Where to go for the November holidays? Five budget directions. Where to go in November? ✈ TOP destinations for November holidays Which city to visit for November holidays

November is the month of calm before the New Year's storm. The ideal time to relax without fuss and rush. We share our thoughts on where to go in November 2019.

Southern coast of Crimea

Why you need to go: On vacation in Crimea in November you can still find warm days. There are much fewer tourists than in the season, and this will allow you to calmly explore the local attractions, forgetting about the noisy crowd. Since there are not so many people, vacation rentals are much cheaper.

What's the weather like? very unpredictable. A warm cyclone may arrive, and then the air will warm up to +20°C. But most often it’s around +12...+15°С, so you can’t go without a jacket.

Wherego: It’s better to go to the south of the peninsula - to Yalta, Alushta, Sevastopol.

Hsomething to do: on clear days it’s good to walk in nature: Cape Fiolent, Chufut-Kale caves, Nikita Botanical Garden (this is not Mikhalkov, but a village). If it rains, go to the closed museums of Yalta, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai.


WhycostsBydrivein November: as in Crimea, the flow of tourists has subsided, leaving behind empty spaces for walking and favorable prices for accommodation.

What's the weather like? quite warm, around +15°C. There are few cloudy days with snow and rain. However, there is no snow cover, so for alpine skiing It's still early.

Things to do: you can climb the mountains, closer to Krasnaya Polyana, ride a cable car, and engage in various sports, including extreme ones. There is a place called Medvezhiy Ugol, where they offer water from mineral spring(similar in composition to the famous “Narzan”). In the valley of the Laura River there are enclosures where wild animals rest; children will especially enjoy a walk there. From - observation deck on Mount Akhun.

Ski resorts

Why you need to go: The ski season is just beginning, the bulk of experienced and beginner skiers will catch up by December. And during the New Year holidays, prices will jump higher than the mountain peaks, so we recommend holidays in November.

Where to go: Dombay, Belokurikha, Sheregesh.

When does the season start: depends on the specific resort and the weather conditions that develop there. In Belokurikha you can usually ski from the end of November, in Sheregesh - from the middle of the month. And with Dombay, how lucky: the season can open in mid-November, or a month later. Therefore, we all listen together to Professor Belyaev’s weather forecasts, and after that we decide where to go.

Which resort is suitable for: All resorts are quite developed and offer trails of various difficulty levels. Therefore, both experienced skiers and beginners are welcome there. Read more about Russian skiing.


Whycostsdrive: In November, the New Year's bustle has not yet arrived, and thousands of tourists are not yet walking around Moscow, eager for fireworks and round dances around Christmas trees.

What's up with the weather: everything is unpredictable. There may be sub-zero temperatures with snow, or the sun may shine and reach +10°C. However, the main thing is that there are no severe frosts, and the conditions for walking are quite comfortable.

Things to do: While there are not so many tourists, you can get around without unnecessary inconvenience, walk along Red Square on the centenary year of the October Revolution (and maybe on the centenary day), buy warm souvenirs on the Arbat, and warm up in the capital's restaurants and cafes.

Saint Petersburg

Why you need to go: because this is St. Petersburg and you should always go here while you have free time and money.

How is the weather: cloudy + all types of rain and sleet. However, if they run away from such weather from other cities, then on the contrary they go to St. Petersburg for such weather, because it has become part of the city, its unique attraction.

Where to go: Holidays in November are a great time to walk around: you can see unique exhibits and warm up properly. Although, upon exiting the Hermitage, you can take a chance and walk along Palace Embankment and the bridge of the same name to feel the November wind from the Neva. Authentic cafes, of which there are plenty on Nevsky Prospekt and other streets of the city, will keep you from freezing.

A mandatory item on the program is a climb to the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral. The whole city is like the palm of your hand.

