Attack on police on the Champs-Elysees. The terrorist who carried out the shooting in the center of Paris was previously convicted of attacking police officers

On Thursday evening, April 20, an armed attack was committed on police officers on the Champs Elysees in Paris: one officer was killed, two police officers and a tourist were injured. The attacker was shot dead. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place two days before the French presidential election, calling the attacker “Abu Youssef the Belgian.” French media, citing the investigation, report that the attack was carried out by 39-year-old Frenchman Karim Cherfi, who was previously convicted of attempts on the lives of police officers and was involved in a terrorism case.

Shooting on the Champs Elysees

On Thursday evening, at around 9 p.m., a gunman fired at a police bus on the Champs-Élysées, killing one officer. “He got out of the car and opened fire on the police with an automatic weapon. He killed one policeman and tried to attack other officers while running,” a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told France-Presse. Two police officers were injured, one of them is in serious condition (he was wounded in the stomach). A tourist from Germany was also slightly injured, AFP reported. Law enforcement officers returned fire, shooting the attacker.

In the first hours, French President Francois Hollande declared the authorities' confidence in the terrorist nature of the attack on police officers.

Francois Hollande:“We are convinced that the trail that will allow us to bring the investigation to completion is terrorist. The anti-terrorism department of the prosecutor's office has already begun proceedings, and the investigation will be carried out under his leadership in order to find out his motives and the presence of possible accomplices. I have called a meeting of the Defense Council tomorrow (Friday - RFI) at 8 am. Now everything necessary is being done to ensure that the level of mobilization of law enforcement agencies - police, gendarmes, military - is maximum, taking into account the known circumstances. This level of mobilization has been high for several months now and we will be extremely vigilant, especially with elections coming up.”

A handwritten note mentioning the Islamic State group was found next to the gunman's body, a source close to the investigation told AFP on Friday afternoon. A gun, two knives with long blades, and a Koran were found in the attacker's car.

Francois Hollande (center) at the police station the day after the shooting on the Champs-Elysees REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

French investigation into the identity of the criminal

Hot on the heels of the tragedy, Paris prosecutor Francois Molens described the circumstances of the tragedy to journalists.

Francois Molens: “Today at 20:50 a man armed with a military rifle fired at police officers who were on duty on the Champs-Elysees near the Marks & Spencer store. As a result of the attack, one policeman was killed and two were wounded, one slightly and the other much more seriously. A foreign tourist nearby was also injured, probably hit by shrapnel. The terrorist was stopped by return fire from the police who were attacked. The anti-terrorism department of the prosecutor's office immediately began proceedings in this case, the identity of the attacker was established and verified. I cannot tell you about it, since investigative measures and searches are currently underway as part of the investigation. In particular, it is necessary to establish precisely whether or not he had accomplices in this attack.”

On Friday, French media, citing investigative sources, reported that 39-year-old Frenchman Karim Cheurfi opened fire on the Champs-Elysees. He lived in the town of Chelles near Paris, in the Seine-et-Marne department, and was well known to French justice. Karim was born on December 31, 1977 in Livry Gargan, in the troubled Parisian suburban department of Seine-Saint-Denis.

On February 23, Karim was detained by the criminal police of the city of Mo on suspicion of preparing an attack on police officers. The next day he was released due to insufficient evidence, France-Presse reports.

Since March, Karim has been under development by the special services. The General Directorate of Internal Security DGSI was investigating Karim in the terrorism case, AFP reported, adding that the suspect was not included in the search and surveillance database under the letter “S” (threat to state security).

More than ten years ago, Karim Sherfi received 15 years in prison for attempts on police officers. The trial court sentenced him to 20 years in prison in 2003. The sentence was reduced to 15 years by an appeals court in 2005.

Karim was convicted of crimes committed in 2001. Then in April, while driving a stolen car, he got into an accident, colliding with a car in which there were a police school cadet and his brother. Karim tried to escape from the scene of the collision. During the pursuit, he opened fire with a revolver, seriously wounding the cadet and his brother. Two days later, already in custody, Karim attacked a policeman in his cell, took possession of his pistol and wounded the law enforcement officer.

In July 2013, Karim was released from prison on parole. Three months later, he attempted a robbery and was detained by police after a chase. In July 2014, the repeat offender was sentenced to a 4-year prison term (two of which were suspended). In October 2015, Karim Sherfi was released from prison again.

Agence France-Presse and French media interviewed Karim Cherfi's neighbors in the town of Chelles, located in the northeastern suburbs of Paris. One neighbor called Karim's daily behavior "strange", comparing the criminal to an "alien from Mars". Other interviewees noted that Scherfi was greatly influenced by prison: he felt “hatred of justice and the police,” “hatred of France,” but was not seen as sympathizing with Islamists and ISIS.

