Karlovy Vary. Karlovy Vary, a resort near three rivers River in Karlovy Vary name

Sights of Karlovy Vary

A trip to quiet and peaceful Karlovy Vary is a real relaxation for the soul and a healing balm for the body. For Russian tourists this Czech resort has been “native” since tsarist times. From time immemorial, aristocrats and intellectuals flocked here for treatment.

Today Karlovy Vary has worthy balneological traditions, excellent service in well-equipped hotels and, of course, numerous hot springs that can improve health and cure numerous ailments. Local sanatoriums offer various health programs to suit every taste.

Also, the city surroundings are of great interest. Here are located medieval castles, picturesque canyons on the forested slopes of the river and numerous equipped trails to contemplate all this splendor.

There are about 70 operating in Karlovy Vary mineral springs, but only 12 are believed to have healing qualities. Each is intended for the treatment and prevention of a specific group of diseases. The water temperature ranges from 30°C to 70°C. Around the thermal springs in XIX-XX centuries Picturesque colonnades were erected, which protected them from the influence of the external environment.

The tower is located on top of Druzhba Hill. Tourists can get there by cable car, or spend half an hour and walk along walking trail. The observation deck of the tower offers panoramic views of the wooded green hills that surround Karlovy Vary. In addition to the tower itself, there is a cafe, a restaurant on the hill, as well as benches and comfortable places for relaxation.

The building was erected at the end XIX century, this is the oldest observation deck in Karlovy Vary. It is interesting that in 1945 the tower was named in honor of I. Stalin, but already in the 60s. renamed. A staircase consisting of 165 steps (42 meters high) leads to the top of the building. Many objects of the Goethe Tower were restored only in 2002 with the active participation of F. Gaspra, who wanted to make the appearance of Karlovy Vary more attractive.

An elegant castle built under the reign of Charles IV. Initially, it was assumed that the building would be used as a hunting lodge, but after construction was completed, the local aristocracy began to organize holidays, balls and lavish receptions here. In 1604, the castle was destroyed by fire, but a new tower was soon erected. The building of the 17th century has survived to this day. Now there is a restaurant on the territory of the Castle Tower.

Glass building erected in the 70s. XX century according to the project of J. Otruba. The colonnade is located near the Vřídlo spring, which bursts out of the ground with a powerful hot stream (2 thousand liters of water/min.) Due to the high temperature, it is impossible to stay near the geyser for a long time. In the colonnade, in addition to the hall with the source, there is a large hall where souvenirs, dishes and Bohemian glass are sold.

A picturesque colonnade, built in the 19th century in the neo-Renaissance style with elegant Empire elements. It consists of 124 monumental columns supporting a façade with bas-reliefs by V. Lokvenets. Inside the Mill Colonnade there are mineral springs “Prince Vaclav”, “Melnichny”, “Rusalka”, “Libuše” and “Skalny”. The water temperature in the springs ranges from 45°C to 64°C.

The structure was erected in 1883 from wood and was supposed to last only a few years before something more impressive was built. But it lasted for more than 100 years. At the end of the 20th century, city authorities decided to completely reconstruct it, and now tourists have the opportunity to admire the restored landmark. Inside there are two springs - “Market” and “Charles IV”. Just behind the Market Colonnade is the Castle Tower.

The colonnade was erected in 1880 according to the design of G. Helmer and F. Fellner. These two architects made a great contribution to the appearance of Karlovy Vary. In the middle of the 20th century, the pavilion was dismantled and only the frame with columns remained from the building. However, in 2002, the historical appearance was restored. Now the Garden Colonnade is a real decoration of the city. Inside there are the “Svoboda”, “Zmeiny” and “Sadovy” springs.

An architectural structure in the Art Nouveau style, erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of the Viennese architect F. Oman. At the beginning of the 21st century, the colonnade was renovated with funds from the Castle Spa hospital, because of this, many objects became available only to clients of this institution. Everyone can drink the healing water from the source, but admiring the magnificent interior decoration of the Castle Colonnade is available only to tourists living in the Castle Spa.

