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Mindanao Island- the easternmost in the Philippines. It is located on it large number resorts, hotels and there are many beautiful places.

Mindanao Island

As many people know, the Philippine archipelago includes dozens of islands. There are so many of them that it is very, very difficult to visit them all, so almost all travelers either simply do not pay attention to which island they will be vacationing on, or choose the most famous of the islands. These include the island of Mindanao. Actually, this is a group of islands, but in our article we will look at only one - the easternmost island of the Philippines.

He has a picturesque coastline, which has become so beautiful and diverse due to the fact that there are many bays, as well as peninsulas with bays. Here you will find a rich and very pleasant holiday, as mindanao island boasts both a developed tourist infrastructure and unique tropical nature.

Of course, the most important attraction is the beaches, which are covered with black volcanic sand. And you will find the best such beaches near the resort settlement of Samay.

Jolly Island of Mindanao

In Mindanao, no tourist will ever be allowed to get bored or just do nothing. There are a lot of places on the island where you can have fun and spend your leisure time.

Capital of Mindanao

The capital of eastern island is the city of Davao, which, we note, is called the “fruit capital” of the country. This nickname did not appear by chance - there is a huge fruit and vegetable market here. Some of the city's most famous attractions include the Cathedral of San Pedro and the Orchid Farm with its Taoist temple. Not far from the city is Mount Apo, which is the highest on the entire island. At the foot of Apo lies the famous National Park, covering an area of ​​77 thousand hectares. This park was created in order to preserve the Apo volcanic massif, and Philippine eagles live on its territory.

If the beauty of nature does not interest you very much, unlike ancient monuments of history and architecture, then go to Cagayan de Oro - this city is famous for its ancient monuments, and in its vicinity there are magnificent fashionable resorts.

The island of Mindanao is the second largest after Luzon in the Philippines archipelago, located in its southern part. It is also the tenth most populous island in the world (after Java, Honshu, Great Britain, Sumatra, Luzon, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Haiti).

Mindanao is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Apo Volcano is the highest point in the Philippines, and the Mindanao Trench (more than 10,000 m), discovered in 1912 40 nautical miles to the east, was considered the deepest on the planet before the discovery of the Challenger Deep.

The island has a complex coastline, with large bays and peninsulas protruding far into the ocean.
The island is composed of shales, sandstones, limestones and basalts. From the crater of the Apo volcano towering above the island (translated from the language of the Moro people - “progenitor”), sulfur dioxide flows with a temperature of 300 ° C. Most of the island is occupied by evergreen and deciduous (monsoon) tropical forests, with dense mangroves along the coasts. The main occupation of the local population is working on agricultural plantations and growing rice, coconut palms, pineapples, and abaca (Manila hemp).
The island got its name from the self-name of the indigenous island people of Maguindanao. This means "people of the plains": the people live in an area of ​​swamps and mangroves.


