Where does the Volga begin, where is its source? In the Volgoverkhovye! Tourist and local history work in studying the nature of the fertile territory on the banks of the Volga - the village of Dukhovnitskoye Where the Volga begins.

The Volga is a great Russian river that has long become a symbol of Russia. She is depicted on the canvases of artists, her greatness has been sung more than once in songs and poems. When the name of this river sounds, the imagination immediately draws a picture of endless expanses of water. But in its very upper reaches the Volga is only a small stream.

Many people know that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. But not everyone can say where this river originates. Meanwhile, at the source of the Volga there are many attractions that attract numerous tourists interested in natural resources Russia and the history of the country. And the Volga is one of the most famous natural treasures of the Russian land.

The place where the source of the Volga River begins

Location of the source of the Volga on the map of Russia

The source of the Volga is located at an altitude of approximately 230 m above sea level on the southwest side of the village of Volgoverkhovye, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region. Here, from a small swamp, several tiny springs make their way to the surface of the earth, which combine into a small reservoir.

In this place you can easily jump over the Volga and even step over it, because it is just a stream a little more than half a meter wide and 30 cm deep. The water in this place has a characteristic dark red hue. The source of the Volga is so small that in dry years it periodically dries out almost completely. Near the source of the Volga, located on the Valdai Hills, it originates ecological trail, which passes through a picturesque area.

A chapel was built directly next to the spring, with a small bridge leading to it. Three hundred meters from the source you can see the remains of an old stone dam, erected at the beginning of the last century, during the years of the existence of the Olginsky Monastery here. After a little over three kilometers, the still small river enters Lake Malye Verkhity.

Upper Volga

Further, after about 8 km, on the way of the Volga there lies more large lake Sterzh, part of the Upper Volga reservoir system. The river cuts through the waters of this reservoir, almost without mixing with them. Locals they say that in good weather from the shore of the lake you can see how the Volga passes through it with force. On the path of the great Russian river there are also lakes Vselug, Peno and Volgo, where there is a dam that regulates the flow and flow of water.

The Volga runs a long way through the Tver region - more than 680 km. Throughout this entire area, more than a hundred tributaries - small rivers and streams - flow into the river. Then the river carries its waters across the vast territory of the European part of Russia. The Volga basin in the west begins from the Valdai Hills and extends in the east almost to the Urals. The Upper Volga is considered to be the area from the source to the place where this river connects with the Oka.

The source of the Volga is located in the Ostashkovsky district of the Tver region. The location of this source was approved by the Russian Geographical Society at the end of the 19th century based on the results of the expedition of Professor D. Anuchkin. The largest European river originates on the slope of the Valdai Hills at an altitude of 228 meters above sea level. The village nearby was named Volgoverkhovye. The source was equipped with a chapel. A photo of the talented Russian photographer Evgeniy Petrovich Vishnyakov (1841-1916), taken in the 1890s, has been preserved:

Now a bridge leads to the chapel. The Volga here is a small stream about a meter wide and knee-deep. Over the next 2-3 kilometers, the river gradually widens, forming small reaches.

The Persyanka stream, flowing from the swamps, is the first tributary of the Volga River. Then the river flows through Lake Maly Verkhit, then through the swamp; The Red stream flows into it. Continuing its path, the Volga flows through Lake Bolshoi Verkhit; it approaches Lake Sterzh with another small stream. The Volga flows out of Lake Sterzh as a full-flowing river.

All Upper Volga lakes are amazingly beautiful. They are surrounded by a dark, centuries-old forest, into the thicket of which it is impossible to get through due to the fact that the pine and spruce trees stand like a mighty wall due to the swampy swamp. Nature, as it were, specifically hid it in these impenetrable swamps and forests, trying to preserve the cradle of the Volga.

The Western Dvina is also located on the slopes of the Vadai Upland. A reserve has been created in the Volga-upper reaches region, which includes protected forests total area more than 4100 hectares. The source of the Volga is an object of recreational use.