Temple of the 18th-19th centuries, built according to the design of K. Dientzenhofer. The first church in the Gothic style appeared on this site in the 15th century; it belonged to the Order of the Crusaders. Later, the building was rebuilt in the Renaissance style, which was more fashionable and progressive at that time. Subsequently, the temple was destroyed more than once during wars and fires, eventually XVIII century the building almost collapsed. The restoration was completed by 1861.

A functioning Orthodox church, built in the 19th century according to the design of D. Ukhtomsky. This was the first Orthodox Church on the territory of the Austrian Empire. Due to the war, the church was closed in 1916; services resumed only in the middle of the 20th century. A complete reconstruction was carried out in the 1980s. Since then, the building has been maintained in excellent condition thanks to the efforts of local authorities.

The famous drink “Becherovka” is revered and loved in the Czech Republic, sometimes it is even called the “thirteenth spring” of Karlovy Vary. It is used as a medicine and an ingredient in many cocktails. The Becherovka production company was founded by local pharmacist Jan Becher. A museum named after him was opened in Karlovy Vary in 1992. During the tour, visitors can taste the drink with different flavors, learn its history and buy souvenirs.

The museum complex includes three buildings, since fewer were not enough to accommodate the extensive exhibition. Exhibited here archaeological finds, objects of art and everyday life, documents, geological exhibits related to the history of Karlovy Vary. The museum was founded in 1865 on the initiative of the Austrian doctor and expert in the field of balneology J.V. von Loeschner.

The Moser glass factory was built in Karlovy Vary in 1875. He is engaged in the production of products from Bohemian glass - a famous brand, famous throughout the world thanks to high quality. In the factory museum you can see an exhibition consisting of the most valuable and rare specimens produced at different times at Moser. You can also familiarize yourself with all stages of glass production.

The museum exhibits contemporary works of art created by Czech sculptors and artists in the second half of the 20th century. The permanent exhibition contains about 150 works in the style of cubism, expressionism and fauvism. The gallery often hosts temporary exhibitions, as well as performances and concerts. The building was built in 1912 in neoclassical style.

The theater building was built in the 19th century according to the design of G. Helmer and F. Fellner. Previously, there was a wooden building in its place, which collapsed during a fire in 1787. The inspiration for raising funds for the construction of the theater was one of the founders of balneology in Karlovy Vary - D. Becher. The wonderful enchanting opera by W. A. ​​Mozart “The Marriage of Figaro” was performed as the premiere production.

A heated swimming pool, open at any time of the year, which is located on the territory of the Thermal Hotel. The water in it is not medicinal, but rather ordinary, so everyone can swim. The pool has a fitness club, sauna, solarium and massage room. The length of the pool from side to side is 50 meters, depth is up to 4.5 meters. The pool offers magnificent views of the surrounding hotels and the surrounding hills.

The sanatorium is located in a building from the early 18th century, which is one of the most picturesque architectural structures in Karlovy Vary. Famous musicians, royalty, representatives of aristocratic families, cultural figures and others have been guests of the Pupp Hotel. famous people. Every year the hotel hosts an international film festival, which attracts world-class stars.

Four-star hotel, built in classical style at the beginning of the 20th century. The hotel is surrounded by a magnificent park, which has its own theater stage. The interior of the Imperial is dominated by discreet luxury and calm notes of Art Nouveau style. There is also a cinema concert hall and spacious auditoriums for seminars. The hotel's resort restaurant serves national and international cuisine, and you can also choose from 9 dietary menu options.

The castle is located near Karlovy Vary. There is some debate about the date of its foundation, but experts point to the 13th century. The building is a harsh medieval fortress with thick walls and narrow loopholes. Presumably, Loket was erected as a border fort that separated German and Czech possessions. The castle rises on the banks of the Ohře River.

