Fujairah where the country and city is located. Open left menu fujairah

Fujairah (Al-Fujairah) is one of the emirates that are part of the United Arab Emirates, and the only one of them located on the shore not of the Persian Gulf, but of the Gulf of Oman, and in fact already in the Indian Ocean. The name of this area clearly goes back to poetic creativity, since the word “Fujairah” in Arabic means “dawn”, and only a creatively gifted person could name a piece of the earth’s surface that way. The dawn here is truly beautiful, as it is born right in the waves of the bay.

But besides her, there is something to please the eye in the emirate. The whimsically curving coastline stretches for 90 kilometers, and mountains, cut by deep fertile valleys, approach almost close to the water of the bay. Mountainous capes covered with evergreen bushes protrude far into the sea. A narrow strip of flat shore is one endless sandy beach, generously flooded with sun. The climate in this place is so warm that even in February the water temperature in the bay does not drop below +23 ° C, and together with the many mineral springs in the mountain valleys and the picturesque beauty of the gorges and shallow bays, such natural conditions make Fujairah extremely attractive for tourists from all over the world.

Once upon a time, these places were ruled by Portuguese colonialists, who left behind several well-fortified forts built in the 17th century. Nowadays, however, they are in a dilapidated state, but they still represent historical value. The Portuguese were replaced by the British, who colonized these lands until the mid-20th century. Fujairah became a separate emirate in 1953, and before that its territory was part of neighboring Sharjah. The process of gaining independence turned out to be bloodless and completely civilized, and in general, wars and political upheavals bypassed this corner of paradise. Unlike the neighboring emirates and neighboring Oman, Fujairah does not have oil fields, but the picturesque terrain, developed agriculture and sea fishing do not allow it to be poor compared to its oil relatives and bring in not very large, but solid income from the resort and tourism business.

The tourist season in Fujairah begins in the fall, in October, and ends in the spring, in April. From May to September there is one continuous summer, and it is too hot for our northern brother. The official language is Arabic, but many residents speak English. In addition, all advertising signs and even road signs are duplicated on it, although this does not bring any special dividends: traffic in the emirate is on the left, and international driver's licenses are not recognized here. The local currency is called the dirham; 3.7 dirhams equal 1 US dollar.

Current time in Fujairah:
(UTC +4)

Getting around the Emirate of Fujairah

All trips within the emirate must be made either by taxi or by rented car. Road transport here is well developed in all its modifications, fuel prices are fixed at a low level, all emirates are connected by excellent four-lane highways, the main one, starting in Ash-Sham, runs along the entire sea coast of Fujairah, turns left and through the desert goes further to Sharjah, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

A taxi ride around the city costs from 10 to 15 dirhams; it is better to choose cars of a state company, noticeable by the sand color of the body, since the interior of such cars has meters, air conditioning (however, it is available in absolutely any car in the UAE), and a uniformed driver must know English.

Car rental is possible if you have a driver's license, and this pleasure costs about 200 dirhams per day. The layout of Al Fujairah is so simple and convenient that it is simply impossible to go to the “wrong place”. The three main streets, named after local sheikhs, are stretched parallel to each other along the coastline, and smaller streets intersect them at right angles, so there are usually no problems with orientation. Driving in a circle has specific features: the person entering the circle must let the entire flow on the left pass and get in last, and when leaving the circle he already has the right of way. Drunk driving in Fujairah ends in jail.

The emirate's air transport is focused entirely on international transport, and this is not surprising, since Sharjah and Dubai are only three hours away by car and there is no need to use aircraft on domestic routes. Fujairah Airport, like other airports in the UAE, is very modern, well-maintained and equipped by the national airline Emirates with maximum amenities for passengers, including carpeted floors, plasma panels for watching satellite TV channels in each hall, massage chairs and showers.

Water-sea transport is also well developed in Fujairah, although its own fleet is small and focused mainly on cruise tours. There is no internal water communication between the ports of the emirates, and foreign sea cargo transportation is carried out on leased ships of foreign companies. Nevertheless, the port of Fujairah has good cargo turnover and good prospects for further development, given the unstable political situation in the Gulf states.


The capital of the emirate of Fujairah bears the same name as itself - Al Fujairah. Europeans often call it Fujairah incorrectly, but, oddly enough, in this version both the emirate and its capital are better known among tour operators than in the original.

The city is small, with a little over 50 thousand inhabitants, but extremely conveniently located in a cozy bay of the Gulf of Oman, due to which the local seaport is well developed and has a good cargo turnover. There is also a modern airport that receives aircraft from many international airlines.

The city itself is very bright, with wide streets and a European building layout. There is nothing typically Islamic in its architecture: high-rise buildings, paved streets, a long boulevard along the coast full of greenery, dotted with calm and cozy seaside hotels with pleasant design and excellent service.

Numerous companies along the bay organize very high-quality diving and snorkeling, and their equipment can be the envy of many Mediterranean companies.

In winter, the slopes of the Hajar mountain range, close to Fujairah, are colored with the bright colors of flowering bushes, against which the ruins of the Portuguese fort and the dilapidated buildings of the Old City surrounding it look very exotic and colorful. This part of the capital is non-residential; it is entirely a historical monument of the 17th century, on the territory of which archaeological excavations are regularly carried out, and the exhibits found as a result take place on the stands of the capital's Museum of Antiquities.

What to see in the emirate of Fujairah

The emirate is not as rich in attractions as ancient European cities, but even here lovers of various types of outdoor activities will be able to find something to suit their taste. The main aesthetic value in Fujairah is the sea with its rich underwater flora and fauna, small cozy bays and coves, rocky capes with steep shores and underwater caves. In short, a real paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts.

For those interested in antiquity, right in the center of the capital there are the picturesque ruins of a Portuguese fort built in 1670, and around it are the dilapidated buildings of the Old Town. 12 km to the southwest there is another fort of a later construction - El Heil, which is a real medieval castle. It was the residence of the Emir of Fujairah until the middle of the last century, so the building is perfectly preserved.

Of interest are the remains of two more ancient forts - Al Bithnah and Wadi Daftah, of which the first is the easternmost of all the Portuguese military fortifications on the peninsula, and the second is located in a very picturesque valley, surrounded by a palm grove, on the shore of a small lake.

Fans of antiquities will also find the hospitable Fujairah Museum, opened in 1991, which exhibits numerous historical finds from archaeological excavations in the Old City, as well as traditional products of local artisans from different eras. The museum's opening hours are from 7.00 to 13.00 from Saturday to Wednesday and until 12.00 on Thursday; the day off, as in all Muslim countries, is Friday, as well as the holy month of Ramadan. The entrance ticket costs 10.5 dirhams.

In the capital suburb of Madab, another interesting museum has been operating since 1996 - open air museum, surrounded by a high fake stone wall with watchtowers. Among its exhibits are models of traditional Arab dwellings, artisans' tools and household utensils. On the territory of this museum, tourists are offered the al-Ayala folk dance and the original process of pumping out well water. The museum is open during the same hours as other government institutions, admission costs 10 dirhams.

