Issyk Kul water is salty or fresh. Disputes around Issyk-Kul, salt or fresh lake? What kind of water is in Issyk Kul: salty or fresh?

Why is the water salty in Issyk-Kul?

Prices for holidays on Lake Issyk-Kul are growing much faster than the quality of tourism infrastructure is improving. According to Kyrgyz tour operators, the only thing most predictable on the lake this year is the weather. As for prices for boarding house services, we can only predict the situation in terms of their growth.

The most inexpensive season was June, when the average price for a holiday in more or less decent boarding houses was 50 conventional units. It is difficult to say unequivocally what exactly is meant by units. In the last two years, travel business owners have preferred to make payments in more stable euros. “A night's stay in the most comfortable hotels on the coast will cost an average of about $150 in July. But we are not talking about suites, but about standard rooms. A suite will cost at least $200. It is possible that during the peak holiday season in August, the cost will be even higher,” one of the Bishkek travel agencies told Liter. If last year you had to pay 35 dollars for rooms with the most modest conditions, now you will need at least 70.

This is provided that vacationers will be fed only breakfast and dinner,” tourism manager Ainura Bekesheva shares information. - Now many boarding houses indicate in their price lists prices exclusively for accommodation in rooms, not including meals. Therefore, the price of 50 dollars per night changes to 70 or 80 dollars.

The main tourists, as in previous years, are natives of Russia and Kazakhstan. For most Kyrgyzstanis, Issyk-Kul is nothing more than a weekend route; there is not enough money for more. True, this year there are fewer Russians due to rising prices. According to tour operators, a vacation consisting of monotonous lying on the beach and eating smoked Baltic herring, which is often passed off as “indigenous” Issyk-Kul whitefish, does not particularly appeal to foreign lovers of exotic travel. Starting this year, scooter riding is also prohibited on the lake. The reason is the large number of accidents in the 2007 season. The issue was also raised in parliament that jet skis threaten the ecology of the lake. This time the jet ski will be available only in closed luxury hotels. So the most common proposal is a horse route.

The reason for the increase in prices was the increase in the cost of electricity, as well as a sharp jump in food prices. However, charging an order of magnitude higher than conventional units does not guarantee that the vacation will also not be conventional, but comfortable. For the first time, a government commission headed by the recently appointed Deputy Prime Minister Elmira Ibraimova decided to meticulously study the conditions for receiving vacationers. The ex-leader of the pro-presidential parliamentary faction "Akzhol" chose the most popular vacation spots as objects of inspection. It is no coincidence that the inspection concerned only the northern coast, where the tourism infrastructure is most developed. Nothing could hide from the watchful government eye of a high-ranking commission. Tourist business owners have been subjected to severe criticism, ranging from poor landscaping to funds ineffectively spent on major repairs.

The commission members had many questions about the fences around the beach area. According to the akim of the Issyk-Kul region, Turusbek Mansurov, local residents are indignant that it is now impossible to walk along the beach. And the owners of private properties say that otherwise someone might lose valuables. “We need to think about how to resolve this issue,” noted Elmira Ibraimova. The words of the director of one of the oldest boarding houses on the Issyk-Kul coast that repairs worth 500 thousand soms were recently carried out here only raised a lot of questions among the commission members. “It’s unnoticeable that so much money has been invested in the health resort,” summed up E. Ibraimova.

Representatives of the state commission, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Construction, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and environmentalists, came to the conclusion that in all state boarding houses, due to the lack of sufficient funding, there are problems with fire safety; the canteens do not comply with catering conditions, air exchange, sanitary and environmental standards, and bathrooms and the toilets leave a lot to be desired. In addition, the inspectors noted that many health resorts have a large territory, but it is not well-kept or deserted. “It is necessary to attract investors to develop the infrastructure, as private owners do,” members of the commission believe. The established list of paid services raised questions. According to Zamir Dzhumashev, a representative of the State Agency for Tourism, owners often make a profit from renting cottages, but are in no hurry to invest the money received in the development of the infrastructure of boarding houses. “Here you have to pay for every step: for blankets, mattresses, for entering the territory of the health resort. And this despite the fact that the tours are very expensive,” noted a representative of the country’s main tourism department, leaving Golden Sands.

