Giant waves in Nazare, Portugal. The city of Nazare in Portugal, an excursion into the history of Portugal Nazare Portugal

Did you know that here, in Portugal, very close to us, there is a place where 30-meter waves arise and Guinness Book records are set on them? This place is called Nazaré.

Nazaré (port. Nazaré;) is an urban village in Portugal, the center of the municipality of the same name within the district of Leiria. Population - 10.1 thousand inhabitants (village), 15.1 thousand inhabitants (municipality). The village and municipality are included in the economic and statistical region of the Central Region and the Oeste subregion. The old way administrative division belonged to the province of Estremadura.

In fact, Nazaré is an ordinary fishing village. The main fishing village of the country. There is even a fisherman's museum here. Other attractions include the Sitiu Quarter with a panorama, the Church of Our Lady, and other nonsense. We are interested in surfing and this is what this village has become famous for in the last 5 years.

Yes, one of the main attractions of the city today is the waves and surfing opportunities that exist thanks to the Nazaré Canyon (“Canhão da Nazaré”), an underwater geomorphological phenomenon that creates giant waves. We are talking about the largest underwater gorge in Europe, stretching along the coast for almost 170 km along the coast and reaching depths of up to 5000 m in some places.

In 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara became famous throughout the world when he conquered the world's largest wave on a sandy bottom, reaching 30 meters, on the beach of Praia do Norte, and received the Billabong XXL Global BigWave Awards for this. and broke the Guinness Book of World Records. Just like him, every year people from all over the world come to Nazaré large number surfers to ride.

Here on the cape there is a lighthouse, inside of which they made a museum named after. Garrett Vasilievich McNamarrovsky. Here stands his board produced by the Mercedes Benz concern, on which this Guinness Book record was set. You can also watch a short video about the process of preparing for the record. Impressive though. A brave man.

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I will be very glad to meet you.

Always yours
Stanislav Sushenkov

Somewhere halfway between the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, and the beautiful Porto, nestled a small fishing village Nazare village. And perhaps this place would have remained unnoticed if not for two circumstances that set Nazare apart from other Portuguese outskirts: firstly, the Virgin Mary herself is considered the patron saint of the village, and secondly, the highest surfing waves in the world are seen here !

And here, as in all of Portugal, there is simply no winter, which makes Nazare ideal for visiting all year round.

How to get there

Nazaré is located in the district of Leiria on the Atlantic coast, an hour and a half drive from Lisbon and two from Porto. Bus lines in Portugal are quite well developed, and the most cheap way to get to Nazaré you need to take the bus. A ticket from Lisbon costs about 12 euros. Little trick: If you are still asked for documents when buying alcohol or cigarettes, feel free to say at the checkout that you are a student. There is no need to present documents, and a discount on travel is given to people under 29 years of age. Thus, the price of a ticket from Lisbon will be 9 euros. The bus arrives at Nazaré station, which is located a minute’s walk from the great and roaring Atlantic Ocean and the city’s main promenade.


Nazaré... How many times is this word pronounced by all the advanced surfers on the planet in the hope of conquering its waves at least once. Athletes are literally ready to offer prayers to this village, because it is here that every year high waves are recorded, which only the most desperate surfers can conquer. It's all about in the Nazaré underwater canyon, reaching five kilometers in depth and several hundred kilometers long, generating some of the highest waves in the world. 30 meters of raging elements bursting out from the depths of the Atlantic can easily swallow a person - in case of the slightest mistake.

Gustavo Miguel Fernandes

But is this really capable of stopping the hot hearts of surfers in pursuit of a big wave? The answer is obvious: No. Hundreds of extreme sports enthusiasts come here every year. But one of them is especially famous. Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara became famous in 2011 when he conquered a wave 24 meters high. And then, in 2013, he surpassed himself and set a new world record, taming a wave over 30 meters high (that’s, for a moment, the height of a ten-story building). For this he was awarded the Billabong XXL Global BigWave Award.

Otherwise, Nazaré (named after Nazareth, by the way) is a fairly typical Portuguese village. It is extremely cozy, colorful, with good-natured residents and lovely restaurants on the shore. Its ancient and impossibly narrow streets invite you to stroll along the dazzling beautiful beach on the shores of the Atlantic.

