Unknown pshad. Rest in pshad

The river and the village of the same name are located in the Gelendzhik region of the Krasnodar Territory, on the southern elephants of the Caucasus Range, which determines the mildness of the climate. Peaches, excellent plums and apricots have long been grown here.

There are many hiking trails and routes in the Pshada basin. Tourists are transported from the village to nearby waterfalls using all-terrain vehicles. Despite the fact that cab drivers call them Pshadsky, among tourists this name has long been assigned to another place located 20 km higher.

Not far from the confluence of Pshada and Papaya there is an interesting place - if the average depth of Pshada in summer is 20 centimeters, then here under the rock the depth reaches five meters, there is a clear spring right there. A few kilometers up the Pshada River there is a relict oak, possibly surviving from the sacred groves of the Circassians.

25 kilometers from the village of Pshada, having overcome 48 fords, we first find ourselves in an abandoned area, where the ruins of cells, the remains of barriers and guard towers still remain. And after 500 meters we come to the village of Novosadovy - previously it consisted entirely of staff serving the zone, then it fell into disrepair along with the prison, and later Danilevich came to it, who today is almost the only resident of the village. Tourists are always welcome here; at our service there is a bathhouse and several “rooms” in personally renovated buildings.

Higher up the valley there is a lonely forestry hut and a kilometer away - the old base of the planned routes "climbers' shelter". From here, along the Melnichny Stream, the path to the famous Monastery rocks (aka Gray Monasteries, aka Krasnodar Pillars) begins. The place is really very interesting - right in the middle of the slope of Mount Thab there is a sandstone layer sharply protruding, which stretches for several kilometers, while having a thickness of only 4-15 meters, with a height of up to 80. On two streams cutting through these rocks there are waterfalls - Melnichny and Grafskie ruins.

From the village of Pshada to the sea there are 12 kilometers of asphalt road.

Photos ( 3 from 16 ) on request: or

Trough-shaped dolmen

Dolmen on the outskirts of Pshada

In the summer we traveled by car along two coasts and Crimea. We decided to spend the first night on the Pshada River.
This choice was not accidental; these places are very picturesque and attract with their special beauty and energy.
This is the view in the vicinity of Pshada right from the road

Car enthusiasts probably know about the village of Pshada. It is located along the M4 “Don” highway between Dzhubga and Gelendzhik

The population of the village is just over 2,500 people
The route offers views of local gardens and the foothills of the Caucasus

Pshada is famous for its dolmens. This sign on the road reminds you of them

However, here access to the heritage of ancestors is offered for money. The area with four dolmens is fenced with a fence and barbed wire, there is a ticket office

It would be ridiculous and shameful to visit a snack bar, a souvenir shop and also pay for entry))), and we didn’t go there. Besides, what's the point of paying for four dolmens if there are seventy more free ones around? That's how many of them there are in the area.

We arrived in Pshada in the evening and decided to find a place to spend the night on the river just above the village.

There is a road along the river along which tourists are transported in SUVs

There were many more cars on the shore, among which I parked my minibus

The water in the river is clean and warm

We parked the car and went to look around. It turned out that there was a huge tent camp here.

In August, the All-Russian orienteering competition was held here, attracting up to three thousand people.

Accordingly, there are hundreds of tents here, and maybe under a thousand. Such is the tourist tent potential of these places!

But everything is clean and well organized.

It’s already dark, but the camera captures a view of the river and surrounding peaks

Night swimming of restless orienteers

Nearby there is a pool two meters deep for swimming.

We slept well in the tent without worrying about safety.
In the morning we went to look for dolmens. Many are marked on the OSM map, and the first group of six megaliths was discovered a couple of hundred meters from the overnight site

These places subconsciously attracted me with their kind of peace and tranquility. Driving past, you always had the feeling that you had lived a past life here, and maybe more than one. Perhaps this is not far from the truth - this territory was inhabited when the Egyptian pyramids did not yet exist, almost before all other places on the Black Sea coast.

