Cafe Brazil on Pokrovka menu. A Brazilian restaurant, Cafezinho do Brasil, opened on Pokrovka

Not far from the Kitay-Gorod metro station, on Pokrovka Street, a restaurant of traditional Brazilian cuisine has opened, and part-time cultural center Cafezinho do Brasil. The owners of the site told The Village about this.

The establishment was opened by Russian-speaking Brazilian Aron Lobo, who moved to Moscow in 2012 with his wife Yana Donkina. Olga Bessolitsina, a former employee of the Ritz Hotel, helps them in the restaurant business.

Cafezinho do Brasil has two floors: on the first there is a restaurant with two halls, and in the basement there is a platform where free master classes will be held on Brazilian dancing and martial arts, cooking traditional dishes, as well as Portuguese language lessons. Please follow the class schedule on the Cafezinho do Brasil page in Facebook.

The chef at Cafezinho do Brasil is Brazilian Carlos Oliviera. For the restaurant, he developed a menu that includes feijoada (800 rubles) - a traditional Brazilian lunch based on stewed beans and meat, served with rice, farofa, oranges and poached kale. You can also try mukeka (690 rubles) - this is cod stewed in coconut milk with vegetables. They also serve ribeye steak (2,300 rubles per 450 grams). Desserts include passion fruit mousse (240 rubles), Black Crazy Woman chocolate cake (140 rubles) and handmade coconut sweets (80 rubles each).

The establishment offers four varieties of coffee: house blend, yellow bourbon, peaberry and organic, brought from the high-mountain plantation of Recreio in Brazil. In total, the coffee menu includes 24 types of coffee, from traditional espresso (150 rubles) to Brazilian cappuccino (320 rubles).

On weekends, Cafezinho do Brasil features live music, and visitors to the restaurant can “be transported to a real carnival with black dancers of Brazilian carnival samba and capoeira.”

The Brazil cafe was opened by the Brazilian Aron Lobu, the kitchen is run by two Brazilian chefs, Carlos Oliveira is responsible for everything and Sergio Gomez works exclusively with meat, the menu contains mainly traditional Brazilian dishes, the bar has the main Brazilian distillate of cachaça and cocktails based on it. Appetizers to watch out for include cochinha, a deep-fried conical bun made from dough filled with potatoes and stuffed with chicken and peppers, kibi, a chopped beef patty with wheat grits, and pan di queijo cheese buns. You can continue with feijoada bean stew or move on to the main Brazilian dish, for which they mainly go to the Brazil cafe - to shurrasque, that is, to spit-roasted meat, as well as poultry, fish and seafood. There are three types of it here: “Slim”, “I’ll come back home like a kolobok” and “Moscow shurrasku”; By the way, you can become a kolobok after any of them. On Thursdays, the bar has a discount on caipirinha and caipirosca cocktails. The main place of the Moscow Brazilian community.

The cafes and other eateries of various types are amazing. It would seem that nothing would surprise an ordinary metropolitan resident. But no, the source of ideas for organizing family leisure is practically inexhaustible.

This is exactly what the creators of the unique “Brazilero” thought. The restaurant is a kind of Brazilian oasis in the vast Russian expanses. This is a unique churaskeria, or classic grill restaurant, with a huge list of... meat dishes. But is it as beautiful as the advertisement says about it?

General information about the restaurant and how dishes are served

Restaurant "Brazilero" is a unique representative of traditional Brazilian cuisine. Moreover, ethnic motifs are present here not only in the interior and name, but also in the clothes of the waiters and even the names of the dishes.

It would seem that what’s special here, well, a restaurant, so what?! But in order to fully appreciate the uniqueness of this establishment, you need to visit it at least once. For example, its distinctive feature is the continuous supply of meat dishes cooked on a special grill. It is noteworthy that all meat dishes here are prepared in the so-called open kitchen. This means that an inquisitive visitor will be able to happily watch the process of preparing the dish he ordered.

A few words about the interior

Visiting the Brasiliero restaurant , one cannot help but notice its refined and colorful interior. The color scheme of the room contains eye-pleasing chocolate and pastel tones with a slight splash of red and yellow. In the room you can really find Latin American and Brazilian motifs. Thematic paintings and photographs, mats hang on the walls, and natural wood adorns the furniture and decorative elements.

Who is the establishment intended for?

“Brazilero” is a restaurant in which every detail is thought out in the interior. According to many visitors, it is designed in a modern, functional style. Therefore, in the spacious hall there is always room for a large and noisy company, quiet family vacation and even romantic solitude in an incredibly narrow circle.

Fans of TV broadcasts will also like it here. Thanks to the huge plasma TV, you can watch various football matches and other tournaments here. And on the weekend, everyone present can enjoy the colorful and vibrant entertainment programs featuring real dancers from Brazil.

Restaurant "Brazilero": menu, features

And of course, the menu at “Brazilero” deserves special attention. According to the restaurant's creators, they serve over 20 types of meat. Moreover, most of it is delivered directly from Brazil. Visitors themselves say that approximately 8-9 types of meat can be tasted exclusively within this restaurant.

So, as for the menu, there are two of them at “Brazilero” (a restaurant with unique Brazilian cuisine). One of them is traditional, presented in a separate booklet, and the other is rodizio. The latter, in fact, is an endless series of meat dishes. This is a kind of culinary set for a gourmet, specially composed of grilled meat.

This menu does not need to be viewed or studied anywhere. All you have to do is go into a restaurant and sit down at a table. And then sociable waiters (passadores) will approach you. As a rule, they hold in their hands several skewers on which a variety of meat delicacies are strung, such as steaks, sausages, chicken entrails, fillets, ribs, etc. Moreover, as the restaurant’s creators say, there will be an infinite number of such approaches. And this happens until the client himself stops the process.

What dishes can be found on the menu?

When choosing “Brazilero” (a restaurant where there is room for the whole family), you should first study its menu. It is necessary to take into account that most of the dishes indicated in it have names that are unusual for us. However, according to some users, waiters are happy to explain their meaning. So, what can you try in this establishment?

One of the most common dishes here is churrasco. It is prepared from chicken and pork meat, as well as seafood and fish. By the way, real Brazilian churrasco is made exclusively from beef. It can be marinated in orange juice or simply rubbed with various spices and salt. This dish is served with feijao (beans prepared according to a special recipe) or chimichurri (a special sauce with the addition of herbs, mint and coriander). As a side dish, each visitor can order rice and complement it with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Among the exotic dishes of restaurante Brasiliero (reviews from visitors are clear confirmation of this fact) you can find fried cassava (it is a tropical evergreen plant, the roots of which resemble ordinary potatoes).

What kind of feedback can you hear about the restaurant?

If you believe some reviews, the atmosphere in this restaurant is at the highest level. Although there are also negative reviews citing the indifference of the staff and their incompetence in terms of service.

Others complained of intrusive service. According to them, waiters literally forced certain dishes on all family members, including children. Others did not like the length of the wait. According to their reviews, they had to wait an hour and a half for their order. Still others liked the cuisine and the principle of serving meat dishes. Still others noted the pleasant and inviting atmosphere. And fifths rated the entire interior and kitchen features generally positively.

"Brazilero" today and now

At the moment, the Brasiliero restaurant, located on Arbat Street, 10, is closed. His phone and website are not working, and his email is not responding. It is difficult to say why this happened. However, there are rumors that this establishment will resume its work very soon. Whether this will happen or not, time will tell.