November is traditionally considered the month of the “low season,” and quite undeservedly. Firstly, children have school holidays, an excellent reason for joint trips with the whole family. Secondly, when enough time has passed after the summer vacation, winter and slush are already coming, and before New Year holidays It’s still far away - it’s time to change the environment at least for a while, recharge with the warmth of the sun, vitamins and fresh impressions. At the same time, airlines usually offer their best prices in November, and hotels, restaurants and museums offer a variety of discounts and special programs.

Beach resorts

In many European countries in November the weather is not particularly different from Russian - and is not conducive to sunbathing. Starts in November velvet season in, when the sweltering heat is replaced by warm sunny days, and the calm sea is conducive to a pleasant holiday.

The choice of destinations for traveling to warmer climates in November is truly great. It can be, or - each country is unique in its own way, and each can offer excellent weather, magnificent beaches, a rich excursion program and developed infrastructure.

Festivals and holidays

An excursion holiday, which is possible in almost any European country in November, can be combined with an entertainment trip. In autumn, many interesting and colorful festivals take place around the world. So, every year on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven o’clock in the cities of -, and - the official opening of the carnival season takes place, which lasts for several months and ends with Lent. Gothic holidays are also interesting: in the ruins of Frankenstein's castle, located not far from, on the top of a high cliff, a multi-day Halloween party is held in the surrounding forests. Counting vampires, serial killers, zombies, werewolves, walking mummies, hanged men and succubi from a nearby American military base goes to thousands; beer flows like a river.

Wine connoisseurs should not miss the celebration of the "new Beaujolais" - a young wine made in a small region north of. It begins in the town of Bozho, where on the third Wednesday of November, shortly before midnight, the march of winemakers starts. With grapevine torches, they come to the main city square, where exactly at midnight they knock out the plugs from the barrels and place the mugs under the streams of new wine. At the same time, the sale of Beaujolais Nouveau begins in drinking establishments

Remember when we all read “A Thousand and One Nights” as children? Nowhere do ancient and modern cultures coexist so well as in eastern countries, in particular in the UAE. Skyscrapers and huts, oriental hospitality and European service, beaches along the Persian Gulf, oriental bazaars and fashion boutiques, as well as excellent weather and gentle sea!


In Israel, tourists can expect Mediterranean, Red and Dead Sea. Besides medical procedures, vacationers are provided with a beautiful tan and exciting excursions to biblical places. However, for those who do not like rain, it is better to choose another place to relax - showers will be frequent guests.

Maldives and Seychelles

If you happen to have 70 or 80,000 RUB lying around in your wallet, you can safely take a tour to the Maldives or Seychelles. On Maldives At this time of year, it is time for “Iruvan” - the northeast monsoon season. This means that the weather conditions there will be not just good, but ideal for relaxation. On top of that, the Maldives is real paradise on the ground. Silence, coral beaches, clear sea, schools of colorful fish and... almost complete absence of people - one can only dream of such a vacation. Bliss, peace and tranquility are what a tired person needs, living in the frantic rhythm of the metropolis. No, if suddenly your soul desires communication, then you can always find pleasant interlocutors in bars, but you will feel like Robinson in your bungalow, lost on beautiful island- a pleasure worth the money paid for the trip.

In the Seychelles in November it’s no worse. There are no hurricanes or downpours - the task of vacationers is to enjoy the beauty and tranquility. Emerald water Indian Ocean, white sand, European service and complete peace! For those who are interested in diving, this is an ideal place for diving; the underwater world and its inhabitants amaze with their brightness and unusualness.

November is a wonderful month not only for beach holiday, it is also famous for its many festivals and holidays.


In India, tourists will also enjoy a wonderful holiday in November. Crowds of tourists have not yet filled the beaches, and if you are not afraid of a long flight, then you should visit this amazing and mysterious country. Children will be delighted by the opportunity to ride an elephant, and their mothers will appreciate the huge selection of spices and natural fabrics of excellent quality. Add to this the excellent level of service and smiling Indians, the opportunity to choose excursions to ancient temples and monasteries, beautiful beaches and warm sea, and it becomes clear why holidays in India are deservedly popular among Russians.

