Interview with a ghost hunter. Ghost Hunting Survival Guide Documenting Spirit Activity

Ghostbusters. Methods of protection when encountering the paranormal Belanger Michelle

Ghost Hunt Survival Guide

This book is an attempt to take the concept of psychic self-defense and adapt it for ghost hunters. Anyone who deliberately seeks out a place rumored to be haunted, and who willingly exposes themselves to it, should at least know the basics of safety. Techniques such as grounding, centering, and shielding, described in the early chapters, are invaluable skills that can be used to avoid unwanted reactions to unfriendly spirits. Also in the book you will find basic techniques for cleansing your home of negative energy and even ways to expel uninvited ghosts. These methods can be especially useful for teams or solo investigators who want to keep haunted families safe from ghosts.

The book consists of two parts. One story moves from chapter to chapter. The plot revolves around a ghost investigation we undertook several years ago. In each chapter, the reader learns about different representatives of the paranormal world that the team may encounter during the hunt. This story is included here for both entertainment and education. After each part of it is told in a particular chapter, useful exercises and techniques are offered to your attention. They elaborate on concepts that we have become familiar with in history. I decided to organize the book in this way in order to make our topic more exciting. Hopefully, with real-life examples in mind, you'll find it easier to look at some of the exercises (and their ideal uses) from a new perspective. Our story should also help paranormal investigators relate something of their own experience to the situations described here, which will prove useful in future work.

In addition to the two main sections, there is one final paragraph after the exercises called “The Essentials to Know.” This is a summary of this chapter. It summarizes all the important points. These key points can serve as a guide for you as you try to determine whether you are succeeding in applying the techniques described or not.

When creating the book, I meant that its future readers would actively explore the paranormal, and do so not alone, but in a team. In my experience, many who delve into the study of the supernatural work in groups, and the core material will be useful to those readers who provide paranormal recovery services. Despite all of the above, the exercises in this book will be useful not only to hunters. I earnestly ask everyone who finds themselves in a paranormal situation to carefully read this publication and practice the techniques described in it. If you yourself are the object of attacks from otherworldly forces, then it is likely that you will find that with the help of this book you can get rid of ghosts on your own, without turning to a team of strangers. And if you are part of a research team, first practice using our techniques alone. Familiarize yourself with these techniques before attempting to implement them.

After reading this book, you will be able to correctly explain the principles of their operation to clients - this is another good reason to study these methods in advance. Once you work through the exercises in this book on your own, you will be ready to teach these techniques to others. The best way to get rid of ghost attacks is to help your clients understand how to protect themselves from them. In this way, you give them the opportunity to deal with the spirits on their own, and with your help they will turn from victims to winners.

Skeptics vs. Believers

From time to time in the book you will come across sections in which a particular concept or topic is examined in detail. Sometimes they also contain comments on earlier exercises or offer an alternative view of the phenomenon described. Approximately half of these sections present a religious point of view. The ones that go under the heading "Inexplicable But True" are due to the fact that in the paranormal community a significant number of people approach research from a position of faith. Such sections support the religious point of view, but also offer alternative techniques. They also address problems that religious researchers may have with certain concepts. In addition, a number of "Inexplicable But True" articles introduce readers to little-known techniques from exotic traditions - such as Tibetan Buddhism - allowing anyone to look at these practices impartially.

Since there are a great many religions in the world and large number various names of God, in my book I proceed from the fact that religious researchers turn to their “higher power”. This is the spirit, being or deity that you believe lives in better world and is superior to you. Out of respect for differences between religions, I reserve the right to give it a shape, a face and a name.

Since the afterlife research community consists of both “believers” and skeptics, there are other sections here - they go under the name “Skeptic’s Corner”. In their purpose, they are similar to the paragraphs “Inexplicable, but true,” only in them everything is considered from the opposite point of view. Here I have tried to anticipate the questions, concerns and objections that skeptics may have about the concepts and techniques. Such a researcher can also use our techniques to his advantage, approaching them from his own position, which is not based on religion or faith. The exercises here are considered from a psychological point of view. From time to time it is noted how useful a particular approach can be, even if it is based on intuition alone.