Of the ancient architectural structures of the emirate, the only well-preserved relic remains a small, very elegant and beautiful clay mosque in Biddiya, which, unfortunately, can only be admired from a distance, since only Muslims are allowed to enter it. It was built at the very beginning of the 17th century and is considered the oldest in all of the United Emirates. Tradition says that it was built by grateful fishermen in honor of a huge pearl found in the sea. It is located 30 km from the capital to the north along the coastal highway.

If you drive along it a little further, then in the small fishing village of Dibba you can see an ancient Muslim cemetery of the 7th century AD. e., where the first Islamic warriors rest. Nearby there are two very picturesque valleys: Al Wariya Valley with mineral springs gushing from rocky soil and beautiful waterfalls on rocky ledges and Al Siji), the fertile land of which is cultivated for agricultural land and consists of huge plantations of flowers and fruit bushes.

If you drive further along the highway towards Sharjah, then in the mountainous part of Fujairah you can get to the traditional Friday market(although it is open on ordinary days), spontaneously appearing right next to the roadway. Here you can buy a magnificent handmade carpet from local nomadic tribes or pottery crafts from local artisans, and, of course, enjoy the harsh nomadic exoticism to your heart's content.

People with various skin and musculoskeletal ailments are invariably attracted to a couple of tens of kilometers southwest of the capital. Its water has healing properties, and together with the beautiful surrounding landscape, this place gives great pleasure and a lasting impression.

Well, in the capital itself you can find a very unusual attraction that evokes an involuntary association with Spain - this Friday bullfights near the bridge at the exit from the city towards Kalba. Only, unlike Spanish bullfighting, the local bull competitions are completely bloodless and not cruel. The bulls press their horns against each other and try to forcefully bend the opponent's head to the ground to the cheers of the spectators. The losing bull simply runs away from the “battlefield” in shame, so even children can watch the spectacle.

Where to go in the Emirate of Fujairah


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink



Shops and markets

Private guides in the Emirate of Fujairah

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with the Emirate of Fujairah in more detail.
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Shopping in Fujairah

Al Fujairah is famous primarily for its excellent beaches, high-quality hotel service and modern diving, but shopping here is not as well developed as in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. However, there are also plenty of places to shop here. First of all, these are markets where, as usual in the East, you can buy almost everything. The most famous of them is Souk Al Jumaa, or the so-called “Friday”, which is organized right next to the highway from Fujairah to Sharjah, on the border of these two emirates, in the town of Masafi. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, it may have functioned only on Fridays, but now it can be visited every day, except for religious holidays, from 8 am to 8 pm. They sell beautiful handmade carpets brought here from all the emirates, as well as various pottery, crafts, souvenirs and dishes made by local artisans.

For gold products, it is better to go to the Gold Market. Here you can buy gold rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces made by local jewelers at a very attractive price - $8 per gram.


Despite the fact that the resort industry is well developed in Fujairah and tourists are valued here as a potential source of income for the emirate, the government does not undertake to guarantee complete safety of being on the territory of the principality. Of course, Fujairah is not as politically unstable and unpredictable as other Arab states, and the foundations of Islam here are not as orthodox as in neighboring Saudi Arabia or Oman, but even here, due to the rather heterogeneous national composition of the inhabitants, there are plenty of various renegades and religious fanatics.

Actually, Arabs make up only 46% of the population, about 30% are the largest Indian diaspora, about 20% are Pakistani, therefore, in the event of any misunderstanding, representatives of different faiths are happy to blame each other, and representatives of the police with the same pleasure try to leave the blame the injured tourists themselves. Basically, the latter's complaints relate to the not very respectable hotel staff and rental car drivers, who are overwhelmingly represented here by representatives of diasporas.

Given the opportunity, the mentioned individuals can easily steal an item left unattended, and drivers, in addition, sometimes “forget” to return the change. However, the key to the necessary safety of the upcoming holiday is not in counteracting theft and deception, but in the necessary amount of knowledge of the religion and customs of the state to which you become a visitor as you step off the plane.

Rules of conduct in the Emirate of Fujairah

The dominant religion in Fujairah is Sunni Islam, which is not as intolerant of violations of commandments as Shiite Islam. However, any European needs to know and comply with several immutable laws and rules of behavior in the emirate, directly related to the characteristics of religion.

Especially many nuances arise during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, which is not “tied” to a specific date and begins at different times every year. During the period of Ramadan, even government institutions change their operating hours, and solemn prayers take place right in the squares with a large crowd of believers. In this case, guests of the country need to know that worshipers cannot be walked around in front, since this is a grave insult to faith. On the street during Ramadan you cannot eat, drink (including water), chew gum, smoke or sing songs, for this you can easily end up in prison. It is not recommended to take video or photographs of those praying, as well as to simply stand and stare at them.

One should refrain in the presence of Arabs from any comments regarding the appropriateness of their religion and certain rituals, as well as from questions about their wives, daughters or any other women. It is better not to talk about them with Arabs at all, just as it is better not to approach the fairer sex and, even more so, to shake their hand or kiss it. If an Arab woman wishes, she will offer her hand when meeting or leaving, but touching her without her permission is considered an insult.

A very significant element among Muslims is the handshake. The longer it is, the more friendly your counterpart is towards you. A handshake is also required when parting, and if the interlocutor is friendly towards you, he does it with both hands. But try to look at your face when doing this, since looking away to the side is regarded as bad intentions.

If an Arab invited you to his home, then refusal may be perceived as disrespect for the owner and a personal insult. It’s better to go, especially since the Arabs do not drink any alcohol when welcoming guests, and the obligatory treat includes tea, coffee, soft drinks and fruit. When entering an Arab’s home, you must take off your shoes and leave them near the threshold, but if the owner himself goes inside without taking off his shoes, you can follow his example.

In a conversation with your interlocutor, if you are both sitting face to face, you should not stretch your legs towards him - the soles of your feet pointed at the Arab’s face insult him. While at the guest table, you need to remember that you need to take food and pass it only with your right hand, since the left is considered unclean by Muslims. It is better not to ask the owner about the household members, limiting himself to only a polite question about the health of the whole family - this will be received favorably. Well, if a European guest can pronounce at least a few phrases in Arabic, respect and honor are guaranteed to him in full.

The cleanliness of the streets in Fujairah is strictly observed, so throwing garbage or a cigarette butt on the sidewalk (even if you just missed the trash can) can result in a fine of 500 dirhams and even a day in prison. The police strictly monitor this, as well as photography. Accidental exposure of government and military institutions, palaces of noble persons, police stations, or simply Arab women can also end in prison.