Sri Lanka

Looking in the dictionary, you can find out that Sri Lanka means “blessed land”. Gentle waves, golden beaches, lush greenery of tropical plants, birdsong and the smiles of the aborigines - all this is more than enough in Sri Lanka. The island of tea plantations and ancient temples breathes good nature and love. After all, this is what Buddha preaches, and Sri Lanka is the center of the Buddhist religion.

Mysterious Sri Lanka


Alternative to a beach holiday - sightseeing tourism. The choice of tours is quite large, and in the museums of Prague, Tokyo, New York and Rome there is always comfortable weather without precipitation or storms. The architecture of London, the bridges of Budapest, the cathedrals of Riga are beautiful in any season, and in the wine cellars of France, Parisian cafes and pubs in Germany, everyone will find a dish or drink to taste. Therefore, no November can hurt you from traveling around the world!

An excellent choice for a tour - the Czech Republic! Old Prague will delight you with many cozy places where you can have a snack and while away the evening and a huge selection of museums and attractions that will make your day eventful. If this family vacation, then take the time to take your children to the world-famous Prague Zoo and Toy Museum, where one of the largest collections of puppets is exhibited. And if fate takes you to the outskirts of Karlovy Vary, be sure to visit a huge water park with pools of different depths, slides, Jacuzzis, and attractions.

November is perfect for traveling around southern Europe. The timid sun is still shining outside the window, rains are infrequent guests, so you can safely walk around Spain, Greece and Italy. One of the advantages of November tours is the low cost of travel.

It's already cool in the Scandinavian countries. Therefore, when planning a trip to Sweden, Denmark, Belgium or Norway, take care of warm clothes.

Festivals and holidays

November is a wonderful month not only for a beach holiday, it is also famous for many different festivals and holidays.

On the 11th day of the 11th month, the annual carnival opens in Germany, which continues right up to Lent! Several cities participate in it, and each strives to outdo its neighbors with its brightness and intricacy. And not far from Darsstadt in November you can meet a zombie or a cute mummy. And there are countless witches, hanged men and vampires there. Of course - after all, in the ruins of Frankenstein's castle, all these evil spirits are walking around, celebrating Halloween. If you lack thrills, then here you can get them in full.

France is worth visiting for those who are fans of the young French wine Beaujolais Nouveau. The celebration of the new Beaujolais annually attracts thousands of gourmets. In the town of Bozho it begins with a procession of winemakers, which is a colorful sight in itself - columns with songs march through the city, lighting the way with torches made from grapevines. And exactly at midnight on central square The plugs are knocked out of many barrels - and you can substitute the container - the wine flows like a river. Some drink from the palm of their hand, others from their own hat, and the more adventurous ones fill their flasks.

In the northeast of Thailand, the elephant festival starts on November 15-16. About 100 gray beauties take part in the show, and this is a truly colorful spectacle - after all, there are legends about the intelligence and grace of elephants.

But if in France they savor new wine, then in Holland... hemp. After all, in mid-November the annual Hemp Cup takes place there. Choosing a winner is very simple - they smoke, evaluating the smell, taste, appearance, and most importantly - the effect! Anyone can become a judge, the main thing is to pay for a judge's pass. And how things go - some people estimate from 5 to 10 types of marijuana per day.

In Thailand, a monkey banquet is held in November. There are as many of these animals there as there are cockroaches. But no one likes cockroaches, but monkeys are a lure for tourists. A huge table is set for the primates, laden with their favorite dishes. And the most interesting thing is that guests for this holiday do not need invitations - they are waiting for it like children New Year, getting to the place of celebrations on the scheduled day. It all ends the same way as with people. After eating nuts, bananas and sweets, drinking juices and sparkling water, the monkeys climb trees and throw empty containers at onlookers.

If sunny July flew by in the office, if even velvety September is remembered only by the gurgle of water from the cooler, then do not complain about your bosses and fate, who allocated November for you to rest. After a short thought process, a reckless choice of a point on the globe, hasty preparations and an escape from the slush and cold, you begin to understand how great it is to be transported from your usual everyday life into such an amazing, bright and unknown world!

