Island in India Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka: Ceylon tea and lots of fun

Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

Sri Lanka is an unusual country for Europeans that attracts thousands of tourists every year. She might surprise picturesque beaches, high hills with unforgettable views, as well as a warm climate, unique monuments, centuries-old culture.

Sri Lanka - where is this country located and what is it like? You will learn about its geography, climate, nature, people, culture, religion. If you have been thinking about a trip to Sri Lanka, then in this article you will find brief information information about the flight, the main attractions and values ​​of the country.

What kind of country is this

Sri Lanka is a country in southern Asia, located on the island of the same name. It dates back to the 5th century BC, when the first kingdoms appeared here. Since ancient times, local residents have established trade with China, Rome, and Arab countries.

In the 16th century, the island was colonized by England, Portugal and Holland. Their interference in the life of the islanders continued until the middle of the last century. Until 1972, Sri Lanka was called Ceylon.

Now its official name is the “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka” and is headed by a president. Today, numerous tourists flock here, making the former Ceylon a unique resort.

Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena

Such a tourist flow is not surprising, because here are connected:

  • tea plantations;
  • rice fields;
  • ancient traditions that date back 2.5 thousand years;
  • Buddhist temples;
  • rich flora and fauna;
  • precious and semi-precious stones;
  • herb plantations;
  • mountain slopes;
  • idyllic beaches;
  • warm sea;
  • historical monuments, of which eight are included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

One fourth of the world's tea plantations are Ceylon.


The island is quite easy to find on the world map - it is located approximately one hundred kilometers south of India, in the southeast of the southern edge of Hindustan, separated from it by the western Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Strait, and the eastern Bay of Bengal.

The shape of the island resembles a teardrop or a pearl, for which it is called “sapphire”.

In the Palk Strait area there is an isthmus that formerly connected Sri Lanka with Hindustan. However, in the 15th century, several earthquakes occurred, causing the sandbank to submerge. Now this place is called "Adam's Bridge".

Geography of Sri Lanka in numbers:

  • length – 450 kilometers;
  • the widest point is 230 kilometers;
  • length coastline– 1.3 thousand kilometers;
  • area – 66 thousand square kilometers.

The island ends in the north with Cape Pedro, in the south with Cape Dondra, and in the west with Cape Dutch Bay. Moreover, one percent of the state consists of small islands near the “sapphire”.

The main water arteries are:

  • Kalu;
  • Mahaweli Ganga;
  • Aruvi-Aru;
  • Kelani.

Kalu River

From Sanskrit “shri” is translated as “holy”, “lanka” - “earth”.

The current republic consists of nine provinces and twenty-five districts. Since 1982, the capital has become a city with the unpronounceable name of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte - now the parliament and the supreme court are located here.

However, the former capital center is considered more popular, largest city state - Colombo, founded in ancient times. The president's residence is also located here.


The weather pleases residents and visitors all year round – average temperature is about 27 degrees. In the high season - from October to March, when the cold is raging in Russia, the air here warms up to 32 degrees, and sometimes even higher.

A little cooler in mountainous areas. For example, in winter at the coldest point of the island the temperature can drop to 12 degrees Celsius, but even here there is never snow.

Due to the monsoon climate, it often rains: west coast- in May-October, in the east - in December-May. However, they do not interfere with enjoying your vacation, because they are short-lived and occur mainly at night.

Relief and landscape

The landscape and relief areas of Ceylon can be divided into three groups:

  • Mountains and hills

They are mainly located in the central part, where most of the tea plantations are concentrated. Mountains can reach 2-2.5 thousand meters.

The most high mountain– Pidurutalagala – exceeds the mark of 2520 meters.

  • Rainforests
  • Coast with lowlands and beautiful beach areas.


They amaze with their diversity. Lives here large number species of different representatives of the animal and flora:

  • birds - almost 500 (many Siberian and European migratory birds fly here);
  • butterflies – 240;
  • animals – 86;
  • fish – 50;
  • reptiles – 70;
  • snakes - more than 80 (and only five of them are dangerous to humans);
  • plants – 3 thousand.

The symbol of Sri Lanka is perhaps the elephant. They are found everywhere here. However, their population is declining compared to previous times. So, for example, 2 centuries ago there were about thirty thousand of them, while now there are only six thousand.


Today, approximately 20.5 million people live on the island, with a gradual population decline. On average, males live to 73 years, females - to 77.

There are several nationalities in the country:

  • Sinhalese - 75%;
  • Tamils ​​- every tenth, live mainly in the north and east;
  • Moors, Arabs - a little more than 9%;
  • burghers, they are also descendants of the colonialists - less than 1%;
  • Veddas, whose ancestors were ancient natives - about a thousand people.

In this regard, Sinhala and Tamil are considered the official languages. You can often hear English spoken, with the help of which representatives of different ethnic groups communicate.

Sri Lanka is a developing country and most of the people are engaged in agriculture. The main activity is the cultivation of tea plantations, mining of precious stones, rubber, collection of coconuts, spices, fishing, textile industry.

