"My City. Mineral waters Mineral waters

Despite its name, the resort town of Mineralnye Vody does not have a single source of medicinal mineral water on its territory, but despite this, thousands of tourists visit it every year. What should vacationers pay their attention to first of all?

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Mineralnye Vody

The main Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, built relatively recently. In 1990, with the approval of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, a plot of land was consecrated for the construction of the Cathedral. Some time later, local residents discovered an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God at this place, which served as a good sign for construction. In 1997, the construction of the Cathedral was completed. Today, on the territory of the cathedral, everyone can see a whole architectural complex, which includes a temple, utility and administrative buildings and a large belfry with 8 bells. Look at the photos and videos in the article. Every year the Cathedral is visited by pilgrims from all over the country; every guest of the city considers it his duty to kneel before the icon of the Mother of God. Even non-believers remain deeply impressed by the beauty, wealth and luxury of the Cathedral.

Small, but very green, where there are many sanatoriums.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the significant attractions of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is not the only Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, also built in the second half of the twentieth century, is no less popular among city guests. The exterior and interior decoration of the church is very simple, but this does not make it any less beautiful. In this place, believers feel peace and extraordinary lightness. You can clearly see what the church looks like in the video and photos in the article.

In addition to the church, the architectural complex includes only a bell tower. The entire territory is fenced with a red brick fence; all other buildings are made of the same material. Visiting tourists should definitely visit the church, appreciate the simple beauty and feel the calm atmosphere reigning here.

Airport and railway station

Mineralnye Vody are the main transport artery of the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters. There is a huge airport here, where planes fly from all over Russia and countries near and far abroad. By the airport in Minvody there is a big railway station, from where you can go to any point in Russia by train. You can also travel by train to the resort years of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. For examples of what this looks like, look at the photos and videos in the article.

Also don’t forget to look at the article, you won’t regret it.

Eagle sculpture

What resort town of the Caucasian Mineral Waters can do without a sculpture of a majestic eagle. In Mineralnye Vody, this bird greets all guests at the station square. Almost every tourist knows that an eagle with open wings holding a snake in its claws symbolizes victory over disease.

The eagle was erected in the 20th century from bronze. Since then, the sculpture has not undergone any changes and today pleases the eye of every person who comes to Mineralnye Vody. Tourists love to take pictures near the Eagle - the symbol of the entire Caucasus. Look at the photo to see what an eagle looks like.

Every tourist should know

During their visit to Mineralnye Vody, tourists should not miss the opportunity to visit the Tersky Stud Farm, located at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It was built in 1880 by order of Count S. A. Stroganov, who attempted to breed Arabian horses in Russia. Up to this point, he had tried several times to bring an “overseas horse” into the country, but to no avail. Then he began to look for an area that would be similar to the animal’s natural habitat, and his choice fell on Mineralnye Vody.

Revolutions and wars had a negative impact on the development of the stud farm; in the mid-twentieth century, the number of horses decreased sharply, but did not disappear completely. It was at this plant that a new breed of horses was bred - Terskaya. Today, the Terek Stud Farm holds animal exhibitions and international auctions. Animal connoisseurs have the opportunity to admire noble animals and also ride them.


In this video clip you can see what the resort town of Mineralnye Vody is like. If you visited Minvody as a tourist, then leave your review below in the comments. And perhaps you can recommend interesting places to visit. We and our users will be very grateful.

Mineralnye Vody - small town in the Stavropol Territory, located in the valley of the Kuma River, 172 kilometers from the regional center. The area of ​​the settlement is 51.5 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

In 1875, the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkazskaya railway. In 1878, a workers' settlement was founded at the Sultanovskaya station.

In 1921, the station and the nearby village were transformed into the city of Mineralny Vody. After 4 years, the Mineralovodsky district was formed.

In 1925, an airport was built near the settlement.

In the 1930s, the Zmeyka stone crushing plant and the Beshtaunit mine operated in the village, which were engaged in the processing and extraction of non-metallic materials.

