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Lake Ladoga lies in the northwestern part of the Russian Plain. It lies between parallels 59°51` and 61°46` N. w. and meridians 29°48 and 32°58` E. d. Administratively, this is the territory of two regions of our Fatherland - the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia. It is considered the largest reserve of lake (and at the same time fresh) moisture in Europe and the second largest water mirror in Russia. Tourism object.

How the lake was formed

Lake Ladoga was born during the last (Valdai) glaciation, which ended 12,000 years ago. The flow of water from the melting glacier and the simultaneous change in the level of the World Ocean led to the appearance of a coastline of modern outlines (before this process, part of the Ladoga water was in the sea, and the other half was the territory of its raised bottom). On at the moment area of ​​this water mirror(that is, the space that does not include pieces of land) is 17,870 square kilometers (this is the second position in the list of Russian lakes after Baikal). The volume of the Nevo water mass (as the hydrological object was previously called) is 838 cubic meters, the size of the waste basin is 258,600 square kilometers. It became so thanks to 40 rivers and streams. The Neva “pours out” lake water. River and stream feeding regime. An amazing phenomenon is the depth of Lake Ladoga. But the fact is that in some northern fragments of the water area the parameter is 230 meters.

Shores of Lake Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is not as remarkable as its greatest length. The distance between the Ladoga points that are farthest from each other is 219 kilometers. On normal (medium speed) motor boat It takes 3.5 hours to cross this surface of water. Maximum width also impressive. It is identical to 125 kilometers, narrowing significantly in the north. But that’s where the longest bays are. It is from the north that we will begin to explore the shores of Lake Ladoga, moving clockwise. Our journey begins from the Karelian village of Kiryavalahti - the geographical center of the Sortavala region of the republic. Its water edge is the northernmost point of the bizarre circle of the Ladoga reservoir, as well as the base of the Kiryavalahti Bay. The A-121 highway passes here literally 15 meters from the water's edge, very flat and overgrown with black alder, pine and birch. Moving further along the marina, we find ourselves in the settlement of the same name, surrounded by dense taiga. There are no capes here; the fishing platforms stand exactly between large stones. The depth increases suspiciously quickly. The exit of the bay to the main body of water is marked by a panorama of first two small islands, and to the southeast - an archipelago of 11 pieces of land, among which there are some impressive ones (they will be discussed in another chapter). From the village of Hiidenselga, the observer already sees the giants of the island world, and then the main water area of ​​​​Lake Ladoga appears before him. Here the depth gauge already shows 70 meters or more. In this place (the mouth of the Jänisjoka) the Balovina is widely flooded in the spring. Our further movement occurs along the edge, outlined by approximately 1-2-meter stone pits. We go further south and realize that we find ourselves on a patch that is most strongly curved by capes. From here, making your way among the densest thickets, numerous lake bays begin to feed dozens of streams, and the harbor of Impilahti already looks very much like a classic fjord. Further travel to the southeast will make you see many more of these stream branches, leading inland 6-8 kilometers. During the season, the entire Impilahti Bay is filled with tents, rubber boats are visible everywhere... Continuing the water trip along the shores of the Pityakaranta urban settlement, the traveler finds himself in the very regional center.

Pieces of coastal land are steep and rocky; passengers of the ship will first be greeted by the island of Pusunsaari, partially occupied by an industrial zone. The adventure continues with the exploration of Uuksu, Salmi, Miinaloi and two of the largest islands - Mantsinsaarai and Lunkulnsaari. Opposite them, at a decent distance, the island of Valaam appears through binoculars. South of the coast Lake Ladoga reveals to us the same swampy and pine-covered Olonets region of Karelian autonomy. At the border capes, the Vidlitsa River flows into Ladoga, and 25 kilometers from here we are already enjoying the riviera of the village of Ilyinsky (the mouth of the Olonka River). The shore goes into the water at an angle, but it is already sandy! The southeastern shores of Lake Ladoga are the long Svirskaya Bay (lower reaches of the Svir) and the cape with the village of Storozhno. Here the “baths” end, the low marshy banks, densely covered with cattails, reeds and sedges, “take the initiative”. On the ascents there are dense grasses. We see the same thing in the settlement of Syasstroy, next to which is the confluence point of the Syasi. It feeds the Svirsky Canal, which follows the coastal contours. Novaya Ladoga, a huge protrusion of land and Petrokrepost Bay are the lowest landmarks on the map. There is also thick grass and swamps here, and the water is much shallower. The area is memorable for the “finish line” of the Neva, the town of Shlisselburg and the fortress island. The beach for the common people begins to the north of the Neva Arm - it is slimy and earthy. Sometimes there are pebbles again.

And then swimmers turn north again. In the southwest there are majestic rock walls, all over west bank there are many destroyed Finnish farms and wide water meadows. To the north, a holiday on Ladoga will not allow you to let go of your camera. For example, beyond Priozersk there is a section of water area that has been dubbed the “country of islands.” On most skerries and islands there are no problems with firewood; in the west the forest is closest to the water. Cape Kurkiiemi is the first location where the Ladoga rocks appear in all their grandeur. From here the bank is very high. Murolahti Bay is a typical fjord. We see such landscapes as far as the villages and islands of the Sortavala region, on the territory of which the coast is rocky, but already significantly lowered. It remains to add that in addition to Priozersk, the western half of the lake shore includes Landepohya and the large “Sortavala” islands. The places are adored by tourists, as here picnic lovers find gently sloping shores, convenient for both bivouac and fishing. The landscapes here are the most idyllic. And quiet! As a result, we can say that the entire eastern half of the water area and the southern end, the low-lying swampy shore, consists of clay and loamy sediments, and in some places even sand. The western half (20 kilometers from the mouth of the Neva), on the contrary, is a high stone pit. You will learn why this happened in the text of the next section.

Relief of the bottom of Lake Ladoga

Let us repeat that the depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven, varying from 20 meters (in the area of ​​the eastern fjords) to 230 meters (the northern half of the water area, a little closer to the west). The reason for this is the origin of the surface itself, which was later covered by lake waters. Part of it was originally marine, and part of it was the Baltic crystalline shield. That is, a rise formed by rocks that emerged from a crack in the East European Platform. This is where the deepest depression is. Then the shelf of the already mentioned platform gradually gains height. From the northern banks its slope is several times steeper than from the southern ones. After all, between the two geological formations there was water in prehistoric times. We are talking about the deepest part of the lake basin. The northwestern corner and the entire west are composed of the oldest rock massifs of the Baltic Shield. The remaining water spaces changed their shape thousands of times due to the increase in the volume of Quaternary sediments and ongoing tectonic activity. 4 thousand years ago the bed of the Neva appeared. The current contours of the lake were born 2.5 thousand years ago. The flattest and softest bottom of Lake Ladoga is located in the transgressive south and southeast. Here the water warms up faster. The Ladoga Islands are just the tip of underwater concepts with complex terrain. This is precisely why in the center of the Western Riviera there are so many skerries and archipelagos with tiny pieces sushi. And just between them there are dangerous pools.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

