Resort Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic): photos and reviews from tourists. Czech Republic, Marianske Lazne: attractions, what to see Mineral springs in Marianske Lazne

The area of ​​the city is 54.8 km², with a permanent population of just over 14 thousand people.

Marianske Lazne is located at an altitude of 578 m above sea level, so the climate here is temperate continental. The resort is characterized by cool summers with an average temperature of +18...+22 °C and mild winters (even on the coldest days the thermometer does not fall below -5 °C).

In total, there are 140 mineral springs in the vicinity of Marianske Lazne, but only 40 of them are used for treatment.

History of the opening of the resort

About the miraculous power of local springs local residents known since the 13th century. Of course, there was no smell of any resort here in those immemorial times, so the peasants simply drank some water for their own pleasure. The doctor of the Tepel Monastery, Jan Josef Nehr, taught the inhabitants of Marienbad how to make money from mineral springs. The monastery doctor began to seriously study the chemical composition of spring water, and as a result, already in 1812, the first stone house for holidaymakers was built in the vicinity of Marienbad.

10 years later, a seedy provincial town surrounded by swamps turned into a cozy European resort, which was periodically visited by the genius of German poetry - Johann Wolfgang Goethe. By the middle of the 19th century, rumors about the healing springs of Marienbad had already spread throughout Europe. However, the resort reached its full flourishing only in the 70s of the last century, after a railway line connected it with Vienna and Prague.

From the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, a huge number of celebrities were noted in Marienbad, including Rudyard Kipling, Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Kafka and even Pierre de Coubertin. At one time, the last Russian emperor, Nicholas II, also tasted the healing Marienbad water.

Mineral springs in Marianske Lazne

The main advantage of the Marianske Lazne springs is their unique chemical composition, which makes the local water ideal for treating a wide variety of ailments. And although the main specialization of the resort is kidney diseases, local sanatoriums include balneological programs aimed at restoring the functioning of other internal organs.

Almost all springs in Marianske Lazne are cold, since the water temperature in them does not exceed +7...+10 °C. Today, most springs are equipped with special pipes through which the main “medicine” of Marianske Lazne is supplied to sanatoriums and spa centers.

The Krestovy spring owes its name to the wooden cross erected next to it by the pharmacist of the Tepel Monastery, Damian Schultz. This is one of the oldest and most healing springs in Marianske Lazne. Mineral water from the Cross Spring is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as metabolic disorders.

Rudolf's Spring is popular among holidaymakers who come to Marianske Lazne to improve the function of the urinary tract. Its life-giving moisture contains a record amount of calcium (compared to other sources of the resort). Using a pumping unit, water from the spring is supplied to several sanatoriums at once, to a local workshop where it is bottled, as well as to the central drinking gallery. Please note: from October to April access to the source is closed.

Mary's Spring is perhaps the most unusual in Marianske Lazne. Its water has a maximum concentration of carbon dioxide (up to 99.7%). Freely penetrating through the skin, Mariin gas (local name for carbon dioxide) improves blood flow to internal organs, simultaneously stimulating the synthesis of sexual hormones. You can feel the effectiveness of this miracle of nature in the central sanatorium of the city.

The parish spring is hidden in a small well, which is modestly hidden in a forested area next to the Smradoch nature reserve. The water from the Parish Spring is considered the most delicious in Marianske Lazne, so vacationers periodically appear at the well wanting to stock up on a bottle of fresh mineral water.

The forest spring was first mentioned on ancient maps back in 1683. True, then the spring appeared under the name Schneidsauerling (German sauer - sour). Today, the Forest Spring is considered the main healer of diseases of the digestive organs, as well as one of the most effective “dissolvers” of kidney stones. Finding this miracle of Czech nature is not difficult: the spring pavilion is located near the Třeby Stream, but, as in the case of Rudolf’s spring, access to it is closed from October to April.

The Ambroga Spring is named after the abbot of the Tepel Monastery and has been operating since 1807. The life-giving moisture used for drinking and medicinal baths comes from three springs, each of which has its own unique mineral composition. The source of Ambrose is located in the park above the city casino, and anyone can come to it.

Ferdinand's Spring got its name in honor of the Czech king Ferdinand I, who was the first to show interest in studying medicinal properties springs of Marienbad. The water in it tastes like water from the Cross Spring and is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, as well as metabolic disorders. The spring is surrounded by a luxurious colonnade and is located in the resort park, next to its twin brother – the Cross Spring. From October to April, Ferdinand's spring is closed to visitors.

The Carolina Spring owes its name to the wife of Emperor Franz I. Main feature its waters have the ability to dissolve kidney stones, as well as weak mineralization with a high magnesium content. From May to September the source “rests”, then with redoubled force it breaks out of the bowels of the earth and gives water to all the “sick and suffering”.

Alexandra's spring was discovered in 1873, naming it in honor of the Russian princess who took a balneological course in Marianske Lazne. By the way, initially the source had two springs with a similar mineral composition, but in the middle of the last century they suddenly dried up. In 2005, water again burst out of the ground, after which the resort management re-equipped the spring, erecting an openwork gazebo over it. It is not yet known how long the source will please holidaymakers, so you should definitely go to it.

