Elbrus is the jewel of the Caucasus and the highest mountain in Russia. Elbrus mountain

One of the main attractions of the Elbrus region is Mount Elbrus - highest peak Russia and Europe, located north of the Greater Caucasus Range on the border of two republics: Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian.

Elbrus is a two-peaked dormant volcano. The height of the western peak is 5642 m above sea level, the eastern - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5300 m. The peaks are located at a distance of about 3 thousand m from each other. The main composition of the rocks is granites, gneisses, diabases and tuffs of volcanic origin.

Elbrus with two crater peaks was formed a million years ago during the creation of the Caucasus Range. Huge streams of ash mud rushed along the slopes of Elbrus, sweeping away all the stones and vegetation before them. Layers of lava, ash, and stones were layered on top of each other, thereby expanding the slopes of the volcano and increasing its height.

The scientific study of Mount Elbrus began in the 19th century. Russian researchers. The first person to determine the exact location and height of the mountain in 1913 was Academician V. Vishnevsky. In 1829, Mount Elbrus was visited by the first Russian scientific expedition, which included the famous Russian academician E. Lenz, Pyatigorsk architect Bernardazzi, botanist E. Meyer and others. The expedition was accompanied by General G. Emmanuel, the head of the Caucasian line. The first successful ascent to the western peak was made by a group of English climbers in 1874 under the leadership of F. Grove, its participant was A. Sottaev.

In 2008, Elbrus was recognized as one of the “7 Wonders of Russia”. Today Elbrus is the largest ski mountain in the world, as well as the most promising place for all-Russian and international competitions. Basically, the infrastructure is well developed on the southern slopes of Mount Elbrus, where there is a chairlift and a pendulum cableway leading to a parking lot called “Bochka” (at an altitude of 3750 m), which consists of 12 insulated six-seater residential trailers with a kitchen.

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. It is located in the North Caucasus, where the border between Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia passes. Immediate big cities– Mineralnye Vody, Nalchik, Pyatigorsk. Elbrus is considered a standard of natural beauty and a symbol of a healthy lifestyle. Recently, the legendary peak became a laureate of the “7 Wonders of Russia” competition.

Anatomy of Elbrus

From the outside, Elbrus resembles a Bactrian camel, since it has two peaks at once. One is only two dozen meters higher than the other. The western one reaches a height of 5642 m. The eastern one is slightly lower - 5621 m. From a distance it seems that they are located very close to each other. In fact, there is almost a kilometer and a half between them. The peaks are separated by the so-called Elbrus saddle. The average steepness of the rocks is 350.

There is an honorary world ranking called the “Seven Summits”. It includes the highest mountains from six parts of the world. Elbrus is the leader in Europe. Mont Blanc takes second place. He lags behind his Caucasian competitor by as much as 832 m! The nuance is that there are several methods for determining the border between Europe and Asia. Elbrus is considered “European” if it is carried out along the Greater Caucasus Range. Due to uncertainty, both peaks – Elbrus and Mont Blanc – were included in the rating.

Photo: Once upon a time fiery lava flowed along the slopes of Elbrus

From a geological point of view, Elbrus is a typical stratovolcano, which is characterized by a conical shape. Its thickness consists of layers of solidified lava and volcanic ash. Three million years ago, real hell reigned in these places. In total, Elbrus erupted for almost 250 thousand years! Looking at the peaceful peak today, it’s hard to believe. The last burst of volcanic activity occurred about 80 thousand years ago. By human standards this is a huge period, but by geological standards it is an instant. Some scientists believe that the volcano is still awaiting a surge in activity.

There is no bad weather

The Elbrus region is characterized by sudden changes in weather. On average, cycles last about a week. Good weather gives way to bad weather, then idyll reigns again. In the first half of summer, rain is a frequent visitor. At an altitude of up to 2000 m, the maximum temperature can reach +35. The average temperature is much lower. It decreases further with height. However, this is enough to slightly melt the glaciers. They give rise to such large rivers as the Kuban, Malka and Baksan.

Autumn in the mountains begins in the second half of August, and winter at an altitude of more than 2000 m can come as early as October. The average January temperature is -12, but drops sharply with altitude. Because of this, Elbrus is called “Little Antarctica”. For every 200 m of ascent, the temperature decreases by one degree. In winter there is severe frost at the top. The temperature can drop to -40, and the wind speed, on the contrary, can increase to 40 m/sec! Such harsh conditions prevail at altitudes above 4000 m.

