husband and I, as great lovers of wildlife, decided that we urgently need to go on a trip to Poland.

View the natural wealth of Poland

It is difficult to convey in words all the beauty of Polish nature, you have to see it with your own eyes. I will share information about the most unusual places we have visited, perhaps it will help you create your own unique route.

Seeing in Tatras(this is, by the way, highest mountain range Carpathians)Mountain Lake, I could not believe my eyes: I thought that such unreal beauty can only be in photoshopped pictures. But the lake is the most real, it bears the name sea ​​eye and located in the Fish Stream Valley.

Entering the territory Slowinski National Park, I just forgot that I was in Poland. It's all about moving sand dunes, which surround from all sides, leaving only a narrow path for the passage to the coast of the Baltic Sea.

Journey through Elbląg Canal impressed me to the depths of my soul: before I had never seen that the ships glided over the land. The point is that the channel is located VIława Lake District, and in order to overcome the land divide, they came up with such an interesting way. Outwardly, it resembles a funicular only with boats.

If the Iława Lake District became known thanks to an unusual canal, then Masurian Lake District famous for its beauty. It is surprising that not only nature in its original form, But and a huge number of ancient buildings.

Another notable lake - Solina, which is actually huge reservoir and formed as a result of the construction of the dam. But that doesn't make it any less picturesque! By the way, the best the lake is visible above, from the height of the Bieszczady Mountains.

And finally, our childhood dream came true: journey through the mysterious Polish castles. landscape park eagle nests is a path that leads to 160 km from Czestochowa to Krakow, combining ancient royal and knightly castles. It must be said that only ruins remain of most of them.

Ancient Polish cities

Of course, when traveling around Poland, we periodically visited cities: otherwise we would have gone completely wild in the pristine Polish nature. What can I say about them. All of them are quiet, cozy and beautiful without unnecessary noise and fuss. But I will name three towns imprinted in my heart:

  • Torun- an absolute favourite! Not at all because of the gingerbread, which are insanely delicious there, but because it is one of oldest cities Poland. It seems that the doorknob is ready to tell you some secret. What can I say if the entire city is included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

  • Bydgoszcz- Polish city ​​on the water: such cities are always charming. There are no outstanding sights in it: it’s just nice to walk along it, feeling like a hero of some fairy tale.
  • Malbork castle town- another fabulous city in Poland. Agree, not every day you get the opportunity to be inside a huge 13th century castle(by the way, the castle itself is called Marienburg).

You know, traveling around Poland, I was once again convinced how little we know about the world around us, and how much you can discover new things during one trip.

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Wroclaw - what is worth seeing in Poland in the first place

Many, going to Poland, plan to visit Warsaw or Gdansk, or go on a tour of the country's natural attractions. This all really deserves attention, I do not argue. But I advise you to go to Wroclaw first of all, and then go to other Polish cities and sights. Why? I can bring whole 8 reasons to go to Wroclaw.

Ancient castles - the heritage of Poland

If you still go to Wroclaw, you should also not miss the opportunity to visit numerous ancient castles which are close to this city. The easiest way to get to them is by car, but you can public transport. Lower Silesia (the region that surrounds Wroclaw) is famous for the largest number of well-preserved castles. Especially worth seeing:

  • Xionge Castle(Prince) in Walbrzych;
  • castle on the rock(castle hotel open for tours) in Trebesovice;
  • castle in Klichkov(castle hotel, open for tours);
  • Castle in Grodzce;
  • Chokha castle in Lusatia.

There are so many interesting castles in this region that it is simply impossible to list them all. The number of such structures in Lower Silesia is easy to estimate by looking at the map above.

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The morning following an anniversary is not always good. And not because someone has the Buchenwald alarm in their head. But because celebrating it at home - in the morning your nest resembles the battle of Kulikovo, where it is not clear what is where and where. And you stand there all jubilee, sober, vicious-preluchnaya, looking for someone to yell at - and there is no one. Everyone is in the know, so they fled before the critical moment. This is how the morning following my Hole began, but I could not even imagine that the continuation would be simply fantastic. My husband burst into the house, grabbed me in an armful and announced - we have a rest - week in Poland.