Entertainment and attractions of the Czech resort

Founded at the beginning of the 19th century and managing to preserve the buildings of that time, Marianske Lazne is a landmark in itself. Most of the buildings here are architectural monuments of a bygone era: restored in some places, rebuilt in some places, but still remembering the unrecognized genius of Gustav Mahler and the eccentric wit of Mark Twain...


Graceful indoor gallery, whose architecture mixes both functional modernism and elaborate baroque, is unlikely to be missed, because most of the sources are derived from it. Even if balneological procedures are of little interest to you, it’s worth coming here, if only to look at the wonderful frescoes decorating the ceiling of the colonnade.

Singing fountain

Not far from the colonnade is located one of the youngest symbols of Marianske Lazne - the singing fountain. Cool, clean streams shimmer to a mesmerizing melody written by the Czech composer P. Hapka. On different days of the week, the fountain performs works by D. Verdi, G. Rossini, E. Morricone and P. Tchaikovsky. Melodies begin to sound from 7 am, at odd hours, and in the evening the water stream is illuminated with spectacular lighting.

Kynžvart Castle

It's quite difficult to admire some palace in a city where every five star hotel looks like royal residence, therefore, it is customary to go to Kynžvart Castle not so much because of its appearance (by the way, very elegant), but because of the collection of rarities located here. So, if you are interested in seeing the drum that Empress Eugenie once beat on and finding out what Beethoven’s real hair color was, head to Kynžvart Castle immediately. Here you will not only find answers to your questions, but also get a unique opportunity to visit the castle library, which houses the most complete collection of ancient literature in the Czech Republic.

Monastery of Tepla

It’s somehow wrong to relax in Marianske Lazne and not visit the place that gave the resort its “start in life,” so we urgently look for an experienced guide and go on an excursion to the Tepla Monastery. The monastery was founded in 1193 and since then it has been rebuilt twice, as a result of which several architectural styles are mixed in its architectural appearance. Among tourists, the monastery is known for its unique library, in which you can find ancient manuscripts, early printed publications and even the first printed copy of the New Testament translated into German.

Theater on Třebíski Street

The Marianske Lazne Theater opens its doors to everyone who comes to the resort not only for medical treatment, but also for cultural relaxation. Over the entire history of its existence, the establishment moved several times from place to place until it finally settled on the street. Trzebisky.

Chopin House

Of course, it’s difficult to call this place a full-fledged museum: there are too few original exhibits here. But the building of the boarding house itself, in which the great composer once lived, has been perfectly preserved. So, if you are curious to see which apartments the musical genius preferred to stay in, go to the street. Main and find the house number 47 on it.

Museum of Local Lore

The Marianske Lazne Museum is located in an old mansion, famous for the fact that Goethe himself once stayed there. Today here you can find a small exhibition dedicated to the great German poet, and at the same time learn some interesting facts from the history of the city.

Royal Golf Club

The club, which received the title of “royal” from Elizabeth II herself, is located near the Slavkov Forest, at an altitude of 787 m above sea level. The place is very popular mainly among foreign tourists. This is understandable: among Russian holidaymakers, entertainment that requires great endurance and maximum concentration is not held in high esteem.

Boheminium Park

Marianske Lazne also has its own miniature park. If for some reason you were not able to take a sightseeing trip around the Czech Republic, then it can be replaced with a pleasant walk around the Boheminium. The neatly trimmed park lawns fit the entire country, reduced by Czech artists by exactly 25 times. Skillful copies of architectural monuments, airplanes, cable cars - every exhibit of this museum is under open air made with attention to the smallest details.

Smradeh Nature Reserve

The basis of the nature reserve closest to Marianske Lazne is made up of peat bogs and mineral springs. Actually, it’s already clear from the name that the smell is in this natural park specific. In the 70s, a so-called educational trail was opened in Smradekh, along which vacationers walk today. The path is equipped with two observation decks, from which an interesting view of mud volcanoes opens.

Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary

The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is located on Goethe Square. The building in the neo-Byzantine style is perfectly “identified” by an element that has already become traditional for Catholic churches - the rose window. Inside, the church looks even more impressive: rich stucco, gilding and mahogany indicate that the building is not going through the worst of times.

For those who still did not have enough impressions in Marianske Lazne, on-site excursions are provided. For example, anyone interested in the history of Czech brewing should take a trip to the Chodovar brewery. This family enterprise dates back to the 14th century, so you can be sure that they know a lot about good beer here. You can join one of the many bus tours and go on Sunday shopping in Germany or Austria, which are literally a few kilometers away from Marianske Lazne.

Hotels and spa centers in Marianske Lazne: where to stay for tourists

You need to choose a hotel in Marianske Lazne depending on the purpose of your trip. If you were brought to the resort by a spontaneous desire to taste the famous mineral water, and at the same time check whether the historical center city, as the guidebooks say about it, you can limit yourself to a standard room in a three-star hotel (Villa Art, Pension Akropolis, Villa Walir). The advantage of such hotels is that their prices are relatively low and the service is quite decent. In addition, most of them are located in close proximity to sources.