The surroundings of Pshada are a real “dolmen Klondike”. Nowhere on the Black Sea coast is there such a concentration of dolmen groups as in these parts

Since the Bronze Age, different nationalities have visited here, leaving many historical traces on the territory of the valley

The Russian settlement in the form of a military fortification appeared in 1837

Here are some of the largest dolmens in the Krasnodar region, up to 4 meters long

I've seen something like this in old paintings

Map with the location of dolmens and dolmen groups of Pshada

Orienteering competitions are probably held here for a reason. Some checkpoints are located right in the ruins of ancient megaliths

Having examined the group of “healing” dolmens, we go in search of a dolmen village.
Along the way we get a view of the Pshada Valley

There are many dirt roads leading to various attractions, such as crystal waterfalls

There are thirteen main waterfalls in the upper reaches of Pshada, in a small area, and there are more than a hundred of them in total (including tributaries). We weren’t able to see them because we didn’t have time for that.

Pshada is translated from the Adyghe language as “Valley of Calm”. Surrounded by mountain ranges, the valley is perfectly protected from cold winds. There are many gardens and hazel trees here. Local peaches and apples are especially famous. We accidentally came across one of the unguarded peach orchards along the way.

The peaches were ripe, and the temptation was great. But we restrained ourselves and collected only a package from those that were lying on the ground

There are roads on both sides of the river, but jeepers drive straight along the riverbed

Finally we found a map of the dolmen village

We thought they would start asking us for money, but we got through for free.
There are eight large dolmens in the village in the clearing, five or six of which are in good condition

Of course they bring tourists here

Let's return to the river

The road goes through numerous fords up the valley, where there are many more interesting places, dolmens and waterfalls.
But to get there you need serious technology

I wanted to try to drive a Delica, but I didn’t dare, and besides, we didn’t have any time left. But I still have the desire to return here. The walking route through the seventy dolmens of Pshada is well described

The southern foothills of the Caucasus are full of waterfalls and mountain rivers, and on the outskirts of Gelendzhik the nature is also very curly and rich. It seemed to us as stormy as , so after walking along the Gelendzhik embankment we were increasingly drawn to nature excursions, and not to be too disingenuous, also because the swimming season was not yet open. Among others, we planned a trip to the Pshada River. The excursion to the Pshad waterfalls is strikingly different from a self-guided excursion to the waterfalls of the Zhane River. If you are a supporter of the walking option and are determined to do it in one day, then you will have to go to Pshada as part of an organized group.

How to get to Pshad waterfalls on your own

The village of Pshada, from which the route begins, is located between Gelendzhik and Arkhipo-Osipovka. From Gelendzhik to Pshada it is about 35 km. The road connecting Gelendzhik, Pshada and Arkhipo-Osipovka is the M4 Don highway. Bus No. 106 departs from Gelendzhik from the old (suburban) bus station at very large intervals, this should be taken into account. Bus schedule No. 106 Gelendzhik-Pshada for 2016: 6-00, 8-20, 11-30, 14-00, 17-15. Be sure to check the return schedule either with the driver or at the final stop in Pshad. Thus, if you leave on the first bus and return on the last bus, you will have 11 hours at your disposal. But having reached Pshada, the easy part of the route ends and the grueling part begins. You have to walk about 10 km along the river bed, and in some places you will have to get your feet wet. The journey will take about 2-3 hours to the cordon, from where a small hiking route to the waterfalls will take about 1 hour more. Thus, the given time is only enough to come, stand at the waterfall and immediately go back. Things will of course be different if you go to these places with a tent for the weekend.

