What hotels in Alberobello have nice views? Alberobello. Puglia Modern Alberobello: shopping and entertainment


Alberobello Italy

Alberobello (Italian: Alberobello) is an unusual city in Southern Italy, a real fairy tale for tourists and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. We recently visited this area and were completely delighted with what we saw; one of the tourists correctly noted that it looked like a city of another civilization.

If you look at a map of Italy, it is located on the “heel of the Italian boot.” This is the region of Puglia, the province of Bari - an agricultural region of Italy, a lot of olive oil is produced here, winemaking and cheese making are developed. We entered this region from Calabria and fields of well-tended vineyards alternated with olive groves and pastures for livestock. Alberobello arose on a land of limestone strata, which is subject to the erosive effects of rainwater. This explains the snow-white stone buildings. About 15 kilometers away, the first trulli houses began to appear at the entrance to the city. The word “trullo” has Greek roots (Greek τρούλος) - dome.

From the History of the area:

The first mention of the Ittria Valley was made in the 16th century: Andrea Matteo III, a member of the Acquaviva dynasty, brought peasants to these places to cultivate the land. The Neapolitan king was required to pay an exorbitant tax for the settlement. Local craftsmen showed ingenuity and began to build their own houses using dry masonry, selecting the required size of stones, while no binding mortar was used, but a tricky stone called a “castle” was laid at their base; As soon as the lock stone was pulled out, the house collapsed, turning into a pile of stones. Upon the arrival of tax collectors, ruins arose in place of the houses, which were not subject to taxation.

Ferdinand IV in 1797, a descendant of the Bourbon dynasty, granted freedom to the inhabitants of Alberobello. The need to destroy their houses disappeared, buildings using cement began to appear on the area, but most of the indigenous residents did not destroy the trulli houses (there was a possibility that the king might revoke the gift of freedom). So houses with a domed roof have survived to this day. About 15 kilometers away, the first trulli houses began to appear at the entrance to the city.

Since 1925, the Italian authorities have prohibited the construction of such facilities throughout the country. This law is still in effect today: a trulli house is subject only to internal reconstruction and restoration; such a building can be sold and bought. The air temperature inside such a house is kept at 18-20 degrees at any time of the year. The trullo domes are made of calcareous stones called “chiancarelle” and secured on top with a stone (serraglia) and a crown. Trull poppies are very different: they are the mark of a master, a talisman for their owners.

There are also special symbols on the roofs, painted using lime. It is believed that earlier, when there were no house numbers, these signs were used instead of a postal address.

The houses look very small, there are no windows. In many houses, the dome is separated from the lower room by a deck. They store food there or have a second small room, sometimes a children's room. The bedroom is usually downstairs, in an alcove, a bed with wrought-iron headboards, and a handmade bedspread made by the lady of the house. There are small kitchens and bathrooms, and a water tank.

On the roofs on the slope there are special gutters for collecting water.

When it rains, water flows through specially constructed gutters into depressions made around the house with drainage into a tank. Statistics count about 1,400 trulli houses. There are very few real trulli from the 16th and 17th centuries with a keystone in Alberobello, as locals say.

What to see:

It is better to start your inspection from the observation deck, which is located across the road from the streets going up the hills. A staircase leads to the observation deck.

IN good weather there are a lot of tourists here.

The unique view opens up like the scenery of the kingdom of one of your favorite fairy tales

— in every house there is either a souvenir shop, or a cafe, or a wine library where you can taste and buy local wines.

At some entrances to the houses there are signs with an arrow; these are the owners who invite you through the store to go out to panoramic platform, it's free.

In addition to trullo shops and trullo restaurants, there is a church - trulle.

Definitely worth seeing: Church of St. Anthony of Padua (Italian: Chiesa Di Sant’Antonio - Via Cadore 9),

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08.00-13.00 and from 15.00-20.00, Saturday: from 9.00-13.00. Website https://www.santantonioalberobello.it/ It was built relatively recently - in 1926.