In most resort hotels, the staff understands Russian. In other establishments you will have to choose between English and German languages, which are owned by everyone involved in the tourism sector.

Those who come to Marianske Lazne to relax both body and soul are better off staying at one of the many spa hotels. For example, if your bank account is weighed down by a few extra thousand euros, you can leave it with Esplanade Spa and Golf Resort. The luxurious Art Nouveau-style spa complex dates back to 1910, so residents here have a unique opportunity to live in a place that still remembers the era of top hats, fur boas and silent films.

A few meters from ski slope, surrounded by a marvelous park, is the fabulous Rubezahl-Marienbad Castle & Wellness. The establishment is known for its breathtaking interiors, and therefore is aimed at true aesthetes.

The best place to enjoy Czech cuisine and relax in a Roman bath is at Danubius Health Nové Lázne. Like most hotels in Marianske Lazne, the establishment is located in an old building, which is an advantage in itself.

People who come to Marianske Lazne for the purpose of improving their health should opt for sanatoriums and hotels that have their own medical centers. These could be: SPA Hotel Nove Lazne, Spa Resort Hvezda, sanatorium Centralni Lazne, Falkensteiner Hotel Grand MedSpa Marienbad, etc. By the way, most of them have their own pump rooms with mineral water.

Public transport

Marianske Lazne – small town, but this does not mean that you will have to navigate it exclusively on foot. From early morning, cozy trolleybuses travel along the picturesque streets, which can take you to any point of the resort. The route schedule is posted at each stop, which is very convenient. True, you should study the information carefully, since on weekends the schedule differs from the weekday one.

Restaurants and cafes

If you come to Marianske Lazne to treat anything except your digestive tract, do not deny yourself the pleasure of studying the menus of local restaurants and cafes: the cuisine in them is predominantly Czech and German, and the portions are not generous in European style.

Those who like to have a hearty and inexpensive lunch can check out the Filip restaurant, popular among Russian tourists. The interior here is modest, but regulars of the establishment are not very concerned about this feature. The main thing is that the food here is delicious and, as they say, to the fullest.

You can satisfy your passion for simple carbohydrates at RP Café, whose menu consists of a variety of cakes, strudels, ice cream and the legendary Czech palanciks (pancakes) with the most incredible toppings. By the way, the coffee they brew here is excellent too. Fans of Italian cuisine will not die of hunger either; you can taste Mediterranean delights in Tabarin, Piccolo and other restaurants.

Shopping in Marianske Lazne: what to bring from the resort

In addition to the traditional bottle of mineral water, you can bring delicious waffles from Marianske Lazne, or wafers in Czech. The round crispy things are baked by a local confectionery factory, and mineral water is added to the dough.

Otherwise, souvenirs purchased in Marianske Lazne are no different from things purchased in Karlovy Vary or even Prague. Bohemian glass, locally produced leather goods, the notorious Becherovka and the lesser-known but no less useful Fernet are all standard purchases for holidaymakers in Marianske Lazne.

As a small souvenir, many take with them porcelain jugs with a long spout, from which it is customary to drink mineral water at the resort. Fans of authentic jewelry can visit the city jewelry shops and purchase items with Czech garnet. True, when purchasing, you will have to show maximum competence in the matter and remarkable caution, since enterprising Chinese “masters” have been supplying their skillful imitations of stone to the Czech Republic for several years now.

How to get there

You can get to Marianske Lazne from Prague by rail. Trains towards the resort leave from the main city railway station starting at 6 am. On average, such a trip takes about 3 hours. If desired, the same journey can be done by buses that depart from the Florenc bus station.

Those who prefer to drive themselves must leave the Czech capital along the D5 highway towards Rozvadov until exit 128. Continue along highway No. 21 in the direction of Marianske Lazne.

The Singing Fountain is an unusual fountain in the town of Marianske Lazne. The author of the fountain project is academic architect Pavel Mikshik. It is located on the colonnade near the monument to Opat Reitenberger. The singing fountain was built from 1982 to 1986, as part of the reconstructed pedestrian zone named after Maxim Gorky.

The author was the architect Pavel Miksik, with architectural and technical support from Otakar Kuea and Pavel Janeček. The author of the first musical composition for the fountain, “Music for the Fountain,” was composer Petr Hapka. The fountain amazes with its size, appearance and functions. The singing fountain is a circular pool with a twelve-petal, stylized stone flower and a polished steel pistil in the center.

The repertoire of this building includes 10 works by outstanding composers, from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony to Ennio Morricone's Once Upon a Time in the West. Melodies are heard every two hours from seven in the morning to 10 in the evening. In the evening, wonderful melodies are accompanied by lighting. And every year, with the opening of the tourist season, from May to October, a magical performance begins several times a day: fabulous music sounds and, in unison with it, a light and musical fountain sounds, gathering around itself a large number of tourists, city guests, enchanted by this extravaganza of water , light and music. Lovers of classical music will especially like it. And it’s just worth looking at - such magnificent architecture.