In Poland you can see the mines

At first, the faithful took me to Kovar adits. A kind of reptile, if he knew that they were uranium - a fig with two, he would have dragged me there. These were adits from the heyday of the socialist bloc, and AndIt was this ore that served as fuel for the first atomic bomb of the USSR. Once there was even a health-improving (!) complex for the treatment of the respiratory tract. Today the galleries are flooded, and during the tour, abnormal onlookers dive into the galleries to see the layout of the atomic bomb. But what they see there still - wow, it was worth the risk - the wonderful world of uranium glass. Oh yes, this exhibition was amazing. here we saw the largest collection of "Royal glass" in Poland. It was even somehow uncomfortable when the guide began to highlight the glass with a UV flashlight. The exhibits began to glow with a bright acid green light. Terrifyingly beautiful.

In Poland, you can "walk" through the mines

When we surfaced and drove away from this place, I sighed happily - but in vain. The second adventure was arranged for me by a kokhan, also extreme and also underground - a two-kilometer boat ride in the old Black Trout silver mine. To be fair, it is really very beautiful and interesting there.

Our guide-guide was a craftsman to talk - he told us different tales, we only clapped our ears and opened our eyes in different directions, periodically covering our heads from diving bats or looking out for “black” trout in the dark water.

But this was not the last surprise from a loved one:

  • we walked around the Polish "Sahara" in Bledow;
  • visited the saltworks in Wieliczki;
  • were in the Museum of Oil and Gas. Ignacy;
  • checked the clocks in the Clock Museum. Pshipkovsky.

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What to visit in Poland

The first Polish city I visited was . Before rushing to the historical center of this city, I advise you to visit it suburb. Here is one of Catholic pilgrimage centers - Łagiewniki. Divine Mercy Sanctuary attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Here are relics of St. Sister Faustina Kowalska. The tour will take no more than an hour. And then you can go to. What is worth visiting here:

  • Jagielon University;
  • Krakow Barbican;
  • Dominican church;
  • Church of the Holy Apostles and Paul.
  • Church of St. Andrew;
  • Mary's Church.

All these sights can be found in historical center cities. And if you go a little further to the Vistula River, you can go to Wawel Castle. This castle complex is a must-see.

Weekend in Warsaw

Leave and follow me to Warsaw. The capital of Poland surprised me with its calmness and unexpected silence on a Sunday morning. First of all, I recommend visiting Rynok Square and the Royal Castle. On the way, you can drop by Palace of Culture and Science and climb observation deck. A few steps from the palace is an amazing Saxon garden. And if you still have the strength, you can go to Warsaw library. It is located 10 minutes walk from the city center. On its roof there is a unique garden - a great place for a picnic.

The next day in Warsaw can be devoted to Lazenkovsky park. This park covers 76 hectares. Here is a monument to Frederic Chopin, near which free piano concerts often take place. In the park you can visit:

See the sights of Poland

I recommend starting acquaintance with Poland not from Warsaw, the official capital, but from Krakow, the unofficial, cultural and educational capital of Poland. I would compare Polish with Ukrainian Lvov and Russian Petersburg. There is something subtly similar in spirit, in the atmosphere in the very breath of these cities.

What interesting places are in Krakow:

  • main market- the square where the Town Hall Tower stands, the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Church of St. Wojciech;
  • market "cloth rows"- a storehouse of souvenirs for tourists;
  • Mary's Church;
  • Royal Castle and Wawel Castle;
  • Schindler's factory the one about which the film "Schindler's List" was shot;
  • Jewish Quarter Kazimierz;
  • salt mines;
  • the Czartoryski Museum;
  • mound Kosciuszko;
  • park "Krakowski Plyanty".