Where the bottom of Lake Ladoga is deepest, we see Valaam, Putsaari, and an archipelago of 6 insignificant islands, which were not even given a name (it borders the deepest zone from the south). It's a little cooler here, there are a lot of stones. From the east, a chain of smaller patches of land adjoins the famous island tract. On the remaining fragments of its northern half, Lake Ladoga has the above-mentioned “country of islands” (Western Archipelago, Ladoga Skerries). This is the most difficult route in “our” water area, replete with skerries of a strongly protruding peninsula, fjords and inter-island straits with whirlpools. Those are formed due to contradictory currents and temperature contrasts. To the west of this group is the deepest depression, as is to the southwest (behind which lies the Treeless and Humps archipelago). For this reason, the water in these harbors is almost always icy. The shore is replete with, if not the highest, but still significant stone holes. The largest pieces of land are Sorolonsaari, Heposorolonsaari, Kuhka, Rahmansaari, Heinäsenmaa, Verkkosaari, Kärpänsaari, Kontiosaari (Bear), Karpisari, Kilpola and Montasaari. The princess islands, as well as the Tervu and Ihojanverkulä peninsulas, have barely noticeable isthmuses connecting them to the mainland. To the north of Valaam (in an area of ​​slightly smaller, but still significant depths) we will find the largest isolated objects of the lake - about. Riekkapansaari and Fr. Tulolansaari. Neighboring them in the southwest are Orjatsaari and Sammatsaari. They end with a group called Mayasaaret. There is also a “trifle” between all these objects. On the eastern side, northern Lake Ladoga has giants of the 2nd position - Mantsinsaari and Lunkulonsaari. But to the northwest of them there are many more small islands at the exit of the most elongated fjords. The islands of the east are quite close to the coast, have convenient shores and are well developed. One even has an industrial zone.

In its southern half, Lake Ladoga is no longer so saturated with archipelagos. In the Leningrad region we visit the marshy island of Ptinov, then (in Petrokrepost Bay) the Zelentsy Islands, then the Karedzh Spit and the island of the same name behind it, as well as Fort Oreshek (at the mouth of the Neva). Finally, in the center of the western side, the passengers of the ship will only be able to see Konevets. But it is still a little closer to the northern half.

There are 77 islands on the entire Ladoga mirror, some of which are groups of islands.

Flora and fauna

The biocenosis of the northern and eastern shores of the described water body belongs to the middle taiga zone, and the southern and western riviera belongs to its southern variety. That is, the vegetation in the first case is spruce-blueberry forests (on thick mosses), and in the second case – pine trees, black alder, birch and fir. Moreover, all this stands on a very rich undergrowth. The water itself is home to 120 higher plants, among which a variety of reeds (mostly cattails) dominate. Accordingly, in the Karelian part of the water area, visitors will see seals and otters. In Leningradskaya Ladoga there are the same animals, but it is also an area of ​​large bird migration (256 species of birds rest here along the way). Among them, in the swamps and fields, ospreys, cranes, white-tailed eagle and the ubiquitous curlew and falcon were found. A beaver approaches lake shores (at river mouths). The coastal forests are permanently inhabited by the eagle owl, short-eared owl and great gray owl.

In addition to planktonic animals and coastal semi-aquatic inhabitants (crayfish), the local water contains a lot of all kinds of ichthyofauna. The fish of Lake Ladoga are trout, salmon, whitefish, palia, vendace, bream, smelt, silver bream, blue bream, asp, catfish, burbot. Of course, there is also plenty of more prosaic waterfowl here - pike, perch, roach and pike perch.

Sights of Lake Ladoga

Leisure in the designated recreation usually comes down to picnics with overnight stays, as well as any kind of fishing. But there are 7 objects where all this is combined with cultural, historical and extreme tourism directions. We will tell you about each of them.

Western Archipelago (Ladoga Skerries)

Such a vacation on Lake Ladoga is part of a yacht or boat mini-cruise (whoever has enough money for what). Typically, “Secrets of Ladoga Skerries” tours start either from the Priozersk pier or from the Sortavala pier. By water you can come here through Cape Taruniemi (through the yacht marina of the Dacha Wintera park hotel). They rent boats there. But ordinary people choose the land route. People reach the skerries by land from Shlisselburg and Northern capital. Along the St. Petersburg – Helsinki highway (A-121). You should turn towards the lake at the exit to Kurkieki. From Kurkijeki itself there is an “asphalt road” to the Tervu Peninsula – the center of the skerries. He has western part, as if cut off by the strait. From the plane you would never guess that it is also part of the peninsula. It is so indented by fjords and adjacent to so many islands that different fragments of the Mykrimyksensaari tract are also perceived as islands. The isthmus is barely noticeable, but it exists – in the area of ​​the northern fjord. On the way to Terv there is an exit onto a very inconspicuous road leading to the Vyatikkya farm. From here there are also safe fairways into the fjord system. The watermen say it’s very beautiful here. Part of the specified labyrinth space (namely 600 of its islands and part big land) has the status national park. Therefore, follow the signs when trying to drive your car too close to the water. The fact is that there are water protection zones. It is better to drag a rubber boat 200 meters than to pay a fine. There are plenty of places for tent camps here - the territory is almost uninhabited, and there are no sandbanks here (noisy "mattress areas" that produce tons of garbage do not come here). At the same time, the water is crystal clear, and the pine trees along the banks are somehow too fabulously curved. It remains to tell about Terva itself - the “capital” of the peninsula, the bay of the same name, and the entire Ladoga Skerries reserve. These are 12 wooden houses, as well as a new pier and recreation center “Tervu Village”. And there is everything for fishing, water and diving leisure.

Sortavala city

In the far north, Lake Ladoga washes the lands of the Sortavala region of Karelia. The regional center itself is separated from the main bay of the water area by the largest island of the lake - Riekkalansaari. The toponym translates as “Greek island”. This simply means an indication of the local Orthodox church - the oldest in the land of pagan Karelians. The island has its own bay, inside which there are also islands, several small reservoirs and 8 Sortavala rural-type microdistricts. They look very colorful in photographs. A bridge leads here from the mainland (from the central city districts). The strait between the island and the town is recognized as a lake. It is called Läppäjärvi. But in the center of Sortavala, tourists will find the St. Nicholas Church, the Town Hall in a pseudo-Gothic style and the spacious lakes Airanne and Tukhkolampi. There are equipped parks around the first two attractions. The embankment of inland lakes is partly a recreation area. Vakkosalmi Park contains entertainment for all ages. There is an ethnographic and local history museum of the Northern Ladoga region, telling about the history of this region. Among the closest recreational areas is the “House of Composers” estate in Kirjavalahti (the locality has already been mentioned above). Guest establishment, near the road.

Reserve "Valaam"

The waters of Lake Ladoga are home to five famous water routes, the most popular of which is associated with a visit to the complex indicated in the title. People come here on different ships from Sortavala, Shlisselburg and Priozersk (in which even one pier is called Valaamskaya). The main point for the outing is the monastery of the same name. Behind it come Mount Eleon (the best local “view” of the center of the island), the monastery of All Saints (an authentic religious ensemble), the no less colorful Resurrection Monastery, as well as the exquisite and curious Resurrection Chapel.