On the streets it is not customary to eat on the go, use foul language, drink alcoholic beverages, drink water from taps and fountains - for all this, at a minimum you will have to fork out several hundred, or even thousands of dirhams, and at a maximum you will end up behind bars. Alcohol is no joke in all emirates: here, although tourists are given a relaxation of the “prohibition” law, they can only buy and drink alcohol in the restaurants of the hotels where you live, or in your hotel room. It is highly not recommended to appear “tipsy” or with a bottle of beer in your hands in public places, including beaches. And God forbid that you end up drunk and driving - a decent prison sentence in this case is guaranteed.

It is better not to quarrel with the police in Fujairah, as throughout the world. So-called “plainclothes agents” are widespread here, and they often carry out wholesale document checks in public places. To avoid getting into an awkward position, it is recommended to make photocopies of your passport, visa and driver’s license in advance and have them with you when going out into the city.

The presumption of innocence does not always work here, but still, it is better not to get into police cars without law enforcement officers presenting official documents and announcing your guilt, which can be protested in a polite manner without being on police territory (which is considered the interior of a police car).

If you follow the above rules and listen to the advice of friends who have already been to the region as tourists, then your holiday in Fujairah will turn into a pleasant experience full of positive emotions.

Where to stay in the Emirate of Fujairah

Booking.com offers more than 30 hotels in the Emirate of Fujairah for booking. You can select a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star rating, hotel type (hotel, apartment, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, ratings of people who visited the hotel, Wi-Fi availability and much more. .

The Emirate of Fujairah in the UAE, although it occupies only 1.5% of the total area of ​​the country, is one of the most interesting and has many attractive places. This Emirate has preserved the traditional Arabic atmosphere, which is why it is most associated with the real East.
We dedicate this article to describing Fujairah as a resort with hotels, interesting attractions and entertainment... We will look at Fujairah, first of all, as a resort, and secondarily as an emirate.

Fujairah on the map of the UAE

Fujairah is one of the smallest of the seven United Arab Emirates and is the only emirate. Just 90 minutes by car takes you from cosmopolitan Dubai to an Emirate that is truly Arab in character. Compared to other Emirates, Fujairah has quite hilly terrain. Because of this, the amount of rainfall here is greater than in other Emirates. However, the climate here is warm and dry for most of the year. In the period from October to March, the average daily temperature is about 25°C, and the thermometer rarely goes above 30°C. In summer, the thermometer sometimes goes beyond 40°C.
You will definitely be enchanted by the incredible underwater world of the Gulf of Oman, on the shores of which the Emirate of Fujairah is located. Here you can discover the incredible diversity of four nature reserves and be enchanted by long sandy beaches. Fujairah offers original desert and mountain landscapes, traditional Bedouin villages, fantastic beaches with modern resort hotels and numerous attractions. The Emirate is the ideal destination for those seeking sun, sea and adventure, wanting to go diving or snorkeling or simply wanting to relax in a nice beach hotel.
In addition to natural beauty, the Emirate of Fujairah in the UAE also offers cultural attractions. These include Fujairah Fort, the oldest surviving mosque in the UAE, and the city of Dibba, which is famous for being located in Oman and Fujairah.

Fujairah hotels on the Indian Ocean

The Emirate of Fujairah has experienced rapid growth in economic and social development. Tourism here is also developing at a rapid pace, as evidenced by the constant emergence of new hotels. The main resort area of ​​this Emirate is Al Aqa, located between the Hajar Mountains and the Indian Ocean (or rather, the Gulf of Oman, which belongs to the Indian Ocean). The coral reefs off the coast of this village are home to rare and exotic fish species. This makes Al Aqa a magnet for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. Experienced divers can explore other sites, including shipwrecks located just offshore. The resort area of ​​Al Aqa is located approximately 140 km from Dubai International Airport and is home to such famous hotels among Russian tourists as Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort, Fujairah Rotana Resort and Spa, Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort, Sandy Beach Resort and newly built InterContinental Fujairah Resort. These resort hotels offer private sandy beaches and large pools, as well as additional amenities. Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort has a good diving center as well as a water sports center that offers not only the standard water activities but also deep sea fishing. Anglers will have the opportunity to catch tuna, king mackerel, barracuda or perhaps a small shark. Fujairah Rotana Resort and Spa offers a nice beach with a volleyball court, a water sports center and bayside massage cabins. The hotel also offers diving courses taught by certified professionals. As for the Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort, its highlight is the restaurant located right on the beach.

At the very southern end of Al Aqa Beach is the Sandy Beach Resort, adjacent to which is the famous Snoopy Island, named for his striking resemblance to the Charles Schulz character. It is a diver's paradise, an ocean sanctuary known for its coral reefs and excellent snorkeling opportunities. Here you can see bright and colorful fish such as parrotfish and even barracudas. The Sandy Beach Resort Diving Center is a professional training center that offers a variety of diving courses for beginners and advanced divers, rental and sale of modern equipment, including scuba gear.
There are other Fujairah hotels on the Indian Ocean. North of Al Aqa is the city of Dibba, the second largest and northernmost city in the emirate of Fujairah. Surrounded by mountains, Dibba Beach is known for its clear, serene waters. Diving and snorkeling are also very popular here. The coral reefs off the coast are some of the rarest in the world and contain a diverse range of marine life. Beach hotels in this area include: Radisson Blu Resort Fujairah and lesser known Royal Beach Hotel & Resort. Both hotels have good beaches and offer diving or snorkeling opportunities.


Just north of Fujairah city is the beautiful Al Aqa Beach with its luxury hotels. It is approximately 40 km north of Fujairah, on the E99. The charming small coastal towns of Khor Fakkan and Bidiya are located approximately halfway between Fujairah and Al Aqa.
On the way from Kor Fakkan to Al Aqa, you can make a short stop in Bidiya, especially if you are traveling on a Thursday. Every Thursday, when market day arrives, Bidiya is filled with baskets filled with bananas and various other fruits, which the locals snap up at the drop of a hat. But the real highlight of Bidiya awaits you at the end of the village. Here stands the oldest mosque in all of the United Arab Emirates. It is created entirely from stones and clay and is estimated to have been built between the mid-15th and mid-17th centuries. If it were made of wood, it would probably fall apart. However, don't expect any grand building here as it is a cute mosque with four small domes only a few meters high. It is still used for prayer, so non-Muslims are prohibited from entering it de jure, but not de facto. You need to ask the relevant information center if you can go inside. In some cases you are allowed to go inside, but be sure to take off your shoes.

As for the village of Al Aqa, there is nothing unusual about it, except for a few luxury hotels, a good beach and the famous Snoopy Island.
On the 3-kilometer long Al Aqa beach you will find 5 luxury hotels, if you count the Sandy Beach Resort separated by breakwaters from the main beach. Between this hotel and the Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort there is a section of the beach that is public but never gets crowded. A few local residents often relax here, but they can sometimes create a lot of noise. For example, when they come here on ATVs and start racing them along the beach.
Now it’s time to briefly introduce Al Aqa hotels, which are considered the most popular in the Emirate of Fujairah.

Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort
Particularly famous is the Le Meridian hotel, surrounded by an artificial oasis of palm trees and swimming pools. Its location between the mighty Hajar Mountains and the Gulf of Oman gives it an impressive appearance.

Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort
The five-star Miramar Hotel also boasts a fantastic location and high level of service. Designed in Moroccan style, the hotel resembles one of the mountain villages of the Atlas Mountains, but inside it hides the splendor of a thousand and one nights.

Sandy Beach Resort
This hotel makes good use of its proximity to Snoopy Island, considered one of the best snorkeling spots in the UAE. Sandy Beach Resort also features a seafood restaurant and a stunning terrace with panoramic views.

Fujairah Rotana Resort and Spa
This colonial-style hotel has a luxurious spa and very green grounds. Here you can enjoy a soothing massage overlooking the sea or swim in the cool waters of the pool.

Fujairah city

Located on the east coast of the UAE, Fujairah is an ideal base for trips to the Hajar Mountains, the fertile plains and beautiful beaches of the Emirate of Fujairah. Fujairah is the capital of this Emirate of the UAE, independent since 1903 and the only one not bordering the Persian Gulf. Unlike other Emirates, Fujairah is not dominated by deserts, but there are fertile valleys that were able to form due to heavy rainfall. These plains are used for agriculture.
Fujairah has no oil, but fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and poultry are supplied from here to the rest of the Emirates. The city of Fujairah also has a large port that allows large merchant ships to unload their goods in the UAE without having to enter the Persian Gulf. Since 1987, Fujairah has also had an international airport, which has given the local economy another boost.

The city of Fujairah offers small, classically tourist attractions, but its skyline is gradually being overtaken by huge skyscrapers. Next to the container port, in the Gurfa area, close to the central market, there is also a fishing port where the daily bustle prevails. There can be a strong smell here because, as often happens on the east coast of the UAE, fish are dried right on the sand here.
The Fujairah Museum is an interesting place to see historical weapons, jewellery, costumes and handicrafts typical of the region. Historical finds from the areas of Dibba, Bitna and Bidya are displayed under the colorful patterned ceiling.
The fortress city of Al Fujairah is located in close proximity to the museum. Previously, the rulers of Fujairah lived here, on the edge of a spacious palm garden. In this area, the historic Old Town is gradually being restored, with mud houses and defense towers around the fort.

It is planned to create a so-called “Heritage Zone”, which, in addition to the renovated clay buildings, will also have restaurants, green areas and a museum.
Even if the attractions of Fujairah city do not seem interesting to you, you can go to many other places from here because the city is an ideal starting point for trips to the Hajar Mountains and the many fertile valleys in the area. Many excursions are best undertaken by 4x4, but even with a regular car you can reach fabulous sites such as the palace of the former rulers of Al Hain in the lush green Wadi Khail valley, which also contains rock art, or the Bitna fortress in the Wadi Ham valley. Just north of Fujairah city is picturesque Khor Fakkan with a beautiful sandy beach. Even further north is the famous city of Dibba.

Prices for food in cafes and restaurants in Fujairah

You can enjoy oriental delicacies and a variety of Arabic cuisine in Fujairah's many restaurants and cafes. Souk Al Juma (Friday market in Masafi village) is the ideal place to try local dishes or explore an interesting oriental bazaar. But, of course, you don’t have to go to this market to try delicious Arabic cuisine.
The cost of food in Fujairah is mainly of interest to those tourists who decide not to take the all-inclusive concept. A large selection of restaurants and cafes can be found near hotels in cities such as Fujairah, Dibba and Khor Fakkan. As for Al-Aqa, there are practically no establishments near the hotels, so we advise tourists who decide to go to Al-Aqa to choose all-inclusive meals.
Food prices in restaurants and cafes in the emirate of Fujairah are low. On average, they are lower than in Dubai. In order not to be verbose, I will simply present to you the menu of one of the cafes in the city of Al Fujairah, located near the Hilton Fujairah hotel. Prices are indicated in dirhams.

As you can see, the prices are quite low. Appetizers and salads cost 8-14 dirhams, Iranian dishes - 35-42 dirhams (portions are quite large), seafood dishes - 40-60 dirhams, desserts - 12-14 dirhams, soft drinks - 3 dirhams, coffee - 5 dirhams, fruit juice - 12 dirhams.

About the Emirate

The Emirate of Fujairah has a population of about 200,000 people. Most of the UAE emirates are located on the southern shore of the Persian Gulf and have a warm, subtropical climate. Fujairah, however, borders the Gulf of Oman. Although Arabic is the official language in the UAE and Fujairah in particular, English is also widely spoken and widely used.
The Emirate of Fujairah in the UAE is bordered by the Gulf of Oman in the east and bordered by the Hajar Mountains in the west. It is considered one of the most beautiful areas of the UAE with beautiful beaches and mountains that almost reach the bay. The weather in Fujairah from October to March is ideal for a holiday, as during this time there are rarely clouds in the sky and the air temperature generally hovers around 25 degrees Celsius.
While the other six emirates of the UAE are located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, the emirate of Fujairah is located on the eastern edge of the country, on the shores of the Gulf of Oman. Also unlike the other six emirates, Fujairah is almost entirely mountainous rather than desert. The emirate receives relatively high rainfall, which is enough for farmers to reap bountiful harvests of fruits and vegetables.
Although it is a very beautiful region that has some beautiful luxury resorts, Fujairah is not experiencing an economic boom like Abu Dhabi, Dubai and even Ajman. The economy in Fujairah is mainly based on federal government grants and subsidies. Local industry includes quarrying and stone crushing. The recent boom in construction in Dubai and to some extent Abu Dhabi has helped Fujairah build its nascent industries.

The unemployment rate in Fujairah is high. According to some estimates, almost half of the working population is unemployed. Most workers work in the service industry or for the government. The Emirate of Fujairah in the UAE has a free zone that surrounds the port of Fujairah and greatly contributes to attracting foreign investment in the banking sector and trade.
The city of Fujairah is considered one of the safest in the UAE and has cinemas showing Indian films and "cleaned up" versions of US films. Tourists here have a choice of several beautiful, modern luxury hotels.
Due to its location in the eastern UAE, on the Gulf of Oman rather than on the Persian Gulf, Fujairah's climate is more temperate than Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The weather attracts thousands of visitors who want to escape the sweltering heat of the UAE's major cities. Due to the mountain range between Fujairah and the Persian Gulf, the emirate experiences less hot and dry weather than the rest of the UAE.
There is a small island off the coast of Fujairah that has been named "Snoopy" due to its resemblance to the iconic comic book dog when viewed from certain angles. The area around Snoopy Island is good for snorkeling, as there are many stingrays, sharks, turtles and a variety of colorful fish.