The first to begin to develop the islands were the dark-skinned, short (average height - about 1.5 m) people of the Negritos (from the Spanish "negro" - black and the diminutive suffix "ito"), who moved to Mindanao several thousand years ago from tropical forests South and Southeast Asia. About 1,500 years ago, the island was actively inhabited by Austronesians who reached it from the subtropical coastal areas modern China. The descendants of the Negritos - the Ati tribe - still live in northeastern Mindanao, having barely survived the era of slavery, when pirates and Arab traders hunted for the “little black people”, supplying them as funny living toys to the royal courts of Burma, Siam, Malaysia and India .
Islam entered the island in the 13th century. along with Arab traders and travelers sailing on ships from Malaysia and Indonesia. Before this, all the inhabitants of Mindanao, living in small coastal villages, were animists, that is, they believed in the power of the spirits of their ancestors, water and fire. Arab traders easily Islamized the entire island. Cities were soon built in Mindanao. The first mosque appeared in the city of Simunul in 1380. Local residents treasure their mosque as a reminder of the first steps of Islam in Mindanao: when the dilapidated building needed to be repaired, the old one was preserved, leaving a large new one inside.
In the XV-XVI centuries. The first states appeared in Mindanao - the sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao. At the beginning of the 17th century. The Spaniards, ardent Catholics, who had conquered their territories from the Arabs for many centuries, first arrived on the island. An unpleasant surprise awaited them: Islam had already firmly established itself throughout the island. The Spaniards called the peoples of Mindanao "Moors" (on a religious basis). This is where the name of the Moro tribe comes from - a group of Filipino peoples professing Sunni Islam.
With the arrival of the Spaniards, the introduction of Catholicism began and Spanish, but this process was actively resisted by Muslims and the Chinese diaspora. Local residents were almost happy to see the British on the island: in 1878, the Sultan of Sulu voluntarily surrendered all his possessions and powers to the British administration. True, the British did not stay here long; the Spaniards managed to return the island. But after the end of the Spanish-American War, in accordance with the Treaty of Paris in 1898, Spain handed over Mindanao to the Americans along with the entire Philippines for $20 million. The US immediately abolished the remnants of the sultanate.
During World War II, Mindanao was occupied by the Japanese.
Since 1946, Mindanao has been part of an independent country.
Mindanao is a region with a noticeable Muslim majority. The poverty of the majority of the local population and conflicts on religious grounds led to the emergence of various separatist movements - Islamic, Maoist, Trotskyist, waging armed struggle against government troops. The goal of the guerrillas is to build a just society in Mindanao, as they imagine it: some - in the form of an Islamic state (Moro National Liberation Front, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Abu Sayyaf Group), others - a communist society ( Communist Party Philippines), the third - societies based on the principles of Trotskyism and Maoism (Revolutionary Workers' Party of the Philippines and Revolutionary Workers' Party of Mindanao).
Guerrilla groups are constantly growing due to the influx of impoverished Filipinos into their ranks: about 20.5% of the local population is starving, the majority live below the poverty level. The local population suffers primarily from the battles between the partisans and the government army. This was especially acute during the “low-intensity conflict” in Mindanao from 1976 to 2001, especially during the rule of President Joseph Estrada (born 1937, in power from 1998 to 2001), a former film actor, proclaiming “total war” against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas. The “total war” led to more than 930 thousand people becoming refugees. The guerrilla war has exacerbated already complex interethnic relations on the island, which has the most diverse national and religious composition of the population in the archipelago.
In the city, the capital of the Philippines, the island of Mindanao is called the “wild, wild south.” In the 1970s, “cave people” were discovered in the forest wilds of southern Mindanao - the “most backward”, “most isolated” and “the meekest in the world” Tasaday Manube people - which became a sensation and attracted a lot of anthropologists and tourists. Much has been written about them, including in the Soviet press. The caves of the Tasaday Manube tribe are many kilometers away from the nearest settlements other, also semi-wild (but not to that extent) tribes mountainous areas islands: T'boli, Bukindon, Bilaan, Mangyan, Manobo. There are no roads there. Researchers and the curious reached the caves by helicopter. However, after another coup on the island, these caves were suddenly empty, and local residents from neighboring villages in 1986 They let it slip to journalists that they were playing naked vegetarian savages, who know no enmity, on the orders of the local administration to attract tourists.
The mountain forest tribes of the island - the Boli and their neighbors - are still engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture with the participation of a shaman to observe all the rituals of “warming and nourishing the soul of rice”; they cultivate the land in a primitive way - with the help of oxen and a plow, and almost Every two or three years the mountaineers move their villages when the fields are depleted.
As a result of intensive deforestation for coconut palm plantations, the island's nature is under threat in many areas. To protect nature, the Mainit Hot Springs, Liguasan and Mount Apo (Mount Apo) national parks were created.
At the foot of this mountain is an eagle sanctuary dedicated to the conservation of the endangered Philippine eagle, also called the Philippine harpy and the Philippine monkey-eater. With a wingspan of more than two meters and found only in the tropical forests of Mindanao, this bird of prey from the hawk family is the country's national symbol. For the deliberate destruction of a monkey-eating harpy, the offender is sent to prison for 12 years.