During the Great Patriotic War, 18 thousand residents of Mineralnye Vody went to war against the German invaders. More than 7 thousand people did not return from the battlefields. At this time, many industrial enterprises produced products for military needs.

From August 1942 to January 1943, the city was under occupation by German troops. During the occupation, the Nazis killed and buried more than 10 thousand civilians in the area.

In the post-war years, the construction of residential buildings and hotels began to actively develop in Mineralnye Vody.

In 1956 locality received the status of a city of regional subordination. By this time the city had become popular medical resort, a place for relaxation and recovery.

In the summer of 1964, by decision of the country's government, registration of citizens in Mineralnye Vody and other resort towns was limited.

In 1991, Shamil Basayev hijacked a passenger plane en route from Mineralnye Vody to Yekaterinburg. The terrorist ordered the pilots to fly to the Turkish capital Ankara.

In 1994, terrorists organized a new terrorist attack. Bandits seized an intercity bus, in which 36 people became hostages. As a result of the special operation to free the hostages, 4 people died.

In March 2001, an explosive device went off at the entrance to the city market, killing 26 people.

Industrial enterprises: Mineralovodsk Bakery Plant, publishing house "Caucasian Health Resort", production "Stavroplast", enterprise for the production and bottling of water "Don", enterprises "Stavropolsnab", a branch of OJSC "Irkutsk Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Plant".

The telephone code of Mineralnye Vody is 87922. The postal code is 357000.

Climate and weather

Mineralnye Vody has a mountain-forest climate. Winters are warm and short. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of -2.5 degrees.

Summer is long and very warm. Average temperature July is +22.7 degrees. Average annual precipitation is 525 mm.

Total population of Mineralnye Vody for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents for 2018 is 74.8 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a constant decrease in the population from 89,017 people in 2007 to 74,758 people in 2018.

The following nationalities live in the city: Russians - 82.6%, Armenians - 8.7%, Ukrainians - 1.3%, Greeks - 1.1%.

As of January 2018, Mineralnye Vody ranked 221 out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.


1.Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary- The Orthodox church was built in 1997. The cathedral complex includes a church, administrative buildings, a church wall with a holy gate.

2.Church of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God- the five-domed temple was built in the village of Novotersky in 2008.

3.Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory"- the memorial complex was opened on the 30th Anniversary of Victory square in 1976.


In the Western part of Mineralnye Vody there is an international airport of the same name, from which flights are carried out to Moscow, Surgut, Yekaterinburg, Baku, Tel Aviv, Barcelona, ​​Tashkent, Dushanbe.

In Mineralnye Vody there are several railway stations connecting the city with Georgievsk, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zelenokumsk.

Buses regularly depart from the city bus station to Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Stavropol,

Having no sources of healing water on its territory, the city of Mineralnye Vody received its name due to the close location of the legendary resorts of the Kavminvod region, in which it plays the role of the main transport hub. And not only there - it is strategically important on a global scale North Caucasus due to availability international airport, the junction station of the Northern Caucasus Railway and the federal highway M-29 "Caucasus".

Mineralnye Vody on the map of Russia is the administrative center of the Mineralovodsky district, which is located in the south of the Stavropol Territory and belongs to a specially protected resort area. To the south is the Predgorny district, where the health resorts of Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk are located, as well as the city of Lermontov. Further to the south rises the Caucasus Range. The distance to the regional center by highway is about 160 km.

The city was built in the valley of the Kuma River, at the foot of Mount Zmeika, whose height is almost 1000 m, and its areas are located at different elevations - from 300 to 350 m above sea level. Local mountain landscapes One can see dense forests, meadows, harsh rocks, old quarries and ribbons of roads winding between them.

On clear days, you can see the gray head from the city, which is 100 km away on the map, but the excursion route there will be more than twice as long.

The climate in Mineralnye Vody is largely determined by the proximity of a large mountain range, which blocks the path of humid Black Sea air. One cannot count on the uniformity of precipitation, and its annual amount ranges from 300 to 600 mm.

