Renewed Batumi: what to see and where to go. Batumi: what to see, where to go and what to do Entertainment for tourists in Batumi

Batumi is an amazing city that welcomes all visitors not only with warm weather. There are many interesting places and various attractions here, which it is recommended to set aside several days to explore. If a traveler is just passing through the city, it is important for him to find out where to go and what to see in Batumi first. Experienced tourists have compiled their own rating of attractions, which they invite everyone to familiarize themselves with. If a guest stays in the atmospheric city for at least a week, he will be able to visit many places, but everyone else can choose sights to see on the city map at their own discretion.

The most popular attractions of Batumi on the map

A well-kept park is located in close proximity to the embankment (it’s quite easy to find it on the map). This place will be highly appreciated by visitors with small children, since there are small paths for leisurely walks, a small boat station, as well as a mini-zoo; there is also a zoo nearby. You can also go here in the evening with children, since the place is quiet, and in its very heart there is an unusual fountain, the stream of which seems to come from underground and remains at a level of three meters.

Alphabetic Tower

This is a tall tower, it is not for nothing that it is one of the sights of Batumi that is worth seeing. However, guests are advised to go here in the late afternoon to watch the sunset. You will have to stand in line to get to the elevators, and you will have to pay 8 GEL per person to go up.

Astronomical Clock

This is an astronomical clock that shows the exact time and is located on Europa Square. Those who want to also see the European Square, marked on the map, can go here. The building on which the clock is located is atmospheric. It conveys the European spirit and seems to transport vacationers to Europe, and at the same time gives them the opportunity to synchronize their watches.

This is a real landmark of Batumi, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century with the financing of the Zubalashvili brothers and was then put on the map. The building was erected by Catholics on the site of a drained lake. Today it is an Orthodox cathedral, which is made in the Gothic style. This is an extraordinary architectural structure that deserves close attention from travelers. This is the place that the trustee will not miss when choosing what to see in Batumi and the surrounding area - the city’s attractions include other Orthodox churches.

Kobuleti Beach

This is a beautiful beach that is especially marked on the map of travelers who go to Batumi for sunbathing and swimming in the sea. Absolutely clear water touches the same neat and well-groomed beach, along the entire perimeter of which there are trestle beds, sun loungers, and umbrellas. You can rent one such trestle bed for a nominal fee - only 3-4 lari. There are numerous water attractions offered here, but they do not interfere with other vacationers’ swimming.

Chacha Fountain (Chacha Tower)

The Chacha Tower is within walking distance from the port. According to local residents, previously here at a certain time you could drink a delicious drink – chacha – for free. As for architecture, this place is in many ways reminiscent of the buildings that stand in Izmir.

Museum of Fine Arts of Adjara (Batumi)

An inquisitive guest will definitely include the Museum of Fine Arts in his educational program. You can view and appreciate the paintings for only 2 GEL (for each person), for a child you need to pay only 0.50 GEL. The building is two-story, you can walk around it in half an hour. There are both permanent and temporary exhibitions on site. It’s worth going to the museum if only to appreciate the work of Pirosmani and Gudiashvili.

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Attractions in the vicinity of Batumi

Makhuntseti Bridge and Waterfall

Guests who travel to Georgia want not only to look at ancient buildings, but also to feel the atmosphere of these places, somewhat wild and uncontrollable. That is why travelers choose unique natural attractions on the map of Batumi, which have only been partially improved by people. To enjoy the natural beauty, you need to take a map with you and go outside the city - to Adjara, where the Makhuntseti Waterfall is located. You can get here by car or spend 2 GEL per person to get there by minibus - minibus 77 at the bus station.

This point of the tourist route is also marked on the map of Batumi with attractions in Russian. You can walk around the entire fortress, which is still being excavated and studied, in half an hour. That is why this attraction is often included in other tourist routes. Already now one can appreciate the power of this place from the fragments of the walls that have been revealed to the world. Despite the fact that the place is ancient, there are no prohibitory signs or strict supervision. This gives travelers the opportunity to even climb the walls of the fortress, but this solution is extreme, since there are no railings here. The fortress seems to be permeated with the spirit of History. The cost of visiting is low - 3 GEL per person.

Amusement park "Tsitsinatela" (Kobuleti)

This is a park of great experiences. People go here when they want to spend active time and explore many of the sights of Batumi along the way. There is a Ferris wheel here, which is worth going to in the evening to have the opportunity to explore the place when the sun illuminates the city with its last rays. The park opens at 18:00. The prices are quite reasonable: a ride on the carousel will cost 5-10 GEL for an adult, 1-3 GEL for a child. Slot machines are even cheaper - 0.50 GEL per game.

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The provided map with the sights of Batumi - with photos, names, descriptions - allows you to create your own route, which can be compressed up to three days or extended over a week. The city of Batumi is atmospheric, it is permeated with the spirit of history, but at the same time it also takes on a European look. Therefore, when deciding what to see in Batumi, you should pay attention to both ancient buildings and modern buildings.

To appreciate the beauty of the city of Batumi, watch the video - the quality of filming and editing is excellent!

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I continue to tell you about the glorious city of Batumi.

This is a stunning city with a rich history and beautiful architecture. That is why tourists from all over the world flock here to walk along the original streets and see with your own eyes city ​​attractions , and at the same time swim in the sea , breathe in the fresh sea breeze and taste the best dishes of Georgian cuisine .

Having read rave reviews and seen enough photographs of Batumi, of course, we included a visit to Batumi in our trip plan for Georgia. To see with your own eyes what success this Georgian resort has achieved in recent years.

In the previous article, I already told you how best to get to Batumi and where you can stay: . This article will help you plan your trip to this resort. Today my task is to tell you about the most interesting tourist places in Batumi, and help you create an approximate route for your acquaintance with this amazing city.

What you can see in Batumi on your own

Batumi impressed us from the very first minutes of arrival. Entering it from the Trans-Ajar highway (), we looked with interest at the bizarrely shaped skyscrapers. And we firmly decided the next day, right in the morning, to go for a walk around this colorful city.

But the next morning a surprise awaited us in the form of an incessant downpour. And this was after ten whole days of hellish heat, during which we wandered the streets of Tbilisi (), tasted wine in the Alazani Valley (), examined the temples of Mtskheta and the Uplistsikhe caves (), and drank mineral water in Borjomi (). And we did all this under the golden rays of the warm September sun.

And then, when we finally got to the SEA and prayed we could afford to just lie on the beach for a couple of days, the RAIN started pouring down! Yes, such that the outlines of the surrounding mountains were not even visible. And we spent almost the entire day looking at Batumi only through the window of our room. This had its own plus: we were so tired from driving along the Trans-Ajar highway that we didn’t mind getting a good night’s sleep. Although we would be just as happy to do it on the beach under an umbrella. But alas...

The rain subsided only towards evening. It was time to get out and take a little walk around Batumi. Moreover, the probability of continued rain was very high - even in the photo you can see low thunderclouds over the city...

Batumi embankment

I am sure that you should start getting acquainted with any seaside city from the embankment. If you do this in Batumi, you definitely won’t go wrong. She is the one who will show how this beautiful city lives and breathes.

We went to the embankment in the area Hilton Hotel And Batumi University :

This place was the beginning of our walk around Batumi. There is no secret meaning here - it’s just here, in the hotel parking lot, that we managed to park our car perfectly (and the car remains under supervision, and it’s just a stone’s throw from the center).

While we are walking towards the sea, we manage to see that in both directions the embankment and the promenade along it stretch very far - there is no end in sight!