Fujairah's beaches are less crowded than those in larger cities, and prices for food and accommodation are lower than in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.
One of Fujairah's most famous landmarks is the Fort. Situated on a hill on the outskirts of the city, the Fort is said to be over 350 years old. Nearby is the Heritage Village, where visitors can see traditional houses and fishing boats made from palm leaves. Fujairah also has a small museum filled with artifacts found during archaeological excavations in the surrounding regions.
Ain Al Mazhab Gardens National Park is located on the western side of Fujairah city. It includes a playground, heritage replica village and fort ruins where traditional tools and pottery can be seen.
The Emirate of Fujairah is a quieter area of ​​the UAE than the more famous areas of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Although the nightlife in Fujairah is less attractive than in Dubai, the emirate is on par with its neighbor when it comes to beach holidays. In addition, in terms of weather, this emirate may appeal to many tourists, since it does not have such intense heat as in Dubai.

We'll tell you how to relax and what to see in Fujairah, an Arab emirate on the shores of the Ottoman Gulf. Read about the resort's weather, location and activities.

Fujairah, population 140,000, is a famous Arab resort located in the Emirates on the coast of the Gulf of Oman. Its peculiarity is that it boasts a moderate amount of rain for the Arabian Peninsula and a unique environment: an abundance of greenery, mountain ranges and pristine beaches.

Where is it located on the map of the UAE

There are no megacities with modern high-rise architecture here; instead, there is a powerful agro-industrial complex, the presence of monuments of ancient Eastern culture and recreational facilities. Moreover, oil is not produced here.

To be extremely correct, this emirate and the locality of the same name are officially called Fujairah. However, rarely does anyone call them that (certainly our compatriots).


Since this emirate is predominantly mountainous, the coast of the Arabian Sea is protected from the dry winds of the Rub al-Khali desert. Therefore, Fujairah is somewhat wetter, although there is no rainy season in the usual sense.

  • Guidebooks recommend visiting the resort in September-November and March-April.
  • In winter, the temperature drops to +15° C.
  • In summer, the thermometer sometimes reaches +50° C. The water is +18° C and +26° C, respectively.

How to get there from Moscow or Dubai

Russian travelers in most cases fly to Dubai on Aeroflot, Emirates, Fly Dubai, Ural Airlines (flight duration 5.5 hours). It’s just a stone’s throw from Dubai airport – about a hundred kilometers along the isthmus. The easiest way to overcome it is by taxi in an hour and a half. The price of the service is acceptable and constant, because gasoline in this Muslim state is relatively inexpensive, and the entire transportation market is under government control.

Planning a trip? Here you go!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

In addition, comfortable buses run from the largest airport of the Emirates every half hour from early morning until midnight.

By the way, the UAE is a miniature country by our standards, where everything is nearby, and almost 2/3 of its territory is occupied by a deserted desert. The Tver region is even bigger.

What is the distance and how long does it take to travel from Fujairah to Dubai?

The length of the route is 120 kilometers. The journey takes one and a half hours.

Description of the emirate

The urban area with a population of 50 thousand is divided into parts - Al-Badiya, Dibba, Kalba, Khor Fakkan. There are no crime-prone or environmentally unfavorable areas in Fujairah, with the exception of the mountains where there are active quarries. Closer to the sea there are prestigious hotels. And while petroleum products are really cheap in the Middle East, the same cannot be said about hotels.

The ensemble of architectural monuments of the 17th century deserves attention. Notable among them is the medieval Portuguese fort of Dibba Al-Hisn in the Old City, which was destroyed and rebuilt several times during its existence. Today it is an imposing castle with massive towers. The village of Dibba owes its name to him. A unique microclimate reigns here, attracting onlookers from all over the world like a magnet.

Al-Badiya is famous for one of the oldest mosques in the area, dating back to the 15th century and housing 30 worshipers, which is made in the Yemeni style.

Kalba is home to unique mangrove forests with bizarre fauna. And here, perhaps, are the best beaches in the area.

Khor Fakkan is a godsend for lovers of a spartan holiday with exquisite diving.

Transport connections

There is no municipal electric transport; buses are mainly chartered and school buses. It can be stated that road transport here is poorly developed: there are no more than 10 routes for the entire emirate, and they were laid without taking into account the direction of the main passenger flows. You will have to travel on foot or by car, of which there are plenty here. It is unlikely that you will be able to rent a scooter or bicycle: due to the heat, they are mostly idle, and this type of service brings nothing but losses to unlucky entrepreneurs.

So it turns out that for visitors the only means of transportation is state taxis and motorists. Private owners do not always have a meter, so it is better to agree on the price at the beginning of the trip.

Sea transport is adapted for cruises.

Communication and Internet

There are 2 mobile operators in the UAE - Du and Etisalat. Purchasing a SIM card will cost 75 local dirhams (this also includes a package of web services). The coverage area is small, there are enough towers, so the connection is stable. If necessary, sales consultants will select a package exclusively with mobile Internet. It's convenient, although not cheap. Reliable free Wi-Fi is supported everywhere - in airports, hotels, cafes, and commercial centers.

Sea and beaches

By local standards, Fujairah is considered a relatively remote periphery with the longest coastline in the Emirates (90 km). As elsewhere in the Arab world, the beaches are distributed to nearby hotels, and entry is free for tourists staying there. For “outsiders”, entry is at an affordable rate - 20-35 dirhams.

The beaches are distinguished by almost sterile cleanliness, and this applies not only to the sand (there are almost no pebble beaches in the UAE), but also to the water. In addition, some beach facilities have fresh water swimming pools, where you can spend carefree time with your children. The entrance to the Strait of Hormuz from the Indian Ocean is replete with corals; curious cetaceans, turtles and even rare, peace-loving species of sharks often swim here.

There are ideal conditions for scuba diving, relaxation with the whole family, and passive leisure time alone.

What kind of sea or ocean is there in Fujairah?

The emirate is washed by the Gulf of Oman, which belongs to the Arabian Sea. And this sea is part of the Indian Ocean.


In Fujairah there is the Oceanic Hotel, known to any local, where a powerful diving club is based. His instructors recommend diving at the Martini cliff, which is picturesquely covered with corals. At its foot there are cuttlefish, stingrays, scorpion fish, and lion fish. Surrounded by the hills of Khor Fakkan, the local beaches resemble a secluded paradise, from where it makes sense to start a voyage to sunken ships and reefs, and in the coastal waters of Dibba a fantastic picture of coral piles and the turtle kingdom opens up.

Fujairah's popular dive sites don't stop there. The islands of Shark, Dibba, Spuppy, the Chasm of the World Cave, the so-called Three Rocks and the Car Cemetery are at the service of foreign tourists.

Health improvement

There is an opportunity to receive treatment at the sulfur-rich thermal springs of Al Ain Gomur in a picturesque rocky valley (20 km from the administrative center of the emirate). The healing underground liquid has antiseptic properties and cures rheumatism and dermatitis.