At Piazza Sacramento 10/11 there is a trulli house-museum, Trullo Sovrano, where the way of life in trulli houses is presented. This building of the 18th century, where a priest lived with his family, contains 2 floors! Website: http://www.trullosovrano.eu/ Opening hours: from 10:00 – 13:30 h / from 15:30 – 18:00 h (from November to March), from 10:00 – 13:30 h / from 15:30 – 19:00 (from April to October). There is an audio guide.

There is also a trullo hotel. On one of central squares city, Piazza Ferdinando IV, is located one of the luxury hotels Le Alcove-Luxury Hotel nei Trulli, stylized in the style of the trulli. The hotel has only 9 rooms. Apartment Romantic Trulli (Via Monte San Michele 64) is very popular among guests. If you decide to explore this area in more detail, you can find a comfortable, unusual overnight stay at an affordable price.

Attracting attention, located on a hill, the Church of Cosma and Domian (Italian: Parrocchia Santuario Basilica S.S. Cosma E Damiano - Piazza Curri) is already a modern part of Alberobello.

On Thursdays in Piazza Largo Martellotta, in the morning, there is an interesting vegetable market with local products from the Puglia region.

Souvenirs from the trip:

Textiles, many handicrafts, ceramics, raw sausages, olive oil, a variety of pasta. Everything is beautifully designed and catches your eye. In some houses you can see house layout diagrams.

What to try:

In cafes (on the streets of the old city too) you can order “caffe leccese”, coffee invented in the city of Lecce, is “coffee on ice”. It is done as follows: pour 1-1.5 cm of almond milk syrup into a glass, then add 2-3 ice cubes and finally add a freshly brewed “thimble” of espresso coffee.

Another coffee delicacy is called “espressino” - this is creamy ice cream with the addition of freshly brewed espresso coffee.

Near the parking lot, inside the fairy-tale town there are many places where you can taste local cuisine.

  • pasta with sauces of tomatoes, garlic, anchovies and toasted crackers, mushrooms;
  • meat "brasciole" is a dish stuffed with Pecorino cheese, garlic or onion and parsley;
  • alberobellese white bean puree with wild chicory;
  • wine "Martina" or "Martina Franca" (white wine)

Local holidays:

  • at the end of April there is a festival of bagels and wine - crispy taralli ital. “Tarallucci” (or simply bagels) are baked with fennel and olives, peppers and tomatoes, served with wine - all to the sounds of traditional Apulian music.
  • spring jazz festival
  • at the beginning of June fair of flowers and green plants, livestock
  • The end of July is a holiday dedicated to the liberation of the area from feudal rule. Local residents wear ancient clothes and prepare traditional local treats. Performances are organized in squares with music, songs and dances.
  • Summer Pizza Festival in August
  • The feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian has been celebrated annually at the end of September for almost two centuries. In the main cathedral, the celebrations begin with a morning mass, and the solemn processions continue for two days. At the end of the holiday there are fireworks.
  • December - January - "Live" Presepe - everywhere in Puglia - Christmas crèches, created by the hands of folk craftsmen, depicting scenes of the Nativity of Christ. At the same time, the Alberobello Light Festival takes place - as evening falls, the snow-white houses under the illumination turn into an incredible magical spectacle.

How to get there:

Nearest airport- Bari Airport (Aeroporto Internazionale di Bari-Karol Wojtyla). Website: aeroportidipuglia.it. Distance. Possible by car. Distance to Alberobello from: Bari 60 km; Rome 482 km; Naples 316 km; Reggio Calabria 409 km.

Train. Once an hour. To get to the station from the airport - by city bus (about 30 minutes) or train (about 15 minutes). Next, you need to purchase a ticket for the local train to Alberobello. You can view the schedule on the website: http://www.fseonline.it/ You need to select a station Bari Sud Est. To get to this direction, you need to go down in the Bari Centrale station building to the passage with exits to the platforms and walk along it to the end (exit to platform No. 10). Further up the stairs and there is the Bari Sud Est ticket office. (fare is 10 euros round trip).

