Interesting facts about Iceland. Discovery of Iceland: life and work prospects for Russian migrants at the ends of the earth What kind of migrants are there in Iceland

1. Iceland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with about 320 thousand people living here, and before the Second World War the population of the country was only 50 thousand.

2. Since everyone in Iceland knows each other, when a couple separates or divorces, they always try to maintain good relations. Cases when an ex-boyfriend does not communicate with an ex-girlfriend or ex-spouses do not talk to each other are extremely rare, because in any case, they have almost all of their friends and acquaintances in common.

3. Instead of surnames in Iceland there are patronymics, that is, an analogue of our patronymic. The particle “son” (that is, son) or “dottir” (if this is a daughter) is added to the father’s name, which results in, for example, Silia Palmarsdottir, that is, Silia is the daughter of Palmars.

4. In the event that the father for some reason does not recognize the child, the son or daughter receives a matronym as a surname, that is, the same patronymic, but after the mother’s name.

5. Since everyone in Reykjavik knows each other, house doors are often left unlocked, car keys are thrown in cars, and children in strollers are left unattended at the entrance to a cafe, bar or store.

6. In Reykjavik, it is considered normal to go out to the nearest grocery store in your pajamas.

7. Residents of Reykjavik almost always pay for purchases with bank cards, even if they order coffee at a bar. Cash payments are not accepted here.

8. Icelanders are sure that blowing your nose is harmful to health, so in winter everyone here sniffles, that is, sorry, they suck in the snot.

9. But spitting, on the contrary, is not considered indecent; even girls spit on the street and in public places without any problems.

10. In fact, in Iceland in winter it is not as cold as we used to think; the temperature here rarely drops below - 6 degrees.

11. But in winter it is dark in Iceland, December 21 - on the shortest day of the year, dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets at 16.00. In summer, long nights are replaced by long days, compared to which white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing; in June in Iceland the sun sets for only a couple of hours.

12. The lack of sunlight in winter is compensated to some extent by the northern lights; they can be observed constantly, so after a couple of weeks you no longer pay attention to them.

13. Since the sun does not shine in Iceland in winter, all residents of the country, in order to avoid rickets and other unpleasant diseases, are required to take fish oil, but not in liquid form, but in tasteless capsules.
14. Almost all Icelandic residents have profiles on Facebook; according to the latest data, Iceland is an active country on the social network.

15. Even if a resident of Iceland for some reason does not have a Facebook profile, he can still be easily found online. All residents of the country, of their own free will, register on the website, where they indicate their first and last name, telephone number, address and place on the map where their home is located.

16. In Iceland, if a person is well disposed towards you, he demonstrates this by touching you every now and then.

17. There are an order of magnitude more blondes in Iceland than brunettes, so local women like to dye their hair a darker shade.

18. In order to spend the night with an Icelandic girl, long courtship is not required; most Icelandic women are, as they say, easy going, which is also why Italians and Spaniards love to come to Reykjavik.

19. Icelanders are very tolerant, a gay pride parade is regularly held in Reykjavik, homosexual marriages have been allowed here since 2010, and the percentage of bisexuals in the country is very high.

20 . The most popular professions in Iceland are artist, musician or designer. Every second bartender or waiter is trying to get an education in a creative profession, and at the same time plays in some rock or folk band.

21. For the reason described above, no one here uses the services of designers, for example, to come up with the design of an apartment or a wedding dress. Residents of Iceland are sure that each of them is their own artist, so they prefer to come up with both the interior of the apartment and the design of the dress themselves.

22. Repairs in apartments are also done mainly with their own hands, without hiring workers.

23. Icelanders are crazy about Eurovision, the competition for young performers is taken very seriously here, and during the live broadcast the whole country follows what is happening on TV.

24. There are no McDonald's restaurants in Iceland; the last one closed in 2008 during the crisis.

25. The most popular names in Iceland: male - Jon and female - Guvrun. Also, ancient mythological names are still common, for example, aðalsteinn, which means “ main stone».

26. Icelanders, like Russians, like to use everyday life not full, but abbreviated versions of names, so David in the diminutive Icelandic version will be Dubby, Guvrun - Gunna, Stefan - Steppie, Jon - Nonny, etc.

27. The language of Iceland has remained virtually unchanged over the past 1,000 years, so it contains letters that have disappeared from English, plus the inhabitants of the country can read the ancient Viking sagas in the original without any problems.

28. The local population generally loves to read; today, according to some sources, Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

29. The cost of wine in Iceland is often influenced not by the year of its production or quality, but by strength. Thus, an expensive but light French wine can cost several times less than a 15-degree babble.

30. Not in Iceland armed forces, their functions are performed to some extent by the coast guard.

31. Police officers in Iceland do not carry weapons and are not issued pistols.

32. Residents of Reykjavik, for the most part, are terrible at parking, and can abandon their car right across the street. The presence of tow trucks and fines for parking in the wrong place are of little help.

33. Icelanders try to use only renewable energy sources; gas and gasoline are used here only to fuel cars and boats, and this is because electric cars have not taken root in the country.

34. There is no need to pay for water in restaurants and cafes; it is still poured from the tap. This is water from local thermal springs, and therefore it is absolutely suitable for drinking.

35. But hot tap water in Iceland smells like rotten eggs. The fact is that it also enters the water supply system directly from hot thermal springs, and they are rich in hydrogen sulfide.

36. Taking a hot thermal bath is a popular evening activity in Reykjavik; the cost of visiting when purchasing a subscription is about 5 euros.

37. In the houses of Iceland, as in Russia, there is a central heating system, which distinguishes the country favorably from Italy or France, where you have to pay for each time you turn on the heater.

38. Until the seventies of the twentieth century, Icelandic legislation allowed residents of the country to kill Turks with impunity. This is due to the fact that in the past, Turkish pirates often robbed Icelandic ships and coastal villages.

39. To this day, Icelandic legislation allows residents of the country to kill polar bears for food.

40. Liquorice is very popular in Iceland; it is added to any dish, plus they produce chocolates filled with licorice.

41. The national dish of Iceland is hakarl - rotten Greenland shark meat cut into small pieces. If you don’t chew it and just swallow it, it’s still quite edible, but if you chew the meat, you’ll feel the “magical” taste of urea. The fact is that the Greenland shark does not have a urinary tract and its meat contains poisonous ammonia. In order for the meat to be eaten, it is left to rot underground or in a basement for three months. The creators of The Simpsons mocked the taste of this dish in one of the episodes of the animated series.