General information

Location: south island Philippines, Malay Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.
Volcanic island, the second largest in the Philippine archipelago.
Administrative affiliation: Republic of the Philippines.
Administrative division: 6 regions (Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, Davao Region, Soccxarhen, Caraga, Autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao), 26 provinces.

Largest cities: Davao - 1,530,365 people. (2011), Zamboanga - 807,129 people. (2010), Cagayan de Oro - 568,283 people. (2010), Butuan - 309,709 people. (2010), Cotabato City - 271,786 people. (2010).
Languages: Filipino (Tagalog) - official, Cebuano, Ilocano, Bicol, Hiligaynon, Pangasinan, Kapampangan, Waray-Waray, English, Spanish, Spanish-Creole (Chabacano), Chinese.

Religions: Catholicism - 80.9%, Protestantism - 11.6%, Islam - 5%, local beliefs (animism).

Ethnic composition: Filipinos (Bajau, Visayan, Manobo, Moro peoples), Chinese, Japanese, Malays, Spaniards.

Currency: Philippine Peso.

Largest river: Mindanao with its tributaries Pulangi and Agusan.
Largest lakes: Lanao (340 km2), Venado, Agca.

Largest port: Zamboanga.
Most important airport: Davao Francisco Bangoy International Airport.

Natural boundaries: in the north - the Mindanao Sea, in the east - the Philippine Sea, in the south - the Sulawesi Sea, in the west - the Sulu Sea.


Area: 94,600 km2.

Population: 21,582,540 people (2007).

Population density: 228.1 people/km 2 .

Highest point: Apo volcano ( highest peak Philippines, 2954 m).


GRP: Php 251.53 billion (2008).

GRP per capita: Php 11,655 (2008).

Minerals: coal, iron, copper, chrome, nickel, gold, silver, precious stones.
Industry: woodworking, food (seafood processing).

Agriculture: crop production (rice, coconut tree, pineapple, abaca (Manila hemp), banana, mango, coffee, sugar cane, tobacco, vegetables, spices).


Fishing (tuna).
Services: tourism, transport (coastal shipping).

Climate and weather

Subequatorial monsoon, equatorial in the south.
Average temperature throughout the year:
+25 ... +28°С.
Average annual precipitation: 1000-2000 mm on the plain, up to 4000 mm in the mountains.
Relative humidity: 75-80%.


Natural: Tinago, Marbel and Maria Cristina waterfalls (Iligan City), Kitanglad ridge and Dulang-Dulang and Kitanglad peaks, Mainit Hot Springs, Liguasan, Mount Apo (Mount Apo) national parks, eagle sanctuary, Lake Lanao, Zamboanga Peninsula , orchid plantations.
Cultural and historical: cathedral San Pedro (Davao, 1847), Japanese military catacombs (Davao), Monument of Peace and Unity (1998), monument to the Philippine revolutionary and educator Jose Rizal (Davao, 1861-1896), monument to the durian fruit.

Curious facts

■ A rural community in Mindanao is called a barangay. This word came here from the Malay language and refers to a sailing boat on which settlers went to other islands. The meaning of the word has changed over time, but the elected head of the barangay is still called “captain.”
■ Every year in late August, Davao City hosts the Kadayavey, Kaamulan and Timpupo festivals, when locals spend a week thanking the heavens for a fruitful year. The festival ends with a flower parade.

