What attractions of mineral waters are worth seeing. Not at all a “mineral” city Mineralnye Vody Where to take a walk in mineral waters

In the Stavropol Territory Russian Federation there is a group of resorts united by the common name Caucasian Mineral Waters (abbr. KMV, Kavminvody). Today it is a state-protected resort region, where hundreds of thousands of people not only from Russia, but also from countries near and far abroad come annually for recreation and treatment. This region includes cities such as Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Georgievsk - here you will find many attractions.

Company " Family suitcase» organizes trips on comfortable buses.

Geographical features of the region and the history of the development of settlements

Russian poets and writers loved the places in the CMV region, the most famous of whom is M. Yu. Lermontov, the heroes of whose works often live in these places. In addition to mineral waters, there are many sources of medicinal mud, so it is not surprising why today the KMS is well known as a balneological resort. The climate of this area is very favorable, and all tourists who come here in the spring summer period time, celebrate bright and warm salty days.

Features of the cities that are part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Surely many tourists and travelers who want to visit these places would like to know about the features of these cities. Despite the fact that they are all united into one region, each of the resort cities has its own characteristics due to its location. Since the late 90s of the last century, this region began to be actively financed, thanks to which the quality of roads improved, new ones began to be built resort and sanatorium complexes, the territory of the cities was largely improved. So today, when you come to KMV for treatment and recreation, you can count on a great time, and at very reasonable prices.

To appreciate all the attractions of the region, as well as find out where and how you can relax, you should make an overview of the most interesting and attractive cities included in the general resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

This is the most famous city Stavropol Territory, from which the history of the region begins as balneological resort. It was in Pyatigorsk in 1863 that the first balneological society was founded, which included famous scientists and doctors of that time. In the city area there are about 40 healing springs with mineral water, which differs in chemical composition and richness of mineral components. Most of them are concentrated in the area of ​​Mount Mashuk. Thanks to this, the city of Pyatigorsk received the status of a natural museum of mineral waters.

How to get to Pyatigorsk?

The city does not have its own airport, and the nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody, which is 25 km away. For this reason, everyone who travels by air takes a ticket to Mineralnye Vody, after which they travel to Pyatigorsk by minibus No. 11, the ticket price of which is only 15 rubles. It should be noted that there is a train between both cities, which can take you to your destination in just 45-50 minutes.

Bus No. 223 also runs from the station square of Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk, the price of which is 45 rubles. The most expensive way to get there is by taxi, the price of which is 700 rubles or more. From Moscow you can come to Pyatigorsk by train "Moscow-Kislovodsk", which departs daily from Kazan railway station. The price of a compartment ticket is about 4 thousand rubles. You can also go by bus, which will be cheaper (2 thousand rubles), but the travel time will be 25 hours.

Main attractions of Pyatigorsk

The city is very green, as there are a large number of trees, shrubs and flower beds. The most important place for city residents to walk is the Tsvetnik Central Park, which is over 200 years old.

You should definitely visit the Lermontov Gallery, where the State Philharmonic is currently located. A very striking architectural monument is the open-air museum - the Pyatigorsk necropolis, where many prominent figures who lived and worked in this city are buried.

To enjoy the delightful panorama of the Caucasus Range, you should definitely climb Mount Mushuk, and this can be done by cable car. During the trip, tourists have an excellent opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery.

Cafes, restaurants, hotels

There are a large number of public catering outlets - restaurants and cafes, where you can try local delicacies and dishes of Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and Russian cuisine. Tourists are especially pleased with the polite staff and cleanliness of the restaurants, not to mention the reasonable prices, since the average check is about 300 rubles.

A calmer city in terms of lack of pretentiousness, which is the closest neighbor - Pyatigorsk, the distance to which is only 3 km. Apparently, after just 15-20 years, both resorts will merge into one and create a single conglomerate. There are much fewer tourists here than in other cities of the KMS, so it is more suitable for a calm and measured holiday. It is worth noting that it is in this city that the most mineral waters are located, which differ in composition and taste, and therefore Essentuki is called the “Pearl of the Caucasus”.

How to get to Essentuki?

The nearest airport is located in Mineralnye Vody, which is 35 km away, but both cities are connected by bus And minibus, so there are no problems getting to your hotel. Every day, trains depart from Moscow from the Kursky and Kazansky railway stations to Kislovodsk, which pass by Essentuki. Ticket prices range from 2.2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the type (reserved seat, compartment, SV).

For those who prefer to travel by bus, you should know that the Moscow-Essentuki bus departs daily to Essentuki from the South Gate bus station, and the ticket price is 2 thousand rubles. If you travel by private car, choose the Don or Elista highway, the length of which is approximately the same.

How can you relax in Essentuki?