I have tried to balance between the positions of skeptics and "believers", and it has not been easy, especially given the vast differences in belief systems - both faith-based and science-based - represented among members of our "paranormal" community. But I think it is absolutely necessary to urge all ghost hunters to familiarize themselves with some psychic self-defense techniques, regardless of position or belief. Knowing such techniques is even more important when aspiring hunters seek to help others deal with ghosts, especially malicious ones. The techniques presented in this book are not the only surefire way to protect yourself from the spirit world, but they represent methods that are deeply rooted in the traditions of different cultures around the world. The exercises are presented in such a way that they are as universal as possible, they are easy to put into practice, and they are suitable for both skeptics and “believers.” Even if you want to change or add something to the methods given in the book, then this material will serve as a solid foundation for creating your own system with which you will protect yourself and your clients from paranormal threats.

Make them yours

The techniques in this book, although they come from very ancient ideas, are nevertheless based on my personal methods that I use in my work. I have tried my best to make these methods acceptable to as wide an audience as possible by stripping away the excess, reducing them to their essential components and outlining them in very general terms. And yet it is necessary to note: they remain my own. As you read page after page, you will learn that one of the key factors to successfully applying the methods described here is the need to make these methods as personal as possible. All of the techniques in this book rely on visualization and symbolism to one degree or another, and it is very important that such concepts are acceptable to you.

I encourage all readers, regardless of their beliefs, to pick up this book and experiment with the exercises. Try to do each of them several times, as described in the text, until you get the hang of it. You may find it helpful to write notes about your experiences, noting what you found odd and what you think was particularly effective. Once you are familiar with all the concepts and basic ways to solve each problem, try to innovate in some way. Change the style of presentation or some letters, or even completely change the previous methods. Tailor them specifically to your belief system. Basically, make them yours.

Since the book is also written for non-professionals, do not forget about the already mentioned trick with personalization and when teaching this or that technique to your clients. Be sure to note that in order for them to succeed, they do not need to repeat the text word for word. In psychic self-defense, thought plays a major role, but you must convince yourself to believe in it unconditionally. Clients who have become familiar with a basic technique should try to refine it to suit their specific situation, point of view and needs.

Finally, since the methods described here may introduce concepts that are new and even somewhat strange, take some time to check your results. This will not be a big problem for you if you are a member of a research group. Continue to practice your normal techniques such as grounding, centering and shielding. Listen to feedback from others about how each method affects the well-being of one or another participant. If you are particularly skeptical about a particular technique, do a little experiment. Do this exercise without telling your colleagues and see if they notice anything unusual. And as you begin to regularly use the techniques in this book to help people, always ask what they think about your work. Pay close attention to the words clients use to describe their feelings, and see how those words compare to what you think you were experiencing.

For those ghost hunters who like to document their presence with high-tech gadgets, this book on energy work may seem too frivolous for a scientific publication. However, the biggest mistake that a person who has delved into the study of mental perception can make is to forget about the empirical approach to his impressions. Psychic perception amenable verification, and one of the best ways is constant feedback. Even if you yourself are not sure of the effectiveness of a technique, if five of your fellow researchers independently noticed progress and described the difference in similar words, then it is fair to assume that you are doing something right. You may not be able to detect anything with a magnetic field meter, but when it comes to exorcising ghosts, your well-being plays a major role. If you can make someone's unwanted feelings stop, then you have done a good job, especially in the eyes of your clients.

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The saying “knowledge is power” is more than true when we encounter ghosts, poltergeists, or in rare cases, demons.

As a rule, things that are associated with the other world arouse horror and interest in us. There is rarely a person who would not like to communicate with a deceased person and ask him about things of interest. The ability to conduct a conversation with spirits who came from the other world existed long before the official word “spiritism” appeared.

At its core, spiritualism is an attempt to communicate with people who are no longer alive. In this case, they resort to certain techniques and rituals. An ordinary spiritualistic session is conducted by a medium, since he is able to feel vibrations from the world of dead people. But with special training, an ordinary person can also come into contact with the spirit.


All religions of the world agree that there is an afterlife.

Since ancient times, the living have always turned to people who have left this world. As a rule, this was resorted to in very difficult situations when no one could help. People tend to turn to heaven so that their departed relatives can hear them.