Following the Volga downstream, tourists can get acquainted with many wonderful cities and natural monuments. The Volga begins from a spring in a swamp near the village of Volgo-Verkhovye; a unique museum is set up here - the source of the Volga. The Verkhnevolzhsky beishlot (dam) - the first hydraulic structure on the Volga - regulates the flow of the Upper Volga. In spring, the dam accumulates about 400 million m3

Water that is released in the summer to raise the river level. Below the beishlot, the Volga receives on the left the deep-flowing Selizharovka, which flows out of the lake. Seliger, doubling the amount of water in the Volga. On the shores of the picturesque Lake Seliger, the city of Ostashkov is located - the regional center of the Tver region, known since the 15th century. The city has local history museum, camp site. The city of Tver is also located on the Volga - one of the oldest cities (1135), which is famous for its architectural monuments: the White Trinity Church (1564), the traveling palace of Catherine II, an ensemble of buildings of the 18th century.

There is a city on the Upper Volga with a cute name - Myshkin. According to legend, one prince, after a successful hunt, lay down to rest on the high bank of the Volga. And he slept for several hours, and a mouse woke him up, running across his face. The prince was angry at first, but then he noticed a snake crawling up. The mouse saved his life! Then he gathered a squad and ordered to build a temple in this place in the name of St. Boris and Gleb. A city arose around the temple and began to be called Myshkin.

A number of Volga cities are included in the famous tourist route"Golden Ring". Founded in 1148, Uglich withstood numerous sieges by Mongol-Tatar, Swedish, and Polish troops. It was destroyed and reborn many times and became a place of religious pilgrimage thanks to the founding of the Church of St. Dmitry on the Blood, built in honor of perhaps the most famous and tragic event in the history of Uglich - the death of the only heir of Ivan the Terrible, Dmitry.

Kostroma, which has existed for more than eight centuries, miraculously combines ancient traditions and a modern way of life. Kostroma is often called a typical Russian provincial town. The first tsar from the Romanov dynasty took the throne in the famous Ipatiev Monastery. One of the most ancient and famous Russian provincial cities, Yaroslavl will greet you with its picturesque parks, squares, and embankments. Ancient shopping mall, Yaroslavl is growing, and today it has 600 thousand inhabitants. Among the most popular tourist sites in Yaroslavl are the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and the Church of St. Elijah the Prophet with unique frescoes. In the city of Ples, founded by the son of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich, there is a house-museum of the famous landscape painter I. I. Levitan and an art gallery.

There are also a number of millionaire cities on the Volga: Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is Kazan. Architectural monuments: Kazan Kremlin (walls and towers of the 16th century), Annunciation Cathedral (16th century), Syuyumbeki watch tower, Peter and Paul Cathedral (18th century), Old Tatar Settlement with the Mardzhani Mosque (18th century).

Against this background, Samara (1586), Saratov (1590) and Volgograd (1555) seem relatively young. The main architectural appearance of Samara is determined by buildings built in the 30-60s. XX century; museums - local history, art, literary and memorial. M. Gorky. Saratov has notable architectural monuments: Saratov State University. N. G. Chernyshevsky (beginning of the 20th century), local history museum (1886), Art Museum them. A. N. Radishcheva (XIX century), Trinity Cathedral (end of the 17th century). Volgograd is famous for the ensemble dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamayev Kurgan.

The first written mentions of Astrakhan date back to the 13th century. Since 1557, Astrakhan has been part of the Russian state. Architectural monuments: the Kremlin (XVI-XVII centuries) with the Assumption Cathedral, the courtyard of oriental merchants, the Roman Catholic Church (XVIII century). In the Astrakhan Nature Reserve, one of the oldest in Russia, unique lotus thickets have been preserved.

Tourist and local history work in studying the nature of the fertile territory on the banks of the Volga - the village of Dukhovnitskoye.

Yu., teacher of geography and biology

Our country consists of many thousands of small Motherlands that make up one Motherland - Russia.

A lot has been written about the Saratov region, and it seems to us that we know enough about it. However, when enthusiasts take up the task of illuminating the corners of their native land, it appears before us as an unknown picture.