Most snow falls on the southern slopes. The northern side is less snowy. The average thickness of snow cover is 0.8 meters. The beginning of spring in the mountains occurs in the first half of May. During this period, at an altitude of up to 3000 m, the snow actively melts and comes down in the form of wet avalanches. The bright sun poses a danger all year round. To save yourself from an overdose of ultraviolet radiation, you need to have a protective cream and dark glasses.

Photo: Most snow falls on the southern slopes

Climatic conditions determine the specifics of the fauna and flora of the Elbrus region. The mountains are home to Caucasian aurochs, chamois, and roe deer. There are wild boars at the foot. If you're lucky, you might see yaks on the slopes. They tried to breed them artificially, but the experiment was unsuccessful. In the forests there are moose, jackals, wolves, and foxes. The belt of alpine meadows is favored by the Caucasian grouse, mountain turkey, stone partridge, as well as feathered predators - black vulture, eaglet, golden eagle and others. You should be wary of vipers, although the mountaineers claim that meeting one is lucky!

Why Elbrus?

Names are given by people, so Elbrus remained nameless for a long time after its birthday. With the advent of people, the mountain received several names at once. This is due to the fact that they were invented by representatives of different tribes who did not have writing and did not communicate with each other. The Kabardino-Balkarians called it “Mingi tau” - “Eternal Mountain”. In Kumyk, her name sounded like “Askhar-tau” - “Snowy Mountain of Ases”. The Adyghe people called it “Kuskhemakha” - “Mountain that brings happiness.”

According to the official version, the word “Elbrus” comes from the Persian “al-borji”, which means “heaving”. At least on the territory of modern Iran there is a mountain called Elborz. In the Ossetian language there is the word “albors” - high mountain. Georgians call “snow mane” “yalbuz”. Apparently, over time the names merged and transformed. This is how the “arithmetic mean” Elbrus appeared.

Photo: Elbrus region - the territory of traditions and legends

As with any cult place, many legends are associated with Elbrus. Some of them explain the presence of two peaks. It is believed, for example, that they owe their appearance to Noah, who, during the Flood, touched the top with his ark and split it in two. To repair the damaged ship, he tried to land on the mountain, but was unable to do so. Then Noah cursed her, wishing her eternal winter. Since then, the two peaks of Elbrus have always been covered with ice and snow.

Brief history of ascents

Just as a prospector dreams of finding the largest nugget, climbers have always dreamed of conquering Elbrus. And they not only dreamed, but also conquered. Scientists became the pioneers. This happened in July 1829. Then mountain peak stormed by such famous personalities as the creator of the St. Petersburg geophysical observatory Adolf Kupfer and physicist Emilius Lenz. Even the botanist Karl Meyer and the artist Joseph Bernardazzi became climbers for a while!

The expedition was led by General George Emmanuel. Then he commanded the Caucasian fortified area. The event was purely scientific in nature. The ascent was supported by 650 soldiers and 350 Cossacks. Scientists, guides and 20 Cossacks took part directly in the assault on Elbrus. Only four reached the Eastern peak. And the Western Peak was first climbed only in 1874.

Photo: General George Emmanuel

Forty years later, Elbrus submitted to the English climbers. Then came the era of records. The German Merzbacher and the Austrian Purtscheller climbed to the top in just eight hours! In 1925, the first woman reached the summit. Since the middle of the 20th century, climbers have become widespread. And now the folk trail does not overgrow here. Elbrus beckons and attracts like a huge magnet.

There have been legendary cases in the history of conquests. So in 1974, three UAZ-469 SUVs rose to a height of 4200 meters! This was done without the help of winches. Since the air at such a height is very thin, the engines did not work at full capacity. Cars often got stuck in the snow. They had to be dug out with shovels. However, people and cars survived. A unique “ascent” has taken place!

Elbrus for skiers

If there are slopes and snow, then there are ski resorts. The Elbrus region is no exception in this regard. Ski resorts“Azau” and “Cheget” are located in the Elbrus region of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, 186 km from Mineralnye Vody. The Azau ski area is suitable for both beginners and experienced skiers. "Cheget" is more suitable for advanced "users".

The skiing season in the Elbrus region lasts from October to May. The high season is from February to April. In spring, people not only ski on the slopes, but also sunbathe. Skating on the glaciers is possible all year round.