Police on the Champs Elysees, April 20, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

ISIS and the “Belgian trace”

Shortly after the tragedy on the Champs-Elysees, the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack on French police officers. A statement released by the jihadist propaganda outlet Amaq claimed that the attack was carried out by Abu Youssef "The Belgian", described as an IS "fighter".

In the first hours after the terrorist attack, French authorities put on the wanted list the alleged accomplice of the police killer. French police reported that the accomplice may have arrived in Paris from Belgium on high speed train Thalys.

It later became known that the Belgian authorities on Thursday handed over to the French police a notice of search for one suspect in a terrorism case. On Friday morning, Belgian and French authorities said the wanted man had voluntarily turned himself in to the Antwerp police station.

The law enforcement agencies of both countries said that they have no reason yet to link the Belgian suspect with the Paris terrorist attack. The French Interior Ministry said that it was “too early to talk about the connection; a certain amount of information remains to be verified.”

Investigators told France-Presse that the 35-year-old man, who was wanted in Belgium, was described as "extremely dangerous." During a search of his residence, Belgian police found a Thalys train ticket to France for April 20, as well as a firearm.

REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

French security forces under terrorist attack

The policeman who died on the Champs-Elysees on April 20 was 37-year-old Xavier Juzhelet. He served in the 32nd company of the DOPC of the Paris Prefecture of Police.

In recent years, AFP recalls, French security forces have been repeatedly attacked by radical Islamists. This year, soldiers were injured during attacks on patrols at Orly airport (March 18) and at the entrance to the Louvre Museum (February 3). The first attack was carried out by 39-year-old Frenchman Ziyed Ben Belgacem (shot dead at the scene of the crime). At the Louvre, a patrol was attacked by a 29-year-old Egyptian with a passport in the name of Abdallah El Hamahmy.

On June 13, 2016, near Paris, an Islamist who swore allegiance to the IS group killed two Interior Ministry employees. 25-year-old Larosi Abala attacked a family of police officers in their own home in Magnanville (Evelines department). The dead were 42-year-old police officer Jean-Baptiste Salvain and his 36-year-old wife Jessica Schneider, an administrative employee at the police commissariat. Larosi Abala was shot dead by special forces during the assault.

Mohammed Merah, in March 2012, killed three soldiers in Toulouse and Montauban (two of the dead were Muslims). On March 11, paratrooper Imad Ibn Ziyaten died at the hands of a terrorist in Toulouse. On March 15, in Motoban, Mera killed two military men - Abel Shenouf and Mohamed Leguad.

Photo by Reuters. Police closed the Champs-Elysees after the shooting in Paris.

The night before, a man opened fire on the Champs-Elysees. He killed one policeman and wounded another. It is also reported that a foreign tourist was slightly injured. The shooter himself was killed. He used a Kalashnikov assault rifle, an eyewitness to the shootout said:
“I left the store, walked along the sidewalk and got to another store. There was a police van there and a guy driving a car. He parked right behind the van and came out with a Kalashnikov. I heard six shots. I thought it was fireworks because we were all looking around, but there was no one in sight. In fact, he hid behind a van and shot at the police. I think he hit a policeman. As soon as the policeman opened the door of the van, he fell, I think. As soon as we saw this, we all ran to the store. We hid. I went up one floor and saw that the police were shooting at the criminal.".

The man who opened fire on police officers on the Champs-Elysees was sentenced back in 2005 to 15 years for attempted premeditated murder of law enforcement officers. He served part of his sentence and was released, Radio France Enfaux and other French media reported. A couple of months ago, an investigation began against a 39-year-old man after he stated his intention to kill police officers. He was detained but then released. The investigation could not find evidence of his guilt. Yesterday, a criminal killed one policeman in the center of Paris and wounded two more. It's hard for one. He was successfully operated on, the victim is in stable condition, a police representative told the BFM TV channel. He is outraged that a criminal sentenced to long term, was released fairly quickly. There is no official information yet about the shooter killed by police.

The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the incident. Meanwhile, French police are looking for a second suspect in the attack on police officers. It is possible that this could be a Belgian citizen. The fact that a Belgian took part in yesterday's attack is also stated in the message of the terrorist group ISIS.

French President Francois Hollande called the attack a terrorist attack. It happened three days before the first round of the country's presidential elections. A number of candidates have canceled campaign trips today following the shooting in Paris.