Given the presence of numerous springs with mineral water, many balneological resort sanatoriums have been built in Essentuki, where people come for relaxation and treatment from all over Russia. Anyone can buy and try mineral water, and this can be done at special bottling points. By the way, in Essentuki there is Big lake, where swimming is allowed, so everyone in the summer can sunbathe and take water treatments. Essentuki water treats a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system and skin rashes.

Among the attractions of Essentuki are:

  • Nikolaev baths
  • Shopping gallery
  • Oreanda observation gazebo
  • Weeping grottoes - springs with mineral water
  • Drinking gallery "Pentatesyachnik"

Many tourists who have visited and drank the water in Essentuki, after rest, can unmistakably distinguish the water of “Essentuki-4” from “Essentuki-17”, and “Essentuki-2” from “Essentuki-20”.

Cafes, restaurants and hotels

Prices in Essentuki restaurants are moderate, so you can have lunch and a delicious meal for only 250-300 rubles. Those with a sweet tooth can be advised to visit the famous Nefertiti confectionery-cafe, where they will offer not only delicious coffee, but also a variety of confectionery products. If we talk about hotels and inns, there are not too many of them, but those that are available are quite enough to accommodate visiting guests.

The city is distinguished by the fact that it is the smallest of all that are included in the CMS, but is often mentioned in the works of Russian writers and poets. The city is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, so it is surrounded by interesting relict forests, many species of trees of which are listed in the Red Book. A unique mountain-forest microclimate, beautiful picturesque views of the surrounding area, and the presence of mineral water springs are what attract tourists to this city.

Zheleznovodsk is one of the most famous and popular cities in the Stavropol Territory, where people come not only for recreation, but also for balneological treatment. This place is also called “tiny Switzerland, due to its climatic and natural conditions Zheleznogorsk is indeed very close to the Alpine resort area. The air in the vicinity of the city is saturated with beneficial ions and oxygen, so those who suffer from respiratory diseases are recommended to come here.

How to get to Zheleznogorsk?

There are no direct bus services to the city, but this does not prevent you from getting to your destination with a transfer in Mineralnye Vody, from which you can get to Zheleznogorsk by minibus No. 107. Ticket price - 50 rubles. If you come from Pyatigorsk, you should take minibus No. 134, where the price is 40 rubles. If you travel by car from Moscow, first choose the Don highway. When you reach the village of Pavlovskaya, you should turn onto the Caucasus highway.

Hotels and resorts

Considering that Zheleznogorsk is small town, there are only about 10 hotels here that offer their services to tourists and guests. The most famous is the German House hotel, where you can rent apartments in the range from 2.5 to 8 thousand rubles/day. However, in addition to this, there is a private market, where you can rent an apartment for just 1.2 thousand rubles per day. But there are many more sanatoriums here, but you can only get into them with a voucher. If a person does not have chronic or other serious diseases, getting into a sanatorium will be problematic.

The main advantage of the resort town of Kislovodsk is, of course, Narzan - water with a specific taste, containing a large volume of sulfate-hydrocarbonate elements. The city was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by soldiers under the command of General A.P. Ermolov, who ordered the construction of a resort park here. For several decades, the park remained the largest in all of Europe. Today Kislovok is a well-maintained resort town that delights guests with its beautiful streets and small, neat and well-kept houses.

You can not only drink Narzans, but also take baths from them, since water has a positive effect on the human body, treats numerous skin diseases, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. Some of the most famous places worth visiting in Kislovodsk include the following:

  • Resort Park
  • Theater and Concert Hall named after. V. Safonova
  • Literary and Musical Museum
  • Chaliapin's dacha

Vacationers often come here to take part in health walking – health paths. The cleanest mountain air and abundance of greenery allow you to easily cover many kilometers.

Most large city, which is part of the CMS, so it is from here that a sightseeing tour of the entire region usually begins. There is a Central Railway Station, where trains arrive daily from largest cities Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. There is also an airport that receives dozens of planes every day, so we can confidently call the city of Mineralnye Vody the main transport artery of the CMS.

Today it is one of the most visited resort towns throughout the Stavropol Territory, although it should be noted that there is not a single natural spring with mineral water in the city. On the station square, tourists are greeted by a large sculpture of an eagle cast from real bronze. This is a symbol of victory over diseases, since the city has many sanatoriums and clinical centers that accept people for spa treatment. You should definitely take a photo with the eagle in the background, as the pictures are very impressive.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody

While walking around Mineralnye Vody, it is worth visiting the memorial complex dedicated to the defenders of the fatherland, which looks very impressive. It will also be interesting to see the Terek Stud Farm, founded in 1880 by Count S. A. Stroganov, where you can not only admire the noble animals, but also ride horses.

