How to knit a fishing net? Step-by-step instructions, diagram. You can’t catch fish with a thin net, how to weave it yourself How to learn how to knit fishing nets

How to choose the right machine for hand knitting nets? What should you pay close attention to?

The fishing industry is a sector of the economy where both large and small enterprises can feel confident. However, every fishing company needs fishing nets.

The production of such products can become not only a profitable business, but also easy to organize. To do this, it is enough to buy a machine for knitting fishing nets and then buy polyester or nylon threads as consumable raw materials.

Machine for hand knitting nets

For small production, you can use a hand knitting machine. To start working with it, just select the desired template and insert a bobbin with thread into the shuttle. And the knitting itself proceeds as follows:

  1. A thread is placed on the selected template.
  2. The lower part of the machine fits into the cell.
  3. The thread passes under the shuttle.
  4. The thread from the shuttle is pulled up and thrown in a semi-ring to the left.
  5. The mesh thread, passing by the shuttle, comes out from above.

Video: device for tying nets.

Hand knitting machine diagram

  1. Aluminum tube body.
  2. Aluminum shuttle with thread slot. The shuttle has a cut at an angle of 45 degrees and a recess for fixing the bobbin in the rear wall, 2.5 mm deep.
  3. A bronze bobbin that should move freely along the shuttle.
  4. Aluminum plug with a through hole, 2-3 mm in diameter, for fixing the second end of the bobbin. This plug must be securely fastened into the shuttle.
  5. Aluminum limiter.

However, this machine is applicable exclusively for home knitting nets; its operating speed cannot allow the establishment of its own stable production. This requires professional equipment.

Automatic machines for knitting fishing nets

Most modern production machines fishing gear are made in China. European-made machines not only cost much more, but most of them were only assembled in the European Union, while all their components were made in China.

In this regard, the quality of Chinese machines is in no way inferior to their pseudo-European counterparts, but has a favorable price advantage over them.

An example of such machines is the model HY280-216 (photo below), made in China. The cost of such a machine along with all components can be from $20,000 to $25,000 if purchased directly from the manufacturer or from its official dealers. To produce fishing nets on this machine, you need to allocate separate room, because its dimensions are 6.8 * 2.5 * 2.2 m (length * width * height).

That is, such a machine occupies an area equal to 17 square meters. Its main motor has a power of 5.5 kW, and the weight of the machine is about 6 tons, and the working speed is 400-500 lines per minute.

This machine can be used for knitting fishing nets with different mesh sizes. This size is manually adjusted. The machine also allows the use of any type of thread, which is a particular advantage, because it can be used to produce fishing nets of all main types.

There are other popular machines for knitting fishing nets, among which are the LZURHD9-610 model, costing about 2 million rubles, and the Rapier hq788, whose price is about $6,000. Obviously, the efficiency of the first machine is much higher than in Rapier. Also among the companies producing machines of this type, we can highlight the company Wei Meng, whose equipment is designed to create fishing nets without knots.

Net production machine LZURHD9-610

Thus, as in the case of any other machines, here it is possible to select the optimal machines for the production of fishing nets, taking into account both their price and capabilities. An example of the production itself can be seen here:

Even in ancient times, fishing was the only available trade, a means of survival for entire generations of people. Even today, this type of hunting has not lost its previously acquired fame. This activity is a favorite hobby for many millions of people - an excellent form of free time. Spending your day off fishing is a great solution. Weaving nets is one of the main ways to increase your own catch many times over.

Business Basics

A wide variety of gear is used for such things as fishing. Nets are the most popular way to quickly and effortlessly get a large volume of catch. That is why, if you want to combine your favorite hobby and a pleasant pastime, you can choose the method of fishing using fishing nets.

It's quite easy to create them even with your own hands. Weaving nets by hand for beginners, as well as for professionals, will not be difficult - anyone can master this craft.

The process of knitting fishing nets will be helped by experts, videos, of which there are a huge number on the Internet, as well as many different and very detailed step-by-step diagrams. Here are a few main points:

The weaving of the networks themselves is always carried out according to a huge variety of patterns. If the reader is just beginning to understand the basics of how to knit a fishing net, step-by-step instructions will be quite simple and understandable. You should not immediately take on complex and intricate ways of doing this work. A seine needs a machine, a scarf - these are the primary preparations. In a fishing store, the buyer will definitely not be left unattended and will be helped to choose everything he needs.

So, when starting to complete the task, first of all you need to stock up on threads. Professional fishermen and people who weave nets for sale call this material delhi. IN modern world Fishing nets are most often woven using synthetic fabric materials. Usually there are two options in this role:

  • Nylon derivatives.
  • Nylon and other elastin-containing tissue structures.

What is the advantage of such threads? Almost every experienced fisherman will never go fishing without a set of fishing rods among his gear. And all fish lovers, young and old, know how to weave a net from a fishing line.

In order for the mesh to hold its given shape well and efficiently, it should be woven using specialized auxiliary ropes. Most often they can be found in fishing stores under the name “landing laces”. You can also try using wire. You need to take it of medium thickness. You must remember that wire is not as reliable a material as a professional tool made in a special factory.

After all this, be sure to pay attention to selecting the right size sinkers and at least several types of floats. It will be best if the selected samples have a smooth surface without roughness or nicks. The rounded shape also fits perfectly into the overall picture of how to weave a fishing net.

List of basic materials that can be selected for the float:

  1. Polystyrene foam and any of its derivatives. Particular attention is paid to the paint. There is no need to save money with this item - otherwise the product will quickly lose its attractive working appearance.
  2. Birch bark. An excellent alternative to polystyrene foam. It holds its shape well, but will soften over time, so it is better to cover the float with several additional layers of waterproof varnish before use.
  3. As an alternative to the first two options, you can also try using wooden floats. There is even specialized paint for wooden wobblers.

Sinkers can be made with your own hands. Cuttings of old pipes or baked clay are perfect for these purposes.

In order to avoid the sharp edges of the sinkers breaking through the mesh, they must first be treated with sandpaper. A special metal file is also required.

The preparation process begins

Knitting for beginners at home implies a mandatory detailed consideration of the available tool that will be used. The first thing is, of course, the shuttle. It is a kind of similarity to a large fishing needle. With the help of it, the process of knitting the network takes place.