Now the Parisian police have opened access to the Champs Elysees this morning. They were blocked by law enforcement forces after yesterday's attack on police officers. Both metro stations, closed yesterday for safety reasons, are also open.

Photo Gettyimages

A terrorist attack in central Paris, during which a local police officer was killed, could affect the French presidential race. Even US President Donald Trump admitted this. On Twitter, the head of the White House wrote that French citizens will no longer tolerate repeated terrorist attacks on their country. “This will have a big impact on the presidential election,” Trump concluded.

The message, distributed on behalf of the terrorist group “Islamic State” (IS, banned in the Russian Federation), says that the attack in the center of the French capital was carried out by Abu Youssef al-Beljiki, a fighter of the self-proclaimed “caliphate”. Near the body of the terrorist, as reported by AFP, some things were found that referred to the Islamic State. According to the local TV channel BFMTV, the attacker is a 39-year-old resident of France, who has already come to the attention of French law enforcement agencies and even, according to this information, discussed the upcoming crime in the Telegram messenger.

Observers state that another blunder by the French intelligence services can only strengthen the positions of two French presidential candidates - the head of the National Front Marine Le Pen and the Republican Francois Fillon. Both politicians are known to have the most hawkish views on national security. After the incident, the far-right leader promised to close the borders and confirmed her intention to deport those foreign citizens suspected of links to terrorist organizations. At his press conference after the attack, Francois Fillon also spoke in favor of enhanced border controls. In his opinion, France is closely faced with “Islamic totalitarianism.”

Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic Bernard Cazeneuve, in turn, said that “nothing should interfere with the democratic moment” of the presidential elections. The head of government called on everyone to behave responsibly, thereby obviously warning his compatriots against voting for populists. “This obliges us not to succumb to fear, intimidation, manipulation, which would play into the hands of the enemies of the republic,” Cazeneuve also said. The weekly Point notes that the prime minister’s speech was mainly directed against Fillon and Le Pen, who, according to Cazeneuve, are leading the country to a “schism.” The head of government did not announce new security measures in connection with the attack on the Champs Elysees.

The shooting in the center of Paris occurred at 21:00 local time. The car with the shooter stopped near the police bus. An armed man came out and opened fire on the law enforcement officers. In his hands, presumably, there was a Kalashnikov assault rifle. After the crime, he tried to escape; two police officers were wounded during the pursuit. However, the criminal was eliminated. Now law enforcement officers are looking for the killer's accomplices.

According to the French weekly Express, the victim of the Islamist was 37-year-old Xavier J. He was an employee of the 32nd department of the Department of Public Order and Traffic (DOPC) in the Paris police prefecture.


In Paris, a shooting occurred on the central Champs-Elysees street: according to updated data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one policeman was killed and two more were injured. The French prosecutor's office classified the incident as a terrorist attack, and the information was also confirmed by the country's President Francois Hollande. The AP reports that the shooter was known to intelligence agencies as a possible extremist. Police are looking for the suspect's accomplice. The incident occurred two days before the first round of the presidential elections.

A police car was shot at a traffic light. According to the BFMTV channel, the unknown person who opened fire on police officers in the area of ​​the Marks & Spencer store was armed with a military weapon, possibly a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The firefight was extremely fierce, journalists note.

Information about the shooting on the Champs Elysees was confirmed by BNO News journalists. According to them, the criminal, whose identity is being established, was shot dead on the spot. One police officer was killed. The second police officer who received gunshot wounds was hospitalized. Around midnight in Moscow it was reported that he had died, but later the Ministry of Internal Affairs clarified the information about the victims: two police officers were wounded, only one was killed by the attacker.

The Guardian, citing local law enforcement agencies, reports that there were two attackers. One of them was shot dead on the spot, and the second, apparently, managed to escape.

Reuters, citing a statement by French Interior Minister Matthias Feckl, clarifies that the policeman who died on the Champs-Elysees was shot inside a car when he stopped at a traffic light. The minister also confirmed the killing of one of the attackers.

According to unconfirmed local media reports, one bystander was also injured as a result of the shooting. “A number of witnesses claim that there was more than one attacker,” the TV channel notes.

The entire Champs Elysees area is currently closed. Two metro stations are closed. The radio broadcasts a warning from the police prefecture to drivers about the need to take detour routes.

Reuters later reported that the second police officer who suffered gunshot wounds had died.

At the same time, conflicting information is currently being received regarding the possible accomplice of the criminal. According to one version, he managed to escape, and in given time he is hiding in one of the underground parking lots in the Champs Elysees area.

According to another version, which, in particular, is reported by
