Where is Greece located on the map. Map of Greece with cities

Nowadays, it is a shame for a person with a secondary education not to know where Greece is. This country is the cradle of our entire European culture and civilization. The first famous philosophers, scientists, sculptors and architects, writers and poets lived here. Ancient Greek civilization gave rise to the practice of the Olympic Games - sports competitions between city-states. During their holding, all wars stopped. But here we will not talk about the Games, but about the rich and amazing country- Greece. About its location on the world map. About its islands and rugged coastline. About climate and most popular resorts. And of course, about her rich and ancient history, which had such an impact on the entire European civilization.

Where is Greece on the map

Let's start with geography. If we open the political atlas of the world, we will see that the Hellenic Republic is located in the European Union, in the southeast of its territory. This state - with the exception of the holy Mount Athos - has been part of the Schengen Area since 2000. That is, to get to Greece, you need to open a visa. But a Schengen card, obtained at the embassy of this country, gives the right to travel throughout Europe. The Hellenic Republic occupies not only part of the mainland. In fact, a fifth of it is archipelagos and islands. Their total area is almost 25 thousand square kilometers. In terms of the number of islands on its territory, this country ranks sixty-ninth in the world. It is there that the main flow of tourists flocks in the summer. But mainland Greece is no less interesting. The map shows that in the north the country borders Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. The border with Turkey mainly runs by sea, but on land it also stretches for two hundred and six kilometers.


It is quite difficult to describe the eventful history of this region in a few words. In ancient times, Greek city-states were very powerful. Their ships reached the Black Sea. The ancient Greeks founded colonies in Crimea and Colchis (the coast of the Caucasus). In 146 BC, Hellas became dependent on Rome, but with the split of this empire in 395 into western and eastern parts, it could regain its former power. The capital of Byzantium moved from Athens to Constantinople (present-day Istanbul). But with the strengthening of the Seljuk Turks, the empire fell. This happened in 1453. Where Greece had its colonies, the Ottoman Empire established itself. Turkish rule lasted for several centuries. Greece gained independence from the Ottoman Empire only after the war of national liberation in 1830.

What peninsula is Greece on?

Now it's time to reveal geographical map Europe. We see that Greece (at least its mainland) is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula. But this part of the land, washed by the Adriatic, Aegean, Ionian, and Black Sea, is too large to serve as an exact coordinate. Together with Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina completely fit on the giant Balkan Peninsula. And Türkiye and Romania are partially located in the Balkans. How to more accurately determine the location of Greece? Let's put it this way: this country lies between forty-second and thirty-fifth degrees north latitude. In longitude it is limited by the 19th and 28th meridians of the Eastern Hemisphere. The area of ​​this state together with the islands is 132 thousand square kilometers.

Coastal ruggedness

We answered the question about what peninsula Greece is on, but this information is not exhaustive. The map shows that the Balkans have a very rugged coastline. And on the territory of Greece we generally see a kind of “fringe” protruding into the sea. The length of the coastline of this country is impressive: fifteen thousand kilometers! Some peninsulas are connected to the mainland by such a narrow and long isthmus that they seem completely isolated. For example, the Peloponnese. This peninsula looks like a ripe berry hanging on a thin stalk. The isthmus called Corinth, 42 km long, is not very wide. At the narrowest point (six and a half kilometers) a canal was dug in the nineteenth century. In the Peloponnese there are such tourist places like Sparta and Olympia.

Relief of Greece

About eighty percent of the country's territory is made up of mountains, cliffs and plateaus. This elevated relief is due to the peninsula on which Greece is located. The Balkans have several mountain systems on their territory. Bulgaria, Croatia and other countries on this giant peninsula boast winter resorts for skiers. Greece is also no exception. Majority ski resorts located in the north of the country, in the nomes of Phocis and Eurytania, in the Pindus mountains. But the highlight of the Arachova resort (on the slopes of Parnassus) is that, after skiing among the sparkling snow, you can get to the warm sea. Nai highest point country - Mount Olympus (2917 meters), where, according to pagan beliefs, the gods live. There are also plains in this country - in Boeotia, Thessaly, and the Peloponnese.