The best holiday destinations in November for those who are against tourist prejudices and stereotypes.

Map of low airfare prices in November

It is generally accepted that in the dreary off-season, when it is no longer autumn, but not yet winter, neither the Turkish coast nor Africa is needed. Many people prefer to plan trips for December - January, when it is already 100% and the sun is blazing. warm regions, and on ski resorts the required amount of snow fell. What about November? Time to accumulate strength and money, time
All true, but not for those who have a real passion for travel.

In November there are:
A) three legal days off;
B) comfortable weather at a distance of 4 hours during the flight.

France: fireworks of impressions

November - best time to spend time with the whole family during a cultural and educational journey. You can fly with your child to Europe for three days. Spend the week-end in endless walks around best places holidays for children in France. Or you can simply collect goodies in and while retelling “Notre Dame de Paris” to each other. The weather in France at this time is indeed autumn, and the temperature only rarely rises above +15° C. But a warm jacket, an umbrella and take away coffee will warm you up, and the crimson foliage will encourage thoughtful contemplation of historical and architectural monuments.

In addition, in France, at least three significant events take place annually in November: Armistice Day - November 11, accompanied by a parade from Place de l'Etoile to Les Invalides. The festival of young Beaujolais Nouveau wine, when in every cafe and restaurant the owners of establishments offer their guests to try wine of the new harvest, begins on the third Thursday of November. And on the 28th, the ceremony of lighting the Christmas lights takes place on the Champs-Elysees. From now until January 4, the main street of Paris from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde is illuminated with bright illuminations. The solemn event takes place on the evening of November 28, and in the morning a grand fair-sale begins in Bourges, which can be visited until December 2.

Italy: autumn passion for beauty

In Italy, and especially in Rome, the real season of museums, exhibitions and theatrical performances begins. You can get to the treasures of art without agonizingly waiting in line, as is usually the case in the summer and even in early autumn. Moreover, the air in Rome often warms up to 20-24 degrees and is quite conducive to enjoying the famous Italian ice cream on a sun-drenched cafe terrace or going for a sightseeing tour. majestic monuments world architecture. You can easily and simply travel to Rome or Milan with your child during the school holidays, and on a minimal budget.

Germany: the beginning of the fifth season

Germany deserves special mention. Firstly, already in November the streets of all cities are decorated in anticipation of Christmas and Christmas markets open. The largest of them opens on November 27 in Stuttgart. And, secondly, on November 11 at 11.00, on St. Martin’s Day, the “Fifth Season” of the year officially begins in the country - the carnival season. The most colorful processions take place in the German capital of carnivals - Cologne, with which only Düsseldorf and Mainz can compete in terms of the scale of fun. So don’t sit still and take an exciting voyage to see autumn in all its glory.

Switzerland: onion happiness

An ideal example of European autumn can be observed in Switzerland, which is ideal in all respects. Especially if you are not a big fan of skiing. Namely, in November, before skiers attack the local resorts, you can enjoy all the best that the country offers in peace and quiet. For example, relax and improve your health at the best SPA resorts in Switzerland, and also enjoy delicious cheeses, chocolate and... onions.

If you are a fan of gastronomic tourism, be sure to plan a trip to Bern at the end of November, where work begins on November 25 at 05.00 am Zibelemärit– annual onion market. The spectacle is truly unique, and after you buy yourself a couple of bunches of onions, you can also enjoy delicious onion soup and pies there.

Israel: shalom, tan

But November is not limited to European destinations. If there is a chance to add at least a couple more days to the required three days off, then you can go bask in the rays of the Middle East sun. Recuperate at the Dead Sea on the coast of Jordan or Israel. In addition, it is in November that Israel appears before travelers in all its splendor. Holidays in Israel in November are especially suitable for those who cannot tolerate extreme heat and like to combine a beach holiday with educational excursions. In November you can still swim in the Mediterranean Sea (water temperature not lower than +23° C) and sunbathe on the beaches of Netanya and Tel Aviv. In Eilat, both the weather and the sea are conducive to a relaxing holiday (during the day the air temperature is +27° C, and the water temperature is +25° C), the air temperature drops only with sunset, but a light sweater saves you from the evening coolness.