Walking Krakow

In addition to any interesting historical sites, in Krakow, personally, even when I was alone, I felt how the spirit of the city accompanies me, guides my legs in my aimless walks and leads me to my most incredible secret places. It was he who led and showed me an unusual one. And every time it all started the same way - with the sound of a trumpet playing every hour from the tower of the Church of St. Mary.

Where the spirit of the city took me:

  • restaurant "Balaton" made in the spirit of the times of the “Austro-Hungarian Empire, and where they cook amazingly delicious food;
  • Krakow University- it seems to be an ordinary student town, but Polish students are quieter and calmer. Our guys can be immediately recognized by the noise;
  • Tvardovsky rocks- the view of the city from there is simply incredible, and these rocks are located within the boundaries of Krakow;
  • "Museum Night"– accidentally came to this event and was glad. A couple of nights a year, about fifty Krakow museums do night tours, i.e. after 24-00. The lighting is semi-dark - the sensations are semi-eerie. But it's pretty impressive.

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Poland is very beautiful country with a rich history and original culture, located in Eastern Europe. The state boasts a large number of resort towns with developed infrastructure. Millions of tourists from all over Europe and beyond come here every year. In summer in Poland you can relax by the sea, in winter you can ski from the mountains, in spring and autumn you can arrange a tour of local architectural, historical and natural attractions. To decide where to go to relax, you should find out more about each of the resort cities of this wonderful country.

Sights of Lublin

The cities of Poland attract tourists with their special energy filled with magic. Majestic temples, mysterious medieval castles, narrow winding old streets, mountains, dungeons, breathtaking landscapes - this is what foreigners want to see when they come to Europe, and Lublin can provide them with all these beauties. Poland, whose sights can be conditionally divided into historical, cultural, architectural, natural, can surprise and charm with its appearance.

It was in Lublin that an alliance between Lithuania and Poland was concluded many years ago. The city has a lot of architectural monuments of great historical significance. These include the Krakow Gate, which is the symbol of Lublin, the Krakow Suburb, leading to the old part of the city. Visitors really like to look at local houses. Beautiful murals, exquisite stucco, interesting forms of turrets, enlarged old photographs - all this can be seen on the local buildings. Lublin boasts Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque and Classicist houses.

Poland, whose sights constantly remind of the distant past, do not allow people to forget their culture, history, never ceases to amaze visitors. Exhibitions, performances, festivals, performances, film forums are often held in Lublin. This city every street, every house, stone reminds of the glorious past, but at the same time does not stand still, but is actively developing, looks to the future with inspiration.

The city is located on the Suprasl River, in the northeast of the country, in a very picturesque place. In the 15th century Białystok was mentioned for the first time in written sources. Poland, whose sights do not end with ancient buildings and cultural monuments, boasts beautiful landscapes. Bialystok is surrounded on all sides by protected forests. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the main feature of the city. In the National Park you can see rare animals - bison. Interesting birds also live here - black storks, short-eared owls, as well as trees that are more than one hundred years old.

Bialystok is a multinational city with an Orthodox face, in which the cultures of different peoples are intertwined. Poland sights in store for different categories of tourists. The city will appeal to lovers of nature, history, culture, national traditions. There is a lot to see and learn here. In Bialystok, there is the Branicki Palace, also called the Podlasie Versailles. Luxurious residence built in the Baroque style. Architecture lovers should look at the Old Church, the Market Square, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Shoppers will also like Bialystok. The city has several large shopping centers as well as a huge market. Here you can buy anything. The prices are reasonable and the quality is excellent. International festivals of art, music, puppet theater and folklore are often held in Bialystok.

Great stay in Augustow and Mrągowo

These two cities are very popular among tourists. Augustow (Poland) attractions is of natural origin. Many come here for the sake of the Masurian lakes, the beauty of which is impossible to stop admiring. This tourist town with a developed infrastructure and a rich historical past, no one will be bored here.