Attractions Nazaré

Essentially, the city is divided into upper and lower. The lower part is replete with restaurants and hotels and offers any visitor its luxurious beach several kilometers long with stunning views of the ocean. It is most convenient to stop here for the night, have a snack or just take a walk along the winding alleys. Among the attractions of the lower city are only ancient fishing and rescue boats built at the beginning of the 19th century, displayed right on the beach. They also offer souvenirs, which are slightly cheaper than in the upper part of the city.

Sitiu Rock

After a walk along the embankment, take the funicular (the only public transport city) and climb to the top of the rocky cliff Sitio– the oldest part of the city. Having risen and exited the funicular, first turn right and walk just a few meters. And you will see something that will make your heart jump out of your chest, and especially impressionable people cry with happiness. And this is understandable, given the unimaginable beauty of the panorama opening before you! The 318 meter high cliff offers the most famous view in all of Portugal. The entire lower city stretches out before you, framed by a wide crescent-shaped beach and washed by the endless waters of the Atlantic. Ah, this view can be enjoyed for hours.


Church of Our Lady

Having admired the views of the city to your heart’s content and finished contemplating the landscape, you can head deeper into the old city. Everything here is literally a stone's throw away, the village is very small. The first thing that catches your eye is the large Church of Our Lady (Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré). It was built at the end of the 14th century by order of King Ferdinand XIV, when the city chapel could no longer accommodate everyone. But by our time, not a trace remains of that building, because the church was rebuilt several times, the last of which, in the 17th century, fundamentally changed the appearance of the church.

Chapel of Capela da Memoria

The Capela da Memória chapel, opposite the church, has interesting legend. According to legend, in her place, Our Lady saved the 12th century Portuguese king Don Fuas Rupinho, when he almost fell off a cliff into the abyss while hunting on a foggy morning. As a sign of this miracle, he built a Chapel of Memory here, to which pilgrims began to arrive from all over Europe. The chapel has stood here for over 900 years and has remained virtually unchanged since its construction. To this day, this tiny building is the main attraction of Nazaré. And the townspeople will happily point out observation deck Sitiu is a trace supposedly left by the horseshoe of the king's horse on that very foggy morning in 1182.

Fisherman's House Museum (Casa museu do pescador)

Nazaré is not just a fishing village. This is the main fishing village of the country! And that’s why there is even a fisherman’s house-museum here. (Casa museu do pescador). In it you can find out how fishermen lived in the 16th century, what boats they used, how they fished and what they did with their catch.


Perhaps the most striking attraction of Nazaré are... the grandmothers. Yes, the local old ladies, who wear seven different-colored skirts in the old fashion, although they don’t understand a word of English, nevertheless manage to successfully sell roasted nuts, sweets and fish. Don't spare a few euros and buy some nuts or delicious pastries, and then she will happily take a selfie with you or just pose for your camera.

Delicious food – Nazaré Kitchen

Having examined central square and after walking around the narrow winding back streets of Sitiu, it was time to have a bite to eat. And the best that Nazaré has to offer is, of course, all kinds of seafood. Here you can easily taste many types of fish, king prawns, lobsters, lobsters, octopus and other sea creatures. Prices fluctuate within the “moderate” range. So, a portion of shrimp can cost 10-15 euros, for a kilogram of crab they will ask for 20-25 euros, for a lobster get ready to pay about 60 euros. But you can be sure that the seafood delicacies here are the most delicious, and if you want to try lobster, then best place You won't find it in Portugal.

And if you want something sweet, you can always go to a cafe and drink coffee with local pasta cake. This famous delicacy made from puff pastry with egg custard is fabulously tasty and original! And if you haven’t tried pasta while in Portugal, then you should definitely do it.


If Nazaré leaves an indelible mark on your heart and you want to bring a souvenir as a souvenir, take a look at the tiny street Rua do Cirio da Prata Grande, which is near the Chapel of Memory. Here you will see a cute old man who makes wooden boats with his own hands, the same ones that stand on the beach of the lower city. He paints them himself by hand, which guarantees the exclusivity of the souvenir. This is where the product is definitely made in Portugal. Prices for a boat – from 7 euros.

In addition, good handmade souvenirs are sold at the market in upper city Sitiu. Among the offers are brocades and wool capes, various wardrobe items, hats, wool socks, slippers and other decorative items. True, prices can be a little high, and often a similar souvenir can be bought a little cheaper in the lower part of Nazaré.