The uniqueness of the local climate is determined not only by the peninsula on which Greece is located, but also by the topography, currents and winds. In areas remote from the sea, the Central European temperate climate with cold winters and rather hot summers prevails. In the mountains there is an altitudinal zone. This climate is called alpine. Most of the country's territory lies in subtropical natural area. This means that the winter is warm (in Crete even in January average temperature+10 C) with frequent rains gives way to hot and dry summers. The heat is especially felt on the mainland. On the islands, thanks to the constant wind sea ​​breeze the heat is almost not felt. This circumstance has earned Greece the reputation of a world-class resort country. About twelve million people visit it every year.

How to get there

Almost all travel agencies offer trips to this wonderful country. However, in order to better know the national spirit of Greece, its culture, and the way of life of its people, it is better to travel on your own. There are several ways to get to the Balkan Peninsula, where Greece is located. Due to the large distance from Russia, it is preferable to choose air travel. Theoretically, you can get to Greece by train: Moscow-Sofia will take you to the capital of Bulgaria, and from there you can get to Athens. But such a move is too long and exhausting. Almost everyone has an airport. You can also get to the islands by plane: Crete, Kos, Rhodes and others. Buses run between cities. The islands are not isolated: ferries operate between them and the mainland. At all, water transport The country is very developed; in addition to regular passenger flights, you can book a tourist cruise.


The Greeks are extremely warm and hospitable people. By religion, ninety-five percent of the population are Orthodox Christians. This religion has been elevated to the rank of a state religion: all citizens, whether they like it or not, pay a tax to support the Church. There are many Christian shrines here, where pilgrims and simply curious people flock. Suffice it to recall Mount Athos and the Meteora monasteries. Greek cuisine beyond all praise. While in the country, it would be a sin not to try souflaki, olives, meze meat appetizer and local ouzo vodka. This culture gave the world Greek salad, tzatziki, moussaka and many other dishes. Not to mention the wines. They are excellent here. And this is not surprising - after all, the god of winemaking Dionysus was born here. Greece, whose location is very advantageous, because it is at the junction of European, Asian and African cultures, has absorbed all the best that they could give to humanity.


Greece is filled with interesting historical and cultural attractions, and this is the most significant reason to visit the country. If you are arriving in the country through the capital's airport, extend your stay in Athens by a few days. It's impossible to head to the beaches without seeing the famous Acropolis, the Temples of Zeus and Hephaestus, and Hadrian's Arch. If you are a fan Byzantine art, travel to the city of Thessaloniki. Meteora, Athos, Delphi, Olympus are just a few places from the numerous list of attractions that mainland Greece is proud of. Islands (map in Russian indicating interesting places available at points tourist information) attract guests with their beaches and unique climate. But there is something to see here too. Crete especially stands out. This is the country's largest island. The mysterious Cretan-Mycenaean civilization once flourished there, leaving us with many beautiful artifacts. But Greece has three thousand islands - enough to choose according to your taste. By the way, most of them are still uninhabited. People live permanently on only two hundred of them. Clusters of islands form archipelagos: the Northern Sporades, Cyclades, Dodecanese and others.

Fur coat tours

All shopaholics in the world know where Greece is. Because this country has invented such an interesting type of tourism as fur tours with a commitment. What does it mean? In Greece there is small town Kastoria, almost all of whose residents are involved in the furrier business. Fur-bearing animals are bred here and fur coats are made from their fur. To lure buyers to remote Kastoria, the local association of furriers came up with “commitment tours.” If you sign that you will buy fur products worth at least 1400 Euros, all expenses - flights, hotel accommodation and meals - are covered by the receiving party. Thus, you can relax on the beaches (the tours include visiting more than just Kastoria) and buy a new fur coat. If you are not sure about the range and prices of furs, you can buy a ticket without obligation.

What to bring from Greece

If buying a fur coat is still a pipe dream, let's think about what souvenirs you can bring back from your trip. In addition to refrigerator magnets and pseudo-antique figurines made in China, Greek shops resort towns and islands you can buy real, authentic things. And it’s better not to look for a souvenir shop at all. Everything originally Greek is sold in a regular grocery store. First up is feta cheese. The Greeks themselves consume it in huge quantities - twenty-five kilograms per capita per year! Believe me, authentic feta is very different from its Russian counterpart. Next is extra virgin olive oil. Perhaps ouzo is a drink for everyone, but absolutely everyone appreciates Greek wines! If you have made a trip to the monasteries, you will not return empty-handed: you will definitely buy cypress crosses, icons, and figurines. For antiques (and not counterfeits) people go to Athens, to Monastiraki Square. Greece is at the crossroads of cultures, and you can buy anything here.

