Ancient pyramids of Egypt: history, description and secrets. Report on the topic: “Egyptian pyramids Message on the topic of pharaohs and pyramids

The most ancient wonder of the world, which we can still admire now, is the Pyramid of Cheops. Shrouded in myths and legends, the Egyptian pyramid was the largest and tallest structure for many millennia. Khufu (another name for the pyramid) is located in Giza - the most popular tourist destination.

History of the pyramids

The pyramids in Egypt are practically the main attraction of the country. There are many hypotheses related to their origin and construction. But they all converge on one important conclusion: the pyramids in Egypt are impressive tombs for the great inhabitants of the country (in those days these were the pharaohs). The Egyptians believed in the afterlife and life after death. It was believed that only a few were worthy of continuing the path of life after death - these were the pharaohs themselves, their families and the slaves who were constantly close to the rulers. Images of slaves and servants were painted on the walls of tombs so that after their death they could continue to serve their king. According to the ancient religion of the Egyptians, man had two inner souls, Ba and Ka. Ba left the Egyptian after his death, and Ka always acted as a virtual double and waited for him in the world of the dead.

To ensure that the pharaoh did not need anything in the afterlife, food, weapons, kitchen utensils, gold and much more were left in the pyramid tomb. In order for the body to remain unchanged and wait for the second soul of Ba, it was necessary to preserve it. This is how the birth of body embalming and the need to create pyramids arose.

The emergence of pyramids in Egypt dates back to the construction of the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser 5 thousand years ago. The outer walls of the first pyramid were in the form of steps, which symbolized the ascent to heaven. The height of the structure was 60 meters with many corridors and several tombs. Djoser's chamber was located in the underground part of the pyramid. From the royal tomb, several more passages were made leading to small chambers. They contained all the accessories for the further afterlife of the Egyptians. Closer to the east, chambers for the entire family of the pharaoh were found. The structure itself was not so huge compared to the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops, whose height was almost 3 times greater. But it is with the pyramid of Djoser that the history of the emergence of all Egyptian pyramids begins.

Very often in the photo of the Cheops pyramid you can see two more pyramids standing nearby. These are the famous pyramids of Herfen and Mekerin. It is these three pyramids that are considered the most important assets of the country. The height of the Cheops pyramid significantly distinguishes it from the others located nearby and other pyramids in Egypt. Initially, the walls of the structure were smooth, but after a long period of years they began to crumble. If you look at modern photos pyramids of Cheops, you can see the relief of the facade and its unevenness, formed over millennia.

Birth of the Cheops Pyramid

According to the official version, the Pyramid of Cheops was built in the fall of 2480 BC. Date of first occurrence ancient miracle light, many historians and researchers dispute, giving arguments in favor of their arguments. The construction of the Great Pyramid lasted about 2-3 decades. More than one hundred thousand residents took part in it ancient egypt and the best masters of that time. First of all, a large road was built for the delivery of building materials, then underground passages and a mine. Most of the time was spent on the construction of the upper part of the pyramid - the walls and internal passages and tombs.

There are very interesting feature buildings: the height of the Cheops pyramid in its original form and the width were 147 meters. Due to the sands filling the base of the building and sprinkling of the facing part, it decreased by 10 meters and is now 137 meters in height. The giant tomb was built mainly from huge blocks of limestone and granite, weighing about 2.5 tons, which were carefully polished so as not to lose the ideal shape of the structure. And in the tomb of the most ancient pharaoh, granite blocks were found, the weight of which reached almost 80 tons. According to Egyptologists, about 2,300,000 huge stones were needed, which cannot but impress us all.

Doubts associated with the construction of the pyramid were that in those dark times There were no special machines or devices at all capable of lifting and ideally stacking heavy blocks at a certain slope. Some believed that more than a million people took part in the construction, others that the blocks were lifted by a lifting mechanism. Everything was so thought out and as perfect as possible that without the use of concrete mortar and cement, the stones were laid in such a way that it was completely impossible to insert even thin paper between them! There is an assumption that the pyramid was created not by people at all, but by aliens or another force unknown to man.