Often the ghosts of dead people appear on their own, without any challenge. There are many reports about this. Similar things happen in our time.

Novice researchers

The Rhine Educational Center, a school of parapsychology and a paranormal research institute, is an ideal place for aspiring researchers eager to learn about effective methods of communicating with ghosts.

The course offers an examination of the basics of human biology, physics, and technology to help expand knowledge beyond plausible explanations for the strange physical phenomena a ghost hunter might encounter in everyday life.

Documenting Spirit Activity

Despite the fact that we live in a world of technological breakthroughs, ghost detectors have not yet been invented. But there are several types of techniques you can use to document spirit activity and record data. An electromagnetic field meter (EMF) is useful for measuring electromagnetic field fluctuations in the environment.

Theories about the paranormal field suggest that ghosts can manipulate it, causing an inexplicable increase in emf. Again, faulty wiring or cell phone interference can also affect the readings.

“You should be aware that the environment can render your technical equipment useless,” says Lloyd Auerbach, a parapsychology teacher at the Rhine Education Center. This is why it is important to examine and eliminate any external influences in the environment that may give you false readings. The scientist recommends buying an EMF meter, K2 Meter. You will also need a video camera to record the interview and ghost activity, preferably with night vision for filming in the dark.

Digital voice recorders will be very useful to capture voices. Although it is important to note that many paranormal experts do not agree on the legitimacy of EVP. Some skeptics have argued that the sounds could be nothing more than radio transmissions or the brain's tendency to create patterns of random sounds, while other researchers have claimed to be recording recordings of strange growls or human voices.

The smartphone is a great tool, but the phone has its limits. For the long term, it is best to invest in quality hardware.

“Ghost stories are nothing more than stories without witnesses. You can go into a haunted house and get a bunch of readings with your tools, but if you don't have the experience, you won't be able to put those readings together,” Auerbach says.

Location Research

Before planning a visit to a haunted house or building, try getting a crime report from your local police department to find out about any murders or suicides that have occurred nearby or on the property. Find out if the house was built on soil containing quartz or crystal, two elements that have the ability to imprint information.

You may think that ghosts or spirits are what make you worry, but the reality is that people can hurt you more than spirits.

When someone invites you to enter someone else's home, you don't know what to expect. You have to be careful and this is important because you shouldn't trust your instincts. If something worries you, then do not attempt to communicate with a ghost. Ideally, it is helpful to work with at least one partner.

Assemble a team of experts

Of course, you want your investigative team to be professionally trained, so it doesn't hurt to assemble a team of experienced professionals such as an engineer or electrician. Involving experts in your investigation can help you narrow down or rule out a logical explanation for a physical phenomenon.

A medium can also help in communicating with spirits or speed up the process of getting rid of a spirit. But you must be selective, as the number of pseudo-mediums outweighs the number of people with truly unique abilities.

Leave the uniform at home

“When you enter a home, you have to remember that most people want privacy,” Auerbach says. “Don’t wear an unusual suit.”

Mind your manners

Remember that you are a guest in someone's home, so be polite and considerate of other people's feelings and property, and show respect for the potential spirit.

Eliminate logical explanations

“I'm a situational skeptic,” Auerbach says. “I believe in ghosts and the paranormal, but I’m not convinced in every case until there’s hard evidence.”

You must eliminate plausible explanations in addition to the data you receive. In fact, most of these cases are nothing more than a leaking pipe or bad wiring.

One day, Douglas McMillan, founder of the paranormal investigative agency D. M. Paranormal" was called to someone's house because a frightened child who suffered from insomnia thought there was something scary under his bed. Using his trusty emf meter, McMillan was able to conclude that electricity was to blame.

“People always feel bad if they get close to an electromagnetic field,” says McMillan.

Meet the Ghost

As a paranormal investigator, you cannot be afraid of the unknown, especially when the possibility of meeting a spirit from the other world becomes your reality. If all your evidence and testimony leads you to an unreasonable conclusion, remain calm.

Often intelligent spirits are devoid of meanness. They may simply mourn their own death and move on to our world due to the fact that their mission on earth is not completed.

The best way to get rid of a ghost is to talk to him. “If you can remove personal details about the spirit from the conversation, there is a greater chance that it will respond to you,” says McMillan.