■ In the city of Davao there is a monument to durian - a delicious prickly fruit with an extremely unpleasant odor. Davao is considered the hub of durian cultivation in Mindanao. The fruit can reach a weight of 12 kg. Bats take a major part in its pollination. When transporting by plane, the airline requires that the durian fruit be packed separately from the main baggage.
■ A very rare plant species grows on the island of Mindanao - rainbow eucalyptus, so named for its bright bark in various shades of red, green, blue and orange. The bark of young rainbow eucalyptus is green. Then, as the bark begins to peel off in narrow strips, some areas turn blue and purple. After some time, they acquire shades of pink and orange, and even later they turn dark burgundy.
■ In the area of ​​Mount Apo, hot thermal waters, which are a source of geothermal energy. The 100-megawatt geothermal power plant - the only one of its kind in Mindanao - is located in Kidapawan City and supplies electricity to neighboring areas.
■ Motorellas are a type of urban transport in Mindanao: a motorcycle with a large, usually brightly painted, closed metal body.

Mindanao Island, Philippines

Mindanao (Mindanao) - the second (after Luzon) largest island Philippine archipelago. With an area of ​​97.5 thousand km2, it is the 19th island in the world in terms of area, and in terms of population (22 million) it is already the 8th.

Geographical location of the island of Mindanao

Mindanao is located in the south of the Philippine archipelago. Mindanao, with the islands of Sulu, Siargao Island and many small islets, makes up the Mindanao island group (one of the three into which the Philippine archipelago is conventionally divided).

The outline of the island of Mindanao is complex, with large bays and peninsulas. The Zamboanga Peninsula stretches to the west, bordering Moro Bay. In the southeast, the Davao Gulf crashed into the island of Mindanao, on the shore of which is main city islands, the largest by area in the country and the third by population - Davao.

The island of Mindanao is washed in the north by the Mindanao Sea (also known as the Bohol Sea), in the east by the Philippine Sea, in the south by the Sulawesi Sea, and in the west by the Sulu Sea.

Mindanao's terrain is complex, with swampy valleys interspersed with high mountains. The highest point in the Philippines, Mount Apo (2954 m), is located in Mindanao. The largest river is Mindanao. There are many lakes on the island, the largest being Lanao.

Mindanao Climate

The climate in most of Mindanao is subequatorial monsoon, in the south it is equatorial. The temperature throughout the year on the plain is 25-28°C, precipitation is 1000-2000 mm per year (in the mountains up to 4000 mm).

The island of Mindanao lies outside the typhoon belt, the probability of strong cyclones is much less than in the more northern regions of the Philippines.

Population of Mindanao

Of the 22 million people who live in Mindanao, about 10% are Muslim, the only part of the Philippines where Islam has a statistically significant presence.

There are two types of rebel organizations operating on the island:

  • Islamic separatists fighting for the formation of an Islamic state in the southern Philippines (main representatives of the Moro National Liberation Front and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front)
  • radical left organizations (main representatives of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Mindanao Revolutionary Workers Party)

Due to social tensions in the island group of Mindanao, the tourism sector is suffering. Travel to Mindanao involves certain risks.

Increasingly, vacationers are choosing places untouched by civilization for their vacation. And one of these places is an island in the Philippine archipelago. Mindanao is an island that attracts the attention of the sophisticated tourist and leaves indelible impressions in the memory.

The island of Mindanao is located in the Philippine archipelago and ranks second in size. It is located in the southern part of the Philippine Islands. Among all the islands of the Philippines, Mindanao stands out for its unique tropical nature, developed tourist infrastructure and an amazing combination of cultures of the various nationalities inhabiting the island. Civilization had the least impact on this island compared to the other islands, and only affected the coastal recreation areas and the central plains.

Mindanao has a very complex shape. This is facilitated by the large number of bays, bays and peninsulas that protrude into the sea. The island is washed on four sides by seas: in the north - Mindanao, in the east - Philippine, in the west - Sulu, in the south - Sulawesi.