Kynžvart Castle

Kynžvart Castle is located 7 kilometers from the Marianske Lazne resort in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary. He is considered one of the best architectural monuments Czech Republic, made in the style of neoclassicism. The castle is adjacent to the English castle park, with a total area of ​​100 hectares, in which valuable species of trees grow, there are several romantic pavilions, gazebos and a pond.

One of the former owners of the castle, Metternich, was a passionate collector, so now visitors to the castle have the opportunity to admire unique collections of coins, weapons, medals and porcelain. The Egyptology Department and the Cabinet of Curiosities will be a surprise and surprise for visitors.

A walk through the park will bring a lot of pleasant impressions and introduce you to the stories of this or that place. One adult ticket, including guide services, will cost 90 CZK in Czech, and 130 CZK in Russian.

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Monument to Goethe

The Goethe Monument, located in the Czech city of Marianske Lazne, is dedicated to the great German poet, who often came to the city on vacation. The first monument on this site, created by the sculptor Russ, appeared in 1932 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the death of the author of the tragedy “Faust”.

During World War II, the monument was destroyed. For a long time, in its place stood a stone with a tablet containing information about the life and work of the poet. A new bronze monument by sculptor Vitezslav Eibla appeared in its historical place in 1993. He represents an already elderly poet sitting on a bench, placing his left hand on his chest and thoughtfully looking into the distance.

The famous Polish composer Frederic Francois Chopin visited the Czech Republic many times - he loved to relax in this amazing country. The hotel house where he once stayed for a long time is today a museum called the Chopin Monument.

Not far from this house lived Francois Chopin's beloved Maria Wodzinskaya, in whose memory the composer wrote several musical compositions. Maria had the talent of an artist and painted a portrait of Francois.

Over the decades, Chopin's house (as the locals called it) has remained virtually unchanged. In 1959, it was decided to turn it into a museum. Today, the “Monument to Chopin” is very popular among tourists - people come here to honor the memory of the composer and once again enjoy his magical music.

Geological Park

The geological park is located on the outskirts of the Marianske Lazne resort, where there is an educational route for hikers. Walk this nature trail passes through deciduous forest and takes approximately an hour. Here you can find unique trees, shrubs and others rare species vegetation characteristic of the Slavkov forest.

The park extends over 10 hectares, and as you walk through it, you will become familiar with the geological and environmental history of the Karlovy Vary region, and 20 information panels installed along the entire route will help you with this. The boards contain illustrated information on various topics: vegetation, ecology, mineralogy, geology, fauna Karlovy Vary region.

Colonnade in Marianske Lazne

The main colonnade in Marianske Lazne was built in 1889 and is an architectural monument and a popular landmark of the city. The colonnade is a structure 119 meters long and 12 meters wide, which is based on a cast iron structure.

Several architects worked on the building project, one of whom worked with iron elements, the other with cast iron. Previously, there were many stalls near the colonnade, but after its reconstruction in 1981, the stalls were removed, and the colonnade and the square with a fountain near it became a popular recreation area for residents and tourists.

Monastery of Tepla

The Tepla Monastery is located near the Marianske Lazne resort. It was built in 1193, its founder was Prince Groznata, the court administrator of the border territory of Western Bohemia. Prince Groznat died in captivity - he was captured by robber knights and demanded a ransom for his release. However, Groznat forbade paying a ransom for himself and died on July 14, 1217, never freed from the hands of his ill-wishers. The monks subsequently managed to buy his body and bury it in the monastery church.

For almost 800 years, the monastery had a positive influence on the course of history in Western Bohemia. The monastery acquired its present appearance in the period from 1689 to 1721 - it was rebuilt by K. Dientzenhofer in the Upper Baroque style. The pride of the monastery is its library, which contains more than 100,000 volumes, 660 of which are manuscripts.

Are you interested in knowing how well you know the sights of Marianske Lazne? .

Chopin's House Marianske Lazne

“Chopin's House”, located in one of the boarding houses of Marianske Lazne, is the second house-museum of the outstanding Polish composer and pianist Frederic Chopin.

The composer spent the summer of 1836 in Marianske Lazne. In total, he visited the Czech Republic four times. One of the premises housed the residence of the Chopin Society. Another building serves as concert hall, where the music of the great composer is regularly heard. The museum's exhibition tells about Chopin's life in the Czech Republic, about the musical works that he wrote while here.

The Chopin Society was founded in 1959 and has since been a regular organizer of the International Frederic Chopin Festival. This significant cultural event of the country, held annually every third week of August, attracts brilliant performers and outstanding conductors from all over the world to the city. If you wish, you can relax here. There is a hostel right in the Chopin House, which is an ideal place for students, tourists or young people.

The most popular attractions in Marianske Lazne with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places in Marianske Lazne on our website.