Now attention is paid to the presence of a bar and at least one set of rulers. The plank is popularly called a template, so in the store you can ask about the availability of items under these two names. The object looks like a kind of plate, which has very smooth, jewelry-turned edges. This device will subsequently determine and fix the size of the cells in the finished fishing net.

The item can be purchased in a special store or made with your own hands at home. To do this, you need one basic item: a pre-prepared large plywood sheet. Plastic is also perfect for solving the task of making a shuttle.

It is better to produce the workpiece using a previously produced standard template. You can find and download it on the Internet. Fortunately, there is plenty of such goodness there. After all the preparatory work, it is imperative to spend a little time processing the tools. Its edges need to be sanded in great detail using the same sandpaper.

The middle of it is reproduced using a strong chisel. The material from which the future shuttle is made must be very strong and quite rigid so that under the influence of a chisel, sandpaper and human force it does not crumble into pieces, and then withstand its period of operation.

For such purposes, you need to take plastic or plywood measuring at least three centimeters in thickness. It is these three centimeters that will make up the total width of the shuttle. Its length can reach from thirty to forty centimeters.

You need to keep in mind: if the bar (prepared template) that is used in knitting a fishing net with your own hands has certain dimensions, then the size of the product resulting from it will be two to three centimeters smaller than the template. This aspect must be taken into account in the process.

Manufacturing of the product

If the manufacturers have correctly completed all the previous points, then how to tie a fishing net with your own hands is no longer something unusual and at least somewhat difficult. Now that all the necessary materials and tools have been purchased, you can safely get down to business. Be sure to review the technique chosen by the performer on how to knit a fishing net - for any unclear aspects or sequence of work.

First of all, the selected rope, thread or part of the fishing line is wound onto the base of the shuttle. Performing these actions, the author seems to alternately apply a piece of weaving to one side of the instrument, then to the other. All threads must be placed strictly in the center - otherwise the network may unravel already in the first stages of working on it.

Before you start winding, be sure to tie it in convenient location thick rope or something similar. This needs to be done in the form of a small ring. In some cases, you can replace this rope with wire. You should select it carefully - looking closely at fairly thick and dense specimens like numbers ten and twelve.

The work is carried out sitting: weaving a network is a rather lengthy and painstaking process. It will take him large number time spent. But you shouldn’t regret it under any circumstances. The result will be a very high-quality product that will serve its owner for many years of excellent and comfortable fishing in all weather conditions.

The hand-woven mesh turns out to be quite dense - not a single fish will be able to break through it. The product will be reliable, meeting all the criteria that a picky owner will put forward for its use. Fishing with such good equipment will only be a joy for every lover of this action.

Fishing is not an easy business. It will be very nice to make your task a little easier, even knowing that the incumbent is not doing hard work in order to feed his family, but his own weekend hobby. And yet, no matter what the current situation is, it is always nice to get a big catch, while spending less effort on catching the fidgety fish itself.

Direct weaving

First, one layer of thread is pulled through the prepared ring. A small loop is made from it. It should reach six to eight centimeters in length. It is necessary to quickly attach a bar to the bottom of the knot - it should always be at hand by the worker.

Now the shuttle goes to the bottom, directly below the template. After all this, the thread needs to be pulled back through the ring. It should seem to envelop the shuttle. You shouldn’t tighten it too tightly, but you shouldn’t loosen the thread or leave it hanging either. In everything you need to notice the golden mean.

Here you can tighten the thread and gently press it with your finger. When working with fishing line, there is a risk of cutting yourself and even seriously injuring yourself - you should be extremely careful in this process. After all the operations performed, the resulting loop is carefully tied into a small knot. You shouldn’t tighten it too much either - everything is done in moderation.

Time to create nodes

First you need to create the first cell for the future fishing net. But the action must be continued. All techniques for knitting net knots are discussed in some detail in order to understand how to knit a fishing net. The thread from the ring, passing under the template, is pulled from above it to the surface of the shuttle. Further, parallel to the previously laid section, part of the fishing line is also stretched. Three threads are clamped with all fingers on the left hand.

The shuttle is then pulled between the fishing line, which is tied directly to the ring, and two subsequent threads. It is necessary to store enough material between the fingers and the shuttle so that there is some sagging of the part. If you try to push a shuttle into it, you will get a knot. When the loop is completely on top of the template, the knot can be considered tightened.

If the appropriate operation is repeated several times, the following nodes will be obtained. They are then tightened more firmly to ensure greater reliability.

It's time for strapping

After the formation of the first cell in the order and its node, it is necessary to tie the entire ring in the same way. Any experienced fisherman can give the author excellent practical advice on how to knit a net. The thread is laid along the top of the template. It is then passed underneath and threaded through the ring. At this stage, the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with cells 60 by 60 millimeters with a total of 25 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the ring.

All nodes must be performed at a strictly fixed distance. After 21 loops (or other required number) have been cast on, the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted. So, it is repeated exactly until your entire product is tied around the perimeter of the network.

Over time, the weaving process will take very little time. Therefore, creating a Delhi on your own will not be particularly difficult for a trainee. When using nets, the fisherman does not have to take an active part in the process all the time. After the fishermen have installed all the prepared gear, you can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, and in the evening return to your own home with a large amount of catch. Having mastered at least several mesh knitting techniques well, you can not only make it, but also repair it if the need arises. Big catch!

Attention, TODAY only!

The brochure you purchased is a unique publication. For decades, anglers have been unable to obtain the most basic information about netting. This was how they “prevented” poaching, while at the same time depriving thousands of true nature lovers the opportunity to make with their own hands a cage, hatchery or landing net necessary for fishing. Today, when store shelves are emptying as rapidly as prices are rising, the ability to make your own tackle and accessories has acquired particular importance. The proposed guide will allow everyone to acquire the practical skill of knitting mesh fabric from available materials. But don’t forget: your gear and fishing methods must strictly comply with the rules of recreational fishing adopted in this region.