For the first time in my life, I thought that the hoverboards and unicycles that everyone uses in Polyana are not such a useless invention.

After the rain there were few people on the promenade and embankment. And by the way, you can’t see the dirt and puddles either, did you notice? So I liked Batumi from the first minutes of my walk.

The embankment itself now, at the end of the season, looked a little deserted, but also quite well maintained. If you live nearby, you can go for a morning jog, an afternoon bike ride or an evening exercise here. In summer, the embankment is always crowded: tourists are walking, lovers are walking, large groups, families, or alone are walking.

Tourists usually take photos with the following art objects:

A beautiful green park adjacent to the embankment will save you from sunstroke on a hot summer day.

And we had a rainy autumn day. A brisk breeze was blowing from the sea, and we didn’t notice how we walked with a brisk step to that part of the embankment where modern high-rise buildings and other unusual buildings rose.

Alphabet Tower

We saw this building from afar. The “good goal” voiced during the construction of this structure - to perpetuate the Georgian alphabet - is questioned by many locals. They are more inclined to the version of money laundering (construction cost more than 30 million dollars). You can go upstairs by elevator (this is a paid pleasure, although inexpensive) and eat in a restaurant under the dome (and this is both a paid and expensive pleasure!)

Lighthouse in Batumi

A lighthouse is visible nearby. It was erected back in 1863, during the period of Ottoman rule. Then the lighthouse tower was wooden. The reconstruction was carried out in 1882 by craftsmen from Paris.

During the day, the lighthouse is unremarkable. However, with the arrival of darkness, the Batumi lighthouse begins to illuminate the sea with a mysterious ruby ​​light. Somewhere here, not far from the lighthouse, we came across this couple:

A Ferris wheel was built right there: for 3 GEL (the price for a ride on a Ferris wheel) you will rise to a height of 55 meters above the city. And behind it begins the port of Batumi.

But on the way to the port we notice another attraction of Batumi...

Chacha Tower

Chacha Tower or Chacha Fountain is so named because a couple of times a week, for exactly 15 minutes, a fountain is turned on in the tower, in which not just water circulates, but real vodka.

They say that this event causes a special stir in the city - not only among tourists, as planned, but among the local population. Of course, tourists mainly hunt for Georgian wine!

Port of Batumi

The port of Batumi, of course, is really different from the seaport in Sochi. In Sochi, the port serves mainly passenger traffic, and its construction was associated with the development of Sochi as a resort. And the main factor in the development of the Batumi port from the very beginning was the delivery of goods.

The port was built and developed to transport oil from Baku. For this purpose, the Baku-Tbilisi railway line was built.

And in 1900, the construction of the Baku-Batumi oil pipeline was completed. And then, thanks to the Batumi port, Russia in the shortest possible time first caught up and then overtook the United States of America in oil production and export. By the beginning of the 20th century. The port of Batumi has become one of the leading ports of the Black Sea. And now the port of Batumi is the heart of the city.

We approach the building of the Batumi Sea Terminal:

Well, doesn’t it remind you of anything? In my opinion, this is a smaller and very simplified copy of the building Sea terminal in Sochi. By the way, next to the pier there was another greeting from Sochi - the same “Comet” that runs between Sochi and Batumi.

The port area is as busy as always. Fishermen are fishing, tourists are strolling, taxi drivers are waiting for clients. Across the road from the port begins the same Batumi, which is called Old Batumi.

Here, next to the port, is the lower cable car station. Yes, Batumi also has its own cable car, as does Tbilisi () and Borjomi ().

In general, in the cities of Georgia, as I noticed, the funicular is such a popular attraction for tourists) Like singing fountains in Russian cities;-)

Fare: 15 GEL round trip, for children - 5 GEL, open seven days a week from 09:00 to 21:00. During the trip (about 10 minutes), you can take a closer look at different quarters of Batumi, which are usually out of sight of tourists.

At the top point there is an observation deck, from which you can see the port, the areas of new and old Batumi, the mountains of Adjara...

Although I love cable car rides, this time we had to give it up - the cable car cabins were leaving in the exact direction where another thunderstorm front was coming from the mountain like a wall. And we decided to limit ourselves to a walk around Old Batumi.

Batumi center: attractions

In general, we first Googled where and what is located in Batumi. But already during the walk they didn’t check the map - they walked at random. Because all the roads in Batumi will still lead you to its central part. And here you will not pass by the most interesting places.

So, having crossed to the other side of the road from the port, we intuitively turned onto one of the busiest streets of old Batumi:

There was active trade on every meter of the square, and it would have been difficult to get through by car. But walking in this part of Batumi is a pleasure - you never know what you will see around the corner:

It’s even difficult to say what styles are mixed in this part of Batumi: neoclassical buildings calmly coexist with pre-war slums and bright graffiti...

You can’t call these neighborhoods popular, varnished ones—the atmosphere of the city is felt here. But everywhere is very clean, everything is tailored to tourist needs. Probably, such streets are needed in every city. So that tourists have somewhere to go for a walk.

We reached the Church of St. Nicholas:

The church building is one of the oldest buildings in the city. The initiator of its construction was the Greek population of Batumi, led by Jordan Metaxa. The foundation of the church was laid in 1865. Since Batumi at that time was under the protectorate of Turkey, the Greeks turned to the Turkish Sultan with a request for permission to build a Christian church. The Sultan gave his consent with one condition: there would be no bells in the church - the main attribute of an Orthodox cathedral. It was installed only in 1878 and to this day occupies its place under the dome of the cathedral.

Directly diagonally from the church there is another bell tower - this is a modern one:

Wow, this is a copy of the Bell Tower of San Marco in Venice! And here is the Piazza - a small beautiful square, also a smaller version of the Venetian one:

Its construction was completed in 2010. But over the years it has already become the hallmark of Batumi. Although it resembles a corner of Italian Venice, it fits perfectly into the quarters of the main Georgian resort. The piazza is an ideal platform for lovers of photo shoots, artists, and photographers. This place is especially popular among newlyweds - excellent wedding photos on the square are guaranteed:

There is also a small concert stage built on the square, where romantic live music plays in the evenings, creating the ideal setting for a pleasant evening. Other attractions include a musical clock, where music plays every three hours and funny figures move around.

Hotel Piazza Boutique Hotel is located right in this very bell tower. And here, at its reception, you can get a city map - absolutely free.

We also succumbed to the charm of the square and decided to sit down and have lunch here:

A good lunch gave us strength, and we slowly move further along the streets of old Batumi. We move again intuitively, looking at the amazing architecture of Batumi.

Quite by chance we saw the circus building:

The circus in Batumi opened in 1903. Currently, the circus does not have its own troupe (like the Sochi circus, I thought). Touring circus and acrobatic troupes from different countries hold their show programs and performances in its arena.

In just five minutes we are already approaching Europe Square . You are also unlikely to be able to pass by this square in Batumi: the bizarre architecture of the buildings surrounding the square will invariably attract your attention:

In the center of the square is a statue of Medea, which is considered to be a symbol of the well-being and prosperity of Georgia - this is hinted at by the golden fleece in her hand:

But the square is most interesting not for the statue, but for the buildings that surround it. Here, depending on the observation angle, you can inventively “deceive” your location. If you look to the left, there is the building of the astronomical clock in Prague (by the way, there is a clock on the façade, have you noticed?)