The comments also concerned the toilets. In a number of recreational facilities that came under inspection, stationary toilets were not working, and dry toilets had not yet been installed. “You understand that when there are no toilets near the beach, people relieve themselves in the lake,” the Deputy Prime Minister appealed to the professional duty of directors.

Environmentalists also did not remain in debt, noting that the environmental protection zone is not taken into account at all: cafes and summer bars are located right next to the shore, throwing garbage into the pearl of Central Asia. “Most of the garbage is brought to us by local residents who come to swim, taking food with them,” the heads of the Blue Issyk-Kul boarding house told the state commission. The beach of this health resort is open to everyone. Experts believe that such free luxury will soon be few and far between. Most of the beaches will be paid, which is already causing dissatisfaction local residents.

Summing up the results of the state inspection, E. Ibraimova instructed employees of the relevant departments not to issue permits to receive tourists to those boarding houses that do not comply with accepted standards. “And if different “roofs” call you, be firm, because the well-being of the region and the safety of the lake are behind you,” she noted.

But, most likely, this instruction remained nothing more than a good wish. There is no information yet that any boarding house on the coast is closed.

But positive changes should occur in matters of ensuring law and order in the resort area. “The Ministry of Internal Affairs is considering the issue of involving a mounted platoon of patrol and guard service on duty in the Issyk-Kul region. Additionally, about 200 regional police officers and cadets and officers of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, sent to help them, will be involved every day,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Liter. Increased safety measures are associated with activities on the lake this summer season large number events within the CIS, where Kyrgyzstan chairs this year.

Ruslan Andreev, Bishkek - Cholpon-Ata

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One of the symbols of Kyrgyzstan is the legendary Lake Issyk-Kul. This huge lake, located high in the mountains, has crystal clear water. Its transparent blue surface stretches for many kilometers. Issyk-Kul replaces the sea for all residents of Central Asia. Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks come here.

General information about Lake Issyk-Kul

To find out where Lake Issyk-Kul is located, you can use the Google map, which can even determine the coordinates of the reservoir. They are 42.26.00 s. w. 77.11.00 c. d. The length of Lake Issyk-Kul is 182 km, and its width reaches 58–60 km, its area is 6330 sq. km. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches 702 meters, its height above sea level is 1608 meters.

Due to the fact that more than 50 rivers flow into the lake, and not a single one leaves it, many minerals are concentrated in it and the water here is as salty as the sea. Salinity in ppm reaches almost 6. In winter, the lake does not freeze due to its great depth and high concentration of mineral salts; the water temperature during this period does not drop below 2-3 degrees Celsius. Only in some places of the bays in especially cold winters can the water become covered with a crust of ice.

The reservoir contains a wide variety of fish. IN Soviet era Several fish hatcheries operated here, which supported the population of rare and expensive varieties of fish: trout, pike perch, bream and many others. But even now fishing attracts numerous tourists to these areas.

Recreation and attractions

The reservoir has a unique pristine nature. On its shores there are alternating settlements and cities built in ancient times, with a rich history and culture, and also replete with unusual attractions. There are sanatoriums, children's camps, tourist centers and various complexes designed for relaxation and restoration of health.

North Shore

Lake Issyk-Kul is famous for its beauty, but there is much more interesting in its surroundings. For example, on the northern side there is an unusual Rukh-Ordo complex ( spiritual center), the main goal of which is to prove that God is one. Upon entering it, 5 almost identical white chapels immediately catch your eye, museum exhibits, symbolizing the main world religions:

  • Islam;
  • Orthodoxy;
  • Buddhism;
  • Catholicism;
  • Judaism.

In cities known as popular resorts, Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri, located five kilometers from each other, vacationers are provided with all the conditions necessary for proper rest and entertainment. For example, in the city of Boster there is a huge Ferris wheel, which allows you to easily see the entire coast of Issyk-Kul. There is also a water park and many different attractions. Cholpon-Ata is famous for its unique museums, numerous restaurants and cafes.

Not far from these cities are located mineral springs equipped with comfortable outdoor swimming pools. There are also beautiful unique gorges, where tourists go in droves every summer, where they do interesting photos, admire the surrounding landscapes and forever take with them their love for the Issyk-Kul region.

On the northern shore of the lake the climate for recreation is more favorable, and swimming season lasts longer than on the opposite south coast. There are a lot of sanatoriums, as well as private boarding houses and small hotels. The beaches are sandy, sometimes with pebbles, or completely covered with clean, fine sand, so relaxing and swimming in the lake here is more convenient.