We are based specifically on the fact that the pyramids are still the creation of people. In order to quickly remove a stone of the required size and shape from the rock, its outlines were made. A conventional shape was carved out, and dry wood was inserted there. It was regularly watered with water, the moisture made the tree grow larger, and under its pressure a crack formed in the rock. Now a large block was removed and given the required shape and size. The stones for construction were redirected along the river by huge boats.

To lift heavy boulders to the top, massive sleds made of wood were used. Along the gentle slope, the stones were lifted one after another by teams of hundreds of slaves.

Pyramid device

The entrance to the pyramid was not originally where it is now. It had the shape of an arch and was located on the northern side of the building with a height of more than 15 meters. In an attempt to rob the great tomb in 820, a new entrance was made, already at a height of 17 meters. But Caliph Abu Jafar, who wanted to enrich himself with the loot, did not find any jewelry or valuable things and left with nothing. It is this passage that is now open to tourists.

The pyramid consists of several long corridors leading to the tombs. Immediately after the entrance there is a common corridor that diverges into 2 tunnels leading to the central and lower part of the pyramid. For some reason, the chamber below was not completed. There is also a narrow loophole, behind which there is only a dead end and a three-meter well. Climbing up the corridor, you will find yourself in the Great Gallery. If you take the first left and walk a little, you will see the chamber of the ruler's wife. And along the corridor above is the largest one - the tomb of the pharaoh himself.

The beginning of the gallery is interesting because there is a long and narrow almost vertical Grotto built there. There is an assumption that he was there even before the foundation of the pyramid itself. Narrow passages about 20 centimeters wide were made from both tombs of the pharaoh and his wife. Presumably they were made for ventilation of the wards. There is another version that these passages and corridors are indicators of the stars: Sirius, Alnitaki and Thuban and that the pyramid served as a place for astronomical research. But there is another opinion - according to the belief in the afterlife, the Egyptians believed that the soul returned from heaven through channels.

There is one important interesting fact- the construction of the pyramid was carried out strictly at one angle of 26.5 degrees. There is every reason to assume that the inhabitants of antiquity were very well versed in geometry and the exact sciences. Just look at the proportional, even corridors and ventilation ducts.

Not far from the pyramid itself, Egyptian cedar boats were found during excavations. They were made of pure wood without a single nail. One of the ball's boats is divided into 1224 parts. The restorer Ahamed Yussuf Mustafa managed to assemble it. To achieve this, the architect had to spend 14 years; such high patience in the name of science can only be envied. Today the assembled boat can be admired in the bizarrely shaped museum. It is located on the south side of the Great Pyramid.

Unfortunately, you cannot shoot video or take photographs inside the pyramid itself. But you can take many incredible pictures against the backdrop of this creation. Various souvenirs are also sold here so that an excursion to these enchanting places can remind you of itself for a long time.

Photos of the Cheops pyramid, of course, do not reflect all the greatness and uniqueness of this structure. With us you will plunge into history and look at the world with different eyes!

The only one of the 7 wonders of the world that has survived to this day is the Pyramid of Cheops, or the Pyramid of Khufu, as the Egyptians themselves call it, unlike the rest of the world, which uses the Greek pronunciation of the name of the pharaoh.

To fully understand how far from us are those times when the Cheops pyramid was built, one only has to think that for contemporaries of the other six wonders of the world Great Pyramid in Giza, she was so old that they no longer knew the answer to her secret.

Despite the fact that the largest pyramid in the world is more than four thousand years old, it has been quite well preserved to this day. Today, excursions to the Egyptian pyramids can be booked from almost any hotel in Cairo.

History and construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops

It is believed that a certain Hemion, the pharaoh’s nephew and vizier, and, by extension, also a court architect, was involved in bringing the royal ambitions to life. The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2540 BC, and its construction began twenty years earlier - somewhere in 2560 BC.