Resort Priozersk

Fishing on Lake Ladoga becomes far from the main form of recreation if you find yourself in the west of the “northern” water area. Although inconvenient, there is a seaside equipped for swimming, yacht pontoons that lure you into adventure, kiosks of tour operators, cafes and entertainment, trips to the Korela fortress, as well as an excursion to the Protestant church, once built by the Swedes. This is the main brand of an agglomeration popular with tourists. It is also worth emphasizing the excitement surrounding the souvenir shops and the quaint Priozersk courtyard of the Valaam Monastery. And it includes temples of 3 religions, as well as the Church of All Saints, which has features that unite all three of these buildings. It’s also not far from Priozersk to the picturesque lakes (that’s why the town has its name). Along the way there is the Vuoksi embankment and a couple of restored noble estates.

Fortress Oreshek

The most famous historical holiday on Ladoga is a visit to the island citadel Oreshek (Swedish name Nöteborg). The fortification, built by the Novgorodians back in the 14th century, was taken from them first by the Moscow state, and then by the Kingdom of Sweden. Recaptured from its last owners in 1702. The troops of Peter the Great. In plan, the fortification has the shape of an irregular triangle. There are 5 towers along the perimeter. The inner citadel is in the northeast corner. Once upon a time, along the powerful walls (outside) there were 7 more towers. Since 1723 it was used as a prison (the new name is Shlisselburg Fortress). There is a portal pier. Entrance to the territory of the historical museum-reserve is paid. The name of the fortress comes from the island - Orekhovoy.

Vidlitsko-Ilinskie (Eastern) beaches

In addition to the delicious fatty fish of Lake Ladoga, its guests are interested in places that have sand and are clean. Agree that in many cities and villages of the local federal district (and even more so in the neighboring Central District) one cannot find such joy. Therefore, finding yourself in the arms of Vidlitsa, Tuloksa and Olonka (as well as between them), the “mattress people” will be very happy. They will rush to take off everything except their bathing suit. And many will get rid of it. There are places here... The sand is fine and clean, although not white. You can get here yourself by taking a commuter bus to Olonets. And from the local regional center the Ilyinsky-Vidlitsa highway leads to the long bathing riviera.

Svirskaya Bay

Fishing on Ladoga and many other holiday pleasures are the “calling card” of the huge bay. His name is in the title. And it marks the mouth of the river of the same name. The coast is the subject of thousands of published photographs. There is very little sand here, but the water is the warmest in summer (the place is shallow). Too smooth entry into the water allows you to arrange a water treatments. Normal water, beautiful stones, intricately curved trees and an internal estuary in the river branch - this is the landscape that a “hiker” who decides to stop here will find. And not far from the water is the famous megalith Pichin Stone (its location is the extreme ledge of Cape Storozhensky). The large boulder has man-made grooves and depressions of various shapes. The object is recognized as a fragment of a megalithic mosaic, which always adorned pagan sanctuaries or ancient observatories. Hunters choose the described place to shoot swamp game. Here it is most abundant due to suitable conditions.

Holidays on Lake Ladoga

“Wild” holidays on Ladoga are also possible in places not yet indicated by us. On a strip of beaches north of Shlisselburg. It is on the northern side of the Neva estuary (the village of Pavel Morozov), as well as between the village of Vaganova and the branch of the Morya river (the land of the village of the Ladoga Lake station). You can actually get to the second “bath” by train - the track is laid along the Road of Life highway. The width of the sandy surface on both beaches ranges from 25 to 50 meters. True, in the sand you can find fragments of pine branches and cones. There are no sun loungers, changing rooms or toilets. But there is a bright red lighthouse, many “paddling pools” and a beautiful memorial in the north. He tells guests of Ladoga about attempts to save Leningraders from death. Approach paths often follow more frequent paths. In one there is a pedunculate oak, rare for these places.

The conversation regarding the many tent sites was “spread” by us throughout all the chapters. It remains to add to their list a bivouac at the Sea Devil's Head attraction. This is a beach fragment east coast(mouth of Tuloksa). More officially, the location is called the Ladoga Dunes. This is the only place on Ladoga that resembles the Anapa shallows. And the name relating to the sea monster stuck because of the “hikers”. It was they who christened the huge miracle stone in the bivouac area. There is, of course, a legend associated with this fact. But no one remembers her anymore.

Now let’s mark the water areas for rafting. They can be the lower reaches of all rivers and streams that end in the reservoir described here. The kayak goes along all the riverbeds.

Organized holidays on Lake Ladoga are associated with commercial tours starting from St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod, as well as from Petrozavodsk. The trips have the ultimate goal of the 7 tracts described above or check-in at tourist centers, which we will discuss below. Many BOs have everything for fishing or yachting.

Comfortable and not so comfortable recreation centers are scattered along the entire circumference of the coast. If you start from Shlisselburg and move clockwise, then their order will be like this:

  • "World of Lighthouses";
  • "Gold Coast";
  • "Dubrava Park";
  • "Captain Morgan";
  • "Silver";
  • "Berezovo";
  • "Okeanpribor";
  • "Drive Park Ladoga";
  • "Petrel";
  • "Drip";
  • "Lippola";
  • "U Dacha Rest";
  • "Boyarinov Dvor"
  • "Raven Outpost"
  • "Khutor Suromyaki";
  • “Annushkin Pier”;
  • "Vyatikkya";
  • "Tervu Village";
  • "Kiselevka";
  • "Annilahti";
  • "Lumivaara";
  • "Rantala";
  • "Salokyulya Farm";
  • "Ladoga Skerries";
  • "Sorola Village";
  • "Iceberg";
  • "Ladoga-Marina";
  • "Rauhala Holiday Homes";
  • "Wonderful";
  • "In Akulovka";
  • "Camping Ripus Khutor";
  • "Khutor Rukola";
  • "Mikli Olgino";
  • "Ladoga Estate";
  • "Winter's Dacha";
  • "Tikhotut";
  • "SPA";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • "Kirjavalahti";
  • "House of Composers";
  • "Seasons";
  • "Grey Stones";
  • "First line";
  • "Karelia Park";
  • "Long Shore"
  • "Uksun-lahti";
  • "Bryaus";
  • "13th cordon";
  • "Mantiansaari";
  • "Svirskaya";
  • "Zostrovye";
  • "Dubno Estate"

Fishing on Lake Ladoga

Fishing on Ladoga is possible everywhere. You just can’t set up nets and catch more than two fishing rods during the spawning period. Know the Red Book fish. There's a lot of it here. The coolest places for fishing fans are quiet narrow bays, decorated with reeds and driftwood at the water's edge. Most of these are in the east. Yes and protected areas not here. But the service for lovers of “wet” (including underwater) hunting, on the contrary, has been created in the west. There's more BO here. There are “baiting” points in the southeast - near Syasstroy and in Zagubskaya Bay. Fishing is common among all settlements, even in Shlisselburg. It bites.

