Where is the underwater world more beautiful? Where is the best place to scuba dive? Also at your disposal

Theoretically, you can scuba dive in any body of water. But not everywhere diving will be interesting. The rich underwater world is a distinctive quality of many seas. The diversity of marine flora and fauna in the southern regions is especially amazing. As for rivers and lakes, they are, as a rule, of no interest to diving enthusiasts.

Which seas and oceans have the most beautiful underwater world?

Of course, the Red Sea is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna. Its waters are home to more than 1,000 species of fish and more than 130 species of coral. Coral reefs stretch along the Red Sea coastline for hundreds of kilometers.

Diving in this sea can be done at any time of the year. That is why divers from all over the world come to relax in the resorts of Egypt and Israel. The water in the Red Sea is always quite warm. Even in winter its temperature does not drop below +18°C. And in summer the water warms up to +25...+28оС. For those who are scuba diving for the first time, diving in Egypt will provide an unforgettable experience.

There are excellent diving spots in the Caribbean, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. However, unlike Egypt, a vacation in the Caribbean is a very expensive pleasure. The Caribbean is located in a tropical climate zone, so many of its inhabitants are heat-loving endemics and are not able to survive in other bodies of water. The average annual temperature of the surface layers of water in the Caribbean Sea is +23…+28оС.

Scuba diving in the Atlantic Ocean near the Canary Islands is quite interesting. In the coastal waters of the Atlantic you can see stingrays, moray eels, barracudas, groupers, tuna, octopus, squid, lobsters, lobsters and cuttlefish. Diving in the Atlantic Ocean is only possible in the absence of strong storms. Due to the cold currents, even in summer you should dive in a wetsuit.

Diving in Thailand

Some diving enthusiasts prefer to relax in Thailand. The diving season in the Andaman Sea lasts from November to May. This is due to the fact that in other months visibility under water is significantly worse. And in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand you can scuba dive at any time of the year.

In the Andaman Sea, divers can see stingrays, octopuses, whale sharks, and moray eels. There are coral reefs in the Gulf of Thailand, but what attracts divers most is not the corals, but the opportunity to see sunken cargo ships. To admire the ships overgrown with algae, divers go to the Pattaya area and dive into the waters of Koh Tao.

The underwater world is perhaps one of the most beautiful wonders of the world. We have put together a wonderful selection of 30 photographs of the underwater world, as well as a story about where these wonders are found.

Of course, not in every sea you can see colorful fish and corals, but where they are, it’s definitely worth visiting. Therefore, today we will talk about those places where you can find the most extraordinary underwater world. There are not very many such places and they are famous all over the world, and divers generally come there for a long time and try to take as many underwater photos as possible.

So, we will see the most diverse underwater world in the Galapagos. These remote exotic islands are located to the west of Ecuador, to which they belong. The Galapagos emerged from the crust of a volcano located on the ocean floor, and thanks to this, a rich underwater life has developed on coastal reefs, as well as in remote places. In addition, the Galapagos are also known for the animals that inhabit the land part of the islands. Amazing islands on all sides!

There are incredibly beautiful places in more accessible regions for Russians. The Red Sea is home to amazing underwater life. It is in the northern part of the Red Sea that the most diverse fauna in the world is found. Here you can see more than 100 species of coral, more than 600 species of fish, as well as countless starfish and algae.

The Palau Islands, part of the Philippines, are where you can see some of the most beautiful fish in the world. These islands are famous among scuba diving enthusiasts because the water there is very warm all year round.

The famous Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral system in the world. It’s a bit far from Russia, but it’s worth visiting. More than 1000 islands belonging to Australia form a unique ecosystem where you can find more than 3000 reefs with their own unique underwater inhabitants. Unfortunately, the Barrier Reef suffers from the number of tourists who do not always throw away trash and also interfere with the natural balance in every possible way.

And our hit parade ends with our native Lake Baikal. Yes, despite the fact that it does not fit into the tropical paradise with lots of fish and corals, it also has unique underwater life. Baikal is the oldest lake in the world and also the deepest. There are a lot of northern fish here. Only experienced divers dive into the cold waters of Baikal, because the depth here comes very sharply, and not everyone can withstand it. This place of power is loved by tourists from all over the world.

These reservoirs contain incredible life. And we advise you to look at the beautiful fish!

The color of the Earth, as astronauts say, is blue. It cannot be otherwise: two thirds of its surface is covered with water. Half of all vertebrates on Earth are aquatic.

In the name of supreme justice, one can make a proposal to rename planet Earth to planet Water, because its main owners can be considered the inhabitants of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The secrets of the underwater world attract people. Therefore, every year new oceanariums (aquariums) appear in different countries, where you can see real miracles behind thick glass.