The residents themselves simply call their homeland Lanka.

In recent decades, the tourism sector has been developing rapidly on the island. People come here not just on vacation, but increasingly for the winter from northern countries. Some foreigners even seek to settle here for permanent residence.

Contrary to popular belief that erstwhile Ceylon is a poor country, the literacy rate here is over 90%.

Culture and religion

The cultural component of the Sri Lankans - and this is what the inhabitants of Sri Lanka are called - is inextricably linked with religion. More than 70 percent of the locals are Buddhists, another 12 percent are Hindus, 9 are Muslims, 7 are Christians.

Many holidays and memorable places are associated specifically with religious beliefs, primarily, of course, with Buddhist philosophy, which appeared on the island back in the 3rd century BC.

Theravada monks in Sri Lanka

Many places of worship go back to Buddhism, for example, the famous Sri Lankan Buddha statue. There are also many Buddhist holidays. Here are some of them:

  • Poya - every full moon is celebrated, and even if it falls on a weekday, it becomes a day off, which should be devoted to meditative practices;
  • Navam Perahera – celebrated in February as the first Buddhist gathering of the year; accompanied by dancing, music, ceremonial processions, the main thing takes place in the Colombian Gangaramai;
  • Esala Perahera is a holiday dedicated to the first sermon of the Teacher in Sri Lanka, celebrated for two weeks; The central event is the removal of the Buddha tooth, the main relic of the island. It is kept in the Kandy Temple, the most important Sri Lankan Buddhist center.

In the 1980s, the symbol of the island became the star flower, the sacred flower of the Buddhists.

We're flying to Sri Lanka

The answer to the question of how long it is to fly from Russia to Sri Lanka depends on the flight. Direct flights are operated only from Moscow, and not every day; travel time is 8-10 hours. Charters from other cities are possible as part of tour packages.

You can often fly to the Sri Lankan shores with a transfer, for example, in Indian Delhi, Qatari Doha, Chinese Beijing or Hong Kong, Korean Seoul, as well as in Dubai, Istanbul or Abu Dhabi. The time difference with Moscow is two and a half hours.

When traveling to Lanka for up to 30 days, Russian citizens can fill out a form electronically on the embassy website and receive a visa upon arrival. This visa costs $35.

Tourists of all sizes can feel comfortable in Sri Lanka: there is both expensive hotels, so budget hotels and houses - it all depends on the resort and the wallet of the tourist himself.

The main resort towns include:

  • Unawatuna;
  • Hikaduwa;
  • Mirissa;
  • Beruwela;
  • Kalutara;
  • Negombo;
  • Bentota;
  • Kosgoda;
  • Colombo;
  • Kalutara
  • Halle;
  • Hambantota;
  • Induruwa;
  • Tangale.

Hambantota Resort, Sri Lanka


Lanka is famous for many values, but there are things that you should definitely bring from your trip:

  • famous Ceylon tea;
  • spices – pepper, vanilla sticks, cardamom;
  • jewelry - topazes, opals, emerald, sapphire products;
  • plant oil;
  • cotton products
  • attributes of culture and religion - masks, figurines, etc.


To summarize, I would like to say once again that Sri Lanka is a miracle island, a country of rice fields, tea plantations, picturesque hills, kind people and beaches that are more like Eden. It is located south of India, separated from the mainland by a strait. It is warm here all year round, and the locals, mostly Buddhists, get along well with tourists.

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The island of Sri Lanka is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a host of ancient sights. Entertainment is entirely quiet and peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. Capital Colombo, waterfalls and national parks- everything about Sri Lanka: tours, reviews, weather, prices.

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The style of holiday in Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. There is hardly a more “leisurely” country in the world than Sri Lanka: here no one is in a hurry, everyone enjoys life - including the service staff in hotels (however, this does not apply to the top establishments - everyone there runs around in soap, to please the guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most of the activities. Noisy discos and smoke swirling until the morning are not in favor here, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecues on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. What Sri Lanka cannot please is its proximity to our vastness: the flight here is long.

In general, it’s very easy to identify a person who will definitely like it here. Firstly, there are few blank pages left in his not the first international passport. Secondly, he is either interested in world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or he is a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and the sea, to have a diving center and Surfer headquarters. Thirdly, he will certainly glance sideways at your fragrant cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.

Regions and resorts of Sri Lanka


The country's currency is the Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), 1 rupee is divided into 100 cents. Current rate: 1 LKR = 0.34 RUB (1 USD = 181.33 LKR, 1 EUR = 201.67 LKR).

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the receipt received until the end of the trip: in this case, upon departure, you can convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, currency can be changed at any hotel and bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. For exchange, we recommend taking US dollars with you: they are accepted in all branches, and in tourist areas you can pay with them directly at hotels and various retail outlets.

You can pay in large hotels and shops credit cards, there are ATMs in almost all cities of the country. However, it is better to warn your bank staff in advance about your upcoming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, your credit card may be blocked at the first attempt to use it.

