Crossing the Turkish border by car. Entry rules to Turkey - important to know

Many tourists consider Turkey to be a rather typical resort, where you are unlikely to see bright sights, and the only entertainment you can find is beach holiday. Anyone experienced traveler will say that it is Türkiye that deserves special attention for vacation. To find out what an atypical vacation is like, it’s definitely worth spending your vacation traveling all over the country at once. For example, to see the ancient side of Turkey, you should definitely visit Cappadocia, where the first Christian temples are located, carved directly into the rocks. Or go to thermal springs Pamukkale. But closer to Antalya there is a city that is not yet so popular with our domestic tourists. Here you can find ancient marble ruins from antiquity, luxurious orange groves and quiet, cozy beaches with clear azure water. That is why, recently, auto tourism in Turkey straight from Russia has become popular among travelers.

How to get to Turkey by car

You can get to Turkey by car in several ways: by ferry, which sails to Sochi or by land via Georgia. From the documents you need to remember about car registration, as well as international civil liability insurance. To travel through Sochi, it is better to call in advance and find out about the ferry schedule, since the pier may be closed during the cold season.

Therefore, if it was not possible to transport the car by cargo ferry to Turkey, then the only option remains: travel through Georgia. In addition, to cross the Georgian border, Russian residents are granted a visa-free regime for up to 90 days to stay in the country. You need to remember that you also need to have with you driver's license of a citizen of the Russian Federation and registration certificate for the car. Provided that the owner of the car is absent, there must be a power of attorney for the car, filled out in English and certified by a notary. If everyone is present necessary documents You can easily get checked at customs, both in Georgia and Turkey.

If you are crossing on a cargo ferry from Sochi, you need to be prepared that You will have to sail for more than 12 hours in the general passenger lounge, since there are no separate cabins on board the ferry. As for food, you will either have to stock up on your own groceries or have lunch at the ferry buffet for about 6 euros. Next it will be necessary go through customs at the port of Trabzon, if everything is in order, the inspection of documents will not take more than 15 minutes.

What is the easiest way to get from Russia to Turkey via Georgia?

As for traveling by land in your own car, then immediately you can cross Abkhazia off your route. Due to the political conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia, the border between the countries is officially closed. Therefore, any entry into the territory of Georgia from Abkhazia is considered illegal. This also applies to South Ossetia: illegal entry can result in a heavy fine or imprisonment.

The only way, which you can choose to travel to Turkey by land, lies via Vladikavkaz, from there you can go straight to Tbilisi. Then, you need to move from Tbilisi along the highway to Batumi. From Batumi it will be possible to freely reach the border crossing between Georgia and Turkey - Sarpi.

Let's start with the fact that crossing the border from Georgia is much easier and faster than from Russia. When leaving Russia they will require full vehicle inspection, luggage, and will also need to go through passport control. All inspection procedures associated with crossing the border will take approximately 2 hours. When the border crossing from Georgia begins, the maximum that will be required is to submit documents at one window for inspection, and this takes at most 15 minutes. Basically, you don’t even have to get out of the car to enter the country.

Travel from Russia to Georgia is carried out through border checkpoints: “Verkhniy Lars” Russia and “Kazbegi” Georgia. Travelers should remember that without a GPS navigator in the car, it will be very easy to get lost on the Russian roads; In Georgia it is quite easy to navigate the roads, since almost everywhere there are the necessary signs. Along the E70 Batumi-Hopa highway you can easily get to the Sarpi checkpoint, from where you can then travel to Turkey.

When entering Turkey from Georgia, you will be asked to examine your green card and passport. You will also need print a car declaration, this can be done right at the border. In addition, if upon entering Georgia tourists can still understand Russian, then

You will have to communicate with border officials in Turkey in English. Crossing the border from Sarpi to Turkey usually also takes about 15 minutes, if everything is in order with your documents and luggage. In general, heading from Georgia straight to Turkey, you can be sure of quality roads with all the necessary signs and fast border crossing. It is also worth noting that traveling through Georgia by car will be cheaper than going from Sochi by ferry, where The average cost of a ticket for transport will be from 15,000 rubles.

Traveling to Turkey via Bulgaria

Going to Turkey through Bulgaria is more convenient only if the vacation is planned to travel to several countries at once; in other cases, it is best to travel by car through Georgia. In order to get to Bulgaria initially, you will need to make a long detour, if you cross Ukraine out of the route.

That is, you will have to take the following route: Russia - Belarus - Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Serbia - Bulgaria. Also, here you cannot get by with just a green card, a driver’s license and a foreign passport, as when traveling through Georgia. A visa will be required to cross the Polish and Hungarian border if apply for Schengen, then there will be even fewer problems with movement.