Ocean! It has always attracted people with its harmonious beauty and many secrets hidden under the water. The world's oceans amaze with their grandeur; the world hidden in its azure waters is unique and incredibly interesting. To admire it, many master the skill of scuba diving and go to the most protected corners of the planet. There is also a more affordable way to admire the beauty of the underwater world - visit one of the most famous aquariums on the planet. In the coolest aquariums, visitors can not only see the rarest marine life, but also walk through long transparent labyrinths surrounded by sea water, dine in underwater restaurants and even stay overnight in one of the halls and sleep next to sharks lurking behind the glass.

The oceanarium is an “underwater museum” with living exhibits - inhabitants of the aquatic environment. It contains marine animals and fish for observation and study purposes.

One of the most famous and amazing in the world is the Churaumi Aquarium, located in the northern part of Okinawa, in the city of Motobu. The oceanarium, which city guests can visit today, opened in 2002; in the first 8 years of operation, 20 million people visited it. The very first aquarium in this place was built back in 1975, and later it was decided to build a new four-story building for it. In total, this building housed 77 aquariums; the oceanarium’s collection includes 26,000 marine animals, which belong to 740 different species.

The main feature of the oceanarium is its central aquarium, the volume of which is 7,500 cubic meters. Its viewing panel is made of plexiglass, the thickness of which is 60 cm, its width is 22.5 meters, and its height is 8.2 meters, respectively. At first glance, it resembles a huge screen, similar to the one that can be seen in the most modern cinemas. In front of this “screen” there are comfortable soft chairs, so visitors always have the opportunity to sit back and watch sharks and exotic fish slowly swim in the azure water.

Thrill-seekers will also definitely like the Churaumi Aquarium; it has a special hall dedicated to sharks - Shark Research Lab. Here, in addition to aquariums with animals, there is an interesting collection of exhibits, including the huge jaws of a 16-meter shark. The aquarium is distinguished by its high-quality technical equipment; water for its inhabitants is pumped directly from the ocean, after being purified and heated to a certain temperature.

Year of appearance: 1988. Population (attendance): more than 1 million people per year.
Another world-famous aquarium is located in Sydney. It opened in 1988 and today presents to visitors one of the richest collections of marine life in the world. This aquarium is famous for its impressive system of underwater tunnels, a walk through which promises to be unforgettable. Visitors get a realistic feeling of being completely immersed in the abyss of the sea, huge sharks and schools of colorful fish swim above their heads, and marvelous underwater landscapes open around them.

Sydney Aquarium is home to over 11,000 marine animals and fish, covering over 650 different species. The vast territory of the aquarium is divided into several thematic zones. Visitors will have the opportunity to look into the “Abode of Fur Seals” and watch some of the friendliest marine animals in the world. One of the most impressive halls is the “Open Ocean”, where sharks weighing up to 300 kg swim in a huge aquarium.

No less impressive is the Great Barrier Reef area, where you can see the most amazing marine life: miniature bright fish, seahorses, colorful stars and polyps. More than a million people visit the Sydney Aquarium every year, and 55% of them are tourists from other countries. It does not lose popularity among Australian residents either; according to statistics, every Australian visits the Sydney aquarium 2–3 times in their lifetime. Such indicators are not surprising, because the Sydney Aquarium houses the world's largest collection of sharks, and also has the longest acrylic tunnel in the world, 160 meters long.

Area: 11,000 sq. meters.
In Valencia, travelers have the opportunity to visit not just an aquarium, but a real oceanographic park, with an area of ​​11,000 square meters. meters. It occupies a spectacular building in a futuristic style and presents to visitors an incredible collection of marine life from around the world, the total volume of the center's aquariums is 42 million liters.

The Oceanographic Park of Valencia is the largest institution of its kind in Europe and one of the largest in the world, with a collection of more than 45,000 fish and marine animals. Visitors to the center will have the opportunity to see not only fish and sharks, traditional for aquariums, but also dolphins, fur seals, beluga whales, walruses and even penguins. The huge oceanarium is divided into nine thematic zones, each of which is equipped for a specific type of animal and recreates the features of a particular ecosystem as accurately as possible.

There are also two huge tunnels in the Valencia Oceanographic Park, a walk through which is an integral part of the excursion. Another interesting feature of the center is the underwater restaurant Submarino - one of the best places in the city for a romantic dinner. The external walls in the hall of this restaurant are made of acrylic glass, so during dinner, visitors can admire the fish swimming by. The daily dolphin shows are more popular among visitors with children; at the Valencia Aquarium, everyone will find a place to relax to their liking.

Year of appearance: 1998.
In Lisbon, on the territory of the Park of Nations, there is a wonderful oceanarium, which is also one of the largest and most visited in Europe. The structure of this oceanarium is very interesting; it is equipped with five huge aquariums, each of which represents a collection of inhabitants of one of the oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Arctic. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 1998; it is located in a building that was built specifically for the World Exhibition.

Since its opening, it has gained enormous popularity among both locals and tourists; now the aquarium in Lisbon is visited by more than a million people every year. It features more than 16,000 marine life belonging to 450 different species. The largest aquarium has a volume of 5,000 cubic meters and is designed in such a way that it creates the illusion of an open ocean.

