Open left menu Cordoba. Cordoba: "Exquisite City Shopping Center Patio Olmos

The city of Cordoba, which is located in the heart of Argentina, is one of the most prosperous and developed centers of the country. Moreover, Cordoba offers excellent opportunities for obtaining a decent education, as there are a large number of educational institutions and two Academies of Sciences that are of global importance.

Tourists are also attracted to this wonderful city for its history, architecture, art and gastronomy. It’s worth coming here for a fairly calm and peaceful holiday, but rich in vivid impressions. It is worth noting that although Cordoba is not very popular among travelers, those who have visited it remember this wonderful city only with warmth, and, of course, intend to visit it again.

Climate weather

Cordoba has a subtropical climate, which results in significant seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation. In summer, the air in the region warms up to +24…+26° C, while in winter the thermometer hovers around +10° C. Largest quantity precipitation occurs from mid-spring to late autumn, and in winter there is practically no rain (June - August).


The city is located in the south of South America, in the western part of central Argentina. Cordoba lies in the vast pampas plain, east of Central Sierra Mountains And Sierras Cordoba range. A small river flows through the city Sikuya River, which flows into San Roque reservoir.


The first thing that distinguishes Cordoba from other Argentine cities is its unique combination of Arabic, Jewish and Christian styles in architecture. For example, a Muslim mosque that has been converted into Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, happily adjacent to the ancient synagogue, the Roman bridge contrasts perfectly with the Arab one Fort Calahorra, well, the former residence of the Spanish monarchs harmoniously combines with Monument to Jerónimo Luis de Cabrara. The remains of a huge Medina Azahar palace complex.

It is worth noting that the most valuable sights and architectural monuments of Cordoba are under the protection of UNESCO. Of these, the most notable are:

  • ancient university Universidad San Carlos,
  • Prelate's residence
  • famous Montserrat school,
  • Jesuit Temple of De la Compacha.

Also of great historical value are:

  • palace ensembles of Santa Catalina and Jesus Maria,
  • Old market,
  • Jewish quarter with a magnificent ancient mosque,
  • Cabildo Town Hall,
  • numerous colonial buildings of the Jesuits.

Besides this it is worth visiting Provincial History Museum Marcus de Sobremonte, which is the main historical museum of Argentina. Well, outside the city there is a famous archaeological Sierra Colorado State Park, where you can not only admire the beauty of the local nature, but also see sacred places and rock paintings of ancient Indians.


In Cordoba, small eateries are most widespread, where visitors are offered “ minute" (fast food), for example, " lomito"(sandwich with a large chop). Well, in national Argentine restaurants, the main component of the menu is, of course, meat. Moreover, in some establishments they cook not only juicy steaks and grilled sausages right on the street over coals, but also whole carcasses. The most important national dish that you must try is “ parrillada" It consists of grilled spicy sausages, offal and steak. It is also recommended to try “mustard” chicken, lamb ribs, shashlik “ churrasco", cold vegetable soup " gazpacho", pork blood sausages " orisos"and champignons in wine.

Like it local cuisine and those with a sweet tooth, since the number of various desserts here cannot be counted. Most often they offer fresh aromatic fruits, pies with different fillings, “ fuse en almibar"(candies with cream), caramel " dulce de leche"and ice cream" Heladerias».

Among all the drinks, it is necessary to highlight tea mate, which has become a unique symbol of Argentina. Well, among alcoholic beverages, the most widespread are excellent Argentinean wines, for example, Malbec and Torrontes. Local whiskey and gin are also quite popular in local bars and pubs.


Cordoba's hotel infrastructure is developed at the highest level, and room service is professional and of high quality. Travelers in the city have 3 five-star luxury hotels at their disposal: Interplaza Hotel(from 80 $), Sheraton Cordoba Hotel(from $115) and Holiday Inn Cordoba(from $140). The city also has a large number of comfortable four- and three-star hotels that meet all service requirements. In addition, in order to save money, you can always stay in one of the city hostels, for example, in Link Cordoba Hostel(from 13 $) or Aldea Hostel(from 9.5 $).