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More attractions of Marianske Lazne

Marianske Lazne, the youngest medical resort Czech Republic and the main goal of those who come here is planned or preventive treatment of a wide range of diseases. But you must admit, treatment is just boring, I want to see something, visit interesting places, sightseeing, and just have a good time after medical procedures. And therefore it makes sense to talk a little about local attractions and events held in the city.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Built in the mid-19th century, it is the main attraction of the resort, thanks to its original neo-Byzantine style, which is unusual for Catholic churches in Europe, and statues created by the famous Czech sculptor Joseph Max. Anyone who has visited the temple is amazed by the amazingly beautiful starry “firmament” resting on eight large columns made of red marble. The walls are richly and skillfully decorated with arabesques, stucco and gilding.

To enter inside, you need to climb a staircase of 33 steps, each of which symbolizes one year of the life lived by Jesus Christ. The church is located on the main square of the city - Goethe Square.

Church of St. Vladimir.

The most beloved attraction by Russians is Marianske Lazne, and this is not surprising, because it was built at the beginning of the 19th century by Russian craftsmen, and with donations from Russians, who in those days were perhaps the main vacationers. The main message for the construction of the temple was to not forget about God and Russia during treatment and rest. The temple is interesting not only for its appearance and sacred meaning, but also for its amazingly magnificent iconostasis made of ceramics and painted enamel, which received the main prize at the World Exhibition in Paris. And it was created in a ceramic workshop in the Tver region.

Singing fountain.

It is considered one of the most interesting singing fountains in the world, both in terms of architectural solutions and performance scores. The fountain was created in 1986 according to the design of the architect Pavel Misik, who is known for a large number of interesting projects outside the Czech Republic. Alas, for obvious reasons, you can only see the fountain in action from May to October. Musical scores accompanied light show are performed, as a rule, once every two hours.

Brewery "Khodovar".

The Czech Republic is known throughout the world for its brewing traditions, and it is almost impossible to find in this country locality, which would not have its own brewery with unique beers. Marianske Lazne is no exception. The brewery is carved right into the rock mass and has a long history associated with many legends, according to one of which, the patron of the brewery is the dog Albi, who found a source of water, called "Il-Sano", which is used for making beer, as well as just bottled. By the way, to this day, at the end of work, brewers pour beer into a bowl so that the good spirit of the dog will maintain happiness and peace in families, and also protect the cellars from evil spirits.

The Chodovar brewery is considered one of the oldest in the Czech Republic, but it is not only remarkable for this. This is where you can try a unique and healthy procedure - bathing in beer. This procedure lasts 20 minutes and has an excellent tonic effect for bones, joints and skin, relaxes muscles, and improves the body's resistance to infections and viruses.

Boheminium Park

The park "Boheminium", or as it is also called the park of miniatures, is an area on which all the most famous sights of the Czech Republic are built on a scale of 1:25, executed with a unique and meticulous authenticity. Children especially love this place, and adults will also be interested in seeing the cultural and technological monuments of the Czech Republic without leaving Marianske Lazne.

It is located in the Krakonosze region, in the very east of the city. Entrance to the park is paid; as of 2010, the ticket price was 70 CZK for adults, and it is open every day from 10.00 to 17.30, but only from April to early November.

In addition, vacationers will be interested in visiting the city museum, located in the oldest building of the city, and the city theater, which hosts performances two to three times a week. However, it is worth noting that in January and February, neither the museum nor the theater are open.

For lovers of classical music, it makes sense to plan a vacation for the end of August, because it is at this time that every year the International Frederic Chopin Festival takes place in Marianske Lazne, organized by the society of the same name.

Marianske Lazne is a resort known for its mineral springs, romantic atmosphere and pristine nature. This is a city where history and modernity meet, where you can spend a holiday with health benefits.

Marianske Lazne – cozy city in the green valley, a world-famous resort, photo petrduchac

Marianske Lazne (Czech: Mariánské Lázně), old name Marienbad (German: Marienbad) – resort town, known to the world for its unique mineral springs. This is the second most important Czech resort. It is located in a valley, protected on three sides by mountains, at an altitude of approximately 600 m above sea level. This is a cozy town with a romantic atmosphere, surrounded by the protected Slavkov forest. Here history and modernity come together, here you can admire the wonderful neo-Renaissance architecture, play sports, visit the City Theater, galleries, and concerts of the Symphony Orchestra.

History of the resort

In 1193, the Czech Duke Groznatoy founded a monastery of the Premostrant Order in the village of Teplá. Monks came to the deserted lands where the resort is now located. They were the first to discover healing springs, but people only figured out how to use their properties five centuries later. The first medical studies of the local water were carried out in 1606, and the first semblance of a hydropathic clinic at the Cross Spring was built another century and a half later.