The island of Sri Lanka (until 1972 the island was called in the European manner - Ceylon) is a large island in Indian Ocean southeast of the Hindustan Peninsula. The name of the island comes from Sanskrit, from where it is translated as “Blessed Land”.

The island of Sri Lanka is separated from Hindustan by the Palk Strait and the bay of the same name, as well as the Gulf of Manara. In the north and east, Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal. According to scientists, until about the 15th century, Sri Lanka was connected to Hindustan by a narrow isthmus, but after the strongest in about 1481, this isthmus was fragmented into a ridge of small islands - Adam's Bridge.

The total area of ​​the island of Sri Lanka exceeds 65 thousand square kilometers.

The island of Sri Lanka is quite massive in area, so its geographical coordinates are usually determined by its approximate center: 7°37′ N. w. 80°46′ E. d.

IN at the moment The island of Sri Lanka is part of the territorial composition of the state of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.


A holiday in Sri Lanka will be a well-deserved vacation after a hard year spent in work and worries. Sri Lanka is not just memories of Ceylon tea and the warm sea, it is unique world wonders in which every person would like to live. But if you were born in another country, this is not a reason to be upset, because there is an opportunity to visit this island, where there is a huge diversity of cultures, where climatic conditions seem to attract tourists from all over the world.

What can travelers remember about Sri Lanka? Firstly, these are endless holidays. It seems that local residents live only for the sake of the next celebration. But it’s really interesting to watch - solemn processions, parades, masquerades, competitions and fun. People are dressed in national costumes, music is playing everywhere, thousands of people and even elephants, who are also dressed in original outfits, walk along the city streets.

Where to go? Tours to Colombo are especially popular. Here you have the opportunity to see a huge number of cathedrals, temples and mosques. All the cultures of the world have merged in this city. It is recommended to visit this city from November to May; this time is most favorable for vacationers.

Colombo International Airport is located relatively close to the city center. You can order a taxi or get to the center by bus. You can use the same vehicle to move around the city. Some require payment based on the distance you travel, others accept money by agreement before the trip.

If finances allow, it is preferable to travel by taxi. This type of transport is equipped with meters, so do not be afraid that you will have to overpay money out of your own pocket.

It is recommended to immediately go to the business center of the city. This is an excellent area where you can see the Presidential Palace, amazing gardens, parks, the National Museum and Art Gallery. Numerous offices and modern buildings only emphasize the ideal beauty of Colombo.

In Sri Lanka you can find something to suit your taste. This even applies national cuisine. It is so diverse that any traveler will discover his favorite dish.

The locals are friendly, but you should be careful when coming to the beach. Topless sunbathing is prohibited by law here, but at the entrance to the temple you must remove not only your headdress, but also your shoes.

This is a truly unique country with its own characteristics and advantages, which make you want to return here just a few days after you leave Sri Lanka.

National flag of Sri Lanka.

Bentota's beaches are famous for their fine sand and shady palm trees.

Sri Lanka is a country in South Asia, popular tourist country. Tourists are attracted by the palette of colors of the island's flora, beautiful waterfalls, picturesque mountains, the 180-meter Sigiriya rock 150 km northeast of Colombo with ancient rock paintings and the ruins of a 5th century palace, numerous Buddhist shrines - dagobas, searching and processing of precious stones, pearl mining.

Sri Lanka. The picturesque Mount Sigiriya is a giant monolith with a fortress on top.

Colombo. Hindu temple. Detail of sculptural decoration.

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is an island in the Indian Ocean, located south of the Hindustan Peninsula. According to the current constitution, the head of state of Sri Lanka is the president, who is also the head of the executive branch and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Legislative power in the country belongs to the parliament - the National State Assembly. Administratively, Sri Lanka consists of 9 provinces headed by government officials. The capital of the country is Colombo. As a former British colony, Sri Lanka is part of the Commonwealth.

Sri Lanka. Panorama of Colombo.

By ethnic composition Sri Lanka is a multinational country. The total population is 20.9 million people. 74% of the population are Sinhalese, over 18% are Tamils. Small nations and ethnic groups of mixed origin include the Moors - descendants of Arab and Persian traders, the burghers are descended from mixed marriages between the Portuguese and Dutch, on the one hand, and the Sinhalese and Tamils, on the other. In the mountainous forest region of the interior of the island, near the city of Nuwara Eliya, small groups of Veddas - descendants of the ancient population of the island - have been preserved.

The official language of the country is Sinhala, which is spoken by more than 70% of the island's inhabitants. English is widely used (especially among the burghers). In the north and east of the country, Tamil is spoken. The bulk of the inhabitants (70%) profess Buddhism - mostly Sinhalese. Most of the Tamil population is Hindu. The Malays and Moors adhere to the Muslim religion. Catholic Christians are burghers and part of the Sinhalese population. The Veddas are adherents of a primitive religion. Among the population of Sri Lanka, religious beliefs and superstitions are strong, and there is a division into castes. There are about 20 castes in total.