The Tasaday Manube tribe is considered to be the indigenous population of the island of Mindanao. The culture of this tribe is clearly expressed in a special type of gong music (kulintang), which still amazes visitors with its uniqueness. Throughout history, Mindanao belonged to the British, the Americans, the Spaniards, and the Japanese. As a result, the island has developed a very interesting and diverse culture. To this day, the island is home to many different ethnic groups, most of which are Muslim.

How to get there

To get to Mindanao, you first need to get to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, by plane. Then use the airport again and fly to Davao. International airports have been built in these two cities. When planning your route, you need to pay attention to the time of transfers, thereby reducing the time spent on the road. The flight from Manila to Davao will last 1 hour 50 minutes.

Climate, weather

On the island there are 2 climatic zones. Subequatorial, monsoon, predominates over most of the territory, and equatorial is observed in the southern territory. The average annual temperature in Mindanao ranges from 25 to 28 degrees. The rainy season begins in December and lasts until February. The waters of the beaches maintain a temperature of +25 C throughout the year. From December to April comes the season when it is better to plan your trip to the island of Mindanao. March and April are considered the hottest months of the year, and from August to November the island experiences typhoons.

How to secure your holiday

Mindanao is a wonderful place for tourists to visit. The island has an excellent tourist infrastructure and many interesting places for excursions while ensuring the safety of tourists. But you should know that the island has an unstable political situation. When traveling, you should avoid areas where Islamic militants are likely to be active.

Safety should also be observed when eating exotic national foods. Seafood products are consumed only after heat treatment. You should not drink tap water; it is recommended to use only bottled water. Only pasteurized milk is added to dishes prepared with milk.

Attractions in Mindanao

Beaches of Mindanao

The nature of Mindanao never ceases to amaze on its beaches. Most beaches have black volcanic sand. Its combination with blue color sea ​​waters makes the landscapes incredibly attractive for vacationers. The best resort, Samay, is located in the vicinity of Davao City.

Capital of the island

Davao is both the gateway to the island and the main city of the island. The capital of Mindanao, Davao, is growing and developing very quickly. All visitors visit local fruit and vegetable markets. They offer tourists to try rare vegetables and fruits: mangosteens, rambutans, durians. The markets also sell mangoes and pineapples, but there are about 126 types of bananas here.

The city continues to experience the usual crowding of pedestrian areas and traffic jams typical of Asian cities. In the city, it is worth visiting the Pedro Cathedral, the Taoist Temple, the Aldevinco Shopping Center and the Orchid Farm.

Chinatown Davao

Davao Chinatown, or Chinatown, is the only one of its kind on the island of Mindanao, located within the city of Davao. The area of ​​the quarter is approximately 44 hectares. In and around this neighborhood, commercial establishments are owned by Chinese Filipinos.

This block is bounded by Leon Garcia Street, St. Anne Avenue, Monteverdei Avenue and Ramon Magsaysay Avenue. The history of this quarter is marked by the holding of the Chinese New Year festival in 2009. The boundaries of this quarter are delineated by memorial arches: the “Arch of Friendship”, “Arch of Unity” and “Arch of Peace”.

Mount Apo

The Philippines has a wide variety of mountains. Each of them is worthy of the attention of tourists. One of the most prominent mountains located on the island of Mindanao is Mount Apo. This extinct volcano, which is 40 km away from Davao City to the northeast. The mountain consists of the ancient crater Petillus McKinley and the young stratovolcano Apo. The name of the mountain is translated from the local language as “grandfather”. The height of this mountain is 2954 meters. In the crater of a dormant volcano there is the purest lake Venado. Mount Apo attracts fans of rock climbing and mountaineering.

National Park

Previously, the slopes of Mount Apo were covered with tropical forests, but due to human development of the territory, forest vegetation is decreasing. For this purpose, environmental protection measures are being carried out. At the foot of the mountain there is a National Park. When coming to the island of Mindanao, you should definitely take an excursion to this park. It was created to protect the natural landscapes of the Philippine archipelago and Apo Volcano. The volcano is included in the UN World Heritage List.