Interest in the Earth on which we were born and live begins with travel, and above all, with travel around our small homeland.

We call Russia our homeland, but in its vastness there is a place where we were either born or live, for us this is our small Motherland - the Dukhovnitsky district, our village of Dukhovnitskoye. Working as a geography and biology teacher, I often conduct excursions with the children, where we personally study the typical landscapes of our native area.

The excursion involves short trips into the surrounding nature, into the park and long complex excursions during summer holidays. The main goal of the excursion is to conduct independent observations of schoolchildren, to be able to establish relationships between the components of nature. Any excursion is carried out after serious preparation: preliminary acquaintance with the object of study, planning of work during the collection and processing of material. Based on the results of the excursion, reports, sketches, photographs and exhibitions are usually prepared.

The most exciting type of extracurricular local history work is hiking in the native land. When studying the nature of your region, the most appropriate and necessary trips are those that allow you to study using specific examples. natural complexes. A tourist trip, helping to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the native land, simultaneously serves health and sports purposes. Hiking fosters such qualities as observation, independence, initiative, and perseverance. The success of the hike depends on comprehensive and thorough preparation for it, which includes the acquisition by students of good knowledge and skills of local history work, mastery of tourism techniques and knowledge of orienteering, preparation of the necessary tourist equipment and equipment for local history work. Particular attention should be paid to raising a friendly, disciplined team, instilling in young tourists the skills of cultural behavior and compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. Only careful preparation of the trip is the key to its success. Hiking often has both sporting and educational purposes. Therefore, the choice of hiking route depends on the purpose of the hike.

In my opinion, students should be instilled with the skills of a comprehensive study of their native land and its typical landscapes. I introduce students to the nature of the region gradually; we accumulate information about the relief, climate, vegetation and other components of local nature. I also pay great attention to the toponymy of the study area. By collecting and analyzing titles, you can find many interesting patterns and, on their basis, invite students to prepare abstracts and reports.

Motherland! Only with a loving heart can you feel how much touching and tender, courageous and proud, minute-by-minute and eternal there is in this word. My students listen with great interest to ancient legends about the toponymic version of the origin of the name of the village.

Dukhovnitskoye (Pavlovskoye) is a proprietary village, formed in 1778 by decree of Catherine the Second. Only 84 people lived here in those years. According to some evidence, these were Old Believers, persecuted by Peter the Great. They settled near the Volga, in places densely covered with forest.

Gradually, villages with monasteries and a theological school appeared, which trained priests of the old faith and monasteries scattered throughout Russia. There are several versions about the origin of the name of the village of Dukhovnitskoye.

According to one version, the village, entirely populated by priests, received the name Dukhovnitskoye. In the brochure about geographical names settlements Saratov region, the author writes that the village was named after its founder, the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Dukhovnitsky. The surrounding Dukhovnitsky lands, forests, meadows, lakes, and the Volga, belonged to several wealthy landowners - Protopopov, Lebedev and others. Chief Prosecutor Protopopov had the largest holdings. There is another version. It says that it was here that a gang of barge haulers rested and “caught their breath,” and it was opposite the settlement where Ivanov Reach was located that their resting place was located. They allegedly had a custom when, having pulled a barge across this shallow stretch, they tiredly fell face down on the ground and could hardly catch their breath.

At the same time, the Volga River had three sandy-chalk reaches, which were called Dukhovnitsky. It is likely that land surveyors gave the settlement the name Dukhovnitskoye.

Agree, all versions are original. And if in the age of technology and technology barge haulers no longer drag barges along the Volga, the river still remains a place of rest for people.

As the famous Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev said: “Shouting about love for the Motherland without doing anything for it is simply immoral and shameful...”

According to archival information, it was established that the formation of the Dukhovnitsky district took place over the years, through the administrative-territorial division of the former provinces and districts into smaller ones. The Dukhovnitsky district was finally formed in 1928 - exactly 83 years ago. The regional center was gradually settling down. A secondary school, a cultural center, freight and passenger crossings across the Volga appeared, and industrial enterprises began operating.