Greece is the recognized cradle of European civilization. This state, with numerous ruins of ancient cities, is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula.

Greece on the world map from satellite
The map can be enlarged or reduced

Greece physical map

Throughout the territory, wherever you dig - archaeological finds. In the stone fences of peasant shepherds, stones with the remains of bas-reliefs from the beginning of the era are often found.

Here, Archimedes once jumped out of a stone bath shouting “Eureka!” Here Pythagoras, pulling up the famous rectangular “Pythagorean trousers, which are equal on all sides,” calculated that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Here the Spartan king Leonidas held the defense with 300 Spartans against a million-strong Persian army. And he succinctly responded to the satrap’s frightening cry, “our arrows will block out the sun!” - “Well, we will fight in the shadows.”
Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. In ancient times, they served to prove the strength of certain policies. Wars and conflicts stopped during the games. And everyone came together to enthusiastically cheer for their own. The champion was honored, decorated with a laurel wreath and his statue was carved on the Avenue of Champions.

Now Greece is a Christian country, where 95% of the population is Orthodox. It has long lost its greatness, but since the times of the ancient Greek city-states, colonies on the Black Sea coast, there has been a proverb “Greece has everything.” In Greece they make the best cheese in the world, which the descendants of goat shepherds who have been perfecting their cheesemaking skills for thousands of years are rightfully proud of. It has the highest cheese consumption in the world - 25 kilograms per year per person.

Tourists in Greece are attracted by the magnificent Mediterranean climate of the coast. The blue sea and the beneficial contact with antiquity allow the soul to expand and the brain to unfold like the ancient sages who penetrated the secrets of the universe. The sk royal hotel will always help you with a room where, after an active and pleasant exercise in local attractions, you can rest your tired brow on a soft pillow.

Greece is a state with the official name of the Hellenic Republic, located in southern Europe.

The country's territory is located on the Balkan Peninsula and is also scattered among the islands. A detailed map of Greece allows you to explore geographical features each of them. The capital of the state is Athens.

The area of ​​mainland Greece is 132 thousand km 2. More than three thousand islands, united in archipelagos, contain about 20% of the area of ​​Greece.

The entire territory of Greece is divided into mainland, island parts and the Peloponnese peninsula. Earthquakes often occur in the country.

Greece on the world map: geography, nature, climate

In the east, the coast of Greece is washed by the Aegean Sea, in the west by the Ionian Sea, in the south by the Cretan and Mediterranean. Greece on the world map borders on countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Türkiye and Macedonia.

More than 80% of the state’s territory is occupied by plateaus and mountains, of which 25% is mountain ranges. The average height of the mountains is from 1200 to 1800 meters. In western Greece there are many sinkholes and caves. The topography of the Peloponnese Peninsula is dominated by plains, but in its eastern part the terrain becomes rocky. In the center of mainland Greece is the Pindus mountain range. In the north of Pindus there is the highest point of the country - Mount Olympus, whose height is 2917 meters.

Most of the rivers in Greece are concentrated in the west of the country. The longest of them is the Aliakmon River, which stretches for 300 meters. As for large lakes, there are about 20 of them in Greece. The largest are Volvi (95.5 km²) and Trichonis (95.5 km²). Ioannina is one of the small lakes - karst lake, which is fed by groundwater.

The Greek islands are divided into groups:

  • The Ionian Islands are located in the Ionian Sea near western Greece. The largest of them is the island of Kefalonia.
  • Northern Aegean Islands belong to the Aegean Sea, are located near Turkish border. Largest area occupies the island of Lesbos.
  • The Northern Sporades are located closer to the eastern part of Greece.
  • The small islands of the Cyclades are washed on all sides by the Aegean Sea.
  • The Dodecanese island group is also washed by the Aegean Sea and is located near the border with Turkey. The largest island in the group is Rhodes.
  • Most big island throughout Greece - Crete. It is surrounded by a large number of small islands. The area of ​​Crete is 8261 meters.