You can ask the spirits how old they are, or the age at which they left this world. When you ask these questions, it is best to audio record the conversation. As for an attack by an evil spirit or a confrontation with a demonic force, investigators say that this happens extremely rarely. In fact, you are more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by a ghost.

They called local - 100 percent real - ghost hunters.
A few days later, a team from Dead of Night Paranormal Investigations arrived in Frederick, Maryland.

After talking with the cooks and waiters, who all claimed that some invisible creature was stomping up and down the stairs, the team got to work.

The hunters wore identical black T-shirts with the company logo. They installed video and thermal cameras throughout the restaurant, hoping to capture the movements of the ghost. And then they turned on the main apparatus, called the “sound box”.

This device, about the size of the palm of your hand, quickly scans a variety of radio frequencies, which - if you believe in such things - create the source of energy used by ghosts to make sounds or speak.
Shortly after this, the device recorded how the ghost (whose name was supposedly Malcolm) said: “Help!”
"Paranormal activity manifests itself in many different ways," explains Dead of Night ghost hunter Leanne Baur.

A new version of the Ghostbusters movie was released this week, and ghosts - whether you believe in them or not - are once again on everyone's lips.
And although this Hollywood film is an obvious fiction, in real life thousands of people work as ghost hunters. calls itself the largest directory of organizations involved in paranormal phenomena. According to the data published there, America is ahead of the rest: in the United States, more than 3,600 organizations investigate paranormal phenomena. There are only 53 of these in Canada, and 57 in the UK.

Reviews for the film are positive - most likely, it will bring considerable income to its creators. And besides, it will certainly excite the imagination of many viewers, which will play into the hands of companies like Dead of Night.

"Serious Business"

"It's just wonderful," said Lian Baur, who works as a school teacher by day.
"When you consider how many television shows deal with ghosts, it becomes clear how much the general public is interested in this issue," she says.
However, she reminds us that ghost hunting in reality is much less exciting than on screen.

"We do it a little differently," she explains. "It's a serious matter. We don't capture ghosts and we don't have proton traps. We want reconciliation with spirits."

No specialized training or license is required to become a ghost hunter. You don't even have to believe in the existence of ghosts.

But before you decide to turn your car into a ghost hunting van or start designing a uniform, it's worth remembering that virtually all real ghost hunters work for free.
They don't charge money because the results of their research can be interpreted in any way (either you believe in ghosts or you don't), and they want to meet the client's expectations.

"Usually people call us because they really want something out there, but they don't always get the answer they like," says Spencer Chamberlain, founder of East Coast Research and Investigation of the Paranormal, based in Rockville. , Maryland.
Because they do not charge money for their services, such organizations can claim to be meticulous and scientific.

Money on TV

Ghost hunters make money in another way - by giving public lectures or leading tours of streets where spirits have allegedly been discovered.
Leanne Baur and the rest of the Dead of Night team have been guiding tourists through the streets of Old Town Ellicott City for the past year and a half.
Tickets cost $15, and each group averages about 10 people or more.

According to Baur, she and her colleagues try to both amuse tourists and educate them about paranormal phenomena.
In England, such tours are conducted by the Nottingham company Dusk Till Dawn Events.

They organize two or three of these tours every weekend - visiting a closed hospital in Liverpool or a former underground military base in Worcestershire. They say there are ghosts in both places. The cost of the tour is from 15 to 64 pounds (20-85 dollars).
The founder and owner of the company, Jessica Gladwin, says that different people come to them: “Among the regulars, there are many who hunt ghosts themselves. Others are brought by friends and acquaintances, but they themselves don’t believe in ghosts. Still others just really want to see something.” .

Additionally, some paranormal investigators in America make money by starting their own television shows. That's exactly what Elizabeth Saint did, who claims to have often seen ghosts as a child.
Last year, she starred as one of three paranormal investigators in the series The Haunting of Shepherdstown.


While ghost hunters are willing to help people or businesses determine if they are haunted, they do not "clean up" or exorcise spirits.
Clairvoyants or spirit seers promise to help get rid of ghosts, claiming that they can communicate with the other world. And these people usually work for money.