Horseback riding is an ideal exercise to lose weight and keep fit while having fun. When reusing, it is important that the ejection screen removes any contaminants that might prevent the screen from opening when thrown. If you haven't already, fix the end of the long lanyard on the wrist of your throwing hand. Take a pulling rope from your wrist to the net in your hand to which the rope is attached. Turn your palm up and place the rope back and forth so that the loops are approximately 15-20 cm thick on both sides of the palm. With your free hand, grab the thrower by both rings and lift him up so that only the cord is left on the ground. In your other hand, keep your fingers together, turn your palm with your thumbs, and hold the entire mesh tape around your waist at your waist. Set aside the net from your palm to the rings. This way you have one hand free and on the other side you have a folded strap, and at the same time you keep the net at the height of your waist. With your free hand, at one point take the load cord at the bottom edge of the throw net away from you and add the pull cord and net below your other hand. The second hand is still free. Using your free hand, grasp the load cord at the second point so that the strain line is a triangle. One tower of this triangle is horizontal in front of you between the two arms, the second tower is vertical from the mesh net to the rest of the load cord, and their slightly rounded connectors lead from the former free arm to the rest of the load cord. The tractor beams of this open throw are far away from you. It's a throwing net, ready for you to throw. With the hand in which you hold most of the throw, you lighten up slightly and throw the net at a pre-selected location. On the other hand, you release the warp line a split second later to rotate the load cord, and with its momentum and weight, open the throw. The net should go down to the water level in the shape of the hood. Hood is also a lesser used name for the throwing net. All that remains is the end of the pulling rope, attached to the wrist of the throwing hand. If the throwing net actually falls directly onto the surface of the water, let it fall to the bottom and immediately after hitting it, pull the rope hard 1 or 2 times. The mesh is stretched to the bottom and prevents fish from escaping. This must be done immediately after the thrower has struck from below, so that the mesh forming the hood is not destroyed. Pull out the net. Thus, get to the ring that connects the pulling rope to the beams. . A casting net is a necessary aid for all anglers to monitor the additions and health of the creatures.

We wish you good fishing!


In the practice of sport and recreational fishing, net products are widely used: for nets, cages, lifts, etc. In addition, recently in some regions the use of net fishing gear has been permitted under licenses.

If you can't buy a net or a product made from it in a store, don't be upset. If desired, they are easy to make at home.

Sick fish will not eat and you will not catch the rod. Having it hunched over by the thrower will greatly help casting into pre-loaded areas or areas where fish are naturally withdrawn. Thanks to feed traps, network performance increases by a factor even at greater depths. Relatively bad, this fish catches fish that you see, for example, when heated in the sun.

When choosing a casting net, make sure you don't damage the fish when you hit it. Use a mesh size so that the fish cannot fit into the heads. If you are confused, please contact us with confidence, we will be happy to help you. Mines - Lithuanian Venice. The Curonian Spit resort, located in the Neman delta regional park, has unique natural beauty and an archaic atmosphere.

The mesh fabric consists of intersecting threads fastened with knots. Nets are knitted from linen, cotton, nylon, silk and other threads that have the same thickness along the entire length and tensile strength corresponding to the future product. The thread must be smooth, elastic, resistant to environmental influences.

Materials and tools

Our interlocutor also receives from tourism - providing housing, renting a boat. George says the village is home to only five families. Two are from the family farm, the others live from tourism. We feed on heat and cold. If the weather is good and warm, we have a lot of tourists, if it’s cold, we have amateur fishermen.

George calls himself an amateur fisherman. “Everything we are here to spread lies, returns Miniy different, a vegetable garden to cook fish soup, smoked fish - this is only attractive for tourists to visit,” another person laughed. Usually tourists are attracted by Mini Uostadvaris, Rusne and moving through the Nida Lagoon.

In the extended position, the cells of the network (Fig. 1) are equilateral quadrangles, the sides of which (threads) are connected by knots. The cell size is determined by the distance between nodes.

Rice. 1. Mesh fabric:

1 - thread; 2 - node; I am a cell;P - cell size; P - row of cells; P/2 - row of half-cells;W - network width; V is the number of cells in a row of network width; D - network length; n is the number of rows of the network length.

The most common smelly reindeer were fishermen in the Kurons, Medyaks - residents of the Curonian Spit. Fishing trips were carried out on the slopes. If the fishermen were fishing, they carried sleds around their necks - special straps on their shoulders, for example, by the sea. Well, while fishermen living further from the Curonian Lagoon brought their horses with sledgehammers. The gadgets - network, resident, chair and others - were placed in a wooden tent. One 2 meter long sail, the so-called jelly, was repaired on a double-sided ski glide on a double-sided pedestal, lowering it onto the ice and turning it into a harbor.

The mesh fabric begins to be knitted from the first row of cells. The number of them in a row depends on the width of the network and the size of the cell. The required number of half-cells is tied to the first row of cells to obtain a fabric of the required length.

The net is knitted using a shuttle and a template.

Shuttle designed for placing thread, performing operations on tying knots, stitching products from the network and their repair.

When the fishermen came, an ecotype appeared and landed on the Jew. Izheik is an ax about one and a half meters long, 80 centimeters long for crossing ice. The eards needed a lot - about a meter wide and just as long. After the capture, fishermen under the ice interfered with an 8-meter net. The order was made from a bunch found in the forest on a two-legged joint. Usually the network was extended to five sides - it resembled a star. One end tied someone's hand. A plywood board 4-5 meters long was poured into eutet. Eventually, canopies were installed - a needle that protects the board from being hacked.

In Fig. 2 shows shuttles of various designs. The width of the shuttle should be half the size of the cell, the length should be 10-15 times greater than the width, the thickness should be minimal, but corresponding to the strength of the material, so that the shuttle does not bend from the tension of the thread turns wound on it.

Rice. 2. Tools for knitting net:

There was also a rope on the board so that it would not be in the water, or if the board was very dry, the rope would be intercepted by the water to prevent the board from slipping. Well, while they were bombarded with wooden pieces - hammers with metal trim, called blacksmith fishermen. In fact, these fish were just very scared and did not go deep, right into the net. Well, yes, another gram was due to the heat,” the interlocutor joked. It was possible to catch up to 150 kg of fish.

If the net was full of fish, the buoys began to fall towards it. Typically, more than 50 kilograms of fish were caught in the net. There was also 150 kilograms of creep and descent. This is such a beautiful bristly fish, nails. The fatty juice comes out of the fluff, and those who do not want the fish to leave the leaves have their eyelids lulled to sleep as they kill the chopped eggs. If you are lucky enough to catch a lot of fish, reconnect to the net, if not, pull 2-3 kilometers further, said J.