  • Holidays on Lake Ladoga will allow you to make many discoveries regarding this body of water. Did you know that it was here that the first city of the Ilmen Slovenes (the future inhabitants of the republican state formation Novgorod Land) appeared? It was called Ladoga, and in honor of it Lake Nevo was later named Ladoga. Now it is a state-protected fortification in the village Staraya Ladoga. Come.
  • The first Valaam monastery arose not on the island of the same name, but on Konevets.
  • Did you guess that it was Fort Korela (Priozersk) that was the most northwestern outpost of the Novgorod Land. And behind it came the lands of the Karelians, whom the Swedish knightly orders tried to convert first to Catholicism, and after 200 years to Scandinavian Protestantism. And yet they became Orthodox. As a result, in modern Priozersk guests will find churches, churches, and Orthodox churches.
  • The oldest lighthouse on the lake is Svirsky, not Shlisselburgsky. Built in 1908.
  • 40 rivers and streams flow into Ladoga, but for some reason only the Neva flows out. But it's a matter of bias.
  • Together with the smallest pieces of land, the number of Ladoga islands is 666!
  • During WWII Ladoga ice The Road of Life passed. Through it, Leningraders were supplied with food and 1,000,000 people were taken out.

Lake Ladoga is an ideal location for several species active recreation, a wonderful “testing ground” for fishing, an indispensable recreational space for family tour weekend and the center of historical and cultural values ​​of the country. 6 highways and a dozen dirt roads lead to its shores. And nothing prevents you from being here.

Thanks to the beautiful unique natural views and rich history, the attractions of Lake Ladoga attract a large number of tourists every year. Lake Ladoga is the largest in Europe. It was along it that the Road of Life passed, saving Leningraders during the siege.

  • The lake is located in two regions at once - in the republic and the Leningrad region.
  • Lake Ladoga is the second largest lake in Russia after Lake Baikal and the largest in Europe.
  • The maximum depth of the lake is 220 meters.
  • 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, the largest of which are the Svir, Vuoksa, and Volkhov. Only one river flows out - the Neva.
  • There are 660 islands on the lake, the most famous of them is Valaam, on which monastery.
  • Ladoga is a very turbulent lake, strong storms are frequent here, so for navigation, first the Star Ladoga and later the Novoladoga canals were built, stretching from Shlisselburg to Novaya Ladoga.
  • From September 12, 1941 to March 1943, the Road of Life ran along Lake Ladoga - the only transport route connecting besieged Leningrad with the country.

Lake Ladoga on the map

Lake Ladoga is restless and stormy, huge and deep. On its banks there are cities: Shlisselburg, Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga (Leningrad region), Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya (Karelia). Sights of Lake Ladoga are beautiful nature, ancient fortified cities and monasteries, national natural parks, as well as the “Road of Life” memorial and the Green Belt of Glory.

It was once called the Venice of the north because of the canals built here for shipping as an alternative to the capricious and stormy Lake Ladoga. Now the Staraya Ladoga Canal, created according to the plans of Peter I, is abandoned, dry and overgrown, the locks are dilapidated. The Novoladozhsky Canal, built under Alexander II to replace the shallowed Star Ladoga Canal, continues to be used.

Shlisselburg is surrounded by Lake Ladoga and the Neva River flowing from it. During the Great Patriotic War, it was captured by the Germans (September 8, 1941) - the front passed along the Neva River, and Soviet troops were located on the opposite bank. The time of the occupation of Shlisselburg was the blockade of Leningrad, which was broken with the liberation of the city - Operation Iskra. Not far from Shlisselburg there is a museum-reserve “Breaking the Siege of Leningrad”, dedicated to this event. There is a diorama and panorama that immerse you in the atmosphere of January 1943.

About 300 meters from the shore of Shlisselburg there is Orekhovy Island, on which the heroic island is located. Built back in 1323 by the Novgorodians, it has an important strategic location - at the source of the Neva, at the entrance to Ladoga. It was captured by the Swedes, but 90 years later returned by the army of Peter I, who named it Shlisselburg (key city from German).

The Shlisselburg fortress was turned into a terrible prison for political prisoners. The fortress on the island, located near St. Petersburg, was a convenient dungeon for the enemies of the emperor or empress. Here the deposed infant sovereign John Antonovich languished for 8 years until he was stabbed to death by his jailers while trying to free him. People's Volunteers, participants in the assassination attempt on Alexander II and Alexander III and other high officials, served their sentences here.

Memorial "Oath" in the ruins of St. John's Cathedral

Oreshek again earned the military glory of the hero fortress during the Great Patriotic War. The garrison of the fortress heroically defended the Road of Life and the right bank of the Neva for almost 500 days. The Germans subjected the ancient fortress to constant artillery and mortar fire, but were unable to capture it. Oreshek was almost completely destroyed; after the war, only a small part of its buildings was restored. Now there is a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg here.

A small Karelian town on the shores of Ladoga is located near tourist city Sortavala. Here you can go to the military museum “Mount Owl”, located in the rock and admire the Finnish churches.

Located on the shores of Lake Ladoga and divided by Lake Läppäjärvi into two parts, connected by the Karelian Bridge. Sortavala is called a small architectural encyclopedia; about 200 buildings of various styles, built from the end of the 20th century to 1939 by Finnish architects, have been preserved here. The pride of the city is the Kronid Gogolev Museum, with its unique works - paintings carved from wood.

Near Sortavala there is a former marble quarry, and now mountain park Ruskeala is one of the most popular places in the Republic of Karelia. The Ruskeala waterfalls are also located here - low, but very picturesque. From the Sortavala pier, ships go to the island of Valaam.

In the northern part of the lake there is the Valaam archipelago, which consists of 50 islands. The largest of them is . The sights of Lake Ladoga on the island of Valaam attract many travelers every year. These are the Valaam Monastery, Gethsemane, Nikolsky, Vladimir, Ilyinsky and other monasteries. As well as the stunning northern nature of the island, glorified by many famous artists.

The city of Novaya Ladoga is located at the mouth of the Volkhov River. In 1702, Peter the Great ordered to surround the land of the Nikolsko-Medvedsky Monastery with a moat, and to create the Novoladoga shipyard at the place where the Volkhov flows into Lake Ladoga. Two years later, Novaya Ladoga was founded on this site.

The city is rich in attractions, including cultural heritage. This is the ensemble of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, the Memorial to the Heroes of Ladoga, Gostiny Dvor and so on.

Priozersk is a city between Lake Ladoga and Lake Vuoksa. Located 145 kilometers from St. Petersburg. This area has many cultural treasures that attract tourists from all over the world. For example, the Old Fortress, which was repeatedly stormed and attacked. People interested in faith will find interesting visit Churches of the Nativity Holy Mother of God or Lutheran Church. Also in the city there are monuments to Mowgli and Peter the Great.

The Korela Fortress is a stone fortress located in the city of Priozersk; it played a significant role for the Karelian Isthmus. In the Middle Ages, Korela was the most northwestern city of Rus'. At the end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th centuries, this fortress was built to defend the state from the Swedes. It was originally made of wood, but after a fire in 1310, stone buildings appeared.