You also need to remember that when crossing the border into any of these countries may require a vignette- a sticker on the car window, which indicates payment of the toll. You can go along a similar route to Bulgaria, but only replacing Serbia with Romania. Also, one of the peculiarities of entry specifically into Bulgaria, you need to remember about the ban on the import of meat and dairy products, so you will have to finish the provisions before going through customs control.

You can get from Bulgaria to Turkey via border point in Malko Tarnovo. When leaving the country, you may be required to show the registration certificate for the car, as well as provide foreign passports. The procedure for leaving Bulgaria is very fast, usually everything takes place within 10 minutes. The border crossing from Turkey is no less fast: it will be necessary to provide green card, certificate of car registration in the Russian Federation and international passport. After these simple procedures, you can continue your journey through Turkey. However, it is worth noting that the trip from Russia via Bulgaria will take longer and be more expensive than the short route through Georgia. Here you should choose according to your vacation plans.

Notes for tourists: documents, customs and roads

As for certain nuances, when preparing documents for traveling to Turkey by car, everything is much simpler here, especially for citizens of the Russian Federation. There is a visa-free regime for Russians in Turkey, if their stay in the country does not exceed more than 60 days. Otherwise, when entering the country, they will require a foreign passport valid for at least 4 months and documents for the car - a registration certificate and an international insurance certificate. Among the additional fees you will need to pay toll, for this you need to buy a vignette either at the border or at a gas station. The cost of this vignette is a road tax, and its absence can be punishable by a large fine.

With customs control in Turkey, things are also quite simple. The import of Turkish lira is unlimited, but export national currency possible only within 100 USD. Foreign currency can also be imported in unlimited quantities, however, if the amount exceeds 5,000 USD, it will need to be indicated in the customs declaration. It is also allowed to import up to 400 cigarettes and up to 1.5 kg. coffee. Cosmetics, perfumes and food products are allowed to be imported into the country within the limits of their needs. Restrictions also apply to alcohol - up to 2 liters are allowed. wine or 1 l. strong alcohol. Naturally, the import and export of drugs and weapons is prohibited.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Turkish roads, which seem ideal after our domestic “highways”. Here you don’t have to worry about the condition of your car - the road surface is perfectly smooth, even in mountainous areas. There are two or even three lanes marked in each direction, and there are demarcated markers. In addition, it is very difficult to get lost when traveling by car in Turkey - there are road signs everywhere. But we must remember that some highways are toll roads. You can pay for them using KGS cards, which can definitely be purchased at Shell gas stations. Additional expenses for toll roads will be approximately 20 euros. It is also worth noting that there are practically no speed limits on the roads, but it is not recommended to exceed more than 100 km/h.

While driving a car, it is prohibited to talk on the phone without using hands-free, and you can also get a fine if at least one of the passengers is not wearing a seat belt.

Gasoline in Turkey is not a cheap pleasure: 1 liter of 95 gasoline will cost about 5 Turkish lira. Diesel fuel will be cheaper - only 4.38 liras. And filling your car with gas will cost from 2.6 Turkish lira.


Reviews from tourists 2014

  1. Artem:

    The best way to get from Russia to Turkey by your own car is through Georgia. Crossing borders takes place calmly and civilly in a maximum of 5 minutes. Turkish customs officers do not show careful interest in Russian tourists; for example, during inspection they may not even open the trunk of a car. Going by car, of course, you will have to travel 200 kilometers along North Caucasus. The route is quite safe, and besides, it’s worth large number radars, so you need to be aware of the speed limit. Only by traveling by car can you become more familiar with the culture and sights of several countries at once. In addition, this is how you can see the most unexplored corners of Turkey, which cannot be compared with any five-star hotel.

  2. Tatiana:

    Very good, informative article. Can anyone tell me... it’s possible to transport across the border
    household appliances, for example... mixer, multicooker, meat grinder... dishes (plates, forks, knives, etc.). Since we are moving to Turkey and in order not to buy there what we already have... all this is not new, from home... will they find fault at customs and where can I find out??? Thanks if anyone can share their experience.
    Best regards, Tatyana.

  3. Paul:

    It’s all clear how to get there, but how about documents? It’s clear that you need to have a Russian passport with you, tanned, V/U, all the documents for the car up to the PTS, what is a green card and why is it needed if I’m a tourist and how to get it, if I’m traveling in the fall, can I take a set of summer tires, how much gasoline can you take with you and how to get international car insurance and whether passengers and the driver need it. And what kind of driver’s license is needed? I know that there are some international ones, but I have never come across them, whether they are needed or whether the Russian Federation will do. PLEASE answer how and how much it will cost. I really want to go in the fall. I’ve traveled all over the Russian Federation but haven’t crossed any borders yet, and how do attacks happen on the roads, especially on the territory of GEORGIA, because they DO NOT LIKE Russians there AT ALL. The car will be taken away and that’s it.