Another interesting place for leisure activities is Mrągowo. Poland has prepared sights for different categories of vacationers; it will be interesting here for both adults and children. Mrągowo has many monuments, fountains, interesting architectural structures, historical complexes. Also in the city you can visit religious sites, museums, entertainment centers. Children will be interested in going to the zoo.

Bieszczady - a paradise for true connoisseurs of nature

Man-made and natural sights of Poland amaze the imagination, open up something new, never seen before. It is recommended to go to Bieszczady to all romantic people who are tired of the hustle and bustle, constant problems, and stress. In this cozy town you can relax your body and soul. Spirit intercepts from fabulous beautiful view wooden churches, located on the green mountains! Bieszczady is one of the most beautiful secluded cities in Europe. Tourists come here to relax all year round. Their greatest number is observed in summer and autumn, at this time it is warm in the city, and the mountains amaze with their beautiful views. In winter, Bieszczady is also crowded, because it is an excellent ski resort.

Częstochowa - a storehouse of historical and archaeological monuments

This city is recommended to go to all lovers of history, archeology, architecture of different eras. Many sights of Poland are of great religious significance. In Czestochowa there is one of the most important relics of the Poles - the Black Madonna, which is considered the Patroness and Queen of the country. She was crowned back in 1656, since then the constant pilgrimage to the icon has not stopped. Poles and guests of the city do not visit the shrine in vain. The Black Madonna healed more than one person, people ask the icon for health, well-being, prosperity. For worthy, pure-hearted believers, the shrine fulfills cherished desires.

Częstochowa is also famous for its unusual Jurassic mountain landscape. There are many rare animals, birds and plants here. In the national park, you can look at trees that are more than one century old.

Sunny Gdansk

In this cheerful town, located on sea ​​coast, thousands of tourists come every year who want to relax body and soul. The natural sights of Poland are a pleasure for children and adults. In Gdansk, you can improve your health, gain new strength. An excellent mild climate reigns here, there are many well-equipped beaches. The city has interesting historically significant architectural structures. At one time, Gdansk has been under the leadership of different owners, it has an intricate and complex history. Therefore, lovers of antiquity and architectural masterpieces you will definitely like it here.

Knightly Malbork

Anyone who has read novels about valiant knights and beautiful ladies should go to the northern part of Poland. It is here that the mysterious and so beautiful Malbork is located. This city contains reminders of Crusade Knights of the Teutonic Order against pagans and Muslims sights of Poland. On the map of the main architectural monuments of Europe, there is also a red brick castle built in 1274 on the banks of the Nogat River. This is where the Teutonic Knights stayed when they moved their headquarters to Malbork from Venice. The castle is the largest European fortress built in the Gothic style.

Wroclaw - the cradle of several cultures

It is always interesting to get acquainted with the traditions and culture of another nation. The sights of Poland allow you to immediately learn about the life of several representatives of the countries. Wroclaw has a very confusing and at the same time interesting story. The appearance of the modern city is the result of the fusion of the cultures of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. The Germans left Wroclaw after the Second World War, and the Poles from Lviv arrived in their place. The historically significant part of the city is built on islands connected by bridges, the total number of which is more than a hundred. Wroclaw is interesting for its architecture, there are buildings in the Baroque, Gothic, Art Nouveau styles.

Auschwitz - an eternal reminder of human cruelty

During the Second World War, Poland experienced many troubles. Photos (the sights in Auschwitz are not the most rosy) of those terrible events still cause shudder and incomprehension of how people can be so heartless and cruel. The Germans turned the city into the most important concentration camp, during its operation more than 1.5 million people died. Among the prisoners were women, old people and even small children, the Nazis did not spare anyone. Today there is a museum in Auschwitz, visitors always leave it sad and thoughtful. The exposition strikes with its cruelty and makes you think about the fate of all mankind.

Warsaw is the main city of Poland

The capital is the face of the country. Warsaw is the epitome of all of Poland. The city, like a phoenix, was reborn from the ashes after the Second World War, almost all buildings were subject to reconstruction. Today it is the political, cultural, scientific and economic center of the country. Businessmen and politicians come here from all over Europe. Tourists will be interested to see the huge Palace of Culture and Science. Particular attention should be paid to the Chopin Museum, the Old Town, the former Jewish ghetto, the royal route, as well as beautiful palaces.