For a century (1611-1710) the fortress belonged to Sweden and bore the name Kexholm. It was returned during the Northern War. It is now in a partially destroyed state.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Road of Life was the only transport route to Leningrad. Food, medicine, and weapons were transported along it to the city; people exhausted from hunger were evacuated from the city.

In winter, when Lake Ladoga froze, the road became icy, and cargo was transported to Leningrad on the famous semi-trucks. Despite the severe frosts, drivers did not close the car door or even removed it in order to have time to jump out if the car went under the ice. This can be clearly seen from the surviving photographs.

The monuments installed on the Road of Life are included in the Green Belt of Glory.

Green Belt of Glory

Broken ring

The Green Belt of Glory is a memorial complex erected in 1965-1968 in memory of the people who defended Leningrad during its siege in 1941-1944. Its creation was initiated by Mikhail Dudin, a Soviet poet, and designed by a group of architects led by G.N. Buldakova. The belt is located exactly where the enemy was stopped in those dark days.

The complex was built using the folk method: with the help of residents and Leningrad organizations. 200 kilometers - this is the length of this attraction, which consists of two blockade rings - Small and Large.

Konevsky Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery is an Orthodox male monastery located on the island of Konevets and founded by Arseny Konevsky (Reverend) with the goal of converting Karelians to Christianity. It is often called the twin of the Valaam Monastery, located on the island of Valaam. Every year tourists interested in culture and religion, as well as simply believers, flock here.

The lake is surrounded by many cities of historical significance, but the attractions of Lake Ladoga are not limited only to culturally important cities. Thus, on the territory of Ladoga there now exists the Nizhne-Svirsky State Nature Reserve for waterfowl, as a place for their nesting. Refers to wetlands. 256 species of different birds have been recorded in the area.

In addition to them, a variety of plants, reptiles and even large mammals live here: brown bears, moose. Birds listed in the Red Book also live here: osprey, black stork, howl and other birds.

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, located in the Leningrad region and Karelia. The length from north to south is 219 km, maximum width is 138 km, depth is from 70 to 260 m in the northern part and from 20 to 70 m in the southern part of the lake. In the northern part of the lake, depths of more than 100 m predominate. The greatest depth is 260 m. Through the Svir River, Lake Ladoga is connected to Onega, and through the Volkhov River - to Lake Ilmen. The Neva River is the only one that flows from Lake Ladoga. 32 rivers flow into it. The higher and steeper the shores of the lake, the greater the depths near them. The northern coast is considered the deepest, where great depths are located directly next to the skerries. On the shores of Lake Ladoga are the Karelian cities of Sortavala, Pitkyaranta and Lakhdenpokhya.

In ancient Russian chronicles, the current Lake Ladoga is referred to as “Great Lake Nevo” - from the Finnish word nevo, which means “sea”. In the ancient Scandinavian sagas the lake was called Aldoga - from the Finnish aalto, which means “wave”. The name Lake Ladoga has come into use since the beginning of the 18th century.

The water reserve in Ladoga is 908 cubic kilometers. This value changes periodically. In the old days, the low water level in Ladoga was often explained by the influence of supernatural forces. According to legend, the water level on Ladoga rises for 7 years and falls for 7 years.

The nature of Ladoga is quite harsh, and the waves that arise at the depths and on the surface, for all their apparent harmlessness, are very dangerous. So navigation on Ladoga is a very difficult matter. A relatively calm area of ​​Ladoga is the southern lips, where waves of 2.5 meters occur only with very strong winds. The quietest month on Ladoga is July. At this time, the lake is mostly calm.

Lake Ladoga is home to trout, salmon, whitefish, vendace, pike perch, pike, perch, burbot, bream, roach, smelt, blue bream, and silver bream. There are river lamprey, brook lamprey, sterlet, and Baltic sturgeon. There are 53 species and varieties of fish in Ladoga. Ladoga salmon reaches a weight of 10 kg. It lives mainly in the northern, deeper water part of Ladoga, spawning in the Svir, Burnaya, Vidlitsa rivers. There is also a paliya in the northern part. Of commercial importance are whitefish, smelt, perch, roach, pike perch, vendace, bream, pike, salmon, trout, and ruff. The most commercial fish on Ladoga is pike perch. It lives mainly in the southern, shallower part of the lake. Reaches 8 kg of weight.

Ladoga is home to the only representative of marine mammals that lives in a freshwater lake - Ladoga seal. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia. The average life expectancy of the Ladoga seal is 30–35 years. In February-March, seals give birth to 4-kilogram cubs - one for each female. They dig a “maternity hospital” in snow hummocks on the ice. When Ladoga is free of ice, the animals come out to rest on land and bask in the sun on the coast of the islands of the Valaam archipelago (Goliy, Svyatoy, Cherny, Bolshoi Bayonny, Sosnovy, Vostochny Sosnovy, Lembos, Extreme, Krestovy, Lisiy islands). It must be said that these islands belong to a specially protected area - natural park"Valaam Archipelago". So you need to get permission to visit them.

Since the 9th century, Lake Ladoga has been crossed by waterway"from the Varangians to the Greeks."

During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1944, most of the coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by German-Finnish troops. From September 1941 to March 1943, the Road of Life ran along the southwestern part of the lake, connecting besieged Leningrad with the “mainland”. Necessary food and supplies were delivered to the city along the Road of Life and people were evacuated.

Since 2002, participants in the “Secrets of Sunken Ships” project have been compiling a register of sunken ships and aircraft in Lake Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland. Many sunken objects are quite well preserved at the bottom of the lake due to the cold fresh water.

There are a lot of islands on Ladoga - 500, large and small. And almost all of them are located in the north of the lake. The biggest ones are Valaam Islands or Valaam archipelago, with coastal slopes descending steeply into the water. There is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery. At one time, it was his Russian monks Orthodox Church directed to spread the Christian faith among the peoples of Alaska. Other large islands are Konevets, Vossinansaari, Heinäsensaari, Mantinsaari, Lunkulansaari. The nature of the islands is incredibly beautiful. The small islands are separated from each other by the famous Ladoga skerries - small straits.

On Konevets Island located Konevsky Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery. The name of the island comes from a boulder located here weighing more than 750 tons - the so-called Horse Stone, which until the end of the 14th century was a place of pagan sacrifices. The monastery was founded in 1393 by the Monk Arseny. Here stands a temple in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the first half of the 19th century. The relics of St. Arseny Konevsky rest in it.

There is a city on the Karelian shore of Ladoga Priozersk. There was a Karelian settlement on this site back in the 12th century. In 1310, the Novgorodians built the Korelu fortress at the mouth of the Vuoksa River. In 1580, the Swedes took it and renamed it Kexholm. However, in 1710 the fortress came into the possession of Russia. In the city there is the Korela fortress with the Round Tower built in 1364, a low defensive wall and earthen ramparts, old and new arsenals, and fortress gates. There is also the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of All Saints, and a Lutheran church built in 1930.