Olga Iutina

Thanks to its mild climate, Portuguese fishing traditions and incomparable beauty, Nazare Beach can easily be added to your “must visit” list. In the summer, the beaches here are overrun with tourists and the restaurants are packed, so you won't have any questions about what to do here. During the rest of the year, you can come here for a day or two to see the sights and see desperate surfers in endless attempts to conquer the big wave.

Look at the views of Nazaré - we are sure that you will not remain indifferent.

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The small fishing village of Nazare (Portugal) is located between the most beautiful cities Lisbon and Porto. She is distinguished from other Portuguese outskirts by two important circumstances: first, she is the patroness of the village local residents they consider the Virgin Mary, secondly, they visit Nazaré. There is no winter here, so this place can be visited all year round.

Resort Nazaré

This ancient fishing village is the main one in Portugal. Its residents sacredly preserve ancient traditions: they dress in ancient fashion and sing folk songs. On this ocean coast you can witness how fishing families lived many years ago. The women of Nazaré still wear seven skirts, and the main occupation of fishermen and fisherwomen on the shore is mending nets and drying fish on special wire grates.

At the same time, Nazaré is considered the most famous among the sea. Incredibly beautiful and clean beach stretches over a distance of 1 km. There is an embankment along it. All conditions for a comfortable and memorable stay are created here.

The town of Nazare (Portugal) is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The lower part is a picturesque embankment, a beach and many cozy restaurants where guests are offered dishes national cuisine. There is also an abundance of souvenir shops where tourists can buy gifts for their loved ones. By the way, souvenirs here are much cheaper than in the upper part of the city. The main attractions are located in the upper part of the village.

What to see?

So, what are there in Nazar? There are not as many of them as lovers of excursions would like, but still there is something to see. The main architectural monument here is the small chapel Capela da Memória. It was built in honor of the Virgin Mary, whom local residents consider their patroness. Pilgrims from all over Europe visit the chapel all year round. Opposite the chapel is the Church of Our Lady, built at the end of the 14th century.

The town has several museums where you can learn about the history of Nazare, the history of fishing and national costume. In the museum dedicated to religion, you can see paintings, statues and some historical documents. The main museum of the town is the Fisherman's House. There are all the attributes of fishing and the home life of fishermen.

Fort Sau Miguel Arcanju is also of interest to tourists. It was erected at the end of the 16th century to protect the city from attacks by Algerians and pirates. You can enjoy the picturesque views from the Sitiu rock. For this purpose, there is a spacious observation deck. Tourists can reach the rock using a modernized funicular; this means of transportation is considered the most famous in Nazaré. The height of the rock is 318 meters, from here there is an amazing view of the lower part of Nazare .


The unique Nazare Canyon (Portugal) stretches along the coast for 170 km. The waves here can reach a height of 30 meters. Surfers from all over the world come to this small village to take part in the annual world competition. The waves that burst from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean can easily engulf a surfer with the slightest mistake. But this does not stop the athletes. In 2013, Garrett McNamara (Hawaiian surfer) set a world record: he conquered a wave over 30 meters.

How to get there

Nazaré (Portugal) is located in the district of Leiria. You can get here from Lisbon or Porto by regular bus. A bus ticket costs about 12 euros - this is the most cheap option in order to get to the fishing village. The bus stops at Nazaré station, which is a short walk from the city's main promenade and the Atlantic Ocean.

Description of the excursion

City of Nazaré is one of many Portuguese cities that have witnessed special miracles throughout their long, eventful history. Officially, the city received this name only at the beginning of the 20th century. He combined several settlements, including “place of Nazare”, in Portuguese Sitio da Nazare. This is the upper part of the city, where important historical monuments. One of them is the Temple of Our Lady of Nazareth, where the sacred image of Our Lady of Nazareth is kept, otherwise known as the Black Madonna. It is in her honor that the city is named.

Church "Nossa Senhora da Nazare". In the left wing there is a hospital, and in the right wing there used to be royal chambers...

The image is carved from wood, measuring only 25 cm, and represents the Mother of God sitting on a bench with Jesus in her arms. The original was carved by Joseph himself when Jesus was a baby. He, an image made of wood, was worshiped by the first Christians of Nazareth. Over time, it was propagated and spread throughout the world.

Perhaps the church in Nazaré left the most pleasant memories of all the others in Portugal... here you can look into the holy of holies

So, in the 5th century, one of the images was brought from Nazareth by a Greek monk to spanish city Merida. Merida at that time was the religious capital of the entire Iberian Peninsula. For two centuries, the monks of one of the monasteries of Merida prayed to this sacred image.