This aquarium features more than a hundred species of marine life, including various types of tuna, stingrays, sharks, barracudas, moray eels and even the mysterious sunfish. Around the huge central aquarium there are four others; one of the most unusual is the aquarium dedicated to the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean. In addition to exotic fish, you can also see incredibly beautiful algae forests. In the aquarium, dedicated to the Indian Ocean, the coral reef occupies a central place, and it is incredibly interesting to watch the life bubbling around it.

Atlanta is home to the largest aquarium in the United States and is a national landmark. The total volume of its aquariums is 32,000 cubic meters and is home to about 120,000 marine animals and fish. The vast territory of the aquarium is divided into several thematic exhibitions; there is also an excellent dolphinarium, Dolphin Tales, on the territory of the aquarium.

Quite unusual is the Cold Water Quest exhibition, which introduces guests to the inhabitants of the coldest oceans. Here you can see the beluga family, as well as African penguins, which have adapted to the harsh living conditions. The Tropical Diver exposition, on the contrary, is dedicated to the inhabitants of the warmest seas. Here you can see incredibly beautiful tropical fish, exotic jellyfish and corals - in a word, everything that divers from all over the world “hunt” for.

One of the most impressive is the Ocean Voyager Aquarium, which is home to four whale sharks. Its design includes an acrylic tunnel, so it’s incredibly interesting to watch marine life. At the Georgia Aquarium, visitors are offered a huge selection of educational excursions; thrill-seekers will be offered diving and, with an accompanying person, swim in an aquarium with sharks. Among other original entertainments, it is worth noting the opportunity to spend the night in the aquarium - these are just some of the surprises that one of the most incredible aquariums in the world has prepared for its guests.

Year of appearance: 2012.
Singapore also has its own incredible aquarium; the total volume of water in its aquariums is more than 45,000 cubic meters. They are home to more than 10,000 fish and marine animals, which belong to 800 different species. Among the outstanding features of the aquarium is its central aquarium, its observation panel is the largest in the world. Its width is 36 meters and its height is 8.3 meters, respectively. Against the backdrop of this huge screen, people look very tiny, it allows them to enjoy the effect of presence and feel like they are part of a huge ocean.

The Singapore Aquarium is famous for its rare specimens of marine life; it is home to more than 20 specimens of Amaline dolphins, as well as bronze hammerhead fish, which cannot be seen in every major aquarium on the planet. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 2012, from the moment of its opening to the present day it has been the largest on the planet.

In addition to the aquarium itself, the large-scale center also includes an amusement park, which will also be interesting for the whole family to visit. The colorful water park offers guests many interesting attractions, as well as traditional water slides, mysterious grottoes and an incredibly beautiful underground aquarium. Fans of unusual entertainment will definitely enjoy the underwater restaurant, which overlooks a giant aquarium. The surprises don’t end there; all visitors have the opportunity to stay in the hotel, which is located on the territory of the aquarium; its rooms also offer a magnificent view of the aquariums.

Year of appearance: 1984.
In Denmark, in the city of Hirtshals, there is the famous North Sea Aquarium - a unique entertainment center, an unforgettable experience of visiting which is guaranteed to everyone. The total volume of the aquariums at this center is 4,500 cubic meters and is home to 70 species of fish. To some, such a collection may seem quite modest, but each of the inhabitants of this amazing oceanarium is a rare marine inhabitant. Only in the North Sea Aquarium you can simultaneously observe several sunfish, whose leisurely movements are simply mesmerizing.

The opening of the aquarium took place in 1984, among its outstanding features is a huge aquarium, which is designed in the form of an amphitheater. The height of its glass is 8 meters, through which it is very convenient to observe schools of mackerel and herring, as well as huge sharks. Every day, an interesting show is held for the guests of the aquarium; they can watch how a scuba diver dives into the aquarium to feed the fish.

In addition to a huge indoor aquarium, there is also a large outdoor swimming pool in the center, which has become a home for seals. Travelers with children will be interested in visiting the aquarium in the warm season, when the Krabbekysten interactive zone is opened for the youngest visitors. It features a large play area with a pond, a touching pool and a pier from which you can catch crabs. In summer, visitors have access to excellent picnic areas, cafes with outdoor terraces and souvenir shops.

Perth, Australia, also has an aquarium that can surprise even the most experienced travelers. The Aqua Oceanarium is luxuriously decorated; its main aquarium has a volume of more than three million liters. The specialists tried to make all the inhabitants of the aquarium feel as comfortable as possible; the decoration of the tanks was carried out with special care. The main entertainment for visitors to the aquarium is a walk through the transparent tunnel, which is 98 meters long.