  4. Tatiana:

    Pavel, I’m answering your question about Georgia, my son has just returned... we drove from Moscow to Georgia in a Land Cruiser 200, I was also very afraid, but my son was wildly delighted, the Georgians are very friendly, welcoming, even New Year They gave me a bottle of some expensive wine (at customs). A green card is purchased at the border; it is needed to travel through the territory of another country, because... If you drive a car (pollution, emissions, etc.), you naturally have all the documents for the car and passports (both) with you. International driving license is required; you can obtain it from the traffic police upon application. As for how much it costs... I won’t say for sure, but it’s not expensive. It’s better to take euros, because... in Turkey they are valued more, exchange them for Turkish lira at a more favorable rate than dollars and, of course, rubles. Now we ourselves will travel by car more often than by plane and cheaper, and Türkiye is amazing beautiful country, there is something to see. True, you must understand that you need to know English or German, the languages ​​that the Turks can speak at customs, almost no one knows Russian, and how to get there, they will show you and tell you, even with their fingers, everyone is very friendly. The main thing is to go through Georgia, it’s a little further, but safer. I will be glad if I helped you.

  5. Andrey:

    I received an International VU 10 days ago - no problem. I printed out an application on the traffic police website, paid a payment for 1,400 rubles at Sberkass, one photo 35*45 and 30 minutes. expectations. Georgia is a very cool country. Ordinary people - they are people everywhere. The attitude towards Russians is excellent - the older generation speaks Russian, the youth speaks English. And how Georgians cook - mmmmm!

Auto tourism within your own country and abroad is far from the same thing. You need to know the rules for crossing the border and have necessary documents. Within another state, different laws apply and a different language is spoken. Only careful preparation for a bold trip in your own car “far away” will fill the trip with pleasant emotions and leave enthusiastic impressions.

For brave travelers who are planning to navigate a route to Turkey via Georgia by car, these notes will be useful.

Goal – Georgian Military Road

No matter where in Russia you leave, head towards Vladikavkaz - Batumi. You can cover the distance of 1,770 kilometers between the cities of Moscow and Vladikavkaz in a day with one overnight stay. All paths lead through Krasnodar region, picturesque Kalmyk steppes, Stavropol region, Kabardino-Balkaria and North Ossetia. Stops can be combined with sightseeing and taking photos as a souvenir. Along the route there are bodies of water. Stop for a swim and rest. Then driving will not be so tiring, although the roads are good.

Russian route

The main repair work on roads is carried out in the summer and south direction– is no exception. In some areas there is one lane, through which cars alternately pass in both directions. This delays the road trip, but not for long. Krasnodar federal highway M4 is of good quality. The four-lane road gives way to two lanes in Kabardino-Balkaria and ends at the border, after which the mountain road begins.

Our border

Transport documents

The driver will be checked with a technical passport for the car and a driver's license, which he or she may not have. international status. If the car is not owned, then they will be required to present a general power of attorney from the owner for the right to travel abroad with it.


There is no compulsory car insurance or civil liability insurance in the country if the car is parked for less than 15 days. There are also no additional fees or taxes when crossing the Georgian border.

These bonuses inspire you to continue unusual journey by car through Georgia to Turkey.

Along the mountains and foothills of Sakartvelo

The Georgian Military Road is the first attraction that a motor tourist sees. It passes through picturesque mountainous terrain, connecting Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi.

Pictures of stunning mountain landscapes are replaced by the Zhinvali reservoir. It is impossible not to stop at the Trinity Church or fortress. Historical relics have been striking for centuries with their architectural wonders: the castle of Queen Tamara and above the ancient.

And even the steep sides of the Cross Pass make you freeze with admiration and horror. For some drivers, the path from Kobi to Gudauri is shocking due to the lack of asphalt, especially low-slung ones. And only skill allows you to avoid risky areas without damaging the “iron horse”. The last 100 kilometers of the route delight with a wonderful three-lane highway with a demarcation parapet and road junctions. The distance traveled from the border of 470 km is covered in 8 hours.


Georgians accept bank cards at almost all gas stations, even in the outback. Payment in dollars can be negotiated if you do not have local currency with you.

Fuel in Sakartvelo (the internal name of the country) costs about 1 euro, which is significantly higher than Russian prices. On the Turkish side, gasoline is twice as expensive. Prudent tourists fully refuel their car in Georgia, continuing their journey to Turkey.

Border post Georgia – Türkiye

There are two crossings: the Vale checkpoint and the Sarpi checkpoint. The first option is much further away, so many people strive to get to the Sarpi checkpoint - 18 kilometers from. IN picturesque bay with a small pebble beach, which is recognized as one of the best on the Adjarian coast, is the village of the same name. The population does not reach 1000 people. Due to tourists it seems crowded. People come here to swim and go on excursions, to admire the waterfall with the sculpture of St. Andrew the First-Called. Tempted by the proximity of the outpost, vacationers cross to the other side of the border. Formalities take a few minutes, both for pedestrians and car tourists.