Morocco: Africa's Atlantic Tale

For those who do not have much time to relax, a trip to Morocco is also suitable. And, if you take your choice seriously hotel in Marrakech, then in a few days you can enjoy a high level of service, relax in the SPA and have a delightful shopping experience at the colorful Arab market to buy unusual gifts for family and friends for the New Year.

If you have enough time for a good rest, then you can without hesitation go on a trip from Marrakech to Agadir. First a cultural program, and then a beach holiday on the Atlantic coast.

UAE: Ski to the Beach

It makes sense to visit the UAE in November. November is the peak tourist season in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Here you will find comfortable air and water temperatures (not lower than +25° C) and numerous exhibitions from Dubai Airshow to Dubai Jewelery Week.
Both children and adults will enjoy visiting Dubai in November. By the way, in Dubai you can combine not only shopping, the beach, but also ski holiday, for example, prepare for the opening of the ski season in Austria and Switzerland on the slopes of Ski Dubai.

An article in case of uncontrollable impulses to escape to the sea in the last month of autumn. Where to fly to warm weather without a visa and where is the most budget-friendly beach holiday in November?

Probably, the weather in November has a slightly depressing effect on everyone - half-fall, half-winter, half-sleet, half-snow and a general excess of greyness.

Where do we look for cheap tours?

We suggest expanding the search for heat abroad! All profitable options for a seaside holiday in November 2019 are collected on services for selecting and booking tours online:

The latter is our favorite for last-minute travel packages, especially if the vacation came unexpectedly. But others often have promotions.

Where to go to the sea in November?

So, where are we planning to swim, sunbathe, sip on a cocktail, and then surf or snorkel? There are plenty of countries for a beach holiday. At the beginning of November, of course, there is a chance to bask somewhere in nearby Turkey, but it is very slim.

Therefore, it will take a long time to fly after the sun. But I am glad that in some areas it is quite budget.

  • In autumn, you can have an inexpensive holiday at sea on the coasts of India, Sri Lanka, and Egypt.

Beach holiday in November with schoolchildren, of course, relevant during the holidays, and long-haul flights unlikely to fit.

  • Israel and the United Arab Emirates are great destinations for a week-long trip. The warm sea, palm trees, sand and delicious Middle Eastern cuisine will satisfy everyone involved.

Our trip to Jerusalem and Dubai

Where to go in November to swim and relax so that Instagram will be full of luxury geotags are also not a question.

  • The Maldives, a luxury resort that threatens to disappear under the ocean in half a century, opens its mass tourism season at the end of the month.
  • Prices for tours to Thailand, China, and Vietnam are still pleasant in the off-season, as are the relatively empty beaches.

Where is better on the other side of the ocean?

  • Cuba, which many associate exclusively with rum, cigars and communist sentiments, will be even more interesting than the Dominican Republic.

Well, for those who are forced to decide where to go to the sea in November 2019 right here and now, we advise you to go to the tab! With them and at well-promoted resorts you can organize inexpensive holiday literally the next day.

Where to go to the sea without a visa?

It would be useful to find out where to go to the seaside in November without a visa!

In 2019, you can travel from Russia, among which there are some suitable for beach tourism in the cold season.

An insert in your passport is not required for travel to: the UAE, Israel, Thailand, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, the Philippines, Bali, Cuba, Fiji, Mauritius, Maldives.

In November, Russians can fly to the sea using a simplified visa system to Egypt, India (including Goa), Sri Lanka, and Jordan. Here the visa is issued upon arrival at the airport.

Tel Aviv embankment

Prices for trips to Israel in November 2019 are an order of magnitude lower than a few months earlier, as the time for cool winds is approaching.