A map of Greece in Russian gives you the opportunity to get to know all the islands better.

In Greece, wild animals remain in very small numbers. These include foxes, brown bears, jackals and wild boars. Much more often you can find lizards, snakes, porcupines, hares and mice.

The most common Greek plants are olives, cypresses, plane trees, maquis, and freegana. In general, more than 5 thousand plant species are found throughout the country.

The climate of Greece is subtropical Mediterranean. Summers in the country are hot with high temperatures, and winters are warm. The average temperature in winter is 10 degrees above zero, and in summer – 32 degrees. Rains in Greece are very rare; they come either in autumn or spring. In spring, temperatures can rise from 8 degrees in March to 26 degrees in May. The minimum temperature in summer is 20 degrees, and the maximum is about 34 degrees. At the beginning of autumn, high temperatures persist (up to 29 degrees), by November it gets colder to 12 degrees above zero. The temperature in winter never goes below zero and ranges from 6 to 15 degrees.

Map of Greece with cities. Administrative division of the country

The administrative-territorial division of Greece has undergone dramatic changes since January 1, 2011. Reflects them detailed map Greece with cities in Russian. The previously existing 13 regions, 54 prefectures and 1033 municipalities were reduced to 7 decentralized administrations, 13 regions and 325 municipalities. The autonomous region of Athos, the center of world pilgrimage, has retained its status.

Ancient city of Athens is the capital of Hellas. It is located in the southeast of the country and is surrounded on three sides by mountains: Imitos, Pendeli and Parnitha. Because of this, the climate in the capital is hotter than in south island Crete. The center of the capital is only 8 kilometers away from the seaport of Piraeus.

The second largest is Thessaloniki city, which is located in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula. It is also called northern capital Greece. Seaport"Thessaloniki", located in the Thermaikos Gulf of the Aegean Sea, is the second most important in the country.

Closes the top three major cities Greece port city Patras, located on the shores of Patraikos Gulf. It rises 21 meters above sea level in the western Peloponnese. The distance from Patras to Athens is 177 kilometers. Patras is divided into two parts: the Upper and Lower Town.

Makes it one of the most attractive countries for tourism. Thanks to the abundance of historical and natural attractions, the country is a leader in excursion tourism, A large number islands and a long coastline provide the opportunity for pleasure for lovers beach holiday and surfing. Monasteries and ancient temples attract numerous pilgrims, and the opportunity to combine all this is one of the main advantages of Greece.

Maps of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece, map

Map Ancient Greece— source: grechistory.ru

Ancient Greece on the map

Sights of Greece on the map

Location of Greece

Greece on the world map

The most southern part Balkan Peninsula and southeast Mediterranean Sea

Countries with which Greece borders (has land borders):

  • North - Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria
  • East - European part of Turkey

Most of Greece is made up of islands. Greece has a strategically important position between three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, which has been the cause of many wars.

The territory of Greece occupies part of the Balkan Peninsula and a huge number of islands (about two thousand, but no more than two hundred are inhabited). The Greek Republic is washed by five seas:

  1. Aegean (including Icarian) - in the east
  2. Thracian - in the east
  3. Ionian - in the west
  4. Mediterranean - in the south
  5. Cretan - in the south

The coastline of Greece is 13,676 km. Most of the islands are located in the Aegean Sea, and a few in the Ionian Sea. The area of ​​Greece is 132,000 sq. km. The mainland of the country is covered with mountains, which explains the low population density. There are several plateaus:

  • in Thessaly
  • in Macedonia
  • in Thrace

Administrative divisions of Greece

The Hellenic Republic has 7 decentralized administrations:

  1. Attica
  2. Macedonia and Thrace
  3. Epirus and Western Macedonia
  4. Thessaly and Central Greece
  5. Peloponnese
  6. Western Greece and Ionia
  7. Aegean Islands and Crete.