Passport, visa

The foreign passport must be valid on the end date of the trip. A visa to Turkey is not required if you stay for up to 2 months.

Check-in features

When moving from Georgia to Turkey by car, the driver must present documents allowing the car to travel around the country.

Green card or insurance policy. In Turkish it sounds like "sigorta". You can register at the outpost by paying 90 liras, or 30 dollars. It is advisable to pay without change, as the remaining balance will be issued at a reduced rate. The insurance policy takes about an hour to prepare.

Driver license

There are no requirements to have an international driving license. To the delight of our motor tourists, the police rarely stop vehicles from Russian license plates to check documents. The main thing is not to break the rules and not get into an accident.

Road tax. The card is sold at a checkpoint or at a gas station. It is advisable to stick the vignette on the windshield so that a car with foreign license plates will not be stopped by the police. Failure to pay the fee is punishable by a large fine.

Baggage rules

Georgian transit for our tourists is remembered by the famous Georgian wine, with the help of which you want to relax after a tiring journey. Many people cannot resist the temptation to buy wine for the trip. You can't bring a lot of alcohol across the border. Restrictions also apply to other categories:

  • alcohol – one liter (any strength);
  • cigarettes – no more than 200 pieces;
  • sweets – up to one kilogram;
  • food products – for own consumption.


There are no restrictions on foreign currency and Turkish Liras.

What currency is better to travel with? In Turkey, the euro exchange rate is more profitable than changing dollars. Therefore it is better to have the euro. You can buy lira at any exchange office and hit the road.

Turkish Autobahn

On Turkish roads you want to rush with the breeze. In remote villages there are trails with perfect coverage. The highway has three lane markings in each direction. Road signs are found everywhere and are duplicated in English. Road signs are ubiquitous and are duplicated in English. There is a toll on some highways. Driving through Istanbul through the Bosphorus Strait, you will also have to pay. The amount of payment depends on the distance traveled and the class of the car. Shell gas stations sell special KGS cards, which act as a payment pass.

Transport inspection

There are no speed limit signs, but driving more than 110 kilometers per hour is not recommended. The driver while driving is prohibited from talking on the phone without using hands-free. All passengers must wear seat belts.

If trouble occurs in the form of a fine, it can be paid at any Tax Office. It is advisable to pay within two weeks to receive a 25% discount.


Gasoline in Turkey is three times more expensive than in Russia. In Georgia, you can take a supply of gasoline with you, but no more than 20 liters; anything more than that is contraband. The quality of the fuel is high and justifies its price: 5 liras per liter of 95 gasoline. Gas is two times cheaper, diesel fuel is a little more than 4 lire. The cost of gasoline is constantly changing, and in the summer it traditionally increases. Gasoline makes up the bulk of expenses for motor tourists. But the impressions and emotions from traveling around Turkey cannot be bought for any money.


Many historical monuments and architectural wonders can be seen in one road trip. The “Iron Horse” will reach the shores of the Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. You can come to Antalya to sunbathe on the beach. From there, set a course for the intercontinental metropolis - Istanbul, standing between Europe and Asia. Then return back by a different route, adding photo albums, reviews and impressions of beautiful countries.

  • Cross the Georgian border strictly in permitted places, through checkpoints. For violation, the fine is 400 GEL.
  • New car insurance conditions came into effect on March 1, 2018. A MTPL agreement is required if you stay in Georgia for more than two weeks.
  • From Abkhazia or South Ossetia, entry into Georgian territory is considered illegal.
  • Cars registered in Crimea are not allowed into Georgia.

The long road across two borders leaves not only memories of beautiful landscapes, snowy peaks, steppe expanses and endless seashores. Unknown lands fill you with emotions and a sense of unity with other peoples, no matter what languages ​​they speak.

Are you planning to travel by car to Turkey?

When entering Turkey by car for a period of less than 2 months, customs documents are not required. To present it to the traffic police, it is enough to have a Russian driver's license, a vehicle registration certificate and a certificate of civil liability insurance. An insurance policy can be purchased at the border. The international insurance certificate is valid throughout the country.

To plan a trip to Turkey by car, there are two route options: by road, across several borders and by sea - by ferry from Sochi to Istanbul or Trabzon.

Traveling by car to Turkey by land through neighboring countries.

We are going by car to Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a completely civilized country, with normal officials and normal attitudes. If you managed to happily pass the border cordons, the rest of the car journey will go well and with pleasure. Without violating traffic rules, you may not see traffic police in the country at all.

At the border in Turkey You will have to buy a visa for $20 and register it with the police. Then passport control and a car fee of $10. For 4 dollars they will print a declaration for your car and then you can go through customs inspection. Border officials do not speak a word of Russian, but they read English well. If your documents are in order and you are not carrying anything illegal, everything will end well.