The “Old Steam Locomotive” monument is also unusual, against which anyone who wants to photograph themselves in the most interesting places of the city can also take a photo. Other attractions include the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, Music College named after. V.I. Safonov and St. Nicholas Church.

Hotels and restaurants

Taking into account the fact that Mineral Waters is big city, there are several dozen hotels and guest houses here. Among the largest hotels, we should highlight the Imperial, ArtHall, Hermes, Olympus and Europe. Despite the fact that room prices here start at 3 thousand rubles, the level and quality of service is always at its best. These same hotels have their own restaurants, where you can try delicious dishes not only of Russian, but also of Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani cuisine.

Excursion tours along the CMS

In 2018 it will be possible to sign up for a trip to these places. The route is being developed.


Concluding the review of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, it should be noted that, if desired, every tourist can easily take a sightseeing tour visiting all of the above cities. The only thing is that for this it is best to book a sightseeing bus, especially since the places here are very beautiful and passengers will enjoy admiring the beautiful panoramic views.

Mineral Caucasian Waters is one of the most frequently visited places in Russia. They include several cities North Caucasus. Unusual nature, clean air allows every guest to plunge into unusual world of this region. Many come here to improve their health and just have a good time on their day off or vacation. Here is located which became famous thanks to its reserves of silt mud. In 1992, it was decided to assign this resort a special status - a protected ecological resort region of Russia. Mineral Caucasian Waters first appeared in Schober's notes. This happened back in the 17th century. Schober himself was a doctor. It is he who is considered the discoverer of this medical field. Despite the fact that the resort includes several cities, its area is about 6 thousand square meters. km. If we take the most extreme point(Kislovodsk), then the distance between them is only 57 km. Thanks to its dense location, you can see and visit all mysterious places oh this resort. From any place in the region the most high point Europe - Mount Elbrus. Moreover, this peak is a dormant volcano. Who knows when he might wake up. There are a lot of mysterious places here that you should pay attention to.

Caucasian Mineral Waters consists of the cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. The terrain here is predominantly mountainous, which is why many extreme sports enthusiasts flock to this resort not only from Russia, but also from all over the world. This place has more than 90 about 120 sanatoriums and boarding houses, which operate not only in summer, but also in winter. There are very mild winters here without severe frosts, and in the summer every vacationer enjoys the sun and dry weather. Medicinal properties waters were discovered quite a long time ago, but now exact time no one knows. Once in this region, you can hear many stories and legends from the old residents of the area. The residents here are very hospitable and are always happy to meet new guests. Caucasian mineral waters annually welcome more than a million guests who come for different purposes. The location of the resort is between the Black and Caspian Seas on the slopes of the Caucasus Range, in the northern part.

Sanatoriums of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Mineral Caucasian Waters includes a wide variety of sanatoriums, among which you can choose the most suitable one in terms of services and prices. Many sanatoriums in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody erected by certain enterprises that annually send their employees to a well-deserved retirement. But there are also special tours. They are purchased in various travel companies. The tour may include accommodation, treatments, meals, etc. All resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters are aimed at improving health. One of the most popular is the city of Zheleznovodsk. This is where the medical boarding houses are located, which are famous for their drinking waters and unique medical procedures. All resorts meet the necessary standards, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your stay. Each establishment tries to be unique and different from others. This is due to competition. But this factor only plays into the hands of every tourist. Before choosing a sanatorium, you need to look through several options so that you can compare all the institutions. This will help you make the right choice.

Sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Everyone who comes to these places should rejoice at this chance, because there are many unique places that need to be visited. The sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters are distinguished by their individual history. Each place has its own legend and history. One of them is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This building was built in the 90s of the outgoing century. It should be noted that the construction process was carried out in a very short terms. An equal-pointed cross was chosen as the basis of the temple. It serves as a symbol of the salvation of people. As for the interior decoration, it was carried out by the best craftsmen who painted the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. There is another church, an older one - St. Nicholas. It was erected after the end of the Second World War. Inside the church you can see the ancient icon “Quick to Hear”. It was written by monks who lived on Mount Athos. You also need to pay attention to the Mineralovodsk Local Lore Museum. It contains exhibits that cover a large period of time. In addition, there is a Museum aviation technology and the Museum of Writer A.P. Bibikova. Many tourists visit the magmatic rock. Popularly it is called Zhlan-tau (translation into Turkic). Well, it’s worth visiting the mud bath building. It was built at the end of the 19th century at the railway station. The interior of the room is reminiscent of ancient Roman baths. Nearby is a real steam locomotive that has been standing since 1985. The monument was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement.