Entertainment and relaxation

Cordoba's entertainment industry is at the highest level, so there is a wide variety of recreational options. Firstly, the city has a large number of themed nightclubs and discos, as well as a variety of restaurants and entertainment centers. In addition, Cordoba is famous for its beautiful museums and exhibitions, where you can see paintings and sculptures by the most famous masters. Also in the city there are several rather original establishments, for example, Museum of the Inquisition, which features creepy illustrations, instruments of torture and a terrifying statue of the Grand Inquisitor, as well as free candy at the door.

Cordoba is also rich in a wide variety of holidays, concerts, festivals and fairs. Of these, the most interesting and colorful festival is the May Fair Feria de Cordoba, which simply fascinates with its flamenco songs and dances, bright costumes and beautiful night illumination.

No less interesting is relaxation in urban areas, which are rich in lakes, rivers, mountains and waterfalls. For example, very close to Cordoba there is a beautiful Condor National Park. Exciting excursions are regularly held in these picturesque places, as well as in nearby towns. In addition, fishing and hunting trips are organized for everyone.


The best place to shop is to go directly to central part of Cordoba, where a great variety of hypermarkets, supermarkets, fashion boutiques, specialty stores and street markets are concentrated on a two-kilometer pedestrian square. It is worth noting that there are about 50 shopping centers in the city, and four of them are simply amazing with their size and the list of their numerous stores. It is there that you can buy high-quality leather goods, shoes and clothing from famous European brands, as well as original jewelry.

Well, for souvenirs, it is advisable to go to small specialized shops that offer a wide variety of unusual goods. First of all, you should pay attention to multi-colored women's shawls of large knitting, wicker rugs, guitars, wines, mate accessories, ponchos and gaucho trousers. You can also find interesting things at the city handmade market, where traders offer to buy ethnic musical instruments, gourd products, handmade jewelry, figurines of local animals, etc.


In Cordoba public transport represented by buses and trolleybuses that run throughout the city. Stopping points are lampposts with the letter E, which are not always immediately noticeable. It is worth keeping in mind that drivers do not stop at all stopping points. Therefore, if you need to get out of the vehicle, you need to press a special button or shout “ Pare!" The fare does not depend on the length of the trip and is about $0.5.

There are also quite a large number of taxis in Cordoba, which can be easily identified by their yellow roof. And tourists love to ride horse-drawn carriages.


In Cordoba, you can call any city in the world from one of the street telephone booths, which are installed on all main streets and business centers. Almost all machines are powered by telephone craters, which are sold in supermarkets and tobacco kiosks. In addition, in large stores and restaurants, customers are often provided with a telephone with access to international lines, but in this case the cost of the call is quite high.

Cellular communications in Argentina are well developed. It works according to the standards CDMA 800 And GSM 1900, through operators Telecom Personal And Unifon. Roaming, when connecting to this service in your home country, is available to almost all tourists.

Internet access is provided in almost all hotels, as well as in any Internet cafe ( Locutoria).


Despite the fact that the residents of Cordoba are particularly hospitable and friendly, generally accepted safety measures should not be neglected. For example, it is recommended to keep money and valuables in a hotel room safe, and large sums You should not carry cash or expensive items with you unless absolutely necessary. In addition, you need to be wary of pickpockets and all kinds of scammers.

Business climate

Cordoba is one of the largest financial and economic centers of the country, as well as the most important city of the province of the same name. In addition, Cordoba has a well-developed industrial production system, several engineering and aerospace factories (Nostromo Defensa, FAdeA, etc.). The city also has a well-developed food industry and service sector, which are quite promising options for investment. In recent years, Cordoba has seen a rapid growth in telecommunications and information technology, which has attracted new foreign investors.

Real estate

Today, prices for almost all real estate in Cordoba are at a fairly low level and are stable. Yes, on at the moment The average cost of new housing here is about $1,500-2,500 per m2, and that of a secondary property is $1,000-1,500. Moreover, in the coming years, the cost of almost all residential real estate is predicted to increase.

If your visit to Cordoba coincides with one of the many Argentine holidays, it is recommended to watch a traditional horse game " pato"(duck), which is found nowhere else in the world. The meaning of this game, which was invented by the Gaucho Indians, is that riders fight for a stuffed duck, which they throw to each other like a basketball.