One more expense- bridge over the Bosphorus, you only have to pay once, for driving a car there and back. Laws in Turkey and especially in transit countries may change, so it is better to consult before traveling.

Sea trip by car, ferry from Sochi to Turkey

Traveling by car to Turkey by ferry from Sochi eliminates the problem of communicating with transit countries, but is more expensive. The price ranges from 350 to 450 dollars). By ferry, crossing the border does not exclude bureaucratic procedures.

They can charge a hefty bill for paperwork. It depends on the car. Owners of inexpensive cars have a chance to cross the border for 30 dollars, and owners of foreign cars are estimated at 100-150. And if, God forbid, you have a Mercedes or BMW, then prices rise significantly! And yet there is law and order on the Turkish border!

How to get to Turkey by car in 2019 from different cities in Russia? The nuances of crossing the border, Turkish roads and traffic rules, routes around the country and places to stay. Advice from experienced tourists.

Traveling to Turkey by car is becoming increasingly popular among Russians. The reasons are obvious: the journey does not take much time, and during an independent autotrip you can sunbathe on Turkish beaches, swim in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, travel to historical sights and natural parks, see the ruins of ancient cities and ancient fortresses.

How long does it take to get to Turkey?

Traveling to Turkey by car is especially convenient for residents of the Central, Southern, North Caucasus and Volga Federal Districts. They get to the Turkish border in different ways. The journey takes from one day to several days.

To Turkey by car via Georgia in 2019

The most popular option for traveling by car to Turkey is.

How long does it take to get to Turkey via Georgia:

Departure point Distance in kilometers to the Sarpi checkpoint on the Georgian-Turkish border Travel time
Moscow 2020 1.5-2 days
Krasnodar 690 13 o'clock
Stavropol 790 12.5 hours
Saint Petersburg 2750 1.5-2 days
Rostov-on-Don 950 15.5 hours
Voronezh 1510 1 day
Samara 2040 29-30 hours
Kazan 2030 1.5-2 days
Yekaterinburg 2950 2-3 days
Nizhny Novgorod 2170 1.5 days

To Turkey via Bulgaria by car

Some tourists travel around the Black Sea from the west. Compared to the road through Georgia, the route to Turkey through Bulgaria by car is longer and more expensive. In addition, to enter the territory of countries that are part of the EU, you need to apply for a visa. True, if you already have a multiple, the borders are open to you.

The shortest road by car to Turkey runs through the territory of Ukraine, Moldova and Bulgaria. Do you want to travel around the territory of Ukraine? Travel in transit through Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania (or Serbia) and Bulgaria.

Ferry crossing Sochi-Trabzon

Until recently, there was a ferry from Sochi to Trabzon. In 2018-2019, the ferry service was suspended. However, it can be opened at any time. Therefore we give full information about this way to get to Turkey by car.

Crossing by ferry eliminates many of the problems that arise when traveling through transit countries, but it also has its disadvantages. A ferry ticket costs 4,000-5,000 rubles per person, transportation of a passenger car - from 13,500 rubles, an SUV - from 16,500 rubles, a minibus - from 20,000 rubles. You can buy ferry tickets the day before departure from 10:00 to 18:00 and from 9:00 on the day of departure. Experienced tourists advise arriving at the port 7 hours before the ferry departs.

The journey by sea takes from 12 to 18 hours. The big disadvantage is that passengers are not in separate cabins at all times, but on the common deck. The ticket price includes food, but it is clearly not enough. The food sold on the ferry costs exorbitant prices, so most vacationers take their own food and drink for the trip.

How to get to Turkey by car - route on the map

Border crossing and necessary documents

Russia - Georgia. Only possible place crossing the border between Russia and Georgia is the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint. At the border you need foreign passports for the driver and passengers, a driver's license and a registration certificate. An international Green Card insurance policy is not needed to enter Georgia, but it will be required when crossing the Turkish border. The policy can be purchased at the border checkpoint; it costs from $80.

There are queues at the Russian-Georgian border during the season - it is better to stock up on food, water and patience. During off-season, the passage takes 1-2 hours, and delays occur only on the Russian side. According to reviews from tourists, the car is inspected quickly and without any particular quibbles.

Georgia - Türkiye. To get to Turkey by car from Georgia in 2019, you need to go through the Sarpi checkpoint (by the sea) or the Vale checkpoint, which is located in the Adigeni region of Georgia. The road through the Sarpi checkpoint is more popular, and there are often hours-long queues there. Passage through the Vale checkpoint is free.

Both border checkpoints operate 24 hours a day. Everywhere border guards check documents and inspect the car. According to customs regulations, tourists are allowed to import up to 600 cigarettes, 1 liter of alcohol stronger than 22% or 2 liters of less strong alcoholic drinks, as well as chocolate, coffee and tea weighing up to 1 kg duty-free to Turkey.