Marjorie Rivera, 47, from Pittsburgh, comes from a family of clairvoyants.
"We pay electricians to fix the wiring because we don't touch things we don't know about. I work with energy, just like an electrician," she says.

“I realized that clearing spirits from buildings is a professional job that requires training, just like you would want to become an electrician or a plumber, and I decided to charge the same prices as plumbers and electricians,” she continues.
If you want to clear your house of ghosts, Marjorie Rivera's services will cost you $150 - no matter how many sessions she has to do.
According to public opinion polls, approximately a third of the population of the United States and Great Britain believes in the existence of ghosts.

So if you suddenly hear strange noises in the middle of the night, who will you call?

That interest in paranormal phenomena has recently increased sharply, and this has given impetus to the development of special organizations in the world offering services in the field of parapsychology and the unknown. Back in 1984, American director Ivan Reitman shot the comedy-fantasy film Ghostbusters, which was a great success. It is interesting that, when inventing the equipment for the actors who caught ghosts, Dan Ackroyd (who starred in the role of one of the hunters) took as a basis the clothes of real-life ghost catchers of old England.

And although the word “fantasy” is still used in describing the genre of the film, this has long been untrue. Special services that organize the capture of any poltergeist and lone hunters work in many countries of the world, including Russia. Moreover, such companies are often headed not by amateur extreme sports enthusiasts, but by scientists and professors who lecture on parapsychology at universities and have been dealing with the problems of the unknown for many years.

To skeptics who are distrustful of such work, hunters answer: this is not a joke! They are serious people and have no time for jokes; their work is backed by thorough, in-depth research.

On the website of one Russian foundation offering its services for catching ghosts right in your home, the following is stated: “Foundation specialists<…>will ensure rapid neutralization of poltergeist phenomena that cause significant material damage to people living in the premises where it occurs.” It turns out that you can make just one call, and people will come to your home who will determine whether there is a ghost in your home, find the underlying reasons for its appearance, and immediately eliminate the troublesome “neighbor”?

One of the organizations working with paranormal phenomena at home in Russia is the Parapsychology Foundation named after. L.L. Vasilyeva ( The extraordinary services the foundation provides are listed as if they were ordinary products on store shelves:

Unlocking parapsychological abilities under hypnosis;

Ambulance service for identifying and eliminating poltergeists;

Integrated environmental control service to identify and eliminate geopathogenic zones;

Analysis of difficult life situations using clairvoyance...

But why not look at such unusual services from a different perspective?

In recent years, the poltergeist phenomenon has been studied in some detail. In addition, ghost hunters in past centuries, according to eyewitnesses, often coped with their tasks - after their appearance, the activity of ghosts dropped sharply. Does this mean their half-fictional-half-real work is effective? After all, we are probably skeptical about their unusual service only because their area of ​​​​work is the paranormal, something that we do not encounter every day and would probably prefer not to encounter at all...

And in reality, their equipment bears little resemblance to a shoulder-mounted nuclear reactor for a proton emitter that shoots a bright, writhing beam, which everyone saw in the movie about hunters. Modern hunters are armed with completely different devices - temperature and light sensors, computers programmed to respond to any change environment etc. These devices are not so fabulous. And any action of hunters is justified from the point of view of science, and here, too, you can’t really argue with doctors of sciences and professors. And it turns out that the profession of a ghost hunter is far from fantastic. And if there is demand, as they say, then there will always be supply. Moreover, this supply is growing day by day, and they have even begun to open specialized schools for ghost hunters. Classes at the school are conducted under the guidance of experienced scientists, and the training also includes practical exercises in cemeteries and ancient buildings.

Who knows, perhaps special schools for teaching similar professions will soon appear in Russia? Judging by the development of interest in the paranormal and the number of companies offering their services in this area, we will soon be completely normal in accepting advertisements like “Ghost hunter needed for work. A higher education degree is required. Experience in catching poltergeists – at least 3 years”...

Did you like the movie "Casper" as a child? Or perhaps you are a fan of the Ghostbusters film series?
Then you simply must be in the shoes of a fearless hunter of ghosts of various types!

The following character traits will help you be more successful in this career:

  • Brave
  • Attentive
  • Genius

Trait Genius will be useful primarily in order to usefully develop the skill of logic: using a computer by selecting " Solve the unsolvable"(when solving a decision, logic develops, and if successful, money is also paid).