Kislovodsk is a resort city

Many doctors advise rest and treatment in various resort places. One of these is Caucasian Mineral Waters. Kislovodsk is a city that is part of this region. It is located in the southern part. The city is located on high mountains, which explains such clean air. It should be noted that the settlement is simply surrounded by greenery, which is especially pleasant in sunny days. Even in the past, they recognized the uniqueness of the climate and the healing properties of the water, which was called “nart-sane”. In addition, you can simply walk along the streets and parks of the city. They are planted with coniferous trees, and also have unique paths and sidewalks along which it is a pleasure to walk. Kislovodsk is very popular in terms of tourist attendance. People come here not only to improve their health, but also to enjoy beautiful view and just have a good time. If you look at the sanatoriums, they are built for different classes of tourists. There are both double economy rooms and entire three-level apartments designed for people with high incomes. They contain swimming pools, jacuzzi, saunas, etc. Many diseases are treated with great success in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk; even severe forms of asthma are cured here.

Before the trip, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo. Caucasian Mineral Waters, like any other place unfamiliar to you, has its own laws and orders. One of the main rules of this region is that drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking in public places is completely prohibited. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the garbage left behind. It cannot be thrown around; there are designated places for it. All these violations may result in a fairly large fine, so there is no need to spoil your vacation, but rather respect those around you. Due to the fact that many tourists want to visit all the cities in the region, they use electric trains. They are the ones who are the most comfortable view transport for moving around resort area. As for public transport, taxis are very popular here. These cars will be able to take you to the nearest villages, and will also help tourists find their way around the place.

If you have chosen summer for your vacation, then it should be noted that during the daytime the air temperature rarely drops below +30. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid city tours in the heat of the day. At the resort it is observed large number private residential real estate. The owners actively offer their homes for rent to all visitors. For those who prefer such a holiday, this is very convenient.

Internet to help tourists

Almost everyone who has been here recommends Caucasian Mineral Waters. Reviews are only positive. In order to get acquainted with the opinions of other vacationers about this place, you need to seek help from specialists or at least friends. If you wish, you can find all the information you are interested in. In addition, you can chat with real vacationers and learn about the quality of service in a particular establishment. This is important if you only want to have a pleasant trip experience. It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the resort’s pricing policy in order to calculate the budget for your vacation. On specialized forums you can meet new people; by the way, there have been many cases when such communication led to a joint vacation. Often in this way you can significantly save your finances.

Resort cuisine

As everyone knows, the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is located in the mountains of the same name, so it is observed here large cluster persons of the corresponding nationality, their traditions are present, and, of course, national cuisine. It is an integral part of the resort. In the cities of the region you can see a large number of restaurants serving this cuisine. It is based on the best traditions and customs. The menu includes dishes from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other countries of the East. In addition to delicious food, you can enjoy live traditional music and see unique oriental dances. The working hours of such establishments are completely different; some work around the clock, while others work from morning until late evening. Each restaurant pays special attention to service. Every guest is greeted here very warmly.

Residential real estate in Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

In order to have fun and usefully spend your time, you need to go to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Holidays here will be at the highest level. Resorts include a wide variety of hotels, private boarding houses and other properties that are rented to tourists. They all vary in price and quality. Therefore, before traveling, it is recommended to choose the most suitable option in order to arrive at the place immediately, rather than waste your time searching. If you purchase a tour, it already includes hotel accommodation. The cost of the tour depends on the class of the hotel, but in addition, the price may be affected by the number of services included in it. This is a good place for family vacation, all conditions for staying with children have been created here.

Capital Pyatigorsk

The cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters are similar to each other. The main settlements are Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Pyatigorsk is the capital of this region. It is located at the foot of Mount Mashuk. It is 680 m. It is unique in that it is the only place in the CIS countries where natural radon and mud from Lake Tambukan exist. In some properties they are superior even to dirt Dead Sea. On the slopes of Mount Mashuk there is an ancient forest, which includes mainly broad-leaved trees. If you walk through the forest, you can see paths, gazebos, and small fountains that delight you with fresh water. Pyatigorsk has a good medical base, made up of favorable factors geographical location. Take, for example, a radon clinic. It is the largest in Europe. Here it is possible to accept 15 types of procedures that are aimed at treating various diseases, including diseases of the spine. In Pyatigorsk they will be able to cure ailments of the digestive system, nervous system, and provide treatment for infertility, gynecological diseases, etc.