Look straight ahead and you will see the Roosevelt Hotel building from Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles ():

And if you look at the right corner of the square, there you have the Vienna City Hall:

We hang out on this square for a long time... I don’t remember exactly in which direction we walked later, but after about another 20 minutes we come to this colonnade:

And this is nothing more than the entrance to Park 6 May . If you look at the photo carefully, you will notice that the entrance to the park is decorated with a monument to the outstanding pilot Fadiko Gogitidze, who died in World War II.

The park itself occupies an area of ​​157.6 thousand square meters. m. in the very center of the city. It was founded as a garden in 1881 by German and French gardeners. Thanks to the large number of trees, bushes and flowers, it was already a favorite place for walks in those years.

Now the park is still beautiful. But it could not avoid the fate of all city parks: children's entertainment - such as a zoo, a dolphinarium and attractions - became an integral part of it.

But now, in the evening (or just after the rain), the rides were not working and the children were not visible either. And therefore there was perfect silence in the park, which made it possible to enjoy the beauty of Lake Nurigel:

And for those who want a more active holiday, you can rent a boat or catamaran and enjoy a boat trip on the lake.

Along the lake in a circle there is an embankment with benches for relaxation. This is an ideal place where you can escape from the hustle and bustle: meditate or read your favorite book. By the way, in the park there is a house with books: here you can choose any book for the evening or leave your own in it.

We also meditated a little: we sat on a bench, admiring the beauty of the park and lake, until dusk.

This was the end of our walk. We walked from the park to the car parked at the Hilton in 5 minutes. And while we were driving to the hotel, we exchanged impressions of the city.

In fact, during this day we managed to see the main interesting places of old Batumi. And it felt like we had been to different cities! Well, isn’t this Georgian Batumi a miracle? How can you not fall in love with this city?

Excursions to the attractions closest to Batumi

But in its surroundings so many more interesting places! But getting to them on your own will not be so easy if you are not by car. And not all tourists are impressed by public transport.

Rent a car - a good solution for those who like independent forays. On the website Myrentacar It’s convenient to choose and book a suitable car, because... You can calculate the cost of renting it in advance and clarify all other points.

Not sure you want to drive on unfamiliar roads? In this case I recommend go for a day around Batumi with an excursion :

  • Botanical garden, Byzantine fortress and tea plantations
  • The beauty of mountainous Adjara: the oldest fortress in Georgia, a magnificent waterfall and an ancient arched bridge
  • Machakhela Gorge on the border with Turkey

In general, I will not be lying if I say that the city of Batumi has won a piece of my soul from Sochi. And I know for sure that in a couple of years it will be even cooler here! So, seize the moment, friends, go to Batumi, while it’s not so expensive to vacation there...

See you on the blog!

Every year a huge number of tourists come to Batumi to enjoy the warmth and soak up the hot sand. But besides the water surface, the resort has other entertainment, as they say, for every taste and budget.

Not everyone is able to sit on the beach from morning until late evening, sunbathing and swimming in the sea.

By the way, in Batumi itself there is also a “winter reminder” - built not so long ago Ice Palace. Sometimes figure skating competitions or hockey matches take place within its walls.

We will not classify and list all the variety of restaurants and cafes in the city as entertainment, especially since there is a separate article on this topic. And most of all, you probably already read about it before.

In this article, we decided to collect the most popular and interesting entertainment, sorting them by category and attractiveness in our subjective opinion.

Cultural entertainment

When you get a little tired of lying around or have a lot of free time, we advise you to immerse yourself in the culture of this wonderful resort, namely, go (at least for fun) to the theater, museum or the Center for Music and Art. We are sure that you will be satisfied and will not regret your choice.

Theaters and cinema "Apollo" in Batumi

There are few theaters in the city: Drama, Summer, Opera and Puppet Theater (we will talk about it below, in the section). Each of them is interesting, beautiful and modern in its own way.

Drama theater located at: st. Rustaveli, 1, next to (almost in the city center). The building is regularly repaired, maintaining its presentable appearance. And in itself it cannot but cause admiration. Performances in the theater are held regularly on weekends. Foreign artists with unusual premieres are frequent guests there. Ticket price is approx. 8 – 10 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
8 lari = 2.65 euros;
8 lari = 3.04 dollars;
8 lari = 201.76 rubles;
8 lari = 85.12 hryvnia;
8 lari = 6.8 Belarusian rubles.
. It is worth considering that the performances are performed in Georgian.

The Batumi summer theater looks especially beautiful and unusual in the evening when the lights turn on.

Summer Theater located on the central embankment of the city, next to the Colonnade. This is a new building, made of wood, although built in the manner of its predecessor, which burned down in 2001. The theater is especially beautiful in the evening. We recommend attending one of the theater's performances and admiring its interior decoration.

Operatic or, as it is commonly called, the Center for Music and Art welcomes guests and residents of Batumi at the address: st. Odyssey Dimitriadi, 1, across the road from the embankment. The original building opened not so long ago, in 2011. It hosts a variety of concerts, performances, and performances by music and dance groups.

In fact, the Center for Music and Art is a House of Culture. The inside of the building is incredibly beautiful, more like a modern opera house. Performances are held in Russian. There are fountains in front of the House of Culture (as well as on the first floor of the building). In the evening, they illuminate beautifully and shimmer in the rays of the setting sun. And the building of the Center for Music and Art was included in the top five most unusual theaters. We recommend you take a look!

More details Read about the Batumi Opera House in our separate article.

Find cinema "Apollo" will not pose any problems, because it is located almost in the center of Batumi, in its old part, on the street. Memed Abashidze, 17 (not far from the astronomical clock tower). There is only one hall, small, but there is always room. Films often come with Russian dubbing, so if you are a fan of new films, you won’t miss anything. Ticket prices fluctuate around 5-9 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
9 lari = 2.98 euros;
9 lari = 3.42 dollars;
9 GEL = 226.98 rubles;
9 lari = 95.76 hryvnia;
9 lari = 7.65 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate..

Argo cable car

Cable car- one of the most favorite entertainments among guests of the city of Batumi. Its lower station (boarding) is located on the street. Gogebashvili, not far from. A two-way ticket will cost 10 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
10 lari = 3.31 euros;
10 lari = 3.8 dollars;
10 lari = 252.2 rubles;
10 lari = 106.4 hryvnia;

Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. For this price you can fly over Batumi and view it from a bird's eye view. The cable car is new and modern. The glass cabin can accommodate up to 6 people. There are “window windows” and an automatic system for opening and closing doors.

In about 10 minutes you will be taken to the upper station of the cable car, to Mount Feria. In addition to the observation deck, there are souvenir and wine shops, a restaurant, and a small church. There is no time limit to explore the fantastic views. The main thing is to keep your boarding pass until the end of the trip.


The city of Batumi is extremely rich in museums (about 10). The most popular and visited include: the Archaeological Museum, the Local History Museum, the Museum of Art, the Nobel Brothers Technological Museum and the Borjgalo Ethnographic Museum. It is worth considering that in many of the listed galleries, the exhibits presented are signed in Georgian, and the guides practically do not speak Russian.

This seemingly completely ordinary building at first glance retains the memory of many centuries of the Adjarian region.

Archaeological Museum located on the street. Chavchavadze, 77. In it you can learn the whole history of the Adjarian region, admire the hall with ancient gold jewelry, or look into the souvenir shop and buy something as a keepsake. The ticket price is 3 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
3 lari = 0.99 euro;
3 lari = 1.14 dollars;
3 lari = 75.66 rubles;
3 lari = 31.92 hryvnia;

Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. for an adult. The museum is open from 11 am to 6 pm.