  • On average, a trip from a tour operator with a flight from Moscow for 7 nights to a 3-star hotel with breakfast will cost from 70,000 rubles for two.

At this time, it is comfortable to stay on the Mediterranean coast - in Tel Aviv, but, alas, without swimming, the weather stays at +16°C...+22°C. But you can completely devote yourself to the cultural and educational program along the ancient streets of the Jaffa region, colorful local bazaars (the Carmel market captivated us both gastronomically and aesthetically), the long promenade along the sea and tall shopping centers.

During the velvet season, pilgrimage tours to Israel also become especially popular - it is definitely worth setting aside a few days to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Going to the Dead Sea in November is a good idea, but prepare for swimming in hot springs and mud-and-salt spa treatments exclusively inside the hotel. The temperature in the sea itself at this time of year is already 18-19 degrees. Although we ignored this fact, thinking that it would be stupid not to take advantage of the chance to drift on the surface of the water and take a couple of classic photos with a newspaper. Cool, yes. The heated hotel pool is much better.

Our tips for traveling to Israel


The weather in Israel deteriorates towards the beginning of winter, and rain is possible in some areas, but the resort of Eilat, located in the south, is not threatened. The Red Sea in Israel in November does not get colder than +22°C; usually the water temperature stays at +24°C. The air temperature can rise to +27°C, but more often it pleases with a comfortable +23°C…+24°C.

  • A trip to Israel in November for a beach holiday with children during the holidays will cost about 30,000 rubles per person. The “all inclusive” option adds 11,000 rubles to the base price.

It would seem that it’s already inexpensive, but keep an eye out for last-minute offers; in the last month of autumn, their number increases many times over!

UAE in 2019

Our trip to Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (Abu Dhabi) - one
one of the most popular excursions in Dubai

United United Arab Emirates at the end of autumn it is an ideal place to relax: there is no sweltering summer heat, and there are still two months left before the start of the rainy season. Everyone who has been to Dubai in November (and we were >>) leaves unanimous reviews that this is the best period to visit the Middle Eastern country.

The weather in the UAE in November is favorable not only for spending time on the beach, but is also suitable for excursion programs. See the capital Abu Dhabi, visit the desert or take part in falconry and real safari.

The water temperature in the bay remains firmly at +25°C, and therefore a beach holiday in the UAE in November is possible in any emirate: in Dubai during the day outside +30°C...+32°C, at night +17°C...+19° C; the mildest climate, without large temperature differences, is in Fujairah and Ras al Khaimah.

  • Tours to the UAE in November can be purchased from 55,000 rubles for two. However, here “cheap” does not always mean “buy immediately”. Remember that hotels offered at such prices, in most cases, are either located 5-8 kilometers from the sea or have 1-2 stars.

Dubai in November

The Dubai Marina area, in our opinion, is included
V !

Dubai traditionally remains the most popular resort in the Emirates. Since 2017, the route has become even more accessible: you can go on vacation without a visa, they will put a stamp in your passport at the airport, and, best of all, you don’t have to pay for it.

If you want to spend a vacation/holiday in Dubai in November, staying in a hotel above 2* at a reasonable cost, we recommend booking tours in advance, which will save up to 15%. This period marks the peak of the tourist season in the Emirates, and we would not hope for super-chip options. But they described what local expenses should be taken into account.

  • Prices for tours to Dubai in November with departure from Moscow start from 65,000 rubles for two. Close to the sea and with breakfast - from 100,000 rubles.


Our photos from a trip to Krabi province in Thailand (I advise you to climb to the top of Tub Kaek, it requires average fitness)

Thailand in November is a favorite destination, because the season is just beginning to gain strength. This means that an inexpensive beach holiday can still be organized.

An abundance of exotic fruits and low prices for dishes national cuisine will make a trip to Thailand especially attractive for gourmets. An additional bonus: Russians can go on vacation without a visa, the main thing is that the passport has free space for a stamp and it has the proper appearance. In this case, you can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days.