The mentioned springs appeared as a result of a volcanic eruption many years ago. Swimming in them is often combined with a thematic excursion: a hike to one of the low peaks of the Khajar Mountains and a visit to the nearest exotic camel market, where, in addition to desert ships, they also offer donkeys and horses.


Frankly, Fujairah is not for shopaholics. However, in this part of the UAE you can also buy silk carpets, perfumes made from natural raw materials, cashmere outfits, sheepskin coats, jewelry and Turks with trays and hookahs.

For exclusives and antiques, it is better to go to the Friday market. True, its name does not correspond to the truth: the marketplace is open all week, and on Fridays it was open in the last millennium. There is plenty of choice here; with a successful transaction, beneficial for both the seller and the buyer, you can save half the amount.

Malls of various brands with boutiques, cinema halls, cafeterias and children's playgrounds are in high demand among visitors. The malls sell textiles, shoes, products made of precious metals, electronic equipment, and cosmetic products. By the way, bargaining is also appropriate in such stores.

  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on purchasing air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - look at the price order in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance so as not to worry on the road.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


Eastern Arab cuisine is characterized by a predominance of lamb and beef meat, southern vegetables, fruits, fish and sweets. Moreover, in Fujairah you can find dishes that are not found anywhere else on the Arabian Peninsula. This, for example, applies to “al madruba” - marinated seafood, cooked with a lot of spices and seasoned with flour, “guzi” - lamb in nuts and with rice as a side dish, “hummus” - chickpea paste, “kebbe” - balls of roast meat with vegetables. And for dessert they serve a curd dish called “ash-asay” with Turkish coffee.

Shawarma is sold the same way as in the Caucasus - right on the street, but it is called “shuarma” and the taste is noticeably different from the Russian version, because it is prepared according to a different recipe.

There are a couple of hundred restaurants throughout the emirate. Beach establishments are well suited for daytime meals. Eating directly on the shore creates an additional appetite and promotes healthy digestion. Let us remember that Arabs adhere to an extremely balanced diet.

There are few nightclubs, dance floors and pubs in these parts; they are mainly concentrated in hotels where tourists from foreign countries stay. There, in the heat, you can drink a glass or two of beer while watching a football match broadcast on TV.

Sights to see

There is a false stereotype that there is no civilization in the UAE, except perhaps for the capital Abu Dhabi and Dubai. In fact, modern business life is in full swing everywhere in this country. The only exception is the Bedouin villages in the desert, although elements of progress have already arrived there.

This country has great respect for its own history and jealously preserves cultural monuments. It is not for nothing that the archaeological museum is considered the pride of local residents, the exhibits of which (coins, utensils, models of dwellings) tell about the development of the emirate.

Fort El-Kheil was once the residence of the ancestor of the current emirs. Visitors have access inside to inspect the premises. In the courtyard, the owners offer to watch the labor-intensive process of preparing and cleaning date molasses.

The national treasure of this state is the Wadi Wurayya Nature Reserve. It is impossible not to visit it, if only because the river flowing through it has been turned into the main object of local water supply. Its valley is located in the middle of the mountains (the highest point is Jabal Ibir - 1527 m). There are many unafraid wild animals hiding in the green zone, so you shouldn’t let your guard down. Arab scientists are engaged in excavations in the reserve. They have already discovered ritual burials and ruins of settlements founded in the early Middle Ages.

Every Friday evening in Fujairah, bull fights are organized along the road that leads to neighboring Kalba. However, they are not like Spanish bullfights, but resemble shows of skillful circus tricks. Camel racing is especially popular. If you wish, you can take part in them yourself as a rider. So those who are supporters of a healthy lifestyle will not be bored: in addition, they offer participation in competitions in a number of water sports, mountain tourism and educational hikes along “wadis” - the beds of dried up rivers.


Here are the most popular excursions from Fujairah and their approximate cost:

  • To Dubai – $100;
  • To Dubai with a visit to the tallest building in the world – $160;
  • Jeep safari – $80;
  • To Sharjah – $65;
  • To Oman – $130;
  • In Abu Dhabi – $100;
  • Fishing or crab hunting – from $140;
  • Water parks – from $90.

Holidays with children

Yes, it is worth admitting: there is not yet enough entertainment for the whole family here, but the authorities are trying to fill this gap. Attraction complexes are available only at certain luxury hotels, as well as shopping centers. Therefore, the little ones, not without pleasure, stare along with the elders, for example, at the Heritage Village, where replicas of desert dwellings with all the everyday little things are recreated. But that's not all! Tourists are taught Ayala folk dances and demonstrated the ancient technology of water extraction. At the village market, children gorge themselves on fresh fruit, and their parents devour aromatic Arabica beans prepared according to a special recipe.

And for some reason, children adore the gardens of Ain Al Madhab. Apparently, this corner of nature brings a certain order and meaning into our consciousness. A park with well-groomed lawns and flower beds, luxurious alleys and fountains leaves no one indifferent!

Things to do

  1. Enjoy the uniqueness of the local coffee and dessert.
  2. Buy a traditional handmade silk product.
  3. Feel yourself in the role of a camel driver and rider.
  4. Take a photo in front of the unique Al-Badiya mini-mosque.
  5. Go with a local guide to the spurs of the Hajar Mountains or at least to the foothills.
  6. Attend a folklore and ethnographic concert with classical Arabic music and choreography.

The Emirate of Fujairah is an excellent choice for those who are accustomed to a traditional hotel holiday (a la Turkey and Egypt), but want to get acquainted with a new country on their tourist list - the United Arab Emirates, which is called luxurious, fabulous, and fantastic emirates.

Fujairah will be appreciated by lovers of natural beauty. The emirate is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the traditional landscapes of Fujairah are low mountains of reddish-yellow color, desert, ocean and luxurious five-star hotels - oases in the desert. The climate at this resort is dry and hot, but the increased comfort of hotels, where everything and everyone is air-conditioned, helps you comfortably endure the heat. In this place on the planet, the waves of the Indian Ocean are not as strong as, for example. on the islands of Sri Lanka or Bali, therefore it allows both adults and children to swim comfortably.