Photo: The ski season lasts from October to May

On the slopes of “Azau” there are 3 routes: “Polyana Azau - Krugozor” (length - 5100 m, difficult), “Krugozor - Mir” (5110 m, medium), “Mir - Gara-Bashi” (2000 m, easy). The stations are located at altitudes from 2350 to 3847 m. It is possible to go higher, but for this you will have to use a snowcat. The elevation difference on the slopes is from 347 to 650 m. The total length of the slopes is 12.2 km, and the total elevation difference is 1497 m. The width of the slopes is from 60 to 80 m. The artificial snowmaking system allows you to ski up to 180 days a year.

The capacity of the lifts to the Mir station is 2400 people/hour, to Gara-Bashi – 1400 people/hour. From the Krugozor station you can clearly see the Baksan Valley. Above you will find a panorama of the Greater Caucasus Range. And from the maximum point - glaciers. The Gara-Bashi station “floats” above the clouds and is considered the highest in Europe. Lift operating hours are from 9:00 to 17:00. Get up until 16:00.

There are eight types of ski passes on sale - from a one-time lift to a six-day pass. Children under 6 years old have free entry to the ski lifts. On weekends, the cost of a ski pass increases by an average of 20%. In the period from 22.05 to 01.12, summer tariffs apply, providing only one-time descent and ascent. At this time, not skiers, but climbers climb the mountains.

“Cheget” has more difficult conditions for skiing. Local trails are more difficult than many European ones. In 1963, skiers went up for the first time on a chairlift. Now there are 15 tracks on Cheget. They are laid at altitudes from 2100 to 3050 m. Their total length reaches 20 km. There are luxurious conditions for snowboarders and freeriders. The easiest route is at the top of the slope.

There are three lines at Cheget cable car. Single- and double-chair lifts operate from “Chegetskaya Polyana” to the “Cheget-2” station (2100-2750 m). You can get to the Cheget-3 station (2750-3000 m) by single-chair or drag lift. Up to the highest point (3070 m), only the rope tow operates. The resort offers two ski pass options - one-time and one-day. There are several hotels located on the Chegenskaya Polyana, in close proximity to the ski lifts.

The resorts have shops that sell everything you need for skiing. alpine skiing and snowboarding. Equipment rental is available. Beginners can hire an instructor. Excursions are organized for tourists. The main attractions are the Narzan Valley, Chegem waterfalls, the Bezengi glacier, Blue Lake, the Maiden's Braids waterfall, national park"Elbrus region".

Currently, in the Elbrus region there are more than 70 accommodation sites, including mountain camps, guest houses, boarding houses and hotels. Accommodation costs may vary greatly depending on the services provided. In addition to hotels, you can stay in the private sector in the villages of Terskol, Baidaevo, Tegenekli, Elbrus, Neutrino. The price of housing falls in proportion to the distance from the ski lifts.

Photo: There are more than 70 accommodation places in the Elbrus region

Climbing routes

For beginners, climbing Elbrus along the southern slope is optimal. The route starts at Polyana Azau. The lift takes tourists to the Gara-Bashi station, located at an altitude of 3847 m, in one hour. Anyone can climb to the Oblique Shelf at an altitude of 5100 m by snowcat. For those who want to test themselves, it is better to overcome this stage on their own, without the use of technical means.

The southern route passes by Shelter 11 (4130 m) and Pastukhov Rocks (4700 m), which are named after the famous Russian climber Andrei Pastukhov. Next you will have to overcome the Col at an altitude of 5300 m. This part of the route is quite simple. But at the final stage you will have to work hard. To conquer Elbrus, you need to overcome a fairly steep climb. But the view from the Western peak is stunning!

The northern slope of the mountain is considered more difficult. The route is designed for trained climbers. Climbing to the top along the classic path of pioneers is not an easy task. This route is most often used to conquer the Eastern Peak. The glacier begins at an altitude of 3800 m, so you will need crampons here. At the Lenz Rocks at an altitude of 4800 m you will have to stop for a rest to acclimatize. Having gained strength and gotten used to the thin air, you can storm the summit.

On the eastern side of Elbrus there is a route along the Achkeryakol lava flow. This is a rather long and difficult climbing option. The route goes through Irik-Chat (3667 m) - one of the most beautiful passes in the Elbrus region. From here you have an excellent view of the lava flow and the Jikauchenquez ice plateau. The object of conquest is the Western Peak.

The name “Wild West” best suits the western slope of Elbrus. This is an option for extreme sports enthusiasts. Civilization has bypassed these places - there are no snowcats or ski lifts here. It is chosen by tourists in good physical shape, since all equipment from start to finish will have to be carried in backpacks. The victory is celebrated on the Western Peak.