Bus. Once a day. Schedule on websites. www.marinobus.it or fseonline.it. The bus also departs from the central railway station of Bari.

Convenient to travel around Puglia and visit this unique place, if you rent a car. Convenient parking is available near the historical part of Alberobello.

Alberobello Italy is an excellent choice for the Best routes in southern Italy. Nearby you can visit a beautiful and ancient city Bari.

Alberobello is a town of "dwarfs". Incredible, unusual, bewitching, fabulous... It earned a special “nickname” thanks to the trulli houses, which were located almost one on one on the city hills. They are cylindrical buildings with roofs in the form of a cone, on which zodiac signs, religious symbols, etc. are depicted. And Alberobello is the only city where a block of such houses has been almost completely preserved. For this Alberobello is considered the cultural capital of the Ittria Valley. Having visited this town just once, you will definitely want to come back here again. People come here to relieve stress, enjoy real organic products, and appreciate the hospitality local residents and the uniqueness of the thrull houses.


Alberobello is located in the southern part of Italy - near Bari, Apulia region. The city is located on the Adriatic Sea coast on two hills, between which a river flows. The eastern part is modern Alberobello, the western part is historical heritage, this is where the trulli are located. From year to year, many pilgrims come here, visiting the basilica (in honor of the martyrs Damian and Cosmas). It is the trulli that are the “highlight” of this city, forming the texture of the ancient districts of Ayia Piccola and Monti. They are national monuments of Alberobello. Once upon a time, oak groves grew in this place, which were actively used to create various military mechanisms. This is where the name of the city Alberobello comes from, which comes from the Latin words “arbor” and “bellum” (translated as “tree”, “war”). The area of ​​the city is 40 km²; according to 2004 data, the population is 10,930 people (with a population density of 271 people/sq. km). Geographic coordinates town: 40°47′00″ n. w. 17°14′00″ E. d. Alberobello time zone: UTC+1, in summer it switches to UTC+2.


Alberobello has a moderately warm climate, which is characterized by high rainfall (646 mm per year, an average of 77 mm falls in November). Even in the hottest month there can be quite a lot of rainfall. The average annual temperature is 13.7 degrees. Most warm month- August (average temperature 22.4 C, maximum - 28.1 C), cold - January (average temperature 6 C, maximum - 9.6 C). Between the dry and rainy months there is a fluctuation of 16.4 C. The active season is from May to October. In summer, it is best to come in the evening, when the heat subsides a little. In winter, rest is also quite comfortable, because the temperature practically never drops below 5-6 degrees (the minimum temperature was recorded in January - 2.5 C). And in winter, on the eve of Christmas, festivals are held here, accompanied by light shows. Although there is no sub-zero temperature here, as well as snow, due to the constantly high humidity, the cold is felt differently - it penetrates “to the bones”. When it's sunny and no wind in winter, it may seem like it's spring outside.


The Yttriya Valley was first mentioned in the 16th century. During this period, peasants were brought in to cultivate the land (led by Andrea Matteo III, Acquaviva dynasty). Due to reluctance to pay tax to the King of Naples, people had to build houses from limestone collected with their own hands, without using a connecting mortar. There was a stone at the base of the house - as soon as it was removed, the structure turned into a pile of stones. As a result, the tax did not have to be paid - after all, in fact, the Inquisition did not discover any housing. The dukes eventually prospered without spending a penny, but the peasants constantly had to rebuild. But this “technique” was used only once, when in 1644 the entire settlement turned into ruins overnight. In 1797, King Ferdinand exempted Alberobello from taxes - this allowed residents to build more reliable houses using reinforcement. But there were few such “dared souls”, since at any moment everything could change again. Trulli were actively erected until 1925 (it was then that a decree was issued banning the construction of such structures), although these were no longer buildings made of limestone, but more durable ones - mortar was used. Today such houses are sold, there are museums, souvenir shops, and a wine library in such buildings. The very name of the houses comes from the Greek “τρούλος”, which means “dome”. The most ancient trulli buildings from the 16th century are located in the Murgia area. For almost the entire 20th century, this town was in decline; just 50 years ago, a trulli house could be purchased for about 2,000 euros. Since 1996, the trulli in Alberobello have been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and then the situation changed dramatically. Tourists flocked here, and the price of interesting houses is sometimes 1 million euros.