Having studied all these nuances, we decided to take a field trip to the Pshad waterfalls from Gelendzhik. The excursion includes a transfer to the village of Pshada, transfer to the pedestrian part of the route in GAZ-66 vehicles, a visit to the waterfalls themselves, then we make a short detour to the dolmens located in the valley of the Pshada River and on the way back to Gelendzhik we will stop by local entrepreneurs for a tasting of local wines. The cost of the excursion to the waterfalls of the Pshada River was 1100 rubles per person(600 rubles for excursion support and 500 rubles for transfer by GAZ-66 car). There is another opportunity to get to Pshada, this is to go not as part of an organized group, but to take an individual jeep tour in UAZ from numerous private owners whom you will meet more than once while walking around Gelendzhik. There is some risk in this choice, since the excursions are private, then only you bear responsibility for your safety, and UAZs are often driven by less qualified drivers, who only increase the degree of risk.

Rodeo along the bed of the Pshada River

Having reached the off-road, we transfer to the legendary GAZ-66, the most favorite car of excursion companies in the Caucasus. We already rode exactly like this in Greater Sochi, when we went to.

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Excursion companies turn the everyday delivery of tourists to the excursion site into a real attraction that will not leave anyone indifferent. Sitting in the back of a car racing off-road, you have to make an effort to sit still. And sometimes, when driving into a river, the driver does not slow down, as logic requires, but accelerates, showering the group sitting in the back with a sheaf of water spray. This event is very refreshing in hot weather, and if there is more than one car along the route, as happens in the summer months, then the drivers take turns stopping in the shallow water, waiting for another car to drive into the river and cover everyone with a sheet of water from under its massive wheels.

It is also worth considering that if you go here on your own with the hope of transferring to a GAZ-66 in Pshad, then there may not be a free car, but they will almost certainly pick you up from the waterfalls if you wait for a tourist group there. The breeze carried us to the cordon, where there is also a cafe where everyone can have a snack. There is a wonderful view of the mountains here, here we turn off the Pshada River.

From here we go deeper into the forest along one of the tributaries of the Pshada, technically the waterfalls will not be Pshadskie, but the waterfalls of a tributary of the Pshada, the Red River, but all travel companies position this excursion as Pshada waterfalls, so for simplicity we will further call these waterfalls Pshadskie.

On the way to the waterfalls, the guide enthusiastically talks about the features of the local flora, which is really very informative. Our route runs along the river bed, and although the river has already become very shallow, like all mountain rivers in the spring, in places crossing its bed there is a chance of getting your feet wet, so you either need to immediately put on flip-flops so you can splash through the water without fear, or walk in grippy sneakers or sneakers to jump over rocks without fear.

So along the river bed we reached the first waterfall. The forest through which we made our way can easily claim to be impenetrable; as soon as you step off the path, thorny bushes and ivy rise up like a wall. If you walk a little along the riverbed, you will come out to a waterfall, and to get to the next waterfall you will need to climb the hill on the left.

The waterfall itself is not very big, but in the dense thicket, where the sky is not always visible, it is perceived as a breath of fresh air.

Then the trail goes uphill, and then downhill. We walk further through the forest, admiring how and where the river carved its channel. The sandstone layers here reach the surface almost vertically.

In one place you have to practically climb a wall, along which, in addition to everything else, water flows in a trickle; one must think that at times of the year when the river is full-flowing, a full-fledged waterfall is formed here.

So we reached the second waterfall. The guide has a prepared legend regarding the healing properties of the waterfall. After the story, the group has 15-20 minutes to take pictures against the backdrop of the waterfall and bathe themselves in it.

We head back and reach the clearing no more than an hour and a half after starting from it. Here we are waiting for kebabs ordered in advance, which we must admit are not as tasty as on the Zhane River.

Dolmens of the Pshada River Valley

Then everyone in the same GAZ-66 takes us on an excursion to the dolmens. The nature of the Pshada River valley is simply charming; you never cease to be amazed at how rich nature is. It is not difficult to notice that the Pshada channel is much wider than the stream of water that flows through it. This is not surprising, because in the summer the flow of mountain rivers is greatly depleted. The main flow comes down from the mountains from January to February, when there is little available channel. Such streams carry away everything in their path, so it’s not uncommon to see trees uprooted along the riverbed.