Poland is a beautiful and interesting Eastern European country that attracts with its unique culture, traditions, architecture, and difficult fate. Tourists come here to learn more about the history of the people, as well as enjoy the contemplation of the delightful and so beautiful nature.

Sights of Poland. The most important and interesting sights of Polish cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

All All Architecture Places for walking Museums Nature Entertainment Religion

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    the very best


    Auschwitz, Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Auschwitz is the most famous concentration camp of the Second World War, located in southern Poland, 60 km west of Krakow. The exact number of victims of this death camp is still unknown, it is reliably established that there were at least a million prisoners who did not wait for freedom.

    the very best

    Wroclaw Cathedral

    Wroclaw, plac Katedralny, 18

    The Cathedral in Wroclaw is consecrated in honor of John the Baptist. This is a very beautiful and majestic Gothic building with neo-Gothic elements, which stands near the city of Ostrov Tumsky (Cathedral Island). The current church is already the fourth of those that were built on this site.

    the very best

    Market Square in Krakow

    Krakow's Market Square is one of the largest medieval squares in Europe. It was built already in 1257, and the buildings surrounding it are from the 14th-15th centuries. buildings, acquired their present form in the 17th-19th centuries, although they retained the Renaissance and Baroque eras: attics, portals, galleries of courtyards. The main attractions of the square, in addition to the market itself, are the Town Hall Tower, the Church of St. Wojciech, the monument to Adam Mickiewicz, the Zbarasky Palace and, of course, the St. Mary's Church.

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What else to see in Poland


The capital of Poland is one of the most visited cities in the country thanks to the famous Warsaw Old Town (other names - Stare Miasto, Starowka) of the 13th century, which is on the list of UNESCO monuments. Carefully restored after the Second World War, old houses, a moat, the Barbican watchtower - all this creates a unique look of old Poland.

Castle Square (Palace Square) is crowned with Sigismund's Column and the Royal Castle with a clock tower and the Gates of the Gentry. Sventojanska Street is famous for the main church - St. John's Cathedral and the nearby Jesuit Church of the Virgin Mary. Sventojanska flows into the spacious Market Square, where you can admire the stucco facades of the houses "Pod muzhinkem" ("under the black man"), "Under St. Anne", "Pod basilisk" ("under the basilisk"). The other end of this street rests on the Castle Square. Here begins the Royal Route, which includes the streets of Krakowske Pszedmieście, Nowy Świat and Aleja Ujazdowske, dotted with remarkable examples of medieval architecture.

Just 3 km south of the Old Town - and you find yourself in the Royal Lazienki palace and park complex. In the center of it there is an artificial lake, and on it there is an artificial island connected to the shores by bridges. In the 17th century, a palace was built on the island, in which the last king of Poland, Stanislav Poniatowski, lived. The interiors of the palace were decorated with paintings by Rubens and Rembrandt, completely destroyed during the Second World War. Now the palace has been restored, and you can come here with a tour or to a concert ( site of the palace in Polish).

Walking along the numerous paths to the western border of the park, you will see another recognizable landmark of Warsaw - a monument to the composer Frederic Chopin. The history of the monument is dramatic: at first, the Poles could not obtain permission to create a memorial, then in 1940 during the Second World War, the invaders cut it into many pieces and melted it down, and also destroyed almost all copies and sketches, and only in 1958 the monument was reopened. Near the long-suffering landmark, a pond is arranged, around it there are benches that can accommodate visitors to classical music concerts.