Another uniqueness national park is the Harpy Ape-eater, best known as the Philippine Eagle. The birds are endangered. Guides offer tourists to visit the farm where these birds are raised. On the territory of the park there are healing springs and amazingly beautiful waterfalls.

Extreme holiday

For extreme sports enthusiasts, it is suggested to climb the Apo volcano on foot. This type of holiday is recommended for tourists who have good physical fitness. The ascent lasts from 2 to 9 days depending on the difficulty of the route. Climbing to the top of the mountain, tourists admire the transparency of the water of Lake Venado and have the opportunity to see the ancient crater and sulfur gases that escape from solfatare fumaroles.


Cagayan de Oro Island

Cagayan de Oro Island is characterized by its seismic activity. But there is an area where earthquakes occur very rarely. This is the city of the same name, Cagayan de Oro. It is replete with a large number of attractions, both historical and architectural. In the vicinity of the city you can stay in the best luxury hotels.

Basilan Island

The Philippine archipelago consists of 7 thousand islands. Tourists do not ignore the island of Basilan, whose area is 1,234.2 square meters. km. It is inhabited by about 1,000,000 inhabitants. The administrative center of Basilan is the city of Isabela. The main part of the island is occupied by agricultural farms. They grow coconuts, corn, coffee, cocoa, and pepper. They also produce palm oil and rubber.

Camiguin Island

Camiguin Island is considered one of the most beautiful Philippine islands. The island is located between Bohol and the northern coast of Mindanao. Camiguin Island is a paradise for tourists, where you can enjoy tranquility and escape from the bustle of the city. A distinctive feature of this corner from the islands of the Philippine archipelago are its ivory beaches. The surrounding area abounds in healing springs. In Camiguin you can stay in hotels with a fairly high level of service.


Zamboanga City is located on the southern side of the Zamboanga Peninsula. Visitors to this city see many mosques and churches, gardens and parks that enchant with their beauty. This city is famous for Pasonanka Park. The park grows 600 different varieties of orchids. You can't miss Maria Clara Lobregat's garden, which is inhabited by tropical butterflies of incredible colors. Kava-Kava Boulevard was created for walking on sea ​​coast and sports running.

The city is surrounded by about 28 resorts and beaches. The most popular among vacationers are the beaches of Bolong, the islands Santa Cruz and Basilan.

Fort Pilar

Fort Pilar attracts the attention of vacationers with its history. It has another official name: the Royal Fort of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Pilar of Sargosa. The port was built by the Spanish conquerors and is historical and cultural heritage Zamboanga City. On the eastern side of the fortification there is an image of the patroness of the city, the Virgin Mary of Pilar.

Leyte Gulf

Leyte Gulf is famous for the largest naval battle of World War II. At the bottom lie the remains of warships and aircraft. Excursions are conducted in the bay for history buffs and those interested in military equipment. And on the island of Leyte lives a rare species of monkeys. These are Philippine tarsiers. They surprise with their small size: weight - 160 g, and height - 16 cm. Another distinctive feature of them is the largest eyes in relation to body size.

San Juanico Strait

The Xuan Juanico Strait surprises tourists with its coral colonies and colorful tropical fish. It is one of the narrowest straits in the Philippines. The strait flows between the islands of Samara and Leyte. Just like Leyte Gulf stores remains at its bottom military equipment World War II.

Sarangini Bay

The colorful Sarangani Bay is part of the Sulawesi Sea. Vacationers in Sarangini will find excellent beaches and a stunning sea. The bay provides opportunities for passive and active recreation. Diver villages have been built along the coast of the bay. Fans of scuba diving can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. Gumasa Beach in Sarangini is considered the best in the Philippines and hosts a large famous beach festival. Tourists love the secluded places of the bay, where they forget about the bustle of the city and a busy work schedule.

