Paanajärvi national park in Karelia. The path to the Paanajärvi National Park Holidays in the Paanajärvi National Park

National Park Paanajärvi is located near North Arctic Circle, in the Loukhsky district of the Karelian Republic. In the west, the border of this protected natural area coincides with the state border of Russia and Finland, as well as with the border of the Finnish national park “Oulanka”.

Area: 104,473 hectares.

The protected area of ​​the national park is located in the highest part of Karelia, in the spurs of the Maanselka ridge. The park's picturesque landscapes include mountain peaks, gorges, mountain rivers with waterfalls and rapids, lakes, swamps, as well as spruce and birch forests.

Among the attractions of the park is the highest mountain in the Finnish mountains, Nuorunen, on the top of which is the largest seid in Karelia - a place where the ancient Sami worshiped pagan gods.

The nature of the national park is exceptionally diverse. Paanajärvi Park, due to many years of geoclimatic changes, warming and cooling, has become a unique place, where you can find both southern and northern plants. In addition to spruce, pine and birch trees growing on mountain slopes, willow, alder, rowan, juniper and bird cherry are found in the lowlands near the water.

In the Olanga River valley there are pine trees that are over 400 years old, and some of them are even 600 years old. More than half of the park's territory is covered with virgin northern boreal (taiga) forests. This rare natural complex is of great importance because in other places such forests have been completely or partially cut down, leading to the extinction of many species of plants and animals.

The Paanajärvi National Park is home to bears, reindeer, wolves, foxes, hares, lynxes, wolverines, moose, martens, squirrels, otters, minks, weasels and stoats. There are also American minks, muskrats, beavers, arctic foxes and Norwegian lemmings.

Paanajärvi Park is home to such rare bird species as whooper swan, gray crane, goose, wood grouse, black-throated loon, merganser, as well as birds of prey - golden eagle, white-tailed eagle and osprey.

Holidays in Paanajärvi National Park

Vacationers can book accommodation in a hut or a tent site on the official website of the national park. When booking, you can also rent boats, sports equipment, barbecues, etc.

Fishing in Paanajärvi

In clean, cold and deep reservoirs there are perches, roaches, pikes, burbots, mottled gobies, minnows and relict smelt. There are also brown trout, grayling, whitefish, vendace, trout and palia. The climate and water are especially suitable for brown trout, which grow to weigh 10 kg or more.

Fishing in the park's reservoirs is permitted only in strictly designated areas.

Rivers and lakes

IN national park besides large lake Paanajärvi, which is 23.5 km long and 1-1.5 km wide, has more than 120 lakes, about 40 of which are quite large, with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. Most lakes are formed in rock faults, so they are narrow, long, deep and have steep banks.

Lake Paanajärvi is drained by the large river Oulankajoki (which flows out of a lake called the Olanga River), as well as the smaller rivers Sovajoki, Mäntyjoki, Astervajoki, Malinajoki and Selkäjoki.

On the Olanga River, not far from the mouth, there is the largest unregulated rapids in Karelia with a height of about 12 m. The sound of water on this rapids can be heard several kilometers away. On the section of the Olanga River from Paanajärvi to Päozer there are 12 more rapids, interspersed with picturesque reaches.

At the confluence of the Olangi River into the Kum Reservoir, there is a large area of ​​forest with dead trees, flooded back in the 60s as a result of the construction of the Kum Hydroelectric Power Station dam.

All rivers and lakes of Paanajärvi National Park are fed by springs and have exceptionally clean water.

Tours in Paanajärvi

Visitors can choose different options for visiting the park, but it is worth considering that the border zone regime operates within the Paanajärvi Park. All tourists must obtain permission to stay on site.

In the park you should only move along paved roads and trails; trampling of plants can lead to extinction rare species. It is possible to change the route and place of stay specified in the permit only in case of an emergency.

Hunting in the park is prohibited; it is also not allowed to pick plants or cut down trees.

Tourists can use the national park map, which shows tourist routes and infrastructure facilities. The price of excursions, transport and other services can be found on the official website of Paanajärvi Park.

Paanajärvi Visitor Center

The center, which houses the park administration, the Museum of Nature and the library, is located on the shore of the beautiful Lake Tukhka, in the village. Pyaozersky.

The visitor center operates in weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00, however, non-resident tourists who have left preliminary applications can apply for a permit daily from 8.00 to 19.00, even on weekends.

Tourist routes

Routes lasting from 2 hours to 2 days are marked with visible signs and directional signs. There are wooden decks, bridges, benches, toilets, fire pits and places for separate waste collection.

Hiking routes

  • Astervajärvi nature trail;
  • Kivakkakoski Falls;
  • Mount Kivakka;
  • Mount Nuorunen;
  • Vartiolampi-Arola.

Water-hiking route

  • Lake Paanajärvi.

Snowmobile routes

  • Paanajärvi;
  • Kivakkakoski;
  • Mount Kivakka;
  • Nuorunen;
  • Great Deer Circle.