Among the picturesque mountains right in the center of the Krakow-Czestochowa plateau is the religious center of Poland - Czestochowa. The local monastery on Yasnaya Gora houses the main shrine of the country - the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, which, according to legend, was painted by the Apostle Luke in the house of the holy family. They say that the icon of the Black Madonna, the patroness of Poland, has miraculous properties, so this place is a center of pilgrimage for Catholics and Orthodox Christians. No less curious are the Knights' Hall, the Arsenal, many try to visit the Museum of the 600th Anniversary of the Monastery.


"The cradle of the old Commonwealth", now already former capital Poland, has not lost its charm over the years, multiplying historical treasures. Krakow, or rather, its Old part, which is tightly embraced by the Planty parks, is the location of hundreds of valuable monuments, and the Krakow Old Town is included in the list of the twelve most valuable monuments of the UNESCO world cultural heritage. The main square of the city is the Market, where the former shopping arcade Sukiennice has been preserved, the upper floors of which were occupied by an art gallery National Museum Krakow.

The fortress hill on the banks of the Vistula Wawel is visible from a distance thanks to the pointed towers: Złodejska, Sandomierzska and Senatorial, and the pompous Royal Castle houses the Szczerbiec coronation sword and a unique collection of medieval tapestries. Situated right here Cathedral Saints Stanislav and Wenceslas and the Zygmunt (Sigismund) chapel with the famous 11-ton bell "Zygmunt". Its ringing fills the hearts of people with anxiety, because turning points in the life of the country make it sound.

Neighborhood of Krakow

Wieliczka, or rather, an ancient salt mine, also included in the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO, located 10 km from Krakow. The place of pilgrimage is Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, which is 40 km from Krakow. During Holy Week, mysteries are held here, in which thousands of pilgrims participate.


Having seen not the best times of the state, Poznan concentrated its historical wealth on Tumsky Island. Here is the oldest Gothic church in Poland and the Golden Chapel with tombstones of Mieszko I and Bolesław the Brave, who were the first to ascend the Polish throne. old market with Historical Museum in the Town Hall building - a great place for walking. The symbols of the city are the Church of St. Wojciech and the Barefoot Carmelite Monastery.


Kornik is located 20 km from Poznań. It is worth visiting a museum with a collection of antique furniture, paintings and historical items, as well as arboretums.

Belovezhsky national park or Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the only fully forested complex in Europe. It is one of the most important natural treasures both in Poland and in Europe. In 1979 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The total area of ​​the Pushcha is 1500 km²: 620 km² - within Poland, the rest on the territory of Belarus. The symbol of the park is the bison, which has always lived here. During the First World War, the bison were destroyed. A small number of these animals still managed to be preserved in zoos. Every effort was made to restore the population, which was successful. Thanks to this, bison were returned to their natural habitat. On this moment Several hundred bison live in the park.
Official website

9th place. Mazury

Mazury - the historical region of Poland, located in the north of the country, is the pride of the Poles. This area is also called the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes (Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich) or "the land of a thousand lakes" (in fact, there are about 4 thousand of them) and makes up 1/4 of all water resources Poland. The largest lakes are Śniardwy (113.8 km²) and Mamry (104 km²). Masuria is easy real paradise for lovers of water sports: windsurfing, kayaking, sailing. Also, the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes is a great place for a holiday with the whole family. Here you can fish, pick mushrooms, ride a bike and just walk through the forest.

8th place. Malbork Castle (Zamek Malbork)

The Castle of the Teutonic Order of the Crusaders Malbork was built at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. It is the most important Gothic fortress in Europe and the largest brick castle in the world. Since 1309, the residence of the Masters of the Teutonic Order moved from Venice to Malbork. Malbork Castle consists of 3 castles, with a total area of ​​20 hectares. In 1997 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Official website

7th place. Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz-Birkenau)

The Place of Remembrance and the Museum of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp (Auschwitz) is the largest death camp of the III Reich. It is a symbol of the genocide of the Polish people during the Second World War. Studies say that 1.5 million people died in the concentration camp, including Jews, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, and Gypsies. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum was founded in 1947. It is a symbol of terrible human cruelty.
Official website

6th place. City of Częstochowa

Częstochowa is one of the most famous pilgrimage sites in Europe. The city is located in the south of Poland, in Upper Silesia. In 1991, Pope John Paul II himself visited here. The city is famous for its miraculous Częstochowa Icon of the Mother of God, which is kept in the Yasnogorsk Monastery.