Many hotels in Fujairah operate on an all-inclusive basis, which has its own characteristics. In Fujairah hotels there will be no active entertainment programs, vulgar animators, competitions like "Hotel Mis", karaoke and disco until the morning and other inventions of the Turkish hotel business. You need to set yourself up for a quiet, relaxing holiday, live music (if provided for by the hotel concept) in the evenings, and high-level service. Although the "inclusive" system does include alcoholic drinks included in the travel package, this will be a couple of glasses of wine at lunch and dinner, no pool or beach bars and no alcohol... read more

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Weather in Fujairah by months:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
at sea
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night
January 22.4°C 18.2°C 7.1% 1 day (9.7 mm.) 23.6°C 10 o'clock 46m.
February 23.1°C 18.9°C 12.8% 1 day (23.0 mm.) 23.0°C 11 o'clock 19m.
March 26.2°C 21.3°C 11.7% 3 days (33.8 mm.) 23.8°C 12h. 1m.
April 31.7°C 26.0°C 9.3% 1 day (11.1 mm.) 26.6°C 12h. 45m.
May 36.0°C 30.1°C 3.9% - 29.8°C 13:00 22m.
June 37.5°C 31.7°C 1.9% - 32.3°C 13:00 41m.
July 37.0°C 32.0°C 5.1% - 32.6°C 13:00 32m.
August 36.3°C 30.9°C 4.2% - 32.0°C 13:00 0m.
September 35.3°C 30.1°C 1.4% - 31.5°C 12h. 17m.
October 32.9°C 28.0°C 3.6% 2 days (42.6 mm.) 30.5°C 11 o'clock 34m.
November 27.6°C 23.6°C 7.1% 1 day (14.2 mm.) 27.7°C 10 o'clock 56m.
December 24.2°C 20.0°C 6.1% 1 day (14.8 mm.) 25.1°C 10 o'clock 36m.

*This table displays weather averages collected over more than three years


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Fujairah for those who are in the Emirates for the first time

When going to the Emirates for the first time, namely Fujairah, you should understand what to expect from a holiday at this resort. Fujairah won't offer the crazy, hectic life of Dubai, with its constant traffic, bustle, entertainment and shopping. Fujairah is the youngest emirate, which has its own characteristics.

Diving enthusiasts will be tempted by the resort with the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world of the Indian Ocean. Coral reefs and marine life force divers from all over the world to come here to see this marine fairy tale.

Fujairah is also famous for its historical sights that everyone needs to see. Old fortresses, a half-destroyed fort, the oldest mosque in the emirates, Al-Bidiya - these are all the local attractions of Fujairah.

Here you can also enjoy the untouched beauty of the mountains and valleys, as well as improve your well-being with the help of hot springs, which relieve skin diseases and back diseases.

Fujairah is an exciting young Emirate where you will forget about the hustle and bustle of your days and connect with nature.

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Fujairah. Oases in the desert

Holidays in the UAE have long attracted me, but the format of an urban holiday, which, in essence, is a holiday in Dubai, did not quite suit me. I chose Fujairah for myself, as this is a great opportunity to see the sights of the United Arab Emirates and, at the same time, relax in a hotel on the Indian Ocean coast.

Fujairah has many beautiful, comfortable five-star hotels, many of which operate on the all-inclusive system that many of us love. The all-inclusive system in the Emirates is distinguished by exquisite cuisine, but you should not count on the variety and quantity of alcoholic drinks similar to the Turkish or Egyptian systems.

Most hotels in Fujairah offer services such as free transfer to Dubai shopping centers. This is a great opportunity to see the sights of Dubai.

A holiday in Fujairah is a great opportunity to relax on the magnificent beaches of the Indian Ocean (after all, Dubai is not the best choice for a beach holiday) and, at the same time, plunge into the exciting world of shopping and amazing sights - what the UAE is famous for.

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How much does a holiday in Fujairah cost? May 2014.

Tour cost

I live in Novosibirsk, where regular air tickets are usually sold at exorbitant prices (apparently, flights are also operated by spaceships). That’s why I’ve been buying last-minute travel packages for more than 10 years. I monitor prices myself, I also book myself, and I only arrange visa tours with agencies.

In May 2014, flights from Biblioglobus to the Emirates began to burn out, which was not a sin to take advantage of. I chose a week’s tour to the 5* Al Diar Siji Hotel (http://www.aldiarhotels.com/aldiarsijihotel/) and a business class flight for 26 thousand rubles including a visa. Business class TO was on sale with a surcharge of $49 one way per person, which we took advantage of.

We arrived at Dubai airport, where we were met by a driver in a Lexus RX-350 and taken to the hotel. Individual transport was provided by the hotel, which was a nice bonus, since going around all the hotels by bus takes a long time.

Al Diar Siji is a good five with good service. Located in the center of Fujairah, which we really liked. In addition to toiletries and creams, the room had tea/coffee and a minibar.

The price for the room included the services of the SPA center (except for procedures performed by specialists), a visit to the fitness club, as well as the opportunity to go for free to the best nightclub in the city, which was located in our hotel.

The hotel also provided us with a car with a driver to go to the beach every day.

Food and products

Our hotel offered an excellent dinner buffet for $40. But we only ate there once, and mostly had lunch or dinner in restaurants in the city.

Near the hotel there were many restaurants and a couple of fast foods - KFC and Pizza Hut. At KFC I took Arabic rice for 2 dollars and for the same price fresh orange juice 0.25 liters. At the pizzeria you could have a snack for 8-10 dollars - pizza and cola. Freshly squeezed juices starting at $1.50 per 0.25 liter were much tastier in the Lu-Lu hypermarket, which is next to the hotel. Lu-Lu had a large selection of fruits from all over the world, Indian and Arabic sweets at different prices. We also bought dates there for home - from 2 dollars per package.

Food in Fujairah is inexpensive, fresh, tasty and healthy.

We ate at different establishments, but most of all we liked the most famous restaurant, Al Meshwar, built in the shape of the ruins of an Arab palace.

We often ordered Arabic meat meze - grilled meats of various types, cold appetizers, grated nut spreads - mutable and hummus. For drinks we ordered freshly squeezed juices 0.5 l. I especially liked the lemon drink. In hot countries they know how to make it delicious by adding a little sugar and mint.

This portion and drink cost about 20-25 dollars per person.

Sometimes we ordered fresh, delicious grilled fish - $30, also with a drink. For lunch you could order a light European cream of mushroom soup - 5-6 dollars.

Alcohol was served only in hotel restaurants/bars, as well as in nightclubs. 0.33 of the cheapest bottled beer cost about $8.

Souvenirs and other goods

Unlike shopping centers in Dubai, there is not much to buy in Fujairah. Hypermarkets sell various aromatic hand and body creams from India, Malaysia and other places in Southeast Asia at prices starting from $3 per 250 ml.

In an empty shopping and entertainment center next to the hotel, they sell La Mer cosmetics at prices 5-10 percent lower than in Russia. However, you can buy it even cheaper at Duty Free Dubai.

At a distance of 3 km from the center at the exit of the city there is a large mall, City Center. Worthy of attention are professional cosmetics salons Inglot and MAC with prices 10-15 percent lower than in Russia. There is also H&M, which sells sale items. For example, jeans starting at $20. But I didn’t buy anything for myself there. It’s better to go to a Dubai outlet and buy Guess jeans there for $50 or more.

The only store worth visiting is Splash. There you can buy Splash and Lee Cooper T-shirts, as well as Italian Kappa sportswear. T-shirts start at $8.