For those who climb, there are shelters in the mountains. This is the name for places where you can hide from bad weather, relax, and spend the night. The first shelter on Elbrus appeared in 1909 at an altitude of 3200 m. It could accommodate only five people. In 1932, the “Shelter of the Eleven” appeared at an altitude of 4200 meters. It could already accommodate 40 people. Then the Saddle and Shelter of Nine shelters opened. They are still in effect today.

Of the new shelters, “Bochki” should be noted. A dozen six-bed cylindrical houses are located near the Gara-Bashi station at an altitude of 3847 m. This is the most popular starting point for climbers before the assault on Elbrus. Nearby are the Hassan shelter for 12 people and the Kotelnaya shelter, which accommodates up to 50 people. On the southern side there are shelters Shuvalova, “Maria” and “Esen”.

“LeapRus” is considered the highest mountain comfortable shelter. It is located on the southern slope at an altitude of 3900 m and can accommodate 48 people. It has all the delights of civilization - heating, hot water and lighting. Electricity for tourists is provided by solar panels.

Photo: High-level mountain hotel

Our tourist club offers the following programs for climbing Elbrus:

  • Climbing with tents from the north side to the eastern peak

How to get there

By plane you can get to Mineralnye Vody or Nalchik. From there, take a bus or taxi to Terskol, a village in Kabardino-Balkaria. It is considered a resort center. Organized tourists order transfers through travel agencies. The trip from Nalchik will take about 3 hours, from Mineralnye Vody - 4 hours.

There are railway stations in Nalchik, Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody and Prokhladny. There is a daily train between Moscow and Nalchik. By train Moscow - Kislovodsk you will get to Mineralnye Vody or Pyatigorsk, and by train Moscow - Vladikavkaz - to Prokhladnaya station.

To major settlements The Elbrus region is walking intercity buses. In their cars, tourists travel to Elbrus through Krasnodar or Rostov-on-Don.

Mount Elbrus (Caucasus, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

  • Tours for May in Russia
  • Last minute tours in Russia

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Since school age, each of us remembers the majestic two-headed Elbrus, if not from geography textbooks, then from literature textbooks. After all, the great Lermontov, having arrived in the Caucasus against his will, was truly fascinated by it, fell in love with all his heart and sang it not only in poetry, but also in paint. His paintings depicting Elbrus, Beshtau, gorges and mountain ranges The Caucasus perfectly conveys the beauty and special, harsh, ancient and breathtaking poetics of these places.

Elbrus occupies a special place in the Greater Caucasus system. This is the highest mountain range of the Side Range of the Caucasus Mountains. Geologists have determined that Elbrus is the cone of an extinct volcano. Its western peak reaches a height of 5642 m, and its eastern one - 5621 m; they are separated by a deep saddle, which is also a five-thousander, its height is 5325 m.

Since Elbrus is very high, it is always covered with a cap of firn and ice, from which 54 glaciers descend in different directions, the largest of which are Bolshoy Azau, Irik and Terskol.

Climbing Elbrus

Naturally, even in those days when mountains were the focus of sporting interests only for climbers, and not at all for skiers and snowboarders, attempts were made to conquer Elbrus. The eastern peak in 1829 was first reached by the Kabardian K. Khashirov, a guide of the Russian scientific expedition, and the western peak in 1874 by English athletes led by F. Grove and the Kabardian guide A. Sottaev, a participant, by the way, in the first ascent of the Russian expedition.

During the years of Soviet power, ascents in the Elbrus region became very popular, they turned into massive “alpiniads”, the largest of which in 1967 involved no less than 2,400 climbers.

At an altitude of 4600-4700 m there are the rocks of Pastukhov, a Russian military topographer who was the first to conquer both the Eastern and Western peaks of Elbrus. Above these rocks in winter there is an ice field. From an altitude of 5000 m, the “oblique shelf” begins, as climbers call it, a fairly gently sloping plane rising upward. Traditionally, the route to climb any of the peaks of Elbrus passes through its saddle. From there it is about 300 m to both peaks.

From the north side mountain range The infrastructure is still poorly developed; there are only a few huts for climbers, which are used by both tourists and emergency workers. As a rule, ascents to the Eastern peak are made from the northern side; the route passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m).

During the years of Soviet power, ascents in the Elbrus region became very popular; they turned into massive “alpiniads”, the largest of which in 1967 involved 2,400 climbers.