Museum of Local Lore hospitably receives visitors at the address: st. Dzhincharadze, 4. Entrance ticket for an adult will cost 2 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
2 lari = 0.66 euro;
2 lari = 0.76 dollars;
2 lari = 50.44 rubles;
2 lari = 21.28 hryvnia;

Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Monday. The museum is the oldest in Adjara. Its collections number over 180,000 items.

Museum of Art located on the street. Gorgiladze, 8 in a small but cozy two-story building. Ticket price for an adult - 2 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
2 lari = 0.66 euro;
2 lari = 0.76 dollars;
2 lari = 50.44 rubles;
2 lari = 21.28 hryvnia;
2 lari = 1.7 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. The museum is open from 11:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays. Most of the works are works by contemporary masters. We recommend visiting the museum for those interested in painting.

Nobel Brothers Museum of Technology located on the street. Leselidze, 3, near the Opera House. The museum is relatively new, opened in 2007. The exhibits presented are interesting and unusual. In addition to the inventions of the Nobel brothers, there are also exhibitions of two famous oil rich men of that time. Ticket price - 2 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
2 lari = 0.66 euro;
2 lari = 0.76 dollars;
2 lari = 50.44 rubles;
2 lari = 21.28 hryvnia;
2 lari = 1.7 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. for an adult. The museum is open every day except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00.

Despite the fact that Ethnographic Museum "Borjgalo" is located outside the city of Batumi, we also included it in this list. After all, it is the only private museum in Georgia. In this gallery for 10 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
10 lari = 3.31 euros;
10 lari = 3.8 dollars;
10 lari = 252.2 rubles;
10 lari = 106.4 hryvnia;
10 lari = 8.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. per person, you can see models of typical buildings created by the director himself and even buy small wooden products. The museum is located in the village of Kakhaberi, on the street. Sharashidze, 14. Open every day, seven days a week, from 10:00 to 19:00.

Sea activities

A variety of sea activities are also widely represented in Batumi: boating, yachting and ships (including yacht rental), parachute, hang gliding, scooter, banana boat, flyboarding and even diving. The main part of these entertainments is located in the area, not far from the registry office and singing fountains. The cost of such entertainment, as in other coastal cities abroad, is considerable. But the pleasure received from such a vacation is incomparably higher than banal sunbathing on the beach.

There are usually many people willing to fly over the sea for 15 minutes.

Riding on various boats depending on the duration and direction it will cost you approximately from 10 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
10 lari = 3.31 euros;
10 lari = 3.8 dollars;
10 lari = 252.2 rubles;
10 lari = 106.4 hryvnia;
10 lari = 8.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.(short boat ride). The choice of yachts for rent in Batumi is huge. You just need to come to the embankment near the sea terminal and see everything with your own eyes. The cost of such pleasure is 70 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
70 lari = 23.17 euros;
70 lari = 26.6 dollars;
70 lari = 1765.4 rubles;
70 lari = 744.8 hryvnia;

Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. per hour Since it is customary to bargain in Georgia, perhaps the price will be reduced a little. For large companies (6-8 people), special offers are more suitable: when ordering from 400 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
400 lari = 132.4 euros;
400 lari = 152 dollars;
400 lari = 10088 rubles;
400 lari = 4256 hryvnia;
400 lari = 340 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. They give you an extra couple of hours for free. This means that the yacht will be at your disposal almost all day with a free choice of direction.

Fly on a parachute and anyone can see the beauty of Batumi from the air for 80 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
80 lari = 26.48 euros;
80 lari = 30.4 dollars;
80 lari = 2017.6 rubles;
80 lari = 851.2 hryvnia;
80 lari = 68 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. for about 15 minutes. Such a “walk” is possible for one person or organized for a couple (in the latter case, you can ask for a discount). Another bright and memorable adventure can be hang gliding for 100 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
100 lari = 33.1 euros;
100 lari = 38 dollars;
100 lari = 2522 rubles;
100 lari = 1064 hryvnia;
100 lari = 85 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. This entertainment is actively offered to everyone on the Batumi embankment, in the area of ​​​​the Park of Wonders.

Ride a scooter (75 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
75 lari = 24.83 euros;
75 lari = 28.5 dollars;
75 lari = 1891.5 rubles;
75 lari = 798 hryvnia;
75 lari = 63.75 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. in 15 minutes) is an excellent alternative to riding for 5-15 minutes on a banana or a tablet costing from 5 to 10 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
10 lari = 3.31 euros;
10 lari = 3.8 dollars;
10 lari = 252.2 rubles;
10 lari = 106.4 hryvnia;
10 lari = 8.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. But the extreme ones flyboard flights suitable for lovers of unusual sensations. During this entertainment you can soar above the water at a height of up to 10 meters! The cost of straight skiing depends on the length of time: for 5 minutes - 50 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
50 lari = 16.55 euros;
50 lari = 19 dollars;
50 lari = 1261 rubles;
50 lari = 532 hryvnia;
50 lari = 42.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate., in 10 minutes - 90 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
90 lari = 29.79 euros;
90 lari = 34.2 dollars;
90 lari = 2269.8 rubles;
90 lari = 957.6 hryvnia;
90 lari = 76.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. and in 15 minutes - 130 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
130 lari = 43.03 euros;
130 lari = 49.4 dollars;
130 lari = 3278.6 rubles;
130 lari = 1383.2 hryvnia;
130 lari = 110.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate..

For those who like to dive and see the underwater world of the Black Sea in all its glory, we recommend contacting diving center located in the village of Kvariati (near Batumi). Experienced instructors who speak several languages ​​will help and teach the basics of proper immersion in water. You will discover an unusual underwater world, which was previously full of secrets and mysteries. The cost of the dive for 1-2 people is 70 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
70 lari = 23.17 euros;
70 lari = 26.6 dollars;
70 lari = 1765.4 rubles;
70 lari = 744.8 hryvnia;
70 lari = 59.5 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate..

Park of Wonders

In the Park of Wonders, located near the sea terminal, you can have great fun at any time of the day. It has a lot of interesting attractions, not to mention fantastic views of the mountains and sea, as well as the high-rise buildings nearby. We especially recommend paying attention to, and.

If you manage to get to the top of the Georgian Alphabet Tower, don’t forget to take a souvenir photo at an altitude of about 130 m.

Tower alphabet You will see right away - this is a beautiful metal building, rising next to the embankment to a height of about 130 meters and illuminated in different colors in the evening, after sunset. Sometimes (it’s hard to predict when), you can go upstairs using an elevator for 12 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
12 lari = 3.97 euros;
12 lari = 4.56 dollars;
12 lari = 302.64 rubles;
12 lari = 127.68 hryvnia;
12 lari = 10.2 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. or free if you book a table in a restaurant under the dome of the building.

Ferris wheel quite a popular and modern attraction for guests of the city of Batumi. All booths are open, so the photos are clear and beautiful. The wheel makes a full revolution in about 10 minutes. The ticket price is 3 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
3 lari = 0.99 euro;
3 lari = 1.14 dollars;
3 lari = 75.66 rubles;
3 lari = 31.92 hryvnia;
3 lari = 2.55 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. per person.

During a tour of mountainous Adjara you will see many interesting and unusual things. For example, the place where two rivers merge - Chorokhi and Adzharistskhali.

A second impressive excursion awaits you during trips around mountainous Adjara. In this case, we recommend using the services of a convenient, comfortable car with a separate driver, who in 8 hours will show you all the most important and interesting sights of the region (and a couple of lesser-known, but quite interesting places). The cost of the trip is 139 euros for two + 15 euros for each additional person.