During an “underwater” walk you can see the most beautiful exotic fish, huge sharks and even sea turtles, which are also an important symbol of Australia. The coast of Australia is rich in representatives of a wide variety of marine life, to make it more convenient to get to know them, the territory of the aquarium was divided into five thematic zones. They are dedicated to the inhabitants of the Perth Coast, Great South Coast, Marmayon Marine Park, Far North and the Shipwreck Coast.

For Perth, the Aqua Aquarium is a real historical landmark; a beautiful story is associated with its opening. The founder of the center is Morris Kahn, one of the richest people in Australia, who in the 1970s opened several of the country's largest amusement parks. His son was very fond of scuba diving and during one of the dives he damaged his eardrums; further scuba diving was out of the question. To console his son, Morris Kahn decided to build him the best aquarium on the continent, which travelers from all over the world are now eager to visit.

Year of appearance: 2003.
Surprisingly, one of the most incredible oceanariums on the planet should be found among the desert steppes of Kazakhstan. The Duman Oceanarium, which opened in 2003, presents to visitors a rich collection of marine life, which numbers about 2.5 thousand individuals. The volume of the central aquarium is 3.5 million liters; the best specialists from the Chinese company Asiocean internationa, as well as specialists from Russia, worked on the aquarium project.

The Duman Oceanarium is a record holder of the Guinness Book of Records; since its opening, it has remained the most distant oceanarium in the world from the waters of the world's oceans. In fact, Duman is a huge entertainment complex, in which, in addition to huge aquariums with marine life and a traditional acrylic tunnel, many interesting surprises await visitors.

They will be able to visit the ultra-modern cinema, relax in one of the cozy cafes, go shopping and even try their luck in the casino. For those for whom marine entertainment is of paramount importance, they offer the most interesting entertainment and educational programs every day. Guests of the aquarium have access to a wide range of entertainment, from a traditional shark feeding show to scuba diving and the opportunity to swim in one huge aquarium with some of the most dangerous marine predators. Those who have long dreamed of learning to dive will also enjoy the entertainment center; here you can practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor and receive a certificate.

Year of appearance: 2002.
In England, travelers are invited to visit the Deep Oceanarium; it is located in a picturesque area - at the confluence of the rivers Humber and Hull. The opening of the aquarium took place in 2002, today it is home to 3,000 marine inhabitants, including seven species of sharks. The total volume of its aquariums is 2.5 million liters. Not everyone knows that Deep is not just an aquarium among others, but one of the largest marine research centers on the planet.

Among its regular guests are not only curious travelers, but also scientists from all over the world. They offer interesting educational programs for schoolchildren and students. The oceanarium is famous for its rich collection of exotic fish, the schools of which can be admired endlessly. In addition, it is home to rare species of waterfowl, and one of the most unusual is the penguin aviary. Among the attractions of England, the Deep Oceanarium has long occupied one of the leading positions; it is especially popular among tourists with children.

Year of appearance: 1992. Area: 3,100 sq. meters. Population (attendance): 1.2 million people per year.
In Italy, the largest aquarium is located in Genoa, it is the second largest in Europe. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 1992; it was built specifically for the opening of the Genoa Expo’92 exhibition. Initially, the center has important educational, environmental and even historical significance. Its opening was timed to coincide with a significant day - the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

The Genoa Oceanarium introduces visitors to the typical inhabitants of the Ligurian Sea, representatives of the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as typical inhabitants of the reefs of the Caribbean Sea. Thus, the presented exhibition actually reproduces the sea route that Christopher Columbus made more than 500 years ago. It is also worth noting that the exhibition presented to visitors focuses on the most important environmental problems of the planet; visitors are offered interesting educational excursions and lectures. The area of ​​the oceanarium is 3,100 square meters. meters, about 1.2 million people visit it every year.

Its visitors will have the opportunity to admire the most incredible inhabitants of the deep sea, which now live in a huge aquarium, as well as watch the stingrays that live in a large open tank. In total, the aquarium has 70 tanks, and you will need to spend more than one hour getting to know their inhabitants. There is also an “exclusive attraction” in the center called “Night with Sharks”. Once a month, everyone can spend the night in the aquarium and observe how its inhabitants behave after dark.

Year of appearance: 2005. Area: 10,000 sq. meters.
In Bangkok, in one of the most popular shopping and entertainment centers Siam Paragon, you can visit the Siam Ocean World aquarium, which opened in 2005. It is the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia; here you can also see huge aquariums with a screen comparable in size to a cinema screen. Here visitors can see a lot of rare inhabitants of the deep sea, including luminous jellyfish, rare species of tropical fish and starfish.

The oceanarium has an impressive area of ​​10,000 square meters. meters, and the total volume of its tanks is 5 million liters. Guests of the Siam Ocean World aquarium are offered a variety of types of excursions, from classic to the most expensive and exclusive. The latter include special types of entertainment; guests are offered a ride around the largest aquarium on a glass-bottomed boat, as well as enjoy a popular spa treatment - fish peeling.

