Large lake in Altai. Salt lakes of Altai: map, recreation and prices

“The fogs, his transparent thoughts, run in all directions of the world. The lakes are his eyes looking into the universe. Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs about life, the beauty of the earth, mountains,” said Grigory Choros-Gurkin about the Great Altai.

The beauty of these places cannot be described in reviews for tourists; we will focus on the most popular and interesting places where you can relax with family and friends.

When they say “Altai”, they usually mean either Gorny Altai or salt lakes of Altai edges.

Gorny Altai

A favorite place not only for Siberians and Russians advanced in ecotourism, there are guests from all over the world, and every year the number of foreign tourists in Altai is growing. The most popular vacation spots are the numerous tourist centers along the Katun. The Chuysky tract goes far into the mountains, lovers of solitude rise almost to the Aktru pass, and for those who have enough fresh air, an unusual beautiful scenery and the noise of the mysterious Katun, they stay in houses on the shore. The river itself is very cold, not every walrus will risk swimming in it, so most of the summer tourists are concentrated near the Turquoise Katun and the freshwater Lake Aya.

If you are traveling to Altai by your own car, then you can stop at any base you like, on the shore or in the mountains, in houses or tents, and do field trips by car every day.

So, the most popular for swimming, fresh lake Aya is located 10 km south of the village of Maima. The area of ​​the lake is 9 hectares, the coastline is about one and a half kilometers. The lake is very picturesque, and most importantly, warm - in summer the water warms up to +25 C.

The reservoir is fed by springs; almost in the center there is an island, and on it there is a romantic gazebo. In summer you can ride around the lake on a catamaran or pedal boat, in winter you can go ice skating in areas cleared of snow.

Turquoise Katun is an artificial reservoir on the left bank of the Katun, near the village of Manzherok.

This is a tourist and recreational special economic zone, and among the common people it is the most popular place on Katun. Due to the fact that the reservoir is artificial, the water here warms up to more than 20 degrees; there is a water park, attractions, and places for recreation on the shore.

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over the globe rush to these places to enjoy the beautiful views. high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

Check-in Altai Territory started
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

Creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, sports life of the Altai Territory became the basis for development in the region event tourism. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralnik”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

Beauty and health

Officially. Useful flora region has 1184 plant species. The largest group of drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.

The Altai region is famous not only for its agricultural achievements, but also for perhaps the richest hydrographic map in the country.

There are about 13 thousand lakes in the region, large and small, fresh and salty, each of which is unique in its own way. Some are extremely picturesque: photos of Altai lakes fascinate with their unique beauty. Others are famous for their rare healing properties, while others are luxury resorts with hotels and water parks.

Lake on Red Mountain.

Lake Akkemskoye, Mount Belukha.

Mountain Altai. Lake Kuiguk.

Lake Srednemultinskoye

Lake Teletskoye is the most big lake Altai.

Lake Teletskoe. The Altai name is Altyn-Kel, which means Golden Lake.

South of Lake Teletskoye, in the background is the Chulyshman Canyon. Taken from the Bele cordon.

The most unusual lakes of Altai

Thanks to the diversity of landscapes, each body of water in the Altai Territory is beautiful in its own way. For example, Lake Zerkalnoe, located in the Barnaul ribbon forest, is surrounded by light-coniferous relict forests, giving coastline special charm.

Altai, Lake Svetloe.

Lake Svetloye, also known as Swan Lake, is an amazing corner of nature where the water is crystal clear and transparent to the very bottom. Thanks to the abundance of springs, the reservoir does not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and the water temperature never drops below + 5 - 6 degrees C. Therefore, ducks and swans winter here, which you can admire from special observation platforms.

Lake Beloe.

The small lake Beloye is surrounded by granite shores and has a regular round shape. In the center of the lake there is a small island where, according to legend, the famous Ural industrialist Akinfiy Demidov was engaged in the production of coins, bypassing the court of Empress Elizabeth. In 2010, the reservoir was given the status natural monument.

Raspberry Lake.

The bitter-salty Raspberry Lake has been known since the time of Catherine II. A unique feature of the reservoir is the pinkish-crimson color of the water, which is obtained due to the vital activity of special planktonic crustaceans. Since ancient times, pink salt was mined from the bottom of the lake and delivered to the court, with which the empress surprised overseas guests.

Lake Gorkoye, Novichikhinsky district of Altai.

Lake Gorkoye in the Novichikhinsky district of Altai has the status of a natural monument and is famous for its therapeutic mud and picturesque sandy beaches. The reservoir attracts not only those wishing to improve their health, but also kitesurfing enthusiasts.