In the coming season of 2017, Lake Issyk-Kul awaits its admirers at summer holiday. There is no sweltering heat here, like on the Black Sea, but the lake warms up quite well - up to 24 degrees. The water is second only to Baikal in its unique composition, purity and transparency. It’s not for nothing that these regions are called the second Switzerland.

South Bank

On the southern side, the natural landscape is richer and amazes with diversity, the shores are rocky and inconvenient for swimming, but the water is much cleaner and more transparent. There are fewer vacationers, mini-hotels and boarding houses. The most visited places are Tamga and Kadzhi-Sai. There is a military sanatorium in the village of Tamga.

Few travelers know that on the southern side of the lake there is the Kyrgyz Dead Sea - Salt Lake. It is called so because of the mineral composition of the water. The lake measures about three hundred meters wide and five hundred meters long. The bottom is on average 2-3 meters deep. The water is saturated with microelements.

When plunging into the lake, vacationers experience a feeling of weightlessness, like in the Dead Sea. It is impossible to drown in such water; it literally pushes you to the surface. The properties of Salt Lake water are in no way inferior to healing water Dead Sea in Israel. You can improve your health here in just a few days.

The south side of the lake is famous beautiful scenery. Here is the most beautiful gorge not only on the Issyk-Kul coast, but throughout Central Asia. It is called Fairytale Valley. Wind and water have created truly amazing and unusual landscapes here, the description of which is impossible in simple terms. in human words. These are some of the most ancient mountains in Kyrgyzstan, which took thousands of years to form. The mountain folds look like pictures depicting quaint castles built of white clay. The shells found remind us that there was once an ancient sea here.

The southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul is more suitable for those who know how to appreciate beauty pristine nature. There's almost none here sandy beaches, in most cases these are small pebbles, turning into large boulders. But the southern coast is very picturesque; the nature of Issyk-Kul itself has become its main attraction. Here you can take wonderful photos that will keep the memory of this amazing adventure for a long time.

Secrets and history of Lake Issyk-Kul

The waters of Issyk-Kul contain a lot of unsolved mysteries. Over many centuries and millennia, the surface of the lake sank and then rose again. When Lake Issyk-Kul once again overflowed its boundaries, its waters absorbed on its way all the cities and settlements that were located in its vicinity. So many villages of ancient people found themselves at the bottom. And in them, researchers discover household items that belong not only to different time periods, but also to different cultures.

Historians explain this by the fact that trade caravans passed through this place in ancient times and the Middle Ages. Due to the fact that it lay there Silk Road, at the bottom of the lake and in its surroundings, during archaeological research, signs of almost all of humanity are found. In total, at the bottom of Issyk-Kul there are up to hundreds of local objects, large and small, that can be identified as a settlement.

Legend of the lake

Kyrgyzstan keeps many legends about the amazing and wonderful Lake Issyk-Kul. Here is one of them, which explains the origin of the reservoir. A long time ago, in the very place where the waves of Lake Issyk-Kul splash, there stood a huge beautiful city with magnificent palaces and numerous streets and houses where ordinary people lived. But suddenly the earth began to emit tremors, and an earthquake of unprecedented strength began, which spared neither people nor buildings. Everything was destroyed, and the earth itself sank, and a depression formed in this place, which filled with water. So a deep lake appeared on the site of the city.

Several girls from this city early in the morning, shortly before the earthquake, went high into the mountains for brushwood, and that was the only reason they remained alive. They began to mourn their dead relatives and friends who were buried at the bottom of the lake. Every day they came to the shore and shed hot tears there, which flowed in streams into Lake Issyk-Kul. There were so many of them that the water in it became as bitter and salty as the tears of the girls.

Author - Oksana_Lyutova. This is a quote from this post

Mountain Lake Issyk-Kul

The most beautiful and most big lake Central Asia - Lake Issyk-Kul. It is located between the ridges of the Northern Tien Shan: Kungei Ala-Too (facing the sun) and Terskey Ala-Too (facing away from the sun) at an altitude of 1609 m above sea level. Issyk-Kul is one of the largest mountain lakes in the world.