The most curious guests will have the opportunity to visit the most hidden corners of the oceanarium, where ordinary visitors are not allowed, and also watch an educational film in the 5D cinema. Rare species of fish that swim vertically, huge spider crabs, rare blue crayfish and unique representatives of marine flora are just a few of the amazing things that guests of the Bangkok Aquarium will be able to see. Like many aquariums, this one is divided into many themed areas with different tanks, which makes a tour of it incredibly exciting.

Many travelers go to Berlin in search of the most original aquarium in the world. Here is the famous Aqua House aquarium, which is located in the fashionable Radisson Blu Hotel and is the most important element of its unique interior. The height of this cylindrical aquarium is 16 meters; it carries not only a decorative, but also a functional load. Inside the huge cylinder, made of high-strength acrylic, there is an elevator, the ride on which remains the most exciting attraction for clients and hotel guests.

Aqua House is the world's largest cylindrical aquarium, it is filled with salt water, like in any real aquarium, live fish and other inhabitants of the deep sea swim in it. The volume of the original aquarium is 1 million liters, which allows it to remain a world record holder. About 1.5 thousand fish, which belong to one hundred different species, live permanently in the aquarium.

Caring for such an unusual piece of decor requires considerable time, physical and material costs from hotel staff. Since the opening of the aquarium, the luxury hotel has constantly employed full-time scuba divers who monitor the cleanliness of the aquarium and also feed its inhabitants. The best way to appreciate Germany's most unusual aquarium in all its glory is to become a guest of a luxury hotel. There is a huge cylinder in the courtyard, which is equipped with cozy seating areas; the windows of some exquisite rooms also overlook the courtyard.

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Today it is possible to choose a vacation spot to suit every taste and budget. Expensive resorts are opening all over the world, but only the most sophisticated ones can get into the top rating. What features should these places have to take their place on the list of the most expensive?

  • Complete privacy of your stay. Businessmen, politicians and show business stars especially value privacy and the absence of annoying paparazzi.
  • Gorgeous views. As a rule, most of them are located on islands with clean white sand and azure sea.
  • Service at the highest level. The guest service staff is selected especially carefully, trained for a long time and prepared in order to please discerning guests.
  • Wide range of additional services on site.

The price for a vacation of this class fully meets all these criteria. If you are ready to pay a pretty penny for a truly heavenly vacation, choose the most expensive resort and pack your bags!

Tenth place: Vatulele Island on the Fiji Islands - from $1,296.

The hotel is located on the island of the same name in the Pacific Ocean. The nature here is rich and varied: you can walk through caves with beautiful underground lakes, relax on deserted sandy beaches between the rocks. No wonder Vatulele Island Resort has received several awards from various travel magazines.

It offers private villas with private pools. Guests have at their disposal:

  • tennis court
  • private beach
  • possibility of holding a wedding ceremony
  • wine cellar
  • restaurant
  • diving center

The price of a holiday in this fabulous place is from $1,296 per day.

Ninth place - Cayo Espanto, Belize - $1395

Cayo Espanto,

A luxury hotel with only 6 villas with private pools is located in the small state of Belize in Central America. Cayo Espanto occupies an entire island in the waters of the Western Caribbean and is ideal for those looking for a relaxing holiday, turquoise seas and superb fine sand beaches.

Guests have the opportunity to dive with a personal instructor, rent a catamaran, try their hand at kayaking, play golf, rent a sailboat and go fishing, or simply snorkel among a variety of Caribbean fish. Of course, the hotel has a spa and several restaurants. The staff will help you choose an individual entertainment and excursion program.

One night in a villa costs $1,395, and for $10,000 you can pre-book the entire island for the day.

Eighth place - Turtle Island, Fiji - $2390.

The island's name translates to "Turtle Island" and it is one of Fiji's most unique destinations. The famous Blue Lagoon located here is famous for its variety of underwater plants, corals, fish and rare turtles. The climate here is very mild and the beaches are simply magnificent.

For more than 30 years, the island has belonged to Richard Evanson, an American who decided to leave a brilliant career and move to a calm island for a quiet, secluded life. There are only 14 villas on the island right on the water's edge, in traditional style with thatched roofs. Private beaches will make your holiday in this place as private and romantic as possible.

There are two types of bungalows to choose from: Deluxe Bure and Grand Bure. All of them are very bright, overlooking the sea and the tropical garden. The Grand Bure is slightly larger and has a separate living area and a Jacuzzi with an outdoor shower.

The following types of entertainment are available to sports fans:

  • scuba diving
  • windsurfing
  • kayaking
  • horse riding
  • fishing

If you wish, you can book an excursion and visit neighboring islands and villages accompanied by a personal guide. One night, depending on the type of room, costs from $1632 to $2390.

Seventh place - Fregate Island Private, Seychelles - $2700.

The cottage complex occupies a small private island with an area of ​​only 3 km². The 16 villas can comfortably accommodate up to 40 people, and the staff numbers 100 people. They provide top-notch service and maintain a private, tranquil atmosphere.