42. In Iceland they eat mainly fish, and all dishes are topped with mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, after which the real taste of the fish may not be recognized.

43. Most Icelanders have very bad teeth, and Iceland is one of the main sugar-consuming countries, and they also love Coca-Cola.

44. Most Icelanders still believe in elves and trolls, which makes it difficult to build a house or a road. Before starting construction, local “witches” are consulted to determine whether this or that stone can be moved, or whether an elf lives under it. Sometimes, in order not to “offend” the elf and move the stone, Icelanders have to perform magical rituals, for example, keeping the stone in honey for some time.

45. 2,148 people in Iceland adhere to the pagan teachings of the Ásatrú Association, which is based on the revival of Icelandic and Norwegian pagan beliefs. This religion is officially accepted, and its ministers can perform a wedding ceremony, which is equivalent to traditional marriage registration.

46. In addition to the well-known Santa Claus, in Iceland there are 15 more Santa Clauses of different types, by and large they are all elves, in whom the locals believe.

47. In every big store Reykjavik has a children's playground.

48. All Icelanders wear lopapeysa - a knitted sheep's wool jacket with a characteristic national pattern. We can say that this is the very example of a national costume that has not disappeared over time.

49. Icelanders are proud to have the oldest intact parliament in the world, called Alþingi, founded in 930.

50. Residents of Iceland are very trusting; when applying for a job, they do not ask a foreigner for recommendations from a previous place of work, but simply take the newcomer’s word for it.

Iceland is called the “land of ice”. Where there is no ice there are mountains, volcanoes, bare earth or lakes. Tourists come here as if they were at the “end of the world,” because such landscapes cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. Most of the attractions are natural objects– waterfalls, ice lagoon, geysers, large national parks. A certain proportion of travelers are those who came specifically to see the famous northern lights.

However, do not think that Iceland has nothing to show in the cultural aspect. The country's capital is actively developing and can offer travelers many places to explore - a concert hall, where world celebrities often perform, and various museums. The city of Husavik is popular among tourists. Objects to see include the Whale Museum and the shocking Phallological Museum.

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What to see in Iceland?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

1. Hallgrimskirkja

2. Sculpture “Sun Voyager” (Reykjavik)

The name translates as “solar wanderer”. The sculpture, popular among tourists, is installed on the embankment in the very center of the city. The author of the monument, artist Jon Gunnar Arnason, created the sketch while seriously ill. Simple in appearance, it carries deep symbolism. The design, reminiscent of a ship, signifies the pursuit of a dream and new horizons. The height of the structure reaches 3 meters, and the length is 4 meters.

3. Laugavegur Street (Reykjavik)

One of the most popular shopping streets in Reykjavik. It has the atmosphere of the “old” city. In the past, this street led to the hot springs, where there were laundries. One of the most popular goods among tourists on this street are products made from volcanic lava. The second most popular souvenir from here is a sheep's wool sweater. In the evening, shops stop working, and bars, nightclubs, and restaurants open.

4. Perlan (Reykjavik)

City boiler house building. Its hemispherical dome is like a flower, each petal of which is a reservoir of hot water. The building is multifunctional and is popular not only among tourists, but also among city residents. On the ground floor there is a winter garden, in the center of which there is a geyser. Some floors are occupied by shops. On the top floor there is observation deck with telescopes.

5. Harpa Concert Hall (Reykjavik)

The concert hall building looks like two giant shards of basalt, the rock that makes up most of Iceland's mountains. Construction of the hall took several years due to funding problems and was completed in 2011. Kharp's premises house not only 4 concert halls, but conference and seminar rooms, shops, cafes and restaurants, as well observation deck overlooking the center of Reykjavik.

6. Exhibition “871 +/- 2” (Reykjavik)

The exhibition is located in the city center. It contains ancient and ancient artifacts from the time of the first settlers. The exhibition also features a variety of interactive exhibits. The museum building was built on the site of 10th-century huts, and the exhibition is located in the basement of this building. The exhibits include household and cultural objects of the 9th century. The central exhibit is a pioneer cabin.

7. National Museum of Iceland (Reykjavik)

The museum's exposition contains the most valuable items of culture and everyday life of the Icelandic people. Here you can trace the history of the country in different eras. The museum was opened in 1863, and in 1950 it settled in a building specially built for its needs. Permanent exhibition National Museum is about 2000 exhibits. The number of photographs, engravings and drawings exceeds 4 million. The museum organizes educational events.

8. Arbaeyarsafn

Folklore Museum under open air. Founded in 1957 to preserve traditions from generation to generation. The museum complex includes residential houses of peasants, catholic church, workers' workshops. Each building houses a thematic exhibition. The place is popular among tourists. They come to get acquainted with the culture and way of life of the Icelanders, original folklore and interesting architecture.

9. Whale museums in Reykjavik and Husavik

Whaling in Iceland has been a long-standing subject of controversy. Activists and scientists opposed to it have founded whale museums. The museum's exhibition in Reykjavik consists of 23 life-size whale models. It creates the illusion of being under water - with the help of blue lighting and a sound system. The Husavik Whale Museum is less technologically advanced than the one in Reykjavik. Its main exhibit is the skeleton of a whale.

10. Phallological Museum (Reykjavik)

The museum has no analogues in the world in terms of the uniqueness of its exhibition. Visitors can see preserved penises of various mammal species, including humans. In total, the museum has about 200 exhibits. Thematic paintings and sculptures are also on display, and some works of art are made from the genitals themselves. Museum founder Sigurdur Hjartarson has been collecting this unusual collection since 1974.

11. Aurora Reykjavik (Reykjavik)

An interactive center that uses the latest technology to recreate the Northern Lights for visitors. Projection room Northern Lights is the central location of the museum. Other sections feature photographs, educational materials and the history of studying this natural phenomenon. Visitors can take colorful photos in a special photo booth. There is a souvenir shop with themed goods.