More than two million huge stones were needed to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. The largest blocks weighed several tens of tons. For the structure weighing 6.4 million tons, so that it does not sink underground under its own weight, strong rocky soil was chosen. Granite blocks were delivered from a quarry that was located 1000 km away. Scientists still cannot find the answer to the question of how these stones were transported and how the Cheops pyramid was built

The purpose of the high pyramid in Ancient Egypt. According to the most common opinion, this is really the tomb of Cheops (the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty of rulers) and members of his family. But nevertheless, discussions around the mystery of the pyramid do not subside. For example, from the point of view of some astronomers, some kind of observatory was equipped here, since the ventilation ducts and corridors point with amazing accuracy to the stars Sirius, Thuban, and Alnitak. It is also interesting that during the construction of the Cheops pyramid, the coordinates of the Earth’s magnetic poles were also taken into account.

Geometry and description of the pyramid of Khufu

The size of the Cheops pyramid surprises even modern people. Its base occupies a huge area of ​​53 thousand square meters, which is equivalent to ten football fields. Other parameters are no less striking: the length of the base is 230 m, the length of the side edge is the same, and the area of ​​the side surface is 85.5 thousand square meters.

Now the height of the Cheops pyramid is 138 meters, but initially it reached 147 meters, which can be compared to a fifty-story skyscraper. The years have left their mark on the safety of the pyramid. Numerous earthquakes over thousands of years collapsed the stone top of the structure, and the smooth stone with which the outer walls were lined crumbled. And yet, the interior of the attraction, despite many robberies and vandals, remained virtually unchanged.

The entrance to the pyramid, located on the north, was originally at a height of almost 16 meters and was sealed with a granite plug. Now tourists get inside through a huge gap made ten meters below, left in 1820 by the Arabs led by Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun, who attempted to find treasures supposedly hidden here.

Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three tombs, located one above the other. The lowest, unfinished underground chamber is located at the base of the rock. Above it are the burial chambers of the queen and pharaoh, to which the rising Great Gallery leads. Those who built the pyramid created a complex system of corridors and shafts, the plan of which is still being studied by scientists. Egyptologists have put forward a whole theory of understanding the afterlife of people of that time. These arguments explain the secret doors and other design features.

For many years now, the Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops in Giza, like the Great Sphinx, has been in no hurry to reveal all its secrets. For tourists, it remains the most striking attraction of Egypt. It is impossible to fully comprehend the secrets of its corridors, shafts and ventilation ducts. Only one thing is clear: the Great Pyramid is the fruit of a brilliant design idea.

  • There are many opinions about when the Cheops pyramid was built and who did it. The most original assumptions are various versions of construction completed long before the Flood by civilizations that did not survive it, as well as hypotheses about alien creators.
  • Despite the fact that no one knows the exact time when the Cheops Pyramid was built, in Egypt the date of the start of its construction is officially celebrated - August 23, 2560 BC.
  • The latest excavations, carried out at the beginning of the 21st century, indicate that the work of the pyramid builders was hard, but at the same time they were well cared for. They had a high-calorie diet of meat and fish and comfortable sleeping places. Many Egyptologists are of the opinion that they were not even slaves.
  • Studying the ideal proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, scientists came to the conclusion that already in those days the ancient Egyptians knew very well what the golden ratio was and actively used its principle when creating a drawing.

  • There are no decorative paintings or historical inscriptions inside the Cheops pyramid, except for a small portrait in the passage to the queen's chamber. There is not even any evidence that the pyramid even belonged to Pharaoh Khufu.
  • For three millennia before 1300, the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure on the planet, until a taller one was built. cathedral in Lincoln.
  • The heaviest stone block used in the construction of the pyramid weighs 35 tons and is placed above the entrance to the pharaoh's burial chamber.
  • Before the Vandal Arab invasion of Egypt, the outer slabs of the Cairo pyramid were so carefully polished that in the light of the moon they emitted a mysterious shimmer, and in the rays of the sun their cladding shone with a soft peach light.
  • To explore rooms that are difficult for humans to reach, scientists used a special robot.
  • From 6 to 10 thousand tourists visit the pyramids every day, and about 3 million per year.