Separate natural conditions and resources do not exist in isolation from each other, but are closely and comprehensively interconnected and interdependent. When starting to study landscapes, students should know that the entire earth's surface consists of separate sections that are not similar to each other.

The territory of the village of Dukhovnitskoye in the Saratov region is located on the left bank of the Volga River. The surface of the territory is composed of Neogene-Quaternary deposits of alluvial sand, loam and clay. The dissection of the area by the ravine-gully network is insignificant. The village is quite large and has a lot of interesting things to do.

The village is dominated by cultural landscapes on the site of fescue-feather grass steppes. The main part of the natural landscapes is located in the river valley and gentle slopes. The landscapes are typically steppe, formed mainly on the alluvial terraces of the Volga River valley. Small areas of floodplain forests have been preserved in depressions where good moisture conditions exist. In the upper reaches of ravines and ravines you can see small forest peaks. Here the forest is composed of aspen, birch, maple, poplar, and linden. In places where water is close, thickets of willows and bird cherry grow.

Representatives of the animal world have also been preserved: elk, wild boar, little bustard, muskrat, muskrat. South of district center, in the Volga valley there is the Dukhovnitsky reserve. Pine, birch, oak, and elm plantations grow here. The height of individual trees exceeds 16 m, their diameter reaches 40 cm. The forest is inhabited by fox, elk, wild boar, and hare. Birds: cuckoo, oriole, nightingale, lark, pink starling. There are many insects in the meadow area.

Forests and created forest belts have water protection significance, serve as places of recreation and hiking trips. Such areas require conservation.

In the spring, along the hollows of the ravines, flows of melt water leave wide erosional ravines deeply cut into the bottom, the slopes of which in the summer are covered with densely growing coltsfoot.

The climate of the area is continental. Average duration the frost-free period is approximately 150 - 160 days, the number of days with snow cover is 140. The average annual precipitation is 500 mm. The climate is becoming frostier in winter and drier in summer from year to year. Dry years occur periodically.

When studying the environmental situation in the area, it is important to show how the landscape of the region has changed under the influence of human economic activity, to characterize the environmental situation, to determine what factors lead to the deterioration of the natural environment, and what measures can improve its condition.

During the study of the area, it was proven that human economic activity has created new cultural landscapes. Thanks to measures to strengthen the shore, the waters of the Saratov Reservoir have stopped “eating” part of the clay deposits of the Dukhovnitskoye village.

Important natural resource the village is water resource The Volga with its fish wealth, as well as the availability of land suitable for agriculture.

For us, residents of the village of Dukhovnitskoye, our favorite place is the embankment. It is especially good here in spring and summer. You can hear small waves hitting the shore and white seagulls flying over the water. Most of all, we like to watch the sunset in the evening. Each time it is different: sometimes pink, sometimes orange. In winter, the entire Volga River is covered with ice, and the Khvalynsky Mountains, on the opposite bank, are covered with a blanket of snow.

The width of the “water expanses” in our places reaches 9 km, and the depth is 34 m. The Volga River can please fans of summer swimming. The bottom near the shore is very flat and sandy. Fishermen from neighboring regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan also come here. Water, sandy bottom, clean fresh air create a favorable microclimate. And this is also amazing and beautiful.

We love our land and not only admire its beauty. We admire nature and monuments. In the warm season, school teachers, together with students, clean the parks of overgrowth and debris, and in the spring we whitewash trees. We plant flowers in flower beds near schools and monuments and take care of them. To love means to take care, it means to take good care of what nature gives us and what previous generations left us as a memory of themselves.

Feeling small Motherland always lives in the heart. Paths begin from your native land - roads to a great life.

Our beautiful, quiet corner of Russia does not leave indifferent either those who were born here, or those who have visited the fertile Dukhovnitsa land at least once.