12. Monument to Leif Eriksson (Reykjavik)

Located at the entrance to the Lutheran Church Hallgrimskirkja. Leif Eriksson or Leif the Happy was born in Iceland at the end of the 10th century and became famous as a great navigator and ruler of Greenland. The sculpture of a person significant in Icelandic history was donated to Reykjavik by the United States in 1930 in honor of the millennium of the Icelandic Parliament. Sculptor Stirling Calder symbolically depicted the navigator standing on the bow of the boat.

13. Blue Lagoon

Geothermal natural complex. The resort is known all over the world, some call it the symbol of the country. The peninsula where it is located natural pool, formed from porous lava through which seeps sea ​​water, forming a sky-turquoise color. The water temperature, even in winter, is not less than +37°C. Mineral water The complex has a unique composition; there are no bacteria in it. The bottom is covered with healthy white clay.

14. Route “Golden Ring”

The most popular excursion route in Iceland among tourists. Its most interesting natural attractions are the Gullfoss waterfall, national park Thingvellir, the hot river in Hveragerdi, the valley of the Høykadalur geysers with the Strokkur and Geysir geysers. Some tour operators offer day excursions along this route, however experienced travelers It is advised to devote at least 2-3 days to it.

15. Laugavegur

The most famous route among backpackers in Iceland. It is considered one of the most beautiful and picturesque in the world. The hike takes on average 3-4 days, length 55 km., highest point 1050 meters. Along the route there are small bases where you can spend the night. The trail passes through mountains, glaciers, and lava fields. On the way, tourists encounter many waterfalls, lakes and picturesque rivers.

16. Thingvellir

The national park is included in the list of UNESCO protected sites. Founded in 1928. The park is located 40 km from the capital, on the border of two lithospheric plates. Earthquakes often occur here. The park includes the largest lake in Iceland, Thingvallavatn, about 100 meters deep. Part of the park is an active volcanic zone. The most notable volcano in this area is Hengil Volcano.

17. Skaftafell

Founded in 1967. The natural landscape of the national park is formed by the interaction of fire and water, namely the eruptions of the Éraiväjökull volcano under the Skeidaurjökull and Skaftafellsjökull glaciers, as well as the flows of the Morsau and Skeidarau rivers. The park is partially covered with birch forest. The area is popular with tourists, with designated camping areas and hiking trails.

18. Surtsey

The appearance of the island was caused by the eruption of an underwater volcano in 1963. Similar geological events occurred on Earth millions of years ago during the formation of continents. The height of the island above sea level is 50 meters, the area is 2.5 km². From the first days of its existence to the present day, the island has been the object of close study of the processes of the emergence and spread of life.

19. Valley of Geysers Haukadalur

This unusual valley is located in the south of Iceland and is part of the Golden Circle route. The numerous geysers in this place attract the attention of many tourists. Notable is the geyser called Geysir. The Great Geyser emits large jets of steam several times a day, but not periodically. The second popular geyser, called Strokkoyur, is more predictable - it releases jets of hot water every 10 minutes.

20. Gullfoss Waterfall

One of the most beautiful waterfalls Iceland. It consists of two steps with a height of 21 meters and 11 meters. The steps are located at an angle of 90° to each other. The volume of water passing through the waterfall is impressive - in summer it reaches 130 m³/sec. At the top of the waterfall is the Sigriudur Thomasdottir monument. This is the daughter of the owner of the land on whose territory there was a waterfall at the beginning of the 20th century. According to legend, it was she who prevented the waterfall from being used for the needs of a hydroelectric power station.

21. Dettifoss Waterfall

Known as the most powerful waterfall in Europe. Its name means "bubbling waterfall". Located in the large Jökulsárglúvur National Park. Nearby there are two other picturesque and popular waterfalls - Selfoss and Hafragilfoss, as well as Lake Myvatn. The width of the Dettifoss waterfall reaches 100 meters. Its waters fall down from a height of 44 meters. Water flow during floods reaches 600 m³/sec.

22. Skógafoss waterfall

It is one of the most visited not only in Iceland, but also in the world. Located next to the Eyjafjallajökull glacier near the village of Skógar. In the past, this place was the coastline. Especially for tourists, a route has been laid to the top of the Fimmvurduhalus pass. walking trail. It offers a beautiful view of the 60-meter waterfall. Its width is 25 meters. You can see a rainbow in the spray of the waterfall on a sunny day.

23. Seljalandsfoss waterfall

Situated on the Seljalandsau River on the site of the former coastline, above which it rises 60 meters. Behind the waterfall, inside the rock cliffs, there is a deep indentation. It is accessible to people, so Seljalandsfoss waterfall can be viewed from all sides. It looks especially beautiful at sunset. Near the waterfall there is a site for setting up tents and resting for tourists.

24. Landmannalaugar

The Landmannalaugar Valley is part of a large nature reserve in Iceland. The unusual landscape of the valley is created by formations of lava and water. The mountains of this bridge are created by crystallized formations of volcanic rock. The color of these stones changes depending on the lighting. It can be yellow or red with streaks of purple or green. There are routes of varying degrees of difficulty along the valley.

25. Kerid

Crater lake in the south of Iceland. It is part of the volcanic zone along with the Langjökull glacier and the Reykjanes Peninsula. The red color of the volcano basin is typical of volcanic rock. It is 55 meters deep and 170 meters wide. The basin of the lake is quite ancient - it was formed about three thousand years ago. The lake, about 10 meters deep, has an unusual color with a bright aquamarine tint.

26. Fjadrarglufur Canyon

Located next to a small fishing village in the east of Iceland. The picturesque views of this canyon attract travelers from all over the world. In terms of its size, it is one of the largest among similar canyons. The Fjadrarglufur Canyon was formed more than 2 million years ago after the collapse of a large glacier. It is distinguished by its vertical walls. Its length is about 2 km; a small river flows along the bottom of the canyon.

27. Mount Kirkjufell

With its steep slopes, the shape of the mountain resembles the roof of a Lutheran church. The slopes received this shape after the glacier disappeared. The height of the mountain is 463 meters. At the foot there is a small waterfall; photos from this angle are especially good. Usually travelers take a walk around the mountain - it takes no more than an hour. You can climb to its top only with special equipment.