Attractions Alberobello

  • The city of Alberobello is known as the "capital of trullo". Trullo is a bizarre architecture unique to the Italian region of Puglia. Trullo - houses with conical roofs in the shape of a cone. In the Alberobello Monti area there are about a thousand trulli buildings. They are located on seven streets leading to the top of the hill. The panorama is crowned by the trullo church of Sant'Antonio. There are about 400 trulli in the Agia Piccola area, this part of the city is almost untouched.
  • The first evidence of the cult of Saints Cosmas and Damian (in the Russian tradition - Kuzma and Demyan) among the inhabitants of the city of Alberobello appeared already in the 16th century. Probably, the inhabitants of this small town began to venerate these saints after the Counts of Acquavivo and Sconeversano brought a small image of the Madonna and two twin brothers to Alberobello. The Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian was built in the neoclassical style. The facade of the building was built in 1885. It is decorated with long pilasters, fluted columns with capitals of the Carimba order and two Roman columns with capitals of the Composite style.
  • The Church of Sant'Antonio is an austere building made in the trullo style. The church is located on a steep hillside in the Monti area. Built in a few months, the church opened its doors to visitors in 1927. It rises above the city, symbolizing the fight against other religions. At least that’s what the customer Antonio Dibrevis intended. The church features an imposing main entrance and a staircase above a round window that leads to a small room in the church's dome, surmounted by a Greek cross. Next to the trullo dome is the bell tower.

  • The Regional Museum of Alberobello was created to preserve and support the unique cultural heritage of the city. The museum is located in the very center of the city. Recently restored, it tells the story of a unique city, known throughout the world as the capital of the amazing trullo buildings. In the museum you can see the inside of the trullo buildings and examine numerous household items of the inhabitants of Alberobello. The museum also stores historical documents and archives. It is worth noting that the museum is located in the only two-story trullo building in the city (!).
  • Another attraction of the city of Abelberobello is its main tourist square, Popolo (Piazza del Popolo). A distinctive feature of the square is the huge number of open-air tables located in the square. It is because of them that the square is very popular not only among the local population, but also among tourists.

Events and festivals

In the summer, tourists can expect many concerts, literary evenings, performances, entertainment, and festivals. In winter it is incredibly fabulous here in the pre-Christmas period - with the onset of 17:00-18:00 the incredible begins light show. A lot of entertainment awaits you here at any time of the year. Be sure to visit the wine tours, tastings AllWays Puglia, Trulli e Puglia, Charming Tours, Discovery Puglia-Day Tours, Top Service GmbH Alberobello Day Tours, using Segways. It is much more convenient and faster than walking. It is interesting to visit the Trullo Sovrano Museum, where you can fully immerse yourself in the life of the local Trulli inhabitants. Visit vineyards, wineries (Damati), local farms (Azienda Agrituristica Laire - the main point of rural tourism). The city day itself is celebrated on September 25-27. After visiting the Puglia region, be sure to try to get to popular events in neighboring cities:

  • Live scenes of Presepe in Apulia in January, during the Nativity of Christ - are performed both in Alberobello and Trani, Rutigliano, Polignano, Vico del Gargano, Mare, Ostuni.
  • Carnival of Putignano Putignano (Bari), which takes place in February.
  • Festival della Valle d'Ittria-Martina Franca (Taranto) and Castel del Monte Andria (BAT) in August.
  • The Grape Harvest Festival in September-October with its own tasting, performances and performances.