For souvenirs you can buy various little things, such as laces, wallets, magnets from 2 dollars on the street, either in covered markets, or in shops that are not far from the large mosque. But all this is of unsightly quality. Therefore, it is better to buy Arabic dates at Lu-Lu.

In duty free you can buy gold jewelry from my favorite Thai company, Prima Gold, at prices like 24K gold for an 8-mg piece starting at $650.

Cost of services and entertainment

Since we lived in the center, we walked to Fort Fujairah, clubs, and city shopping centers. And to other places - the mall. To places such as the City Center, the port, the stadium where bullfights are held - you can take a taxi for 3 dollars. The distance is the same everywhere - about 3 km.

Family vacation

Calm atmosphere. Safely. Some entertainment (parks, attractions, cafes, restaurants, museums).

What to take with you on vacation?

First aid kit, sunscreen, after-sun products, panama hats/hats, swimsuits, diving goggles, snorkel, mask, coral slippers.

Where is the best place to stay?

We lived at the Sandy beach hotel. Three stars. Since there is nothing to compare with, I will write the pros and cons of this hotel.

Pros: 1. The room's windows overlook the ocean (this is a fantastic feeling and indescribable beauty, in the morning you can hear the sound of the waves, which is so nice to wake up to). 2. Clear crystal water, the opportunity to dive and see corals and a variety of colored fish. 3. Very clean room (and not only that, but the entire hotel area). 4. The room has everything you need (including a safe, electric kettle, hairdryer, shampoo, soap, shower gel). 5. There is a swimming pool on site. 6. The beach is sandy, clean, simply gorgeous. 7. The hotel area is not huge, but quite cozy, with a lot of greenery and flowers (all with automatic watering). 8. Meals included breakfast (buffet) and dinner (3 options to choose from on the menu). 9. Multinational guests (including local Arabs). However, the people are all cultured and quiet. There was no discomfort felt from the fact that Muslims were resting nearby. Although, for example, if their women swam, they wore one-piece swimsuits (like a diving suit or something). But there was no infringement of the rights of those who were accustomed to bikinis.

Cons: 1. The food is quite monotonous. Breakfast is a buffet (bread, a couple of types of pastries, several types of cheese, boiled eggs, olives, vegetables, fruits, tea, coffee). For dinner there were three options on the menu to choose from. It seems like there is a choice, but these three options were repeated all the time. If it is not important for you, then you can not include this point in the minuses. Fish, chicken and meat (lamb, beef). And a side dish. It's either rice or Mac-type fried potatoes. Some fresh or grilled vegetables. You won't die of hunger for sure. If you want more varied delights, go to a restaurant or cafe, of which there are plenty in Fujairah and the prices are quite affordable. 2. There are sea urchins. It’s better not to take a dip without coral slippers. After all, if you step on such a needle-like lump, you can get quite serious wounds.

You shouldn't expect luxury shopping from Fujairah at all. This is not Dubai and you won’t be able to find world-famous brands. But in this emirate there are many shops with a fixed price, where for little money you can find Indian cosmetics (excellent in quality and cost pennies here), souvenirs (magnets, figurines, cups, bags, etc.), inexpensive knitwear (Indian or Turkish, Chinese predominates, but it’s not very good for me).

I advise you to visit the local bazaar (souk) and buy dates (there are an incredible number of varieties) and spices (the freshest and the assortment is gorgeous).

There are a lot of cafes and restaurants. The good news is that, regardless of the level of the establishment, it is always fresh (prepared in front of you) and the risk of poisoning is minimal (in the UAE this is strict and there are huge fines for violating the rules). The prices are also not that exorbitant. Eating for a family of three in an inexpensive restaurant costs about 15-20 dollars. This is without seafood and alcohol (it is prohibited). The portions are huge.

By the way, all local taxis belong to one single state company, FTC (Fujairah Transport Corporation). Taxi is the main form of public transport in the emirate. Let us remind you that there is a metro in the UAE only in one city - this. There are bus routes inside Fujairah, but there are only 11 of them and they are of no value to tourists.

Intercity bus service is represented by only one Fujairah-Dubai route. It is understood that tourists will travel around the emirate by taxi or rent a car. This is the situation for 2016, we hope that in the future it will change for the better.

If you want to visit Fujairah, but not stay in local hotels, you can get there by the already mentioned bus or taxi. The distance to Dubai is only 120 kilometers. In one day, it is quite possible to swim in the Gulf of Oman, sunbathe on the beach and see all the significant sights of Fujairah, which we will talk about in detail later.

The bus number E700 departs every 40 minutes, travel time is 2 hours, ticket price is 5.8. To Dubai, this bus departs from Union Square in the area. In Fujairah, its stop is at the Old Plaza Cinema/HSBC (Old Plaza Cinema).

Important advice for tourists. On buses, the first few rows are reserved for women; if you are a man traveling alone, sit directly in the back rows.

There are no direct flights from Russia to Fujairah airport and are not expected in the near future. If you bought a package tour to Fujairah, then get ready to fly to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Sharjah airport and travel 2 to 4 hours to your hotel by bus.

There are only about three dozen hotels in Fujairah. The most famous of them is Radisson Blu Resort Fujairah 5*. Even at this expensive hotel, prices are quite reasonable - $150 per night for a room for two guests. Fujairah is one of the cheapest emirates for living and recreation.


Fujairah has no oil reserves, its economy is built on income from the seaport and subsidies from the UAE government in Abu Dhabi. Coming here is a good chance to see how life in the country would look without oil wealth.

The main source of food for local residents has always been the ocean. Fishing here still flourishes. Any tourist can look at the variety of fresh fish in local markets and visit the Friday Market (Friday market in the photo on the right). Restaurants offer a wide range of fish dishes.

The main source of finance for the emirate is the seaport. We have already written that the land route from Fujairah to Dubai is 120 kilometers, but the sea route is 3 times longer - about 350 kilometers; ships have to go around the Musandam Peninsula. Many ships prefer not to sail to Dubai for refueling, rest, replenishment of supplies, repairs or to unload cargo, but to stop at the port of Fujairah.

In 2012, the Habshan-Fujairah oil pipeline was opened, leading to the port of Fujairah from Abu Dhabi, and now oil tankers are loaded here, which also no longer need to sail the extra 400 kilometers to Abu Dhabi.

The region's economy also boasts cement factories, stone processing enterprises, and the mining industry. Agriculture supplies residents with vegetables and fruits.

A free economic zone was opened in Fujairah, with the emirate's authorities planning to repeat the success of the Dubai Free Zone Authority in the port of Jabel Ali, but no serious economic boom occurred.

In Fujairah there are no skyscrapers or anything like that, there are no large shopping centers like that, there are no man-made wonders like that. Fujairah cannot be called a poor emirate; the epithet “modest” is more suitable for it. However, there is something for tourists to see here.