There are about 70 dolmens in the Pshada River valley, they were built in the 3rd millennium BC, there is no exact data, but it turns out that the dolmens are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. The guide will give a full lecture about the history of construction and the purpose of dolmens, give a few more minutes for memorable photos, and we will set off on the way back.

For the last time, the GAZ-66 will rush us along the rocky bed of the much-shallow Pshada, and deliver us to a comfortable minibus that will take us to a wine tasting; children under 18 years old will not be allowed into the tasting; a cartoon will be played for them outside the threshold of the establishment. After tasting the wine, everyone is invited to buy the product they have just tasted.

After the tasting we finally head home. The entire excursion to the waterfalls of the Pshada River from start to finish took 8 hours. If you are bored with a leisurely vacation and want adventure, then an excursion to Pshad waterfalls is what will help you overcome the blues. Unforgettable rides in the back of a GAZ-66 along the bed of the Pshada River, a mysterious forest, refreshing waterfalls and mysterious dolmens, what else do you need on a hot summer day for a successful holiday? Oh yes, tasting!

Video: Excursion to Pshad waterfalls from Gelendzhik

Video review of the excursion to the Pshada River valley.

Pshada is a beautiful valley through which the river of the same name flows. All the time it is a calm river, carrying water to the numerous gardens located in the valley, but in the spring, when the snow melts, the Pshada River turns into a seething stream, sweeping away everything in its path. The surroundings of Pshada were inhabited almost earlier than all other places on the Black Sea coast; at least evidence of settled life in Pshada dates back to the early Bronze Age. We are, of course, talking about the famous dolmens!

These mysterious and simple structures were built from four stone slabs weighing several tons, covered with a fifth slab on top. A hole was made in the front wall of the dolmen, mostly round, which was closed with a large stone. Dolmens are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids and had the same purpose - they are crypts for the dead. Some dolmens have drawings and patterns. Basically, there are four types of dolmens, from those hewn entirely from rock to those assembled from not very heavy slabs, and it is interesting that the most labor-intensive dolmens were built earlier. Judging by the age of the dolmens, they were built from the early Bronze Age to the beginning of the Iron Age. There are dolmens not only in the Pshada Valley, there are remains of dolmens in Gelendzhik on Tonky Cape, and on the other side, closer to Tuapse. But it is in the vicinity of the Pshada Valley and Mikhailovsky Pass that there are the most dolmens and this is not surprising, because... the places here are fertile from the point of view of ancient people: Fertile soil, forests rich in animals and mushrooms, thousands of secluded places to hide from the enemy or set up an ambush, many rivers and streams, and, most importantly, the Pshada valley is perfectly sheltered by mountains from the cruel ones familiar to the Black Sea coast winter Nord-Ostov.

There is really little wind here; by the way, according to most versions, the word “Pshada” is translated precisely as “Windless Valley”. For a modern tourist, Pshada is an inexhaustible source of new discoveries and beautiful views. In addition to dolmens, there are about a hundred waterfalls in the vicinity of Pshada, some can be reached without much effort, some are practically inaccessible. Excursions are organized from almost all resorts in the Krasnodar Territory, but you will really have a lasting impression if you take two-three-day hiking through gorges and mountains. The beauties of Pshada do not come easy high rocky cliffs, difficult routes, dangerous gorges Only the most courageous Pshada reveals its real secrets, but believe me, it is worth the effort!

The map also includes the village of Pshada, the main occupation of local residents is work in the surrounding gardens and, of course, the tourism business; many leave for the season in search of work to places more spoiled by the attention of tourists. There is only one cafe in the village of Pshada, it is called the same as the village, the same as the river, the same as the whole area: “Pshada”. Despite its outward appearance, it’s worth visiting for the names of the cocktails: “Denikin took the Eagle,” “Lame Duck,” etc. Recently, jeeping and canyoning have begun to develop in Pshad; these two buzzwords hide exploration of the area in jeeps, as well as rafting with the help of mountaineering equipment along the canyon of the river and its tributaries. Pshada is famous for its peaches and apples; during the fruit picking season, a unique fruity aroma spreads through the valley, which sees off, or vice versa, welcomes travelers.