An architectural structure of the 16th century, erected during the reign of Vladislav II. The castle changed owners many times. The greatest prosperity occurred in the period 1695 - 1733. The castle park was created under the influence of Italian traditions landscape design. The church, built in the 18th century according to the design of Giovanni Rossa, deserves special attention. Last owner Valecha was Count Larisch-Mennich, then the property went to the state.

A castle in the Czech Baroque style, located on the rocky bank of the Tepla River. It is believed that the structure was erected in the 13th century. Over the next two centuries, the castle was owned by different families until it was captured by the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War. In the second half of the 17th century and in the 19th century, major reconstructions were carried out. Bečov nad Teplou became state property in 1945.

A picturesque city park, which was created at the end of the 19th century. Trees over 200 years old grow on its territory. The gardens were named in honor of the Czech composer A. Dvorak; a monument to the maestro adorns one of the alleys of the park. It should be noted that visitors are allowed not only to stroll gracefully along the paths and sit on benches, but also to walk on the lawns, which makes the park attractive to most residents and guests of Karlovy Vary.

A picturesque canyon in the Ohře River valley, where you can admire the natural beauty of the surroundings of Karlovy Vary. This natural object included in the list of specially protected species in the Czech Republic. There are many legends associated with Svatoshki Rocks. At one time, they inspired the brothers Grimm, Goethe, Kerner and Spiess to create poetic literary works.

A low rock on top of which a statue of a chamois was placed in 1851. The metal sculpture was created by August Kiss. Unfortunately, in 1984 the figure was damaged by vandals. Two years later, the sculptor J. Kotek created a bronze copy, which now crowns the top of the hill. “Reindeer Leap” is one of the symbols of Karlovy Vary. Near the statue there is observation deck, very popular among tourists.

A trip to quiet and peaceful Karlovy Vary is a real relaxation for the soul and a healing balm for the body. For Russian tourists, this Czech resort has become “native” since tsarist times. From time immemorial, aristocrats and intellectuals flocked here for treatment.

Today Karlovy Vary has worthy balneological traditions, excellent service in well-equipped hotels and, of course, numerous hot springs that can improve health and cure numerous ailments. Local sanatoriums offer various health programs to suit every taste.

Also, the city surroundings are of great interest. There are medieval castles, picturesque canyons on the wooded slopes of the river and numerous well-maintained trails to contemplate all this splendor.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Karlovy Vary?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

There are about 70 mineral springs in Karlovy Vary, but only 12 are believed to have healing qualities. Each is intended for the treatment and prevention of a specific group of diseases. The water temperature ranges from 30°C to 70°C. Picturesque colonnades were erected around the thermal springs in the 19th-20th centuries, which protected them from the influence of the external environment.

The tower is located on top of Druzhba Hill. Tourists can get there by cable car, or spend half an hour and walk along the hiking trail. The observation deck of the tower offers panoramic views of the wooded green hills that surround Karlovy Vary. In addition to the tower itself, there is a cafe, a restaurant on the hill, as well as benches and comfortable places to relax.

The structure was erected at the end of the 19th century; it is the oldest observation deck in Karlovy Vary. It is interesting that in 1945 the tower was named in honor of I. Stalin, but already in the 60s. renamed. A staircase consisting of 165 steps (42 meters high) leads to the top of the building. Many objects of the Goethe Tower were restored only in 2002 with the active participation of F. Gaspra, who wanted to make the appearance of Karlovy Vary more attractive.

An elegant castle built under the reign of Charles IV. Initially, it was assumed that the building would be used as a hunting lodge, but after construction was completed, the local aristocracy began to organize holidays, balls and lavish receptions here. In 1604, the castle was destroyed by fire, but a new tower was soon erected. The building of the 17th century has survived to this day. Now there is a restaurant on the territory of the Castle Tower.