The lake is incredibly beautiful. For this reason it is called the “Pearl of Kyrgyzstan”. Greater transparency and bright sunshine change the color of the water of Lake Issyk-Kul from soft blue to dark blue tones. IN winter time water temperature + 4.2-5.0°.

There are many legends and myths about the origin of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here are three of the most common legends.

In July and August, the upper layers of water heat up to +18-20°. Even in the coldest winters the lake does not freeze. Magnificent views of snow-capped peaks open from the northern shore of the lake. Eighty rivers and streams flow into the lake, but the lake has no drainage, so the water in the lake is salty.

There are beliefs about cities buried under the waters of Issyk-Kul. The mountains around the lake are practically unexplored.

The basin of the lake, surrounded on all sides by powerful mountain ranges, remained for a long time a difficult-to-reach region of Kyrgyzstan. Now you can get here along the road passing through the famous Boom Gorge; there are also 2 airports on the territory of the basin: Cholpon-Ata, located near resort town, And international airport Tamchy, which was built and opened in the summer of 2003 on the basis of a military airport.

Here are some numbers about it unique place, attracting an increasing number of tourists: the volume of all water is 1738 km2, the area of ​​the water surface is 6236 km2, the length of the coastline is 688 km, the average depth is 278 m, the greatest depth is almost 2.5 times greater and is equal to 668 m, the length Issyk-Kul from West to East is 182 km, and from South to North - 58 km. Over the past two centuries, the level of Issyk-Kul has been decreasing and, as a result, both the depth and length of the coastline have decreased. According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, since 1886 it has fallen by 4 m, according to other sources, by 9 m.

In terms of depth and volume of water, it has no equal in the world among high-mountain lakes. Issyk-Kul is rightfully the second largest alpine lake in size, after Lake Titicaca located in Chile.

Due to the great depth of the lake, the water does not have time to cool completely - the lake never freezes, except near some shores. Issyk-Kul translated from Kyrgyz means “Hot Lake”. The ancient Kyrgyz called this pearl of the country “Tuz-Kul” - “Salt Lake” for the brackish taste of the water, which was not suitable for drinking either for people or animals.

The lake is one of those formed tectonically and, due to the orographic isolation of the basin, the climate here is peculiar, almost marine. It is softer, warmer and wetter than in other depressions of the Tien Shan, located at the same altitude.

According to the thermal regime, Issyk-Kul is a subtropical lake. Here, on the shore of the lake, it is moderately warm in summer, and not cold in winter. Average temperature air in January - minus 2 - minus 10 degrees, in July - plus 17 - plus 18. The average water temperature in summer is plus 21 - plus 23, in winter - minus 3 - minus 4. Western part The basin is arid, rains are rare, and almost no snow falls. IN western mountains, bordering the lake, only 115 mm of precipitation falls, while on the eastern shore - about 600 mm. However, in recent years the amount of precipitation has increased - the influence of Global Warming is also noticeable in Kyrgyzstan.

More than 80 rivers and tributaries flow into the lake, but not a single river carries its waters out of this azure lake, which causes the accumulation of salts (water mineralization - 5.90%). The largest rivers flowing into the lake are Tyup (103 km) and Dzhergalan (81 km), the length of the rest does not exceed 50 km. Once upon a time, the Chu River, flowing along the western edge of the basin, carried its waters into the lake

Varied contrast natural areas: in the east there are steppes on dark chestnut soils, on the slopes of the mountains in the west there is a semi-desert, but in the east, at the same altitudes, especially along the Terskey Ala-Too gorges, there are dense spruce forests. The organic world of the lake is also diverse - about 20 species of fish live here, 10 of which are acclimatized. Issyk-Kul is inhabited by: chebak, carp, marinka, osman, pike perch, bream, mirror carp, grass carp, Amur Darya and Sivan trout, whitefish and other fish.

The lake was first explored by the great Russian traveler P.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky. He wrote about Issyk-Kul: “It is difficult to imagine anything grander than the landscape that appears to a traveler from Kungei across the lake to the Heavenly Ridge. The dark blue surface of Issyk-Kul with its sapphire color can easily compete with the equally blue surface of Lake Geneva, it seemed to me on the western side of Kungey is almost limitless in the East, and the incomparable grandeur of the last plan of the landscape gives it a grandeur that Lake Geneva does not have."