More detailed information about the trip to mountainous Adjara is in our article:

No less interesting will be a trip to Church of the Holy Trinity, located on Mount Sameba. From it you can see not only Batumi, but also the surrounding area. Minibuses go to the Temple. Approximately for 2 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
2 lari = 0.66 euro;
2 lari = 0.76 dollars;
2 lari = 50.44 rubles;
2 lari = 21.28 hryvnia;
2 lari = 1.7 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. and 30 minutes on the road you will find yourself in place. Transport leaves from a stop near the Batumi Plaza shopping center.

The next unusual excursion is a trip to Mtirala National Park. Here you will not only enjoy the nature of Adjara (waterfalls, mountains, lakes), but also have the opportunity to ride a bungee (zip line). The park provides routes for independent tourists (for a couple of days). You can get there by bus to Chakvi and then by taxi or organized excursion. We do not recommend the last option. Our friend, who traveled this way with her son, was very dissatisfied with the quality of service.

Pyazhi Magnetity in the village of Ureki were also included in our selection of excursion entertainment. If you miss sandy beaches or want to heal a little (many believe that black magnetic sand has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems), go to Ureki. But be prepared for a long journey (about 1.5 hours) by minibus from a stop near the Batumi Plaza shopping center in about 5 lari GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
5 lari = 1.66 euros;
5 lari = 1.9 dollars;
5 lari = 126.1 rubles;
5 lari = 53.2 hryvnia;
5 lari = 4.25 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate. and a dirty beach.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a pleasant stay and positive emotions in any case, regardless of the entertainment you choose!

Entertainment map

We have put all the entertainment listed above on the map. Since many of them are located in different areas of the city, and most of them are in the center, it will be more convenient to view an enlarged map. To do this, just click in the upper right corner (on the rectangle) of the map. For a more detailed look, you can roll the mouse wheel. Pay attention to the icons: each of them is signed. For convenience, unnecessary layers (designations) can be hidden by unchecking the extra checkbox on the left on the enlarged map.

Primorsky Boulevard

If you want an active holiday with entertainment and impressions, you need to visit Batumi Boulevard. What is there: bright attractions, singing fountains, numerous cafes and restaurants, a wonder park, a Ferris wheel. There is not a single person who, having arrived in Batumi, would not visit the seaside boulevard. By the way, the length of the boulevard is 7 km, and it is located along the sea, so prepare your strength and be prepared for a sea of ​​impressions and positive emotions.

The boulevard begins with the Wonderland Park, which includes a Ferris wheel, the Alphabet Tower, a sea lighthouse and the moving figures of Ali and Nino. On the territory of the Park of Wonders there is a large area for skateboarding, Segways, rollerblading and bicycles. For larger groups there are 4 and 6 seater bicycles. You can rent one of these vehicles there. In the summer, concerts and festivals are held on the square. There is also an interesting sculptural group made of metal on the territory. A man and a woman are sitting at a round table. The third chair at the table is empty - it is intended for lovers of original photos. Almost every tourist visiting Batumi has a photo at this table. A little further is the 20-meter Batumi lighthouse, built back in 1882. It is an octagonal stone tower that still guides ships with its red light.

Moving from Wonderland Park to the embankment, you can ride a Ferris wheel. Comfortable cabins will take you to a height of 55 meters, offering magnificent views of the city, sea and mountains. A little further there is another attraction of Batumi, the calling card of the city - the statues of Ali and Nino. A stylized story of eternal love, which is not subject to time, barriers and distances. Seven-meter metal statues of a man and a woman slowly move towards each other, and then just as slowly move away in different directions. At night, the figures are beautifully illuminated, periodically changing different colors. Having admired this masterpiece of modern art, we move on to the Alphabet Tower. It will introduce you to the 33 letters of the Georgian alphabet, which are arranged in a spiral on its cylindrical surface. On the top floor of the 130-meter tower there is an observation terrace, which offers a wonderful view of the boulevard and the sea, as well as a revolving restaurant.

Walking further along the embankment you will see many attractions for children and adults; there is always noise and fun here. Since everything in Batumi is focused on tourism, cafes and restaurants with varied cuisine await you everywhere, there are casinos and clubs where you can have a good time.

Walking along the boulevard and embankment, you will see many different art sculptures and objects that will definitely attract your attention. Figures of young lovers, a group of dolphins - symbols of Batumi, a modern art object in the form of a “dog” - @, as well as figures of people with hearts, which are located along the line of the boulevard and at the entrance to Batumi.

No matter what part of the city you live in, you will definitely come to the boulevard, which is the heart of Batumi. Here you can see singing fountains, ride a pleasure train, take a photo against the backdrop of the colonnade - the city’s calling card, or simply enjoy the peace and quiet in the shade of centuries-old trees.

Batumi Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is one of the ten most visited tourist attractions in Batumi (GPS 41.694398, 41.707399). While on vacation in Georgia, you should definitely visit this piece of paradise, located 9 km from the city (15-20 min drive by minibus No. 31). The place where the Botanical Garden is located is simply called Cape Verde. The territory of the garden stretches over 113 hectares, so you can spend the whole day here, moving from one part to another, and there are 9 of them in the garden and they all have their own unique flora and fauna, characteristic of a particular area. Thanks to the mild and humid subtropical climate, something blooms and bears fruit in the garden almost all year round, filling the air with delicate aromas. The variety of trees, shrubs, flowers and plants is represented by 5000 species.

While in the garden, you can simultaneously visit all five continents of our planet. Where else can you see North American sequoia and tulip tree, Asian bamboo grove, Japanese sakura and camellia, Himalayan relict coniferous trees, Mexican cacti and agave, Australian eucalyptus, New Zealand tea tree, South American avocado, Chinese candy tree, subtropical and tropical growing in the same territory citrus fruits, African palms. And what are the 1200 types of roses that decorate the garden worth? Many plants of the Botanical Garden are listed in the Red Book.

Architecturally, the garden is built in tiers that descend from the top of the mountain to the sea. The garden area is landscaped with benches and viewing platforms, which offer stunning views of the sea, mountains and a beautiful evergreen cape. There are several beautiful fountains, as well as cute gazebos where you can take a break. Your attention will certainly be attracted by several ponds with colorful fish.

Take one day to visit this unique and truly heavenly garden. The impressions received here will remain in your memory for a long time.

Park 6th May

For a pleasant and relaxing holiday, you don’t need to go anywhere or walk far, because... The 6th May city park is located in the city center (GPS 41.648138, 41.628977). It's good here at any time of the year. The park is very large and occupies 157.6 thousand square meters of territory. The central entrance to the park is decorated with a snow-white colonnade in Greek style. The park is literally surrounded by greenery, there is a very beautiful lawn with evenly cut grass, playgrounds, a zoo, Lake Nurgeli, numerous benches for relaxation, alleys with slender palm trees, fountains. Each element of the park has its own place, everything is harmoniously and thoughtfully located.

A walk in the park is suitable for people of all ages. There are romantic corners for lovers, fun children's attractions, comfortable benches under tall eucalyptus trees for older people, an embankment along the lake for runners, and smooth park paths for skateboarders and rollerbladers. By the way, you can not only admire the lake while sitting on a bench, but also rent a boat, swim on it and feed the local ducks. It is impossible to pass by the mini zoo located here. The zoo is home to sika deer, kangaroos, monkeys, lemurs, chamois, brown bear, colorful parrots, eagles, vultures and swans. Without a doubt, communicating with living nature will bring you a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

Next to the mini zoo there are attractions for children and a playground. Children can jump on inflatable trampolines to their heart's content, slide down colorful slides, and ride on boat cars on an impromptu lake. In the evening, the park turns into a night fairy tale, multi-colored lights light up everywhere, and thousands of stars are reflected in the lake. In a word, 6 May Park is a great place for a relaxing holiday away from the bustle of the city.