Unusual Zheleznovodsk

Zheleznovodsk is located near Pyatigorsk. It is the smallest among other resort towns. It got its name due to the fact that it is located at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya. Its height above sea level is 650 meters. The entire city and its outskirts are covered with rich forests, which include oaks, hornbeams and beech. In addition, you can see a large amount of other greenery. Among this luxury one can see sanatoriums. If you look at the southern side of the mountain, here you can see a beautiful bet with a pier for catamarans, boats and boats, as well as a magnificent beach with a small restaurant. What’s interesting about Zheleznovodsk is that everything forest parks of natural origin. This is due to the city’s inclusion in the Beshtaugorsky forest. If you walk through the forest, you can see hares, foxes, roe deer, deer and other living creatures. Some vacationers compare the climate of the region with that of Switzerland. The air is also saturated with ions, surprisingly clean, has little humidity, and there are no strong winds. There are 15 sanatoriums in the city, excluding boarding houses. In the park you can find drinking springs of mineral waters: Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya and Vladimirovskaya. In this locality, mud, health path and climatic treatment are widely used. In Zheleznovodsk, they treat the digestive system, diseases of the genitourinary organs, blood circulation, gynecological diseases, prostatitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.


Essentuki is the quietest and calmest city. In addition, he is considered the most popular resort and drinking source. Main feature the city is that it contains as many as 27 sources of healing water. Essentuki is located just 43 kilometers from the airport. Its height above sea level is 640 meters. It should be noted the mountain-steppe climate. Here spring is very short because it quickly turns into dry and warm summer. If we take the length of the day, then Essentuki is in second place, the first is Kislovodsk. In the northern and southern parts there are two parks: Main and Komsomolsky. All sanatoriums are located along the arc of the park area. The resort is a target source, so it is not recommended to drink the water without any illness. All medical sanatoriums are open all year round. It is also designed for children’s health, so children from 5 to 17 years old can come for treatment. This city will help you cope with diseases of the intestines, genitourinary system, liver and all digestive organs. Mineralnye Caucasian Waters are always happy to welcome new visitors.

If you need to improve your health or just have a good and useful time, then you need to head to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Sanatoriums, which have only positive reviews from previous visitors, are ready to receive vacationers all year round.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is the administrative center of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region.. This is a big one transport hub, where most of the tourists who go on vacation to this region arrive. Although there are actually no mineral water sources here, the city, surrounded on all sides by picturesque mountains and boasting numerous interesting sights, is of great interest to tourists.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is one of the largest settlements in the Stavropol Territory. It is located approximately 200 km from the regional center. The city is located in the valley of the Kuma River at the foot of the picturesque Zmeyka Mountain, the slopes of which are covered with dense forest. The population is about 75 thousand people.

There is a railway station here, major airport and the federal highway M-29. From here it is easy to get to the main resorts of Kavminvod - Pyatigorsk, Essentuki. The climate is quite dry. This is facilitated by the surrounding mountains, which trap rain clouds.

In summer average temperature is +24 °C, in winter it drops to -4 °C. Most precipitation falls from April to June. Autumn is quite dry. The change of seasons is noticeable.

In the city itself and its surroundings there are numerous sanatoriums and health resorts, where, in addition to all the conditions for a comfortable stay, prevention and treatment of various diseases are offered. In addition, there are many interesting places and attractions, a visit to which will make your vacation rich and varied.

Main attractions

What can you see in Mineralnye Vody? There are many such places; we will list the main attractions with their photos and descriptions.

One of the most famous natural attractions of Mineralnye Vody. Her photos or drawings are usually placed on most souvenirs. The snake is of volcanic origin. Its height is 994 meters. The lower part of the mountain consists of shale, the upper part of the rocky outcrop is made of beshtaunite rock. On the slopes of the mountain there are two monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, which can be viewed during the ascent.

In the western part of the rock there is a source of mineral water. Two more springs are located at the foot of the Snake. The climb to the top is quite difficult and is recommended only for people with good physical fitness. You can reach the foot of the mountain from the city on foot, by car or by bus as part of an organized excursion. Zmeyka is located approximately 4 km from the central part of Mineralnye Vody. Free admission.

Located in the city center. Its construction was completed in 1997. The relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, who is considered the heavenly patron of Stavropol, are kept here. Numerous pilgrims come here from everywhere to venerate the relics of the saint. The temple itself is made in an eclectic style with elements of ancient Russian traditions.

Railway Station

One of the city's attractions is the building of the Mineralnye Vody Railway Station. The modern building in Baroque style was built in 1955. Next to the central entrance there is a sculpture “Eagle”, which is a figure of a bird holding a snake in its claws. Also, next to the station, a real pre-war steam locomotive was installed as a monument to the heroic Stakhanov workers.

It is located in the central part of the city and was built on the site of a church that stood here from 1888 until its destruction in the 30s of the last century. Modern temple was restored in 2010. It is a church with 6 domes and a bell tower. The temple in the traditional Old Russian style was built of red brick according to the design of the architect M. Lesovoy.