28. Lake Myvatn

A beautiful lake in the north of Iceland. The diameter of the lake is 10 km. The area around it is considered the most popular tourist area in the country. In the hills next to the lake there are both indoor geothermal pools and outdoor swimming pools with hot water. Fishing in the lake is carried out only with a license. For fans of the Game of Thrones series, the lake is interesting because several scenes of the fifth season were filmed on its shores.

29. Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon

The ice lagoon is the largest in Iceland. The area of ​​the lagoon is 20 km², the depth reaches 200 meters. From the shore you can see a large ice cap, from which icebergs often break off. Blocks of ice can reach a size of 30 meters. In order to see the icebergs clinging to the lagoon, excursions by jeep and snowmobile are popular. Jökulsárlón Lagoon is a popular location for filming films and commercials.

30. Diamond Beach

The name "Diamond Beach" comes from the ice crystals scattered on the black sandy shore. Ice fragments of various sizes and incredible shapes are pieces of hundreds of icebergs in the Jökulsárlón lagoon. Crystals on the shore and icebergs in the water look especially beautiful under the rays of sunset or rising sun. At such moments, the ice shards shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

31. Reynisfjara Beach

Popular among tourists due to its black volcanic sandy shore. It was formed over many years of crushing hardened lava with water. Picturesque grottoes made of black shiny stone on the shore seem to transport vacationers to another reality. The length of the beach is more than 5 km, and the width is several tens of meters. Near the shore there are tall basalt columns called “Troll Fingers.”

32. Cape Dyrholaey

Locals call this cape "the hole in the door." With their shape, the rocks on the shore really resemble doorways. The landscape is striking in its color range - the gray color of the volcanic rocks smoothly turns into the black color of the sand on the shore and the blue water of the ocean. Cape Dyrholaey is a protected area. Therefore, during bird nesting periods from mid-May to mid-June, passage to the cape is prohibited.

33. "Peace Column"

The memorial was erected in memory of musician John Lennon. The initiator of the installation was his widow Yoko Ono. The monument is a white stone pedestal. Rays of light come from it into the sky, forming a tower. In good cloudless weather, the height of the rays can reach four km. According to the authors of the project, the tower symbolizes the struggle for world peace, which was started by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the 60s of the 20th century.

34. Wreckage of a Douglas DC-3

The wreck of the plane that crashed emergency landing in 1973. None of the crew were injured. The military took all valuable equipment from the plane, and left the empty hull at the landing site. A 4 km long paved route leads to the aircraft from the car park. Tourists who have been there talk about the incredible impressions of seeing the wreckage of an airplane in the middle of deserted kilometers of black beach.

35. Northern Lights

Iceland is one of the few countries where you can see the northern lights. The most likely period to see this with your own eyes natural phenomenon– from September to April. It is also recommended to go to the north of the country or to the Western Fjords - dark time the days there last longer, which means there are more chances to see the coveted multi-colored flashes in the sky. For those who want to “catch” the northern lights, there are special organized auto tours.

Iceland - small state on the island of the same name. Despite the fact that Iceland is located far in the north, the hardworking descendants of the Vikings managed to recreate a real corner of heaven on earth. Iceland has been one of the top countries in the list of countries with the highest standard of living for many years. The harsh northern nature, the friendliness of the indigenous Icelanders, the incredibly beautiful landscapes - all this is undoubtedly worth visiting these lands at least once.

  1. Icelandic territory due to severe weather conditions was inhabited by one of the last on Earth - people came to this region only in the 9th century AD.
  2. The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik is the most northern capital on Earth.
  3. Iceland is consistently ranked among the ten most prosperous countries in the world.
  4. Residents of Iceland seriously believe in the existence of trolls and elves - for example, before starting to design a new road, builders consult with folklore specialists so as not to accidentally invade the domain of these fantastic creatures.
  5. Icelanders often build small churches in their gardens, hoping to convert the small Huldufolk people, who, according to legend, hide in the local mountains to Christianity.
  6. The Icelandic Parliament is the oldest functioning parliament in the world, first formed back in 930.
  7. Icelandic cuisine is widely known for its unusual dishes - for example, Icelanders eat slightly rotten shark meat (hakarl), as well as sheep thighs soaked in lactic acid.
  8. For unknown reasons, horses are not allowed to be brought into Iceland. If a horse is taken out of the country, it cannot be returned either.
  9. Iceland does not have its own armed forces, and coast guard and police officers are not issued firearms.
  10. Local springs and geysers provide hot and cold water to Icelandic homes. The water in them is so pure that it is suitable for drinking without additional filtration.
  11. Icelanders have middle names, but no last names. The name for the newborn is chosen from a special registry. If the desired name is not there, you need to contact the authorities and coordinate this issue with them.
  12. Not in Iceland railways. Yes, none at all.
  13. There are practically no borrowings in the Icelandic language, thanks to which it has been preserved unchanged for more than a thousand years. It will not be a problem for an Icelander to read a book published several centuries ago.
  14. The common belief that Iceland is very cold is not true - for example, in January the average temperature is -0.4 degrees.
  15. Iceland is modest in size thanks to its natural resources could provide energy to the whole of Europe (see).
  16. Residents of Iceland were prohibited from selling or drinking beer until May 1, 1989. Now the day the ban was lifted is almost a national holiday.
  17. Iceland is the world leader in sales of scientific literature.
  18. Almost all Icelandic residents (90%) have access to the Internet; even the United States cannot boast of such a widespread network.
  19. There is not a single mosquito in Iceland.
  20. The Icelandic waterfall Dettifoss, with a width of 100 meters and a height of 40 meters, is the most powerful in Europe (see).
  21. There are 130 volcanoes in Iceland, almost half of which have erupted in the last 1000 years (see).
  22. Iceland is the only European country where striptease is prohibited by law. The ban was introduced in 2010.
  23. The Látrabjarg Cliffs in Iceland are not only Europe's westernmost point, but also the world's largest bird habitat.
  24. In Iceland there is the largest glacier on Earth (not counting those that cover the poles) with the unpronounceable name Vatanjökull.
  25. Icelanders go to the movies more often than residents of any other country in the world.
  26. Iceland has the world's highest proportion of children (65%) born out of wedlock.