1-shuttle made of riveted wire for knitting small meshes; 2-shuttle made of soldered wire; 3 - shuttle made of plate (metal, wood); 4-thread wound on a shuttle; 5 - template (wood, plastic); d - length; w - width.

Sample designed to give the network cells the required uniform size. Templates are made in the form of plates, usually of an oval cross-section, 10-12 centimeters long. The width of the template (with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters) should be such that the length of one turn of thread around it is equal to twice the size of the cell.

The bay floated horizontally on the ice across the ocean. The fisherman's fork pushed the bass deep and suddenly came free. When it rained, it hit the ice from the bottom, muffled the sound of sounds, and thus drove the fish into the net. As for the boat owners, they say they still fish, but very rarely. Independence was more common. Now the stream is cut with a chainsaw, and it's only two days, leaving the network.

Text - Karina Sererikova Photos - from personal archive. Before going to the city museum where the fishermen's carpets are displayed, one Volga has a few scratches. This is the most northeast of Germany's seaport. His, like all of Pomerania, a historical region on the coast of the Baltic Sea, had a very changeable fate.

Knitting a mesh fabric is a repeatedly repeated operation of tying and tightening knots, with the help of which the lower row of half-cells is tied to the top row of cells.

To learn how to quickly and efficiently knit a net, you need, first of all, to master the techniques of knitting knots. In Fig. Figure 3 shows the simple, most common knots with one overlap (overlap - passing the shuttle through the upper cell while tying the lower one to it).

The Swedes spent the longest time conquering the dominance of the Pomeranian princes Slavic origin. A hundred years later, Wolgasta, who had recovered from the Congress of Vienna, was transferred to Prussia. This is a beautiful and cozy, attractive tourist city with a population of more than 12 thousand people. Human.

Walking through the Old Town, the house of yellowish walls immediately fills with red rays in the eyes of a stranger. From a distance it looks like a big old coffee maker. The Volga City Historical Museum is famous for its world-class collection of fishing carpets. When and why did fishermen start making carpets?

Rice. 3. Simple mesh knots:

a - knot through the little finger; b - knot with overlap at the top: c - knot with overlap at the bottom.

Knot through the little finger. The sequence of operations when tying this knot is shown in Fig. 4. Holding the template between the thumb and ring fingers of the left hand, the middle one is inserted into the upper cell and the net is pulled. The thread coming from the knot of the upper cell is passed around the template and the ring finger, then hooked onto the index, middle and little fingers. The little finger is pressed to the palm and, without weakening the tension of the thread, draw the shuttle from below with your right hand into the first loop (around the ring finger and the template) and overlap from below into the cell under the middle finger (Fig. 4, a). In the figure, the shuttle is shown conventionally in the form of an arrow.

We often hear this question from foreign tourists, says the director of the museum, Dr. The earliest maritime and fishing carpets originated in East Pomeranian fishermen's villages in the 1970s, she said. And the fishermen began to deteriorate the carpets for a very simple reason - to survive.

Fishermen of villages located on the banks are left without work and livelihood. An unexpected idea for the then head of the Greifswald administration, Werner Kogge: let the fishermen learn how to make carpets. If they are able to knit fishing nets, then why not learn to knit rugs. Carpets had been popular all along, so the clerk had no doubt that they would be in demand. Initially, there was only one need - to find an experienced master who would teach the fishermen new crafts.

Having placed the thread on top of the template, they begin to pull it to the top cell (Fig. 4, b). In this case, all fingers, except the little finger, are freed from the loops.

When the weave of threads is on the upper edge of the template, the weave is clamped with the thumb and forefinger. Then the little finger is released from the loop and the knot is finally tightened between the fingers on the upper edge of the template (Fig. 4, c).

This method of knitting knots is considered the best, firstly, because the resulting knot does not move along the thread of the upper cell, as a result of which all four sides of the cell are the same; secondly, despite the apparent complexity, knitting is done at the highest speed, since you only have to intercept the shuttle once, passing it through the upper mesh. However, this method does not allow knitting nets with a mesh size of less than 1 centimeter. With a certain skill, a knot through the little finger can be knitted blindly, which is very important for people with poor vision.

Their popularity and value are steadily growing. Before the war, the largest German shipping company and shipyard decorated their offices with fishermen's carpets. They have been acquired by museums, purchased by folk art patrons and private individuals. Historians claim that these fishermen's treasures were highly valued by the Nazi bosses and that old German traditions were also being revived. However, starting from the war, due to lack of material, carpet production was stopped. Sheep's wool was much more necessary than a carpenter's jacket for German noodles.

Knot with overlap at top(Fig. 5). First operation: the thread coming from the previous knot is wrapped around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from above (overlapping from above) and the cell is pulled to the upper edge of the template. In this case, the threads of the upper cell should turn and form a small loop at the bottom, after which the loop, together with the upper edge of the template, is tightly clamped between the thumb and middle fingers. Second operation: the thread is passed around the thumb and index finger, the shuttle is passed under the lower threads of the upper cell, over the thread above the thumb and index finger, and the knot is finally tightened between the thumb and middle finger.

It is important that the thread covers the loop of the upper cell when tightening the knot; To do this, it is useful to slightly move your thumb upward without releasing pressure. The thread tightening the knot should be directed down and slightly to the right.

Knot with overlap at the bottom. First operation: the thread is passed around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from below (overlapping from below) and pulled to the edge of the template; The place where the threads are intertwined is pinched between the fingers. The second operation is the same as when tying a knot with an overlap at the top. Simple knots, if tied correctly and tightly, are immovable. To exclude the possibility of their movement along the thread of the upper cell, double-overlapping knots are sometimes used.

Cellular nodes with double overlap differ from simple ones in that the second overlap is carried out either after tightening a simple knot, or during the process of tying it. The node shown in Fig. 6, a, is formed after tying and tightening a knot with an overlap from above, followed by an overlap from below and a second tightening. Node in Fig. 6, b is obtained in the process of tying a knot with an overlap at the top. After the first overlap and passing the shuttle under the threads of the upper cell, make a second overlap from below behind the right thread of the cell and tighten the knot. This knot is more compact and is good for knitting networks of single-strand threads.