Madonna of Nazareth behind arm's length

At the beginning of the 8th century, the Moors appeared on the Iberian Peninsula. With a new religion. They quickly conquered city after city. The Muslim faith was forcibly implanted. Who voluntarily contacted new religion, he was given life. Those who disagreed faced death. The Moors won the battle for Merida. The leader of the Christians, King Rodrigo, managed to escape from the battlefield; he took refuge in the very monastery where the image of the Mother of God was located. Fleeing from imminent reprisals against one of the monks, he went to the Atlantic coast, taking the image with him. Having covered more than 300 km, the king and the monk decided to become hermits and settled in different places. Don Rodrigo in an abandoned church on Mount de São Bartolomeu. And the monk lived until the end of his days in a cave, right next to the cliff where the Sitio da Nazare is located, keeping with him the sacred image of Our Lady of Nazareth.

The upper part of the city "Sitio da Nazare". This is where the history of modern Nazaré began...

It is unlikely that this place, Sitio da Nazare, was inhabited in those days. Who could settle on the seven winds without orders from above? Near the sand least, I didn’t find any information. The continuation of the story takes us to 1182. By then, the Reconsista had liberated what is now Portugal from Muslim rule. With the help of knights of religious orders. As a token of gratitude, King Afonso the Great, or the Founder, awarded them lands. Fortresses, castles, and abbeys arose here and there. But now about something else. Early in the morning of September 14, 1182, Don Fuas Roupinho, commander of one of the fortresses, a Templar, was hunting with his comrades. Fog. Don Fuash, on horseback, chases a deer. A deer jumps from a cliff out of fear into the abyss.

That's how it was...

Another moment, and the horse, together with the rider, will follow there. And then Don Roupigno calls on the Virgin Mary for help. An unknown force stops the horse at the very edge... How to express gratitude to the savior? Don Fuash decides to build a chapel. For construction we had to look for material. So, the masons ended up in that very cave. And they found an ivory box. And in it there is a sacred image and a parchment, where the story was written about how the image of the Virgin Mary ended up here. When the chapel was built, the image was placed inside for worship. The news of the miracle attracted pilgrims from everywhere. Commoners and kings prayed in this tiny chapel. Over time, the pilgrims ran out of space. Therefore, in the 14th century a church was built not far from the chapel. Madonna settled there. And Sitio began to grow, patronized by the kings themselves. The church was completed and decorated with gold and Azulejo tiles, made to special order in Holland. Now you can look at the image of Our Lady of Nazareth at arm's length. For 2 euros

This is the same Chapel that Roupinho built. Where the sacred image was located until the 14th century. Pilgrims descended 6 steps and prayed to the Virgin Mary.

To believe or not in these stories? Let's believe! It’s more interesting this way... Here’s another one that hasn’t been confirmed. In 1609, Father Bartalameo, a chronicler and monk of the monastery in Alcubas, discovered ancient parchments in the archives of the monastery, which described the events and details of the events that took place regarding the cave and the rescue of the Templar. This news was presented to the public. But no one seems to know where the parchments are now. And modern science has not confirmed the authenticity of the image itself. But who needs this and why? The main thing is that people believe in miracles! The legend helped the whole city grow! And for us - the opportunity to have fun, think, dream about our own miracle... Our Lady appeared in Portugal more than once... She is considered the patroness of the country, and from time to time she helps her subjects... The brave Portuguese sailors also firmly believed in her miraculous power. They asked for her blessing and help in front of their distant and dangerous journeys right here in Nazaré. Vashko de Gama, Pedro Cabral, the great Jesuit Francis Xavier and many others.

This is a view of the new Nazaré. Once upon a time, on the site of these houses there was an ocean... and a little warmer...

What else is Nazaré famous for? Huge waves. The highest in Europe. Thanks to underwater canyon, 5,000 meters deep, they gain power and rise off the coast to an incredible height. They begin in late autumn, when serious storms occur in the Atlantic Ocean. It is at this time that championships among professional surfers take place. So, in 2011, a world record was set here, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The brave Garrett McNamara became another legend Nazaré. In 2013, he improved his record by conquering a 34-meter wave. Footage of this athletic feat was shown on news reports around the world. Watch the video! The power of the ocean and the people who are on friendly terms with this power

But the ocean in Nazar is not always harsh. In summer and early autumn you can relax here. Sun, beaches, refreshing breeze, excellent healthy food at reasonable prices. And the authorities have recently been paying attention to the possibilities of replenishing the budget at the expense of vacationers. This means that it will be clean, festive, safe, and hospitable. And if you consider that just a few tens of kilometers from Nazaré there are no less “wonderful” cities: Alcubaça, Leiria, Fatima, Caldas da Rainha, Obidos, Tomar, then inquisitive tourists will definitely never be bored. Therefore, come! Booking offers 66 accommodation options in hotels, aparthotels, hostels, and apartments.