Installed in Hope Square in the center of Mineralnye Vody. The statue of the legendary commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in the Caucasus is made of bronze. Ermolov did a lot for the annexation of the Caucasus, as well as for the development of this region. His memory is immortalized in this memorial.

Located on the territory of the aircraft repair plant in Mineralnye Vody. An open-air exhibition of Soviet and modern aircraft is presented.. In particular, here you can see Mi-1, Mi-8 helicopters, and Yak-40 aircraft. Ticket price – 150 rubles. The museum is located near the Mineralnye Vody airport. You can get there by car or local bus.

Has a discreet appearance. It is a rectangular building, devoid of elaborate decorative elements. Its interior decoration is also quite modest. The building is quite new; the church was built in the 50s of the 20th century.

However, it is here that the famous sacred Orthodox relic is located - the ancient icon “Quick to Hear of Athos,” which was painted by the monks on Mount Athos. The icon is believed to have miraculous powers. Every year numerous pilgrims come here to worship her.

Not far from the city center there is a memorial dedicated to the city residents who died during the Great Patriotic War defending their country. The monument is a stone bas-relief surrounded by columns. The heart of the monument is the eternal flame. The complex is located in a park, on the alleys of which there are bas-reliefs of the inhabitants of Mineralnye Vody, who became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Entrance to the park is free.

Not far from Zmeyka Mountain there is an interesting place - the famous Terek Stud Farm. S. A. Stroganov began breeding horses here in 1888. After the revolution, on the basis of his horse farm, a factory was created that was breeding horses for the needs of the Red Army.

Since 1970, horses from the Terek Stud Farm have successfully participated in international exhibitions. Now this is one of the largest such farms in our country. The most convenient way to get here is by car. You can check the time and cost of the excursion in advance on the website.

Not far from the city, on the picturesque bank of the Dzhemukha River, a T-34 tank is installed on a stone pedestal. This is a tribute to the memory of the tankers who took part in the liberation of the city. The names of heroes killed in battle are engraved on the pedestal..

Was created in 1999. Several exhibitions tell about the history of the region and the city itself. There is a rich collection of weapons, bladed and small arms, archaeological finds, household items. A separate exhibition is dedicated to the famous writer A.P. Bibikov, who lived in the city for a long time.

City in winter

Most of the temples, cathedrals and historical buildings located in the city are open during the winter and are accessible to tourists. In addition, at this time of year you can have a good rest and undergo treatment in local sanatoriums. Prices usually go down and the number of guests gets smaller.

Many vacationers from Mineralnye Vody go to other resorts in the region - Pyatigorsk, Essentuki.

Another popular activity in Mineralnye Vody and the surrounding area is winter sports. Located not far from the city famous Elbrus With ski slope. The Elbrusye ski resort complex is one of the largest in Russia.

Due to its comfortable climate, beautiful natural views and numerous attractions, Mineralnye Vody will become good place to spend all or part of your vacation here. Additional advantages are also convenient transport accessibility, a large number of accommodation options and a relatively low price level.

Useful maps and videos

Watch interesting videos about the resort town of Mineralnye Vody:

Attractions map:


Mineralnye Vody is a very interesting, relatively small and cozy city with its original attractions, the photos of which are often simply amazing. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the city; they are all located outside of it. The city has become, so to speak, a gateway for visiting tourists who want to relax at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. However, this is not just a transit point. Thanks to the warm and mild climate, stunning nature and mountains towering on all sides, the city attracts a considerable number of travelers every year.

Today I will try to tell you what is remarkable about Mineralnye Vody and what interesting things you can see in the city.

Cultural and historical sights

Mineralnye Vody is a town in the Stavropol Territory that I advise everyone to visit. I was impressed by its sights - both natural and man-made, including historical ones. The history of the city goes into the second half XIX century when the construction of the junction station was completed railway. A special charm, an atmosphere of calm and comfort is what attracts the city. I will try to introduce you to the sights of Mineralnye Vody and the surrounding area, as well as interesting places, where you can go with children.

City architecture

One of the impressive architectural solutions of Mineralnye Vody is Railway station, which holds attention with its original construction. Although there have been railroad tracks in this area since 1875, the town was only a stopover for many routes. The majestic station building was erected in 1955 and opened two years later on the next anniversary of the October Revolution. Since that time, it has become a real architectural monument, made in the Baroque style. The main building is surrounded by several columns, which creates a certain monumentality to the structure. As for the interior, it amazed me with its scale, because about one and a half thousand people can fit in it at the same time, and all this with the station’s infrastructure thought out to the smallest detail. The central entrance attracts with comfortable benches and blue spruces planted along a beautiful alley leading to it.