"Lanka" in ancient Indian Sanskrit language means "country, land." The prefix "Sri", widely used in South Asia when addressing highly respected people, reflects the great love that the Sri Lankan people feel for their homeland. He calls her “blessed, venerable Lanka.” The island of Sri Lanka is located in South Asia. Occupying an area of ​​about 60 thousand sq. km, it is approximately equal to such large islands as Ireland or Tasmania. Its maximum length from north to south is 430 km, from west to east - 225 km.

The main part of the island (up to 4/5 of the entire area) is occupied by a low-lying plain (100 m above sea level). In some places, large rocks (up to 700 m) rise above the loose sedimentary rocks - protrusions of the crystalline foundation. They often have bizarre shapes, reminiscent of a huge animal, a giant book, or the ruins of an ancient temple. In the southern, most extended part of the island, the crystalline basement reaches the surface over a large area. Huge stone blocks raised on greater height, form the so-called Central Massif. The average height of the mountains is 1000–2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise higher. The highest point of the island is Mount Pidurutalagala (2524 m). However, the most famous is the majestic Adam's Peak (2243 m), reminiscent of a huge pyramid. The peaks of most mountains are leveled, which is why they are called table tops.

Kandi is one of oldest cities Sri Lanka. A unique necklace of Kandy is the Mahaweli River with its shady banks.

In ancient times, deposits of precious stones were discovered in the mountains of Sri Lanka: rubies, sapphires, topazes, and amethysts. As the ancient chronicle “Mahavansa” testifies, many kings and sultans in other countries decorated their crowns with these stones. The abundance of rainfall led to the development of a dense network of rivers on the island. The rivers are short in length. The largest of them is the Mahaweli Ganga (meaning “river with sandy banks”), 330 km long. The length of the remaining rivers is 100–150 km. Most of them originate in the Massif Central mountains.


Sri Lanka is located near the equator. Its northern and central parts are located in the subequatorial, and southern part- in the equatorial climatic zones. Therefore, the temperature here remains uniformly high all year round. Thus, in Colombo the average monthly temperature ranges from 26 °C (January) to 28 °C (May). Due to the proximity of the mainland, the north of the country is somewhat hotter than the south. The average annual temperature in mountainous areas is much lower, so mountainous areas They are very popular among residents of the country and tourists. One of the coldest places on the island is the mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya (2000 m above sea level). This city is called “a piece of the north” on the island. The average annual temperature here is around 15 °C.

The seasons in Sri Lanka are determined not by changes in temperature conditions, but by differences in precipitation patterns. Their greatest number occurs in the summer - when moisture-rich southwestern monsoon winds dominate. The summer monsoon begins in May and subsides in September. At the height of the monsoon period, from June to August, it rains daily, often in torrential downpours. The southwestern part of the island is the most humid, being the first to meet the summer monsoon. In one summer month, 400–500 mm of precipitation falls. On the path of the monsoon to the northern and eastern regions, there is the Central Mountain Range, creating a “rain shadow” for these parts of the island. In this regard, the amount of precipitation there is low - on average only 10–40 mm per month. In winter, from December to February, the northeast monsoon dominates the island, bringing much less rainfall and irrigating mainly the northern and eastern parts of the island. Autumn and spring in Sri Lanka are inter-monsoon periods. There are no monsoon rains, but they are replaced by so-called zenithal rains, characteristic of equatorial regions.

Over 70% of the country's territory is covered with trees and shrubs. The most lush vegetation remains in the most humid southwestern region. There are still areas of evergreen tropical rainforest with a greenhouse atmosphere, where twilight and silence reign. In the forests of Sri Lanka you can see more than 40 types of palm trees: talipot, royal, coconut and others. Widespread woods are mango, bread, melon (papaya), ebony, satin, and sandalwood. Colossal tree ferns also grow on the island. Occasionally there are cinnamon trees, from the bark of which cinnamon is obtained. Some plants are distinguished by their amazing beauty during flowering, among them orchids and lotus - a sacred flower of followers of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Diverse animal world islands. Wild elephants remain in the mountain forests of the southwest. In Sri Lanka there are predators: panthers, leopards, wild cats, lynxes, jackals, bears. There are many monkeys in the forests, and often in the trees surrounding village huts. In large rivers, far from villages, there are crocodiles up to 8 m long, so you can’t swim there. The world of insects is rich. Large butterflies amaze with their unusually bright colors. The world of birds is diverse. Pink flamingos, white storks, colorful parrots, bright peacocks, and tiny sunbirds resembling butterflies are often found.