In the 6th May Park there is a great place to get positive emotions and vivid impressions (GPS 41.647787, 41.623484) - this is the Batumi Dolphinarium. You will see a wonderful program with trained bottlenose dolphins who will perform breathtaking stunts and even dance the Lambada for you. Looking at the beaming and smiling faces of people after the performance, you understand that the dolphinarium is a must-visit place. These beautiful, noble and intelligent mammals will not leave either children or adults indifferent. In addition to the mandatory program, the dolphinarium practices contact communication with dolphins, which helps in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Singing fountains

Not every city can boast of musical fountains. This amazing spectacle attracts hundreds of people who come to admire the water extravaganza accompanied by music. Singing fountains are undoubtedly the main decoration of Batumi and a wonderful place to relax. The best time to look at the fountains is in the evening, when multi-colored lights come on, turning the water show into a fairy tale. You can admire the fountain dancing to well-chosen music.

Musical fountains are located at the main entrance to the boulevard (GPS 41.654229, 41.635160). New dancing fountains are located on Lake Ardagan (GPS 41.641948, 41.614112). It is impossible to take your eyes off the show that the fountains show their viewers every day. Jets of water soar up to the music, rotate and intersect, taking the shape of various figures, while glowing and flashing with multi-colored lights. Reflecting in the lake, as in a mirror, they create a three-dimensional image that changes every minute to the music. The fountain is equipped with a three-dimensional printing installation. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of vacationers come to see this enchanting spectacle. The singing fountains of Batumi will give you a lot of impressions and justifiable delight; do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of admiring this beauty.


Piazza Square is a small piece of Italy in old Batumi (GPS41.649474, 41.641098). A great place for a romantic and pleasant holiday with a cup of aromatic coffee and good music.

The Piazza is decorated with buildings in the Romanesque style with many arches, columns and stained glass windows. On one of the buildings there is a large musical clock. Along the entire perimeter there are cafes and restaurants with a variety of cuisines. The prices here are above average, but the quality and service of these restaurants matches them. A small fountain with a cupid, located right here on the square, looks attractive. In the evening, the Piazza glows with colorful lights and there is live music. Sometimes, concerts with invited Georgian groups are held on the square. This is a very atmospheric and pleasant place to visit.

European Square

The main square of Batumi is Europe Square (GPS 41.651196, 41.636351). It hosts holiday concerts, festivals, fairs and various city events. European Square is not large, but it is cozy and impressive with its original architecture.

The buildings located here look like fairy-tale castles with arches, stained glass windows, turrets, windows and spiers. Your attention will be drawn to the large astronomical clock on one of the buildings. On the square there is a monument to the Colchis princess Medea with a golden fleece in her hand, as well as an original fountain, under the streams of which children always play and frolic.

Around the square there are lawns with bright green, evenly trimmed grass, palm trees and magnolias. At night, the area around the square comes alive with restaurants, bars and casinos.

You can read in detail about Europe Square and Piazza here: Walk through old Batumi.

Cable car "Argo"

One of the attractions of Batumi is the Argo cable car (GPS 41.647456, 41.645484). It is considered the longest cable car not only in Georgia, but also in Europe. Its length is 2600 meters. The lower station of the road is located next to the seaport at the intersection of Ilya Chavchavadze and Gogebashvili streets. Cozy glass cabins will take you to a height of 260 meters to the observation deck, which offers stunning views of the city, the endless sea and mountains. The landscapes from the observation deck are especially beautiful at sunset, when the sun sets into the sea, coloring the bizarre clouds in all shades of red and pink. An unforgettable little trip for children and adults. On the observation deck there is a cafe, a souvenir shop and a wine shop.

Sameba Temple

The Temple of the Holy Trinity (Sameba) is located on the mountain, so it is clearly visible from the Batumi embankment (GPS41.631928, 41.693963). From a distance it looks like a toy and fits organically into the panorama of the mountain landscape. It is 10 km from the city center to the temple and you can get there by taxi for 25 lari in both directions with downtime ($10). There is an option to take a minibus and walk about a kilometer to the temple. The road will not seem tiring; climbing the serpentine road among persimmon and tangerine trees, breathing in the clean mountain air, will be a pleasure. Once you reach the temple, you can use headscarves and skirts for free if you are not dressed properly.

Next to the temple there is a bell tower. Climbing the stairs to the main entrance, you can take a closer look at the mosaic images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and saints on the walls of the temple. The front facade of the temple is decorated with an icon of the Holy Trinity, and on the entrance metal doors there are inlays on the theme of biblical scenes.

The landscape of the temple grounds is delightful - well-groomed lawns, with neatly cut grass, arranged in a bizarre geometry around the temple, a variety of flowers blooming everywhere. A stunning view opens up before you - a beautiful city lying at your feet, an immense gentle sea, majestic mountains and a blue sky above your head. Perhaps this is one of the best observation platforms in Batumi.

Central Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was originally designed by Italian architects at the beginning of the 20th century as a Catholic church (GPS 41.646221, 41.638558). Architecturally, it is made in the neo-Gothic style. In 1980, the temple was given to the Georgian Orthodox Church. The cathedral is built of light stone, there are huge stained glass windows on the walls, and the interior is decorated with red stone and blue and gold ornaments. On both sides of the entrance to the cathedral there are statues of St. Andrew the First-Called and Simon the Zealot.

The inside of the cathedral is solemn and majestic, there are many ancient icons and frescoes. An atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Around the temple there is a beautiful and well-kept area with benches under ancient trees. The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is rightfully considered the most beautiful temple in Batumi and is the main cathedral of the Batumi and Laz diocese. If you want to experience the beauty of architecture and the atmosphere of spirituality at the same time, be sure to visit this cathedral.

Central Batumi market

There are three main markets in Batumi. But literally every 100 meters you will definitely come across a fruit and vegetable stall and shops with essential goods. The central market of Batumi is called Parehi and it is located near the seaport and bus station (GPS 41.643747, 41.655604). The market is big. On the ground floor you can buy meat (pork, beef, lamb), cereals, sauces, all kinds of Georgian spices, coffee, tea, fruits, vegetables and herbs. On the second, local honey and products made from it, dozens of varieties of churchkhela, marshmallows, various nuts and dried fruits, jam from all kinds of fruits.

There is also poultry, sausages, delicious Georgian cheeses and dairy products. Each seller offers something, invites you, persuades you to try something and be sure to buy it. All this noise merges into a single flavor of an oriental bazaar. The fish department is located in a separate room. There is also trade on the street around the market. Live sheep, rabbits, chickens, ducks are sold here, and there is a wholesale and retail sale of vegetables and fruits.

Fish market

This is a small market with a variety of live, smoked and dried fish (GPS 41.649135, 41.663139). In addition to mullet, red mullet, trout, sturgeon, salmon, flounder, and mackerel, they also sell shark, stingray, mussels, crayfish, and caviar. The fish will be dressed in front of you and cut into pieces if desired. Across the wall from the fish market there is a cafe where this fish will be tasty and quickly prepared for you. The cost of frying is 3 lara ($1.2) per kilo
It is noteworthy that fresh fish is not sold in any store. You can only buy it at the fish market or in the fish department of the central market.