Thailand has everything - a warm sea at +30°C, secluded islands and popular public holiday destinations; respectable VIP hotels and villas where you can spend the winter on a budget; bounty beaches with azure waves and Buddhist temples with cool observation decks, getting to which is also an adventure.

  • Prices for trips to Thailand directly depend on the resort you choose. In Pattaya, a 10-day tour will cost from 65,000 rubles, on Samui – from 122,000 rubles, in Krabi – from 95,000 rubles.

Phuket in November

We rented bikes - 150 baht/day (after riding for several hours and getting severe burns on my legs, I had to buy pants at a local second-hand store)

The weather in Thailand is conducive to year-round holidays; in different months you can choose a suitable place where rain will not bother you and the air temperature will remain stable. The best beach holiday in November in Thailand is offered at the most popular island Phuket. At this time, the water warms up to +28°C, and in the air – all of +30°C.

Having visited Phuket, we were convinced that relaxation on the seashore here is perfectly combined with trips not only to nearby resorts, but also to other countries!

First, visit Bangkok, plane tickets in November cost from 1000 rubles!

Secondly, don’t miss the chance to see Singapore for only 2000 rubles. You can spend 4 days in this space country without a visa, which under normal conditions is not so easy to obtain. What we did was buy a ticket to Phuket for 10 days, and in the middle of the holiday we flew to Singapore, returning to the island via Kuala Lumpur (one of the conditions for transit in Singapore is flying to a third country). It was great, and there were a lot of impressions. 🙂

Holidays in Vietnam

Beautiful landscapes, ancient temples, flows of tourists are synonymous with Southeast Asia. What specifically distinguishes Vietnam is a visa-free holiday (for 15 days), the most low prices diving, European-level hotels and delicious food (inexpensive :)

Vietnam in November is “dry”: the air temperature in the south reaches +30°C...+31°C, the water temperature – +30°C. The weather in Vietnam - in its southern regions (Phu Quoc, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet) - is quite stable, but from May to October the monsoons arrive on the coast. And November just opens a favorable time for travel.

Inexpensive beach holidays, if you are traveling for a short period, are organized by tour operators.

  • Tours to Vietnam in November for 10 days cost from 75,000 rubles for two, with accommodation in a 3* hotel with breakfast.

Nha Trang in November

Where is the best place to go on a beach holiday in Vietnam in November? Most popular resort among tourists - Nha Trang. But the weather here is less stable compared to the south, and it rains more often.

Although if you are used to a noisy and fun holiday, Nha Trang is suitable: free beaches with white sand, windsurfing and diving, a string of cafes and restaurants, in short, the hospitable Vietnamese will make the trip eventful! Many people leave rave reviews about the club and bar life of this resort :).

  • You can fly to Nha Trang in November on a package tour from 83,000 rubles (10 days, 4-star hotel, two people).

Holidays in Goa in November

Tours to Goa are the most affordable thanks to affordable prices, favorable weather conditions and regular flights from Moscow. Although this state of India is one of the sparsely populated, pilgrimage of tourists from different countries makes it no longer as secluded as it was 10-15 years ago.

In November, North Goa will welcome lovers of entertainment and vivid emotions - but! – unpretentious in everyday life and accustomed to saving on everyday expenses. The northern part is a kind of “mecca” for hippies, which the legendary Beatles and other musicians once loved to visit. But southern Goa is already cleaner, with normal hotels and a contingent consisting of children with children and pensioners.

  • Prices for tours to Goa in November start from 60,000 rubles for two.

South Goa

Beach holidays in November in Goa are possible along the entire coast. However, if you prefer 4* hotels and a relaxing holiday, then we recommend southern Goa.

South Goa in November it welcomes middle-aged and older Europeans, families with children and everyone who wants to relax away from the noise and bustle in 4 and 5-star hotels. The weather is stable, the water in the Arabian Sea stays at +28°C...+29°C all year round. Expensive restaurants, their corresponding audience, snow-white sand dunes, azure waves, sun loungers and umbrellas - a classic picture of a beach resort.