Monuments of Mineralnye Vody

Near the building of the Railway Station on its square, my attention was attracted by sculpture Eagle, which, according to local residents, considered the best decoration settlement. The bronze monument, a visiting card, erected in the 20th century, is credited with embodying spirit and invincible strength. And indeed, to be convinced of this, you just need to see the sculpture.

Did you know? You can find a sculpture of an eagle in every KMS resort, since this bird is used as a symbol of health, and the snake in its claws is used as a symbol of illness. Monuments of this kind imply the victory of health over various kinds of diseases and illnesses.

I found it in a small park in the city monument to General Ermolov. This historical figure, who made a huge contribution to the development of the Caucasus, managed to build many defensive structures, the length of which was quite long, starting from Grozny and ending with Krasnograd, to ensure the progressive growth of large-scale trade and industrial enterprises, and most importantly, Ermolov was the leader of the Caucasian troops . On the anniversary of the city, the local government presented residents with this monument, represented by a bronze silhouette of the commander-in-chief standing on a 3-meter stone pedestal. The authorship of the monument belongs to the sculptor G. Myasnitsky.
It turned out to be very tragic for me Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory", opened on 31st anniversary Great Victory in 1976. An examination of the memorial showed that each of its elements has some meaning. The fire pit is visible in its outline from the side and a regular pentagon from above. You can see around the territory 13 urns with soil from other hero cities of the country. The memorial is represented by five high pylons with five bas-reliefs on them, where you can see symbolic images. Each pylon has a pair of concrete pillars with a stone sandwiched between them, which successfully symbolizes inaccessibility. To the left and right of the memorial are two mass graves with marked tombstones.

monument to General Ermolov

If possible, try to find one in the city sculpture of Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office, as well as the following monuments:

  • V. I. Lenin;
  • tank crews on the Dzhemukha River;
  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Religious buildings of the city

  • As for me, the main religious building of Mineralnye Vody became, the construction of which lasted only 5 years and already in 1997 the cathedral began to shine with golden domes. The author of this building was the Vladikavkaz architect M.K. Mikhailovich, and the rector Fr. Ilya Ageev. The cathedral complex is represented by a church, an administrative building, office premises, cell building and wall. The temple is equipped with nine domes, and the belfry has eight bells. The cathedral was made in an eclectic style, in the decorations and design of which elements of the architecture of ancient Rus' can be traced. In the interior decoration, the academic style of paintings created by skilled artists is noticeable.
  • And here is the temple Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary I was amazed by both its history and the decoration outside and inside. It turns out that the construction of the temple was erected at the end of the 19th century, the reason for which was the rescue of Emperor Alexander III and his family. However, like many other shrines, it was destroyed under Soviet rule and only in 2012 it was solemnly consecrated. I cannot help but note the 32-meter height of this structure, its beautiful six domes and bell towers with a gilded dome. The brick structure of the church displays the picturesque Old Russian style, which was successfully conveyed to the famous architect Mikhail Lesovoy. The interior painting of the temple is made in the traditional Orthodox canonical style.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I advise you to take time to visit these churches in the city:

  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Iveron Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Michael the Archangel in the village of Leninsky.

Museums of Mineralnye Vody

I was very glad to visit Mineralovodsk Museum of Local Lore, created in 1998, based on a previously existing folk local history museum. Today, about 20 thousand exhibits belong to the museum’s funds. The museum's objects are devoted to the following topics:

  • archeology;
  • paleontology;
  • ethnography;
  • painting;
  • numismatics.

Among the documentary fund, I would highlight materials from the years of revolution and war, as well as those providing information about the development of public education and culture of the town.

I was also lucky enough to visit museum dedicated to the famous writer Alexei Pavlovich Babik, located in a house that he himself was involved in the construction of in the middle of the 20th century. The writer lived in this house for more than 20 years. The museum is rich in such exhibits: a typewriter, an inkstand, notebooks, a writer’s travel bag, hand-made furniture, books from different years, starting from 1928, photographs, paintings by the famous Russian artist P. M. Grechishkin.
In addition, I advise you to look into Aviation Museum.

What you can see in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody

Traveling around Mineralnye Vody, I was impressed by two incredible places that I recommend visiting.

  • Tersky stud farm. Construction began at the end of the 19th century under Count S. A. Stroganov, who brought Arabian horses to the country. However, horse breeding activities were soon suspended, and only in the first half of the 20th century did Budyonny take up the development of stud farms for use by the Russian cavalry. And a few years later, a new breed of horses began to be bred here, nicknamed Tersk. Now here you can rent horses, ride them and take a tour of the factory.
  • Mount Snake. The flora and fauna of this mountain can be the envy of everyone nearby. The slopes are shrouded in forest with 60 different tree species, where you can find lilies, ash and euonymus. The upper part of the mountain is formed from beshtaunite, which is actively used in the production of crushed stone. The base of the lower part is predominantly slate. The mountain surprised us with two interesting monuments dedicated to the Second World War and two holy springs, one of which with an arch and a pool-like drain.