City Novaya Ladoga founded in 1704 by Emperor Peter I and located on the left bank of the Volkhov River, at its confluence with Lake Ladoga. In the city there are the Nikolo-Medvedsky Monastery, the Gostiny Dvor building of 1841, the barracks of the former Suzdal Regiment (XVIII century), the monument to A.V. Suvorov, the Staraya Ladoga Canal (the first half of the XVIII century).

Famous Shlisselburg, known since Peter's times as Oreshek, is located on the left bank at the sources of the Neva River near Lake Ladoga. The city was founded by the Novgorod prince Yuri Danilovich in 1323, who founded a wooden fortress on Oreshek Island. In 1613, the fortress captured by the Swedes was renamed Noteburg. In 1702 it was recaptured from the Swedes by Peter I, who gave the city its current name. Among the city's attractions are the Oreshek fortress, the monument to Peter I by architect M.M. Antokolsky, the Staraya Ladoga Canal, the Annunciation Cathedral, and St. Nicholas Church.

Near the Osinovets lighthouse there is a museum called “The Road of Life,” dedicated to the route along which, during the siege of Leningrad, food was brought into the city and people were taken out of there.

Complex of memorial structures in "Green Belt of Glory of Leningrad" on the borders of the Leningrad Battle of 1941-1944 on the route of the Road of Life, which connected Leningrad with the country. The complex includes 7 monuments, 46 memorial pillars along the highway and 56 pillars along railway. Among them: the “Flower of Life” memorial complex at 3 km of the Road of Life, a steam locomotive monument at the Ladoga Lake railway station, the “Broken Ring” memorial complex at 40 km of the Road of Life highway, etc.


Rocky terrain and deep water require increased attention and caution, as well as swimming skills. When traveling around Ladoga, it is better to wear life jackets. Here, as throughout Karelia (except big water), there are bloodsuckers. Therefore, revealing clothes can cause a lot of trouble. You should definitely check yourself after the excursion for ticks. Mosquito and tick repellents may help. There are vipers here, so you need to watch your step carefully. Windproof clothing will come in handy. Shoes must be waterproof.

In addition, any independent tourist group arriving in Karelia for the purpose of active recreation must register and receive safety instructions at the Karelian Republican Water Rescue Service, which is located in Petrozavodsk on Onega Flotilla Street, building 43-A. Phone number of this service: (814-2) 73-35-16.

Registration can also be carried out in the administrations of the regions of Karelia, as well as in the search and rescue teams of the rescue service, which are located in Kondopoga - (814-51) 5-10-85, Medvezhyegorsk - (814-34) 2-13-01, Kemi - (814-58) 5-68-90 and Sortavala - (814-30) 2-29-13. While moving along the chosen route, the group leader must contact rescuers by phone at least once a day and report his location. The Unified Rescue Service can be contacted by phone 01 or cell phone 112-1.

On the island of Heinäsenmaa, after the end of World War II, experiments were carried out with military radioactive substances, the storage of which was served by a captured destroyer. Until 1996, similar experiments were carried out on Konevets Island. As a result, some islands were exposed to radioactive contamination; the permissible concentration of heavy metals in the water was exceeded. Large industrial enterprises located on the shores of Ladoga and often without treatment facilities do not improve the situation.

Local features

Excursions around Ladoga or to Ladoga can be booked at any more or less big city standing on the lake. Nice holiday, fishing and hunting are offered by the recreation center “13th Cordon”, named after the popular film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”. There are water, walking and cycling routes here.

The climate here is mild, quite humid, closer to the sea. Winter is cool, but without severe frosts. Summer is not hot at all. Average temperature January -12°, July +15°. Ice usually covers Ladoga from late October to early May, while the central part of the lake is covered with ice only in severe winters. Due to the long and strong cooling in winter, the water in the lake remains very cold in the summer, warming up only in the upper layer and near the shores. The quietest month on Ladoga is July. At this time, the lake is mostly calm. You can come to Ladoga at any time of the year, depending on the purpose of your trip.

Events and holidays

For more than 10 years, the off-road trophy-raid “Ladoga” race has been held annually around Lake Ladoga. This international sports and tourism event starts and finishes in St. Petersburg. The length of the raid is about 1200 kilometers


Theaters and museums in Volgograd are suspending operations due to coronavirus.

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The restoration of the Northern River Station in Moscow will be completed in 2020.

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Father Frost advises Russians to stay at home, read books and watch good films.

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Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake on the European continent. For Russia, this lake has great industrial, environmental and historical significance. Another name option - Ladoga.

If you look at the map, you can see that the shores of Lake Ladoga belong to two Russian regions: the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad Region. That is, it is located in the European part of the country.
On the north side Ladoga the banks are high, rocky, their relief is quite rugged, which explains the presence here large quantity peninsulas, bays, small islands. From the south of Ladoga, the lake is surrounded by low, gentle, more even shores. Here are the most large bays: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya, Shlisselburgskaya lips. The eastern coast is also not very rugged; there are sandy beaches. In the west coastline almost flat. Mixed forests and bushes grow here; there are many large stones near the water on land, which also cover the bottom under water for quite a distance.
They bring their waters into Lake Ladoga There are 35 rivers, but only one flows out. The largest river bringing water is the Svir. What river flows from Lake Ladoga? This is the famous Neva, on which the second largest city stands Russian Federation- Saint Petersburg. Some rivers bring water into Ladoga from other lakes, such as Onega or Ilmen.
There are a large number of islands on the lake - at least five hundred. The largest islands Ladoga together they constitute the Valaam archipelago. The largest single island is Riekkalansari. Also a large island is Konevets, where a famous monastery was built, just like on Valaam.

Dimensions, extent and depth of Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven throughout its territory - it increases from south to north. The maximum depth of Lake Ladoga is 233 m. The average figure is much lower - 50 m. In the north of Lake Ladoga its depth varies from 70 to 230 m, and in the south - from 20 to 70.
The area of ​​Ladoga is 17.87 thousand square meters. km. The volume of water in Lake Ladoga is 838 cubic meters. km. The length from north to south of the lake is 219 km; at its widest point, Ladoga stretches for 125 km.

Climatic features of the area

Lake Ladoga has a generally temperate climate. In the geographical area where Lake Ladoga is located, not much sunlight penetrates throughout the year. Therefore, the evaporation of water from Ladoga occurs quite slowly. Most days of the year it is cloudy and cloudy here.
Between the end of May and mid-July Lake Ladoga You can observe the famous phenomenon of “white nights”, when at night the sun practically does not set beyond the horizon.
Throughout the year, western as well as southwestern winds blow on Ladoga. In winter, Lake Ladoga freezes until the end of spring, but is completely covered with ice only in the coldest winters. This long period of glaciation affects water temperatures throughout the rest of the year. The average water temperature here is low: at depth it is 4°C, and at the surface Lake Ladoga Depending on the time of year and site, it can range from 2 °C to 24 °C. The water is not as clear as on Baikal, but this may be due to the fact that many species of algae and small plankton live in it, and constant storms agitate its surface, churning up the foam.