On the shore of another lake, Gorkoye, located in the Yegoryevsky district, the popular Lebyazhye sanatorium has been hospitably welcoming vacationers for a hundred years. People come here to enjoy the healing silt mud, mild climate and mineral water, similar in composition to Essentuki 17.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is surrounded by an almost flat treeless plain, and part of the coastline is indented by deep ravines. Since 1972, spa treatment has been carried out here, and the popularity of this place is explained by the especially healing water, similar in composition to the waters of Dead Sea.

Lake Aya.

Freshwater Lake Aya is a favorite vacation spot for many, where you can stay at one of the camp sites, swim in the summer, sail on boats and catamarans, and skate in the winter. Lake Ai is located in one of the depressions of the Altai Mountains and, according to local legend, it was formed where the Moon descended to earth to save people from a terrible cannibal.

Kolyvan Lake or simply Savvushka.

Lake Kolyvan, which the locals simply call Savvushka, is surrounded by piles of small mountain ridges of the most bizarre shape, and the lake itself will remind a person with a rich imagination gem sapphire enclosed in a granite frame.

Kulunda Lake.

Kulundinskoye is one of the most large lakes Altai, with an area of ​​728 km2. Its depth is only 2.5 - 3 m, but the lake never freezes, and in the summer it warms up to 25 degrees. It is not surprising that thousands of lovers of nature and picturesque landscapes strive to come here.

Everyone who travels through Siberia is sure to bring with them numerous photos of lakes in the Altai Territory, which captivate with their original beauty and diversity.

: Altai region And Republic of Gorny Altai. Both areas are vast and varied, so you need to decide what you would like to get from your holiday in Altai, then it will be easier to understand which direction to choose for your first trip.

I will share some ideas where you can go to Altai for the first time.

Altai region

The lakes in the vicinity of the villages of Zavyalovo and Guseletovo are very popular. These lakes are interesting because within walking distance, lakes with completely different compositions coexist like neighbors: salty, alkaline and fresh.

Zavyalovskie lakes are not located near Zavyalovo, as one might assume, but about 10 km from it, near the village of Svetly.

The degree of mineralization of brine in the salt lake is 115 g/l. And although the lake is small in size, rumors about its positive influence spread quickly, so it is difficult to find a free place on the shore.

On one side of the salt lake is a fresh lake with tent camp and the beach.

On the other side is Alkaline Lake with a foamy edge and many birds along the shores.

There is another alkaline lake in the village itself; it is protected on all sides by houses and forests, so here the winds do not take such liberties as in the open steppe.

Among Guseletovskie lakes, which are located a little south of Zavyalovskiye, the main purpose of the pilgrimage is Mormyshanskoe and Gorky lakes (you can read the topic on the forum).

The recreation center and tent camps are located on the banks of Gorky, it is alkaline and warm, so it is suitable for long swimming.

Vacationers go to Lake Mormyshanskoye across the road; the mineralization of this lake is slightly higher than the mineralization of the world's most famous salt lake - the Dead Sea (about 300 g/l). During the night, the salt on the bottom and shore manages to crystallize so much that it makes it slightly difficult to move without shoes.

2. Colorful lakes . You can choose others as your target in the Altai Territory, no less. And to get a general idea of ​​this land of 1000 lakes, I advise you to take a tour of several lakes: Kulundinskoye, Bolshoye Yarovoye and the water park, Malinovoye, Zolotoe, Gorkoye-Issheechnoye, Kolyvanskoye, Beloe and Zavyalovskiye or Guseletovskiye lakes.

3. Excursions and museums. If you like excursions and museums, I suggest slightly diluting the lake tour with a historical component. Lakes Beloe and Kolyvanskoye lie near the most interesting cities.
Kolyvan is primarily known for its stone-cutting art; it was here that the famous Kolyvan vase was carved. The history of its creation is carefully preserved in Kolyvan Museum of Stone-Cutting Art.

A tour to stone cutting plant, on which the Queen of Vaz was created for 12 whole years. Nowadays, modern technologies, of course, greatly facilitate the process, but still, even now, to create a stone masterpiece, great skill and painstaking work are required.

A monolithic 11-meter section of green-wavy jasper, which became the progenitor of the above-mentioned vase, was discovered 35 km southeast of Zmeinogorsk, at the foot of Mount Revnyukhi.

It’s not easy to get to the quarry itself, but before reaching Revyukha, we’ll meet Lazurskoye field pyrite-polymer ores.