  • Border checkpoints are less busy at night. If you want to cross the border during the day, be prepared for queues.
  • On the border between Russia and Georgia they understand Russian, but when crossing the border with Turkey you will have to communicate in English.

Features of the border between Turkey and Georgia

Hotel prices in Turkey - 2019

When traveling to Turkey by car, it is not necessary to book accommodation in advance. However, it is useful to know how much hotels cost in different cities. Look at the prices for hotels in Turkey in the summer of 2019:

Roads in Turkey, rules and gasoline prices

Condition of the roads. According to reviews from tourists, traveling by car in Turkey on your own brings a lot of pleasure. The Turks pay great attention to roads and tunnel construction, and the quality of the road network is commendable. This is especially noticeable after the Georgian highways. Driving along Turkish roads is pleasant - deserted foothills alternate with well-groomed gardens and melon fields. There is no need to be afraid of long distances: Ankara And Antalya separated by 500 km, but thanks to the excellent D695 highway, they can be covered in just a few hours.

There are many in Turkey mountain roads, there are sharp climbs and quite sharp turns. However, almost everywhere these roads are wide. The main thing is to obey the speed limit.

Advice. Cars with a diesel engine and manual transmission cope better with mountain serpentines. In addition, diesel engines allow you to save 12-15% on fuel costs.

(Photo © / @mahiruysal)

Rules. According to the rules adopted in Turkey, in cities and other populated areas it is allowed to drive at a speed of up to 100 km/h, and in uninhabited areas - up to 130 km/h. Radar detectors are prohibited, and it is better to talk on the phone through a headset. Allowed parking spaces are marked with the Park Yeri sign.

Gasoline prices. Before traveling to Turkey by car, plan your gasoline costs. In 2019, diesel fuel in Georgia costs 2.33 lari, and gasoline 95 costs 2.47 lari. In Turkey, 1 liter of diesel costs 5.8 liras, and 95 gasoline costs 6.25 liras.


  • If you want to save a little on fuel costs, fill up your tank full before crossing the Turkish border.
  • At gas stations located along Turkish highways, gasoline prices are up to 15 euro cents higher. It is cheaper to refuel in cities and at gas stations near shopping centers.

(Photo © / @meric)

Where to go and what to see in Turkey by car

Look for copyright interesting excursions on the Sputnik and . Individual and group, without crowds of tourists and in Russian.

What to see during independent trip around Turkey by car? Auto trips are very popular among our compatriots. Cappadocia. The relatively small region is famous for its picturesque volcanic landscapes, deep canyons and ancient cave monasteries. Here is national park Goreme, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Most of Cappadocia's attractions are located near the city of Goreme. From Trabzon- about 700 km, this distance can be covered in 9 hours. About 150 km are on mountain roads. Mountains are easy to drive through Kelkit on roads E97 - D883 - D885. After the mountains, a section of the federal highway E88 begins, leading to Ankara. From Sivasa taking a detour Kayseri

Turkey travel map by car

From Cappadocia many go to Mediterranean Sea to spend a few days on the shore, swimming and sunbathing. Goreme and Mersin separates 260 km. The shortest road is the O21, but there is a toll. If you don't want to spend money, take a detour.

According to reviews from tourists, if traveling to Turkey by car is long, it is worth including in the route Anatolian coast. Antalya, Alanya, Side and Kemer - tourist centers with well-developed infrastructure, and they have enough interesting places and entertainment. If your vacation is short, you can relax on the Black Sea.

(Photo © / @dogukan_seker)

To avoid traffic jams in the capital, tourists take a detour from Cappadocia Ankara. From Goreme to Ankara there are 290 km, and they can easily be covered in half a day. From the capital of Turkey to the southern coast of the Black Sea there are another 300 km, that is, about 4 hours of travel. For relaxation, you can stay at any of the resorts that stretch along the coast from to the border with Turkey, for example, in Sinope.

The further path depends on which route you take to return home. If through Georgia, then you need to go east towards Trabzon. Those planning a return trip through Bulgaria turn west to Istanbul.

(Photo © / @emree)

Recently, traveling by car to Turkey has become increasingly popular. The main advantage is the relatively short length of the route, as well as the opportunity to make stops when necessary and enjoy the local landscapes and attractions, of which there are many along the route. It is recommended that people with common interests travel in campaigns so that any unforeseen situation cannot be taken by surprise.

What will you need for the trip?

The path is not close, but driving your own car is not a problem if you take care of everything in advance. The list of necessary basic things can be presented as follows.

Travel time

A trip to Turkey through Georgia is a bold step. You will have to spend from 1 day to several days on the way, depending on the distance of your place of residence from the border. This travel option is most convenient for residents of the Volga, Central, North Caucasus and Southern federal districts.