Of course, the main heroes of EURO 2016 were the players of the Icelandic national team, who managed to snatch victory from the English national team, and, perhaps, this is the only team at the Championship that is warmly regarded by fans from all over the world. Today we are publishing a selection of 30 interesting facts about what kind of country Iceland is and what kind of people live there.

1. Iceland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with a population of just over 320 thousand people, and before the Second World War the population of the island was only 50 thousand people. About 30 thousand fans came to the European Football Championship, that is, approximately 10 percent of the country's population.

2. If you noticed, all the surnames of the Icelandic National Team players are similar, they end in “son”. The whole point here is that in Iceland patronymics are used instead of surnames; in fact, this is an analogue of our patronymic name. For boys, the particle “son” (son) is added to the father’s name; for girls, “dottir” (daughter). Thus, for example, if there are two children of different sexes in a family, then they will have different “surnames”, for example, the girl Palmarsdottir, that is, the daughter of Palmars and the son Palmarsson, that is, the son of Palmars. In 1925, Iceland even passed a special law prohibiting citizens of the country from acquiring surnames in the classical sense. By the way, if the father for some reason does not recognize the child, then the son or daughter receives a matronym as a surname, that is, the same patronymic, but after the mother’s name.

In the photo: Icelandic wedding

3. However, this does not mean that Icelanders do not strive to preserve the surname at all, they simply do it in a unique way, some give their children the same names after a generation, that is, they name the child after their grandfather or grandmother, so that, so to speak, they can trace the line kind.

4. The classic names of Icelanders are well known to many of us, because we met them in the ancient Scandinavian sagas. Yes, Ragnar, Sigur or Aðalsteinn, which means "main stone", are the same normal human names in Iceland as Ivan, Dmitry or Alexander in Russia. The most popular names in Iceland are: male - Jon and female - Gudrun.

5. In Iceland, in everyday life, especially long and complex names are abbreviated, for example, a young man named Aðalsteinn can be called simply Ali, Guvrun - Gunna, Stefan - Steppie, Jon - Nonny, and so on.

6. Until recently, it was generally accepted that Icelanders are descendants of Vikings from Norway and Sweden, but recent genetic examination has established that the genes of the Irish, who existed as slaves in Iceland in ancient times, prevail in the gene pool of modern Icelanders. On the other hand, this fits perfectly with the local belief that the Icelandic Vikings stole all the beautiful women from England and Ireland for the purpose of love affairs, and for reproduction.

In the photo: panorama of Reykjavik

7. The Icelandic language, due to the long isolation of the island from the rest of the world, has evolved very little compared to other Scandinavian languages, that is, the percentage of words borrowed from other languages ​​is extremely small. Because of this, Icelandic is very close to the very language of the northern peoples, in which the Vikings communicated in ancient times, and Icelanders can read ancient sagas, as they say, without straining.

8. Icelandic household sagas, unlike other works of folk art, are a dry enumeration of facts, which is why it is sometimes quite difficult for a modern reader to perceive them. That is, in the sagas there is no description of the heroes’ feelings or experiences, only a meticulous listing of events: went there, conquered such and such, married so and so, killed so and so, was killed by so and so. In this case, much attention is paid to where exactly this or that event occurred and in what period of time it happened. Previously, largely due to the meticulous manner of presentation and the lack of an emotional component in the descriptions, many researchers considered Icelandic household sagas to be historical documents that did not require careful verification and historical reconstruction, but now the sagas are still perceived by scientists, rather, as works of art, and the facts stated in them are subject to verification.

Pictured: Hallgrimskirkja Church in Reykjavik

9. Another reflection of this feature of national thinking is the names geographical objects. In fact, complex and multi-stage words are simply a definition of the place in question. Thus, Reykjavik means “smoking bay”, the name of the city Kopavogur stands for “young seal bay”, and the difficult-to-pronounce name famous volcano Eyjafjallajökull as “Island of Mountain Glaciers”.

10. At the same time, 90 percent of the country's population speaks English fluently. The following fact is no less interesting - a foreigner does not need knowledge to find work in Iceland Icelandic language- fluent English is more than enough. For this reason, many immigrants to Iceland do not speak Icelandic even after 10 years of living in the country; They have more than enough English for both life and work. Another interesting thing is that if a citizen of another country has lived in Iceland for 6 years, he can apply for Icelandic citizenship and receive it without any problems.

In the photo: the priest of the Ásatrúarfélagið church and his follower

11. Also because very few people live in Iceland, there is practically no crime here. As a result, young mothers, for example, easily leave their babies sleeping in strollers on the streets of Reykjavik, while they go with their girlfriends to drink coffee in a cafe, car keys are often thrown in cars, and the Reykjavik prison is empty, and sometimes tourists even spend the night there, not managed to find a room in a hotel. In addition, the police in Iceland do not carry weapons, and Iceland does not have a military force; their functions are to some extent performed by the coast guard.

12. Today in Iceland, the neo-pagan religion Ásatrúarfélagið, which is a slightly modernized cult of the Scandinavian gods, is very popular. Priests of the Ásatrúarfélagið are allowed, for example, to perform wedding ceremonies; it is considered an official procedure in the country, while clergy can also marry homosexual couples.
Today, 2,400 people officially count themselves among the followers of the Ásatrúarfélagið cult, and even now a large-scale construction of a full-fledged temple of the Scandinavian gods is underway in Iceland, this will be the first such structure since the times of the Vikings.

In the photo: stones in which, according to legend, spirits live

13. The traditional date for the adoption of Christianity in Iceland is the year 1000, which is curious, after that Icelandic Christianity developed without the close supervision of Rome, as a result, the Icelanders retained their ancient beliefs and traditions. For example, people here still believe in trolls (giants) or Hidden Residents (elves). Elves are huldufouls, these are creatures that live in round stones of a certain type; mere mortals cannot see them, except in those cases when the spirits themselves decide to show themselves to people.
The presence of such a stone, for example, at the construction site of a road or house, can cause problems, because huldufoulks should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, before moving the stone, it is recommended to perform magical manipulations on it.