There are at least three versions of the origin of the name Pshada. According to the first of them, Pshada translated from Adyghe means “Valley of Calm”. Legend has it that when the gods lived on Earth together with people, the God of the north wind, Boreas, settled on Mount Tha-chegochuk (Mountain of the Gods). He loved to sweep over the valley of a mountain river, uprooting trees, spreading fear and destruction. He was so used to the fact that no one would ever interfere with his fun that he simply could not believe his eyes when he saw a small house on the mountainside.

An old gardener and his daughter settled in the house. They began to cultivate the land, which for many years had not seen the touch of human hands, and plant apple trees. The garden gradually grew and became more beautiful.

Then Borey decided to eliminate the impudent people who disturbed his peace. He spread his wings and flew like a whirlwind towards the shack. But, apparently, he was unable to calculate the speed and crashed into the slope as fast as he could. The old man was the first to arrive at the scene of the disaster. He had already raised a stone to crush the head of the unsuccessfully diving God. But then his daughter stopped him. Either she decided that it was unworthy to kill a helpless enemy, or she did not want trouble from his relatives.

The girl took Boreas into the house and spent several months healing his wounds and fractures, teaching God to fly again. Finally his wings became stronger and his wounds healed. It was possible to go on a flight. Borey also turned out to be very noble and offered his hand and heart to the savior. But feelings did not flare up between them, and the proud girl refused to throw in her lot with the immortal. Then he offered to fulfill her deepest desire. The beauty asked Boreas to leave these places forever. Of course, he didn’t really want to change his place of residence, but there was nowhere to go, and God left both his home and his beloved valley.

People began to settle on the banks of the river. Cultivate gardens. And they called the area Pshada Valley of Windlessness.

This explanation for the origin of the name of the area is supported by the fact that the Nord-East is really practically not felt here. The translation itself is questionable. The word Pshada is very different from the Circassian one. One source indicates that this word is Czech. Indeed, there are several Czech settlements on the Sukhumi highway. It is possible that Pshada arose at the end of the last century, when empty lands were populated by immigrants from different countries.

Finally, the third version is based on the fact that long before the appearance of the Czechs, the Adyghe village of Pshad was located at the mouth of the river. The old name remains a reminder of the times when this land was inhabited by Shapsugs and Natukhais.

No matter how the name itself arose and no matter what it means, the valley of the Pshada River is a very remarkable place that deserves a separate story.

Pshada originates at the pass between the peaks of Pshada (743 meters) and Papai (818 meters) and runs 35 kilometers from its source to its confluence with the Black Sea. In the upper reaches of the river there are the most beautiful Pshad waterfalls. Although, to be absolutely precise, the waterfalls are not located on the Pshada River itself, which in its upper reaches is named Vorovskaya Stream, but on its right tributary, the Krasnaya River.

Pshad waterfalls are located in a wide part of a wooded valley, which foresters and hunters call Bazy. Somewhat below Bazov, just a quarter of a kilometer from the last waterfall, the valley narrows sharply, large rubble appears at its bottom, and the slopes become steeper and become precipitous. These are Cliff footsteps.

There are a total of thirteen waterfalls in the Bazov area. Moreover, everything is located quite compactly. They are concentrated on an area about one kilometer long. The largest and downstream waterfall is Olyapkin. It was named after the water dipper sparrow, which tourists once noticed here. The height of the water fall from its ledge reaches 9 meters. And the uppermost one and the second highest one is located at the mouth of Vodopadny Stream. Its plumb line is 7 meters. Most of the remaining waterfalls have heights from 0.9 to 2.5 meters.