All villas are built in Thai style. High-quality Thai silk and Egyptian cotton were used for finishing. The 14 villas are located on top of a hill and offer breathtaking views of the ocean. 2 villas are located on the beach and are popular with families with children.

Features of the cottages:

  • Each room has a separate bedroom, a living room with glass partitions and a spacious dressing room
  • 2 bathrooms
  • outdoor jacuzzi
  • solarium
  • terrace
  • hi-fi system and all necessary equipment
  • 24/7 service

Also at your disposal:

  • 2 restaurants
  • diving center
  • catamaran rental
  • deep sea fishing
  • fitness studio
  • beauty salon

One night here costs from $2700.

Sixth place - Altamer Resort, Anguilla - $5,700.

The hotel is located on the luxurious Caribbean coast in Shoal Bay West. Guests can choose from 3 spacious villas: African Sapphire Villa, Brazilian Emerald Villa, Russian Amethyst Villa. Each of them is unique and is a true masterpiece of architecture. The villas can accommodate a whole group of guests, as each of them has several bedrooms with private bathrooms.

A personal chef will delight guests with exquisite cuisine, and a butler will provide the highest level of service.

Entertainment includes:

  • diving
  • learning to play tennis
  • scuba diving
  • boat trips on catamarans and yachts
  • riding lessons
  • piano lessons
  • sailing lessons
  • golf
  • cooking lessons
  • swimming with dolphins
  • excursions to a local rum factory.

The staff will select any entertainment program, so you don’t have to worry about how to spend your leisure time. The minimum rental period for a villa is 14 days, which will cost you $80,000.

Fifth place - Villa at Sandy Lane, Barbados - $10,340

The complex is located on the sandy beach of the west coast of Barbados. Expensive resorts like this one are often visited by Hollywood stars and Arab sheikhs. Even the Queen of England vacationed here. The hotel has 112 rooms. resort on the Caribbean Sea.

There are several accommodation options to choose from and the most expensive of them is The Villa. It has 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a living room, a state-of-the-art kitchen, a jacuzzi and a private pool. The villa's service consists of 4 people: valet, cook, security guard and maid.

The guests' leisure time is varied:

  • SPA center
  • tai chi
  • Pilates
  • qigong
  • tennis courts
  • 3 golf courses
  • diving
  • windsurfing
  • water skiing
  • deep sea fishing
  • many boutiques
  • gym

The price for a villa is $10,340 per night.

Fourth place - The Rania Experience, Maldives - $10,589.

This place has repeatedly received the most prestigious awards. The Rania Experience is a 700 by 500 meter island hotel for a private holiday in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Luxurious accommodation, untouched nature and high-quality service will make your holiday unforgettable. A distinctive feature is the presence of a cruise yacht, which is included in the price of staying at the villa. Cruise yacht Rania is 86 feet long and features two double bedrooms, two cabins, a home theater and a Jacuzzi. Guests can use the yacht for 3 hours every day.

The price also includes meals, any drinks, spa treatments, sports equipment rental, and transfer from the airport. All 4 villas are directly on the beach.

Entertainment in the villas:

  • diving
  • personal pool
  • billiards
  • beach volleyball
  • canoe rental
  • fishing

One night costs from $10,589.

Third place - Villa Hotel Contenta, Miami - $17,400

The stunning Casa Contenta mansion is located on Palm Island, Miami, USA. The owner is the Villazo company. All rooms of the villa are designed in different styles. Near the villa there is a swimming pool with a waterfall.

The price also includes:

  • personal chef services
  • personal servant
  • personal massage therapist
  • transfer to the airport by limousine.

The minimum rental period for a villa is 3 days, and one night costs from $11,600 to $17,400 depending on the season.

Second place - Musha Cay, Islands of Copperfield bay, Bahamas - $28,000

A magnificent private resort occupying one of the Bahamas islands with an area of ​​608,000 m². The maximum number of guests is 24, and they can be accommodated in five villas. All villas are surrounded by mahogany terraces and have their own access to the beach. Unique interiors will delight connoisseurs of collectibles and exotic artifacts.

Vacationers' leisure time will be enhanced by:

  • outdoor heated pool
  • on the beach
  • tennis courts
  • fitness center
  • water sports center
  • billiard room with Harry Houdini's table
  • fishing and boat trips
  • games designed personally by David Copperfield: “Olympic Games”, “M.U.S.H.A. Force”, “Search for Pirate Treasure”, racing with goldfish “Musha 500”, “Secret Village of Monkeys”.

Cost of stay: from $28,000 per night, minimum stay - 3 days.

First place - Necker island, Virgin Islands - $30,000.

The British Virgin Islands deservedly take first place in the top 10. The unique nature of Necker Island is stunning. It is home to many different birds, from hummingbirds to pelicans. The underwater world is no less rich. Back in 1982, Necker Island was purchased by British millionaire Richard Branson and personally equipped it for his own vacation. After some time, he began to rent it out, and then this place acquired the status of the most luxurious resort.