In our country, the Elbrus region has always been and remains one of the most popular centers of skiing and tourism. The most visited slope of the Elbrus region is Mount Cheget, which is well equipped with both chairlifts and cable-pendulum lifts. The trails here are of varying degrees of difficulty; anyone, from aces to beginners, will find a trail on Cheget that suits their abilities. Cheget also has a fairly attractive selection of entertainment for tourists. There are cafes and restaurants on the slope, and there are equipment rental centers. From the top of the mountain there is a wonderful view of the double-headed Elbrus.

Elbrus clones

Camp sites

As for Elbrus itself, for all its severity and external inaccessibility, which seemingly does not imply the presence of a person, there is also a certain tourist infrastructure here. It is concentrated mainly on the southern slopes of the mountain range, where the pendulum chairlift is located, the height of which is 3750 m. Here you will be greeted by the Barrels shelter, which houses more than ten six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. This place serves as a launching pad for modern athletes climbing Elbrus. There is a new, more modern, shelter “Liprus”, opened in 2013. It accommodates 48 people and is located at an altitude of 3912 m. The highest mountain hotel in the Elbrus region is the “Shelter of Eleven”, its main building burned down in the 90s of the 20th century, but in Currently, a new building has been built on the basis of the boiler room of the former hotel. In addition, the shelter has several 12-person trailers and a kitchen. In the evenings, a diesel generator is organized to supply electricity to the trailers.

The saddle of Elbrus, as a starting point for all climbers, no matter which peak they strive to reach, has long needed its own shelter, since the higher the climbers rise, the more difficult it is for them to go every centimeter of the way. Therefore, a shelter at an altitude of 5300 m is really necessary. Since 2007, work has been underway on its construction. The shelter will be a hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a foundation. By 2009, the dome structures were made and construction work began. However, it was not possible to open the shelter as planned - 2010; work is currently ongoing.

How to get there: by plane to Kislovodsk, Nalchik or Cherkessk, then by bus, taxi or rented car.

Blessed is the mountain, the sparkling mountain, the mountain of joy, the pearl of the Caucasus, whatever names one of the highest mountains of Russia and Europe is called. But in reference books and guidebooks we know it under the name Elbrus, which from the Balkar language means “a mountain around which the wind swirls.” The fact is that the Balkar tribes who lived at the foot of the mountain often noticed the so-called “Elbrus whirlwinds” - these are masses of air visible to the human eye, which seem to be twisted into a horn.

Mount Elbrus: description, photo, video

Elbrus is a volcano with two peaks that died out two thousand years ago. The western peak has a height of 5641, the height of the north is 5621 (a difference of twenty meters). To help you imagine the height more clearly, we inform you that Elbrus is 4400 meters higher and 2300 meters higher. The first ascent to the summit took place on July 22, 1829, led by Georg Emmanuel. Despite the fact that since the discovery of this by scientists, it is considered extinct, gas eruptions have recently been noticed, which may indicate that the volcano is only dormant.

But tectologists are confident that an eruption could theoretically occur only in a couple of thousand years, and the obvious processes of gas eruption are only the beginning of a long process of awakening the volcano. And the current prospects for an eruption do not prevent tourists from all over the world from visiting one of the largest and beautiful mountains Europe.

The air on Elbrus is of high purity and crystal clear, thanks to which it offers views of two seas that are nearby: and. Experienced climbers always warn: Elbrus is a two-faced mountain with a changeable character. At an altitude of 3756 meters (where the cable car leads), the weather can be warm and little windy, but after a couple of hours of ascent it changes sharply and the ascent can become very difficult. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the manifestations of this miracle mountain, because the climb is worth it.

It is also worth separately noting the territory of the Elbrus region. During the Great Patriotic War, tough battles took place here, in which the division took part special purpose"Edelweiss". This division brought together the most resilient Wehrmacht soldiers who had previously served and trained in mountainous regions. Interestingly, Hitler himself considered the operation to capture Elbrus and raise the flag on its top a waste of effort and resources.

Panorama of Mount Elbrus

The first attempts of the Soviet army in August 1942 to liberate Elbrus were in vain. The fighters had neither special equipment nor alpine skills and were doomed. There were several attempts to storm Elbrus and liberate the Shelter of Eleven, the Ice Base and the 105th picket, but only at the end of the 42nd with the joint efforts of the NKVD, aviation and special forces. A group of soldiers with mountaineering skills and the proper equipment managed to dislodge the Edelweiss from Elbrus and raise the Soviet flag at its peak. Monuments to our fallen heroes testify to these battles in the Elbrus region.