Useful information for tourists

Currently, in the museum on the south side of the pyramid you can get acquainted with exhibits that were found during excavations and in the pyramid itself. There is an opportunity to see the restored unique cedar boat (Solar Boat), which was built by the ancient Egyptians. You can also buy souvenirs here. And the next viewing point on the territory will be the Great Sphinx.

In the evenings, a sound and light show is shown in Giza: alternating spotlight illumination of local attractions is accompanied by a fascinating story, including in Russian and English.

Opening hours of the Giza Museum complex

  • daily from 8.00 to 17.00;
  • in winter – until 16.30;
  • during Ramadan - until 15.00.

Ticket prices

  • entrance ticket to the Giza zone for foreigners – $8;
  • entrance to the Cheops pyramid – $16;
  • inspection of the Solar Boat – $7.

For children and students, prices are usually two times lower.

  • To visit the Cheops Pyramid, only 300 tickets are sold per day: 150 at 8.00 and 150 at 13.00.
  • It is best to go to the pyramids in the morning to grab a ticket and protect yourself from the midday heat.
  • The entrance to the pyramid is very low, you will have to walk 100 meters bent over, and it is also very dry, hot and slightly dusty inside. Water is not recommended for people suffering from claustrophobia, diseases of the respiratory tract and heart.
  • Photo and video shooting is prohibited inside. As for photographs against the backdrop of the Great Pyramid, it is better not to give your camera into the wrong hands, as there are frequent cases of theft.
  • It is better to take a photo of the Cheops pyramid (as well as other pyramids) in the morning or evening, when the sun is not shining too brightly, otherwise the image will turn out flat.
  • Climbing the pyramid is strictly prohibited.
  • For local residents tourists are the main and often the only source of income, so you will constantly be offered to buy something. Therefore, think carefully about whether you need certain offers, and in any case, be sure to bargain. Give tips only to those who truly deserve them.
  • Be careful: there are a lot of pickpockets around.

How to get to the Cheops pyramid

Address: Egypt, Cairo, El Giza district, El Haram street

Getting there from Cairo:

  • By metro (line No. 2) - to Giza station. Then transfer to bus No. 900 or No. 997 and drive along Al-Haram avenue for 15–20 minutes.
  • By bus No. 355 and No. 357 from the airport and Heliopolis. It runs every 20 minutes.
  • Take a taxi to Al-Haram.

From Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh: by tourist bus or taxi.


Mysterious pyramids Egypt

The Egyptian Pyramid of Djoser, better known as the step pyramid, is located in Saqqara, 30 km from Cairo. A visit to the pyramid is part of the Dashur-Sakkara excursion. It’s worth visiting this pyramid at least out of curiosity, because this is the very first pyramid built in honor of the ruler Djoser. The peculiarity of the pyramid is that it is made in a stepped form. Six steps are the path along which the pharaoh goes to the afterlife, according to historians. Inside the pyramid there are 11 burial chambers for the pharaoh and his family members. During the archaeological excavations, Djoser himself was not discovered, only the mummies of his relatives. This is explained by the fact that by the time the excavations began, the tomb had already been plundered.

An excursion to Saqqara with a visit to the Pyramid of Djoser will cost about $80 per person.

Pyramid of Mikerin

The pyramid is located on the Giza plateau next to others famous pyramids- Cheops and Khafre. Compared to them, the pyramid of Mikerinus is considered the smallest and youngest pyramid of the famous triad. The peculiarity of this pyramid is its color - up to the middle it was made of red granite, and above it was made of white limestone. But in the 16th century, the cladding was destroyed by Mamluk warriors. Scientists explain the fact that the Mikerin pyramid is relatively small in size by the fact that the Egyptians stopped making grandiose tombs. But despite this, the pyramid never ceases to amaze scientists and travelers. For example, the largest block of stone weighs about 200 tons! What technical means helped the ancient Egyptians so much? An excursion to the pyramid is included in the Cairo travel program and costs approximately $60 per person.