The famous Russian traveler and scientist, explorer of Central Asia, N. M. Przhevalsky, was in love with this region and asked to be buried on the shore of the lake. Having seen the beauty of Kyrgyzstan, he said: “This is the same Switzerland, only better.” After Przhevalsky’s death, a city located next to the traveler’s grave was named in his honor. Then, after the collapse of the USSR, Prezhevalsk was renamed Karakol. The city houses the Prezhevalsky Museum.

Issyk-Kul attracts a huge number of tourists from Kazakhstan, Russia, other parts of the CIS, as well as foreign tourists. On the coast of the lake there are resorts that operate year-round, where you can not only have a great rest, but also improve your health.

Lake Issyk-Kul

Reply from Danila Serbenyuk[guru]
not salty!)) Baikal is also a lake, and more!!!

Reply from Victoria Kormilina (Kostenko)[newbie]
But still many seas are larger

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Everything that does not have access to the World Ocean is called lakes, and it is salty because there are salt marshes there.

Reply from User deleted[guru]
unfair! I agree with you! incredible beauty!

Reply from Rus[guru]
By definition, a sea is a part of the world's oceans. Anything that is not connected to the ocean by at least a strait is not a sea. By the way, the Caspian is a lake called the “Caspian Sea”. And the Aral, until it dried up, although it was called a sea, was a lake. And please note: based on the definition, the sea cannot dry up; if the flow (evaporation) of water exceeds its inflow along the rivers and due to precipitation, the shortage will be compensated by the influx through the strait. Through what strait can water get into Issyk-Kul?

Central Asia, in addition to its numerous attractions, can safely boast of its highlight - Lake Issyk-Kul. This unique lake At the same time, it is one of the thirty largest lakes on the planet both in area and in depth.

Mountain Issyk-Kul continues to attract the attention of the tourism community. The flow of vacationers increases every year. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows where Lake Issyk-Kul is located and what it is famous for.

Issyk-Kul is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This republic was part of the Soviet Union, and its landmark belonged to a huge country. Getting to the lake at that time was not difficult. Today, in order to enjoy the beauty of one of the deepest lakes in the world, you will have to cross several states with which Kyrgyzstan borders: China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Lake Issyk-Kul is among the top largest lakes in the world by area and ranks seventh in the world.

1609 meters above sea level determines the location of the Kyrgyz lake. The exact location of Issyk-Kul can be found at geographical map. If you look at it carefully, the first thing you come across is the Northern Tien-Shan mountain system. The Teskey-Ala-Tau and Kungey-Ala-Tau ridges surround the reservoir on both sides.

Issyk-Kul has four bays: Pokrovsky, Tyupsky, Dzhergalansky, Rybachy. Coastline The lake spanned almost 700 km. The size of Lake Issyk Kul is impressive. From west to east, Issyk-Kul measures one hundred eighty-two kilometers, from north to south - fifty-eight kilometers. The climate in Kyrgyzstan is very mild, so even in the harshest winter the lake is not covered with ice. For several decades now, cyclical water levels have been observed in Issyk-Kul. It either increases or decreases.

The lake is of interest not only as a tourist attraction, but also as an object for research. The amazing view of the lake can be seen even from space. It did not leave a single astronaut indifferent. They all admire the Kyrgyz reservoir as one. The legendary space explorer, Alexey Leonov, compared the mountain miracle to the human eye. Usually tourists combine a visit to Lake Issyk-Kul and

What kind of water is in Issyk Kul: salty or fresh?

The answer to this question will most likely be given by its regular visitors, who will confidently confirm its salinity. However, the discoverers of the alpine lake are confident that the water in it is fresh. This opinion comes from an erroneous comparison of Issyk-Kul with Lake Baikal. However, the similarity of the two lakes ends with their large size and clear water.

To find out for sure what kind of water is in Issyk-Kul, let’s approach this issue from a scientific point of view.

Issyk-Kul is a closed lake. It has no connection with the world's oceans. Approximately eighty tributaries flow into the lake. Jergalan and Tyup flow in from the east, and Kutemaldy from the west. The last channel belongs to the Chu River, which flows very close to the lake. The six-kilometer-long Kutemaldy replenishes the Issyk-Kul only during spring floods.

Issyk-Kul can be considered the center of a cluster of glacial rivers that carry dissolved mineral salts in their waters: sodium, sulfate, chloride and magnesium. This lake can rightfully be considered a health resort of pan-European and even global importance, thanks to its healing properties. mineral water.