In winter there are frosts and rains. Spring comes before the beginning of March, and soon the air warms up to 25°, but at times it becomes noticeably colder. Summer is hot and dry; starting in the second ten days of May, it lasts almost until the end of September. In autumn it is warm and comfortable, there is no depressing slush and dampness.

History of origin and development

Upon completion of the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway in 1875, new station They called it Mineralnye Vody, since it was here that everyone who was going to travel further (on stagecoaches) arrived to rest and be treated at the life-giving springs of the Kavminvod.

The entire transport sector (station, depot and other structures) was then served by approximately five thousand workers who lived in the right of way that stretched along the embankment and road surface. But there were also those who, having settled nearby, earned money by servicing the railway workers themselves - these were the ubiquitous merchants, handicraft masters, etc. Sultan Giray allowed them to occupy a plot of their land.

Soon they began to petition for this territory to be considered a village. This status was received in July 1878, new village named Sultanovsky. As the railway traffic developed and increased in intensity, workers moved to live in the village, and it began to grow.

This process accelerated after the start of production at a glass factory built in 1898. In 1905, the village was renamed Illarionovsky, in honor of the newly appointed Caucasian governor, who became Count Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov.

The Mineralnye Vody railway station has made an invaluable contribution to the development and growth of popularity of the region's resorts. Immediately after its opening, the flow of vacationers increased sharply, which forced further development of these cities and the formation of a decent medical base in them. The year 1894 also became a milestone in the history of Mineralnye Vody: trains went further through this station to resort towns.

This created a real boom among entrepreneurs who saw enormous prospects for investing in infrastructure, sanatoriums, hotels, and summer cottages. In this regard, the attendance of resorts has increased even more, and their fame has spread abroad.

Caucasian Mineral Waters have firmly occupied their niche not only in the sphere of improving the health of Russians of different classes, but also in the social and cultural life of the country. The presence of people of creative professions there at all times became a source of inspiration for them.

In 1922, the new authorities decided that the railway station and the nearby village should be one administrative unit. As a result, the city of Mineralnye Vody appeared on the map of the young republic. It, as before, was the most important point transport infrastructure in the south of the state.

Two years later, a decree was issued on the formation of the Mineralovodsky district, and in 1925, the importance of the city increased even more due to the construction of an airport nearby. Industry gradually developed: in the late 20s - early 30s, enterprises for the extraction of non-metallic materials and their processing by crushing were opened, and later other production facilities appeared.

Almost immediately at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 18 thousand citizens, including volunteers, went to the front. The enterprises, some of which began to produce products for military orders, now employed old people, women and teenagers.

At the beginning of August 1942, Mineralnye Vody was occupied by the Germans, and the commandant’s office was located in the station building: this transport hub played a crucial role in supplying their units rushing to Baku and Vladikavkaz. By the end of the five-month period of German “order” in the city, all significant economic objects were destroyed, and the depot and station also did not survive.

In addition, citizens of Jewish nationality from all over the world were regularly brought there. resort towns Kavminvod. The site of mass executions was the vicinity of a glass factory, where there was an anti-tank ditch - the dead were thrown into it. In total, over 10 thousand people were killed.

The beginning of January 1943 brought great joy to Mineralnye Vody - our rifle units and a tank battalion fought into the city, and German rule here came to an end. More than 7 thousand local residents did not return from the war, over 6 thousand people were awarded awards, 12 townspeople became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The restoration of the city began immediately after the liberation, but they were able to finally recover from the damage and begin the massive construction of housing and the expansion of socially significant communications in Mineralnye Vody only in the 2nd half of the 1950s.

A new station at the railway station appeared in 1955. The growth and development of the city allowed it to become one of the largest cities Stavropol region.

The desire to increase the health-improving capabilities of the Kavminvod resorts and, at the same time, concern for preserving the unique natural properties of the region became the reasons for restricting registration not only in the area where the springs were, but also in the city of Mineralnye Vody and the nearest settlements (1964).