Batumi is a very colorful, sunny and hospitable city. In addition to the gentle sea and stunning nature, which so attract tourists, there are many attractions to suit every taste. You will never regret choosing Batumi for your holiday. Find out more about beautiful Adjara by visiting the places that interest you most, and you won't be disappointed. You will take with you the most pleasant, unforgettable and vivid impressions and memories.

The most pleasant, unforgettable and vivid impressions and memories of this southwestern corner of such a diverse Georgia will remain with you for a long time.

Detailed map of the sights of Batumi and Adjara

Enlarge the map to see all the attractions in the place you are interested in. The map shows about 50 points in Batumi and several dozen in mountainous Adjara. You can read about the sights of Adjara.

Anastasia spends every year on vacation in sunny Georgia with her family. For our website, she has prepared a detailed guide to beautiful and important places in Batumi that are worth visiting first and that will be of interest to adults and children.

What do you associate Georgia with? For many, it is the most welcoming country with delicious wine, food, stunning culture and nature. Every Georgian town - a separate unique world, the atmosphere of which can be enjoyed endlessly.

Batumi - it is the capital of the Georgian republic of Adjara, the city is located on the Black Sea coast. Batumi has a well-developed infrastructure; tourists adore this city. There are beaches with crystal water, beautiful views, clean mountain air, hotels, restaurants, clubs and everything you need for a comfortable holiday.

In the article, all prices are given in GEL. For reference, as of June 2018, 1 lari = 25 rubles. For convenience of counting - 4 lari = 100 rubles.

Batumi Piazza

Address: Tsar Parnavaz street 25
How to get there:

  • from any stop on bus No. 7 to the stop “st. King Parnavaz"
  • from one of the stops on Gogebashvili Street by bus No. 1, 1-a, 2, 4, 10, 13 to the intersection with Tsar Parnavaz Street

Piazza Square is a must-see attraction in Batumi. It is located next to the city hall in the northern part of the city.

The piazza is a real piece of Italy in Georgia, it strongly resembles the Venetian San Marco Square. The buildings surrounding the square are decorated with architectural lighting, colorful stained glass windows, artistic paintings and mosaics. The Piazza has many cute restaurants serving dishes from different cuisines from around the world.

The square can safely be called the concentration of the cultural life of Batumi. It is on the Piazza that various official receptions and other events are held. Therefore, if you find yourself in Georgia for some kind of holiday, be sure to take a walk to the Piazza, for sure something interesting will happen there.

Old town

The old city, also known as historical Batumi, is the embodiment of the history of Georgia. Here, every building and path reminds of ancient times, when Aristotle, Pliny and other ancient heroes remembered Batumi.

Advice! If you are going to stay in Batumi, it is best to rent accommodation in the Old Town.

The old town can be divided in half by Baratashvili Street. Tourists who come to Batumi for the first time will find it interesting to walk from this street to the seaport. In fact, the port itself was moved to another location long ago, so now it is a quiet and secluded embankment. From there there is a beautiful view of the mountains, which looks very impressive in the winter season.

There are many churches in the old town. During your walk you will see:

  • Greek Church;
  • Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas;
  • Jewish synagogue;
  • Muslim Mosque of Orta Jame;
  • Armenian temple of Surb Pkrch.

The Marine Station, which is one of the end points of the walking route, is also quite an interesting location. On its territory there is a monument in the form of the Soviet boat “Meteor”. Nowadays, quite a few such copies have survived.

Batumi port

Large liners have not been parked in the old seaport for a long time, since the cargo and passenger port was moved to another location.

The port offers beautiful views of the mountains. Moreover, it is equally impressive in both summer and winter. So if you find yourself in Batumi, be sure to grab a mug of delicious drink and take a walk around the old seaport.

Those who want to experience a romantic atmosphere should definitely visit the port at sunset.

Fountain "Neptune"

Address: Theater Square, also known as Poseidon Square (next to the Batumi Drama Theater named after Ilya Chavchavadze)

The Neptune Fountain is one of the most beautiful fountains in Georgia. You can take very beautiful photos against the backdrop of it and the dramatic theater itself.

To me, the Neptune fountain strongly resembles the style of Roman fountains. The 4 sculptures surrounding the fountain are very realistic.

Rustaveli Avenue

Shota Rustaveli Avenue is one of the central streets of the city. There are no famous architectural monuments or other attractions in this location, but every tourist should take a walk along this street.

To many, Rustaveli Avenue resembles New Orleans and Mexico.

Along the avenue there are many beautiful colorful houses, the sight of which immediately improves your mood. By the way, these houses are often used by local photographers as decorations.

Batumi Museum of Religion

Address: village of Queen Tamara
Operating mode: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00
Price: for free
Telephone: +995-93-978283
How to get there: by bus No. 2, 13, 17 to the stop “Center of Culture and Art”

The Museum of Religion has been operating since 2004; most of the exhibits were collected by the Komakhidze family. In total, the museum houses about 500 different installations.

This museum will be visited by people of different faiths and ages. The Museum of Religion displays items belonging to Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Gregorianism and Orthodoxy. Here you can see ancient books, photographs, sculptures, bas-reliefs, icons and frescoes.

Sculpture "Ali and Nino"

Address: Seaside Park
How to get there: from the Gogebashvili stop by buses No. 1, 1a, 2, 4, 10, 13

If you ask a local what sights of Batumi you should see first, the sculpture of love “Ali and Nino” will definitely be on this list. Ali and Nino are popular characters from the famous novel.

The story of Ali (Ali khan Shirvanshir) and Nino (Nino Kipiani) is very romantic and sad. He is an Azerbaijani, a descendant of aristocrats. She is the daughter of a Georgian prince. They were in love with each other, but their parents were against their wedding. They married against their will, but soon the lovers were separated by the revolution and the First World War. After these events, Ali died and Nino went missing.

Sculpture "Ali and Nino" - this is not just an ordinary monument, it moves and tells its own mini-story. At first, the lovers move towards each other and gradually merge into a single whole. After a while, the sculptures disperse.

Alphabet Tower

Address: Primorsky Boulevard
How to get there:

  • from the stop on Gogebashvili street by bus No. 1, 1-a, 2, 4, 10, 13 and then walk to the embankment
  • from the stop on Shota Rustaveli Street by bus No. 1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15.

The Alphabet Tower is one of the symbols of Batumi. It is a kind of monument to the Georgian alphabet, because the entire metal frame of the tower is surrounded by ribbons decorated with letters. If you visit the tower during the day, you should definitely take the glass elevator to the observation deck. In good weather, you can see the whole of Batumi from it.

Pay attention! There is a fee for taking the elevator to the observation deck. Moreover, if you booked a table at a restaurant in the tower, you do not need to pay extra

In addition to the observation deck, observatory and television studio, the tower houses a Thai restaurant. It is located in the dome of the tower. It is best to book a table for the evening, as at this time the lights turn on and the restaurant rotates. During dinner, you get the feeling that you are on a horizontal Ferris wheel.

Interestingly, according to official data, almost $34 million was allocated for the construction of the Alphabet Tower. Many locals believe that the main purpose of the tower's construction was money laundering.

Chacha fountain

Address: Marine Station
Opening hours: around the clock, but chacha flows once a week (any day) at 19:00 for 10 minutes

Probably every alcohol lover has at least thought about the possibility that there would be a fountain in the world from which alcohol would flow like a river. So such a fountain exists, it is located in Batumi!