Restaurants and cafes

Italians love to cook, the food here is very tasty and special. An appetizer, a first course, meat or fish, as well as fruit, dessert and coffee - that's what awaits you for lunch. But given the generosity of Italians and the size of the portions, only a few can cope with such a list. Most restaurants offer a unique assortment of appetizers - Buffet di antipasti. There are fried meatballs, cheese, cold cuts, vegetables. In Puglia, orecchiette pasta is popular, served with grated cheese and tomato, sometimes with meatballs added. If you decide to go have lunch, keep in mind that Italians are used to doing it closer to 13:00-14:00. Therefore, restaurants are open from 12:00 to 15:00, then they may close to prepare for the subsequent serving of dinner (around 21:00, and sometimes even 22-23:00). It is customary to leave a service charge of 2 euros per person, bread is served free of charge, as for tips - everyone leaves as much as they see fit. There are places for snacks - there you can try the famous fried panzerotti pies, pizza, flatbread with oregano and tomatoes (focaccia). Alberobello offers many restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, bars - almost all of them are located nearby historical quarter Rione Monti. Local cuisine come try it at:

  • La Cantina (Vico Lippolis 8 | ang. Corso Vittorio Emanuele);
  • Trulli e Puglia Wine Bar (Piazza Gabriele d"Annunzio 3 | 150 meters from the Saint"Antonio Church);
  • Evo Ristorante (Via Papa Giovanni XXIII 1);
  • PACO WINES ENO-WINERY (Via Monte Nero 2 | Via Monte Nero, 2).

The average bill in restaurants ranges from 25 to 30 euros - here, of course, everything depends on your appetites and requests. Looking for something reasonably priced? Then pay attention to:

  • Trattoria Amatulli (Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 13 | a 20 Metri Dalla Piazza Del Popolo);
  • Favola in tavola (Via Brigata Regina 37);
  • Trattoria Terra Madre (Piazza Sacramento 17);
  • Gli Ulivi (Contrada Popoleto 15).

During walks and excursions, you can snack on nuts, olives, roasted chestnuts, sweets, etc. - all this can be found on counters on every corner.


In the trulli area there are many souvenir shops where you can buy popular products and things. If you are looking for natural products, pay attention to the Enoteca sign. Many people buy sweets made from almond dough and amazing ice cream. The freshest fruits and vegetables can be purchased profitably at the market, which opens every Thursday along the streets leading to the historical center and in Largo Martellotta Square. Visit the gourmet and souvenir shops:

  • Enoteca Tholos (Via Monte San Michele 20);
  • Gift Idea (Via Monte Sabotino 10/14);
  • Trullo Antichi Sapori (Via Monte San Michele 37);
  • L'antico telaio (Via Monte Nero 46);
  • Da Intini (Via Monte San Michele 28);
  • Mondi di sabbia (Via Duca d'Aosta 7).

To remember the Italian Alberobello, you should definitely bring a souvenir - a trullo. These can be T-shirts, T-shirts with images, figurines, magnets, small houses - small copies of trullo, tablecloths, plates, towels, etc. - it’s possible to find goods from 3 euros. You can also bring home edible souvenirs - gift sets with orecchiette paste, wine, liqueur, olive oil.

How to get to Alberobello?

There are several ways to get to Alberobello:

  • By plane. The nearest airport to the city is 70 km away. Many planes fly here from all over Italy and most European cities, but there is no direct flight from the CIS - so you will need a transfer. Alberobello can be reached directly via Bari. From the airport to the railway station there is a bus every hour (it takes 30 minutes, costs 4 euros), as well as a train (it takes 15 minutes for 5 euros). Not far, 75 km from the trulli city, there is another airport - Brindisi. But here there is also no direct connection of flights with CIS countries, or a direct route from the airport to Alberobello - transfers will also be required. If you wish, you can rent a car or order a taxi (approximately 130 euros).
  • You can get to Alberobello from Bari by train, after arriving by plane. Trains depart every hour, following a time of 1.5 hours. The ticket costs 4.90 euros, it can be purchased both at the ticket office at the station and at retail outlets in the city - valid for 1 trip. From railway station Alberobello is very close to everything historical places- in 10 minutes via Giuseppe Mazzini, Via Garibaldi you can reach Piazza del Popolo. From there it’s on to the popular Rione Monti.
  • You can take a bus directly from Bari to the town of Trulli. This is one flight that costs 4.20 euros and takes 1 hour 15 minutes. It's very easy to book a ticket online.
  • By car. You can also get there from Bari by car - along the SS172 highway, which is free to travel. You will go through the cities of Turi, Casamassima, Putignano. The trip will take about an hour.


Are you driving a rental car to Alberobello? Once you reach your destination, it is better to park your car in the Largo Martellotta area. Parking is paid - about 1 euro/hour. There is a machine that issues coupons - calculate the walking time in advance. So as not to have to pay a fine for an “overexposed” car. It is very convenient to walk here - you can see historical sights and stroll along narrow tourist streets. If you came here from Bari by train or bus and are completely tired, you can take a taxi. Tourists can benefit from Segways, which make excursions even more interesting.


There aren't really many accommodation options in Alberobello. But you can find a hotel that is acceptable in terms of comfort and cost within 80-100 euros/day. You just need to think about booking in advance. There are three and four star hotels:

  • Villaggio Camping Bosco Selva (Contrada Bosco Selva, 27);
  • il Gabellota Resort in Trulli (Strada Comunale Gabellotta 5);
  • Villa Grassi (Via Malvischi, 9);
  • Relais Masseria Rosa (C.da Reinzano, 626 - S.S 172 dei Trulli | Locorotondo);
  • Trullo Vacanze (Via Monte Cucco 51);
  • Domus Antiqua Residence (Via Due Macelli 06 | Accanto alla Cantina Albea);
  • Trulli San Leonardo (Contrada San Leonardo 1);
  • Masseria Luco (Contrada Noci);
  • Noi Aparthotels (Via Umberto, 5);
  • La Casa del Nonno (Contrada Curcio 498);
  • B&B Dimore Sovrano (Via Olmo 13), etc.

If you wish, you can pay attention to villas and apartments. Those who want to taste all the charm of this place immediately look for guest, country or farm houses. The main thing when booking is to focus on tourist reviews.


Arriving in Italy, every tourist strives to purchase a SIM card from local operators. It can be purchased at post offices or directly at the telephone company offices themselves. Well-known operators in Italy:

  • PosteMobile
  • Vodafone

The last two are the most popular. To make a call, you can also use a telephone machine, for which you will need special prepaid cards (carta or scheda telefonica), they can be purchased at any step. For international calls you will need a telefonica internazionale card. You can also use bars or the post office, paying for the call after the call ends (the “skatti” system). Free internet will be available at any railway and bus station, airports, museums, hotels. In principle, Internet cafe networks are also well developed in Italy.

1. The most convenient way to get to the city is from Bari. Trains in this direction run every hour, and the trip takes one and a half hours.
2. If you are planning to visit Alberobello, you should definitely know that prices in the city are steep. For example, the cheapest breakfast (consisting of two courses) in a local restaurant will cost more than 30 euros.
3. Photography lovers should definitely visit the city. Local landscapes and fairy-tale trullo houses will be ideal subjects for photographs.
4. It will be interesting to know that in the summer the city hosts numerous festivals, performances by famous Italian (and not only) performers, as well as all kinds of poetry evenings.
5. The most popular products among tourists are wine, olive oil, cheese, and grappa. And all because the products here are environmentally friendly.

Alberobello on the map, panorama

This southern part Italy, which is located on the heel of the peninsula-boot. We lived in the town for a week Monopoly, and a week in Polignano a Mare. While moving from one vacation spot to another, we went on an excursion to a unique place Alberobello. Many Belarusians have heard about Dududki, so this is the same place.