The city greeted the beginning of the 1980s with a completely comfortable state - this applied to most of its territory; The construction of multi-storey, including high-rise, residential buildings began. Development was completed in 1984 mining quarry, which lasted for more than half a century, and transport links continued to develop - a new highway was built between Mineralnye Vody and Kislovodsk.

City and modernity

As in the whole country, the 1990s in Mineralnye Vody were remembered for the fact that in various spheres of life everything that had been created in previous decades fell into decay. A reduction in the number of workers, non-payment of wages, the emergence of enterprise owners and the transfer of property from hand to hand - the same scenario was everywhere, the townspeople survived as best they could.

The events of July 1994 intensified the drama of this period of history: an intercity bus was seized by terrorists, and 36 of its passengers were taken hostage. During the operation to free them, 4 people died.

March 2001 brought a new test: in the busiest place in the city (entrance to the market area) it worked explosive device, many people were injured, 26 people died. The events in the peaceful city of Mineralnye Vody shocked the whole of Russia.

Nowadays, it is still among the largest cities in the Stavropol region and not only remains important transport hub, but also increases its potential in this area. The airport currently receives 20 flights from all over our country and 24 international flights.

From Mineralnye Vody to resort towns can be reached by modern roads and electric trains. The local branch of SevKavZhD is in charge of the Kavminvod region, part of the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus republics (a total of 20 long- and short-distance routes).

Mineralnye Vody today is also a large industrial center with a good investment climate. There are almost a thousand enterprises of various profiles in the city. Of these, the most significant are those related to instrument making, representing the light, food, chemical, woodworking and construction industries.

There are also about 2 thousand entrepreneurs working here. The well-known mineral water “Novoterskaya healing” is produced here (it is mined at the Zmeykinskoye deposit, at a depth of up to 1.5 thousand m).

The city covers an area of ​​51.6 square meters. km, its multi-ethnic population has grown to 76 thousand people. As the administrative center of the region, television and radio companies operate here and newspapers are published.

Mineralnye Vody is trying to actively develop social infrastructure in order to better meet the needs of citizens in the field of medical care, preschool education, secondary school, special and higher education, intellectual and physical development, cultural leisure activities. Southern part urban areas was chosen for the implementation of a grandiose project to build the so-called New City.

Culture and attractions

Arriving in Mineralnye Vody, in your free time you can take a walk in the city park and get acquainted with the exhibits local history museum and the House-Museum of the writer A.P. Bibika, visit art galleries, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment centers.

If the soul asks to turn to religious values, this will be facilitated by visiting one of the churches (there are several of them) or the Intercession Cathedral, which is very interesting in terms of architecture.

Built less than 20 years ago, the cathedral graced the entire city with its presence. Church authorities designated it as the storage place for the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, who lived in the city of Mineralnye Vody in the last years of his life (1931 - 48), courageously carrying his cross. Believers pray to him for help in healing the soul and body.

Several monuments and memorials are dedicated to military valor:

  • General A.P. Ermolov, commander of a group of Russian troops during the Caucasian War in the 19th century;
  • mass grave of Red Army soldiers who died in the Civil War;
  • Fire of Eternal Glory, a tribute to the memory of the city residents who died in the Great Patriotic War;
  • liberators of the city (T-34 tank on a pedestal).

A year after the terrorist attack, a monument was erected in the city of Mineralnye Vody to perpetuate the memory of its victims.

A kind of “face” resort region is a monumental station building at the railway station. Nearby stands a hard-working steam locomotive that “ran” along the local tracks in the 1930s.

Mineralnye Vody has a natural monument of national significance - this is Mount Zmeyka, at the foot of which the city lies. Thanks to its fossilized magma, it is of interest to scientists studying the characteristics of volcanic rocks. There are two springs on the mountain - St. and St. Theodosius. Tourists go on climbs: there is something to see not only above, but also below - the city will be at your fingertips.

Before going to Mineralnye Vody, I often thought about this unusual name this town. Many options came to mind. Resort or not? Do all residents there drink mineral water?