There are 6 villas on the island, accommodating 28 people. All of them are made in Indonesian style, and finishing materials were delivered from the exotic island of Bali. The hotel is a private club, and the owners try to rent it out entirely.

At the hotel:

  • 5 beaches
  • outdoor pool
  • yoga, pilates
  • The chef's cuisine has been awarded a Michelin star
  • 2 tennis courts, fitness studio
  • windsurfing, kitesurfing, water skiing
  • sailing
  • snorkeling, diving
  • luxury sailing yacht Necker Belle
  • underwater scooter Necker Nymph
  • helipad

One night in this wonderful place will cost $30,000.

Life on Earth originated in water. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the seas and oceans of our planet were inhabited by many of the most unusual representatives of the fauna. The modern underwater world is also surprisingly rich and diverse. It is inhabited by millions of living creatures, the appearance and bizarre forms of which amaze the imagination. Some of them are so unusual that they can easily be confused with plants. Anyone who is seriously involved in diving has the opportunity to appreciate the unique beauty of the underwater world. However, you can see all the diversity of marine life, as well as get acquainted with underwater inhabitants, in another way - by visiting the famous huge oceanariums, where the mysterious world of oceans and seas appears in all its beauty and diversity. In this article we described largest aquariums in the world.

1. S.E.A.Aquarium

S.E.A.Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world, located in Singapore. It was opened several years ago - in 2012. With a volume of more than 45 million liters of sea water, it consists of two parts: the aquarium itself and a water amusement park.

The S.E.A. Aquarium, divided into several thematic zones, is home to about 100,000 different species of fish and marine animals. Living conditions for all inhabitants are close to natural. The huge aquarium is home to about 200 species of sharks, including rare ones such as the Hammerhead Shark, Great Whitetip Shark and Tiger Sharks. Giant manta rays live here - the largest stingrays, Japanese spider crabs, graceful and intelligent bottlenose dolphins, octopuses, starfish, a huge number of species of jellyfish and many beautiful rare fish of various shapes and colors.

The main feature and pride of the S.E.A. Aquarium is a giant aquarium, the size of a wall several floors high, imitating the open ocean. Travelers have the illusion of a complete presence - they feel as if they are gradually sinking to the bottom of the ocean. In order to fully appreciate the beauty of the underwater world, an appropriate environment has been created: dim lighting, comfortable seating and quiet, soothing music. And behind the transparent glass, stingrays, sharks and long schools of rare and bizarre fish swim past.

2. Georgia Aquarium

This is the second largest aquarium in the world, opened in the US state of Georgia relatively recently - in 2005. Its volume is 23.8 million liters of water, and before the opening of the Singapore Aquarium, it was considered the largest on the planet.

All visitors to the Georgia Aquarium are amazed by the diversity of its inhabitants. Northern white whales live here - beluga whales, sea otters, the largest whale sharks, as well as stingrays, Japanese spider crabs, albino crocodiles, many exotic fish such as electric fish and piranhas, and jellyfish of a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Children will surely be delighted to meet the adorable royal blue fish Dory and the clown fish Nemo, as well as the cute and familiar penguins, which can be observed in close proximity. The decoration of the oceanarium is the smart and beautiful bottlenose dolphins that live there - large dolphins that show their own show to guests several times a day according to a certain schedule.

3. The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

One of the largest aquariums in the world, The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, is located in Japan on the island of Okinawa. Here you can watch the life of many inhabitants of the seas and oceans, from small colorful fish to huge sharks and giant stingrays. The aquarium building is built in such a way that the main entrance is located on the top floor, so all visitors have the illusion of a gradual immersion in the underwater life of the island of Okinawa.

At first, travelers find themselves in a world of beautiful coral reefs, colorful sea fish and other fauna. Visitors have a unique opportunity to touch some of the ocean's inhabitants, such as starfish or sea cucumbers. The second floor is home to representatives of flora and fauna from the sea zone with the warm current of the Pacific Ocean - Kuroshio. Here you can meet rare sea giants: three huge whale sharks and a group of manta rays that bear offspring. And finally, the lower floor is reserved for exploring the benthic kingdom of the island of Okinawa - an amazing world lying at a depth of more than 200 meters, where almost no rays of the sun penetrate. Here you can get acquainted with the life of deep-seated representatives of the ocean, whose conditions are as close as possible to their natural habitat.

4. L'Oceanogràfic

Now let’s move to Europe, where in the Spanish city of Valencia there is a huge Oceanographic Park - L’Oceanogràfic. This large aquarium with a volume of 40 million liters of water is home to 45 thousand representatives of marine fauna: beluga whales, sharks, fur seals, electric rays, turtles, sea dragons and sea lions, penguins, walruses and other inhabitants. The oceanarium is divided into 10 different climatic zones, each of them represented by its own inhabitants, from the fauna of tropical seas to representatives of the polar oceans of the icy Arctic. The park has its own dolphinarium.