5th place. Wroclaw

- a wonderful and charming city in Poland, the historical capital of Silesia; located on both banks of the Odra River. One of the largest and oldest cities in Poland. is a city of gnomes and bridges (there are about 220 bridges here, before the Second World War there were 303). In addition to the beautiful city center in the suburbs, there are such attractions as churches, monasteries, castles. - one of the 4 Polish cities that will host the European Football Championship Euro 2012.
Official website

4th place. Poznań

Poznan, along with is one of the oldest Polish cities and rich in historical monuments. The Polish Cathedral is the oldest church in the country (XIII-XV centuries). There are numerous city monuments of architecture: Gothic churches, the town hall in the Renaissance style (XIII-XVI centuries), houses of the XVI-XIX centuries.
Poznań is also one of the four Polish cities that will host the Euro 2012 Football Championship.

3rd place. Torun

Torun is the city of Nicolaus Copernicus, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. Located in the north of Poland. Thanks to its unique architecture, almost inviolable medieval layout and many Gothic buildings built of brick, since 1997 the city has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During World War II, the city remained intact and all architectural monuments are original. 96 percent of the inhabitants of the city of Torun are glad that they live here. It is the duty of every tourist to try at least one "Torun gingerbread" (toruńskie pierniki). Toruń gingerbread, an edible landmark of the city, come in a variety of sizes; they usually depict symbols of the city of Torun and scenes from medieval knightly life. The city even has a museum of Toruń gingerbread Muzeum Piernika.

2nd place. Slowinski National Park (Słowinski Park Narodowy)

Słowiński Park is one of two coastal national parks in Poland, located about 115 km northwest of Gdansk. A special feature of the Slovinsky Park are the moving dunes, which reach a height of several tens of meters and are among the largest in Europe. And huge mountains of sand create the illusion of a landscape of Saharan ergs. Here you can even see a sandstorm. Just like in a real desert, going for a walk along Slovinsky national park for several hours, you need to take care of a solid supply of water. Due to the extraordinary natural diversity, the Slovinsky National Park was included in the list of UNESCO biosphere reserves in 1977.

1 place. Gdansk

Gdansk is a city in northern Poland. Together with neighboring cities Sopot and Gdynia form the Tricity agglomeration (Trójmiasto) - a triple city. The cities are interconnected by the Szybka Kolej Miejska high-speed urban train. The city has a unique atmosphere, the smell of the sea and beautiful architectural monuments. The Old Town is an architectural complex of the 13th-18th centuries. Gdansk is a major port city on the Baltic Sea. Modern city Gdansk is one of the main centers of economic and administrative life in Poland. Gdansk will host Euro 2012.

On the territory of Poland, the bus network of the Polski Bus carrier is well developed, with which you can get to every point of our route. And what is important for your budget, the cost of the trip will not exceed €5-6, and if you plan everything in advance, then there are almost always tickets for the price of €1.

Prices for accommodation in all cities of the route are approximately the same:

  • bed in a hostel - from €5
  • 3* hotel room - from €20 for two
  • 5* hotel room - from €70 for two

The easiest way to get to Poland from Ukraine is by plane. Wizz Air has cheap flights to various Polish cities, including Katowice, a city that is not far from Krakow, and from where it is convenient to start our route.

There are also direct bus flights and trains from Kyiv and Lvov, or you can make the most budgetary route with several transfers and crossing the border on foot.


Just a few hours and you will find yourself in the medieval - cultural capital of Poland. Its heart is the Old Town (listed in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List) with a spacious Rynok Square, the Church of St. Mary and the Wawel Castle. For a long time, Krakow was the place of the coronation of Polish monarchs, although the capital of the country was in Warsaw - you can learn more about this on the tour "