In fact, the city is located in Russia in the Stavropol Territory; it got its name thanks to the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters. Mineral waters were especially popular during the Soviet era, people came here to sanatoriums.

Now the city is better known as a transit point between Russia and Azerbaijan. And also as a place where people fly to get to Elbrus or Pyatigorsk.

However, despite its small size and the current situation, it seems to me that the city is very nice and attractive. When I first came to Mineralnye Vody, I immediately felt the Caucasian spirit and definitely the Russian hinterland. Although, of course, the infrastructure and standard of living leaves much to be desired. But, as I noted, this applies to many Russian cities.

How to get there

Mineralnye Vody is a fairly well-known route hub, so it can be reached by several means of transport. The most convenient, in my opinion, are an airplane and a car. You can also get there by bus and train.

By plane

For me, the plane is the most convenient transportation in order to get to Mineralnye Vody. Flights there are usually inexpensive, and the journey takes only 2 hours from Moscow. The flight from St. Petersburg is 3 hours. For example, in winter a flight from Moscow will cost about 4-6 thousand rubles in both directions, from St. Petersburg 8-10 thousand rubles. You can see the price of tickets for the dates you are interested in.

The following airlines fly most often to Mineralnye Vody: Aeroflot, Rossiya AIrlines, Nordwind Airlines, S7 and UTair. Flights from Moscow are direct and operate daily, several times a day. From St. Petersburg, flights very often pass through Moscow.

Speaking about Mineralnye Vody Airport, I must say that you shouldn’t expect anything special from it. Although it is called international, it is very small and receives mainly Russian flights. The arrivals area is small and looks more like a large living room. Immediately after exiting, there will be a stand with a taxi where you can order one, or when leaving the airport, in any case, they will come up and offer their services. The average cost of such a trip is 300 rubles, in high season and especially on New Year the price rises to 500-700 rubles. The departure area is equipped with a waiting room, cafe, toilets and souvenir shops.

By train

Minvod can be reached by train, and this is one of the most popular options. From Moscow the journey takes from 22 to 27 hours. Several trains depart from Kazansky Station per day. The cost of a reserved seat starts from 3 thousand rubles one way, a coupe - from 5 thousand rubles.

From St. Petersburg you can also get to Mineralnye Vody by train. Travel time is about 40 hours, ticket prices start from 4 thousand rubles one way.

Mineralnye Vody Station is one of the city's attractions. Inside there are both free and paid waiting rooms, accommodation services on the station premises, a luggage storage room, and ATMs.

It's not far from the station to the city center. You can use a taxi, they usually stand next to the station, the travel time is 7-10 minutes. You can walk there in 15-20 minutes.

By bus

The bus is not the most comfortable option for going to Mineralnye Vody, but it also exists. Travel time is about 22 hours. The ticket price is about 2.5 thousand rubles. Buses depart from Shchelkovskaya and Krasnogvardeyskaya metro stations and arrive at the Minvod bus station.

From St. Petersburg there is a route from the Kupchino metro station. Travel time is 32 hours.

The main carrier companies: BusArm and Autoline.

It is convenient to travel by bus from Rostov-on-Don, from where several depart daily to Mineralnye Vody. regular buses. Travel time is 8 hours, and the ticket price is about 800 rubles.

From the Minvod bus station you can get to the city center either on foot (30 minutes) or by car. ground transport(about 10-15 minutes).

By car

A car is one of the most popular modes of transport in Mineralnye Vody and on the way to it.

From Moscow the route runs along the Don highway, then along the E50 and the Caucasus highway. The total length of the route is 1500 km. If you drive without stops, the travel time will be about a day. But I still advise you to take a break and spend the night in one of the motels.

There will be many others along the way interesting cities such as Rostov-on-Don, Armavir, etc. The cost of such a trip will cost 6-7 thousand rubles one way.

Path from St. Petersburg It’s most logical to do it through Moscow. That is, first get to the capital, and then go along the above highways. The total length of the route is 2275 km. The cost is about 10 thousand rubles.