History of Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga was formed as a result of the melting of glaciers and over several thousand years its outlines formed and changed.
Until the 13th century, the lake was called Nevo, which apparently was directly related to the name of the Neva River. Then it was called Lake Ladoga, taking the name from the city of Ladoga located here. Many objects in this area have names originating from the Karelian language. But the most likely explanation for the name “Ladoga” is considered to be Finnish versions - from ancient words denoting water or the concept “lower”, which are consonant with Ladoga. The name Nevo also has Finnish roots and can mean “swamp”. It is quite possible that in those days the lake gave reason to call itself that; there are many traces of swamps in this area.
Along Lake Ladoga, starting from the 9th century, the water part of the route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” passed from Scandinavia through the territory of Europe to the country of Byzantium. In the 8th century, the city of Ladoga was built here, and soon other cities and fortresses began to appear here. At the end of the 14th century, the famous Valaam Monastery was founded on the islands of the same name; its buildings are still a pearl of wooden architecture.
For many years there was a war with the Swedish state for part of the lands lying on the shore of the lake. Peter I nevertheless managed to ensure that Ladoga became Russian. In 1721, according to an agreement with the Swedes concluded after the war, the entire coast of Lake Ladoga went to Russia.
To make navigation on Ladoga more accessible, a canal was built here.
During the difficult war years from 1939 to 1944. The Ladoga flotilla was based in Lake Ladoga and fought in its waters. In 1941–1944 more than half of the coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by enemy troops. From September 1941 to March 1943, the “Road of Life” passed along the ice of Ladoga - the only route along which provisions and necessary things could be delivered to besieged Leningrad. The evacuation of people was also organized along it; in total, about 1.3 million people took advantage of the evacuation.
Thus, Ladoga is a lake that has special significance for Russian history.

Ecology of Lake Ladoga

Basically, the waters of Ladoga are very clean, but there are problem areas. This is largely due to the development of industrial zones near Lake Ladoga, as well as with the consequences of World War II. During the war, radioactive weapons were tested in this area and on some islands. In particular, the reaction of animals to the consequences of its use was studied. In addition, many sunken military ships and aircraft with ammunition create an unfavorable radiation background.
The number of contaminated places is growing. On the shores of Ladoga there are approximately 600 industrial enterprises that pollute the air, dump industrial waste into the Ladoga River and others, which then bring them into the lake. By the way, the correct answer to the question – Ladoga is a river or a lake is that it is both. There is a river and also a city with the same name. At the same time, historians claim that first the river received its name, then the city, and only after that Lake Nevo was renamed.
Pollution of Lake Ladoga today is considered to be at a moderate level. In some places, radiation standards are exceeded - where supplies were previously tested, as well as those closest to nuclear and other industrial enterprises.

Nature and fauna of Lake Ladoga

The nature of Lake Ladoga is very beautiful; this place is a very famous place for tourists and travelers to relax and go hiking. Majestic rocks, mountains, pine forests - all this creates a unique image of this place. Rare plants and animals are found in various nature reserves of Ladoga. Despite the difficult climate, even some southern plant species grow here, and in the north - typical representatives of the tundra (saxifrage). The forests on Lake Ladoga are not only coniferous, but also broad-leaved - with maples and elms.
Fauna Lake Ladoga includes representatives of the taiga: foxes, wolves, hares, bears, etc. There is also an original animal that is found only here - the Ladoga seal. This animal, which is more typical for the seas, feels great in the fresh water of Ladoga.
Lake Ladoga is home to approximately 50 species of fish. The most popular among fishermen and industrialists are smelt and pike perch.

Holidays on Lake Ladoga

Around Lake Ladoga you can find places to relax for every taste and for any purpose: recreational, hiking, entertainment. You can often meet fishing enthusiasts here. Everything you need for such activities is located at the recreation centers, including almost every one of them with instructors who will teach you the intricacies of this or that type of pastime.
People love diving here because of the large number of finds that can be found on the bottom and simply beautiful underwater views. You can also choose a relaxing holiday on the beach when weather conditions permit.
Excursions to natural and historical attractions of Ladoga are also organized, for example, buildings remaining after the war, old fortresses or mountain peaks.

Attractions on Lake Ladoga

The sights of Lake Ladoga are worth talking about separately. Here is, for example, an interesting beautiful views almost untouched nature of the Nizhnesvirsky reserve. It is home to a huge number of bird species and many animals.
The island of Valaam on Ladoga with the monastery of the same name is of historical, cultural and architectural value. Not to mention the fact that pilgrims come here from all over Russia and beyond.
The memorial complex dedicated to the Road of Life tells the story of the heroic feat of people who, in the most dangerous conditions, traveled on the ice of Lake Ladoga, risking falling through the ice or being shot at by the enemy. Still, they did this in order to save the lives of city residents who survived the terrible siege.
Also of historical and cultural interest on Lake Ladoga are the cities of Shlisselburg, founded by Peter I, with the Oreshek fortress, and Novaya Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in works of art

Ladoga is a lake that is reflected in folk legends and examples of folk art of the various peoples who lived here. These are mainly Karelian and Russian epics.
The famous Karelian folk composition "Kalevala", which was once passed down from mouth to mouth, describes the events that took place in the north of Lake Ladoga.
In his youth, Constantine Roerich made an expedition along the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga and to the lake itself. From 1916, he lived in this area for two years and created several paintings, sketches, poems and fairy tales here.
Thanks to its amazing nature, Lake Ladoga primarily inspired painters who were delighted with the local colors and landscapes. Many wrote about the Valaam Monastery, as its buildings looked especially impressive and mysterious against the background majestic nature. The lake with the sonorous name Ladoga also evokes fairy-tale scenes. Such masters of painting as F. A. Vasiliev, A. I. Kuindzhi, N. K. Roerich, I. I. Shishkin worked here.

Industry on the lake

The lake is used for the passage of ships whose routes along it are sections of the Volga-Baltic Route and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The weather on the lake is very changeable and ships are often threatened by storms and high waves, so shipping is periodically suspended. Once upon a time there was even a widespread expression that if a sailor has not sailed on Ladoga, then he is not yet a real sailor. Such a phenomenon as complete calm is quite rare on this lake.
Various industrial cargo and construction materials are transported across Lake Ladoga. They also go here passenger ships And cruise ships, for the most part these are tourist routes.
About 10 species of fish, such as smelt, pike perch, and whitefish, are caught here on an industrial scale. Not far from the lake there are industrial enterprises: a paper and pulp plant, aluminum, oil and chemical production, etc.

Mysteries and secrets that the bottom of Lake Ladoga keeps

At the bottom of the lake there are many interesting things for researchers and lovers of various mysteries and secrets of things. Of course, the greatest luck is to find something very ancient, dating back to the Vikings. But the most common artifacts found are those left over from World War II. They are better preserved and easier to find. For example, the attractions of that time that attracted extreme tourists and divers included the so-called “Death Bay,” the bottom of which was practically covered with shell casings, since a fierce battle took place here in 1941.
Amateur divers find sunken ships and wartime aircraft. Unlike the sea, fresh water does not destroy and spoil sunken things so much, which is why the finds of Lake Ladoga are so attractive.