The island of Sri Lanka was inhabited about 100 thousand years ago and constantly attracted more and more new settlers, thanks to which a significant number of representatives of the most dissimilar races, cultures and religions were concentrated on its small territory in ancient times. This enriched the island and led to constant conflicts and wars. In the 5th century BC, Indo-Aryan conquerors created the first state here, which collapsed in the 5th century AD and was conquered by the Negroid South Indian Tamil tribes. In the 8th century, dominance again passed to the Aryan branch of the newcomers, and in the 15th century, there were three kingdoms of different ethnicities in Sri Lanka, constantly at war with each other. The Portuguese colonialists took advantage of this, establishing their dominance over the coast of the island in the 16th century; they were replaced by the Dutch in the 17th century. The British who came after them in 1796 declared the conquered region to be another royal colony - Ceylon. But they managed to conquer the island only in the first half of the 19th century.

The heavy foreign yoke, which turned the flourishing island into a raw materials appendage of the distant metropolis, forced the local population to rise to the liberation struggle more than once and suffer bitter defeats. Intensified in connection with the First and Second World Wars and acute economic crisis The exploitation of the 1920s and 1930s made the national-patriotic front more decisive, numerous and united.

In 1948, the British government had to grant Ceylon independence as a dominion. In 1972, under public pressure, the island was proclaimed the Republic of Sri Lanka. All forms of political dependence on England were eliminated. Now this distant piece of land in the Indian Ocean good-naturedly reveals its secrets to all lovers of ancient exoticism and shares the gentle sun and warm water.

Natural attractions

The most picturesque interior regions of the country with its mountain rivers, waterfalls, and impenetrable jungles. Situated in the Central Highlands, Adam's Peak is a sacred place for people of various faiths. Numerous pilgrims and tourists flock here every year to worship the notch in the mountain, which resembles the footprint of a huge human foot (Buddhists consider it the footprint of Buddha, Christians - Adam, and Hindus believe that the god Shiva was at the top). The nearby gemstone mining sites are very popular. Jewelry collections can be seen in National Museum and in private museums in the nearby town of Ratnapura.

Sri Lanka. The majestic Adam's Peak (2243 m), reminiscent of a huge pyramid, is the sacred mountain of the Sri Lankans. The footprints of Buddha are preserved here.

In the central part of the island is located majestic mountain Pidurutalagala. This rocky peak is located near Nuwara Eliya. The nearby city of Kandy, lying between the hills, is surrounded by the wide Mahaweli Ganga. On the banks of this river, in Peradeniya, lies the largest botanical garden in Asia. Palm alleys and a huge number of different types of tropical vegetation (about a thousand species of orchids alone) attract not only tourists, but also scientists from different countries peace. 10 km southeast of Nuwara Eliya (at an altitude of 1680 m) is located no less famous park"Hakgala" is a wonderful collection of the world's subtropical flora. The Henarasgoda Botanical Garden, 32 km from Colombo, houses an extensive collection of exotic palms, trees and shrubs.

Colombo. Hindu temple.

Wildlife can be seen and photographed in numerous national parks - Yaala, Wilpattu, Gal Oya, Uda Walawe, Maduru Oya, Wasgamuwa, Horton Plains and Bundala. Each park has its own specifics. The amazing underwater world of the tropical seas will open in Galle, where the famous underwater coral gardens are located. In the lagoon near the city of Batticaloa there is a very rare “singing fish”: on moonlit nights, thin, light sounds are heard from the water, reminiscent of the sound of a crystal glass, along the edge of which you run your finger. In the north of Sri Lanka there is a magnificent palmyra landscape of the Jaffna Peninsula. Not far from Jaffna there is a coral archipelago. Most famous island of this archipelago - Nainativ. Sinhalese Buddhists believe that it was this island that Buddha first entered on his way to Ceylon while walking across Adam’s Bridge.

All over the country you can find spice gardens - farms for growing spices. Ceylon has long been famous for its spices and medicinal herbs. They are used in the food industry, medical and cosmetic purposes. Cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, several varieties of pepper, ginger, vanilla - this is not a complete list of Ceylon spices.

Yala National Park is located in the southeast of the island, on the shores of the Indian Ocean. When these deputies were part of the state of Ruhuna. All that remained of his might were the ruins of ancient fortresses and monasteries. The nature of the park is a dry savannah, overgrown with bushes and umbrella plants. Occasionally there are small lakes overgrown with lush vegetation. The flat landscape is broken up by numerous hills and mounds. The park's territory covers more than 100 thousand hectares.

Yala is considered one of the best places to observe the life of leopards. Here you can often find bears, deer, and wild boars; many small animals - gray langurs, monitor lizards, sea and land turtles. The pride of Yalu is its feathered inhabitants: black-necked stork, ibises, herons, jacanas. Excursions in jeeps are conducted in the park, organized tent camps where you can stay for a few days.

Uda-Walawe National Park is located on the banks of the reservoir south of mountain ranges in the center of the country. Part of the park occupies rain-forest, where you can meet sika deer, sambars, wild boars, leopards, and bears. Uda-Walawe - best place to observe the life of elephants in natural conditions. In total, up to five hundred elephants live here, and there are herds of up to fifty of these animals. Bundala Park is located on south coast Ceylon, in the middle of a savannah with many lagoons and lakes. The park is famous for its abundance of water birds.