Mineral waters - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Ekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season? When is the best time to go

For me, in Mineralnye Vody there are two best of the season- winter and summer. The thing is that in winter even in Mineralnye Vody themselves there are lifts and you can ski, snowboard or tubing. Although, of course, this cannot be compared with Elbrus. In summer, the region of Mineralnye Vody and Pyatigorsk is an excellent place to relax on the lakes.

Mineral waters in summer

Summer in mineral waters is usually warm and sunny. The average temperature is about +35 C°.

There are few tourists in the city itself, but there are more of them in the area of ​​Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk. In principle, very comfortable. At this time, it is customary to swim in mountain lakes, which can be found throughout the Caucasus.

Mineral waters in autumn

The weather in autumn stays at +15 C° and in general it is pleasant to be in the city. In October there are few tourists, but towards the end of November they begin to arrive as the skiing and snowboarding season opens.

In autumn, housing prices are lower than in summer or winter.

Mineral waters in spring

Spring in the city is calm and comfortable. Tourists still travel to the Elbrus region and therefore stop at Mineralnye Vody.

The weather is usually clear, precipitation is rare. IN spring season, especially in May, mountain climbing begins along local trails.

Mineral waters in winter

Winter is my favorite time in Minvody. People are celebrating the New Year, the city is decorated, everything around is snow-white. The temperature can be +10 C°, or maybe -20 C°. Depends on the year.

This is also one of the city's highest seasons. You may not see many tourists here, but you will definitely meet a skier or snowboarder who has definitely come from somewhere far away.


Mineralnye Vody - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Since the city is small, it seems logical to me to divide accommodation into housing in the city and in its environs (or in neighboring cities which belong administrative district Minvod).

What are the prices for holidays?

Prices for holidays in Mineralnye Vody are low compared to other Russian resorts.

Accommodation on average is 1-2 thousand rubles per night in a hotel. Food prices are also low. There are a lot of Caucasian-style cafes in the city, and you can also buy food in grocery stores. Prices for excursions vary, since if you go to the Elbrus region - it’s about 4 hours from Mineralnye Vody - it can get expensive. If you go to Pyatigorsk, then a taxi costs 300 rubles, a 15-20 minute drive, and now you are in the city of Lermontov.

I remember how many times we caught a car and got there for free, because they said that we were students from Moscow and had come to look at the beautiful Caucasus. In the end, we were told that we didn’t need money and everyone was happy.

Main attractions. What to see

The Stavropol Region has always been rich in various attractions. Mountains, lakes, monuments, shrines. However, Mineralnye Vody has a small area, so there are not many attractions here. Most of them are located outside the city. Nevertheless, there is something to see here too.

Top 5

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?


Tourist streets

I can say that in fact, in Mineralnye Vody there are no tourist streets as such. Those that are similar to the standard understanding of tourist, I would call, rather, central. This is exactly what Avenue 22 of the Party Congress is. In fact, this name seemed unusual to me, since I was born in Russia, and not in the USSR. And this title took my thoughts to the Soviet past. But that’s not about that now. In real life, this is a useful and spacious street, where there are many shops, cafes and several hotels on all sides. Not pedestrian.

What to see in 1 day

Mineralnye Vody is a small town, so everything essential can fit into one day. At least that's what happened to me.

What to see in the area

The surroundings of Mineralnye Vody are very difficult to systematize, because every corner of the Caucasus is necessarily fraught with a bunch of interesting things. However, not far from the city described there are beautiful and historical places. These are Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk.

Food. What to try

The cuisine of Mineralnye Vody is highly mixed. It contains Russian national cuisine, Caucasian and European. Since Minvody is located near Georgia and Azerbaijan, national dishes are often the same as in these countries. Be sure to try the meat, pastries and mountain tea. For example, my culinary discoveries here were: khichina (flatbread with different contents) and Caucasian khashlama. And, of course, you need to try real mineral water - after all, the city is named after this.