Weather in Paanajärvi

The Paanajärvi National Park area is located between the Arctic and the Atlantic, so easterly winds bring the Siberian cold to the park. Winter in the park is long and cold; the first snow falls in the mountains as early as September, and winter temperatures can reach minus 45 °C.

Moist westerly Atlantic winds from the Gulf Stream bring heavy rainfall and sometimes cause thaws even in the middle of winter. However, despite the thaw, by spring a snow cover of 1.5-2 m high accumulates in the park, and on mountain slopes its height can even exceed 3 m.

The average annual temperature is around zero, and the average temperature of the warm month, July, below plus 15 °C, although sometimes it reaches plus 30 °C.

How to get there

Any trip to Paanajärvi Park begins with a visit to the Visitor Center located in the village. Pyaozersky. After receiving permission, you need to drive from the village to the park along a 59 km long dirt road. Taking this into account, you can get there either by personal vehicle (coordinates for the navigator - 66°17′11″N, 30°8′35″E), or order a transfer from the village in the park. Pyaozersky or from the village. Louhi.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk

You can come to Paanajärvi Park by car along the St. Petersburg-Murmansk highway, following to the village. Louhi, either on train to the station Louhi. From Loukha you need to go along highway 110 km in a westerly direction to the village. Pyaozersky.

From Petrozavodsk to the village. Pyaozersky can be reached by on the bus, which runs on Mondays and Thursdays. The fare is from 1,300 rubles, travel time is 11 hours 35 minutes.

From the city of Kostomuksha

In the village Pyaozersky can be reached by car along a dirt road through the village. Kalevala (253 km).

From Finland

You can enter the territory of Russia at the international checkpoints Suoperä (60 km from the village of Pyaozersky) or Lyuttya.

Video “Paanajärvi in ​​winter”

Residents of Karelia are incredibly lucky because they have the Paanajärvi National Park! But do they know about this?
Having long been planning to travel around our native Karelia, we still could not choose a place to travel. But in the end, thanks to our friends, such a place was chosen - “Paanajärvi”. What it is, where it is and what it is eaten with - we had absolutely no idea. However, the desire to go there was so great that we began to look for opportunities.

And again, thank you friends, they led us to a cool person - Ilya Kruglyakov, director of the Virgin nature company. Here is the company’s website - Thanks to Ilya, we were not only able to choose the optimal route for us (and understand WHAT is worth visiting) on ​​convenient dates, but also save money and get a virtually exclusive tour. Besides me, Natalie and Ilya, there was also the nature of North Karelia. That's all :)

Our journey began by train from Petrozavodsk to the village of Loukhi, the journey took about 12 hours. We arrived very early, but a car was already waiting for us. To get to the national park, you need to drive to the village of Pyaozersky, which is 100 kilometers along an asphalt road. Here is our route to Pyaozerskoye on the map:

1. Along the way we admired the early morning views.

2. The driver stopped where we wanted, so we could see every flower :)

3. Along the way we came across many monuments dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The advancing fascists were stopped in these places, and many people were killed. To this day, weapons of war and the remains of the dead are still being found.

4. And naturally there were a lot of beautiful lakes.

5. Every lake, every rapid and river has its own story. Now for us this is the North of Karelia - something like Chukotka, but before there were a lot of people here.

6. We had to stay in Pyaozerskoye for half a day before heading to Paanajärvi. We were in this great house!

7. They lit the stove for us with care - it was still early morning, it was still the North. By the way, I didn’t see anyone wearing shorts.

8. We were greeted by such an amazingly positive red dog Chakli! He was crazy happy when he was petted or let out to run.

9. Strawberries grow a little further from the house.

10. And blueberries!

11. Literally right behind the house there are these bridges to a small lake. Or rather, to the whole water network! But more on that later.

12. The water here is the purest, I drank it just like that.

13. Well, we had to travel around the national park on such a “loaf”. Behind the car is the visitor center and museum. There is an entrance fee to Paanajärvi.

14. This is a map with the boundaries of Paanajärvi National Park. As you can see, it is formed around the huge lake of the same name. And below there is a shoot - this is the most high mountain Karelia - Nuorunen.

15. Paanajärvi is not only mountains and lakes, it is a unique and rich flora and ecosystem.

16. There are a lot of animals here, although we didn’t see anyone except the hare.

17. Model of the depths of Lake Paanajärvi. 24 kilometers long and maximum depth - 128 meters! In general, the museum and visitor center are excellent. By the way, a lot has been done thanks to the international TACIS project.

18. Well, we went to the national park! We will return to Pyaozersky, where the red-haired positive Chakli will be waiting for us!

Travel to Paanajärvi in ​​the North of Karelia.

"Paanajärvi" is a national park that was formed by decree of the Russian Government on May 20, 1992 in order to preserve the unique natural complexes basin of the Olangi River and Lake Paanajärvi, which made it possible to use it for reactionary, environmental, scientific and educational purposes. The park is subordinate to the special Committee of the Karelian Republic for forest protection.