And finally, myself Zmeinogorsk. Once upon a time he was known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Half of the Altai silver was mined here, and the equipment in the mines was the most advanced. True, convicts and serfs worked in the mines in inhumane conditions, without rising from the ground to sunlight for years. He'll tell you all about it local mining museum.

4. - a resort city of federal significance at the foot of the Cherginsky spurs. By quantity sunny days in the year Belokurikha is comparable to the resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Belokurikha surprisingly combines civilization and wild beauty of nature. Mild climate, healing air, picturesque rocks - all this is within walking distance from the resort area of ​​the city. In addition, Belokurikha is the starting point of many excursion routes.

Gorny Altai

1. Many people begin to explore the Altai Mountains from the lakes. The nearest, and also warm, lakes are Manzherokskoye, Aiskoye (Aya) and the artificial reservoir Turyuzovaya Katun. Picturesque, surrounded by mountains, they attract many vacationers every day.

Lake Manzherok - perhaps the most untouched by civilization. It is a natural monument; it nests here large number birds, many species of fish live, however, fishing is allowed only with vouchers. On the shore of the lake, tourists will find several tourist bases, as well as a tent camp. In addition to swimming, entertainment options include catamaran riding, on land - on horses and camels, and by air - on a cable car.

Aiskoye Lake surrounded by bases on all sides, bases are built to suit different tastes and budgets, so you will have to dial more than one phone number to choose the right place: comfort or economy class, youth or family vacation. If you get to the lake from the Chuysky tract, you can only cross the suspended toll bridge in front of the village of Souzga.

Turquoise Katun All summer long it retains the turquoise color of its sister due to constant filtration of water. There are beaches with entertainment around the entire lake. True, you can swim in the lake for free only by stopping at one of the bases on the banks of the Turyuzovaya Katun. The complex is located almost opposite Lake Manzherok, but on the left bank, like Aya.

2. Yes good option get to know Altai - just ride around Chuysky tract, the first time it is usually conquered up to the Seminsky Pass. The Chuysky Tract begins in Biysk at 354 km of the M 92 highway, so it is in Biysk that there is a museum of the Chuysky Tract. Here, in Biysk, the road to the right goes towards Belokurikha.

384 km - Srostki, Shukshin’s birthplace, so a museum has been opened in the village and a monument has been erected on Mount Piket.

431 km - turn to the lakes. (You can also drive to them through Belokurikha).
454 km - Aisky Bridge.
464 km - Cheremshansky spring and Cheremshansky waterfall. If we are heading to Gorny Altai, then the exit from the Chuysky tract will be to the left. You will have to walk no more than 1 km.

472 km - turn towards the village. Ozernoye and Lake Manzherokskoye.
478 km - silver source Arzhan-suu. There is also a bridge across the Katun to the tour. complex "Turquoise Katun" and to the Tavdinsky caves.

492 km - the bridge from which the trail to the Kamyshlinsky waterfall begins. (You can also get to it along the goat path, which begins on the left bank).

496 km - The Chuysky tract passes to the left bank, and along the right bank the road will go to Chemal.
502 km - s. Kamlak. Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden.

509 km - Cherginsky bison farm. You never know how long and in which direction you will have to walk, accompanied by a farm employee, until you meet the bison “face to face.”

514 km - s. Cherga. There are many picturesque places around the village.

583 km - Seminsky pass. The attraction is not limited to the stella near the road. To the right, the road goes towards the Dynamo base, along which you can climb by car almost to the very top.

3. Chemal direction is also of interest.

It would be trite to call Altai “the land of a thousand lakes,” especially since there are actually many more bodies of water on its territory. Among the reservoirs located in this amazing territory, there are lakes with fresh water, eat with salt, many of them are considered healing. Some Altai lakes were formed immediately after the Ice Age.

Numerous travelers, lovers independent hikes, describing his impressions of visiting the lakes Gorny Altai, often use words such as “magical”, “fabulous”, “amazing” and even “mysterious”.

Lakes of the Altai Territory

Many steppe lakes in the Altai Territory are considered medicinal; their water contains a high concentration of minerals. The water of some lakes is colored pink because of the crustaceans living in it. This gives the reservoirs an unusual, truly fantastic look.

Lakes of Gorny Altai

The reservoirs of the Altai Mountains are distinguished by their special, mysterious beauty. The water of those that originated from the glacier is very cold, often suspended ice floats in it, while in others it is quite possible to swim. These are the most visited.

Any tourist who includes any lake in Altai in his travel route will receive unforgettable experience from contemplating the unique beauty of the surrounding nature or will be able to feel the healing properties of the salt water of steppe lakes. You can easily find and select lakes on our map or in our lakes section.