Tents protect from wind and sun...with such protection you can be on the beach from morning to evening. And cafes and restaurants with everything you need are 50 steps away...

Other sights of the city of Nazare. Fort of Archangel Michael. It is from its site that anyone can watch surfing competitions. Built in the 16th century for protection against pirates and corsairs. Inside is a museum and Garrett's plaque. Museum Joaquim Manso(Joaquim Manco), where it is interesting to trace the history of the city's development. Fisherman's Museum. Modern lift, connecting upper and lower Nazaré.

This is lower Nazaré, on the left is the beach, and here are shops, cafes, restaurants, hotels. And apartments offered by strolling “Nazarenes” who do not know the Internet and Booking...

Dinosaur tracks. Wall in Sitio ( Muralha do Sitio), which was erected at the beginning of the 18th century to protect the houses of brave residents from winds and sand. Sandstorms were common. The houses were filled to the top. People had to climb out through the roofs.

This woman inspiredly dressed me up in a costume...she offered to take a photo in it. The kindness and openness of provincial Portuguese requires a separate discussion...

Later, by royal order, planting of pine forests began. Thanks to them, living in Nazar became easier... Cave (Gruta da Nazare). Only the far part of it, which would be interesting, is walled up. Too many people who went deep never came back. Women of Nazaré who walk proudly in their seven “Nazarene” skirts, scarves and heavy clogs.

Seafood and fish. Fishing has developed in Nazar since time immemorial. It was very life-threatening. And he formed a special, somewhat gloomy type of “Nazarene” man. They write that Vashko de Gama highly valued the composure and endurance of local fishermen, recruiting them for Indian expeditions. And the fish in Nazar is especially good! Plankton, forming in the depths of the canyon, has some magical properties. Fish and various reptiles feed on it and are filled with a pronounced taste. And you can enjoy it in numerous restaurants and cafes in the city. As well as natural vegetables, fruits, wine, local sweets and the most polite service. Market in the city of Nazaré. Here you can fill your shopping basket at very reasonable prices.

You can buy everything here! What is missing for the city of Nazaré

Tempting? Do you want to go to Nazaré? Dear friends! If you found this article interesting, share it with your friends on social networks! After all, perhaps some of them are now thinking about where to spend their vacation and will be interested in the city of Nazare in Portugal

Take a walk around city ​​of Nazaré, you can have lunch at a wonderful fish restaurant on the shore during . To book an excursion to Nazaré, fill out an application in the “ ” section or call, Viber, WhatsApp +79221529970

About the author portugaletta

Dear friends! Welcome to Portugal! I will help you organize your holiday in this wonderful country. You can contact me for a transfer, an excursion in any city in the country, for advice on which hotel to stay in or where to eat deliciously and on all other issues related to Portugal.

To the ears of advanced surfers, “Nazaré” sounds like a song from heaven: why, they are ready to offer prayers to this tiny village, located an hour’s drive from Lisbon. Why is a simple secret. It is here, in this ancient village, which was founded in 1514, that giant waves are recorded, which only the most courageous can comprehend. 30 meters of raging and roaring moisture, which breaks from the bowels of the Atlantic onto the rugged sea ​​coast Nazaré is the element that only the strongest surfers in the world want to compete with. And, I must say, they often succeed. Everyone else just stands there with their mouths open, quietly whispering to themselves, “Where are you going, wretched one.”

In all other respects, Nazaré is a typical Portuguese village. Extremely cozy, colorful, with a luxurious long beach framed by mastodon rocks, ancient sights and charming fish restaurants.

How to get there

Nazaré is located in the district of Leiria, about an hour's drive from the capital of Portugal and two hours from the beautiful Porto. It is easy to get here by car along the A8 highway. We recommend that everyone without a car take the express bus, which arrives at the Nazaré bus station, which is in the very center of the city. The third option is the train. They depart from Lisbon several times a day; you need to get off in the town of Valado de Frades, which is located 6 km from the village. Next - by taxi or local buses Rodoviária do Tejo.