Where did the name of the lake come from?

There are several explanations for where the name Issyk-Kul came from. If we take into account the origin of the words in the name of the lake, then they have Turkic roots. The Turkic words Issyk-Kul became the progenitors of the modern name Issyk-Kul. The Kyrgyz spelling of the lake, Ysyk kol, means “hot lake” because it does not freeze in the winter season. We already know that this is due to the mild climate, very salty water and huge reserves of heat that are stored at the depths of Issyk-Kul.

EM. Murzaev, a Soviet physicist and geographer, who at one time studied the history of the origin of the name of the lake, is inclined to a theory that goes back far into antiquity. The indigenous Kyrgyz consider Issyk-Kul sacred lake. The nation has revered his holiness for many centuries, preserving it today. The ancient name is Tuz Kul, that is, “ salt lake».

Reasons to visit Issyk-Kul

The most important argument for going to Issyk-Kul as soon as possible is to get your health in order. This amazing place, which combines fresh mountain air and medicinal mineral water. The health resort awaits its visitors from the second half of June until the end of summer. Since those wishing to improve their health are growing every year, medical institutions are increasing depending on demand. In addition to sanatoriums and boarding houses, you can stay in hotels, holiday houses, and tourist complexes.

Issyk-Kul is a favorite place for avid fishermen. The species diversity of fish includes about twenty families. Most of them were brought deliberately and adapted to mountain water. One of the acclimatized species is Gegharkuni, imported from Armenia. Fishermen often boast about their catch of trout and chebak. It happens that individuals larger than 15 kilograms are caught.

The alpine lake is very attractive to those who like to contemplate beautiful places on planet Earth. Issyk-Kul, like Baikal, attracts with its clean and clear water. Throughout the day you can observe how the color palette of the water changes. The color scheme plays with a variety of colors: sometimes it blinds the eye with emerald tints, sometimes the blue waves excite the heart with their pressure.

Issyk-Kul is no less fascinating with its sights and legends.

Legends and secrets of the Kyrgyz miracle

Issyk-Kul is full of mysteries and legends. The guides tell with particular interest about local mysteries and legends. To confirm the mystery of the alpine lake, let’s get acquainted with some of them.

The first legend tells how the mountain pool appeared. This happened in the distant past, when there was no trace of any reservoir. And in its present place stood a magnificent city. But the life of the large settlement was interrupted in an instant. During a strong earthquake, the earth moved apart and “swallowed” the city along with its inhabitants, leaving a huge depression in its place. The huge depression began to quickly fill with water and turned into a mountain lake.

As it turned out later, not all residents died in that disaster. Several girls remained alive, who on the day of the tragedy went to the mountains for firewood. Grief overwhelmed the young beauties so much that they could not come to terms with the loss of their loved ones. As soon as the sun rose, they came to the pond and wept bitterly, suffering from the loss of loved ones. There were so many tears that they turned fresh water lakes to salty. It was the burning tears of the suffering girls that gave the name to Lake Issyk, which translates as “hot”. The Kyrgyz added Kul to the first word, which means lake.

The elders confirm that the character of Issyk-Kul fully corresponds to its name. If you peer into the waters of the lake for a long time, you can clearly trace its mood, similar to the experiences of the surviving girls. The transparent emerald color envelops you in its magic during calm periods, and the crazy waves raging in a storm are ready to tear the shore to shreds.

The legend of Tamerlane is considered no less entertaining. The Turkic commander visited the lake three times in seven years. The veracity of this legend is evidenced by the pass located in the eastern part of the lake. It was formed during Tamerlane’s military campaigns in these lands. Each time, making another campaign to capture the local population, the Central Asian conqueror ordered the soldiers to take one stone at a time and put them in one place. When the entire army passed, a stone mountain was formed in this place. However, Tamerlane's campaigns of conquest failed. He never managed to conquer the indigenous tribes. The local population turned out to be quite resourceful. Before the approach of Tamerlane's army, the tribes migrated from the country and waited in secluded places. Tamerlane could not stay on Kyrgyz territory for a long time; he needed to conquer other lands. Returning back, the commander gave the order to each warrior to take a stone from the first pile and move it to another. In this way Tamerlane counted his soldiers. This is where the name of the artificial mountain “Santash” came from - counting stones.