1. Gortsev region in geographical names. – Saratov: Saratov University, 1984. – 144 p.

2. M., V, Geography of the Saratov region. – Saratov: Lyceum, 2007. – 336 p.

3. Kurtasov our roots: Essays on the history of the Dukhovnitsky district of the Saratov region. – Saratov: Region. Volga region publishing house "Children's Book", 1998. - 240 p.

Photo. Insects on a flower.

May 10, day 2. The answer to the question “Where does the Volga originate?” is probably of interest to many Russians and guests of the country. I, too, have long wanted to know the exact location of the source of the great river and visit it in person. It turned out that this is not so easy to do.

Or rather, finding the coordinates was not a problem, but getting to the point was more difficult. It’s no joke, driving a car through the rough sections of the road to the Volgoverkhovye region. But the trip promised to be very exciting and memorable.

The world-famous Russian river originates on the Valdai Hills, or more precisely, in the village of Volgoverkhovye, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region. The Volga begins its journey from a height of 228 meters above sea level.

It seems that the goal is clear, and the place is found on the map. But as it turned out, to get to it, you need to have a really great desire to touch the origins of Rus'. Closer to our destination, it became clear that we were separated from our final goal by tens of kilometers of off-road terrain.

To be more precise, the path from Ostashkov to the village of Volgoverkhovye was an unforgettable 67 kilometers.

Path to the source

In the morning we left the hotel in the city of Kuvshinovo. Having passed Ostashkov and Lake Seliger, we set off towards the Volgoverkhovye region. We covered the first ten kilometers on the dirt road with difficulty. Fortunately, along the way we came across a unique one, where we wonderfully spent a whole hour, resting and “recharging” with cosmic energy for the further journey. 😎

11.20. We continue our journey along the “killed” road. More than an hour of constant shaking and dust. True, the places around are wonderful. Russian spring nature is pleasing to the eye! Silence, blue sky, budding trees, delicate greenery in the meadows. Especially, the beauty is felt in those small sections of the road when this particular road becomes a little smoother.

12.10. Marvelous! On a seemingly completely abandoned road there is a sign for Svapuscha, to which you have to drive another 13 kilometers. We turn left. The asphalt ends. At all. Next comes a dirt road. Movement speed is reduced to 20 km/h.

But the good news is that small streams, only a few meters wide, are beginning to appear here, which are already proudly called the Volga! We counted about a dozen such signs along the way!

This is how, among the dense forests of the Tver region, the great Russian river is gaining its strength and power. The Volga here is calm and unhurried.

Yellow water lilies grow along the shore.

There is silence all around, which is occasionally broken by the timid voice of the cuckoo. And even rare passing cars.

On the way to our goal we cross the Volga several times. It's very interesting to realize this. Especially when you remember the great river closer to its mouth, where it becomes several hundred meters wide, and along which huge ships move freely.

Or, for example, in the area of ​​the Ivankovskoye reservoir, which is also located in the Tver region. This is where the breadth and space are! We spent a wonderful week there in the city.

12.50. We are entering the village of Voronovo. Here we go under the barrier. And now, we are almost there! There is a parking lot in the village where several tourist buses can be found. I wonder how they got into such a wilderness, and along such a road?

But we decide to drive a little forward. And we are doing the right thing, since on the outskirts of the village there is another small (free) parking lot, this time for cars. Here is a view of it from the bell tower of the Olginsky Monastery church, where we later climbed.

The red car is ours. Nearby there is a small market where they sell souvenirs, honey and pastries. Facilities include a toilet type toilet. It is located behind the village house, which is visible behind our car. Well, we are heading to the Source.

The fact that this is where the source of the Volga is located is suggested by the inscription on the wooden gate leading to a chapel over a well and a small lake.

Memorable place

The text at the source of the Volga, carved on a granite slab, confirms that this is where the great reservoir begins.

Its first stream is considered to be the Persyanka stream. Further, the river flows 91 km along the lakes Maly and Bolshoy Verkhit, Sterzh, Vselug, Peno, Volgo. It is here that it gains its strength and power, which it carries for 3900 km.

The Volga is 16th in length in the world and 5th in Russia.