In the 18th century, the territory adjacent to the monastery was purchased and began to be populated. The influx of people wishing to be healed was enormous. A construction boom has begun. In 1818, Marienbad received the status of a resort, and in 1865 - the status of a city. After the railway connected Marianske Lazne with major Czech cities and Vienna in 1871, the development of the city began at a rapid pace. The city has become incredibly beautiful and well-groomed. Crowned heads came here (Nicholas II, Edward VII, Franz Joseph I), composers (Chopin, Wagner, Johann Strauss, Antonin Dvorak), writers (Goethe wrote “Marienbad Elegy” here, Ivan Goncharov - the novel “Oblomov”, Friedrich Nietzsche, Franz Kafka, Rudyard Kipling), poets (Jan Neruda), scientists (Sigmund Freud, Thomas Alva Edison) and aristocrats. In popular Marienbad, "the most charming and modern city in Europe,” as Mark Twain wrote, millionaires Vanderbilt, John Pierpont Morgan, and Louis Renault dropped by.

Today, the beautiful green resort of Marianske Lazne is called the “Emerald Pearl of the Czech Republic”.

Natural springs

In the city and its surroundings there are more than a hundred shallow cold mineral springs (water temperature +7 – +10 °C). These are acidic springs, because... the water is saturated with carbon dioxide and iron bicarbonate salts (10-40 mg/l). Water from them is prescribed for drinking treatment to resort patients (on average up to 700 ml per day), used for inhalation and the preparation of carbon and mineral baths. In addition to mineral water, the resort uses healing mud, peat and natural healing gas Mariin. IN medical complex, designed for a month, includes diets, procedures, health-improving walks in the air, and a strict daily routine.

  • The low-mineralized water of the Cross Spring is suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems and allergic manifestations associated with digestion.
  • The water of the Ferdinand spring has a similar, but more concentrated composition.
  • The forest spring provides water that is effective for healing the respiratory system and treating urological diseases.
  • For the treatment of kidneys, the possibilities of the Rudolf, Caroline and Ambrose springs are used; the water of the latter is also suitable for the treatment of anemia.
  • Mary's Spring is used for gas baths, which reduce blood pressure and normalize heart function.

People come to Marianske Lazne not only with specific health problems, but also simply for health improvement courses, to improve vitality, rejuvenate, and lose weight.

Indications for spa treatment

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system; kidney and urinary tract diseases; respiratory diseases; metabolic diseases; gynecological, including infertility; rehabilitation of patients after oncology treatment; hypertension, coronary disease, potency disorders


Russian street

Singing fountain

Miniature Park Boheminium

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Evangelical Church

Church of St. Vladimir

Anglican Church

Main Avenue, photo by petrduchac

The Main Avenue (Hlavní třída) runs through the entire city, on both sides of which cozy and comfortable hotels are lined up. And almost every one hosted a celebrity. Buildings were built with money richest people of that time.

The medieval style building attracts attention. This luxurious “Villa Lil” was built by millionaire Josef Galbmeier. Nearby is the two-story “English Court,” where Mark Twain lived. A little further away is the Chopin House, built at the beginning of the 19th century; it used to be called “At the White Swan”.

Russian street

Russian nobles loved to come to the resort. The main avenue is crossed by Russian Street (ul. Ruská), on which the Church of St. Vladimir was built in 1902. Strauss, Rubinstein, Nobel, the Bulgarian King Ferdinand, and Prince Vladimir Romanov stayed at the Casino Hotel, the last house on the street.

Main colonnade, photo by Renate Hildebrandt

The decoration of Marianske Lazne is the Main Colonnade or Colonnade of Maxim Gorky (Kolonada Maxima Gorkého). This airy arcade structure is 119 meters long, with a cast iron base and openwork metal vaults. The coffered ceiling of the colonnade is painted with the cycle of frescoes “Passion of Flight”.

Singing fountain

Singing fountain next to the Main Colonnade, photo by Claudia G. Kukulka

The dominant feature of the resort is the Singing Fountain (Zpívající fontána), created by architect Pavel Mishik in the shape of a flower. The hydraulic structure has 250 nozzles, from which illuminated jets shoot out accompanied by sound. The melodies change every odd hour.

The City Theater building (Městské divadlo) was built in 1865–68. architect F. Zikler. In 1905, the theater was reconstructed in the Art Nouveau style. The city does not have its own troupe - it hosts touring performances, concerts, music festivals, and children's programs. The theater gallery often becomes a venue for exhibitions.

Miniature Park

On the outskirts of the city there is a park of miniatures “Boheminium” (Park Boheminium), where models of the sights of the Czech Republic are collected, made with striking similarities.


Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, photo t. devinney

The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Římskokatolický kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie) stands in the middle of Goethe Square. Interestingly, 33 steps lead to the main entrance, which symbolize 33 years of the life of Jesus Christ. Address: Goethovo náměstí.

The Evangelical Church (Evangelický kostel) is famous for the fact that Albert Schweitzer played its organ in 1823. Address: Mírové náměstí 90.

The Orthodox Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (Pravoslavný kostel sv. Vladimíra) was founded in 1900 and built in the Russian-Byzantine style for those who came for treatment from Russia. The decoration of the church is a precious iconostasis. Address: Ruská Street 347/9.

The construction of the Anglican Church (Anglikánský kostel) was initiated by visitors from England. The church was regularly visited by the English King Edward VII, who came to Marianske Lazne for treatment. Address: Ruská Street 98.