Even 30 years ago, the cascade of Pshad waterfalls made the most majestic impression. A barely noticeable path wound along the river in the dense forest, on which one could, for example, easily come across deer antlers or traces of wild boars. Now the forest is crippled by logging, which has changed the river flow pattern, and the waterfalls have become noticeably shallower. But even without water, the waterfall ledges amaze with the power of giant sandstone layers polished by jets.

Below the Pshad waterfalls is the abandoned village of Kholodny Spring with the romantic ruins of a building made of wild stone under the spreading crown of a hundred-year-old walnut. Here the first large left tributary flows into the Pshada. The upward path leading through the ridge of the same name to the upper reaches of Ubin is known as the “road of life”: along it, during the days of the battle for the Caucasus, wounded soldiers were transported from the northern slopes of the foothills to the sea coast.

The next much larger tributary of the Pshada is the Papai. It originates from the southern slopes of the most beautiful and majestic mountain of the entire coastal mountain strip from Anapa to Tuapse - the five-toothed white rock Papaya, the westernmost section of the Main Caucasus Range. Above the Papai River on the steep slopes of Tkhaba rise the “Krasnodar Pillars” Monastery rocks, which have long become widely known among mountaineering athletes.

Below the mouth of Papaya, the Pshada River falls into a narrow gorge separating the Kotsekhur and Oblyago mountain ranges. Squeezed between these masses, the river meanders between exceptionally picturesque rock walls. From the slopes of Oblyago, foamy tributaries run down narrow gorges along steep waterfall channels into Pshada. There are over a hundred waterfalls in the Pshada basin! Many of them are difficult to pass or even impassable. Many waterfalls reach 15-30 meters in height.

But now the mountains part. Pshada runs out of the gorge. The mountain river, entering the plain, becomes calm. This part of the valley also has a lot to offer. In the forest, which parted on both sides of the river, there are dolmens - megalithic structures of the Bronze Age. They were discovered here in 1818 by a French explorer. Jacques-Victor-Edouard Tebu de Marigny. This was the second case of the discovery of the same age as the Egyptian pyramids in the Caucasus.

You can drive directly to the largest Pshad dolmen and one of the largest dolmens in the Kuban. To do this, you need to turn onto the dirt road at the sign for the dolmen. The distance to the megalithic structure is no more than 200 meters. After the publication of the book “The Noisy Cedars of Russia” and the emergence of the “Anastasia” sect, dolmens turned into real places of pilgrimage. The relatively affordable Pshad dolmen has fully experienced the burden of popularity. Previously, a traveler could stand alone at the walls of a giant stone hive and reflect on the greatness of human genius, looking at the inscriptions carved on blocks of yellowish sandstone over many centuries. Now the monument of ancient architecture has become much more crowded. Therefore, a certain amount of charm from contemplating the Cyclopean structure has disappeared.

Downstream is the village of Pshada. It is located on Novorossiysk-Sukhumi highway. Here, in the thirties of the last century, the Russian Novotroitsk fortification appeared on the site of the village. It began to be built in 1837, and was destroyed in 1854 after Russia's defeat in the Crimean War.

Now the village is home to the central estate of the agricultural enterprise “Mikhailovsky Pereval”. In the central square there is a market famous for its apples and peaches, and a bus station.

Pshada is a village within the municipal resort city of Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory. It is the center of the Pshad rural district. It is located on the river of the same name, 32 kilometers from Gelendzhik on the federal highway M-4 “Don” “Novorossiysk - Moscow”. The distance to the Black Sea is 11 kilometers.
In addition to s. Pshada, the rural district includes the villages of Beregovoe, Krinitsa, Mikhailovsky Pereval, as well as the villages of Shirokaya Pshadskaya Shchel and Betta.
About 2 thousand 800 people live on the territory of Pshada, mainly Russians, as well as Greeks.