Before you start knitting a network, you need to make some calculations, prepare a sufficient number of threads, select or make a shuttle and a template. The number of cells is calculated as follows. Let's say you need to knit a mesh fabric for a lift, the length and width of which is 1 meter, the mesh size is 2 centimeters.

When the network is stretched, its cells will look like squares (see Fig. 1). The number of cells in a row is determined by the ratio:

N=Ш/с, where N is the number of cells in row P1; W - network width (length of one row of cells); c is the length of the diagonal of the square.

Since c=a#2, where a is the cell size, then W/a#2.

Substituting the original data into the formula, we get:


Thus, each row of the network, which determines its width, must contain 36 cells. Since the width and length of the network are the same (100 cm), another 35 rows of cells, or 70 rows of half-cells, must be tied to the first row of cells.

To tie one row of half-cells, you will need about 150 centimeters of thread (2*a*N=2*2*36=144 cm), and for 72 rows - approximately 110 meters (including a small margin for knots, breaks, etc. .).

For a cell measuring 2 centimeters, you need a shuttle 1 centimeter wide. The width and thickness of the template are selected so that one turn of the thread around the template is 4 centimeters.

Starting to knit a network can be done in two ways. The first method is to knit two rows of mesh at the same time (Fig. 7). By wrapping the thread once around the template and tying its ends, you get an auxiliary “o” loop. From the thread coming from the shuttle, make two turns around the template and tie a knot on its edge (Fig. 7, a). Both loops are removed from the template, the straightened second loop will be the first mesh cell. This cell is inserted into the auxiliary one and both are suspended on a nail (Fig. 7, b) or on any other stationary object located at arm's length of the knitter.

If you decide to tie the network in knots, for example with an overlap from below, proceed as follows. Draw the thread around the template, make an overlap in loop 1 from below, pull it to the edge of the template, tie and tighten the knot, forming cell 2.

The next knot is tied in the same way, forming cell 3 (Fig. 7, c).

The following cells are knitted in the same sequence.

The resulting garland should consist of even and odd loops, the number of which should be equal to the estimated number of cells in a row of the network (Fig. 7, d). Then a cord is pulled into the even cells and its ends are tied (Fig. 7, e). hang the loop on a nail and begin to form subsequent rows.

Second way the beginning of knitting a network is shown in Fig. 8. At the end of the thread, tie a small loop so that the shuttle fits into it. A cord is inserted into this loop, its ends are tied, and the loop from the lace is hung on a nail (Fig. 8, a).

Throwing the thread coming from loop knot 1 onto the template and passing the shuttle into the lace loop, pull the template to the knot with the first loop, tie and tighten the slip knot (Fig. 8, b), thereby forming loop 2. The slip knot is tied into such sequences: after pulling the template, the last two threads going up are pinched on its edge with the thumb and middle finger; the thread from under the thumb is thrown onto the index finger, the shuttle is passed under the two threads of the resulting loop and over the thread thrown over the index finger; the knot is tightened on the upper edge of the template between the thumb and middle finger, next to the first knot. In the same sequence, all the nodes of the first row are knitted along the width of the future network (Fig. 8, c). To ensure that the loops are the same, you should not keep more than five or six half-cells on the template. They must be reset from the left end of the template as new ones accumulate.

Having tied the required number of loops and half-holes, the cord loop is removed from the nail and turned 180°. The template is removed from the half-cells and from the left edge they begin to knit the next row of the half-cell network (Fig. 8, d). The procedure is repeated until a network of the required length is obtained.

Tying the thread. If the supply of thread on the shuttle runs out or it breaks, the threads are tied. To do this, the ends of the broken thread and the thread from the charged shuttle are folded together, slightly twisted and tied with a regular knot next to the previous one, tightened at the edge of the template. The ends of the threads are cut at a distance of 3 - 5 millimeters. It is useful to melt the ends of the nylon threads over the flame of a match.

When knitting long mesh fabric, the distance from the knitter’s hands to the nail should not be more than one meter. To do this, as the net is being made, the loop from the cord should be removed from the first row and the cord should be passed into the cells located near the knitter’s hands. To prevent the free edges of the finished fabric from twisting and interfering with work while knitting the net, you can hang a hook with a small weight from its cells.

If you need to knit a mesh fabric that is not rectangular, but of some other shape, add and reduction of cells.

To increase the number of cells in the next row compared to the previous one, you need to tie an additional loop to the previous row in the manner shown in Fig. 9, a, b. To reduce the number of cells in a row, you need to link one of the cells of the next row to two cells of the previous one (Fig. 9, c).

Tying mesh panels allows you to produce products of various shapes (cylindrical, cone-shaped, bag-shaped, etc.). Panels of the required shape and size, having edge cells with three nodes, are connected to each other using a shuttle using one of the methods shown in Fig. 10.

Vitaly Petrovich Timokhovich.

How to choose the right machine for hand knitting nets? What should you pay close attention to?

The fishing industry is a sector of the economy where both large and small enterprises can feel confident. However, every fishing company needs fishing nets.

The production of such products can become not only a profitable business, but also easy to organize. To do this, it is enough to buy a machine for knitting fishing nets and then buy polyester or nylon threads as consumable raw materials.

Machine for hand knitting nets

For small production, you can use a hand knitting machine. To start working with it, just select the desired template and insert a bobbin with thread into the shuttle. And the knitting itself proceeds as follows:

  1. A thread is placed on the selected template.
  2. The lower part of the machine fits into the cell.
  3. The thread passes under the shuttle.
  4. The thread from the shuttle is pulled up and thrown in a semi-ring to the left.
  5. The mesh thread, passing by the shuttle, comes out from above.

Video: device for tying nets.

Hand knitting machine diagram

  1. Aluminum tube body.
  2. Aluminum shuttle with thread slot. The shuttle has a cut at an angle of 45 degrees and a recess for fixing the bobbin in the rear wall, 2.5 mm deep.
  3. A bronze bobbin that should move freely along the shuttle.
  4. Aluminum plug with a through hole, 2-3 mm in diameter, for fixing the second end of the bobbin. This plug must be securely fastened into the shuttle.
  5. Aluminum limiter.