Distance and traffic pattern

On the border of Georgia with Turkey there is a border checkpoint “Sarpi”. It is through it that the main flow of tourists passes through, dreaming of having a good rest and getting there on their own.

Starting pointDistance to the Sarpi checkpoint, kilometersTravel time without stops
Moscow 2 022 27 hours
Saint Petersburg 2 747 34 hours
Krasnodar 688 13 o'clock
Stavropol 824 12.5 hours
Rostov-on-Don 950 16 hours
Voronezh 1 510 23 hours
Samara 2 038 28 hours
Kazan 2 263 31 hours
Nizhny Novgorod 2 206 30 hours
Yekaterinburg 2 984 41 hours

Road from the center

When moving from the capital Russian Federation The route runs along the M-4 Don highway. The road goes to Rostov-on-Don through Voronezh. This section of the route is about 1,000 kilometers long. You can cover the distance in 1 day, and then stop for the night. The road is spacious (4 lanes) with excellent road surface. There will be 2 sections on the way toll road(35 and 60 rubles respectively).

Highway M-4 "Don"

Then you need to drive through Kushchevskaya and Oktyabrsk until the intersection with the R-217 Caucasus road through Vladikavkaz. Let the rest proceed along the A-161 Georgia-Vladikavkaz highway. The peculiarity of this section is the mountainous terrain with only two traffic lanes. The route has many dangerous descents and ascents. The entire journey will take about 2 thousand kilometers, then it remains to drive another 150-170 km to Tbilisi. On the domestic side, the roads are good, there is everything you need for a small snack and an overnight stay: many cafes and gas stations, hotels.

The path from the northern capital

The best option is to travel along the M-10 highway “St. Petersburg - Moscow” through cities such as Valdai and Tver. In Moscow you need to take the Moscow ring road highway take the M-4 Don. The total length of the section is over 2,700 kilometers, so you will have to spend 1-2 nights.


Almost the same distance must be covered when moving from Yekaterinburg (about 2,900 kilometers). The path begins from the M-5 Ural highway through cities such as Kyshtym and Ufa. After 1,500 kilometers from the moment you start driving, in the city of Togliatti, it is recommended to stop and take a break. The journey will continue along the P-228 Syzran-Volgograd highway and along the P-221 Volgograd-Elista highway. On the last day of the trip, the path will pass through North Ossetia and Budenovsk to Vladikavkaz, from where you will need to get to Georgia along the A-161 highway.

Trip from Samara

The path is not very close - about 1,700 kilometers. Start of movement along the P-228 Syzran-Volgograd highway, and then through Vladikavkaz to Upper Lars. You should stay in Volgograd, it is famous for its many attractions and has a developed hotel business.


This option is one of the shortest. You can travel along the previously described route “From Moscow” without stops. The route will run through Armavir and Nalchik.

Refills and food

The most low price for gasoline - along all described sections on the way from Moscow to Vladikavkaz with a gradual decrease in cost during the movement.

You should give preference to well-known brands of gas stations (for example, Rosneft, Gazprom, etc.) in order to avoid unpleasant situations along the way, since the distance to home is significant and any breakdown will entail a lot of unpleasant experiences.

On the M-4 "Don", M-10 "St. Petersburg - Moscow" and M-5 "Ural" highways there are many restaurants, cafes and small fast-service food outlets (shawarma, pies, pasties, etc.), and also hostels and hotels.

Crossing the Russian-Georgian border

There is only one entry point into Georgia - the Upper Lars checkpoint. Customs officers must present foreign passports for all members of the trip, as well as a technical passport and driver’s license. After checking the vehicle (no more than 3-5 minutes) and clarifying the purpose of the trip, it will be possible to continue driving. When explaining your destination, it is not recommended to say that you are heading to Turkey. It is better to note that the movement is directed to Georgia for the purpose of tourism.

The time spent standing in front of a checkpoint can vary significantly. During “hot” periods it reaches 10-15 hours, and in normal times no more than 50-100 minutes. You need to take care of water and food in advance.

To enter Georgia, there is no need to purchase international insurance, and the visa regime was abolished back in 2012.

Traffic in Georgia

Tourism is developing widely in this country. Therefore, most roads (especially in popular tourist destinations) have undergone major repairs (no more than 3-5 years old). However, you can find multiple off-road areas, the main reason for which is mudflows. They periodically destroy highways and are able to stop traffic completely. Local authorities usually quickly solve these problems, but the quality of the road deteriorates noticeably, and travel time increases. For example, on the highway from Kobe to Gudauri there is no asphalt at all; the path runs along a strip of sand and earth. It is recommended to avoid this direction, as the bottom of the car can easily be damaged.