Cordoba is a millionaire city, one of the oldest settlements in Argentina. It is the administrative center of the province of the same name. Favorable climate promotes development agriculture- one of the main sources of income for the region. Mechanical engineering is well developed: cars are made here, military equipment, components and assemblies for aviation and spacecraft.


Cordoba in Argentina is the second most populous and first largest city in the country - 576 km 2. For comparison, the capital Buenos Aires within its official borders (excluding suburbs and satellite cities) occupies an area of ​​202 km 2. About 1.3 million people live in Cordoba; the population of the agglomeration is approaching two million. It is an important cultural, economic, educational, financial and entertainment center.

Cordoba, despite its 400-year history, is a modern millionaire city. It has a square layout (divided into quarters), each side 24 km long. The landscape is dominated by high-rise buildings and green areas. The average height of buildings is 11-16 floors. The 37-story Radisson Capitalina skyscraper rises in the Nueva Cordoba area. Meanwhile, significant areas are occupied by slums. A serious problem is the insufficient development of communication systems. Only half of the residents have access to the benefits of civilization in the form of central sewerage and water supply.


The city of Cordoba is located in the heart of the country, on the outskirts of the Pampas - a vast plain in South America. From the west, spurs of the Sierra Pampa mountains approach residential areas. The metropolis is dissected by the Sukiya River into two parts: the smaller southern and larger northern. They are connected by 30 bridges. The area is hilly, indented by ravines and sediments formed during floods.

The main avenues are Dean Funes and San Martin avenues. They intersect at the center at right angles in the west/east and north/south directions, respectively. Smaller streets branch off from them. The layout is dominated by rectangular shapes.

Cordoba “communicates” with other cities through road, rail and air transport. To Rosario by highway 400 km, Mendoza - 600 km, Buenos Aires - 700 km.

Early history

In the pre-Columbian era, tribes of Comechingon Indians lived in the territory of Cordoba in Argentina. They differed from their neighbors in their habit of growing beards, lighter skin, tall height and eye color: from brown to green. Their level of development was also much higher. They were engaged in organized cattle breeding and farming. These circumstances suggest that local tribes were once in contact with the inhabitants of Northwestern Europe.

After the Spanish conquest of America, life in the region changed dramatically. The Inca Empire fell. The Viceroy of Peru, Francisco de Toledo, appointed monarch of Spain, ordered a military detachment to found a fortified settlement on the banks of the Suquia River. The soldiers under the command of the conquistador Jeronimo Luis de Cabrera built a small fort on July 6, 1573.

Local residents did not accept strangers, which resulted in clashes. Four years of continuous conflict forced the Spaniards to move the settlement to a more defensible location. Cordoba stands on it today. Argentina was gradually settled by white settlers. The largest diaspora in the city consists of migrants from Spain and Italy.

Subsequent development

Fertile lands and a warm climate contributed to population growth. By the end of the 16th century it was already a large locality. In 1599, the Jesuits arrived here, who 14 years later founded National University- the oldest in Argentina. By 1760, the number of residents exceeded 20 thousand.

The French Revolution led to a national upsurge in the American colonies. The former raised the struggle for independence from the metropolis. Rio de la Plata was no exception. However, the Cordoba administration remained loyal to the crown, openly opposing the revolutionaries. However, the victory was for supporters of independent politics. In 1816, Argentina was formed, and Cordoba became part of it.


The province of Cordoba is traditionally known as a major producer of grains and vegetables, a center of meat and dairy farming. Significant volumes of products are exported abroad. 29% of the land is allocated for gardens, growing fruits and potatoes.

In the middle of the 20th century, the structure of the economy changed dramatically. Thanks to the activities of the oldest university in the country, the city has prepared a professional staff of specialists in the field of mechanical engineering. This made it possible to establish the production of high-tech products, including the aerospace industry. A large automotive cluster has been formed in Cordoba: there are factories of Renault, Fiat, Iveco, Materfer, and Volkswagen, which produce a quarter of passenger cars in the country.

Sights of Cordoba

Argentina cannot be called a tourist country, but there is something to see here too. The city is an alloy modern architecture and historical buildings, carefully preserved by the townspeople. The city center is built up with high-rise buildings, of which there are more than a hundred.