In addition, Nazaré is often chosen as a stop for a snack during excursions around the so-called “Golden Ring” of Portugal (the same thing that includes Sintra, Alcobaça, Batalha and other cities). And the reasons for this choice are simple - the place is colorful, and local fish restaurants are rated by guests as “amazing”, and God willing, they also have views of the ocean.

4 things to do in Nazaré

  1. Take the old funicular to Sitiou.
  2. Visit one of the local fish restaurants.
  3. Gaze at the crazy surfers cutting the Atlantic Ocean with boards ( best views- in winter and off-season).
  4. Have a romantic evening on the beach with a bottle of port and the ever-present Turner-style sunset.


The “heels” of the city are licked by the Atlantic Ocean, but the “heart” of Nazare is located quite high - on the steep hill of Sitiu, where you can climb on foot, but better (and more interesting) - by cable car. This is the most convenient means of transportation in the city, which was opened already in 1889. Since then, it has broken down several times (not without casualties, alas), stood idle for five years, then it was electrified and launched again to the delight of tourists and locals. The length of the funicular is 318 m, the journey takes about 3 minutes, the fare is about 2.5 EUR.

Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

The “heels” of the city are licked by the Atlantic Ocean, but the “heart” of Nazaré is located quite high - on the steep hill of Sitiu.

Popular hotels in Nazaré

Entertainment and attractions in Nazaré

As mentioned above, the “heart” of Nazare lies on Cape Sítio, which is easily recognizable from the postcards that are sold throughout Portugal. This is another “calling card” of the country of port wine. In a word, the views that open up from here do about the same thing to your breath as a piece of cheese does to a crow.

The sheer cliff 318 m high, in addition to its panoramas, is famous for the chapel of Ermida da Memoria, which was built in honor of the created Holy Mother of God miracle - saving the horse of Fidalgo Don Fuas Roupinho. Whether you believe the legend or not is up to you to judge, but the locals will be happy to show on the observation deck of Miradouro do Suberco the mark that a horse allegedly left with its horseshoe on a foggy morning in 1182, almost knocking itself and the king over during a hunt into the abyss.

In addition, the 17th-century Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Nazaré and the Joaquim Manso Museum (Museu Dr. Joaquim Manso) attract attention here. Another important attraction of Nazaré, which is located at the far end of the cape, has been around for five centuries - the fort of Sau Miguel Arcanjo, built in 1577. The fortress was built by order of King Sebastian to defend against possible attacks by pirates. Later, the fort became famous for the brave band of Portuguese peasants who, with pitchforks at the ready, drove out the army of the short French emperor during the occupation of Portugal by Napoleon's army.

Finally, if you have time, it’s worth checking out the local Ethnographic and Archaeological Museum (the best stand is with the history of the national costume), the Museum of Religious Arts (in the right wing of the city’s main temple) and the fisherman’s house-museum (boats, interiors of fishermen’s homes, tackle and catch ).

Local residents will be happy to show at the Miradouro do Suberco observation deck the mark that Don Fuas Roupinho's horse supposedly left with his horseshoe on a foggy morning in 1182, almost knocking himself and the king into the abyss while hunting.


Nazaré gained his world fame thanks to surfing, or, to be more precise, a surfer with Hawaiian Islands Harry McNamara. It was he who set a world record on the waves of Nazaré, catching a wave almost 34 m high. As soon as the New York Times published a photo of this act, Nazaré woke up famous. Since then, every winter (it is during the winter months that the highest waves rise) shaggy-haired surfers from all over the world come here to set their own record of courage and skill.

By the way, the reasons for the appearance of such high waves, which, fortunately, do not reach the coast, are quite simple. Exactly opposite Nazaré, something like a canyon, a long and narrow gorge, runs through the ocean. And the underwater currents, reaching it, push those same giant waves to the surface.

The best views of surfers are from Cape Sitiu. And even if you are not a big fan of board swimming, be sure to climb up to the cape to look at this riot of nature and breathe the most iodized Atlantic air.

  • Where to stay: With an eye on the “excursion” - of course, in numerous hotels and boarding houses, guest houses and hostels in the capital of Portugal, the many-sided Lisbon - here you can find an option for every taste and budget. Sun worshipers are invited to the resorts of the Lisbon Riviera - they are located just 15-30 minutes drive from the capital, so they are not far from historical monuments and nightclubs. Holidays in