Traffic in the country is on the right. Speed ​​limit in populated areas set at 60 km/h, outside cities – 70 km/h. On high-speed highways it is allowed to reach a speed not exceeding 90 km/h. It is recommended to choose large roads, which are distinguished not only by high-quality surfaces, but also by many small cafes where you can have a snack and stop temporarily.

All inscriptions on road signs are made in the local language and are also duplicated in English. Any interesting objects and attractions are marked in brown.

The peculiarity of the local population is a special, “wild” driving style. You need to be careful and constantly monitor the road, especially if the car is rented.

The capital of the state has the best roads and excellent markings. It is recommended to stay there if you need to stop and have a good rest. The smallest hotel room will cost no more than 25-30 US dollars. For these funds, they provide a room with a bed (a double bed if necessary), a TV, Internet access, a personal toilet and shower.

From Tbilisi the route runs along the Tbilisi-Batumi highway. The road stretches through many mountains and gorges. Local patrol services carefully monitor the observance of order on the roads, especially the vehicles of foreign citizens. It is better not to exceed the speed; the fine for exceeding it will be 20 lari or 520 rubles. For talking on the phone while driving you will have to pay 10 GEL or 260 rubles. These fines are the lowest in Europe, but the local population does not think so.

1 liter of gasoline costs about 50-60 rubles. A car wash will cost only 200 rubles. Of the most reliable and popular ASZs, Lukoil has proven itself well.

Crossing the Turkish border

There are 2 main routes - this is the Sarpi checkpoint, located on the coastal area with beautiful scenery, and the Vale checkpoint, which is less popular and is located in the Adigeno region.

The first checkpoint is always clogged with queues; during periods of massive influx of tourists you can stand for up to 5-6 hours. There are usually no queues at night. The Vale checkpoint is almost always free. Both border formations operate around the clock. The verification procedure includes inspection of the vehicle and verification of documents.

According to local customs regulations, you can take with you up to 30 packs of cigarette products, no more than 1 liter of strong alcohol (more than 22 degrees) or no more than 2 liters of a less strong drink. Other products (tea, coffee, chocolate, sweets, etc.) should not weigh more than 1 kilogram. When transporting devices such as a laptop, camera, items sports equipment in quantities not exceeding 1 piece, no unnecessary questions will arise.

  • firearms, cold steel and other weapons;
  • fake cash;
  • biological, chemical, nuclear and toxic substances;
  • pirated and illegal products;
  • pornography on various media (discs, books, magazines);
  • narcotic and psychotropic components, as well as any medicinal substances that have a psychotic effect.

If you plan to import a personal car into Turkey, you need to purchase a customs license giving the right to transport the vehicle.

The Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Motor Transport is in charge of obtaining a license. Documents are invalid if:

  • the customs license has expired;
  • the certificate is issued to a person other than the one indicated in the power of attorney.

Specifics of traffic in Turkey

According to reviews from most tourists, the Turkish road surface has high quality. Local services pay considerable attention to the repair and construction of highways, tunnels and transport junctions, since tourism is well developed. The state has many mountain roads with sharp climbs, dangerous turns and steep descents, but they are wide: from 4 to 8 lanes. Mountain highways with serpentines are better suited for vehicles with diesel engines and manual transmissions; in addition, such vehicles will save up to 13-15% of fuel.

Turkish road rules state that the maximum permitted speed in any populated areas is 100 km/h, on rough terrain - no more than 130 km/h. Any radar searches or telephone conversations are prohibited. The country has a lot of free and paid parking. They are labeled Park Yeri.

According to data for 2018, the cost of 95 gasoline is about 6.3 liras (69 rubles) per liter, and 95 - 5.8 liras (64 rubles) per liter. Therefore, it is better to stock up on fuel in Georgia in advance, since its price is 10-20% lower.

The main pros and cons of traveling to Turkey by car

Such a long journey has a lot of positive and negative aspects. The advantages include the following.

  1. Positive emotions. This type of trip is suitable for people who love sightseeing and other cultural sites, making many stops. A train ride or plane flight allows you to see such beautiful places.
  2. Route accuracy. Public transport has a certain path of movement, the choice of which is determined solely by travel time.
  3. Speedometer. Türkiye is a high-speed country; the permitted speed significantly exceeds the legal limits in Russia and Georgia.

There are also disadvantages.

  1. High fuel prices and significant waste of time. Paying for gasoline can take up to 50-60% of the total tourist budget. An additional disadvantage is the cost of food and temporary accommodation in motels. Public transport is more economical and faster.
  2. Difficulties with choosing housing. On the spot it is not always possible to choose the most cheap places for an overnight stay.
  3. Significant queues at state borders and possible problems with customs services.

Thus, traveling to Turkey through Georgia can become excellent option, which will give a lot of pleasant impressions, although it will not save time and money. You need to stock up on food, supplies and spare money in order to emerge victorious from any unpleasant situation!

Video - To Turkey by car