However, this machine is applicable exclusively for home knitting nets; its operating speed cannot allow the establishment of its own stable production. This requires professional equipment.

Automatic machines for knitting fishing nets

Most modern fishing tackle manufacturing machines are made in China. European-made machines not only cost much more, but most of them were only assembled in the European Union, while all their components were made in China.

In this regard, the quality of Chinese machines is in no way inferior to their pseudo-European counterparts, but has a favorable price advantage over them.

An example of such machines is the model HY280-216 (photo below), made in China. The cost of such a machine along with all components can be from $20,000 to $25,000 if purchased directly from the manufacturer or from its official dealers. To produce fishing nets on this machine, you will need to allocate a separate room, because its dimensions are 6.8 * 2.5 * 2.2 m (length * width * height).

That is, such a machine occupies an area equal to 17 square meters. Its main motor has a power of 5.5 kW, and the weight of the machine is about 6 tons, and the working speed is 400-500 lines per minute.

This machine can be used for knitting fishing nets with different mesh sizes. This size is manually adjusted. The machine also allows the use of any type of thread, which is a particular advantage, because it can be used to produce fishing nets of all main types.

There are other popular machines for knitting fishing nets, among which are the LZURHD9-610 model, costing about 2 million rubles, and the Rapier hq788, whose price is about $6,000. Obviously, the efficiency of the first machine is much higher than in Rapier. Also among the companies producing machines of this type, we can highlight the company Wei Meng, whose equipment is designed to create fishing nets without knots.

Net production machine LZURHD9-610

The brochure you purchased is a unique publication. For decades, anglers have been unable to obtain the most basic information about netting. This was how they “prevented” poaching, while at the same time depriving thousands of true nature lovers the opportunity to make with their own hands a cage, hatchery or landing net necessary for fishing. Today, when store shelves are emptying as rapidly as prices are rising, the ability to independently make gear and accessories for fishing has acquired special significance. The proposed guide will allow everyone to acquire the practical skill of knitting mesh fabric from available materials. But don’t forget: your gear and fishing methods must strictly comply with the rules of recreational fishing adopted in this region.

We wish you good fishing!


In the practice of sport and recreational fishing, net products are widely used: for nets, cages, lifts, etc. In addition, recently in some regions the use of net fishing gear has been permitted under licenses.

If you can't buy a net or a product made from it in a store, don't be upset. If desired, they are easy to make at home.

The mesh fabric consists of intersecting threads fastened with knots. Nets are knitted from linen, cotton, nylon, silk and other threads that have the same thickness along the entire length and tensile strength corresponding to the future product. The thread must be smooth, elastic, resistant to environmental influences.

In the extended position, the cells of the network (Fig. 1) are equilateral quadrangles, the sides of which (threads) are connected by knots. The cell size is determined by the distance between nodes.

Rice. 1. Mesh fabric:

1 - thread; 2 - node; I am a cell;P - cell size; P - row of cells; P/2 - row of half-cells;W - network width; V is the number of cells in a row of network width; D - network length; n is the number of rows of the network length.

The mesh fabric begins to be knitted from the first row of cells. The number of them in a row depends on the width of the network and the size of the cell. The required number of half-cells is tied to the first row of cells to obtain a fabric of the required length.

The net is knitted using a shuttle and a template.

Shuttle designed for placing thread, performing operations on tying knots, stitching products from the network and their repair.

In Fig. 2 shows shuttles of various designs. The width of the shuttle should be half the size of the cell, the length should be 10-15 times greater than the width, the thickness should be minimal, but corresponding to the strength of the material, so that the shuttle does not bend from the tension of the thread turns wound on it.

Rice. 2. Tools for knitting net:

1-shuttle made of riveted wire for knitting small meshes; 2-shuttle made of soldered wire; 3 - shuttle made of plate (metal, wood); 4-thread wound on a shuttle; 5 - template (wood, plastic); d - length; w - width

Sample designed to give the network cells the required uniform size. Templates are made in the form of plates, usually of an oval cross-section, 10-12 centimeters long. The width of the template (with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters) should be such that the length of one turn of thread around it is equal to twice the size of the cell.

Knitting a mesh fabric is a repeatedly repeated operation of tying and tightening knots, with the help of which the lower row of half-cells is tied to the top row of cells.

To learn how to quickly and efficiently knit a net, you need, first of all, to master the techniques of knitting knots. In Fig. Figure 3 shows the simple, most common knots with one overlap (overlap - passing the shuttle through the upper cell while tying the lower one to it).

Rice. 3. Simple mesh knots:

a - knot through the little finger; b - knot with overlap at the top: c - knot with overlap at the bottom

Knot through the little finger. The sequence of operations when tying this knot is shown in Fig. 4. Holding the template between the thumb and ring fingers of the left hand, the middle one is inserted into the upper cell and the net is pulled. The thread coming from the knot of the upper cell is passed around the template and the ring finger, then hooked onto the index, middle and little fingers. The little finger is pressed to the palm and, without weakening the tension of the thread, draw the shuttle from below with your right hand into the first loop (around the ring finger and the template) and overlap from below into the cell under the middle finger (Fig. 4, a). In the figure, the shuttle is shown conventionally in the form of an arrow.

Having placed the thread on top of the template, they begin to pull it to the top cell (Fig. 4, b). In this case, all fingers, except the little finger, are freed from the loops.

When the weave of threads is on the upper edge of the template, the weave is clamped with the thumb and forefinger. Then the little finger is released from the loop and the knot is finally tightened between the fingers on the upper edge of the template (Fig. 4, c).

This method of knitting knots is considered the best, firstly, because the resulting knot does not move along the thread of the upper cell, as a result of which all four sides of the cell are the same; secondly, despite the apparent complexity, knitting is done at the highest speed, since you only have to intercept the shuttle once, passing it through the upper mesh. However, this method does not allow knitting nets with a mesh size of less than 1 centimeter. With a certain skill, a knot through the little finger can be knitted blindly, which is very important for people with poor vision.