Today, the Elbrus region is one of the most developed tourist regions in the Caucasus; due to the number of tourists, this territory is among the ten most popular and visited in the world.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Elbrus is located on the border of two republics: Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mount Elbrus on the map

Coordinates of Mount Elbrus on the map:

  • Latitude — 34°69′35′′
  • Longitude — 45°28′69′′

The volcano mountain is located 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

As a rule, most travelers prefer to join or form tourist groups. These groups are transported by excursion bus to the towns of Neutrino, Terskol, Tegenekli, Elbrus and Baidaevo. These villages, as well as the Elbrus-Azau and Cheget ski resorts, are located along the main route. Also, you will not have any difficulty getting to them by car. There are no other options today.

When is the best time to visit Mount Elbrus?

As mentioned above, Elbrus has unstable weather conditions, which change quite sharply and quickly. It’s as if he’s trying to prevent the climber from reaching the top, testing him: with a nosy, cold wind, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and fatigue. Therefore, people with poor health are highly discouraged from starting such a climb, and everyone else must use the services of a professional guide, due to the need to undergo training.

As for the optimal season for climbing, experienced climbers say that summer is best for beginners. Then the ascent conditions are a little milder, the daylight hours are longer, and the temperature is within normal limits. The only significant obstacle is thunderstorms that are quite frequent in this area, from which it is difficult to find shelter. Therefore, carefully study the weather forecast, and try not to start climbing on a day when there is supposed to be a thunderstorm.


The volcano mountain itself and the Elbrus region are quite tourist developed. This resort is in no way inferior to its Himalayan and Alpine counterparts. Of course, he has his own Slavic characteristics. On its territory there are a number of hotels of various price categories, and several ski resorts. So, even without planning a climb, you'll have a great time skiing some of the longest ski runs in Europe, or reflecting in the local spas. In general, there is something to do.

Also at your discretion, at an altitude of 4110 meters, there is the highest mountain hotel in the world called “Shelter of the Eleven”. From the cable car (height 3750 meters) there is a path to this hotel. If you wish, you can use the lift, and then walk to it.

What to see in the area

What else is interesting in the vicinity of Elbrus and is a must-see? Mount Cheget, which is located on the opposite side of Elbrus and offers views of the entire volcano. By the way, most of the presented photographs of Elbrus were taken either from or from Mount Cheget.

The Baksan River is one of three rivers that flow from the glaciers of Elbrus with a beautiful azure hue of water. Visit the blue lakes of Nalchik - one of the favorite attractions of local residents.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to this mountain: to visit places of military glory, test yourself in climbing, walk around the outskirts of Elbrus, or just relax at local resorts and go skiing Elbrus will entice you. It will interest, entice and leave behind the memory of a proud and self-sufficient mountain, the highest mountain in Europe and one of the seven wonders of Russia.

And if he allows you to climb, if you can climb to the highest point of Elbrus, the view that will open before you will be worth not only the effort and money spent, but also a new ascent, because according to the statistics, 6 out of 10 people who climbed Elbrus for the first time , do it again.

People go snowboarding and skiing here, tourists from all over the world come to the mountain in order to be at the highest point in Europe or to follow the routes at the base mountain range. People come here for new experiences, incredible sensations, pristine nature. It is simply impossible to visit the top of the Great Mountain and remain the same.

But what do we really know about Elbrus?

From a geography course it vaguely emerges that height of Mount Elbrus in meters 5642, this is what we tried to remember when drawing the borders of Europe on the contour map.

In this article we want to remind readers about the most interesting facts about Elbrus and just tell us more about this ancient volcano.

Elbrus — highest point Europe.

Geography lesson: Mount Elbrus

What do we know about Elbrus from geography lessons and Wikipedia?

This is an ancient extinct volcano (it began its formation two to three million years ago), located in the Caucasus on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, the height of Elbrus (5642 m) is usually designated by the highest - Western - peak, and one and a half kilometers from it there is the Eastern peak, which is inferior in height to only 11 meters; between them lies the Sedlovina pass (5416 m).

From the time of its formation to the present day, Elbrus, under the influence of various natural disasters, has completely changed its outline up to ten times.

It’s hard to believe, but various earthquakes, landscape changes, precipitation, winds and other “misfortunes” erased the mountain to the ground, but then erupting with renewed vigor, Elbrus again turned into a huge mountain.

It is believed that the “youngest” crater, which we now know as the East Summit, ultimately remained active.

There are 23 glaciers resting on the slopes of Elbrus; they give rise to such rivers as the Kuban, Baksan and Malku. Environmentalists are of considerable concern about the melting of glaciers against the backdrop of a general deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet.