Pyramid of Mikerin

Pyramid of Cheops

There is hardly a person. who would not know the main attraction of Egypt - the Pyramid of Cheops. The height of this one of the Seven Wonders of the World today is 140 meters, and the area is about 5 hectares. The pyramid consists of 2.5 million stone blocks. The construction of the pyramid took 20 years. Several thousand years have passed since the construction of the Cheops pyramid, but the Egyptians still strongly revere the pyramid, and every year in August they celebrate the day its construction began. Despite the fact that the pyramid has been researched and excavated, it still holds many secrets. For example, in the funeral room of the pharaoh’s wife, secret doors were discovered, which, according to scientists, symbolize the path to the afterlife. But archaeologists were never able to open the last door. The cost of an excursion to the Giza plateau with a visit to the pyramids is $50-60. For children, the ticket will cost half as much.

Pyramid of Khafre

Although the Pyramid of Khafre is 4 meters smaller than the Pyramid of Cheops, visually it seems higher. The secret is that the pyramid stands on a ten-meter plateau and is very well preserved to this day. The pyramid has two entrances - one at a height of 15 m, and the other on the same side at the base level. The inside of Khafre's pyramid is quite modest - two rooms and a couple of corridors, but the real sarcophagus of the pharaoh is kept here. The tomb is made at the highest level and does not leave any tourists indifferent. The tomb itself is empty.

Archaeologists found a grand discovery in a pyramid in the 19th century - a sculpture of a pharaoh made from mountain diorite.

The cost of an excursion to the Pyramid of Khafre is about $60.

Pyramid of Khafre


This place is not as popular as the Giza plateau with its pyramids. Dashur is famous for its pyramids, which were built during the reign of Pharaoh Snofu. These structures are considered the first tombs in history built using new types of structures.

The southern pyramid, better known as Broken Pyramid, got its name due to its irregular shape. During its construction, the angles of the edges were changed for an unknown reason. This may have been a mistake, but scientists explain this as a construction move with concern for the strength and durability of the pyramid. The main difference between the Bent Pyramid is this. that it has two entrances - the “traditional” northern one and the almost never encountered southern one.

Another attraction of Dashur is the Northern Pyramid, better known by its name as the Red Pyramid. The pyramid got its name because of its red facing color. This is the first tomb with a regular pyramidal shape. The pyramid is very dark, so it is worth taking a flashlight with you. In the lowest burial chamber one can observe a high stepped ceiling, the same as in the gallery of the Cheops pyramid.

The cost of an excursion to Cairo, which includes a trip to Dashur, will cost an average of $85.

Probably every person wants to look at the pyramids. And if this is your dream since childhood, then a tour to Egypt is what you need. It’s very easy to order such a tour today - just contact travel companies in your city through a special form on our website, or contact us with any questions you may have at 8-800-100-30-24.

8-07-2016, 15:07 |

Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian pyramids are the most unique structure of the era Ancient world. The land of ancient Egypt has always been a place of unique scientific discoveries by archaeologists. Most of the finds naturally came from pyramids - the ancient tombs of the pharaohs. They were created to ensure immortality for the spirit of the pharaoh. Pharaoh Djoser, the first king of the Third Dynasty, became the first ruler to build a pyramid. It consists of six steps, about 60 meters high. Authorship is attributed to Imhotep, a scientist, physician and architect. Djoser was very pleased with the completed structure, so he allowed the name of the architect to be engraved on his statue - this is truly an unheard of honor for that time. Excavations at the pyramid of Djoser revealed to scientists many tombs of members of the king’s family and his entourage.