To start this career, select commands on your phone" Jobs and professions... - Choose a profession", and then find a job as a ghost hunter:

At all career levels, the work schedule is the same: Mon-Fri, 17:00-3:00.

  1. "Tarot Expert" - $280 per week
  2. "Ectoplasm Cleaner" - $344 per week
  3. "Poltergeist specialist" - $400 per week
  4. "Spirit whisperer" - $520 per week
  5. "Staff occultist" - $640 per week
  6. "Ghost Catcher" - $840 per week
  7. "Psychic detective" - $1,144 per week
  8. "Medium" - $1,480 per week
  9. "Eminent occultist" - $1,840 per week
  10. "Paranormal Expert t" - $2,480 per week

The first levels of your career will be achieved quite simply if you develop the skill to its full potential logic. As your character improves his skills and moves up the career ladder, his clothing and equipment (a device for catching ghosts - a ghost killer) will change.

So: five days a week at 17:00, icons will appear on the city map - tasks for a fighter against paranormal phenomena. Additionally, you will see messages in the top right corner where you can click " Get the job done" – and your ward will go to the first place of action (this is convenient, because you can send the character to work without going to the city map).

Already at the first career level, a character can search for spirits. To do this, click on the ground or floor and select “Search for Spirits.” Your hunter will search and perhaps find a spirit of some kind. If this happens, it will be possible to expel the otherworldly guest. You can try searching, for example, in a cemetery or with neighbors on the property.

There are 5 types of tasks in the ghost hunter career:

  1. Invasion of spirits
  2. Paranormal investigation
  3. Fighting poltergeists
  4. The Phantom Menace
  5. Invasion of evil ghosts

Invasion of spirits- a task in which you need to expel spirits, presented in the form of ordinary clots of energy (“caspers”).

Paranormal Investigation- carried out only in public areas (as usual work). You need to go into the “rabbit hole” and complete the task.

Fighting poltergeists- a type of work when spirits inhabit furniture and household items and make them float in the air. They are expelled in the same way as ordinary spirits.

The Phantom Menace- a more difficult task, unlike the previous ones: you must first detect ghosts and then expel them. The ghosts are here in the form of ghost sims. To complete this task, click on the ground/floor and select “Search for Spirits”, after which one of two messages will appear:

  • when the spirits are found...

  • when there are no spirits in a given room...

Ghosts become visible - now you can either banish them or convince them to leave. In the first option, select the command “Expel with a ghost killer” - then your character will simply catch the ghost. In the second case, you need to raise the level of your relationship with the ghost, and then " Convince to leave"(It is quite enough to select the commands "Calm the ghost" and "Talk about real life" to achieve this). Then the ghost will simply disappear.

Invasion of evil ghosts– here, as in the previous task, the Sims are ghosts. But in this case there is no need to look for them, you just need to expel them. Ghosts also love to inhabit various everyday objects, so you will have to wait until they come out of the objects.

Note: After career level 10, the fee for exorcising ghosts from victims' homes will increase. So, for example, at first it will be $1240, then $1301, $1367 and up to $1507 - depending on advancement in level beyond achievements (golden work experience bar).

Types of perfumes

Spirits are primarily distinguished by age: young, old or ancient.

In addition, they differ in color:

  1. Blue- Kind
  2. White- friendly
  3. Yellow- scared
  4. Green- jealous
  5. Orange- embittered
  6. Blue- lost
  7. Red- wicked

Practice outside of work

1) A character can have no more than three tasks daily. But what do you do all day before work?
Of course, you can develop your Sim's skills. Or you can walk around the city, look for spirits - as I wrote above, if found, they can also be expelled.

2) You can also calm the ghosts in the graves. To do this, you need to click on the grave and select “Calm the Spirit” - then the character will talk to him, and the spirit will disappear (calm down).

3) In addition, from time to time you will be offered additional tasks - delivering ghosts to the theater, school or somewhere else. I advise you to agree, because this will bring profit. For example, for delivering perfume to a theater you will be paid from $500 to $1000, and maybe more. Typically, you need to deliver 5 spirits - that's how much a Sim needs to have in their luggage to complete the task.

About the awards