Knot with overlap at top(Fig. 5). First operation: the thread coming from the previous knot is wrapped around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from above (overlapping from above) and the cell is pulled to the upper edge of the template. In this case, the threads of the upper cell should turn and form a small loop at the bottom, after which the loop, together with the upper edge of the template, is tightly clamped between the thumb and middle fingers. Second operation: the thread is passed around the thumb and index finger, the shuttle is passed under the lower threads of the upper cell, over the thread above the thumb and index finger, and the knot is finally tightened between the thumb and middle finger.

It is important that the thread covers the loop of the upper cell when tightening the knot; To do this, it is useful to slightly move your thumb upward without releasing pressure. The thread tightening the knot should be directed down and slightly to the right.

Knot with overlap at the bottom. First operation: the thread is passed around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from below (overlapping from below) and pulled to the edge of the template; The place where the threads are intertwined is pinched between the fingers. The second operation is the same as when tying a knot with an overlap at the top. Simple knots, if tied correctly and tightly, are immovable. To exclude the possibility of their movement along the thread of the upper cell, double-overlapping knots are sometimes used.

Cellular nodes with double overlap differ from simple ones in that the second overlap is carried out either after tightening a simple knot, or during the process of tying it. The node shown in Fig. 6, a, is formed after tying and tightening a knot with an overlap from above, followed by an overlap from below and a second tightening. Node in Fig. 6, b is obtained in the process of tying a knot with an overlap at the top. After the first overlap and passing the shuttle under the threads of the upper cell, make a second overlap from below behind the right thread of the cell and tighten the knot. This knot is more compact and is good for knitting networks of single-strand threads.

Knitting nets.

A practical guide for the fisherman.

Title: Buy the book "Knitting nets. A practical guide for fisherman": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: Timokhovich Vitaly book_name: Knitting nets. A practical guide for anglers


The brochure you purchased is a unique publication. For decades, anglers have been unable to obtain the most basic information about netting. This was how they “prevented” poaching, while at the same time depriving thousands of true nature lovers the opportunity to make with their own hands a cage, hatchery or landing net necessary for fishing. Today, when store shelves are emptying as quickly as prices are rising, the ability to make your own fishing gear and accessories has acquired particular importance. The proposed guide will allow everyone to acquire the practical skill of knitting mesh fabric from available materials. But don’t forget: your gear and fishing methods must strictly comply with the rules of recreational fishing adopted in this region.

We wish you good fishing!


In the practice of sport and recreational fishing, net products are widely used: for nets, cages, lifts, etc. In addition, recently in some regions the use of net fishing gear has been permitted under licenses.

If you can't buy a net or a product made from it in a store, don't be upset. If desired, they are easy to make at home.

The mesh fabric consists of intersecting threads fastened with knots. Nets are knitted from linen, cotton, nylon, silk and other threads that have the same thickness along the entire length and tensile strength corresponding to the future product. The thread must be smooth, elastic, resistant to environmental influences.

In the extended position, the cells of the network (Fig. 1) are equilateral quadrangles, the sides of which (threads) are connected by knots. The cell size is determined by the distance between nodes.

Rice. 1. Mesh fabric:

1 - thread; 2 - node; I am a cell;P - cell size; P - row of cells; P/2 - row of half-cells;W - network width; V is the number of cells in a row of network width; D - network length; n is the number of rows of the network length.

The mesh fabric begins to be knitted from the first row of cells. The number of them in a row depends on the width of the network and the size of the cell. The required number of half-cells is tied to the first row of cells to obtain a fabric of the required length.

The net is knitted using a shuttle and a template.

Shuttle designed for placing thread, performing operations on tying knots, stitching products from the network and their repair.

In Fig. 2 shows shuttles of various designs. The width of the shuttle should be half the size of the cell, the length should be 10-15 times greater than the width, the thickness should be minimal, but corresponding to the strength of the material, so that the shuttle does not bend from the tension of the thread turns wound on it.

Rice. 2. Tools for knitting net:

1-shuttle made of riveted wire for knitting small meshes; 2-shuttle made of soldered wire; 3 - shuttle made of plate (metal, wood); 4-thread wound on a shuttle; 5 - template (wood, plastic); d - length; w - width

Sample designed to give the network cells the required uniform size. Templates are made in the form of plates, usually of an oval cross-section, 10-12 centimeters long. The width of the template (with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters) should be such that the length of one turn of thread around it is equal to twice the size of the cell.

Knitting a mesh fabric is a repeatedly repeated operation of tying and tightening knots, with the help of which the lower row of half-cells is tied to the top row of cells.

To learn how to quickly and efficiently knit a net, you need, first of all, to master the techniques of knitting knots. In Fig. Figure 3 shows the simple, most common knots with one overlap (overlap - passing the shuttle through the upper cell while tying the lower one to it).

Rice. 3. Simple mesh knots:

a - knot through the little finger; b - knot with overlap at the top: c - knot with overlap at the bottom

Knot through the little finger. The sequence of operations when tying this knot is shown in Fig. 4. Holding the template between the thumb and ring fingers of the left hand, the middle one is inserted into the upper cell and the net is pulled. The thread coming from the knot of the upper cell is passed around the template and the ring finger, then hooked onto the index, middle and little fingers. The little finger is pressed to the palm and, without weakening the tension of the thread, draw the shuttle from below with your right hand into the first loop (around the ring finger and the template) and overlap from below into the cell under the middle finger (Fig. 4, a). In the figure, the shuttle is shown conventionally in the form of an arrow.

Having placed the thread on top of the template, they begin to pull it to the top cell (Fig. 4, b). In this case, all fingers, except the little finger, are freed from the loops.

When the weave of threads is on the upper edge of the template, the weave is clamped with the thumb and forefinger. Then the little finger is released from the loop and the knot is finally tightened between the fingers on the upper edge of the template (Fig. 4, c).

This method of knitting knots is considered the best, firstly, because the resulting knot does not move along the thread of the upper cell, as a result of which all four sides of the cell are the same; secondly, despite the apparent complexity, knitting is done at the highest speed, since you only have to intercept the shuttle once, passing it through the upper mesh. However, this method does not allow knitting nets with a mesh size of less than 1 centimeter. With a certain skill, a knot through the little finger can be knitted blindly, which is very important for people with poor vision.