Egyptian pyramids pyramid of Cheops

Most big pyramid is the pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops. Its age is about five thousand years, the height was previously 147 meters, and now due to the collapse it is 137 meters, the length of the side is 233 meters. Until the end of the 19th century. The Cheops pyramid was considered the tallest architectural structure in the world. It was found that it was built from 2,300,000 known blocks; they were polished and weighed about two tons. The most interesting thing is that the gap between the blocks is extremely small; it’s even difficult to insert a knife blade into it. This is amazing... Many people are still speculating how the Egyptians managed to move them. It is also important to understand how labor-intensive this work was, because those artisans who were engaged in grinding also used stone tools. On the right bank of the Nile there were quarries, where stones were mined to build the pyramids. The boundaries of the stone were marked in the rock, and workers dug a furrow along these cutoffs. Then a dry tree was placed there, water was poured on it, it expanded and the stone broke off from the mountain. The stones were polished right there on the spot. Workers had to work in any weather. Then the blocks were transported on boats to the other side of the Nile, and they were transported on wooden sleds to the site where the pyramid was built. They were built for many years, many workers died. According to the information of the ancient scientist Herodotus, the Cheops pyramid took about twenty years to build, the workers changed every three months, and about 100,000 people worked. Two-ton boulders were lifted only with the help of human power.

The Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (in the Greek version of Cheops), or the Great Pyramid, is the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids, the oldest of the seven wonders of the world of antiquity and the only one of them that has survived to our time. For over four thousand years, the pyramid was the largest building in the world.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located in the far suburb of Cairo, Giza. Nearby there are two more pyramids of the pharaohs Khafre and Menkaure (Khefre and Mikerin), according to ancient historians, the sons and successors of Khufu. These are the three most great pyramids Egypt.

Following ancient authors, most modern historians consider the pyramids to be funerary structures of ancient Egyptian monarchs. Some scientists believe that these were astronomical observatories. There is no direct evidence that pharaohs were buried in the pyramids, but other versions of their purpose are less convincing.

When was the Cheops pyramid built?

Based on ancient “royal lists”, it has been established that Cheops reigned around 2585-2566. BC Construction of the "Sacred Height" lasted 20 years and ended after the death of Khufu, around 2560 BC.

Other versions of the construction dates, based on astronomical methods, give dates from 2720 to 2577. BC Radiocarbon dating shows a range of 170 years, from 2850 to 2680. BC

There are also exotic opinions expressed by supporters of theories of aliens visiting the Earth, the existence of ancient civilizations, or adherents of occult movements. They determine the age of the Cheops pyramid from 6-7 to tens of thousands of years.

How the pyramid was built

The Pyramid of Cheops is still the largest stone building on the planet. Its height is 137 m, the length of the base side is 230.38 m, the angle of inclination of the edge is 51°50", the total volume is about 2.5 million cubic meters. At the time of completion, the height was 9.5 m higher, and the base side was 2 m longer, however, over the past centuries, almost all of the cladding of the pyramid was dismantled. Natural factors also did their job - temperature changes and winds from the desert, carrying clouds of sand.

Ancient Greek historians reported that the construction involved the labor of millions of slaves. Modern researchers believe that with the correct organization of work and engineering, the Egyptians would have had enough tens of thousands of workers to build it. Temporary workers were hired to transport materials, the number of whom, according to Herodotus, reached 100 thousand. Modern scientists fully agree with this, as well as with the reality of a 20-year construction period.

The construction of the pyramid was supervised by the head of the royal works, Hemiun. Hemiun's tomb is located next to his creation, and a statue of the architect was discovered in it.

The main material for the construction was gray limestone, which was cut down in nearby quarries or brought from the other bank of the Nile. The pyramid was lined with light sandstone, which is why it literally shone in the sunlight. For interior decoration, granite was used, which was delivered a thousand kilometers away, from the area of ​​​​present-day Aswan. The structure was crowned with a hewn gilded granite block - a pyramidion.

In total, the construction of the pyramid took about 2.3 million limestone blocks and 115 thousand facing slabs. The total weight of the building, according to modern estimates, is almost 6 million tons.

The sizes of the blocks vary. The largest ones are placed at the base, their height is one and a half meters. The blocks are smaller the higher they are located. The height of the block at the top is 55 cm. The length of the facing slabs ranged from 1.5 to 0.75 m.