Glass building erected in the 70s. XX century according to the project of J. Otruba. The colonnade is located near the Vřídlo spring, which bursts out of the ground with a powerful hot stream (2 thousand liters of water/min.) Due to the high temperature, it is impossible to stay near the geyser for a long time. In the colonnade, in addition to the hall with the source, there is a large hall where souvenirs, dishes and Bohemian glass are sold.

A picturesque colonnade, built in the 19th century in the neo-Renaissance style with elegant Empire elements. It consists of 124 monumental columns supporting a façade with bas-reliefs by V. Lokvenets. Inside the Mill Colonnade there are mineral springs “Prince Vaclav”, “Melnichny”, “Rusalka”, “Libuše” and “Skalny”. The water temperature in the springs ranges from 45°C to 64°C.

The structure was erected in 1883 from wood and was supposed to last only a few years before something more impressive was built. But it lasted for more than 100 years. At the end of the 20th century, city authorities decided to completely reconstruct it, and now tourists have the opportunity to admire the restored landmark. There are two springs inside – “Market” and “Charles IV”. Just behind the Market Colonnade is the Castle Tower.

The colonnade was erected in 1880 according to the design of G. Helmer and F. Fellner. These two architects made a great contribution to the appearance of Karlovy Vary. In the middle of the 20th century, the pavilion was dismantled and only the frame with columns remained from the building. However, in 2002, the historical appearance was restored. Now the Garden Colonnade is a real decoration of the city. Inside there are the “Svoboda”, “Zmeiny” and “Sadovy” springs.

An architectural structure in the Art Nouveau style, erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of the Viennese architect F. Oman. At the beginning of the 21st century, the colonnade was renovated with funds from the Castle Spa hospital, because of this, many objects became available only to clients of this institution. Everyone can drink the healing water from the source, but admiring the magnificent interior decoration of the Castle Colonnade is available only to tourists living in the Castle Spa.

Temple of the 18th-19th centuries, built according to the design of K. Dientzenhofer. The first church in the Gothic style appeared on this site in the 15th century; it belonged to the Order of the Crusaders. Later, the building was rebuilt in the Renaissance style, which was more fashionable and progressive at that time. Subsequently, the temple was damaged more than once during wars and fires, and as a result, by the 18th century the building almost collapsed. The restoration was completed by 1861.

A functioning Orthodox church, built in the 19th century according to the design of D. Ukhtomsky. It was the first Orthodox Church on the territory of the Austrian Empire. Due to the war, the church was closed in 1916; services resumed only in the middle of the 20th century. A complete reconstruction was carried out in the 1980s. Since then, the building has been maintained in excellent condition thanks to the efforts of local authorities.

The famous drink “Becherovka” is revered and loved in the Czech Republic, sometimes it is even called the “thirteenth spring” of Karlovy Vary. It is used as a medicine and an ingredient in many cocktails. The Becherovka production company was founded by local pharmacist Jan Becher. A museum named after him was opened in Karlovy Vary in 1992. During the tour, visitors can taste the drink with different flavors, learn its history and buy souvenirs.

The museum complex includes three buildings, since fewer were not enough to accommodate the extensive exhibition. Archaeological finds, art and everyday objects, documents, geological exhibits related to the history of Karlovy Vary are exhibited here. The museum was founded in 1865 on the initiative of the Austrian doctor and expert in the field of balneology J.V. von Loeschner.

The Moser glass factory was built in Karlovy Vary in 1875. He is engaged in the production of products from Bohemian glass - a famous brand, famous throughout the world for its high quality. In the factory museum you can see an exhibition consisting of the most valuable and rare specimens produced at different times at Moser. You can also familiarize yourself with all stages of glass production.

The museum exhibits contemporary works of art created by Czech sculptors and artists in the second half of the 20th century. The permanent exhibition contains about 150 works in the style of cubism, expressionism and fauvism. The gallery often hosts temporary exhibitions, as well as performances and concerts. The building was built in 1912 in neoclassical style.