Sohoton Nature Bridge

On the island of Samar is located national park Sohoton Nature Bridge. The park's territory extends over 840 hectares. Tourists come here to see the arch connecting the two mountains. She surprises with her size. The width of the arch is 8 meters and the length is 40 meters. A forest grows on top of it, and stalactites hang from below.


Near Zamboanga City you can find an amazing corner of nature and eco-tourism. This is Merloket Falls. It is located on private property owned by the Gregorio family. The waterfall consists of two steps, the waters of which flow into each other. The lower waterfall is higher in height. The water falls from 10 meters to a width of 13 meters.

The upper waterfall is two times lower and is 8 meters wide. An amazing feature of the Merloket waterfall is the direction of the water. She moves diagonally. The cascading water of the upper waterfall formed a pool. Tourists can swim in it. Falling water does not pose a threat to swimmers and drops of water provide a pleasant massage to swimmers.


Every visiting tourist, going on vacation, strives to make memorable purchases. There are several places in Mindanao that attract buyers. Among them are several shopping centers.

Citymall Mindpro

Citymall Mindpro is the first shopping center to open in Zamboanga City. It is located on La Purissima street. Here tourists will find shopping and entertainment to suit their taste. On its territory there are 6 cinema halls, a food court and various boutiques of famous brands.

Southway Square

Shopping mall Southway Square is located in the center of Zamboanga. The five-story building of the center was built along Governor Lima Avenue. It is also called City Prime Mall, as it holds great investment promise. In addition to shopping areas, the center hosts various concerts. The city's first underground parking lot was built in Southway Square. On the ground floor, those wishing to refresh themselves while shopping will find fast food restaurants in Jollibeh, Chowking and Greenwich.

Yubenko Star Mall

Another shopping center worth visiting is Yubenko Star Mall. You can find it on the Maria Clara Lobregat highway. The shopping center surprises with its price contrasts. On its territory there is a five-star restaurant-bar and a fast food restaurant, Jolibe. The center surprises its visitors with the presence of a fresh food market, the so-called wet market in Asian countries.


You can get around the islands of the Philippine archipelago using various types of transport.

Airport services are provided both to fly to the Philippines and to fly to the desired island. Ferries also operate between the islands.

According to these big islands Both Luzon and Cebu can be traveled by buses equipped with working air conditioning. Urban transport provides the services of jeepneys, multicabs, motorized scooters and motorcycle taxis. You can only take a taxi in big cities. Transport in the Philippines is very slow. Its speed does not exceed 30 kilometers per hour.


Mindanao will offer a variety of accommodation options, depending on the location and affordability of visitors. This resort hotels, mini-hotels, guest and country houses, villas. Many rooms are designed for families.

Most hotels are located near the beaches. The hotel offers comfortable and peaceful rooms with free Wi-Fi access. Free parking is available on site, outdoor swimming pools. Tourists staying at the hotel have the right to relax on private beaches owned by this hotel.

You can plan your vacation to Mindanao using the services of a travel agency. At the same time, paying no small price. If you make online reservations for accommodation and sightseeing yourself, the costs will be lower.

Mindanao has something for every tourist to suit their taste. This small island has many places where you can have fun, climb Mount Apo or see underwater world four seas. Visiting historical and cultural places, religious monuments And amazing places nature will be left unforgettable experience in the memory of vacationers.

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Mindanao is the second largest island on Philippines and is located in the southern part of the country, between the Philippine Sea and the Sulu Sea. His total area exceeds more than 94,000 sq. km. The island's territory is replete with wide bays, sandstones, marshy lowlands and active volcanoes, which implies high seismic activity. From the highest point of the resort, Volcano Apo, reaching almost 3 thousand meters, offers a fabulous view of the surrounding landscapes. The virgin nature of the tropical jungle, combined with excellent beaches of black volcanic sand, attracts thousands of tourists who want to have a great time on one of the best resorts archipelago.