A distinctive feature of the L’Oceanogràfic aquarium is that, in addition to a rich collection of various representatives of marine fauna, it has its own garden, which presents more than 80 species of plants brought from different parts of the globe.

5. Dubai Aquarium

Another giant oceanarium called Dubai Aquarium is located in sunny Dubai in the famous shopping center - Dubai Mall. This is the world's largest indoor aquarium, holding over 10 million liters of water. The Dubai Aquarium complex also includes a zoo located above the aquarium.

The Dubai Oceanarium is an underwater home for 33 thousand inhabitants of the seas and oceans, ranging from small fish of all shades of colors to sea giants - predatory sharks and huge stingrays. There are over 400 different species of sharks here, the most numerous being sand sharks. In addition to them, at the Dubai Aquarium you can observe the life of Cayman crocodiles, aquatic turtles, piranhas, octopuses, crabs, penguins, seals and other marine fauna, the species diversity of which is constantly expanding.

6. Shanghai Ocean Aquarium

Another largest aquarium with a volume of 3.8 million liters of water is located in Shanghai. An underwater glass tunnel 155 meters long, equipped with a special escalator, passes through the oceanarium.

The aquarium's exhibition is divided into nine zones according to geographical principles; in total, over 15,000 fish and marine animals live there. Among them are many representatives of very rare species: emperor penguins, spotted seals, rag-picker seahorses, dart frogs, and the rarest species of jellyfish.

Particularly interesting is the area dedicated to China, where rare species of aquatic animals found only in this country are collected. These are giant salamanders, Chinese alligators, Chinese sturgeons and others.

Some aquariums have interesting exhibitions dedicated to certain topics. For example, an exhibition of sea sponges. Tourists also have a unique opportunity to feed fish and other underwater inhabitants at a designated time.

7. Oceanario de Lisboa

We return again to Europe, where the largest aquarium in Portugal and one of the largest aquariums in the world, Oceanario de Lisboa, is located in Lisbon, Portugal. It is home to 16 thousand underwater creatures, represented by 450 species. The total volume of the aquarium is 7.5 million liters of water, and the depth is about 7 meters, which further enhances the impression of the open ocean.

In Oceanario de Lisboa you can watch fish, marine animals and birds: stingrays, tuna, octopuses, moray eels, chimeras, as well as otters, cormorants, Magellanic penguins and giant crabs. The main highlight and the rarest specimen of the aquarium is the sunfish. Keeping this giant is fraught with great difficulties, so it is extremely rarely seen in captivity. The Lisbon Oceanarium is one of the few that has created favorable conditions for the life of these unusual fish.

8. L'Aquarium de Barcelona

Another huge and beautiful oceanarium with a volume of 4.5 million liters of water with 11 thousand inhabitants of sea waters, represented by 450 species, is located in Spain in the magnificent city of Barcelona.

The Barcelona Aquarium consists of 35 aquariums, divided according to the size and type of underwater inhabitants. The most beautiful and unexpected representatives of marine flora and fauna live here: graceful seahorses, royal bream, sea dragon, cow fish, huge toothy sharks, predatory piranhas, Mediterranean moray eels, sunfish and the terrifying sawfish. There is also a pool with smart and friendly dolphins living there.

For experienced divers, the aquarium offers extreme shark diving excursions. Those who are ready for a desperate adventure should take care of their tickets in advance, as there are always many people willing to embark on a dangerous journey.

9. Sydney Aquarium

In sunny Australia, in Darling Harbour, there is one of the main attractions of the country - the magnificent Sydney Aquarium with a capacity of 7 million liters of water. It is the aquatic home to 11,000 individuals, represented by 650 species. Water for the aquarium is drawn directly from the ocean.

The most interesting thing begins at the entrance - tourists enter the building through the gaping mouth of a shark. The collection of the Sydney Aquarium is extremely rich and diverse, and its underwater world is fascinating. Here is the world's largest collection of sharks, living corals, turtles, saltwater crocodiles, fur seals, many fish of the most bizarre and unexpected colors, blue octopuses, colorful starfish, as well as ancient inhabitants of the underwater depths, such as the nautilus, which lived for another 500 million years back. Well, adventure seekers have a rare chance to dive into the depths with scuba gear and feed sharks.

10. AquaDom

This unique cylindrical aquarium with a volume of almost 1 million liters of sea water is located in Berlin, in the 5-star Radisson SAS Hotel. The tank with the aquarium, 16 meters high and weighing 2000 tons, rests on a powerful concrete foundation. With the help of a special slowly circulating elevator, tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the oceanarium from the inside.

The aquarium is home to more than 1,500 fish belonging to 97 different species. Here you can see a whole collection of beautiful tropical fish, sea bass, mackerel, Napoleon fish, as well as jellyfish and starfish. Every day, three scuba divers feed all the inhabitants and clean the aquarium.