Elbrus is considered an easy mountain to climb, but this is a deceptive impression. We will try to consider in detail the biggest misconceptions about climbing Elbrus in another article.

It’s worth talking about the weather on the slopes separately: in summer, at the foot of the ancient volcano, the temperature can be about +22-25 C°, and at the peak at the same time it will be down to -27C°. In addition, the ancient volcano is famous for its sudden changes in weather: experienced guides try to go out with climbing groups in the dark (at 3 or 4 a.m.) in order to have time to go up and down with the group before lunch, when the sun is shining and visibility is excellent. During the entire observation period, not a single rain was recorded at the Elbrus meteorological station (altitude 4250 m): precipitation falls only in the form of snow. February is usually the coldest month on the mountain, and it is better to conquer the peak in August, when all the cracks and cracks appear on the surface of the ice.

Scientists are still arguing: should we expect the awakening of the great volcano? Modern research and high-precision measuring instruments indicate activity in the bowels of the mountain (at a depth of more than six kilometers), but this is a normal phenomenon for a “former” active volcano and transfer Elbrus to the list active volcanoes Scientists are in no hurry yet.

Magma cooling in the heart of the mountain saturates the springs reaching the surface with carbon dioxide. This is how the famous healing (and simply beautiful) narzans are formed.

Climbing Mount Elbrus

The infrastructure of Elbrus consists of three lines of cable cars, several shelters and hotels.

The A158 highway goes all the way to the foot of Elbrus.

It is worth noting that developed infrastructure exists only on the southern side of the mountain, while the northern side boasts only a few huts where climbers or emergency workers stay if necessary.

People come to Elbrus, of course, not only for the sake of climbing. There are beautiful slopes here that are favored by skiers and snowboarders, and the magnificent trails of the Elbrus region attract hikers of all abilities.

In order to reach the level of 3780 meters, you can simply use one of the cable car branches.

Let's look at all types of “transport” available to tourists on Elbrus.

The first road (cable-pendulum) appeared on the slopes back in 1969. It was possible to climb to a height of almost 3,000 (Krugozor station). In 1976 its length increased by 500 meters and extreme point became the Mir station.

A chairlift line was stretched from the Mir station to the Gara-Bashi station. In the early 2000s, a new gondola-type line began operating parallel to the old one. The construction of the new road was completed at the end of 2015, the last section was launched (to Gara-Bashi).

Thus, you can climb along the new line from beginning to end or with “transfers” along the old lines.

In addition to cable car lines, Elbrus also has drag lifts.

Fans of winter sports are attracted by Elbrus with a variety of slopes and, of course, the stunning beauty of nature.

Shelters on Elbrus

We look at six shelters available to hikers who decide to climb to the top of the Great Mountain.

To begin with, let’s define the word “shelter”, and to be absolutely precise, we are interested in “high-mountain shelter”.

High mountain shelter is a durable shelter (house or hut), which serves primarily to provide reliable protection from difficult weather conditions. Such buildings are built not only for travelers; rescuers and shepherds actively use the shelters.

We will climb up the mountain and “stop” a little at each shelter.

So, our story ended at the mark in 3780 meters above sea level, at the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, this is where Shelter "Bochki"

The shelter received this name because of the shape of the houses (they really look like barrels). The house can accommodate up to six people.

All amenities and a kitchen are located in a separate house.

For a comfortable stay on site, it is recommended to take with you toilet paper, wet sanitary napkins, bags for things, water vessels (thermos and/or flask), slippers, and a belt bag for documents and valuables.

"Hassan's Shelter"
A little further from the Gara-Bashi station there is the Hasan Shelter (height 3750 meters). These are three trailer houses that can accommodate 12 people. The kitchen, as usual, is located in a separate trailer and is equipped with gas stoves. A stream flows nearby, which is suitable for use in the summer months; the rest of the time, tourists and climbers use melted snow as drinking water.

Shelter "LeapRus"
In 2012, the shelter (or, as all press releases say, “the highest mountain hotel in Europe”) “LeapRus” was opened. High-tech houses, similar to parts of a spaceship, are equipped with the latest technology.

Perhaps this is the most expensive of the options we are considering, but heated floors, delicious breakfasts, round-the-clock electricity and “full service” may interest some of the readers.

There is the possibility of staying in rooms for up to 12 people, with a separate cooking area. The price may include breakfast or three full meals a day.

In general, the main feature of this high-altitude eco-hotel is the complete release of the tourist’s head from everyday problems - literally all of them can be solved by the administrators.