In the photo: evil spirits Yule Lad

14. Christmas in Icelandic will be Yule, that is, it is a direct copy of the word “Yule” - the ancient holiday of the winter solstice among the Germanic peoples, so it is not surprising that Santa Claus is an unpopular character here. Here Yule Lad work for him at Christmas, but they don’t give gifts to children; on the contrary, the heroes of folklore are the evil spirits of winter. There are fifteen spirits, and they come from the very Hidden inhabitants of the huldufoulks. The spirits come to the cities strictly on schedule; the first to descend from the mountains on December 12 are Gryla and Leppaludi - the mother and father of thirteen Yule Lad. In this case, dad is a lazy and overweight male spirit, and his wife is an evil old woman, an analogue of the Russian Baba Yaga, by the way, she also has a stick. Following the parents, one after another, their children come to the cities - the evil spirits of Yule.
Each of the spirits, according to beliefs, engages in sabotage according to their strength and capabilities: one steals dishes, another blows out candles in houses, a third steals sausages, a fourth licks milk supplies, a fifth tangles wool from sheep, in a word, everyone is at work. The spirits are accompanied by the evil cat Yolokotturin; according to legend, she steals small children and eats them. Yule Lad figurines in Reykjavik can be seen on every corner on the eve of Christmas, their images are also pasted on Icelandair planes, and projections of them are broadcast onto store windows and house facades.

15. It is believed that the national dish of Iceland is hakarl - rotten Greenland shark meat cut into small pieces. The Greenland shark does not have a urinary tract, its meat contains poisonous ammonia, therefore, in order for the meat to become edible, it is left to rot underground or in a basement for three months. Haukarl tastes (and smells) like pure urea, which is how it usually stinks in some dirty public toilet. So, in fact, modern Icelanders almost never eat hakarl - this is entertainment for tourists, many of them local residents We have never tried this disgusting thing, as they say, one smell was enough to fully understand the scale of the disaster.

16. But fried bird breast is a dead end, on the contrary, a popular local dish, a kind of delicacy. Puffins are caught in the summer, when they fly to the island to nest, puffin meat is very tasty, but I really feel sorry for the bird, look how cute they are, they even know how to kiss! In a word, he ate and cried, ate and cried.
It is also shocking to many that in Iceland they eat whales; by the way, they taste like steak. But, according to Icelandic fishermen, if the whale population is not thinned out, they multiply very quickly and then eat all the commercial fish. Iceland regularly violates whale slaughter quotas, and animal rights activists and the whole of Europe are regularly unhappy with this.

In the photo: the national Icelandic dish Plokkfiskur

17. In general, if we talk about Icelandic cuisine, cod, haddock, smoked salmon, lamb in a variety of forms are popular here, especially lamb fillet, small lobsters (they are a little larger in size than large shrimp) and, of course, herring . Of course, potatoes are popular among vegetables; by the way, the delicious local dish Plokkfiskur is prepared from leftover haddock and potatoes.
In addition, Icelanders love to generously sprinkle their food with ketchup and mayonnaise; the most popular local drink is Coca-Cola. Among the sweets, sweets and licorice lollipops are held in high esteem here, and in the summer locals indulge in berries, which are good in Iceland. But there are no McDonald's restaurants in the country; the last one closed in 2008 during the crisis.

18. They also eat horse meat in Iceland, and this is also a little sad, because local horses are a real miracle of nature. They are short, hardy, and covered with thick fur in winter. At the same time, Icelandic horses are not afraid, there are no dangerous predators on the island, so the horses are not used to fearing for their lives, they easily approach strangers, allow themselves to be stroked and fed.

There is still debate about how horses originally got to the island. In ancient times, Icelanders assumed that all local horses were descendants of Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. Historians believe that horses were brought to Iceland by the Vikings in the 9th - 10th centuries AD, and geneticists claim that horses were brought to the island from the shores of Scotland. Hippotherapy is also popular in Iceland - the treatment of neurological disorders through communication with horses.

19. Iceland stands on thermal springs Therefore, renewable energy sources are mainly used here. As a result, thermal water flows from the tap, which, however, smells very strongly of hydrogen sulfide, but you gradually sniff it, the houses are also heated generously, and since the pipes with hot water thermal water in Reykjavik are laid directly under the sidewalk; the streets of the Icelandic capital can never become icy, so there is no point in sprinkling them with chemicals.

In the photo: an Icelandic jeep for winter off-road travel

20. But don’t think that everything is so wonderful. Outside the cities, many roads in Iceland become impassable in winter: there is icing, drifting snow, and snow piles. Therefore, the most popular type of vehicle used if you need to travel from Reykjavik to Akureyri in winter is a jeep, and the bigger the better. On excursions to national parks or to geysers, tourists are even taken on such monsters as in the photo below.

21. But what is truly wonderful in Iceland are the thermal pools with hot water, built in the open air. About the famous Blue Lagoon, built near a thermal power plant, of course, everyone has heard, but this more fun for tourists. Icelanders themselves most often go to ordinary thermal pools, which are open in the amount of approximately one per 10 houses. Everything is simple there: you go in, wash, and climb into the outdoor thermal pool. When purchasing a subscription, the cost of visiting is around 2 euros.

Interestingly, when visiting a thermal pool, guests must wash their hair, and since most pools are located outdoors, the very fact that locals swim with wet hair and do not get sick is admirable. In general, visiting the thermal baths in Iceland is the same option for evening leisure as going to a bar; this is where young people most often invite girls on a first date. It turns out to be very convenient, and cheaper than going to a bar, and you can immediately see the person in all the details.

22. In fact, in Iceland in winter it is not as cold as we used to think, the temperature here rarely drops below minus 6 degrees, but the piercing and sometimes knocking wind fully compensates for this. But in summer it’s never hot in Iceland, the air temperature here rarely rises above 20 degrees, and there’s still the same wind, don’t forget about the wind.

23. If until recently the most popular resort for the Russians there was Türkiye, then the same function for the Icelanders is still performed Canary Islands. The reasons for Icelanders’ love for the Canary Islands are prosaic: the nature is similar, the flight is relatively close, by Icelandic standards it’s very affordable, but most importantly, it’s warm, and the fact that the water in the ocean is cool doesn’t bother them at all.