Name Alberobello(Italian Alberobello), presumably comes from the name of the plants growing here large quantities wild oaks ("arboris belli")

Alberobello famous for its white stone houses with a conical roof (trulli). There are about 1070 , and they are all very well preserved. In 1996 were included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO.

Trulli- These are traditional houses that are round on the outside and square on the inside. Building materials are readily available in this area - these are large stones laid into masonry using a dry method. The trulli have a conical roof of thin material and are covered and topped with a solid stone with decorations. The outer part of the cone is covered with limestone slabs.

Origin it is not known, but it is interesting that the same structures exist in Turkey, in the village of Harran, which is described in the Book of Genesis.

One of the versions may be like this. Around the 16th century Andrea Matteo III brought his peasants here to cultivate the land. However, he did not want to pay a tax to the King of Naples for each building. Therefore, residents collected pieces of limestone from all the surrounding fields and built their homes from them without using a fastening mortar. Such houses could be quickly and easily destroyed. To do this, one stone was knocked out at the base and the house turned into a pile of stones. And after the tax collector left, the building was rebuilt within a few days.

This trick allowed the local dukes to prosper, but their peasants had to rebuild the roof over their heads each time.

In 1797, King Ferdinand of the Bourbon dynasty granted the city Alberobello freedom and tax exemption. After which some actually began to build their houses using fastening material. But the majority of residents were able to fully believe in the freedom granted, because the king could take away the gift at any moment.

Classic houses with a domed roof continued to appear until 1925, when the Italian authorities passed a law prohibiting the construction. It still works today. This means that you can only reconstruct existing buildings, but under no circumstances build new ones. And it is also prohibited to destroy existing ones.

Trulli found throughout Apulia, But Alberobello- This is the only city in the world in which entire neighborhoods with trulli have been preserved.

Some of the houses are still lived in; the interiors are modernly furnished. Other houses housed shops, artisan workshops and restaurants. Mini-hotels have opened in some.

Local specialties and souvenirs are vying with each other on the streets. We tried hot red pepper jam and cactus liqueur. Well, pasta of course Italy It’s impossible not to try.

They offer linen products. We were amazed by the quality of the workmanship. The price really matches the quality: for the tablecloth that is shown in the picture, for example, 200 euros.

A lot of souvenirs made of ceramics, olive wood, and stone are sold.

There are also local “matryoshka dolls”. You look at a rag doll - like Little Red Riding Hood from the fairy tale by Charles Perot. The seller turns the skirt inside out - it’s already her grandmother. Just take off your grandmother’s cap, and the gray wolf is already looking at you.

Local craftsmen sculpt funny clay sculptures with scenes from the life of Italians.

As already mentioned, building new trulli is prohibited by law. Therefore, the craftsmen who have kept the secrets of building these houses make them in miniature for tourists.

We purchased a trulli puzzle from the workshop of Maffei Giuseppe. For his works of art made of stone, he was even awarded government diplomas and other awards, which can be seen next to his crafts.

Another master Orazio Annese made the whole city in miniature. He worked on this composition for 14 months. Trulli made from local stone at a scale of 1:50.

Trulli Holiday Albergo Diffuso offers unique accommodation set in traditional Trulli stone buildings in different locations around the center of Alberobello. WiFi is free. Everything is super.. great breakfast in the cafe on the square!

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Average price/night: RUB 6,559.

9.4 Excellent 1,505 reviews


Offering a bar and restaurant, Hotel Silva is located in Alberobello, just 55 km from Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport. A sweet breakfast is served daily. A cozy hotel with a homely atmosphere. Very responsive and attentive staff. The hotel's proximity to attractions. Conveniently located 10 minutes walk from the train station. The rooms are cozy and have a balcony. Very good breakfast, lots of pastries, fruits, yoghurts, delicious coffee. Thank you all very much. Fabulous! The staff is very friendly. Rooms are beautiful and clean. The breakfast was fantastic. Cappuccino made to order. We loved everything about the hotel. Thank you very much for everything. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Olga

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Average price/night: RUB 5,512.