The most famous shelter on Elbrus can be considered "Shelter of Eleven"

Let us immediately note that the famous “Shelter of Eleven” was never restored after the fire (later it was completely dismantled) and now construction of a modern hotel with the same name is underway. However, the timing of its commissioning remains variable.

Shelter "Kotelnaya"
On the site of the former boiler house of the famous Shelter, the Boiler House Shelter was built. The two-story building is located 1.5 hours walk from the Gara-Bashi station at an altitude 4100 meters. The area can accommodate up to 50 people. There are rooms for groups of 4 to 6 people and a large room for 12 beds. Electricity here is supplied from a generator and “turns on according to a schedule for several hours a day (there may be situations when there is no electricity at all; the generator does not work in winter).

The main source of water is snow, and in the summer months - streams from the glacier.

Shuvalov's Shelter (Sherapi Hut)
On the southern slope of Elbrus there is a small building designed to accommodate 20 people. Sherapi Shelter offers accommodation in rooms with 6 or 8 beds. There are gas stoves in the kitchen, but there is no electricity at all. The source of water is a glacier in summer or snow in unlimited quantities the rest of the time.

Shelter "Maria"

Literally a few meters from the Shuvalov shelter is the Maria shelter. The conditions are almost the same as at the Boiler House: kitchen with gas, electricity for a few hours and only in the summer, access to water - glacier or snow.

Shelter "Esen"
The shelter for 20 places is located between the former “Shelter of the Eleven” and the Shuvalov shelter, at an altitude of 4100 meters.

Conditions are the same as in other shelters: kitchen, gas, water from available sources on the mountain.

Climbing routes to Elbrus

(according to various sources - there are about a dozen of them), we will look at the most popular ones on this moment routes. Separately, we note that Elbrus is deceptively considered one of the easiest mountains to climb. We wholeheartedly affirm that this impression is very deceptive and the ascent can become a real test, and for some, the last “adventure” in life. The forces of nature are merciless and unpredictable. We advocate a responsible attitude towards the process of preparation, acclimatization and safety of the group and do our best to convey the message to our readers: climbing Elbrus on your own or as part of an unprepared group is DANGEROUS for your life.

The normal acclimatization period for Elbrus is considered to be 8-10 days. An attempt to climb to the top without first preparing the body for difficult conditions high altitudes is fraught with catastrophic consequences for the body and poses a danger not only to the climber, but also to the entire group. Try to plan your ascent, taking into account the time required for acclimatization of the body, or better yet, contact the managers of the My Way Tourist Club and don’t think about anything like that. Mountains do not tolerate fuss.

Classic route (Climbing the southern slope)

One of the most popular climbing routes to Elbrus. This climb is qualified as 2A. Groups usually start from the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, then overcome a difficult climb upward (the road has almost no deviations) to an altitude of approximately 5000 meters above sea level. On the way, you have the opportunity to stop at the “Kotelnaya” shelter. At around 5,000 meters, the route deviates slightly from the original axis, and tourists reach the saddle (5,416 meters). From the saddle, groups climb to one of the peaks, according to the original route.

The average climbing time from the Kotelnaya shelter to one of the peaks is taken to be 6 hours for a prepared group.

Classic route (Climbing the northern slope of Elbrus)

This route is also classified 2A. The beginning of the route is the base camp (2500 meters). A transfer is usually organized to the camp or you can get there on your own. From a height of 2500, the group rises to a mark of 3700 (Northern Shelter), then there is the opportunity to traverse to the saddle (5416 meters) and climb to the Western peak or conquer the Eastern peak of Elbrus through the Lenz rocks.

This route is considered more difficult due to the poorly developed tourist infrastructure of the northern slope.

Route along the Achkeryakol lava flow (eastern edge)

This route is considered one of the most difficult. The group starts from the village of Elbrus, moves along the gorge, pass and Irikchat glacier, where the Achkeryakol lava flow begins, the movement along which ends at the Eastern peak of Elbrus.

We would like to remind readers once again that climbing Elbrus cannot be considered an “easy walk.” The climate at altitude is very changeable; it gets dark in the mountains very quickly and the level of visibility drops to almost zero in a matter of hours. In addition, precipitation in the form of snow, which occurs very often here, can also reduce visibility, which can lead to loss of landmarks.

My Way Tour Club organizes tours during the most favorable periods, in compliance with all safety regulations. Our trips are registered with special services; the group is accompanied only by the most experienced guides and instructors with many years of climbing experience, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the Great Mountain, we have specially prepared, which can also serve as an excellent period for acclimatization before the subsequent ascent to one of the peaks.