The chacha fountain looks like a 25-meter tower with an observation deck and a large clock. Around the building there are 4 large and 4 small pools, which are connected to each other by channels. Once a week the pools are filled with chacha. Externally, the chacha fountain looks like a copy of a structure that stood in Batumi more than 100 years ago.

Chacha is a homemade vodka of 45-50 degrees strength, made from grapes.

Every week tourists and locals are invited to taste a new chacha. In this way, drink producers introduce people to a new product.

Seaside Park

Address: northeastern part of Batumi, the park is located immediately behind Primorsky Boulevard

Seaside Park - Great quiet place for an evening walk. It can be called a direct embodiment of the resort Batumi. There are several fountains and many interesting sculptures here. There are table tennis and chess tables in the park. Anyone can pleasantly while away their leisure time here.

By the way! Local residents of different ages often relax in the seaside park. Therefore, if you want to meet the indigenous residents of Batumi and learn about the city first-hand, take walks in this park more often. It is quite possible that Georgians will be the first to come up to you to get acquainted.

New Batumi

Address: all areas after the San Romeo cafe

New Batumi is a more modernized area of ​​the city. What to see in this part of Batumi? There are several interesting locations here:

  1. Dream labyrinth. Old-timers say that if you go through the labyrinth, tirelessly repeating to yourself your cherished wish, it will definitely come true.
  2. WHERE table. Hermit tourists and cyclists love to take pictures against its background.
  3. New Boulevard. There are many access to the beaches, casinos, beautiful residential buildings (in which, by the way, you can rent a house).
  4. Lake Aragani. There is a location on this lake where there is a house and a bridge in an oriental style. You can take some cool photos at this place.
  5. Alley of Heroes. Located behind Justice's house, located just beyond the lake. It is pleasant to walk along this alley at any time of the day. In terms of architecture and atmosphere in general, it is very much reminiscent of the situation in the UAE.
  6. The junction of Old and New Batumi. This is, one might say, a deserted place. But there is a very clean and beautiful beach, from which you can see many buildings located in Old Batumi.

If you have free time, you can walk from Old Batumi to New Batumi on foot. Many tourists prefer cycling between these two points. If you have small children, but really want to visit New Batumi, you can take a taxi.

Europe Square

Address: Batumi center

Europe Square was named so in honor of Adjara's accession to the Assembly of European Regions. Because of the atmosphere and appearance of this place, you really get the impression that you are in some European city. Europe Square is a clean and well-groomed place where a Christmas tree is installed in winter, fountains are turned on in summer and concerts are held.

Cozy streets branch off from the square, where souvenir shops and cafes are located. It's nice to run into one of the local establishments in the evening and drink coffee.

The interior attraction of the Square of Europe is the statue of Midea. The goddess of justice is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in Georgia. Because of the statue, the square is often informally called the Argonaut Square.

Botanical Garden

Address: Batumi Botanical Garden
Price: entrance ticket costs 6 GEL
TO how to get there: by minibus No. 61 from the Goodwill supermarket or the lower cable car station (Gogebashvili street), ticket price - 0.6 GEL (you need to go towards Makhinjauri)

Batumi Botanical Garden is considered one of the largest gardens in all of Europe. The garden area is divided into several sectors:

  • Japanese;
  • Mexican;
  • Asiatic;
  • Australian;
  • North American and several others.

Each sector grows unique flowers and plants native to different parts of the world. Near each type of plant there is a sign with information about it; botany lovers will be delighted with such a trip.

In summer, you can order an electric car in the park. It makes moving around the garden much easier and faster.

The Batumi Botanical Garden is very large (almost 120 hectares), and it will take at least several hours to get around it. Therefore, you must take water and food for your walk (all provisions are also sold at the entrance to the garden).

Church of the Holy Trinity on Mount Sameba

Address: Mount Sameba
How to get there: only by taxi (the trip will cost about 30 lari for the round trip) or by your own car

Mount Sameba and the Trinity Church are located next to the upper cable car station. The temple was built in the 90s of the last century and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

The Church of the Holy Trinity is a very beautiful and peaceful place. The exterior and interior of the temple are made in a fairly minimalist style, with colorful stained glass windows and bas-reliefs decorating its perimeter. The church occupies a large area, it is surrounded by small observation platforms and cozy courtyards.

Mount Sameba itself is an excellent vantage point from which you can see the whole of Batumi and its surroundings. The approximate height of the mountain is 400 meters (it is located higher than the upper cable car station, so the view from it is better). Many people drive up the mountain to take beautiful pictures. If you also have this goal, it is better to plan your trip in the morning.


Cable car "Argo"

Bottom station address: Gogebashvili street (near the port in the center)
Operating mode: daily from 11:00 to 21:00
Price: adult ticket 15 GEL, child ticket (for children under 12 years old) - 5 GEL

The length of the cable car route is 2.59 km, the average trip duration is 10 minutes. One cable car cabin can accommodate 6 people.

Children will 100% enjoy the cable car ride, so don’t be lazy to take them there with you.

In the summer, the cable car is in great demand among both tourists and locals. The upper station is located on a hill 250 meters high. There is a small church, a restaurant, souvenir shops, and food courts with ice cream.

From the height of the cable car, the whole of Batumi is in full view. Many tourists are surprised that the city is so big. There is no preferred time to ride the cable car. However, if you want to take beautiful photos, it is better to take it in the afternoon before lunch.

Park of Miracles

Address: New Batumi Boulevard

In fact, the Park of Miracles bears little resemblance to the parks we are used to. This is a minimalist recreation area with a small Ferris wheel, a statue of “Me, You and Batumi”, interesting stone chairs and a lighthouse, and several interesting sculptures.

This is a good option for an evening walk on your own or in a group. Despite the fact that Miracle Park is not particularly rich in entertainment, there are always a lot of people walking around here (especially in the evening).

Dolphinarium Batumi

Address: Rustavelli street 51
Operating mode: from 10:00 to 19:00 daily except Mondays (in summer, performances are held at 12, 14 and 18 o'clock, in other seasons only at 17 o'clock)
Phone number: +995- 422-221-730
Price: entrance costs 15 GEL, children under 6 years old entry is free
How to get there: from any stop on buses numbered 1, 7, 10, 11, 15 to the Dolphinarium stop

The Batumi Dolphinarium was opened in 1975, but after 15 years it was closed. In 2006, with the help of local philanthropists, it was restored and already in 2009, the doors of the dolphinarium were again opened for young and adult visitors. Inside, the dolphinarium looks like an ancient amphitheater in the jungle. A glass dome is used instead of a roof. There are many artists performing at the Batumi Dolphinarium: about 15 dolphins and 5 seals. There are always a lot of locals and tourists attending the performances, so tickets for them should be purchased in advance.

In addition to the show, at the dolphinarium you can visit dolphin therapy, which includes not only swimming with dolphins in the pool. Therapists, psychologists and specialists who work with dolphins create special programs and train animals to work with sick people. Dolphin therapy is most beneficial for children suffering from cerebral palsy and autism.


Address: Park 6 May, st. Sherifa Khimshiashvili, 4
Operating mode: daily from 11 to 18.
Price: an adult ticket costs 2 GEL (for entry to the paid section of the zoo), children admission is free

It’s a fairly small and neat zoo; children will really like it here. Here you can see monkeys, birds, kangaroos, antelopes, zebras, ponies, and lemurs. On the territory of the zoo there is a children's playground and several attractions.