Tersky stud farm

What can a tourist see in Mineralnye Vody in 1 day?

  • Railway station building with the symbol of the Kavminvod - an eagle tormenting a snake.
  • Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with gilded domes.
  • Monument to Alexey Petrovich Ermolov, money for which was collected by local Cossacks.
  • Park with the “Fire of Eternal Glory” memorial, created entirely with symbolic meaning.
  • Original monument, installed at the site of a 2001 terrorist attack that killed 21 people and injured 100.

Caucasian Mineral Waters (MOVIE)

In this video you will learn a lot interesting facts, stories, legends about the city of Mineralnye Vody. Enjoy watching!

Where to go in Mineralnye Vody with children

  • Mineralnye Vody City Park.
  • Amusement park 56 km from the city, in .
  • Shopping center "Vershina" with an ice skating rink, bowling alley, cozy cafes and fast food restaurants, as well as children's playgrounds.
  • Museum of Local Lore with interesting exhibitions and exciting excursions.

The town of Mineralnye Vody turned out to be quite interesting due to its unique and historical sites, a visit to which made a very pleasant impression.

What else do you think is worth visiting in Mineralnye Vody, where can you take your children and what interesting things to see? I look forward to your suggestions in the comments.

Tourists and vacationers most often do not see Mineralnye Vody.

Yes, there is an airport and a railway station, but in essence, the city is just a large transport hub to a holiday destination. However, there is something to see here.

1. I spent less than a day in the city, having time to see everything. I'll show it to you too.

Here I came across a monument to the hero of the Caucasian War, Ermolov, rare for residents of Central Russia.

An extraordinary military leader who pacified the Caucasus is held in high esteem here.

2. All popular public places of the city in the center.

So are hotels. Convenient and close.

3. There is also a city park with the Eternal Flame.

It is gratifying that the fire burns here not only on weekends, as in some cities of our Motherland.

4. The park itself is quite depressing.

Most likely because it's not the season. Although most of the awkward attractions have been here since Soviet times.

5. The cracked bust of Karl Marx also reminds us of its former greatness.

I wonder if modern schoolchildren know who this is?

The city has a large station and depot, so railway workers have their own personal palace of culture.

6. Behind the sad park there is a very sad stadium.

Judging by the commentary booth and obscene inscriptions, its main visitors are now small-minded children.

7. I hope that at least occasionally someone plays football here.

8. Local meaningful graffiti.

Police. I would also classify this huge building for the city with dozens of departmental cars as a tourist attraction.

Security is a must here.

10. Meanwhile, the neighborhood around is modest.

I accidentally came across Pushkin Square.

Ours is all, I vacationed at Caucasian Mineralnye Vody three times and quite possibly have been here once.

11. In a small park next to the city college, the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary grew up.

I’ll tell you separately about this church and the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is in the main photo, and about the people who met me there.

12. The temple is beautiful. And it’s doubly nice that it’s not prohibited to play sports nearby.

The watchman carefully asked who I was and where I was from, and told me that this was the coolest thing. educational institution cities.

14. No doubt.

The history of these buildings alone is worth it. By the way, railway workers were once trained here.

15. Well, the station itself.

He's good. It was erected in 1957, but the previous one, which stood here since the mid-19th century, was destroyed by the Nazis during bombing.

16. Nobody prohibits you from filming inside.

17. The proud eagle at the top of the Caucasus shines even in bad weather.

18. Station Square is quite crowded.

There are a lot of stalls of cellular operators, shops with souvenirs and dubious cafes.

And also an incredibly sad monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

The city has a beautiful memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory". Unfortunately, I didn’t get to it this time.

19. Along the main avenue - named after 22 Party Congress you can come to another monument.

20. There is a fairly large intersection with the main administrative buildings and rich shops.

21. If you go away from the main avenue, you can reach that depressing amusement park.

22. Or to the main city building with columns - the administration.

23. Well, if you move from the center, then among dozens of shops you can find such a pearl.

By the way, they play modern Hollywood.

Interesting connection between times...

24. People periodically fly over the city passenger liners- the airport is only 4 kilometers away.

And in a small nook the MiG-15 landed forever.

25. However, it just begs to go to heaven.

It’s amazing, by the way, how the handsome man holds up.

26. One more unit military equipment on the pedestal there is a Soviet tank. T-34, of course.

It's also taking off.

Memorials are well maintained with flowers. This is wonderful.

27. And again a sad monument.

A huge memorial complex to the victims of the wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya and the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