  • Therefore, in comparison with other areas, a trip to South Goa will cost more - from 67,000 rubles for 7 nights.

Holidays in China

We haven’t been to China itself, we spent 3 days in Hong Kong

China in November is, of course, a diverse concept. In most areas the weather is truly autumnal, but the closer you go to the south, the brighter and hotter the sun shines. And if in Beijing it gets frosty at the end, then in Guangzhou and Hong Kong the temperature is still under 20 degrees Celsius.

Beach holidays in China in November mainly flare up at its main resort - Hainan Island. Here the water warms up to +26°C, and the air – up to +27°C. So, in contrast to the mainland part of the country, Hainan in November 2019 will greet you with a truly summer atmosphere.


In the tourist center of the island, Sanya County, the rainy season ends in early November and comfortable and windless weather sets in.

Tropical nature impresses with its splendor, the underwater world fascinates with its bright colors, and clean beaches covered with soft snow-white sand - all in best traditions an ideal place to relax :).

  • Prices for tours to China in November - from 80,000 rubles for two for 10 nights, departure from Moscow

One of the options for a luxury trip abroad without a visa in November is the Maldives.

The weather is wonderful: there is practically no precipitation, the water warms up to +29°C, the average temperature during the day is +30°C, and at night it drops by 4 degrees. At this time, the period of flowering of exotic plants begins - from cold autumn Russia you find yourself in a fragrant paradise.

Beach holidays on the islands in November are especially comfortable due to the lack of wind. This weather is not suitable for surfers, but diving fans will enjoy the magical world of the ocean: coral reefs and inhabitants of the depths. You can rent a yacht and go fishing or feed stingrays and sharks. An absolutely serene holiday on island resorts in luxurious bungalows standing right on the water will appeal to newlyweds, families with children, and everyone tired of the busy pace of life and socializing.

Holidays in Cuba

Those who are not afraid of long flights can go to the other side of the ocean. Cuba is a great choice for November.

In October it still rains, and already the last month of autumn enjoys relatively dry weather. Air temperature +27°C…+28°C, ocean water +25°C…+26°C. Please note that in the second half of November, prices for tours begin to rise and remain at their peak throughout the winter!

Sri Lanka

If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and don’t know where it’s better to relax in this case, tours to Sri Lanka give you the opportunity to abstract yourself from the busy rhythm of the city and enjoy nature. The holiday will be most enjoyed by those who avoid a large influx of tourists and do not like noisy parties. Entertainment options include outdoor picnics, diving, barbecues on the beach, fishing, and of course, surfing!

Resorts in Sri Lanka open the high season in November: the air heats up to +30°C...+32°C, and the water in the ocean reaches +28°C, hot but not humid. According to tourists' reviews, November - best month for relaxation, although there are warm tropical showers. The resorts of Bentota and Unawatuna are suitable for a beach holiday, and Weligama for surfing. And to combine both the first and second - Hikkaduwa.

  • The cost of weekly tours to Sri Lanka in November starts from 75,000 rubles for two.


Egypt in November has always been a classic in itineraries for a beach holiday. However, the suspension of regular and charter flights from Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation also affected the supply of tour packages. For now, you can only purchase a tour to Egypt from TezTour. But such an idea is not very convenient - arrival at Cairo airport and then an 8-hour bus transfer.

So, if you still want to take pictures with the sphinxes and pyramids in the background and explore the colorful underwater world of the Red Sea, it’s easier to buy tickets and book a hotel yourself. The visa still does not require advance registration: you will get a stamp in your passport at the airport for $20.

Sharm el-Sheikh in November

The weather in Egypt in November sufficiently warms the air to +30°C and the water to +26°C. The most popular resorts in late autumn are the resorts of the Sinai Peninsula.

In Sharm el-Sheikh in November there is a chance of precipitation, but at night it never gets cooler than +18°C, a real velvet season reigns.

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