Twelve centuries of crow's vestments,

Features and cuts of Noah's tribes.

Normans, Fryags, Rus, Finns,

Khazar Bazaar at the Sloven Marketplace

A. Chernov

In Europe, Lake Ladoga is the SECOND in size after the Caspian Sea, ranks 4th in depth (215 m), and has been known since ancient times as very rich in FISH. There are 53 species of fish here, including valuable commercial ones: slingshot, salmon, trout, palia, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, raw fish, bluefish, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot. The lake is home to the only representative of pinnipeds, the Ladoga ringed seal, its population is estimated at 4000-5000 heads (2000); 256 bird species are regularly found in lakeside areas; in ancient times, the fauna and flora (forests) of the lake were more numerous and diverse.

A) Existing etymology
Root: Ladog-; ending: -a.
Common name for Lake Ladoga; an ancient Russian city located on the banks of the Volkhov River not far from its confluence with Lake Ladoga, now the village of Staraya Ladoga in the Leningrad Region.
Etymology according to Max Vasmer
“Derived from ancient Russian. Ladoga in both meanings, often in Novgorod. gram. XIV century; Ladoga residents (Suzd. chronicle); other Scand. Aldeigjuborg. This name was previously explained as the original. designation of the lake and was derived from the Finnish. aaldokas, aallokas “worried” - from aalto “wave”. A different etymology is given by Mikkola, who explains the name of the lake from the name of the city, and the latter from the tributary of the same name of the lower Volkhov, ultimately from the Finnish. Alodejoki - from алode, aloe “low area”. Apparently, from a phonetic point of view, preference should be given to the old ones. etymology. It is not clear how the name of an insignificant river could be transferred to the BIG LAKE.”

In other etymological and explanatory dictionaries there is no interpretation of the name; in foreign dictionaries there is no such name.

Ladoga, today Staraya Ladoga (until 1703 Ladoga) is a village in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region on the banks of the Volkhov River; the city was known as part of the route from the “Varangians to the Greeks”; the first treasure of Arab dirhams found in Ladoga dates back to 786. The city was first mentioned in the chronicle in 862, among the ten most ancient cities of Rus'; until 864, the Varangian king Rurik ruled here, who subsequently moved the princely residence to the future Novgorod. Found by archaeologists ancient settlements Scandinavians (c. 753), in 760 it was destroyed by the Ilmen Slovenes, their settlement lasted until 830 and was captured by the Varangians; “There was a lack of CONTINUITY between the first inhabitants of Ladoga and the subsequent population who had different cultural traditions” (Wikipedia).

Origin of the name
The Old Norse name is Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg (Old Norse Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg).
The name Ladoga is a river, a lake and a city, but it is not determined which of the names is the primary one; the name of the city was derived from the name of Lake Ladoga (from the Finnish aaldokas, aallokas “worried” - from aalto “wave”), or from the name of the Ladoga River (now Ladozhka, from the Finnish Alode-joki, where alode, aloe - “low terrain” and jok(k)i - “river”).
T. N. Jackson believes that: “by now it can be considered almost proven that the name of the river first arose, then the city and only then the lake”; She considers the primary hydronym Ladoga, from ancient Finnish. Alode-jogi (joki) "lower river". The name of the city of Old Norse comes from the name of the river. Aldeigja, and it was already borrowed by the Slavic population and transformed with the help of metathesis ald; lad in other Russian Ladoga. T. N. Jackson suggests a Scandinavian mediation between the Finnish and Old Russian words: the Scandinavians first appeared on Ladoga in the early 750s, that is, a couple of decades earlier than the Slavs.
E. A. Khelimsky, on the contrary, proposes a German etymology; in his opinion, the primary name is the name of the lake - from Old Scand. Aldauga "old source, similar open sea" This hydronym is associated with the name of the Neva (which flows from Lake Ladoga) in Germanic languages ​​- “new”. Through the intermediate form Aldaugja this word was given to Old Norse. Aldeigja "Ladoga (city)".

Let's summarize:
- Max Vasmer expresses bewilderment: “It is not clear how the name of an insignificant river could be transferred to a BIG LAKE”;
- Aldeigja, Aldeigjuborg – Old Icelandic names;
- the lake has long been famous for its FISH RESERVES;
- There are no such words-concepts in the Russian language.
- the name LADOGA must contain information about the BIG lake(quality category, space, size);
- the name must contain information about large fish stocks.

B) Interpretation of names using HEBREW
1) LA + DOGA = LA accessory + DOG, DAG fish, fish; fish; “The lake is rich in fish,” commercial fishing for salmon, trout, sturgeon and other types of fish is still ongoing (TSB).
2) LADOGA = A + GODAL (vice versa) = GADAL to be big, GADOL to be big; this root forms the concepts: greatness, glory, importance, nobility.
3) other-isl. Aldeigja; AL top, upper lake + DOG fish; or read the word the other way around and highlight the root: ALDEIGJA = AJ+GIEDLA = TELLING to be big.

Related Concepts

Lake Nevo, Neva River
Lake Ladoga (according to the Nevo chronicles, until the 13th century) - NIVE open; those. open water; or NAVA flow out; hence the name of the Neva River - it flows from Ladoga.

The Volkhov River often has reverse current, connects two large lakes(Ladoga, Ilmen) - depending on the water level in the lakes, it flows in one direction or the other, this fact is noted in the chronicles: “Again the Volkhov flows upstream for 5 days” - record of 1176 (Zhekulin V.S. Historical geography. M., 1982); “Volkhov went back 5 days” (PVL, under 1063);
VO + LH + OV = BO (VO root) to come, arrive + LEH to leave + AB main, main (river route).

The Tale of Bygone Years - "Ezera Ilmer" (Ilmen)
- There is a legend where the Volkhov River appears in the form of Ilmen - a widower; Hebrew - ILMEN to leave a widower;
- LAKE = AZAR to encircle, the main feature of a lake is a closed reservoir, the shores encircle the lake, in contrast to a river (river) - stripes, RAC stripe;
- lakes Ilmen and Ladoga are connected by the Volkhov River (rapids), where the flow is often reversed, depending on the water level in the lakes, the name is a direct indication of the navigation regime and water balance - the inflow is equal to the source: ILMER (Ilmen) = IL (IEL) balanced + M from, from + EPA connect; IEL balanced, in balance + MEUAN to reinforce. According to V. Dahl, Ilmen is a lake into which a river flows and flows out; let's read the name backwards - NEMLI = NAMAL port, harbor; those. Novgorod, located 4 km from Lake Ilmen.

Thus, by pulling the “tip”, the word-concept LADOGA, we pulled out from the toponymy of the region a rich “catch” of HEBREW VOCABULARY, and this can only mean one thing - during colonization (8th century) there was a significant JEWISH POPULATION here, THERE WERE JEWS ORGANIZERS and CONSTRUCTORS of trade routes “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and “from the Varangians to the Khazars.” All previous Slavic-Finnish, Scandinavian and other etymologies are from the Evil One.