Knot with overlap at top(Fig. 5). First operation: the thread coming from the previous knot is wrapped around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from above (overlapping from above) and the cell is pulled to the upper edge of the template. In this case, the threads of the upper cell should turn and form a small loop at the bottom, after which the loop, together with the upper edge of the template, is tightly clamped between the thumb and middle fingers. Second operation: the thread is passed around the thumb and index finger, the shuttle is passed under the lower threads of the upper cell, over the thread above the thumb and index finger, and the knot is finally tightened between the thumb and middle finger.

It is important that the thread covers the loop of the upper cell when tightening the knot; To do this, it is useful to slightly move your thumb upward without releasing pressure. The thread tightening the knot should be directed down and slightly to the right.

Knot with overlap at the bottom. First operation: the thread is passed around the template, the shuttle is passed into the upper cell from below (overlapping from below) and pulled to the edge of the template; The place where the threads are intertwined is pinched between the fingers. The second operation is the same as when tying a knot with an overlap at the top. Simple knots, if tied correctly and tightly, are immovable. To exclude the possibility of their movement along the thread of the upper cell, double-overlapping knots are sometimes used.

Cellular nodes with double overlap differ from simple ones in that the second overlap is carried out either after tightening a simple knot, or during the process of tying it. The node shown in Fig. 6, a, is formed after tying and tightening a knot with an overlap from above, followed by an overlap from below and a second tightening. Node in Fig. 6, b is obtained in the process of tying a knot with an overlap at the top. After the first overlap and passing the shuttle under the threads of the upper cell, make a second overlap from below behind the right thread of the cell and tighten the knot. This knot is more compact and is good for knitting networks of single-strand threads.

Before you start knitting a network, you need to make some calculations, prepare a sufficient number of threads, select or make a shuttle and a template. The number of cells is calculated as follows. Let's say you need to knit a mesh fabric for a lift, the length and width of which is 1 meter, the mesh size is 2 centimeters.

When the network is stretched, its cells will look like squares (see Fig. 1). The number of cells in a row is determined by the ratio:

N=Ш/с, where N is the number of cells in row P1; W - network width (length of one row of cells); c is the length of the diagonal of the square.

Since c=a#2, where a is the cell size, then W/a#2.

Substituting the original data into the formula, we get:


Thus, each row of the network, which determines its width, must contain 36 cells. Since the width and length of the network are the same (100 cm), another 35 rows of cells, or 70 rows of half-cells, must be tied to the first row of cells.

To tie one row of half-cells, you will need about 150 centimeters of thread (2*a*N=2*2*36=144 cm), and for 72 rows - approximately 110 meters (including a small margin for knots, breaks, etc. .).

For a cell measuring 2 centimeters, you need a shuttle 1 centimeter wide. The width and thickness of the template are selected so that one turn of the thread around the template is 4 centimeters.

Starting to knit a network can be done in two ways. The first method is to knit two rows of mesh at the same time (Fig. 7). By wrapping the thread once around the template and tying its ends, you get an auxiliary “o” loop. From the thread coming from the shuttle, make two turns around the template and tie a knot on its edge (Fig. 7, a). Both loops are removed from the template, the straightened second loop will be the first mesh cell. This cell is inserted into the auxiliary one and both are suspended on a nail (Fig. 7, b) or on any other stationary object located at arm's length of the knitter.

If you decide to tie the network in knots, for example with an overlap from below, proceed as follows. Draw the thread around the template, make an overlap in loop 1 from below, pull it to the edge of the template, tie and tighten the knot, forming cell 2.

The next knot is tied in the same way, forming cell 3 (Fig. 7, c).

The following cells are knitted in the same sequence.

The resulting garland should consist of even and odd loops, the number of which should be equal to the estimated number of cells in a row of the network (Fig. 7, d). Then a cord is pulled into the even cells and its ends are tied (Fig. 7, e). hang the loop on a nail and begin to form subsequent rows.

Second way the beginning of knitting a network is shown in Fig. 8. At the end of the thread, tie a small loop so that the shuttle fits into it. A cord is inserted into this loop, its ends are tied, and the loop from the lace is hung on a nail (Fig. 8, a).

Throwing the thread coming from loop knot 1 onto the template and passing the shuttle into the lace loop, pull the template to the knot with the first loop, tie and tighten the slip knot (Fig. 8, b), thereby forming loop 2. The slip knot is tied into such sequences: after pulling the template, the last two threads going up are pinched on its edge with the thumb and middle finger; the thread from under the thumb is thrown onto the index finger, the shuttle is passed under the two threads of the resulting loop and over the thread thrown over the index finger; the knot is tightened on the upper edge of the template between the thumb and middle finger, next to the first knot. In the same sequence, all the nodes of the first row are knitted along the width of the future network (Fig. 8, c). To ensure that the loops are the same, you should not keep more than five or six half-cells on the template. They must be reset from the left end of the template as new ones accumulate.

Having tied the required number of loops and half-holes, the cord loop is removed from the nail and turned 180°. The template is removed from the half-cells and from the left edge they begin to knit the next row of the half-cell network (Fig. 8, d). The procedure is repeated until a network of the required length is obtained.

Tying the thread. If the supply of thread on the shuttle runs out or it breaks, the threads are tied. To do this, the ends of the broken thread and the thread from the charged shuttle are folded together, slightly twisted and tied with a regular knot next to the previous one, tightened at the edge of the template. The ends of the threads are cut at a distance of 3 - 5 millimeters. It is useful to melt the ends of the nylon threads over the flame of a match.

When knitting long mesh fabric, the distance from the knitter’s hands to the nail should not be more than one meter. To do this, as the net is being made, the loop from the cord should be removed from the first row and the cord should be passed into the cells located near the knitter’s hands. To prevent the free edges of the finished fabric from twisting and interfering with work while knitting the net, you can hang a hook with a small weight from its cells.

If you need to knit a mesh fabric that is not rectangular, but of some other shape, add and reduction of cells.

To increase the number of cells in the next row compared to the previous one, you need to tie an additional loop to the previous row in the manner shown in Fig. 9, a, b. To reduce the number of cells in a row, you need to link one of the cells of the next row to two cells of the previous one (Fig. 9, c).

Tying mesh panels allows you to produce products of various shapes (cylindrical, cone-shaped, bag-shaped, etc.). Panels of the required shape and size, having edge cells with three nodes, are connected to each other using a shuttle using one of the methods shown in Fig. 10.