In the photo: Northern Lights over Reykjavik

24. In winter in Iceland it is not just dark, but very dark; on December 21 - the shortest day of the year - dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets at 16.00. But in winter you can regularly observe the Northern Lights here; in Iceland they are usually green, and there is even a website that shows the likelihood of the Northern Lights appearing in a particular area of ​​the country, its address: .
In summer, long nights are replaced by long days, compared to which white nights in St. Petersburg are simply nothing; in June in Iceland the sun sets for only a couple of hours.

In the photo: the Icelandic Parliament building

25. At the heart government system Iceland has democracy, and these are not empty words. Here it is worth turning to the history of the country: as the island was settled, tings were formed in the regions of Iceland - an analogue of the ancient Russian veche. At the Things, courts were held, disputes were resolved, and collective discussions of vital issues concerning the community took place. Once a year, at the beginning of summer, representatives from each community gathered for a general meeting - the Althing - in order to regulate relations between the regions. As a rule, successes during the Althing were achieved by those who had the powerful support of wealthy landowners. The first Althing took place in Iceland in 930, and this year is considered to be the beginning of the era of democracy. True, in the thirteenth century Iceland came under the rule of Norway, until the forties of the twentieth century it was under the rule of Denmark, in 1940 the island was captured by Great Britain, which, in turn, transferred Iceland to the United States. The country gained independence from the United States only on June 17, 1944. So, the victory over the England team for the Icelanders is a kind of revenge for the years of occupation.
However, the Icelandic Althing was reassembled in 1845, and today it is considered the oldest parliament in the world. The entire population of the country took part in finalizing the last text of the Constitution of Iceland in 2012; citizens’ proposals were accepted through social networks and even through YouTube. But, the most curious thing is that for all this, the country has had the same president for the last 16 years - Olavur Ragnar Grimsson. He ruled the country from 1999 to 2016. Grimsson remained for the second term due to the lack of candidates for the post of head of state, the third time he won the vote, he went for the fourth term again due to the lack of candidates for the post of president, and the fifth time he won the elections again. On June 26, 2016, 48-year-old history teacher Gudni Johannesson became the new president of Iceland.

Pictured: Hafþór Bjödnson as Grigor "The Mountain" Kligon

26. In Iceland there is socialism, here everyone receives approximately the same salary and lives in the same houses. At the same time, it is believed here that “all professions are needed, all professions are important,” that is, it doesn’t matter whether you work as a waiter or a scientist - you are equally worthy of respect. It is curious that many local celebrities, before fame fell on them, worked in not very honorable positions, for example, Hafþór Bjödnson - the strongest man on the planet and the performer of the role of Grigor "The Mountain" Kligon in "Games of Thrones", like many Icelanders , long time not only did bodybuilding, but also worked part-time in a restaurant.

In general, almost all Icelanders have not one job, but two, the first for money, the second for the soul. That is, almost every waiter or bartender here is also an artist, decorator, photographer, designer or jeweler.

27. And the local population loves to read; today, according to some sources, Icelanders are the most reading people in the world.

In the photo: a girl in a lop-piece

28. In Iceland there is absolute tolerance for everything, gay marriage has been allowed here since 2010, the percentage of open bisexuals in the country is also very high, and a gay pride parade takes place in Reykjavik every summer. At the same time, all couples, regardless of whether they are hetero or homo, try to maintain friendly relations when breaking up, because the country is small and it will still not be possible to completely stop communication. Icelanders get married easily and divorce easily; in case of divorce, children, as a rule, live 50/50 with each parent. At the same time, almost all Icelandic girls are feminists; they do not allow themselves to be paid for in restaurants; they carry bags, do repairs, nail nails, and so on without any difficulties. True, the advantages of tolerance also give rise to disadvantages; in Iceland, personal space is extremely difficult, because everyone knows everything about everyone.

29. Iceland exists practically according to the rules of the Australian economy, which is based on self-reliance and the construction of a system of closed reproduction of the community with minimal dependence on exchange with the external environment. No, of course, you can buy Western food here, but they cost several times more than local ones, and the choice is small. In general, it’s funny with wine, it’s expensive regardless of the type, that is, a bottle of decent wine and outright mumbo jumbo will cost about the same. Clothing is also mostly locally produced. And the main national item that any Icelander has in their wardrobe is the lopapeysa - a knitted sheep's wool jacket with a recognizable national pattern. By the way, the lopapeysa is quite expensive, but the thing lasts for years.

30. Iceland, according to statistics, is one of the most active countries in
social networks. Almost all its residents have accounts on Facebook, however, in addition to Facebook, the country also has a local social network, where all Icelanders, young and old, are registered. When registering on this site, users indicate not only their first and last name, but also their phone number, address and the location on the map where their homes are located. So if you want to meet one of the Iceland National Football Team players and he is still living in the country, look for him on, he will definitely be there.

The subject of our review today will be Iceland. Description of the country, interesting facts, attractions - all this is in the material presented below.

General information

Iceland is an island and a state. is 103 thousand sq. km, which is home to about 322 thousand people. The capital is the city of Reykjavik, where a third of the country's total population is concentrated, and with its suburbs - more than half. Official language is Icelandic, and the currency is the Icelandic krona, the rate of which in 2016 was 122 kroner per 1 USD. Iceland is a parliamentary republic headed by a president elected for a 4-year term. To enter the country, Russian citizens need a foreign passport and a Schengen visa.


Iceland, a land of ice, is located at the northern tip of the Atlantic Ocean; there are no more large areas of land up to the North Pole. Its northern part is located near the Arctic Circle.

The island is remote from the rest of Europe: from the nearest Faroe Islands 420 km, from the island of Great Britain 860 km, and from the nearest point on the mainland coast of Norway 970 km. An interesting fact is that, despite this, Iceland is a European country, although it is much closer to the North American island of Greenland - 287 km.

Iceland: interesting facts about the country

The discovery of Iceland dates back to the end of the 8th century by Irish monks, and after them the Normans Nadod and Floki arrived here. Following these events, at the end of the 9th century, the active settlement of the island began by Vikings - immigrants from Norway, who in half a century managed to develop almost all the land suitable for habitation and economic development.

In 1264, Iceland was annexed by Norway, and in 1381, it became part of Denmark. The country gained its independence only in 1944.