The work of the pyramid builders was extremely hard. A lot of time and effort required quarrying stone, cutting blocks and adjusting them to the required size. In those days, neither iron nor bronze was known in Egypt. The tools were made of relatively soft copper, so they were quickly ground down and were very expensive. Tools made of flint - saws, drills, hammers - were widely used. Many of them were found during excavations.

The materials were delivered by river, and the stone was transported to the construction site on wooden sleds or rollers. It was hellish work, because average weight one block is 2.5 tons, and some of them weighed up to 50 tons.

A variety of devices were used to lift and install the monoliths, and inclined embankments were erected to drag up the most massive elements that make up the lower rows. Images of construction work have been found in a number of Egyptian temples and tombs.

Recently, an original theory has emerged regarding the construction methods of the Egyptians. Scientists who examined the microstructure of the blocks in order to establish their origin discovered foreign inclusions. According to experts, these are the remains of animal hair and human hair, from which scientists concluded that the limestone at the mining sites was crushed and delivered in crushed form to the construction site. Directly at the laying site, blocks were made from the limestone mass, which were thus a semblance of modern concrete structures, and the traces of tools on the blocks are actually the imprints of the formwork.

Be that as it may, the construction was completed, and the grandiose dimensions of the pyramid fully justify supporters of the theories of Atlanteans and aliens who do not believe in the possibilities of human genius.

What's inside the pyramid

The entrance to the pyramid was made at a height of almost 16 meters in the form of an arch made of granite slabs. It was later sealed with granite plug and covered with cladding. The current entrance, 10 meters below, was made in 831 by order of Caliph Al-Mamun, who hoped to find gold here, but did not find anything valuable.

The main rooms are the Pharaoh's chamber, the queen's chamber, the Great Gallery and the underground chamber. The passage made by Al-Mamun leads to a 105-meter inclined corridor, ending in a chamber carved into the rock below the base of the pyramid. Its dimensions are 14x8 m, height 3.5 m. Work here was not completed for unknown reasons.

At 18 meters from the entrance, an ascending corridor 40 meters long, ending in the Great Gallery, separates from the descending corridor. The Gallery itself is a high (8.5 m) tunnel 46.6 m long, leading to the Pharaoh's chamber. The corridor to the queen's chamber branches off from the Gallery at its very beginning. A rectangular ditch, 60 cm deep and 1 m wide, has been punched into the floor of the Gallery; its purpose is unknown.

The length of the pharaoh's chamber is 10.5 m, width 5.4, height 5.84 m. It is lined with black granite slabs. There is an empty granite sarcophagus here. The queen's chamber is more modest - 5.76 x 5.23 x 6.26 m.

Channels 20-25 cm wide lead from the burial chambers to the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the king’s chamber open at one end into the room, and at the other onto the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the queen's chamber begin 13 cm from the wall and do not reach 12 m to the surface, and both ends of the channels are closed with stone doors with handles. It is assumed that the channels were made to ventilate the premises during work. Another version, associated with the beliefs of the Egyptians, claims that this is the path to the afterlife that the souls of the deceased had to go through.

No less mysterious is another small room, the Grotto, to which an almost vertical passage leads from the beginning of the Great Gallery. The grotto is located at the junction of the base of the pyramid and the hill on which it stands. The walls of the Grotto are reinforced with rather roughly processed stone. It is assumed that this is part of some structure more ancient than the pyramid.

It is necessary to mention one discovery related to the pyramid. In 1954, two stone-lined pits were discovered near the southern edge, in which there were pharaoh's boats made of Lebanese cedar. One of the rooks has been restored and is now in a special pavilion next to the pyramid. Its length is 43.5 m, width 5.6 m.

The study of the Cheops pyramid continues. Research using the latest methods used in exploration of the earth's interior shows with a high degree of probability the existence of unknown caverns inside the pyramid. So it is quite possible that scientists can expect new interesting finds and discoveries.

In the meantime, the Great Pyramid keeps its secrets, standing proudly in the middle of the desert, just like thousands of years ago. After all, as the ancient Arabic proverb states, everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.