According to researchers, the first settlements in Mindanao appeared several tens of thousands of years ago, and the population was dominated by Negroids and Austronesians. The main religion on the island is Islam. This faith was brought here by Arab traders from Malaysia and Indonesia around the 13th century. It was then that the first mosques were built here. Mindanao received its name in honor of the Maguindanaos Sultanate, which existed on these lands in the 15th-16th centuries. Now the island is the largest Muslim center in the country and the main base for the deployment of various separatist groups, such as the Moro National Liberation Front or an Islamist rebel group.

The most major cities the islands are Zamboanga And Davao. More than 700 thousand people live in Zamboanga, considered an independent administrative unit. This city is replete with exquisite Muslim mosques and beautiful architectural structures. Among its main attractions are Fort Pilar, picturesque Pasonanka parks And Climaco-Freedom, Pershing Square, Islamic quarter Rio Hondo and the central city market. The territory of Zamboanga consists of two dozen small islands connected by bridges. Some areas of land are intended exclusively for beach holiday on amazing pink sand, with characteristics unique to this region. Unlike most Philippine cities, Zamboanga has poor transport links. In addition to traditional buses, homemade open jeeps that act as taxis are actively used as means of transportation. Bicycle and motor rickshaws are common. Among the religious sites, the mosque attracts attention Taluksangai, literally sparkling against the background of a clear sky and bright sun rays. Ideal for relaxation Santa Cruz Island, as well as several small pieces of land, forming a kind of archipelago in the urban area. The most picturesque place The city is considered Morskoy Boulevard, where you can often see local residents, as well as tourists leisurely strolling in the shade of evergreen palm trees.

Davao is the second largest city in the entire Philippine archipelago. More than one and a half million people live here, a significant part of whom are engaged in agriculture and fishing. In addition, Davao has a reputation as the main tourist center of the island and has excellent conditions for active recreation. Today the city is one of the safest and most technologically advanced in the Philippines. Smoking in public places is strictly prohibited here, the streets are kept clean, and police patrols are conducted around the clock. Alcoholic drinks are not sold to minors and a curfew has been introduced for them. All violations are strictly punished. Thus, Davao is ideally suited for the life of people who are not inclined to break the law, and also have a good understanding of the importance of moral and ethical standards. High mountains protect the city from strong winds, providing favorable climatic conditions. Among the most interesting attractions of Davao, it is worth highlighting the Buddhist temple Lon Wa distinguished by its grace, popular mountain resort with the symbolic name of Eden Park, the majestic volcanic peak of Apo and the unique Crocodile Farm with numerous reptiles, as well as monkeys, tigers and other animals living in the tropical forests. For passive relaxation under the bright rays of the sun, numerous city beaches, ideally equipped for these purposes, are excellent.

In addition to fabulous natural beauty and marvelous landscapes, Mindanao has many fruit plantations where all kinds of exotic fruits are grown, including mangoes, pineapples, rambutans and, of course, bananas. One of the most visited places in the resort is Eagle Sanctuary, located at the foot of Mount Apo. It is home to a rare species of Philippine eagles, of which there are only a few left on earth. All individuals live here under the constant supervision of park staff and delight its guests with their unusual coloring. Here on the island are located the highest in the Philippines waterfalls, striking with their dimensions and indescribable atmosphere.

Mindanao has an equatorial monsoon climate. In flat areas and on the coast, average temperature air is +26 degrees. Precipitation falls more or less evenly throughout the year, but its main share occurs from November to January. You can relax at the resort at almost any time of the year, but before your trip you should check the weather forecast for the coming weeks, since climatic conditions V this region characterized by sharp changes. Mindanao has recently become one of the most sought-after destinations in the Philippines. Tourists from all continents, including America, Europe, and Asia come here to relax. Developed infrastructure, modern comfortable hotels, marvelous nature and a wide variety of beaches are integral features of this resort paradise, located in one of the most exotic regions of Southeast Asia.