The area near the village of Pshada was most likely one of the first to be populated on the Black Sea coast. In any case, this is indicated by the dolmens located on the territory of the district and dating back to the early Bronze Age (some of them are about 5 thousand years old!). The location of dolmens in the vicinity of Pshada suggests that people lived here already in those ancient times. After all, a dolmen is nothing more than an ancient burial structure.
The founding date of Pshada is 1864. Initially, it was a village that was part of the Shapsug battalion. The first settlers of the created settlement were families of low-ranking officials and families of soldiers.
The next, second, wave of immigrants lasted from 1887 to 1893. Thanks to the royal decree allowing foreign citizens to settle, citizens of other states were settled in the territory of Pshada: Greeks, Czechs, Armenians, etc.
The third wave of settlement started with the arrival of employees: doctors, teachers, etc.

Climate and nature

The climate of Pshada is transitional from temperate to subtropical. In summer, the average air temperature does not exceed + 24 C. There is almost no wind here (this can also be learned from the name of the village, since “apshada” in translation means a windless lowland).
The village of Pshada is located in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains and deciduous forests. The forests are inhabited by: roe deer, wild boar, raccoon, badger, etc.
The mountain river Pshada flows through the territory of the settlement, on the banks of which juniper and wild walnut grow. In the upper reaches the river is an unbridled seething stream, and in the lower reaches it is a calm river that provides life-giving moisture to countless orchards. The Pshada River contains large reserves of blue clay, widely used for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, here you can not only swim, but also spend time benefiting your appearance.

Attractions and entertainment

You won’t be able to find entertainment typical of seaside resorts in Pshad, since there is no sea here. They come here for something else: to admire the famous Pshad waterfalls (excursions to them are organized in almost all resorts of the Krasnodar region), to comprehend the secrets of dolmens, which, by the way, are the same age as the Egyptian pyramids, to offer a prayer to the Lord in one of the oldest temples on the Black Sea coast, in the temple Great Martyr Dmitry Sologunsky.
Recently, such types of active recreation as canyoning and jeeping, as well as mountaineering along the mountain river Pshada and its tributaries, have been developing on the territory of the village.

Infrastructure and economics

The village of Pshada has everything for a comfortable stay. The social infrastructure of the village is represented by a kindergarten, a school, a clinic with an ambulance substation, a recreation center, a library, a children's art school, a post office, a fire station, and a sports ground. Trade and service facilities on the territory of Pshada include shops, a market, cafes, and guest houses. Near the village there is a fishing farm.
Residents of the village are mainly involved in agriculture. Pshada is famous for its orchards, where delicious apples and peaches are grown, which are sold both at the local and city markets. Also, one of the leading industries in the village is tourism, including agritourism. The highlight of the village is the ostrich farm, where you can meet ostriches and also enjoy dishes prepared from the eggs and meat of these birds. Horseback riding and fishing in the local reservoir are also organized here; You can rent a catamaran or ATV.
Pshada has a very good location - the village is located on the M-4 federal highway, which means it has good transport links. Regular bus services have been organized to Gelendzhik and other settlements in the region, and public transport also runs to Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, and Sochi. The nearest railway station is in Novorossiysk (about 70 km), the nearest airport is in Gelendzhik (about 40 km).

Real estate

Private development predominates in Pshad; there are only three apartment buildings. The real estate market has a large selection of plots for building a house. Real estate prices in the village are among the most attractive in the region.
In connection with the development of the tourism sector, commercial real estate, including guest houses, has recently come up for sale more and more often.

Rural development

The master plan of the urban district of Gelendzhik provides for the implementation of the following projects:

  • Construction of a bus station (in connection with the organization of a new highway "Krasnodar - Pshada", which will be the shortest access to the Black Sea coast);
  • Construction of a helipad (to increase the efficiency of the air transport system in terms of serving vacationers, as well as in case of emergencies);
  • Reconstruction of kindergarten No. 19 with an increase in capacity to 107 places;
  • Reconstruction of the library, providing for an increase in the book stock to 10 thousand units with the organization of 10 reading places;
  • Construction of a cinema with 200 seats;
  • Laying a gas pipeline from Teshebs to Pshada.