The theater building was built in the 19th century according to the design of G. Helmer and F. Fellner. Previously, there was a wooden building in its place, which collapsed during a fire in 1787. The inspiration for raising funds for the construction of the theater was one of the founders of balneology in Karlovy Vary - D. Becher. The wonderful enchanting opera by W. A. ​​Mozart “The Marriage of Figaro” was performed as the premiere production.

A heated swimming pool, open at any time of the year, which is located on the territory of the Thermal Hotel. The water in it is not medicinal, but rather ordinary, so everyone can swim. The pool has a fitness club, sauna, solarium and massage room. The length of the pool from side to side is 50 meters, depth is up to 4.5 meters. The pool offers magnificent views of the surrounding hotel buildings and the surrounding hills.

The sanatorium is located in a building from the early 18th century, which is one of the most picturesque architectural structures in Karlovy Vary. Famous musicians, royalty, representatives of aristocratic families, cultural figures and other famous people have been guests of the Pupp Hotel. Every year the hotel hosts an international film festival, which attracts world-class stars.

Four-star hotel, built in classical style at the beginning of the 20th century. The hotel is surrounded by a magnificent park, which has its own theater stage. The interior of the Imperial is dominated by discreet luxury and calm notes of Art Nouveau style. There is also a cinema, a concert hall and spacious auditoriums for seminars. The hotel's resort restaurant serves national and international cuisine, and you can also choose from 9 dietary menu options.

The castle is located near Karlovy Vary. There is some debate about the date of its foundation, but experts point to the 13th century. The building is a harsh medieval fortress with thick walls and narrow loopholes. Presumably, Loket was erected as a border fort that separated German and Czech possessions. The castle rises on the banks of the Ohře River.

An architectural structure of the 16th century, erected during the reign of Vladislav II. The castle changed owners many times. The greatest prosperity occurred in the period 1695 - 1733. The castle park was created under the influence of the traditions of Italian landscape design. The church, built in the 18th century according to the design of Giovanni Rossa, deserves special attention. The last owner of Valecha was Count Larisch-Mennich, then the property went to the state.

A castle in the Czech Baroque style, located on the rocky bank of the Tepla River. It is believed that the structure was erected in the 13th century. Over the next two centuries, the castle was owned by different families until it was captured by the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War. In the second half of the 17th century and in the 19th century, major reconstructions were carried out. Bečov nad Teplou became state property in 1945.

A picturesque city park, which was created at the end of the 19th century. Trees over 200 years old grow on its territory. The gardens were named in honor of the Czech composer A. Dvorak; a monument to the maestro adorns one of the alleys of the park. It should be noted that visitors are allowed not only to stroll gracefully along the paths and sit on benches, but also to walk on the lawns, which makes the park attractive to most residents and guests of Karlovy Vary.

A picturesque canyon in the Ohře River valley, where you can admire the natural beauty of the surroundings of Karlovy Vary. This natural site is included in the list of specially protected areas in the Czech Republic. There are many legends associated with Svatoshki Rocks. At one time, they inspired the brothers Grimm, Goethe, Kerner and Spiess to create poetic literary works.

A low rock on top of which a statue of a chamois was placed in 1851. The metal sculpture was created by August Kiss. Unfortunately, in 1984 the figure was damaged by vandals. Two years later, the sculptor J. Kotek created a bronze copy, which now crowns the top of the hill. “Reindeer Leap” is one of the symbols of Karlovy Vary. There is an observation deck near the statue, which is very popular among tourists.

Peter the Great opened Karlovy Vary for the Russian nobility. He not only rested here, but also forged horseshoes.

Everywhere you look there are mountains and mountains, dark green with lush, rich foliage, and below, as if in a deep oblong thicket, the famous city of Karlovy Vary, the former Carlsbad, is cramped and neatly located. The houses, like swallows' nests, huddle together, they are all different, attractive, old European buildings, and they have, perhaps, only one thing in common - red tiled roofs. The Tepla River divides the center of the town into two halves, pedestrian bridges connect the streets, or rather boulevards, running along the banks.