The City Museum (Městské muzeum) is located in the house where the poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe lived. It is dedicated to the history of the resort, the personality of Goethe, the geological and natural features of these places. Address: Goethovo náměstí 11. Website:

The Chopin House Museum displays an exhibition dedicated to his visit to Marianske Lazne.

Other attractions of the resort: Rudolf's colonnade, monument to F. Chopin, Ferdinand's spring, Forest spring, Geological park.

Cultural life of the resort

In July, the Jazz Resort festival takes place on the colonnade.

In the third week of August, the city hosts the International Chopin Festival.

In September, guests of the resort are invited to the folklore festival “Marianskaya Autumn”.

Active leisure

Marianske Lazne has a well-developed sports infrastructure. In 1905, one of the world's first classic golf courses was created personally by the English King Edward VII. The local golf club (Royal Golf Club Mariánské Lázně) received a personal award from Elizabeth II. In winter, the resort's guests are welcomed by the Mariánky ski area.

What to see in the area

Kynžvart Castle, photo MONUDET

The surroundings of Marianske Lazne are extremely beautiful; There are educational routes around the city where you can see amazing geological formations and other natural monuments.

In the Slavkov Forest Nature Reserve there is the medieval fortress of Kynžvart, rebuilt into a classical residence in the 17th century. .

Not far from Lazne is the town of Tepla, where an ancient Premonstratensian monastery, founded in 1193, still operates.

Visit the Kladska Nature Reserve, where you'll see distinctive architecture and peat bogs, and the Smráděch Nature Reserve.

How to get to Marianske Lazne

By train

Trains depart from Prague Main Station (Hlavní nádraží metro station, line C) to Marianske Lazne.
From Ostrava, Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, Olomouc and Cheb you can also get to the resort by train.
Check the schedule and cost on the website:

By bus

From Prague to Marianske Lazne from Florenc bus stations (Florenc metro station, line B, C), Hradčanska (metro station Hradčanská, line A) and Zličín (metro station Zličín, line B) there are intercity buses.
From Karlovy Vary, Pilsen, Cheb there are also buses to Marianske Lazne.
Check the schedule and cost on the website: http:

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The Czech Republic is one of those lucky countries that has its own Marianske Lazne - the second largest sanatorium city. According to a long-standing tradition, not only residents of the country come here, but also many foreigners, including Russians. Hospitals and hotels in Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) offer traditional and modern therapy for various diseases. We will tell you about the specialization of the resort, what are the features of relaxation in this place, and what you can do there.

Geographical location

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located in the Bohemia region near another famous resort town, Karlovy Vary. Prague is 180 km from here. The city is surrounded on three sides by pine forests and hilly terrain, making the landscapes very picturesque and suitable for walking. Marianske Lazne is located approximately 600 meters above sea level. Being located almost in the center of Europe makes it easy to get here from different places and airports. Although the most popular air harbor Karlovy Vary and Prague remain for vacationers. The area of ​​the city is only about 50 square meters. km, the local population is about 13 thousand people, but more than 50 thousand vacationers come here every year.

Climate and weather

The Marianske Lazne resort (Czech Republic) is located in the very center of the mainland, and this determines the local climate. It is soft and comfortable. The city is year-round resort, and this is due to favorable weather conditions. There are about 1,700 hours of sunshine here throughout the year. The region is characterized by a fairly high amount of precipitation (700 mm), greatest number which falls in the summer months. But at the same time, the climate does not feel humid, since the water evaporates quickly. Summer is the most comfortable time; the air at this time warms up to +20 degrees on average. It rains about once every 3 days, but these are usually short periods and there are no prolonged downpours. Winter in Marianske Lazne is quite warm and snowy. The average temperature at this time of year is minus 5 degrees. In winter there is often fog, which makes the city even more beautiful.

History of the settlement

The official date of the appearance of the city of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is considered to be 1273. However, it is known that people lived here long before that; they were attracted by the convenient location among forests rich in water and food. Although the territories were swampy, this also turned out to be strategically advantageous - there was no need to build fortress fences against enemies, they simply did not reach here. At the end of the 12th century, a monastery was founded here, which began to extract salt and tried for the first time to organize treatment with water from the springs. But only at the beginning of the 17th century a hospital began to function here and patients began to arrive. In 1679, a large study of the peculiarities of local sources was carried out and a book about it was published, which contributed to the growth of the popularity of the resort. At this time, the monks carried out the first work to clear access to the springs and began to bottle the medicinal liquid.