The Sindharaja Tropical Rain Forest is one of the few places where primary rain forests have not yet been destroyed by humans. Sindharaja can be translated into Russian as “The Lion King”. This forest is a paradise for bird watchers. On an area of ​​22 thousand hectares, 22 of Ceylon's 26 endemic birds are found. The rare black panther, many spotted deer, wild boars, langurs, mongooses, and chameleons also live here.

Sri Lanka. Elephant nursery.


Sri Lanka. The picturesque Mount Sigiriya is a giant monolith rock.

One of the most striking attractions of the island is the Sigiriya fortress, located 162 km from Colombo. Citadel with palace ensemble ascended on the 180-meter red Lion Rock fifteen centuries ago. Its builder was King Kassala. Here, on the inner walls of the caves, you can see rock paintings made with natural paints. The Sigiriya murals, famous all over the world, are outstanding examples of ancient Sinhalese painting.

Kandy. Temple of Dalada Magilawa (Temple of the Tooth Relic).

In the city of Kandy, attention is drawn to the ancient palace of the Sinhalese sovereigns, as well as the famous Temple of the Tooth Relic, where the corresponding shrine is kept. According to legend, the Tooth was found in India on a lotus flower. Some rituals associated with the Tooth Relic have developed into lavish festivals. This is the Esala Perahera temple procession, which is held annually in August, on the full moon days. Just north of Kandy is the town of Aluvihara, where the words of Buddha were first written down on palm leaves.

Kandy. At the temple.

Anuradhapura. Temple wall in ancient capital Sri Lanka.

Anuradhapura - a city of monasteries and stupas, a museum under open air, a sacred place for Buddhists not only in Sri Lanka, but also in other countries. Many ancient monuments have been preserved in Anuradhapura. In the center of the city stands the majestic Ruvanavelli Dagoba. Built in the 2nd century BC, it is a masterpiece of Sri Lankan architecture. Even in a whole day it is difficult to get around this entire open-air monument. Ruvanavelli is rivaled by the majestic dagobas of Jetavana and Thuparama. Under King Pandukabhai, a grandiose irrigation system with giant reservoirs and numerous canals was built in Anuradhapura. This chain of reservoirs was called Anuradha, and the city on its banks was called Anuradhapura. The city became the center for the spread of Buddhism on the island. In 380 BC, Pandukabkaya proclaimed Anuradhapura as the capital of the first Sinhala state and the city remained in this capacity for 1,400 years. Thousands of pilgrims visit the city's holy places - the Bo tree and the seven dagobas. The sacred Bo (Buddha) tree is located in the courtyard of one of the temples, behind a golden fence. It supposedly grew from a branch, the same tree under which enlightenment descended on Buddha. According to legend, this branch was brought to Ceylon from India in the 3rd century BC.

Abhayagiri Monastery is the largest of the monastic complexes of Anuradhapura, built in the 1st century BC. Dagoba Abhayagiri was the second largest stupa (115 m) in the world. It is built over the footprint of Buddha. The Et Pokuna pool, which once supplied water to most of the monastery complex, has been restored here.

Sri Lanka. Ruins of Polonnaruwa - the capital of the second Sinhalese state.

Not far from Anuradhapura, in Polonnaruwa lie the ruins of the medieval capital of the Sinhalese state. Here you can see the remains of a palace that once shone with splendor. The best preserved temple is the beautiful Vatadage Temple. In the northern part of Polonnaruwa there is the largest sculptural ensemble of the area - three huge statues of Buddha carved into the rocks in various poses. The Parakrama Samudraya reservoir, created nearby, is larger in area than the port of Colombo.

Mihintale is a rock that became the site of the beginning of the spread of Buddhism on the island of Ceylon. At the foot there are the remains of ancient Buddhist buildings. is considered. At the top of Mihintale there is a stupa and a statue of Buddha. 150 km from Colombo and 20 km from Sigiriya is the Dambulla cave temple - the largest in Ceylon. For many centuries, this temple has been a stronghold of Buddhism and Sri Lankan identity. Its foundation dates back to the 1st century BC. The temple was built at an altitude of 350 meters and consists of five caves. In 1938, the temple was supplemented with columns and arched entrances. There is a huge collection of Buddha statues here, many of which are more than two thousand years old.

Another place closely associated with Buddhism is Adam's Peak or Mount Sri Pada (2224 m). Tens of thousands of Buddhist devotees climb the mountain to touch the sacred footprint of Buddha with their lips. This mountain is associated with the name of the forefather Adam and it is considered sacred by followers of all world religions.

Polonnaruwa. Seated Buddha from the Gal Vihara cave temple.

Polonnaruwa. In front of the four entrances of the Watadage Temple lie semicircular slabs with intricate designs, the so-called “moon stones”.

Polonnaruwa. Rankot Dagoba.


Sri Lanka. Halle. Old town.

Sri Lanka. Halle. Lighthouse.