Karlovy Vary is a world resort. The Tepla River (warm, that is) is the culprit of its appearance. This was six centuries ago. People noticed that the water in the river and in numerous springs around was not only warm, but also very useful and healing. First they bathed in it, took baths, then they began to drink. The healers of that ancient time, in order to improve the stomach and generally heal many diseases, ordered to drink this mineral water nine liters a day for a whole week while lying in bed. And finish the treatment with long hot baths.
Over time, the treatment became simpler; people were supposed to take water, as they do now, only three cups a day, an hour before meals. The resort's fame grew. He was becoming fashionable. Wealthy famous people flocked here from many countries.
And for the Russian nobility, Karlovy Vary was opened by Peter the Great. He came here twice: in 1711 and 1712. Lived around old Town Hall in the house of the pharmacist Becher. He took treatment seriously. But he also had time to have some fun. The townspeople greeted him enthusiastically and warmly. And the memory of him has been preserved to this day. In Karlovy Vary there is Peter the Great Street, an Orthodox church in his honor, and a relief on the house he helped build. The horseshoe he forged is also imprinted into the wall; both the snuff box and the legs for the table, which he turned at a local turner, are intact. The resort house "Peter" has been operating for a long time, where there is no end to visitors.
Life begins early in the village in Karlovy Vary. It’s not even six o’clock, and everywhere is already busy, people are flocking to bus stops, those close to them, walking, riding bicycles. Maybe there is a special order or it’s a tradition, but everyone, as if by agreement, moves with as little noise as possible, you can’t hear any loud conversations, no laughter, no signals: holidaymakers and tourists are still sleeping, we need to protect their peace.
And soon, one after another, small shops, snack bars, bistros, grill bars begin to open, on the doors of which “Grillovina Kurata” is brightly and catchily written, the smells of coffee, vanilla and generally various delicious food spread in the fresh morning air. You can quickly grab a bite to eat anywhere, and if there’s nowhere to rush, you can simply watch the multilingual audience and bask in the gentle sun. The tables are right on the street, some under umbrellas, others without umbrellas. In a few minutes you will be served whatever you order: bacon or Magyar goulash, salads, fish, white or red wine, and, of course, Czech beer, perhaps the best in the world. Served in a Mosel glass mug, on a cardboard stand with the image of the brave soldier Schweik.
The resort of Karlovy Vary annually welcomes more than three million people. This is a lot for a small town.

A considerable part of our population is engaged exclusively in service, maintenance,” Deputy Mayor Jan Jurcha, who speaks decent Russian, told me. - And our food products are local, from our close lands. We import only overseas fruits and rare vintage wines. Good Russian vodka and Armenian cognac are in special demand, as are our “Bekherevka” and “Borovichka”. The largest sanatorium "Imperial" is considered Russian. Immediately after the end of the war, it was mainly your people who rested and were treated here. The city has many problems, the buildings are aging and require repairs. Something needs to be changed, but the center of the resort, its appearance, cannot be touched - this is history, tradition, brand.
On Peter the Great Street there is a villa of the Czechoslovak Literary Foundation, where my wife and I lived for four years in a row. The building is maintained by two people: a husband and wife. Their apartment is right there. The cleanliness is kept perfect. When entering, you must leave your shoes downstairs and put on slippers. Even the dog Klops is accustomed to wait in wet weather for his owner, six-year-old Elenka, to wipe his paws.
On many houses you can see cast iron boards with inscriptions: celebrities lived here. Every time I go to the center, I look into the windows of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s apartment. In the evening a carriage was given to him, and he went to the Pupp Hotel for a friendly meeting with Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. And at this time, at the same hour, the German merchant Marx was walking near the neighboring house. The same world-famous Karl Marx, who signed up as a merchant for conspiracy.
Guests expressed their admiration for the local resort in different ways: music, paintings, poetry, expensive offerings to temples, gifts from the mayor's office. The actress Maria Savina and the peasant of the Yaroslavl province of the Poshekhonsky district Vasily Aikritovich Khlapov (and how did he get here!) cast metal boards with brief inscriptions, and the ataman of the Cossack troops Platov, back in 1815, left the following verses in the metal:

Carlsbad - the reason for these inscriptions
For all grateful hearts,
Carlsbad is a beautiful picture
Sample for painters
The last outstanding Russian guest in Karlovy Vary was academician Ivan Pavlov. He lived very modestly and piously, attracting people with his accessibility and kindness. This was already under Soviet rule in the twenties, and the academician apparently saved every penny of the small amount that he was given for treatment.
After a week you get used to Karlovy Vary as if it were your own home. It's comfortable and peaceful here. It seems that there is always a blue sky hanging over the town, coolness flows from the mountains, spreading chestnut trees create shade on the lawns where children play. And the birds are pouring in from morning to night, the bees are circling over the flower beds.
And on the central colonnade, where there are several sources with mineral water, music plays almost every day. Most often military brass bands. People, walking or sitting on benches, drink water from mugs with a long spout and listen to waltzes and marches. These are mainly works by composers who rested and received treatment here. Look, some old woman in heels, who was here back in the days when Karlovy Vary was called Carlsbad, taps her foot to the beat of the melody and smiles. And tears are rolling from her eyes from a joyful feeling.
Evenings are nice in Karlovy Vary. The sun has rolled down behind the mountains, and the sky is still bright, lonely clouds, colored by sunset rays, burn like lanterns, the smell of flowers becomes thicker, the streets are gradually empty. A measured, quiet bell ringing floats over the roofs of houses. This is the beginning of the service in the Russian Church of Peter the Great. People slow down their steps, look at the golden domes, listen to the ringing, which emanates stability and peace; a peaceful grace falls on the heart from this ancient folk music.
We go out for a walk to the Tepla River, to the boulevards, to the bridge where tourists feed fish and drakes. Well-fed, spoiled fish, half a meter or more in length, barely move their fins and are reluctant to take crumbs. The guests also feed the famous duck with nine ducklings. The duck became famous because she managed to raise a family in a drained old pond, where there was very little water left. Vacationers of different nationalities began to take care of the brood. Someone saw a huge cat approaching the ducklings. And there was a rumor that supposedly the mayor of the city decided to hire a watchman to protect the ducklings while they grew up. They believed this rumor right away, because the nature of the park city is lovingly and strictly monitored here.
We are leaving Karlovy Vary by train. Rarely remembered on the way hospitable city, where three or four weeks fly by. You look out the carriage window and think: oh, God willing, I wish I could be here one more time and live longer.

Yuri GRIBOV Karlovy Vary - Moscow.

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The Tepla River flows through Karlovy Vary, which is located on both banks. The river got its name because of its unusual warm water, thanks to which the river does not freeze even in winter. It has an unusual smell, which can be explained by the presence of famous thermal springs in Karlovy Vary.

The Tepla River, with a total length of about 65 kilometers, flows into the Ohře River. The area of ​​the river basin is 384 square kilometers. The river is fed by snow and rain. The mouth of the river is located in Eger, at an altitude of about 380 meters above sea level.

On the river embankment there is the Mill Colonnade, which is one of the symbols of the city. It was built in 1881 according to the design of the Czech architect Josef Zitek, who built the National Theater in Prague.

Tepla River embankment

The Tepla River embankment in Karlovy Vary is always full of tourists. And this is no coincidence, because it flows through the very center of the city. There are historical houses, boarding houses and sanatoriums, exhibition galleries, a number of mineral springs and colonnades. Pedestrian and automobile bridges span the river. Within the embankment there are three parks named after. Sour cream, them. Ianna de Carro and them. Dvorak. The famous five-star Grand Hotel Pupp is also located next to the river. On the streets of the embankment there is an exhibition of Czech art glass, the Rubin holiday home, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene and other attractions. In addition, the promenade is full of restaurants, cafes and shops.