A number of buildings from the colonial era are of cultural and historical value, for example:

  • Listed urban quarter of Manzana Jesuitica World Heritage UNESCO.
  • Former headquarters of the National University. Nowadays it is a museum and city library.
  • Church of the Society of Jesus.
  • National School of Montserrat.
  • National Academy of Sciences.
  • School of Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera.
  • Museum of Religious Art of Tejeda.
  • Teatro del Libertador.

The cultural, entertainment and business heart of the area is Nueva Cordoba. It was designed by José Ignacio Diaz in the signature Cordobesa style. The architectural dominant feature is multi-storey buildings “a la 1970s”, built from bricks of various reddish shades.

The Church of the Sacred Heart is one of the most striking and interesting attractions of the Argentine city of Cordoba. Impressive in appearance, the building, built in the Gothic style, constantly attracts the attention of tourists.

Construction of the church began in 1926 and was completed only in 1934. The construction of the church was carried out under the direction of the Italian architect Augusto Ferrari.

The architecture of the building not only looks impressive, but is also quite symbolic. The church has two towers, symbolizing the duality of humanity - the truncated tower indicates the imperfection of man, and the spire crowning the second tower symbolizes his soul.

Restaurant "El Celta Restaurant"

The restaurant "El Celta Restaurant" is located on Calle Jerónima Lewis de Cabrera in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. It specializes in seafood, gourmet meat and fish dishes, as well as excellent pasta and tempting desserts. The establishment is famous for its excellent presentations of signature dishes, as well as its cozy interior and highly qualified staff.

The tables in the restaurant are located at a fairly large distance, which allows visitors to feel privacy. They are covered with wonderful turquoise tablecloths and are pre-served for four people. The lighting in the hall is quite bright, which creates a cheerful festive atmosphere here. This place is ideal for corporate parties and special events such as anniversaries or weddings.

The prices here are quite high, which is due to the high status of the restaurant. Tables are usually booked in advance by phone, on the website or from the administration of the establishment. "El Celta Restaurant" is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 17:00 to 23:00.

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Talampaya National Park

Talampaya National Park is located in the valley of the province of La Rioja, between two mountain ranges. The park gained status national park in 1997, and in 2000 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

There are many streams and rivers in the park, which makes this place a haven for many representatives of the animal world: guanaco, red fox, puma, Patagonian hare. Among the largest representatives of the bird world, one can distinguish the eagle, the Andean condor and the condor falcon, guanaco, and Maru. The territory of the park is one of the important places where archaeological and paleontological excavations take place. In the dry bed of the Talampaya River, numerous evidence has been found that dinosaurs lived here millions of years ago. Magnificent rock art artifacts are extremely popular.

Often nature itself presents amazing sculptures made of stone and sand, among which the composition known as “The Lost City” is very popular. Over the past ten years, fossils have been discovered that date back to the Triassic period, which is when dinosaurs first appeared. Another interesting find in this area are the remains of a fossil species of turtle that lived on our planet for more than 210 million. When tourists visit the park, an informational tour of the park’s attractions is organized here, during which you can see numerous rarities from the world of archeology.

The National University of Cordoba is one of the largest universities in the country, a significant architectural monument and one of the most beautiful historical attractions of the city. The university has a rich history, located in historical center city ​​and constantly attracts admiring glances from passing tourists.

The National University of Cordoba is the oldest educational institution in the country. Its history dates back to 1610, during the formation of the Jesuit Order of the Supreme College in Cordoba. And 3 years later, a university and library were founded on its basis.

Today, more than 115 thousand students study here, 12 faculties, about 100 research centers, 25 libraries and 16 museums have been opened. The university is located on the territory of the Jesuit Quarter - the main attraction of the city, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, so the historical buildings of the university never go unnoticed by tourists.

Jesuit quarter

The Jesuit quarter of Cordoba is the main attraction of the city, located in its very heart. Thousands of tourists come here every day to enjoy the extraordinary beauty of truly unique architectural structures that incorporate the best styles and traditions of Europe.

The quarter was built in the middle of the 17th century. It represents a vivid illustration of the fusion of local and European cultures. During the construction of the quarter, members of the Jesuit order from all over Europe came here, bringing with them new ideas, styles and technologies, as a result of which works of architecture unique in their beauty appeared.