The inhabitants of the island are a courageous and proud people who respect their historical past and cultural traditions. In particular, to ancient Icelandic legends - sagas telling about family feuds, exciting events, about elves, gnomes and other mysterious characters, in the existence of which some residents still believe.

Iceland is that there is practically no crime here - there is only one prison, and it contains no more than a dozen people. The police here walk around without weapons, but there is no army at all.

The basis of the modern economy consists of only two industries - aluminum processing and fishing. By the way, it will be said that the annual catch volumes of the islanders are second only to Norway among European countries.

Iceland is one of the prosperous countries. Thus, the average per capita annual income here is $39,000 (by our ruble standards - every resident here, including infant, - millionaire).


The country of Iceland, for all its modest size, is the world's largest island of volcanic origin. The island's topography is predominantly mountainous; the peaks represent the vents of extinct and active volcanoes. The highest of them is the Hvannadalshnukur peak (2110 m), located on southwest coast. The lowest point is located very nearby - this is the lagoon of a glacial lake (0 meters above sea level).

Many of the active volcanoes declare themselves from time to time with powerful eruptions. The largest volcano on the island is the famous Hekla (1488 meters), located near “Greater Reykjavik” and which frightened local residents with its eruption in 2000.

The longest river on the island is Tjoursau (237 km). Among other water bodies, glaciers abound and glacial lakes, found everywhere and in innumerable quantities.

Iceland is unique in its diversity of natural landscapes. In addition to glaciers, the surface of the country is covered in many places with lava fields. Geysers and hot springs are common in these areas. The island is scattered with rocky areas covered with thick mosses and lichens, islands of birch forests and grass meadows. Waterfalls in various parts of the island make the area particularly picturesque. On the west coast, numerous fjords amaze with their beauty. National parks have been created in the country to protect the stunning nature.

Climate and typical weather

Iceland is a northern country that doesn't quite live up to its icy name. The Gulf Stream, which washes it especially from the south, prevents it from becoming a cold, harsh desert.

Winters here are relatively warm, with average monthly temperature-1 °C, which can be the envy of many territories located to the south of Russia. However, during some periods of this season, cold winds are frequent, which, together with accumulations of drifting Arctic ice, especially in the southeast, cause sharp drops in temperature to -30 °C. The duration of daylight hours is no more than five hours.

Summer here is not hot. Average temperatures in July are only +12 °C. It is warmest on the southern coast - up to +20 °C, with maximums up to + 30 °C. IN summer period The entire island is illuminated by the sun around the clock, and there are white nights characteristic of polar latitudes.

Precipitation is distributed unevenly across the island. For example, on the west coast their number ranges from 1300 to 2000 mm per year, in the northeast their norm is up to 750 mm, and in the mountainous part of the southern regions they can have values ​​of up to 4000 mm.

The weather here is very changeable, and without exaggeration we can say that it can change in just a few minutes. It had just been warm and sunny, when suddenly the sky became cloudy and a cold, dank wind blew. Residents of the country jokingly tell their visiting guests and tourists: “If suddenly you don’t like something about the weather, then don’t despair, wait half an hour and it will change.”

Reykjavik attractions

Reykjavik - main city, capital of Iceland. What country can't boast a huge number of attractions? Likewise, Iceland has something to show tourists. In particular, its main city houses historical and architectural monuments, museums and modern institutions. Among them, the attention of tourists is attracted by:

  • Hallgrimskirkja Temple is a religious Lutheran building of the mid-20th century, in the form of a volcanic eruption. There is a large organ inside. In front of the church there is a statue of Happy.
  • The Cathedral, which is the main temple, built at the end of the 18th century.
  • The Althing (Parliament) building was built in the classicist style in the 19th century.
  • Perlane, or pearl, looks like a daisy with a blue dome. It is located on a high hill and has a rotating platform for viewing the panorama of the city. Inside the building there is a Saga Museum, a winter garden, an artificial geyser, shopping pavilions and restaurants.
  • "Kaffy Reykjavik" - this bar is unusual in that it consists of solid blocks of ice, and drinks are certainly served in ice glasses.
  • Concert Hall "Harpa". Its facades consist of multi-colored glass cells, which, with the help of built-in LEDs, impress visitors with a play of colors.

Blue Lagoon

The lagoon is a geothermal source and resort with all the proper infrastructure. This is perhaps the most famous and visited place for hundreds of thousands of tourists. A lagoon is an artificially created body of water with a constant temperature of 40 °C. This is the only place of its kind on the planet that is filled with visitors all year round. It has been found that swimming in the mineral-rich waters of the lake helps heal skin diseases.

Valley of Geysers

It arose in the 13th century after a strong earthquake. The main source, called the Great Geysir, ejects a stream of very high temperature water to a height of up to 70 meters from a depth of more than two thousand meters. The contemplation of this majestic spectacle leaves a strong impression. There are also places for swimming in less hot springs. Residents use the natural heat of the geysers to heat their homes.

Seljalandsfoss waterfall

The waterfall is located in the south of the island and is very popular among tourists. Water falls from a height of 60 meters. It flows down from the rocks that used to be coastline, but now a picturesque valley has formed in this place. The beauty of the waterfall (in combination with the surrounding landscape) has no equal. That's why his photographs are featured on calendars and postcards.

Colored mountains

During the warm season of the year national park Landmannalaugar offers a striking sight - colorful mountains. The mountain slopes glow with unusual stripes - brown, yellow, pink, blue, purple, green, white and black. The reason for this phenomenon is associated with the volcanic origin of rocks. The park's location near the Hekla volcano makes it one of the most popular tourist centers countries.

Vatnajökull National Park

What else can you tell about Iceland? Facts about the country and all its attractions simply cannot be listed in one article. But still I would like to mention this park. It was created in 2008. It covers almost 12% of Iceland's territory and is the largest in Europe. The main highlight of the park is the glacier of the same name with an area of ​​up to 8100 square meters. km and ice thickness up to 500 meters. Under its shell there are beautiful ice caves, as well as seven active volcanoes.

For entertainment in Vatnajökull, tourists can take walks around beautiful places, engage in winter sports, but bathing in hot springs located inside ice caves is especially popular.

Undoubtedly, this is only a small part of the natural attractions of the country of Iceland; many more interesting and mysterious things await tourists in its vastness.