Safety. What to watch out for

In principle, I did not encounter any dangerous situations. Initially, there was concern because of many stereotypes - what will be the attitude towards girls? I can say that it is really better for girls to travel accompanied by men. But not because something might happen, but in order to attract less attention to oneself. Very often people will come up to meet you on the street, but some people may simply not like it.

In mountainous regions, you need to be wary of avalanches, but this, in fact, does not apply to the city itself.

Things to do

Despite what I already said above - the small size of the city - you can find something to do here: whether you are a tourist or local resident. IN summer period It is always warm and colorful, in winter it is snow-white and cheerful. Some classes are suitable for both holidays, and for everyday life.

The most interesting places:

Clubs and nightlife

Karaoke club Soprano. Good selection of songs, delicious drinks and food. There is dress control and face control at the entrance.

Extreme Sports

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

From Mineralnye Vody, I advise you to definitely bring something with a mountain touch. For example, it could be jam with pine cones, delicious tea with various mountain herbs, or honey with the addition of unusual ingredients.

You can also buy delicious spices for meat, pomegranate or Svan salt. In addition, local water or a mug for drinking from the springs is a popular gift. Sometimes you can find “mountain air” in souvenir shops, which, of course, is just an empty jar, but as a memory it’s very nice.

How to get around the city

To be honest, Minvody is such a small town that you can easily walk here. However, if you live here for a long time, buses, minibuses, or better yet a car, come to the rescue, since there are many attractions and interesting places are outside the city.

Taxi. What features exist

How many times have I had to deal with a taxi, so many times it has been different. You can catch them on the street, you can call and order by phone. A trip around the city costs around 200 rubles, from the city to neighboring Pyatigorsk about 400 rubles.

The most popular taxi services:

  • Mineral waters No. 1,
  • Navigator,
  • Real.

The rental cost per day will be about 1500-2000 rubles. You can see the options.

Mineralnye Vody - holidays with children

Ski holiday

There are no good and professional slopes directly in Mineralnye Vody, but people often ski in neighboring cities (for example, in Pyatigorsk or go to Elbrus).

However, in the nearby mountains in Minvody you can see that the locals are skiing: most often these are either small slopes that you can climb yourself, or “homemade” tracks. Ice skating and tubing are often offered on the slopes of neighboring mountains. However, if you choose Mineralnye Vody as a transit point on the way to the Elbrus region, you will not regret it.

Anything to add?

City of Mineralnye Vody Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

MINERAL WATER, city (since 1920) in Russian Federation, Stavropol region Railway junction (railway branch to Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk). Airport. Population 74.7 thousand people (2002). Food, building materials (including... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

City, district center, Stavropol region. Originated as a village. at Art. Mineralnye Vody (opened in 1875), which served the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters, which determined its name. Since 1920 the city. Mineralnye Vody. Geographical names peace:... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Mineralnye Vody: Mineralnye Vody city in the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation Mineralnye Vody village, Karabinovsky village council, Pavlogradsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine Anninsky Mineralnye Vody village, ... ... Wikipedia

City (since 1920) in the Russian Federation, Stavropol region. Railway junction (railway branch to Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk). Airport. 73.3 thousand inhabitants (1992). Food, building materials (including glass) industry;… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

MINERAL WATER, city (since 1920) in the Stavropol Territory. Railway junction (railroad branch to Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk). Airport. 75.1 thousand inhabitants (1998). Food, building materials (including glass) industry; Souvenir plant... ...Russian history

This term has other meanings, see Mineral waters. City of Mineralnye Vody Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

Mineralnye Vody- city, district center, Stavropol region. Originated as a village. at Art. Mineralnye Vody (opened in 1875), which served the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters, which determined its name. Since 1920 the city. Mineralnye Vody… Toponymic dictionary

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 city (2765) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

This term has other meanings, see Mineral waters. Coordinates: 44°12′48.4″ N. w. 43°08′29.5″ E. d. / 44.213444° s ... Wikipedia


  • Russian province. Painting and graphics, . This book invites the reader to take a fascinating journey through ancient cities our vast homeland. Cities of the Russian province are presented on the pages of this book in reproductions...