The National University, the Montserrat school, an ancient church and several interesting residential buildings are located here. In 2000, the site was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Evita Museum of Fine Arts

The Evita Fine Arts Museum is located in the ancient Ferreira Palace, built between 1912 and 1916. The mansion once belonged to an Argentine doctor, surgeon and owner of quarries and the largest limestone factory in Argentina at that time.

Many years later, as a result of complex repairs, the original appearance of the palace was lost and interior details were lost, and the lack of surviving photographs made it impossible to restore the building to its original appearance.

After much restoration work, the mansion opened its doors on October 17, 2007 as art museum. The museum owes its name to the country's First Lady, Evita Peron. The museum has 12 exhibition halls, and also has a sculpture garden, a library and an auditorium with 120 seats. Its exhibition features more than 500 unique art exhibits, including works by such outstanding creators as Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso and many others.

Patio Olmos Shopping Center

Shopping mall Patio Olmos is located in the heart of Cordoba. The building has great historical significance for the city, being one of the main architectural monuments. Once upon a time, behind the walls of this luxurious building there was a school for boys, which was opened in 1909.

The building was built in the Renaissance style. Wide stone walls and a semicircular façade delight passers-by and visitors. The building was significantly damaged during the 1977 earthquake, leading to the school's closure. The building was restored many years later. And in 1995, a large shopping center opened its doors to its customers.

Today, there are boutiques of various famous brands, including Lacoste, Puma, La Martina, Carmen Steffens, Levi's, Swarovski and many others. There is also a multiplex cinema here.

Restaurant Alcorta

The Alcorta restaurant serves traditional Argentine cuisine and a fine selection of wines.

Created in 2000, the restaurant quickly gained popularity. The main emphasis was placed on national cuisine, which here turned into culinary masterpieces. The chef carefully collected traditional recipes and turned simple dishes into real delights. A large selection of hot dishes and interesting snacks will delight any gourmet.

The choice of wines in the restaurant is excellent; the wine list includes rare wines from different parts of Argentina, including red ones, which are quite difficult to find.

The quality of the cuisine is complemented by friendly and attentive service. The restaurant's interior is elegant and refined. The restaurant is perfect for long evenings, gala dinners and romantic dates.

The most popular attractions in Cordoba with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Cordoba on our website.

Many interesting articles have been written by those who travel. I would like to stand out and write as a person directly living in another country for those who are just planning a trip to us, to Argentina. I would like to recommend what you can see here, besides the “clichéd” tourist routes" in Argentina.

Cordoba- the second largest city in Argentina with a population of about 2 million people, was founded in 1573. In 1613, the Jesuits founded the National University, which is the oldest in the country.

Cordoba is the center of the Argentine aviation industry. The province of Cordoba has developed mechanical engineering, food and leather industries. In the center of Cordoba, Jesuit buildings, a church, a university, and a school have been preserved, which have become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Russian city Izhevsk has become a twin city of Cordoba since 2006.

The most pleasant thing for a tourist coming to Cordoba is to wander through the streets of the old quarters. All the city's attractions are concentrated nearby. There are many reasons to visit Cordoba: art, history, nature, sports, investment and gastronomy. A huge number of beautiful museums and exhibitions, paintings and sculptures by famous masters - you can see all this when you come to this amazing city. Having tasted a delicious and fresh steak and raised a glass of amazingly delicious red wine to the friends who are with you, you will literally fall in love with this city and this country!

The province of Cordoba itself is a concentration of all the most beautiful things in nature on Earth. I would named Cordoba one of the most attractive tourist destinations in all of South America. Rivers and lakes, waterfalls and dams, mountains with their flora and fauna, excellent fishing and hunting - all this is Cordoba!

In the province of Cordoba there are numerous small tourist cities, surrounded by mountains, rivers and lakes. This is one of the traditional tourist destinations where the population of Argentina comes to spend their holidays, go fishing and breathe in the healing clean mountain air. What attracts people here and what can be found here?