Not far from the stream that gives rise to the Volga, there is a huge memorial stone. It was laid back in 1989, on June 22 - the 48th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. The monument also reminds us where we are and indicates that “here are the sources of the people’s soul.”

The stone looks majestic and impressive, as it should be next to such a mighty river.

The inscription on the memorial stone reads:

Traveler! Turn your gaze to the source of the Volga! The purity and greatness of the Russian land is born here. Here are the origins of the people's soul. Keep them.

Being around him immediately makes you feel good and peaceful. I want to lean against him and even lie on top of him. 🙂

Where does the Volga begin?

And here we stand at the place where the Volga begins. You can’t say that a small shallow stream, which you can easily step over, turns into a mighty river further downstream.

Murmuring merrily, it flows from the swamp among the trees and grasses. The water is cold and clear, slightly brownish.

You just have to try this one and then proudly tell us that we drank from the source of the Volga itself.

The water turned out to be very tasty. And also a saint...

Holy water and chapel

When we were just preparing for the trip, we found out several interesting facts about the source of the Volga. Tver and the surrounding area began to be considered the beginning of the river not so long ago. For a long time, the exact location of the source could not be determined.

When this issue was sorted out, the stream, which became the beginning of the river, was consecrated by the patriarch. A wooden chapel on stilts was erected above the stream. You can walk to the house along a narrow bridge, and from there you go down to the water along a platform with steps.

In the center of the chapel there is a round window, which is located above the source itself.

And there is such beauty around! It seems that all nature rejoices at this wonderful place. And you can just feel the trees awakening after winter hibernation.

Delicate May greenery combines surprisingly harmoniously with the high blue sky. The temples are reflected in the blue water of the lake.

Every year on May 29, a water prayer service is held here, during which the waters of the Volga source are blessed.

How to get to the opposite bank of the Volga? On foot!

The width of the stream from which the great reservoir originates barely exceeds 40-50 centimeters. Therefore, you can safely put your feet on both banks of the river at the same time or jump from one bank to the other. Where else is this possible - to immediately visit both the right and left banks of the entire Volga?!

And again: I’m on the right bank, here on the left bank. Just miracles! And washing at the source of the great river is simply an incomparable pleasure that surprisingly improves your mood and strength of mind.

With new strength we become huge, and now we are towering above the great Russian river on a huge stone-boulder!

But we are already fording the Volga. You will think that it is only 4 feet wide. But it sounds very solid. 😀

All these fun things brought us just a lot of children's joy!

And here is the very first bridge across the Volga! Its width is no more than 3 meters.

But it looks very solid. 🙂


The source of the Volga is located in a picturesque and somehow soulful region. Here you immediately become kinder and tune in only to the good. I really liked that the surroundings were clean, well-groomed and everything was very well thought out.

And of course pristine nature. Clean, awakening after winter hibernation. Delicate foliage of trees against the background of a transparent blue sky, the first flowers.

I was very pleased with the small number of people we met in this wonderful place. It was very convenient because no one was bothering anyone. You could calmly have fun, walk, take pictures. Which we did with pleasure, since we didn’t want to leave here at all.

It is curious that several other famous rivers originate in the same place - the Western Dvina, the Dnieper and the Lovat. This is an almost pristine corner of Russian nature, where you can walk, reflect and just relax.

A dream come true!

This is how I managed to fulfill my old dream: to be at the source of the great Volga and feel truly happy here. It’s so great to visit this incredibly calm, majestic and picturesque region.

A trip to the Volga River in the Tver region will, without a doubt, be remembered for a lifetime! After all, this place left the most favorable impressions and positive emotions. And this will give new strength to visit other beautiful and amazing places, of which there are so many on our small planet.

I don't want to leave here at all. But there is a wonderful reason to linger. Near the source of the Volga there are two temples that belong to the nearby Olga Monastery. And according to the stories of experienced travelers, you can even climb the bell tower of one of the churches for a small fee and take pictures of the surroundings.

Well, let's check it out and have fun taking a closer look at the temples.