The national park is located near the Arctic Circle, namely in the northwestern part of Karelia, in the Loukhsky district. The western borders of the park coincide with the border of the Russian Federation and Finland. On the territory where the border with Finland is located, the national park is adjacent to “Oulyanka” - a national park of Finland.

The national park has an area of ​​103.3 thousand hectares, of which forests occupy 78 thousand hectares, non-forested areas occupy 25.3 hectares, water occupies 10.9 thousand hectares, swamps occupy 13 thousand hectares, and roads occupy an area of ​​0.2 thousand ha. Settlements completely absent.

The first people appeared in Paanajärvi 5 or 6 thousand years BC. The earliest inhabitants of these places were engaged in hunting, gathering and fishing, as evidenced by various kinds of stone tools and stone utensils that were discovered on the shores of Päozero and Lake Paanajärvi. The post-war period was marked by the discovery of a dozen and a half historical sites on Pyaozero, belonging to different eras.

As for the climate, winter time The prevailing wind in the park is southwest, and in summer – northeast. The basin of Lake Paanajärvi is related to the Maansel agroclimatic subregion, characterized by a short period without severe frosts and cold and long winters. Average temperature air temperature is approximately 0 °C, and the average precipitation is 500-520 mm. The warmest time of the year is July with a temperature of +15 °C, the coldest is January and February with a temperature of -13 °C. The height of the snow cover reaches 70-80 mm.

The park area has several mountains, which are among the ten highest in the Karelian Republic. For example, Mount Lunas with a height of 495.4 m, Mount Mäntytunturi with a height of 550.1 m. A special attraction of the park is a mountain called Nuorunen Fjeld, reaching 576.7 m, which is considered the highest in Karelia. Another unique feature of this area is the presence of “hanging” swamps found on mountain slopes.

There are 54 monuments and 15 major geological objects in Paanajärvi, which are of particular value. There are also objects of world significance, for example, the layered intrusions of Tsipringa and Kivakka, the Paanajarki fault with Mount Ruskeakalio, the Nuorenen granite massif, a small part of the Paanajärvi-Kandalaksha deep fault, as well as the ancient system of unique hydroglacial deltas of Olangi-Tsipringa.

Unique natural object Lake Paanajärvi is considered. The length of this lake is 24 km and its width reaches 1.4 km. The depth of the lake is 128 m. Lake Paanajärvi is one of the deepest small lakes. The bowl of the lake contains about 1 sq. km of uniquely pure water, because oxygen saturation at a depth of 60 to 80 m is the highest in the world among all lakes around the world. The lake valley is surrounded by low mountains, which contributes to the creation of a unique and special microclimate. In winter, air masses descend from the mountains into the lake valley; in severe frosty weather, differences between temperatures can reach 20°C. Temperatures were also recorded here that reached temperatures close in value to the temperatures of the poles of the northern hemisphere. During the months of April to September, the area becomes quite warm compared to nearby surroundings. It is this kind of feature of the extreme temperatures of the Olangi-Paanajärvi river basin that allows us to classify this area of ​​the park as the most continental place in Fennoscandia.

In winter, the light part of the day is very short, and then especially frequent “northern lights” are observed here, and in summer, the sun hides behind the horizon for only 2-3 hours.

You can plot a route for your car by entering the name of the place from where you want to leave and where to get there. Enter the names of points in the nominative case and in full, with the name of the city or region separated by a comma. Otherwise on online scheme the route may not be laid out correctly.

The free Yandex map contains detailed information about the selected area, including the boundaries of regions, territories and regions of Russia. In the “layers” section, you can switch the map to “Satellite” mode, then you will see a satellite image of the selected city. The “People's Map” layer shows metro stations, airports, names of neighborhoods and streets with house numbers. It's online interactive map- it cannot be downloaded.

Nearest hotels (hotels, hostels, apartments, guest houses)

View all hotels in the area on the map

Five nearby hotels are shown above. Among them there are both regular hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private economy class mini-hotels. The hostel is a modern hostel. The apartment is private apartment With daily rental, and a guest house is a large private house where, as a rule, the owners themselves live and rent out rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with all-inclusive service, a bathhouse and other attributes have a good rest. Check with the owners for details here.

Usually hotels are located closer to the city center, including inexpensive ones, near the metro or train station. But if this resort area, then the best mini-hotels, on the contrary, are located further from the center - on the seashore or river bank.

Nearest airports

Type Name Code City Code Distance
Airport Kusamo KAO Kuusamo (FI) KAO 84 km.

When is it more profitable to fly? Cheap flights.

You can choose one of the nearest airports and buy a plane ticket without leaving your seat. The search for the cheapest air tickets occurs online and is displayed to you best offers, including direct flights. Typically this electronic tickets at a promotion or discount from many airlines. Having selected the appropriate date and price, click on it and you will be taken to the company’s official website, where you can book and buy the required ticket.