I want to make a reservation right away that in the province of Cordoba you will not find anything fashionable or super modern. The province is dotted with small towns with low buildings and narrow streets. In most places, the city center is 3-4 squares with commercial areas along the sidewalk. It’s not worth leaving these central streets; you won’t see anything attractive. Except for private houses, built individually depending on the taste of the owners. The original facades of the houses and the plots of land in front of them, decorated with palm trees, colorful bushes and various flowers in pots, are a beautiful sight and create an impression of comfort and tranquility...

Given the characteristics of the mountain air and marvelously beautiful places, tourists come here in huge numbers. Municipalities of small towns, villages and settlements come up with a variety of holidays, festivals, concerts and fairs for their region, thus attracting the tourist masses. However, all this is mainly summer period when children are not in school. Local residents say that they only earn money in the summer, and in the winter they are forced to get bored and eat away what they earned during the season. It should not be surprising that in the summer, prices not only skyrocket for hotel rooms.

Here list of the largest events:


F iesta Nacional de la Doma y el Folklore
Takes place in the city of Jesus Maria, in the second week of January. The festival features vibrant dances and songs of the national genre. They also sell national clothing and all sorts of regional products. The festival takes place at night.

Festival Nacional del Malambo
This festival takes place in the city of Laborde, where artists from Argentina and neighboring border countries compete in their skills.

Festival Nacional del Folklore
Throughout January there is a folk music festival in the city of Cosquin. Every evening from 20 o'clock to 06 am this wonderful concert of all famous performers takes place. It takes place on an open stage under many multi-colored spotlights. This festival is necessarily broadcast live on central television. Those lucky enough to have purchased tickets in advance can enjoy the songs and dances of their favorite performers in comfortable chairs, drink beer, wine or soda and snack on sausages, fried meats or Milanesa, which are carried through the rows by helpful waiters. By two or three o'clock in the morning, people, excited by the festive atmosphere and music in the Chacarela style, jumped up from their seats to start dancing in the aisles.


Fiesta Nacional de la Familia Piamontesa
The agricultural festival takes place in the city of Luque. Accompanied by folklore, rock, tango...

Fiesta Nacional del Trigo
Wheat Festival. Held in the city of Leones, an exposition of grain harvesting machines and everything related to this is presented.


F iesta Nacional de la Masa Vienesa
Test holiday. Takes place at Villa General Belgrano during the first 15 days of April. Here you can try a variety of pastries and dough products in the “German” or “Austrian” style. Concerts are also organized.


Fiesta Nacional de la Cerveza (Oktoberfest)
The beer festival takes place in the first week of October. A very famous celebration that takes place at Villa General Belgrano. Here you can try German beer, listen and watch national German songs and dances. In addition, at this time there is a parade of nationalities living in Argentina. You can also meet a delegation of Ukrainians and Russians.

Fiesta Nacional del Alfajor Cordobes
Feast of alfajores (like our gingerbread cookies, but with filling inside). Takes place in the city of La Falda, where you can buy various versions of this Argentine delicacy. There is also a lot of music and dancing.

Central tourist cities in the province of Cordoba:

Villa Carlos Paz, Cosquín, Alta Gracia, Villa General Belgrano, Villa Maria. In the summer, carnivals, festivals, fairs of nationalities of Argentineans take place here, theaters and concert troupes come here... in short, life is in full swing.

We even have here your little sea, Mar Chiquita. Those who “can’t afford” to go to Mar Del Plata come here. The coastal city's website and photos can be viewed here. In addition to swimming and sunbathing, it is possible to organize fishing or visit museums here (the scope of course is not the same as at an international resort, but the prices are appropriate).

You can also visit national park Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito, located high in the mountains, 90 km from Cordoba and 55 from Carlos Paz. The bird's eye view, as well as the many condors soaring in the lowlands below you, is mesmerizing. You can come here by bus from Cordoba, or by car to Carlos Paz, then along Carcano Street, leave the city and move in the direction of Altas Cumbres (there is evidence that after heavy rains and snowfalls it is better not to go there).

109 km from Cordoba is Capilla city del Monte , where you can find archival documents and videos proving the presence of aliens in this area. It is located in the information center at lntendente Cabus 237. In addition, in this city there is a place where trucha fish are bred. Perhaps there is a restaurant there. Ruta Nacional 38 km 89.5 ex 818. Los Paredones.