9.3 Excellent 545 reviews


Le Alcove nei Trulli is a luxury hotel set in a series of traditional trulli houses in the center of Alberobello, offering an unusual combination of modern amenities and ancient stone dwellings. Only here! I liked everything!!

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Average price/night: RUB 11,024.

9.3 Excellent 143 reviews


The 3-star Hotel Cuor Di Puglia is a 5-minute walk from Alberobello's historic centre. It features an outdoor swimming pool. We chose this hotel because we wanted to see the trulli and relax by the pool (we stayed for 2 nights). And we were not disappointed. Although at the beginning of October the water was already cool (for me personally), it was nice to sunbathe in the morning. And it’s very cozy to sit in the garden in the evening. There are brown wicker sun loungers by the pool (and in sufficient quantities). All around is clean and quiet. There is a small supermarket next to the hotel in the next building. The choice is certainly not great, but it’s better than nothing :-) There’s a specialized store with cheeses and wine nearby. The hotel is located a little away from the trulli, about 5-10 minutes walk. By the way, buses with excursionists are brought to the stop opposite the hotel. And from this site everyone walks to the city. The staff is very friendly. Although they speak little English, we managed to communicate perfectly ;-) By the way, the rooms are very clean. For example, during this trip to Italy we stayed in 5 hotels. So I give this hotel 1st place for cleanliness. Breakfast is also good (for Italy). Yogurt, cheese, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, various pies, juice and coffee... We arrived in Alberobello from Bari by train. From the railway station it takes about 15 minutes to walk. And we left by bus to Monopoli. So the bus stop (that is, a stop, not a station) is located on the same road. If you need a stop, ask at the hotel and they will mark this place on the map for you. The bus to Monopoli takes 40-50 minutes. And it goes about every 2 hours.

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Average price/night: RUB 5,144.

8.9 Amazing 230 reviews


This sophisticated 4-star hotel is located in historical center Alberobello, amidst the picturesque countryside of the Puglia region. Excellent location just a short walk to Trulli areas. Breakfast was very good - loved the fresh fruit and home made yogurt. Easy parking at property on close by on street.

The picturesque Italian town of Alberobello in the province of Bari (Apulia) has become famous throughout the world for one interesting invention - cylindrical houses with cone-shaped roofs. The essence of this invention is not in novelty (as is known, such primitive structures appeared in prehistoric times), but in the cunning and ingenuity of the local residents.

In the second half of the 17th century. Aragonese count Giangirolamo II Acquaviva ordered the peasants to build houses that could be easily and quickly dismantled. This ploy made it possible to evade paying the property tax that the Kingdom of Naples imposed on vassals in the subject territories. The huts built in this way could be dismantled by pulling out just one stone from the masonry, similar to a house of cards. As soon as Acquaviva They reported about the upcoming inspection, as if by magic, entire villages disappeared. For this, the count received the nickname “the scythe from Apulia.”

Construction of houses

A trullo is typically a one-room structure, sometimes two stories high, built using dry masonry with a conical roof of thin limestone slabs topped by a so-called cuccurino - a free-form stone spire. The second layer of limestone slabs - chiancarella - covers only the upper part of the cone. From the entrance side, the chiancarellas were decorated with drawings, Christian or pagan symbols.

The only source of light was the entrance hole. Trulli were often united by a trailer or like a honeycomb. The white color of the external walls, in addition to their protective function in the summer heat, makes them especially attractive. It is no coincidence that in 1996 Alberobello became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Reference. Trullo comes from the Greek. τρούλος - "dome". The most ancient trulli date back to the 16th century. and are located in the Murgia area.

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Trullo is a work of art

Trullo - interior