The name of the city Galle is related to the Sinhala word for "inn". During the heyday of sailing, Galle was the main port of the island. At the entrance to the port, the Dutch built a military fortress, which has survived to this day. Above the gate, a shield is carved in stone with the monogram of the East India Company - images of two lions and a rooster. Galle is famous for many ancient crafts, in particular the weaving of fine lace. A city characterized by a unique combination of vibrant tropical nature and ancient architecture, attracts many tourists.

Sri Lanka. Halle. Coast.

Sri Lanka. Halle. Dutch Church.

Ratnapura - center of jewelry production and trade precious stones. The name of the city translated from Sinhala means “city of gems”. Ratnapura sapphires, rubies, and aquamarines are highly valued by jewelers all over the world. The Blue Beauty of Asia sapphire (400 carats) and the Star of India sapphire (536 carats) were found here. There is a museum of jewelry art in the city.

Sri Lanka. Ratnapura. Buddha statue.

Jaffna - historical center northern Tamil region and the administrative center of the province, one of major cities of the country (over 100 thousand inhabitants) is located in its northernmost part, which is connected to the main territory of the island by a narrow strip of land, as well as an artificial dam. Perhaps this is the hottest city in Sri Lanka. In the recent past, the city was one of the trading bases of the Dutch East India Company. From those times, the ruins of the fort have been preserved here. From a distance you can see the Catholic Church, built in the early 18th century. Jaffna is an important trade and transport center and a major center of Tamil culture. The city's artisans are famous for their filigree jewelry, weaving mats, baskets and other products.


For tourists from Western Europe, North America and other regions, Sri Lanka serves as a winter resort. IN coastal areas Water sports tourism predominates; the ancient Sinhalese capitals are the base of historical and cultural tourism. Mountain resorts and national parks attract many lovers of wildlife, safaris, and scuba diving. But no matter how attractive the golden seaside beaches are, in Sri Lanka it is not customary to swim in any place you like: powerful ocean currents, some fish, and sea animals are dangerous. For swimming they usually go to the southern suburbs, to Colombo-Mount Lavinia, Hikkaduwa or Rassekudahu.

The mountain rivers of Sri Lanka, with the exception of periods of drought, are suitable for rafting and kayaking. The Kelani River in the Kitulgala region is most suitable for rafting. The ocean wave, in favorable weather conditions, allows surfing and windsurfing. The island is also interesting for diving enthusiasts. There are about 138 species of corals in the waters of Sri Lanka, including black coral. There are coral heads, soft corals, and many gorgonians - green, orange, red, blue. But the main wealth of the underwater world of Sri Lanka is its fauna - angel fish, moray eels, barracudas, moray eels, Moorish idols, parrot fish, clown fish, lion fish, marlin, flounder, sweetlips, silver and brown snappers, soldier fish , bristletooths, damselfishes, stingrays, surgeonfish, eels. Divers can also explore sunken ships, which are especially numerous in the Hikkaduwa area. About twenty wrecks from the 19th and 20th centuries are open to divers.

Not far from the city of Kandy is the resort of Nuwara Eliya. It is located at an altitude of 1880 m above sea level, at the foot of Mount Pidurutalagala, the highest in Ceylon. The resort is built with hotel buildings in the British colonial style. The buildings are framed by lush greenery and bright flowers. The resort attracts the top of the local society and numerous tourists. Victoria Park is located in the center of Navara Elia. South of the park there is a hippodrome. Lake Gregory is one of the resort's attractions.

Bentota Resort is located 64 km south of Colombo, on the west coast of the island. Here in picturesque place where the river flows into the sea, several hotels have been built, surrounded by a palm forest. There is a train station, a post office, a shopping arcade, cafeterias and an open-air theater where folk dance groups perform. Beruwela resort is located near Bentota.

Kalkudakh resort is located on east coast, 32 km from Batticaloa. This is an ideal place for swimming, as the beach on the sea side is protected by a reef. Nearby Passekudah has a beautiful bay with absolutely clear water. It's also popular tourist center with modern hotels and a variety of amenities. Five species of sea turtles are found in the Kozgod area. To maintain their population, turtle farms have been organized.

Dear readers, today I again invite you on a journey. The Indian Ocean with warm water, golden sand beaches, palm trees, gorgeous nature and exotic animals - all this can amaze even the most fastidious traveler. Where is this amazing place? - you ask. This is the former island of Ceylon, now its new name is Sri Lanka, where a vacation will delight you not only with picturesque landscapes, wild rivers and comfortable weather, but also with a large number of unique attractions, delicious food and unusually aromatic and strong tea.

The enchanting beauty of the island is complemented by a variety of resorts with hotels, welcoming and friendly people - the Sri Lankans. By the way, most residents speak several languages, including English and Russian. This place is perfect for a quiet and relaxing holiday with the whole family.

Sri Lanka - where is such a country located?

Sri Lanka is the largest island located in the Indian Ocean. Represents the Democratic Socialist Republic in South Asia. The name translates as glorious and blessed land. Until it gained independence, or rather until 1972, the island was called Ceylon. India is located in close proximity to Sri Lanka. Even before the beginning of the 15th century, these states were connected by an isthmus. Now, there is a sandbank at this place, since a strong earthquake in the 15th century destroyed it. The capital of the island is a city with a difficult name to pronounce - Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, but the cultural and economically developed unofficial capital is the city of Colombo.