But the real life of the resort begins only under Empress Maria Theresa. At this time, the lands were purchased from the monks and began to be populated by people who wanted to be cured of any illnesses, as well as by entrepreneurs. The city takes the name Marienbad in honor of the source of the Holy Virgin Mary. At the beginning of the 19th century, the settlement experienced a real construction boom. In 1865, the resort received city status, and in 1871 the railway came here, which ensured a stable influx of vacationers and contributed to the rapid development of the resort infrastructure. At the end of the 19th century, the future king of England Edward the Seventh came here, and this immediately greatly raised the status of the resort. Luxurious hotels open here, and in subsequent years many aristocrats come to Marianske Lazne, and various high-level meetings are held. In the second half of the 19th century, this place was also discovered by the Russian aristocracy, for whom trips “to the waters” in Europe were an important part of their way of life. For example, Nicholas II was here. At one time, the Russian writer I. Goncharov wrote the novel “Oblomov” here, and the resort was also visited by I. Turgenev and N. Gogol. Marianske Lazne was also loved by European bohemia; F. Chopin and G. Spontini visited here. At one time, the resort was visited by the German poet I.V. Goethe.

After the First World War, the resort experienced another breakthrough in development, many patients from Czechoslovakia came here, new sanatoriums and hotels were built. A short period of oblivion for Marianske Lazne began after the Second World War, when Karlovy Vary took away the glory of the “first resort”. A new period of the dawn of the Czech health resort began after 1989, when the active revival of spa traditions and the attraction of large quantity holidaymakers from other countries, primarily from Germany.

Resort specialization

The balneological resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), where treatment is aimed at the overall health of the body, also helps to get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract, and respiratory organs. Therapy is carried out using mineral waters from local sources. There are more than 100 of them around the city, but only 8 springs are actively used within the resort. The temperature in them is about 6-8 degrees. Water has a different chemical composition, which allows it to be used for different purposes. The healing liquid is used for drinking, bathing and inhalation; in addition, doctors use mud and peat from local swamps and natural healing gas, which has its own name - Mariin.

In addition to the listed diseases, local waters have proven effectiveness in the treatment of gynecological, urological and neurological ailments. Today, the sanatoriums of Marianske Lazne are modern, well-equipped complexes. They offer a wide range of services that are not only aimed at treatment, but also help to carry out preventive and health-improving procedures. Also today, many sanatorium programs have a cosmetological focus; there are many care services, as well as complexes that help reduce weight and increase the overall vitality of the body.

Resort infrastructure

There are numerous sanatoriums in the city to treat various ailments. Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is widely known for its luxurious hospitals, where world celebrities and aristocracy often improve their health. There are about 20 large sanatoriums here, and there are also countless spa hotels and inns, while staying in which you can go for treatments in hospitals or take a range of services at the hotel. The mineral springs are open and free, and anyone can drink from them. But it is still recommended to do this under the supervision of professionals.

The town of Marianske Lazne is small, so it is easy to reach both hospitals and leisure facilities, shops, and attractions.

Features of the holiday

Since Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is primarily a resort, vacations here are organized accordingly. It has all the conditions for a leisurely and comfortable pastime. The main contingent of vacationers are people of retirement age. Therefore, there are no noisy discos in the city and extreme entertainment. However, there are many attractions and walking routes. For treatment, according to experts, a minimum of 21 days is required. In order for patients to feel comfortable, all conditions have been created here: a cultural program, shopping, many restaurants, beautiful nature. But still, young and mobile tourists may find Marianske Lazne a bit boring. People come here specifically for treatment.


The resort town itself is an attraction. Its architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is pleasing to the eye, its cozy streets invite strolls, and its graceful colonnades provide pleasant shade. The main attractions (Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic) are three cathedrals. The Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on Goethe Square, the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Vladimir and the Anglican Church. Vacationers can also visit the city museum and explore Chopin’s house. In the vicinity of the city there are several natural attractions: the Kladska and Smradeh nature reserves, the Forest Spring, and the geological park. Also of interest are the Teplá Monastery and Kynžvart Castle. For mobile tourists, excursions to Karlovy Vary and even Prague are organized.

Where to stay

Visitors have two main accommodation options: sanatoriums or hotels. For quality treatment, it is better to choose special institutions. They offer a good range of services and employ competent specialists who will develop an effective therapy program in accordance with the patient’s condition. For those who want to relax and simply improve their health, the Marianske Lazne resort (Czech Republic) is also an excellent choice. The Krivan Hotel, for example, in the city center perfectly combines the capabilities of a sanatorium and a hotel. Many boarding houses have a variety of medical equipment and employ doctors and cosmetologists. Marianske Lazne is predominantly a high-end resort, although there are also more modest accommodation options that offer a decent level of services. There is also the possibility of living in rented apartments, which will be quite affordable.

Things to do

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), photos of which amaze with the beauty of their architecture and landscapes, offer a wide range of entertainment. First of all, these are, of course, walks and excursions. There is also a theater in the city all year round where you can watch performances and concerts. Music and theater stars often come to Marianske Lazne on tour; several major festivals are held here. The city has several very good sports facilities where you can practice not only traditional fitness and tennis, but also horse riding and golf.

Practical information

The resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located within the Schengen zone. Therefore, Russians will need a visa, which is not difficult to obtain. The city is connected to major transport centers of the Czech Republic and Germany by good roads and railways. Therefore, getting here is not a problem. Since the resort is generally aimed at wealthy people, prices here are higher than in other cities in the Czech Republic, although they are quite competitive compared to health resorts in Germany or Austria.