Greece is divided into 13 peripheries (regions):

  1. Attica
  2. Central Macedonia
  3. Eastern Macedonia
  4. Thrace
  5. Western Macedonia
  6. Thessaly
  7. Central Greece
  8. Peloponnese
  9. Western Greece
  10. Ionian Islands
  11. North Aegean Islands
  12. South Aegean Islands and Crete

The Republic of Greece has 325 municipalities

Most of the population is concentrated in large policies:

  • in Athens
  • in Piraeus
  • in Thessaloniki
  • to Patras
  • in Larisa

Regions and municipalities are completely self-governing.

Monastic Republic of Athos(located on the Halkidiki peninsula of Aion Oros) has the status autonomous region. It is a completely self-governing community and consists of 20 Orthodox monasteries, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Borders of the independent modern Hellenic Republic

As an independent state, Greece appeared on the world map in 1832, thanks to the Treaty of Constantinople.

Within the borders of Greece were:

  • Peloponnese
  • Islands of the Cyclades and Sporades
  • part of the Stereia of Hellas from Art to Volos.

After the unification of the Dodecanese archipelago on March 7, 1948, the state borders of Greece acquired their final form.

Modern map of Greece

The islands of Greece, and there are about two thousand of them in the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas, are real paradise for tourists. Each island has its own soul and its own history, each is unique in its own way. Most tourists visit the Greek islands (with the exception of Crete, and, perhaps, Euboea), in order to soak up the unique sandy beaches.

On the island of Euboea, which was chosen by the god of the seas Poseidon, separating it from the mainland with a strike of a trident, in addition to captivating beaches, there are many olive groves, vineyards, gardens and forests. There is plenty of retsina, a white wine with the aroma of pine resin, the best in all of Greece.

Tourists come to the Greek islands, lying in the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece, all year round. The climate here is hot, and the local landscapes charm with their severity. Some islands are sparsely inhabited, but others are popular tourist centers. The closest to Athens are Aegina and Hydra. On the last one, a lot historical monuments and churches. The small island of Poros and fashionable Spetses are also popular among tourists. Many tourists love to visit the smallest island of Greece, Northern Sporades, and the largest Greek island, Skyros. It should be noted that the island of Skyros has managed to preserve typical Greek features.

Video: “Greece. Islands of the Aegean Sea."

Well, if you want to enjoy dazzling white houses on mountain slopes leading down to a clear turquoise sea, then you need to visit the Cyclades, a group of 200 small islands southeast of Athens.

Many tourists from all over the world come to the Ionian Islands every year. Their soil is very fertile. Orange and olive groves and vineyards grow here. Here is the birthplace of Odysseus, Ithaca. It welcomes curious tourists with its jagged rocky shores. The similarity with what is described in the world famous poem of Homer is simply enormous.

Video: “Ionian Islands, attractions.”

But history buffs definitely want to visit Crete. On this Greek island, the Minoan culture, the oldest of European cultures, arose and flourished for more than three thousand years. The most famous monument of this ancient civilization located on the island of Knossos. According to some archaeologists, this grandiose architectural structure is the residence of the powerful rulers of the island of Crete. According to others, this is a royal necropolis. Who's right? It is unknown yet.

And historians also claim that in ancient times on Crete the form of social structure was matriarchy. Here women held political and priestly power. According to historians, the era of matriarchy ended on the island of Crete around the 12th century BC, under the influence of the Dorians who conquered the island.

Video: "Island of Crete".

One can write endlessly about the islands of Greece. But in conclusion I want to tell you just one more thing. The island of Lesbos is one of the the most beautiful islands Greece in the Aegean Sea. Anyone who has ever been here will confirm my words that the island is fabulously beautiful. The term “lesbian love” comes from the name of this island. Historians associate the appearance of this term with the great ancient Greek poetess Sappho. She lived and worked on the island in 610-580 BC. But historians have no evidence that Sappho was a lesbian. On the contrary, everyone knows that she was the mistress of the poet Alcaeus, and then married another man. Sappho passed away by throwing herself off a cliff because of unrequited love for a third man. The rumor that Sappho was attracted to women was spread for centuries by her competitor, the poet Anacreon. They also say that women are treacherous...

Video: "Sappho and the island of Lesbos."

These are the Greek islands, mysterious and alluring at the same time. It is impossible to list all the attractions of the Greek islands. Ancient secrets, ruins of palaces, disappeared civilizations and alluring sea beaches await tourists from all over the world all year round.

Tourist map of Greece with attractions and islands.