In Sri Lanka richest world flora and fauna. Almost 3,000 varieties of plants grow here, about 1,000 of which are flowering, over 700 species of medicinal flowers and herbs, and 150 varieties of wild orchids and ferns. Many people associate this country with elephants. And for good reason. Mighty elephants really live here, and not only that. The diversity of wildlife makes this island an amazing place. Beautiful butterflies, birds, reptiles, mammals - and many of them are protected by law, as they are listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

Sri Lanka - monthly weather, rainy season, water temperature

The climate is tropical, with monsoon rainy seasons. An amazing feature of the monsoons in the summer is that they occur mainly at night. The weather is very favorable for holidays all year round. The air temperature is always stable, about 28-30 degrees Celsius at any time of the year. Only in the mountainous region the temperature in winter reaches only 10 degrees Celsius. Beach paradise all year round - this is how this state can be described.

The rainy season is long. From December to May there are rains in the eastern part of the island, from May to September there are monsoons in the west of the country. Therefore, in winter, it is best to relax in the southern and western regions of Sri Lanka. For example, the most popular cities are Colombo and Galle. The weather here is excellent, dry and sunny, just as the rainy season is approaching in the east. But in the summer months, resorts located in the eastern region are perfect.

The water temperature here is always constant. The average temperature is 27 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you can swim here all year round. Even at night you can bask in the warm waters of the ocean.

Sights of Sri Lanka, photos

Equipped beaches and comfortable hotels are not all that Sri Lanka can boast of. A huge number of ancient and unique attractions, 8 of which are included in the UNESCO list. Temples for all religions, various buildings and monuments in honor of Buddha, beautiful palaces, museums and temples are just a small part interesting places that you can visit.

Currently, excursions around the country are very popular, which allow you to see the maximum number of attractions in a short time. Of course, if you have enough time and like to take your time and enjoy the sightseeing amazing places and architectural buildings, it is better to take a walk around the sights on your own. Here are some of them that you should definitely see, otherwise your trip around the island would be in vain. Tea center, sacred Bodhi tree, golden Buddha statue, national reserve"Kumana" and Adam's Peak.

Sri Lanka - holidays and reviews from tourists

All tourists who have visited this amazing and mysterious place We were very pleased with our vacation. After reading many reviews, I made several useful discoveries for myself that will help improve my vacation in this country. Now I will share with you some tips.

  • Don't buy tea in the city, otherwise you will buy a mixture of local Sri Lankan and second-rate Indian tea. You can buy one like this at home, in the supermarket. Be sure to visit the tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya, where you will buy really good Sri Lankan tea and enjoy the view of the tea plantations that cover all the slopes and peaks of the mountains.
  • When swimming in the ocean, be careful, it is choppy and it is better to swim where you can feel the bottom. After a wave, you can be pulled into the ocean, and the point of no return is very easy to miss. There are no rescuers, and a cry for help may not be heard. Better swim in the pool.
  • It is not customary to use regular toilet paper on the island. In their room they have a special hose with water supply, or a ladle (you know why). Therefore, if you cannot live without personal hygiene products, be sure to take it with you.
  • There are a lot of impudent monkeys on the island, scurrying everywhere, which can seriously ruin your entire vacation. Do not leave your belongings unattended. When leaving your hotel room, be sure to close the windows, otherwise you may risk losing your belongings and causing significant damage to the room.

Holidays in Sri Lanka - independent travel

You can get from Moscow to Colombo by direct airline flights. Unfortunately, direct flights do not occur every day, but according to a schedule. If you urgently need to get to this island, you can use connecting flights. There are several of them - in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Koch and Istanbul.
How long does it take to fly from Moscow to Sri Lanka? The direct flight is the shortest flight time, it takes from 8 to 9 hours. If the flight has transfers, then it is a little longer; it can take up to 12 hours of flight time. Don't forget to get a visa before planning your trip to Sri Lanka.

The island's public transport is trains and buses. Therefore, you can travel around the country independently only by train and buses.

Traveling by bus is only suitable within the city. The cost of bus travel is very low, while the price for private transport is the same as for public transport. There are even luxury buses - with air conditioning and free seats, but the price for such travel is much more expensive. But what can you do for comfort?
Remember, the first seats on local buses are reserved for monks - they cannot be occupied!

You can travel between cities on your own by train. Affordable prices and the ability to choose comfort made this type of transport very popular among tourists and local residents. 1st class trains are not just luxurious, they are unique. In addition to air conditioning and free WI-FI, there is a very interesting interior of the cars, in vintage style. Train schedules are available on the official websites of railway stations.

You may also be interested in reading reviews from tourists or visiting the sacred Indian city, follow the links. I hope you will find it interesting to read and see photos about these travels.
